Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Fantasy, Neoliberalism and Precariousness: Coping Strategies in the Cultural Industries
A number of recent studies have responded to neoliberal understandings of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation in the cultural and creative industries, and beyond. Although in recent years, the features of working life in this sector have been well-documented, little research seems to have looked at the psychosocial impact on the working lives of individuals. Fantasy, Neoliberalism and Precariousness draws on the results of an original empirical study of independent musicians based in Brooklyn, San Francisco, Portland, Stockholm and Paris, and considers how experiences of precariousness and insecurity under conditions of neoliberalism threatens the well-being and self-realisation of aspiring musicians. Vachet examines anxiety, narcissism, recognition and self-esteem from a sociological perspective, considering them through the lens of social class and gender. Contributing to debates within cultural studies, sociology and the political economy of communication about working lives in the cultural and creative industries, Vachet answers to-date unexplored questions around the psychosocial impact of precariousness and other problematic features of work in the cultural industries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes: Postpandemic Technopolitical Democracies
In the context of COVID-19, the production and governance of urban space has experienced a rapid digitalization and datafication, creating new challenges for citizenship. The urban realm is not only the environment where a new standard for digital development is set but also the realm from which rescaling nation-states are pervasively emerging. Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes: Postpandemic Technopolitical Democracies explores the roles played by digital citizenship in the context of changing geographies of the nation-state in Europe in the aftermath of the global pandemic; and reframes the concept of digital citizenship amid the rescaling of nation-states in Europe by connecting it to the increasing digitalisation of urban environment as a corollary of pandemic. By theorising the concept of citizenship in the digital age through the lens of the evolutionary character of its classical concept or by drawing upon the narratives regarding the democratising potential and risks of the Internet, Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes explores the complex interaction of social and political variables shaping offline and online civic practices and their intertwined relation to the urban environment, analysing the way it is produced and governed in the COVID-19 new context.
Emerald Publishing Limited Duty to Revolt: Transnational and Commemorative Aspects of Revolution
Throughout the 19th century, revolutionary movements united intellectuals, artists, dissidents, and significant segments of the population in joint crusades in the name of justice or liberation against empires and aristocratic elites, often across class, religious, race and national lines. Duty to Revolt takes the Greek Revolution as a foundational historical departure point to investigate historical continuities and discontinuities in transnational and commemorative aspects of revolutionary wars. This edited collection provides an innovative and comprehensive contribution to the study of historical revolutions and their commemoration, as well as contemporary protests and uprisings, and how they are communicated today in everyday networked media. Duty to Revolt is the first work of its kind to take an interdisciplinary approach across historical time on this subject and bringing together leading and emerging scholars in several fields, merging history and political science with digital media and communication studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Design Thinking Workbook: Essential Skills for Creativity and Business Growth
Design Thinking (DT) is popular in corporate innovation and start-ups alike for helping people to craft fresh, new solutions to today’s challenges and develop underlying skills in high demand in tomorrow’s economy: creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, insight, empathy, experimentation, and more. After years of research and practice in Design Thinking, CJ Meadows and Charvi Parikh have distilled their expertise into this definitive guide for making the most of this approach for business growth and problem-solving. In The Design Thinking Workbook, they guide you through the essential skills that underlie DT, and introduce the tools, techniques and processes that empower you to immediately apply DT to real-world situations. Their experiential, exercise-driven, and visual approach, awakens that part of the brain that draws, designs, and dreams. Anyone can be a Design Thinker. Businesspeople, policymakers, educators, social entrepreneurs, and others can use DT to solve problems, develop creativity, and design new solutions that make life easier and businesses more productive.
Emerald Publishing Limited Visual Pollution: Concepts, Practices and Management Framework
Visual pollution is an emerging, multi-dimensional, subjective, and under studied area of manmade environments that has recently received researchers' focus. Visual Pollution: Concepts, Practices and Management Framework offers the first substantial cutting-edge exploration of visual pollution in urban settlements, uncovering the conceptualisation, geography-specific visual pollutants, methods of visual pollution assessment and management frameworks. Nawaz and Wakil dive into the contrasting prevalence of visual pollution geographically and the connection of human behaviour with urban aesthetics, urban management, measurement tools, information systems and regulatory frameworks. This novel contribution fills the international knowledge gap to generate dynamic and practical solutions for the mitigation in regulatory and enforcement frames. Providing a holistic picture to a diverse multi-dimensional readership interested to explore the phenomena of visual pollution, Visual Pollution: Concepts, Practices and Management Framework is an essential read for those working and researching in the fields of urban design, property management, planning, building, and policymakers confronted with a rapidly urbanising planet.
Emerald Publishing Limited Break the Wall: Why and How to Democratize Digital in Your Business
Break the Wall: Why and How to Democratize Digital in your Business examines problems facing business units and top management adapting to digital transformation and offers solutions. Each department within a business has important, but distinct responsibilities, and very different speeds of digital transformation. Parts of an organisation that touch the outside world will often be first to sense a need. Their adaptive changes can then cascade up, and as this is implemented more widely the organization builds value and resilience. The structure of this book is built upon real-world issues the authors encountered in their research and consultancy, with each chapter offering a specific solution. The new framework presented here was inspired by dozens of interviews with digital transformation experts and by an ecological model that aims to understand resilience in the biological world by looking at continuous and nesting adaptation cycles of ecosystems. This book forms part of the American Marketing Association (AMA) series
Emerald Publishing Limited Responsible Management in Theory and Practice in Muslim Societies
Responsible Management in Theory and Practice in Muslim Societies delineates principles of responsible management from an Islamic perspective, exploring the concept of responsibility in Islamic religious texts, and how the understanding of responsibility evolved in Islamic jurisprudence. He explains aspects of individual and group responsibility in Islam and the dissonance between theoretical discourse and practical application. Yusuf M. Sidani focuses on the factors that have both facilitated and hampered the application of responsible management principles in practice in this unique context. Themes explored across the book include Islamic texts and responsible leadership, responsibility in Islamic jurisprudence, individual and group responsibilities, and bridging the gap divide between theory and practice in Muslim societies. Sidani also poses proactive questions, including ‘Who is a responsible manager?’ and ‘what does it take to reaffirm both individual and collective responsibilities', and 'whether things can be put back on track again in Muslim societies, and how?'
