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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Governance
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. Jon Pierre and Guy Peters expertly guide the reader through governance - one of the most widely used terms in political science - and its differing interpretations, with comprehensive discussion of the key issues covering global as well as local level governance. A detailed look into what constitutes 'good governance', whether produced by a government or by more informal means, is also explored. Key features include: examination of what governance is, how it is created and the differing styles of governance how governance is becoming more collaborative between governments and the private sector an investigation into the governance process and outcomes, including topics such as bargaining, negotiation and the use of political power. This insightful Advanced Introduction will be an excellent resource for both graduates and undergraduates studying governance and political science. It will also be a useful guide for academics who are interested in governance and who need a concise introduction.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Economics of Foreign Aid
'Today's questions regarding foreign aid centre around aid allocation dynamics, the impact on trade and growth for receivers as well as donors, and, quite frequently, on aid effectiveness. The inter-relationship between aid and politics are also topics of high interest. These are precisely the issues that the Handbook edited by B. Mak Arvin and Byron Lew deals with. In more than 30 contributions, some highly renowned development scholars use the theoretical state of the art combined with empirically based econometric approaches to analyse various issues in the foreign aid field. It is a great pleasure for science-oriented readers to find a wealth of findings derived from hard data and rigorous analytical methods. The book is an excellent contribution to the current foreign aid discussion.'- Siegfried Schönherr, Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Germany'A title like Handbook on the Economics of Foreign Aid is ambitious; it promises coverage of literature that spans from theory to empirics, from macro to micro levels of analysis, from positive to normative economics. This Handbook fulfills this ambition 100 percent. It will be the single place that people will go to get a state-of-the-art survey of a particular issue. Some chapters are written by established experts in the area, others by newcomers that bring a fresh view on the issues involved. All in all, a book that future researchers in foreign aid must consult.'- Pascalis Raimondos, Copenhagen Business School, DenmarkIt would be fair to say that foreign aid today is one of the most important factors in international relations and in the national economy of many countries - as well as one of the most researched fields in economics. Although much has been written on the subject of foreign aid, this book contributes by taking stock of knowledge in the field, with chapters summarizing long-standing debates as well as the latest advances.Several contributions provide new analytical insights or empirical evidence on different aspects of aid, including how aid may be linked to trade and the motives for aid giving. As a whole, the book demonstrates how researchers have dealt with increasingly complex issues over time - both theoretical and empirical - on the allocation, impact, and efficacy of aid, with aid policies placed at the center of the discussion. In addition to students, academics, researchers, and policymakers involved in development economics and foreign aid, this Handbook will appeal to all those interested in development issues and international policies.Contributors: E. Aguayo, E. Alvi, B.M. Arvin, S.A. Asongu, E. Bland, C. Boussalis, J. Brambila-Macias, S. Brown, R. Calleja, L. Chauvet, A. Das, H. Doucouliagos, V.Z. Eichenauer, G.S. Epstein, P. Exposito, S. Feeny, D. Fielding, I.N. Gang, F. Gibson, R. Gounder, P. Guillaumont, M.-C. Guisan, N. Hermes, P. Hühne, A.L. Islam, A. Isopi, S. Kablan, C. Kilby, A. Kumar, S. Lahiri, R. Lensink, B. Lew, I. Martinez-Zarzoso, I. Massa, G. Mavrotas, M. McGillivray, B. Meyer, K. Michaelowa, O. Morrissey, D. Mukherjee, P. Nunnenkamp, M. Paldam, C. Peiffer, R. Pradhan, M.G. Quibria, B. Reinsberg, D. Rowlands, M. Salois, J. Serieux, D. Sogge, S. Torrance, S. Tezanos Vázquez, L. Wagner
John Wiley & Sons Inc An Introductory Guide to Valve Selection
A guide to the choice of common types of isolating (block), check and diverter valves for the energy, process, oil and gas industries. The book is applicable to both onshore and offshore locations, including subsea applications.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Textbook & Atlas of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