Emerald Publishing Limited Tattooing and the Gender Turn: Labour, Resistance and Activism in a Male-Dominated Industry
Since the 1990s, the West has seen a significant increase in women entering the tattoo industry as professional artists. Examining this kind of work through a sociological and feminist lens, Tattooing and the Gender Turn explores the experiences of women tattoo artists in what has historically been a male-dominated industry to reveal how tattooing has undergone a ‘gender turn’ and a subsequent shift in gender relations. Drawing on interviews with women and queer tattoo artists from across the US, UK and Australia, Emma Beckett conceptualises the tattoo industry as a source of employment and labour in addition to exploring how it operates as a sub-culture. Highlighting how women artists negotiate gendered capital and gendered labour amidst industry hierarchies and demands on authenticity, Beckett uses a gendered lens to explore and problematise the industry as an often unequal place of work and employment. Chapters also explore how women artists are using online platforms to disrupt and challenge the problematic aspects of the tattoo industry, disrupting harmful behaviours and initiating change. Putting women artists and their experiences at the centre of its gaze, Tattooing and the Gender Turn appeals to those interested in subcultures, employment and labour, as well as other male-dominated industries where women have to navigate and negotiate the terms of their femininity in order to succeed in their chosen career.
Emerald Publishing Limited Media Use in Digital Everyday Life
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. As digital technologies have become ever more ingrained in society, Media Use in Digital Everyday Life asks how our relationship with media has changed. After the proliferation of smartphones, social media and ubiquitous connectivity, what has happened to the ways we navigate across social domains and structure our daily routines? Filling a gap between classic discussions on everyday media use and recent studies of emergent technologies, this book untangles how media become meaningful to us in the everyday, connecting us to communities and publics. With analyses of media use in an ordinary day, as part of life transitions and in times of disruption, Ytre-Arne provides a comprehensive framework for studies of everyday media use, considering dilemmas of technological transformations and recent crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Media Use in Digital Everyday Life offers empirical, methodological and theoretical insight, building on extensive qualitative research and taking a cross-media perspective. Through the conceptual approaches of media repertoires and public connection, the book situates communication and changing media use in everyday contexts, showing how our more digital everyday lives intensify communicative dilemmas. Written in an accessible tone, Media Use in Digital Everyday Life will appeal to readers interested in digital media, and to students and scholars of audiences, datafication, journalism and digital platforms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advancing Methodologies of Conducting Literature Review in Management Domain
Giving new insight into the theories behind management literature reviews, Advancing Methodologies of Conducting Literature Review in Management Domain explores a range of novel ideas on how to plan, organize, synthesize, and present the results from previous literature from across management research. Specific areas examined in this volume include planning and setting the objectivity of review papers, search processes, data selection and screening, review types and designs, and evaluation criteria, validity, and reliability.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Transformation and Institutional Theory
This volume contains two Open Access chapters. Digital transformation is permeating all domains of business and society. Digital Transformation and Institutional Theory explores how manifestations of digital transformation requires rethinking of our understanding and theorization of institutional processes. Showcasing a collaborative forum of organization and management theory scholars and information systems researchers, the authors enrich institutional theory approaches in understanding digital transformation. Advancing institutional perspectives with an agenda for future research and methodological reflections, the chapters delve into digital transformations in relation to institutional logics and technological affordances, professional projects and new institutional agents, institutional infrastructure, and field governance. This volume deepens our understanding of the pervasive and increasingly important relationship between technology and institutions and the response of existing professions to the emergence of digital technologies. Moreover, the authors offer a cutting-edge analysis of how new digital organizational forms affect institutional fields, their infrastructure, and thus their governance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Defining Rape Culture: Gender, Race and the Move Toward International Social Change
Rape culture, a colloquial term often used to describe society’s normalization and cultural acceptance of sexual violence, especially of men towards women, can be defined in a variety of ways. Academic discussions surrounding this topic often lack the theorization needed to elevate these conversations from their specific contexts to a broader, more conscious cultural awareness. Providing clearly defined, historical and cross-cultural definitions of this well-used term, Defining Rape Culture addresses current debates with a fresh international perspective that does not limit itself to whiteness or the Global North. Examining the culture around sexual violence through an intersectional feminist lens, Rebecca M. Hayes interrogates the historical origins of sexual violence that are steeped in colonization and white supremacy, proving how the thread of rape culture has persisted even among very different cultures. Tackling how legal and institutional indifference to sexual misconduct has allowed it to fester unpunished, chapters also reveal the role that social media has played in exposing the shared trauma that rape culture perpetuates. From #notallmen to #MeToo, Defining Rape Culture acts as an in-depth primer on how these outdated attitudes continue to persist, but also the role we can play in shifting this cultural mindset and create lasting social change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Cultural Entrepreneurship