This textbook and atlas presents a complete guide to laparoscopic hysterectomy from basics and types of hysterectomy, to discussion on surgical procedures, and potential complications. Divided into seven sections, topics include basics, routes of hysterectomy, procedure, special considerations, complications, a ‘food for thought’ section, and commentary on the authors’ own experiences. The book also includes recent advances such as robot-assisted surgery and LESS hysterectomy. Highly illustrated with tables, flowcharts and graphs, this comprehensive text is accompanied by an interactive DVD ROM of videos demonstrating step by step surgical techniques. Key Points Comprehensive guide to laparoscopic hysterectomy for practising surgeons Covers complete field from basics and types of hysterectomy, to procedures and complications Includes recent advances such as robot-assisted surgery and LESS surgery Accompanying DVD ROM demonstrates step by step surgical procedures
Deep & Deep Publications Relative Economics
Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd International Encyclopaedia of Professional Management
S Chand & Co Ltd A New Look at Modern Indian History: Men of Destiny
Gyan Publishing House Backward Communities: Identity, Development and Transformation
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd Building Great Relationships: All About Emotional Intelligence
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Tax Receipts, Taxpayers, and Taxes in Early Ptolemaic Thebes
The author lays out the early Ptolemaic tax system, describes the changes in the capitation taxes during the reign of Ptolemy II, discusses the other state and temple revenues, and then reconstructs the prosopography and provenance of thirty-nine tax payers whose names occur frequently in these initial studies. Having set the stage, the author then provides editions of sixty-one ostraca from Harold Nelson's collection that include an important group of early Ptolemaic Demotic, Greek, and bilingual ostraca, mostly tax receipts. One late Ptolemaic account ostracon (Cat. no. 3) is also published here since it concerns the business of choachytes, who figure prominently in the group of early Ptolemaic ostraca. The book concludes with full indices, and each of the ostraca is illustrated in drawing and photograph.
Peeters Publishers Italiaanse Literatuur Na 1900. Deel 1: 1900-1945
"Italiaanse literatuur na 1900" is een tweedelig Nederlandstalig overzichtswerk waarin de belangrijkste auteurs en tendensen in de Italiaanse letterkunde van de twintigste eeuw behandeld worden. De Italiaanse letterkunde mag zich in het Nederlandse taalgebied verheugen in een grote belangstelling, maar vaak blijven lezers wat op hun honger zitten in hun zoektocht naar achtergrondinformatie bij hun lectuur. Dit overzichtswerk wil de lezer op een gestructureerde en kritische manier wegwijs maken in de Italiaanse letterkunde na 1900. De bijdragen zijn opgehangen aan een enkele auteur, die echter uitdrukkelijk binnen een ruimer literair en cultureel tijdskader gesitueerd wordt; in de meeste gevallen wordt ook ingegaan op de evolutie van de waardering en interpretatie van de verschillende auteurs. Op deze manier overstijgen de bijdragen in "Italiaanse literatuur na 1900" ook het niveau van louter encyclopedische informatie: ook wie op zoek is naar essentiele informatie omtrent een bepaalde auteur zal in dit boek beslist zijn gading vinden, maar de bijdragen plaatsen de geboden informatie in een breder kritisch perspectief. Een ruimer literair- en cultuurhistorisch kader wordt ook aangeboden in twee overzichtsbijdragen, die respectievelijk de Italiaanse literaire tijdschriften en de ontwikkeling van de literaire kritiek op het schiereiland behandelen. Alle bijdragen zijn geschreven door italianisten uit Belgie en Nederland, en worden afgesloten met een beknopte literatuurlijst, waarmee de lezer zelf aan de slag kan. De bibliografieen van de afzonderlijke auteurs vermelden ook alle min of meer courant in de boekhandel of bibliotheek beschikbare vertalingen in het Nederlands.In het eerste deel van "Italiaanse literatuur na 1900" komen auteurs aan bod waarvan het hele werk of minstens een belangrijk deel ervan gesitueerd is in de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw, zoals Pirandello, Svevo, Marinetti, Ungaretti, Montale, Saba, Quasimodo, Gadda, Pavese en Moravia. Het eerste deel wordt afgesloten door twee overzichtsbijdragen die gewijd zijn aan Italiaanse literaire tijdschriften en aan de Italiaanse literaire kritiek van de twintigste eeuw.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd On the Foundations of Monopolistic Competition and Economic Geography: The Selected Essays of B. Curtis Eaton and Richard G. Lipsey
On the Foundations of Monopolistic Competition and Economic Geography presents important work by B. Curtis Eaton and Richard G. Lipsey on product differentiation, including studies of spatial differentiation and the industrial structures that give rise to this phenomenon.The book opens with an introductory overview essay and explains why the authors reject the neoclassical, competitive vision of the economy. The essays included cover issues such as: the theory of multinational plant location, product differentiation, monopoly, models of value theory, capital with special reference to entry and exit barriers and entry equilibrium, the existence of pure profit and the theory of market pre-emption.This volume will be welcomed by academics and researchers interested in the microeconomic issues of competition, monopoly, firm behaviour and markets.