United under the “cultural entrepreneurship” label, scholars have emphasized how entrepreneurship, strategic innovation, and organizational change are fundamentally cultural undertakings. Extant work in this vein has revealed how actors harness elements from their cultural milieu to secure the support of valued audiences, or undertake more profound changes to foster a cultural environment supportive of their endeavours. This volume aims to expand the agenda of cultural entrepreneurship research by celebrating (and advocating for) two promising advances. Section A aims to put culture in cultural entrepreneurship research. Early research identified storytelling as a first mechanism by which actors could gain audience support. More recently, however, scholars have grown interested in understanding additional manifestations of culture and modes of meaning-making. Moving in this fruitful direction, this section includes chapters that explore the multiple views on culture in cultural entrepreneurship research, and the multi-faceted ways by which culture shapes and is shaped by entrepreneurial action. Section B seeks to take cultural entrepreneurship beyond entrepreneurship. Early cultural entrepreneurship research has been predominantly confined to – and sometimes equated with – the study of new venture legitimation and resource acquisition. Making progress towards broadening the scope of what cultural entrepreneurship entails and can explain, this section encompasses theoretical and empirical investigations in a wide variety of empirical settings, illuminating how actors effect a range of outcomes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Overcoming the Challenge of Structural Change in Research Organisations: A Reflexive Approach to Gender Equality
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. The under-representation of women in research and innovation has been documented as a global phenomenon and is particularly heightened on decision-making boards and in leadership positions. Presenting a reflexive approach to gender equality for research organisations developed within the TARGET project, funded by the European Commission, the authors describe the experiences of the project’s implementation in seven Gender Equality Innovating Institutions in the Mediterranean basin - including research performing organisations, research funding organisations and a network of universities. The TARGET approach goes beyond the formal adoption of a gender equality policy by emphasising an iterative and reflexive process towards equality at the institutional level as well as the establishment of a community of practice for gender equality within the institution. The approach is based on the assumption that actual change is the result of increased institutional willingness and capacity to identify, reflect on and address gender bias in a sustained way. Starting point and anchor of the process is a tailored gender equality plan for each institution. A specific characteristic of TARGET is the fact that implementing institutions are located in countries which have been characterised as relatively ‘inactive’ in developing gender equality policies in science and research. Therefore, internal and external communication about the relevance of gender equality in science and research forms an important element of a reflexive gender equality policy in contexts which are characterised by resistances, anti-genderism and traditional gender roles. This book will therefore be essential reading for higher education leaders and managers, and staff at all levels committed to achieving gender equity in higher education. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Emerald Publishing Limited Power, Policy and the Pandemic: A Sociological Analysis of COVID-19 Policy in England
Providing a sociological analysis of the policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic in England, this study places particular analytical emphasis on the interplay between powerful structural interests and the influence on the development of COVID-19 policy. Considering a range of actors, (including the government, scientific experts and the medical profession, the media, and the public) and the nature of their relationships with one another, the authors identify the key sociological aspects that have shaped, facilitated, challenged, or constrained COVID-19 policy in England. Drawing on published documentary material, the authors first examine government attempts to contain, delay, mitigate and suppress the spread of the coronavirus with non-pharmaceutical interventions in the absence of a vaccine (during the first wave) and then whilst vaccines were being gradually rolled out (during the second wave and third waves). The focus then shifts on to vaccination policy and the actors central in the design and implementation of the vaccination programme in England. The approach taken to the funding, development, and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines is also explored and furthermore considers vaccine coverage, vaccine passports, and vaccine nationalism. The authors conclude with a discussion of the overall impact of COVID-19 policy on health and between socio-economic groups and with reflections on the sociologies of pandemics and COVID-19. This book will appeal and be accessible both to policymakers and health service managers and to those studying for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the social, medical, and public health sciences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gendered Justice?: How Women’s Attempts to Cope With, Survive, or Escape Domestic Abuse Can Drive Them into Crime
Women who encounter the criminal justice system are far more likely to have experienced domestic or sexual abuse than the wider female population. Despite widespread recognition of the link between a woman’s victimisation and her involvement in crime, the relationship between the two is still not well understood. Gendered Justice? illustrates how a woman’s involvement in crime can manifest as a by-product of her attempts to cope with, survive, or escape domestic abuse. Referencing the first UK-based research of its kind, Roberts explores how a woman’s involvement in crime can be explained or contextualised by her experience of domestic abuse. Drawing on the experiences of women serving community-based sentences, all of whom had been subjected to domestic abuse, the author analyses a variety of situations which illustrate how women can become involved in crime when their abuse perpetrator is not present, after the abusive relationship has ended or even years after the abuse has ceased, yet their actions can still be attributed to their victimisation. She also demonstrates how perpetrators of abuse use women’s involvement in the criminal justice system as a further weapon of abuse. Built upon the foundations of women’s real-life experiences, which have real-world implications, Gendered Justice? introduces a range of recommendations and implications for both policy and practice in the field of criminal justice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism
Sustainability has become a core concept in considering tourism planning and development. Existing literature on sustainable tourism suggests that tourism will become more sustainable if all stakeholders participate in the tourism development process. Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism seeks to fill an absence of research in the sustainable and responsible tourism field involving children as stakeholders. Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism argues that children’s empowerment should be a core component of any responsible tourism initiatives, and that children’s involvement and support should be a requirement in helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Hugues Séraphin’s ground-breaking study directly addresses the issue that academic researchers and industry practitioners alike have overlooked and under evaluated the significance of this key segment for the industry. Chapters address issues related to both the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of empowering children to be responsible tourists and potential future industry practitioners while providing recommendations for current industry professionals.
Emerald Publishing Limited Business Diplomacy by Multinational Corporations: Towards a Model based on Catholic Social Thought
Over the past two decades, increasing attention has been paid to the concept of business diplomacy. This is becoming more important for multinational corporations (MNCs) as they deal with an increasingly demanding and dynamic international business arena. Despite the growing literature on this phenomenon, there is no sound theory-based business diplomacy model that can help to understand MNCs' relationship-building activities in the global society and provide a normative, moral guide for MNCs on how to conduct business diplomacy successfully. In Business Diplomacy by Multinational Corporations, Huub Ruël turns to Catholic Social Thought (CST), an intellectual tradition extending back 2000 years that promotes the key principles of human dignity, the common good, solidarity and subsidiarity. According to CST, a business is a community of people and its purpose is to serve the common good. This clearly diverges from the dominant shareholder view of business and CST provides a basis for a normative business diplomacy model. This in turn provides a clear, distinctive instrument for MNCs to reflect on their purpose and role in the global society while also guiding and directing their relationship-building actions with other actors in the global society. This book is essential reading for researchers studying ethics and morality from an international business viewpoint.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism
The hospitality and tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide, with a contribution of 9% to world GDP and 10% of job creation. The fast pace of growth in this industry highlights the importance of applied and pure research studies to address the theoretical and practical problems which the industry faces daily from economic, social, cultural, environmental, political, and technological perspectives. New understanding of both new and traditional research paradigms in the context of tourism and hospitality is vital to strengthen the research culture and find more accurate and reliable solutions for emerging problems. Contemporary Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism delivers a comprehensive collection of chapters including new insights for traditional paradigms, approaches, and methods, as well as more recent developments in research methodology in the context of tourism and hospitality. Each chapter connects the discussed approach or method to tourism and hospitality with providing illustration examples. This volume provides an essential resource for academics, undergraduate and graduate researchers, libraries, executives, and practitioners to understand different aspects of research methodology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Clean Language Interviewing: Principles and Applications for Researchers and Practitioners
Clean Language Interviewing is a landmark publication that defines the field for this important practice; it is essential reading for all researchers who seek to obtain data that are faithful to the experience of the interviewee. Clean language interviewing aims to improve the ability of academic and applied researchers to minimise the introduction of the interviewer’s own assumptions, to avoid ‘leading’ questions and instead to ask ‘clean’ questions. Heather Cairns-Lee, James Lawley and Paul Tosey present a state-of-the-art review of the principles and practice of clean language interviewing to make this rigorous and innovative method accessible. Using real application examples, a global group of contributors analyse the use of clean language interviewing in multiple settings including business, education, and healthcare.
Emerald Publishing Limited Women’s Imprisonment in Eastern Europe: 'Sitting out Time'
The field of prison studies has been dominated by an androcentric outlook, with little attention paid to women. Offering a unique theoretical fusion of the sociology of imprisonment, carceral geography, feminism and cultural criminology, Women’s Imprisonment in Eastern Europe: ‘Sitting out Time’ examines how social, political, and cultural factors have shaped the development of gendered penal regimes in Eastern Europe and created an institutional battleground for opposing ideologies. Expanding from Latvia as a focal point, Arta Jalili Idrissi provides a current snapshot of women’s imprisonment across the Global East. Understanding the situated and complex nature of the prison as an institution, she captures the interplay between the Soviet legacy and a neoliberal agenda within three distinct realms of punishment: spatial, procedural and relational. Revealing clashes within the prison environment, as well as their broader socio-political and ideological contexts, Jalili Idrissi also exposes the specific nuances of gender implications. The first qualitative study based on an ethnographic approach to women’s carceral experiences in Latvia, Women’s Imprisonment in Eastern Europe: ‘Sitting out Time’ draws parallels across Eastern Europe and throughout the neoliberal West to provide a refreshing and timely addition to the study of criminology and the sociology of imprisonment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding Children's Informal Learning: Appreciating Everyday Learners
Learning and personal development are integral to being a person, and learning and teaching are integral to life as a social being. Understanding Children’s Informal Learning presents children’s informal learning out-of-school and explores how this knowledge can enhance teaching and learning practice in the classroom. The authors focus on the richness of children’s everyday learning, and in what ways children, teachers and schools can work to bring more of the everyday learning strengths that all children have into the interactional framework of the classroom. Offering practical applications for teachers and other education professionals, the chapters work to ensure children’s voices are heard and actively influence understandings of learning, so that out-of-school learning is legitimised as a critical constituent of in-school learning. Addressing the need to provide a strong ‘student voice’ component and strategies to support children’s learning both in-school and out-of-school, Understanding Children’s Informal Learning furthers comprehensive education research, policy, and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Organizational Paradox: Investigating Social Structures and Human Expression
Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Organizational Paradox is a two-part volume exploring how paradox theory benefits from interdisciplinary theorizing and how we might go about undertaking such research. The chapters draw from four disciplinary realms: beliefs, physicality, expression, and social structure. Unique commentaries from thought leaders expand and assess the focal pieces of each volume. Part B: Investigating Social Structures and Human Expression continues the exploration of the why, how and where of interdisciplinary research within paradox theory by looking specifically at the realms of social structure - from logic and Luhmann, to historical analysis - and expression - from linguistics, to the maths and poetry of Spencer-Brown, to jazz. The chapters are complemented with reflective commentaries from Charles Hampden-Turner and Ann Langley. The collection ends with an examination of where the interdisciplinary foundations for organizational paradox theory arose via conversations with seminal paradox scholars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Integrating Performance Management and Enterprise Risk Management Systems: Emerging Issues and Future Trends
Integrating Performance Management and Enterprise Risk Management Systems offers a novel understanding of the multifaceted shades that surround the long called-for and yet not realised integration between performance management and enterprise risk management systems. Spanò and Zagaria depart from the idea that the main limitations so far refer to the jeopardization of extant contributions, the lack of a fully holistic perspective of analysis and interpretation, and the need to closely consider potential opportunities and threats in the current VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world – issues concerning ethical concerns and accountability pressures, power dynamics, social and sustainability implications, and technological impacts. Their study supports a substantive integration of performance management and enterprise risk management systems encompassing the current theoretical debates and the multiple practical and policy interventions, highlighting overlaps and gaps, and fostering a more systematic approach towards the embeddedness of unified routines and behaviours. The authors suggest looking at performance management and enterprise risk management systems as logics rather than functions, as languages rather than tools, and devoting major attention to soft variables in addition to hard ones, towards a novel comprehension of timely dynamics paramount for academics, practitioners and policy makers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Creating Culture Through Media and Communication
Sponsored by the Brazil-U.S.Colloquium on Communication Studies of the Brazilian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication and the Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association (CITAMS), this volume of Emerald Studies in Media and Communications is entitled Creating Culture Through Media and Communication. The volume is a vibrant collaboration of global voices addressing the media and communications challenges of our time. Contributors ask us to reconsider the ethical implications of media and technology from historical, contemporary, and future perspectives. In addition, case studies show the diverse ways that cultural media production has ripple effects throughout larger society. Authors ask important questions about how digitalization is shaping our everyday lives, as well as how the ethics of tech is needed now more than ever with the sea change occasioned by AI.