Fonthill Media Ltd The East Coast Main Line 1939-1959: 2
In this second and final volume, the whole of the East Coast Main Line between King’s Cross and Edinburgh Waverley stations is examined closely, with a particular emphasis on the ways and structures: the line, stations, connections, yards, and other physical features. Interposed are accounts of the traffic at the principal stations (including connecting and branch line services) with observations on changes over the period 1939 to 1959. Some emphasis is placed on freight traffic on account of its importance and, perhaps, its relative unfamiliarity to the reader. The lines, stations, and many other elements are described as they were in August 1939, but as some plans on which they are based are dated before the late 1930s, there may be marginal differences from the precise layout in 1939.
Apple Academic Press Inc. Evolutionary Computation: Techniques and Applications
Edited by professionals with years of experience, this book provides an introduction to the theory of evolutionary algorithms and single- and multi-objective optimization, and then goes on to discuss to explore applications of evolutionary algorithms for many uses with real-world applications. Covering both the theory and applications of evolutionary computation, the book offers exhaustive coverage of several topics on nontraditional evolutionary techniques, details working principles of new and popular evolutionary algorithms, and discusses case studies on both scientific and real-world applications of optimization
University of Toronto Press Aiming to Explain: Theories of Policy Change and Canadian Gun Control
Firearms policy has periodically dominated Canadian politics since the late 1960s. Compared to the United States, however, there is little scholarship on firearms policy to the neighbouring north. Using Canadian firearms policy, Aiming to Explain examines five prominent policy process theories employed during the period from the 1989 Montreal Massacre to the 2012 cancellation of the universal firearms registry. Throughout, B. Timothy Heinmiller and Matthew A. Hennigar present rigorous applications of rational choice institutionalism, social constructivism, the advocacy coalition framework, the multiple streams framework, and punctuated equilibrium. The investigations draw on method-based best practices, while also making use of a wide range of data collection and analysis techniques, including inferential statistics, descriptive statistics, process tracing, congruence analysis, and qualitative content analysis. The goal of Aiming to Explain is not to select a single best theory, but to compare their relative strengths and weaknesses in an effort to direct future research and theoretical development efforts in the study of Canadian public policy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Functional Textiles and Polymers: Fabrication, Processing and Applications
This book on advanced functional textiles and polymers will offer a comprehensive view of cutting-edge research in newly discovered areas such as flame retardant textiles, antimicrobial textiles, insect repellent textiles, aroma textiles, medical-textiles, smart textiles, and nano-textiles etc. The second part the book provides innovative fabrication strategies, unique methodologies and overview of latest novel agents employed in the research and development of functional polymers.
University of California Press Collected Ancient Greek Novels
Prose fiction, although not always associated with classical antiquity, flourished in the early Roman Empire, not only in realistic Latin novels but also and indeed principally in the Greek ideal romance of love and adventure. Enormously popular in the Renaissance, these stories have been less familiar in later centuries. Translations of the Greek stories were not readily available in English before B.P. Reardon’s first appeared in 1989.Nine complete stories are included here as well as ten others, encompassing the whole range of classical themes: romance, travel, adventure, historical fiction, and comic parody. A foreword by J.R. Morgan examines the enormous impact this groundbreaking collection has had on our understanding of classical thought and our concept of the novel.
Oxford University Press A History of the County of Chester: Volume I: Physique, Prehistory, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Domesday
This volume deals with aspects of the very early history of Cheshire. Successive chapters on Physique, Prehistory, the Roman Period, Anglo-Saxon Cheshire, and the Cheshire Domesday (an introduction and a translation of thetext) provide an outline of events up to the late 11th century. The deposition and evolution of the rocks and soils of the county provided the physical framework for human activity and the raw materials for man's exploitation.A notable instance is the beds of salt which have been worked at least from the Roman period and have caused subsidence in modern times; another is the Mid-Cheshire Ridge which has been a feature as much of the history asof the landscape of the county, with the dramatic site of Beeston castle showing evidence of significant occupation in successive ages. From cairns, barrows, and hillforts to arrowheads and beads, the evi-dence of prehistoric activity is comprehensively surveyed. In the Roman period the legionary fortress at Chester dominates the scene, but systematic consideration is also given to the evidence of civil settlement at Chester and elsewhere, of com-munications, and of industry. For the Anglo-Saxon period, archaeological, documentary, and place-name evidence is brought together to show the origins, associations, and organization of early English society in the county. That chapter leads naturally into the discussion of what can be learned from the Cheshire Domesday, which is evaluated within a wider context to which it brings new insights. Gazetteers supplement the discussion of archaeological sites andfinds, and an abundance of line drawings illustrates the text.