Emerald Publishing Limited Aging and the Family: Understanding Changes in Structural and Relationship Dynamics
As family structures continue to evolve, aging relatives have caused increasing concern for family members as they attempt to manage complex issues such as health, caregiving, emotional and instrumental support, and intergenerational relationships. This multidisciplinary volume focuses on how aging interacts with family structures and relationship dynamics. Including research from around the globe, the authors address a wide array of topics, including family support networks, elderly care, grandparenthood, marital dynamics and satisfaction, elderly divorce, cohabitation, gender, and intergenerational relationships, and more. Paying homage to the fact that the manners by which aging affects families can vary considerably from one culture to another, this collection makes a crucial contribution by collating research on aging and the family from an international perspective. Providing this wide scope of quality research, the volume equips readers to better assess how aging and its related issues are affecting families from multiple backgrounds.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Guide to C. Wright Mills
This book offers a comprehensive guide to reading and understanding the development of Mills's sociological ideas, placing them in the context of his life and his position in American sociology. The Emerald Guide to C. Wright Mills focusses on his concern with the interrelationship between social structure and personality, and with the bureaucratisation of modern society and the power relations it produces. The book takes a chronological and biographical approach in illustrating the development of Mills's ideas and interests over the course of his career. In doing so, it reveals the consistency as well as the evolution of his thinking. Essential reading for students and those new to Mills's ideas, this is a readable, clear, and comprehensive overview of the work of C. Wright Mills, and conveys his influence on contemporary social thought.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategic Corporate Responsibility and Green Management: Perspectives and Issues in Emerging Economies
Corporate social responsibility has increased exponentially throughout the past decades and is of growing importance to the success of businesses internationally. Green management especially is at the forefront of new developments and initiatives in the face of the climate crisis, aiming to mitigate fundamental institutional misalignments in controlling drastic expansion and its adverse consequences on the environment. Strategic Corporate Responsibility and Green Management turns the focus to emerging economies, in particular India and Mexico. Offering both criticism and examples of effective projects, the chapter authors consider the technological solutions for women’s empowerment in India, waste management for combating COVID-19, a case study of Coca Cola in India and the tragedy of the commons, corporate responsibility in MSMEs, a study of Mexican companies and corporate social responsibilities impact on the sustainable development goals, and errors in corporate social responsibility. This volume of Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability harnesses corporate responsibility and green management to integrate social and environmental concerns into productive business operations, paving the way for future successes in emerging economies. The series facilitates idea exchanges and research collaborations between developed and developing countries, and between the West and the East. It promotes best ideas, values, practices and innovations in corporate governance, corporate responsibility and sustainability in the world and encourages holistic thinking, cross-disciplinary research, multiple perspectives and the use of various research approaches and methods.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Appearance in the Workplace
The impact of individual appearance on career success, either positive or negative, often remains unspoken or even unconscious within the world of work. Appearance has been shown to influence decisions regarding renumeration, recruitment and promotion through biases such as size and gender discrimination. For women especially, there appears to be a delicate balance between achieving the right look and being perceived as professional. Such issues require a critical examination of the relationship between appearance and careers. Through a sharp intersectional lens honed by experts from across the globe, The Emerald Handbook of Appearance in the Workplace focuses on both internal and external influences that may complicate issues of workplace appearance and further impact the development and progression of individuals’ occupations. Thoughtfully structured to consider both theoretical and applied points of view, chapters examine topics such as body art, hair textures, lookism and ageism across a variety of industry sectors and levels of employment. The first of its kind in addressing appearance and careers with varying approaches and across a diverse range of concepts, this Handbook provides an essential overview of the unspoken impact that personal presentation and assumptions can have on how employees are perceived and ultimately progress in their careers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Role of Leaders in Managing Higher Education
Role of Leaders in Managing Higher Education highlights the importance of leaders in educational institutions. Showcasing a richly diverse authorship, the collection discusses the autonomy of faculty members based on bonds created through ethics, the style of leadership, and the concept of democracy and social justice. Emphasizing that higher educational institutions need to look beyond regular extrinsic motivators to ensure employee engagement to mentor students effectively, the chapters also explore the concept of the glass ceiling and regressive cultures that poses impediments to women as leaders in universities and other educational institutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Co-Creation and Smart Cities: Looking Beyond Technology
Cities are possibly the most dynamic and important administrative units today. Cities play big roles in addressing many of the complex challenges the world is facing today, including climate change, public health, and migration. This places pressure on public administration and the public sector, to do more with less, particularly at the local level where government services have the most direct impact on people's everyday lives as well as paradigmatic societal shifts associated with the rise of platform economies and new consumption patterns which transform public service delivery whilst changing public expectations. Co-creation and Smart Cities: Looking Beyond Technology highlights ways to meet these new demands with a more robust value-based perspective on public service development and delivery, specifically via co-creation. Co-creation is a way to plan, execute and evaluate public service design and delivery for contemporary cities, a valid means to support the ‘balancing act’ of promoting efficient and cost-effective governance. Built on insights gained through years of experience with and research on co-creation, as well as testimonials from practitioners, this volume presents collaborative and innovative solutions associated with smart city ideals, while continuing to develop a citizen-centric focus that is sustainable over time. Co-creation and Smart Cities helps structure co-creation processes that foster responsible innovation and a systemic, value-based approach to sustainable urban development. This title will be of interest to government officials, researchers and bottom-up communities looking to implement methods for co-creation within cities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public Relations for Social Responsibility: Affirming DEI Commitment with Action
This inaugural edited collection for the Communicating Responsible Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion series presents new critical discourse alongside cutting-edge practical work at the crossroads of PR, CSR, and DEI. The collection explores the active promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion as a public relations responsibility and provides new avenues for critiquing the ways in which power operates through public relations work and theory building. Featuring contributions from leading scholars from across the PR, CSR, and DEI fields, Public Relations for Social Responsibility explores key issues including the legal and economic frameworks thwarting authentic social responsibility and DEI, the unique social responsibility style of women and people of color managing organizations, and expanding the social responsibility critique to include non-human stakeholders and the environment. Chapters illuminate international and industrial contexts at the intersection of PR, CSR and DEI, including historical perspective on DEI roadblocks in the U.S., PR in the time of COVID-19 crises, organizational bullying, DEI, AI and PR ethics, animals as stakeholders, inclusion as CSR component, CEO activism on the African continent, and PR’s responsibility in transforming society. The collection will introduce new conceptual and practical approaches highly relevant to scholars of Communication, Management and Corporate Social Responsibility in a global context.
Emerald Publishing Limited Complexity in International Security: A Holistic Spatial Approach
In September 2018, the 73rd General Assembly of the United Nations acknowledged that international instability is increasing and that improving global security is among the most important tasks facing the world today. The Assembly concluded that it is extremely important to develop new, effective frameworks and technologies to understand and confront increasingly complex networks of actors, interests, and contexts. Leading international security expert Peter Sapaty meets this challenge head-on and introduces a new, high-level distributed processing and control approach capable of finding real-time solutions for irregularities, crises, and security problems emerging any time and in any part of the world. Drawing upon the principles of Gestalt psychology, this book develops a radically new model of technology, Spatial Grasp Technology (SGT), a self-navigating, self-replicating, self-modifying spatial pattern technology expressed in a special high-level recursive language. Through rigorous theoretical argument and many practical examples, Sapaty shows how SGT can account for millions to billions of nodes distributed worldwide without vulnerable central resources; explains why SGT is hundreds of times shorter, simpler, and faster than other models and languages; and shows that SGT's technology basics are so simple that they can be effectively implemented even in a short time by a small group of system programmers within traditional university environments. Perhaps most importantly, Sapaty demonstrates how SGT is capable of implementing security scenarios not only at run time, but also conceivably ahead of it, allowing in some cases for the prediction and even prevention of local or global crises. For the novelty, simplicity, and wide applicability of its approach, Complexity in International Security is essential reading for system scientists, application programmers, industry managers, security and defence personnel, and university students interested in advanced MSc and PhD projects in the area of holistic and distributed management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Critical Capabilities and Competencies for Knowledge Organizations
Failed knowledge management projects have one element in common: they fail to focus on the organization's core business functions and instead choose functions that are easy or might produce 'low-hanging fruit'. As a result, often even successful knowledge management projects add little value to the organization as they fail to address the pain points of the heart of the business. So how can knowledge management professionals position themselves for greatest success? In this practical guide, expert authors Alexeis Garcia-Perez, Juan Gabriel Cegarra-Navarro, Denise Bedford, Margo Thomas, and Susan Wakabayashi demonstrate how professionals can map knowledge resources to support business critical capabilities, and increase the impact of knowledge management projects. They also explain how to avoid investing in resources with low value, and how to develop strategies and action plans for different types of resources. Providing practical guidance for professionals, and including mini-case studies of successes and failures, this is an essential book for any knowledge management professional, researcher or student.
Emerald Publishing Limited Children and Mobile Phones: Adoption, Use, Impact, and Control
This book provides a resource for readers interested in the issues surrounding mobile phone use by children. Mobile phones are ubiquitous in young people’s lives around the world. Most teenagers and many pre-teenage children have their own mobile phone and carry it around everywhere they go. While the mobile phone remains an important communication device for making and receiving voice calls, technological advances have evolved the typical device far beyond simple functionality. Recent models are multi-functional mini-computers with ever-increasing power that enable users to communicate through a range of channels and to engage in multiple other activities. For many young people, life without their mobile phone is unimaginable, but mobile phones can be a source of risk and threat. Understanding how they are used and highlighting potential dangers is an essential activity to enable the creation of sensible and acceptable strategies to ensure that benefits are maximised and risks are minimised. Stakeholders such as parents, industry, regulators, government and children themselves all have vested interests in how children use mobile phones and bear some responsibility for young mobile users.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Impact of Global Terrorism on Economic and Political Development: Afro-Asian Perspectives
Global economic and political systems have been facing serious threats from different terrorist groups for the last few decades, and the implications of these incidences are increasing rapidly. This edited collection seeks to address and analyse the ramifications of terrorism and terrorist activities on economic and political systems in terms of the decline in GDP levels, increase in unnecessary military expenditure at the cost of social and economic developments, disincentives to the foreign investors, loss of diplomatic powers at global levels, social unrest, and increase in youth unemployment, poverty, political violence, and more. Whilst the book considers the effects of terrorism at a world-level, there is a specific focus on the economies in the Afro-Asian regions. This unique coverage of studies in quantitative economics and political systems offers postgraduate students, researchers and academics in the fields of political economics, international relations, and defence studies, among others, the opportunity to expand their knowledge on the impact of terrorism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Formalise, Prioritise and Mobilise: How School Leaders Secure the Benefits of Professional Learning Networks