Insight Editions Endless Summer, Vol. 1: Dead Man's Curve
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Contemporary Surgical Management of Fractures and Complications: Volume 3 - Pediatrics
Contemporary Surgical Management of Fractures and Complications, Volume Three provides orthopaedic surgeons with the most up to date information on the treatment of paediatric fractures and avoidance of complications. Each of the twelve chapters presents a specific type of paediatric fracture, guiding surgeons step by step through the history, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, complications and their management. A complete chapter is dedicated to paediatric spine trauma and the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate management. Authored by internationally recognised experts from Pennsylvania, this comprehensive guide includes numerous clinical photographs, illustrations and tables. Volumes one and two, authored by Asif Ilyas and Saqib Rahman, also from Pennsylvania, published in March 2013. Key points Provides orthopaedic surgeons with most recent information on treatment of paediatric fractures Complete chapter dedicated to paediatric spine trauma Internationally recognised Pennsylvania-based authors Volumes one and two published in March 2013
IVP Academic Freeing Congregational Mission – A Practical Vision for Companionship, Cultural Humility, and Co–Development
Crossway Books The Emotional Life of Our Lord
In The Emotional Life of Our Lord, theologian B. B. Warfield explores Christ’s complex human emotions—such as anger, grief, and love—to help readers learn more about their compassionate Savior.
Freshamedia Timmi Tobbson Young Explorers 3 Book Set
Wisdom Publications,U.S. Buddhahood Without Meditation: Volume 2: Volume 2
Flowerpot Press The Buddy Bench
Harlequin Bestselling Author Collection Shotgun Surrender & Stone Cold Texas Ranger
Liberty Fund Inc Socialism & War: Essays, Documents & Reviews
Waterbrook Press (A Division of Random House Inc) Rising to the Call of Leadership
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Connect 1-Semester Access Card for Microeconomics
MC - De Gruyter 17931843
Taylor & Francis Ltd MRCS Picture Questions: Bk. 1
This book is an in-depth and practical guide to the problems alcohol can cause and the professional interventions that can help. It covers the impact of alcohol on various types of individuals and in various circumstances. It explores a variety of perspectives as well as physical spiritual social and legal issues. The book outlines the range of problems shows how they can be identified and examines appropriate approaches from different professional groups. A group of renowned international contributors has written Alcohol Use in a clear style to ensure the book is accessible and easy to use. It makes full use of case studies charts and self-assessment tools and a to learn more section points the reader to advanced forms of study. It is an essential resource for professionals working in this area and those considering entering it. 'The need to disseminate findings and the challenge to provide clear and relevant resources has been successfully met by this book. It allows the impact of alcohol use at various points along the life span as well as a variety of treatment and therapeutic options. In addition multiple learning devices such as interactive exercises self-assessment tools and case studies enhance the engagement of the reader. The author's provide the reader with a variety of national perspetives address such diverse and important areas as transcultural workplace and community issues. Healthcare professionals everywhere should feel encouraged by this book and the promise it offers for informed and effective care.' Olga Maranjian Church in the Foreword
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook of Policy Design