Professional learning networks (PLN) of teachers and others (such as university researchers) collaborating outside of their everyday community of practice are considered to be an effective way to foster school improvement. At the same time, to generate change, PLNs require effective support from school leaders. Such support should be directed at ensuring those participating in PLNs can engage in network learning activities; also that this activity can be meaningfully mobilised within participant's schools. What is less well understood however are the actions school leaders might engage in to provide this support. To address this knowledge gap, this book presents a case study of how senior leaders attempted to maximise the effectiveness of participating in PLNs for one learning network: the New Forest Research Learning Network (RLN) - a specific type of PLN designed to facilitate research-informed change at scale. In-depth semi-structured interviews with RLN participants, as well as impact data and policy documents, have been used to ascertain the types of leadership practices employed and their nature (i.e. whether geared towards prioritising, formalising or mobilising the work of the PLN). Also presented is an assessment of the perceived effectiveness of these practices and suggestions for the type of leadership activity that appear to maximise the effectiveness of schools engaging in professional learning networks more generally.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mixed-Race in the US and UK: Comparing the Past, Present, and Future
Winner of the 2020 Mid-South Sociological Association Stanford M. Lyman Distinguished Book Award. Contributing to an emerging literature on mixed-race people in the United States and United Kingdom, this book draws on racial formation theory and the performativity (i.e. "doing") of race to explore the social construction of mixedness on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to macro- and micro-level theoretical frameworks, the authors use comparative and relational analytical approaches to reveal similarities and differences between the two nations, explaining them in terms of both common historical roots as well as ongoing contemporary interrelationships. Focusing on the census, racial identity, civil society, and everyday experiences at the intersection of race, gender, class, and sexuality, Mixed-Race in the US and UK: Comparing the Past, Present, and Future offers academics and students an intriguing look into how mixed-race is constructed and experienced within these two nations. A final in-depth discussion on the authors’ research methodologies makes the book a useful resource on the processes, challenges, and benefits of conducting qualitative research in two nations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Promoting Social Inclusion: Co-Creating Environments That Foster Equity and Belonging
This volume in the International Perspectives on Inclusive Education Series explores innovative perspectives and practices regarding social inclusion of potentially marginalized individuals from multiple perspectives.This book blends theoretical and evidence-based research about social inclusion and belonging, while simultaneously giving voice to families and individuals who have sought to obtain an inclusive education when experiencing a disability. Section 1, Social Inclusion: Affirming value, rights and choice, explores social inclusion from various frameworks including psychology, philosophy, human rights, social justice, hope and equity. The second section, Social Inclusion and Schools: Programs, perspectives, and practices, reviews a number of evidence-based curricula and interventions to promote social inclusion within educational contexts. Section 3, Securing presence: Dignity, agency and voice, highlights the importance of attending to and learning directly from children with disabilities. Finally, Section 4, Transition to higher education and employment, describes the continuing importance of social inclusion in transition to young adulthood and the workplace. Each chapter offers strategies, guidelines and examples of how professionals, family members and individuals can collaborate to make affirming and co-creating communities that foster equity and belonging for all.
Emerald Publishing Limited Exploring the Future of Russia's Economy and Markets: Towards Sustainable Economic Development
Rich in natural resources, straddling Europe and Asia, and home to markets of immense scale, Russia is an essential, critical player in an unprecedently complex global economy. Yet it has yet to fully exploit its unique position within this brave new world. Exploring the Future of Russia's Economy and Markets offers the first serious study of Russia's contemporary economic growth and economic aptitude. Based on the April 2017 conference "'New Reality' and Russian Markets" held at Harvard University and co-hosted by Harvard Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and RUDN University, Moscow, it brings together world-renowned thinkers to offer the latest empirical research on recent financial risks, institutional policies, and financial stability, all while weaving sound economic analyses around countercyclical expansionary macrotrends within the global market, current fiscal and monetary policies, and business cycles. It provides definitive technical insights into fintech, industrial policies and technological parks, TNCs, the oil and natural gas industry, and the impact of international sanctions on Russia's sustainable development. Cumulatively, the chapters gathered here demand that Russia look for alternative key drivers to get its economy going. The distinguished economists gathered here offer flexible bases for economic and financial stability that would foster sustainable economic development for Russia. Exploring the Future of Russia's Economy and Markets is essential reading for economists, policy makers, and students wishing to understand how Russia might take full advantage of its pivotal position within the world economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Right to the Smart City
Cities around the world are pursuing a smart cities agenda. In general, these initiatives are promoted and rolled-out by governments and corporations which enact various forms of top-down, technocratic governance and reproduce neoliberal governmentality. Despite calls for the smart city agenda to be more citizen-centric and bottom-up in nature, how this translates into policy and initiatives is still weakly articulated and practiced. Indeed, there is little meaningful engagement by key stakeholders with respect to rights, citizenship, social justice, commoning, civic participation, co-creation, and how the smart city might be productively reimagined and remade. This book fills this lacuna by providing critical reflection on whether another smart city is possible and what such a city might look like, exploring themes such as how citizens are framed within it, the ethical implications of smart city systems, and whether injustices are embedded in city systems, infrastructures, services and their calculative practices. Contributors question whether the need for order, and the priorities of capital and property rights, trump individual and collective liberty. Ultimately considering what kind of smart city do individuals want to create, and how we create the most sustainable smart urban landscape.
Emerald Publishing Limited Parental Grief and Photographic Remembrance: A Historical Account of Undying Love
Winner of the 2020 Stand-Out Graduate Research Award Winner of the August 2020 Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) Prix Relève étoile Paul-Gérin-Lajoie Photographic portraits of those who have passed have the potential to become valuable sites of remembrance. Across North America and Western Europe, parents are increasingly unfamiliar with death; lacking the rituals and tools that have historically eased the bereavement process. This book shines a light on how semi-private social media groups enable the bereaved parents of today to navigate their grief in the modern world. The author explores how creative, and sometimes contested, incorporations of photography within these online spaces demonstrate a revival and renegotiation of historic practices. By shining a light on recurrent tendencies and their evolution within new media this book offers an opportunity to observe the complex relationships grief can prompt some individuals to form with the portraits of absent loved ones. As social networking sites continue to enable the reinsertion of death within the social realm, the author looks ahead: might we begin to see a revival and increased openness towards end-of-life, post-mortem and funerary photography? As bereavement increasingly becomes something communicated in an online context, what new types of embellishments to the photographic portrait might we encounter?
Emerald Publishing Limited Politics and Technology in the Post-Truth Era
Advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have directly impacted the way in which politics operates today. Bringing together research on Europe, the US, South America, the Middle East, Asia and Africa, this book examines the relationship between ICT and politics in a global perspective. Technological innovations such as big data, data mining, sentiment analysis, cognitive computing, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, social media and blockchain technology are reshaping the way ICT intersects with politics and in this collection contributors examine these developments, demonstrating their impact on the political landscape. Chapters examine topics such as cyberwarfare and propaganda, post-Soviet space, Snowden, US national security, e-government, GDPR, democratization in Africa and internet freedom. Providing an overview of new research on the emerging relationship between the promise and potential inherent in ICT and its impact on politics, this edited collection will prove an invaluable text for students, researchers and practitioners working in the fields of Politics, International Relations and Computer Science.
Emerald Publishing Limited Latin America: Management Education's Growth and Future Pathways
Latin American business schools have grown in scale and quality in recent decades, yet they have received a relatively low level of attention globally when compared to schools from other parts of the world. This book seeks to address this dearth of attention and provide an in-depth examination of management education in the region. The book examines the main historical, cultural, social, political, and economic aspects of the Latin American continent and describes the evolutionary path of business education in the region until its current state. It analyzes and interprets the major events, key issues, impact of different actors, main changes, and "blind spots" in the evolution of management education in Latin America over the last 10 years. It then identifies the biggest on-going challenges confronting business education on the continent and discusses whether a Latin American model for management education is a realistic proposition. Finally, the book explores how the competitive environment of business education in the region will evolve over the next 10 years, and how these changes will influence the critical issues facing Latin American management education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Green Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia
In recent years, the issues of sustainability, green behavior and corporate social responsibility have become a growing global concern. This increased concern for environmental welfare has started to affect the way marketers, managers and policy makers think and organize their businesses. In Western culture, there has been widespread discussion on green related issues; however, different cultures are at an earlier stage in embracing this global change. Green Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia seeks to apply this discussion to Asian culture, using case studies that reflect the reaction, response, managerial problems and success of seven Asian countries – India, Malaysia, Turkey, Brunei, Iran, Pakistan and Sri Lanka – in adopting green concepts. These concepts include: green organizations; eco-tourism; food loss and waste; recycling-reuse; waste management practice; green space; the plastic-bag free campaign; care for animals; and, corporate social responsibility. The cases outlined in this book illustrate how numerous companies and organizations operating in Asian countries incorporate green marketing and green management related concepts and issues into their strategy. It will appeal to researchers and practitioners, working in the fields of consumer behavior, human resource management, organizational behavior and sustainability.
Emerald Publishing Limited Future Governments
Governments of today need to be future-oriented. The seismic disruptions in demographics, economic and political upheavals, increasing fragmentation between the haves and have-nots, leap-frog societal transformations, climate change, and technological innovations will be critical drivers impacting the context of how governments operate and function. Public sector organizations must be able to deliver services that are affordable, efficient and effective and can compete with the private sector. Governments must not only work towards safeguarding their people and resources, but take a more extensive look at the increasingly inter-connected world. They must work with the private sector and embrace the citizen who is demanding to be included in the decision-making process. This volume presents a series of case studies of countries, including the UAE, Germany, Estonia, Iceland, Finland, Chile and China, and their experiments with policy under five broad themes: government foresight, future orientation, regulatory reforms & strategy, the happiness agenda and the sharing economy. Each case, written by a leading expert in the field, presents the challenges and opportunities of the future and will provide key insights that will support policy makers, strategists and decision makers in mapping out their plans for tomorrow.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emergence of Teacher Education in Zambia
This historical narrative focuses on the emergence of teacher education in Zambia. Providing archival material, diverse interpretations, local voices through interview and email, it engages the reader in a complex recipe of viewpoints. It rehearses how teacher education developed from a form of apprenticeship in remote villages to the more centralized 'normal school' in colonial times through to colleges with nationwide catchment and more recently to university accreditation. Schooling as an avenue to social mobility and nation building, the challenges of student centred-learning and the development of teachers as professionals are central themes throughout the text. Also analysed is the nature of education offered at different times and how the teacher and his/her education reflect this, arguing the need for a fundamentally new philosophy of education and a mode of teacher formation in line with it. This book will be an invaluable tool for undergraduate and postgraduate education students, researchers, and practitioners alike, both within and beyond the Zambian and African contexts. It provides rich historical data from which policy makers, historians, and teaching professionals can explore the re-conceptualisation of the role of the teacher as professional rather than as civil servant. Designed to stimulate critical discussion so as to enhance understanding of what effective teaching and teacher education entail and framed by long-term first-hand experience of teacher education in Zambia.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Developments in Islamic Economics: Examples from Southeast Asia
New Developments in Islamic Economics: Examples from Southeast Asia investigates the latest developments in a vibrant and fast-moving area of practical financial and economic study. Primarily focused on Malaysian contexts, while also presenting perspectives from Indonesia and Thailand, this book examines the Asian nations leading the world in the application of Islamic finance. Case studies analyse and discuss new and emerging issues in Islamic economics, including microtakaful, waqf, social finance and poverty alleviation from an Islamic perspective.