This visionary Research Handbook presents the state of the art in research on policy design. By conceiving policy design both as a theoretical and a methodological framework, it provides scholars and practitioners with guidance on understanding policy problems and devising accurate solutions.Chapters discuss the major approaches to policy design as well as the challenges that confront policy designers and academics interested in improving this framework. More than 40 expert contributors operationalise the policy design framework around different models of causation, evaluation, instrumentation and intervention to explain and improve policy outcomes. This framework sheds new light on the nature of policy problems and the means to address these problems, while also explaining if and how a policy fits into the broader social and political environment. The Research Handbook considers not only the process of designing, and the roles that individuals and institutions play in the political process of revising and creating new policies, but also the outcome of the designing process: policy design as a plan for action.Providing a practical alternative to the conventional theories of the policy process like the policy cycle, this Research Handbook will be critical reading for scholars and students of public policy, political theory and public administration and management. It will also be beneficial for policy makers interested in improving the ways in which they formulate public policies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Comparative Policy Analysis
This timely Handbook offers a wide-ranging examination of contemporary comparative policy analysis (CPA), advancing the understanding of methodology in the study of comparative public policies, and broadening the array of methods and techniques deployed by scholars in the field. Internationally acclaimed contributors overcome the current concentration on quantitative techniques, engaging with a more conscious and comprehensive selection of methods to improve the quality of CPA. Providing an overview of the major theoretical issues currently under discussion in CPA and the methodological shift in social sciences, this Handbook argues for the utilization of a range of alternative approaches to maximize the utility of the research. Far-reaching and comprehensive, this Handbook offers an insightful overview of methods for researchers of CPA looking to broaden their methodological repertoire. It will also be useful for students of public policy and the social sciences in need of a guide to contemporary research methods and applications. Contributors include: C. Anckar, D. Beach, L. Chaqués-Bonafont, D. Dickson, K. Dowding, A.S. Dubé, W.N. Dunn, T. Erkkilä, G. Fontaine, I. Geva-May, F. Gilardi, A.D. Henry, D.C. Hoffman, K. Ingold, G. Jaramillo, P. John, M.D. Jones, A. Kay, P. Marier, A. Molenveld, J. Muhleisen, D. Nohrstedt, R. Pacheco-Vega, B.G. Peters, O. Porto de Oliveira, J. Schnepf, H.B. Seeberg, A. Smith-Walter, E. Thomann, J. Tosun, C.M. Weible, B. Wüest
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Comparative Policy Analysis
This timely Handbook offers a wide-ranging examination of contemporary comparative policy analysis (CPA), advancing the understanding of methodology in the study of comparative public policies, and broadening the array of methods and techniques deployed by scholars in the field. Internationally acclaimed contributors overcome the current concentration on quantitative techniques, engaging with a more conscious and comprehensive selection of methods to improve the quality of CPA. Providing an overview of the major theoretical issues currently under discussion in CPA and the methodological shift in social sciences, this Handbook argues for the utilization of a range of alternative approaches to maximize the utility of the research. Far-reaching and comprehensive, this Handbook offers an insightful overview of methods for researchers of CPA looking to broaden their methodological repertoire. It will also be useful for students of public policy and the social sciences in need of a guide to contemporary research methods and applications. Contributors include: C. Anckar, D. Beach, L. Chaqués-Bonafont, D. Dickson, K. Dowding, A.S. Dubé, W.N. Dunn, T. Erkkilä, G. Fontaine, I. Geva-May, F. Gilardi, A.D. Henry, D.C. Hoffman, K. Ingold, G. Jaramillo, P. John, M.D. Jones, A. Kay, P. Marier, A. Molenveld, J. Muhleisen, D. Nohrstedt, R. Pacheco-Vega, B.G. Peters, O. Porto de Oliveira, J. Schnepf, H.B. Seeberg, A. Smith-Walter, E. Thomann, J. Tosun, C.M. Weible, B. Wüest
Scholastic US Juggling (Klutz)
These are the world's most user-tested juggling directions, taking readers from the absolute beginning (Step One: The Drop) all the way to Five-Object Juggling. The instructions are friendly, humorous and so understandable they set a still-current industry standard for anyone-can-do-it clarity. This title includes re-styled juggling cubes and storage bags.
Shambhala Publications Inc The Seven-Point Mind Training: A Tibetan Method for Cultivating Mind and Heart
Human Kinetics Publishers Social Issues in Sport
This is the loose-leaf version of Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition, which offers students a less expensive, printed version of the text.Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition With HKPropel Access, introduces students to the study of sport as a social phenomenon. It explores current trends in sport and examines complex connections between sport and politics, economics, religion, race, gender, youth, and more. Author Ronald Woods draws on his experience of more than 40 years as a professor, coach, and sport administrator to explore modern sport from historical and cultural perspectives. New coauthor B. Nalani Butler offers a fresh perspective to the study of sport from an emerging generation of Black female scholars. She draws on her background as an athlete and professor, and leverages her international experience from working with the Center for Sport, Peace and Society and the International Olympic Academy (IOA). The text’s presentation style, full-color design, and ample learning tools are designed to keep students engaged.Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition, addresses the Common Professional Component topics outlined by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA). The text remains grounded in practical application and provides opportunities for students to examine real-world issues through the lens of social theory. The fourth edition also features the following enhancements: Online learning tools delivered through HKPropel: case studies on current events, video lectures, and essay and multiple-choice questions to support applied learning and encourage critical thinking Increased emphasis on emerging issues such as sport wagering, the use of social protest by athletes, sexual harassment of or by athletes, and sport safety Discussions on the rise in popularity of esports and on the exploding influence of social media on athletes, spectators, and fans Updated sidebars that address current topics such as the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on sport, offering a contemporary context to which students can apply the concepts in the text Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition, is streamlined into three parts, maintaining an accessible and student-friendly format that aligns with a 16-week semester. Part I sets the stage for studying sport from a sociological perspective by defining key terms and presenting crucial social theories. This section examines participation in sport, from spectators to performers, and explores sport economics through sport management, sport marketing, and sport media. Part II discusses sport institutions at all levels, from youth sport to Olympic competition. Part III is devoted to current issues and critically analyzes the effects of gender, race, economic status, religion, and government on sport. It also offers a detailed look at both ethics and deviance in sport.Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition, provides the foundations for critically examining the multifaceted roles of sport and physical activity in society. The information and activities offered by the text invite students to evaluate the sociocultural issues intertwined with sport and relate these themes to their own lives. Through this in-depth examination of sociocultural issues, students will be able to understand and appreciate the development of sport as a part and reflection of our society. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
Random House USA Inc Feral
Tuttle Publishing Indian Children's Favorite Stories: Fables, Myths and Fairy Tales
This colorfully illustrated multicultural children's book presents Indian fairy tales and other folk stories that the whole family will enjoy!Indian Children's Favorite Stories is a charming selection of eight Indian tales that provide an insight into traditional Indian culture. They make perfect new additions for story time or bedtime reading.Retold for an international audience, the beautifully illustrated stories will give children of all ages a glimpse into the fables and folklore of India, including tales of how Lord Krishna escapes the evil Kamsa's repeated attempts to kill him, and how the elephant keeper's daughter, Rani, humbles an unwise and unjust king by emptying his storehouses of rice.Featured Indian stories include: The Story of Rama, the ancient Indian tale of a prince's exile and return to his homeland Sukhu and Dukhu, two sisters—one kind, one selfish—and their different fates Munna and the Grain of Rice, how a good and clever girl saves her people from hunger And five more wonderful tales to delight story lovers everywhere. A glossary is also included, so that everyone can understand and appreciate the Indian words scattered throughout the stories.The Children's Favorite Stories series was created to share the folktales and legends most beloved by children in the East with young readers of all backgrounds in the West. Other multicultural children's books in this series include: Asian Children's Favorite Stories, Indonesian Children's Favorite Stories, Japanese Children's Favorite Stories, Singapore Children's Favorite Stories, Filipino Children's Favorite Stories, Favorite Children's Stories from China & Tibet, Chinese Children's Favorite Stories, Korean Children's Favorite Stories, Balinese Children's Favorite Stories, and Vietnamese Children's Favorite Stories.
Little, Brown & Company Swamp Scarefest!
Twins Aidan and Olivia live in a desolate house on the edge of a dirty, swampy lake. School is out for the summer and with no other kids around, the twins crave some excitement, so they convince their parents to let them camp out by the lakeshore one spooky night under a full moon. Aidan loves to scare his sister and has plenty of funny tricks up his sleeve to creep her out during the campout. But little does he know, Olivia has unwittingly unleashed a swamp monster, courtesy of the Scaremaster, and so the scares that happen during their camp out won't be pretend... and they won't be funny! Can Aidan and Olivia outrace and outsmart the monster and the Scaremaster?For fans of Goosebumps, Eerie Elementary, and the Haunted Library series, B.A. Frade brings frightfully funny tales to life in this thrilling new series.
Shree Publishers & Distributors Public Sector Reforms in India
Deep & Deep Publications Qualitative Education for Tribals: Agenda and Problems
Scientific Publishers Journals Dept Coactions and Competition in Higher Plants
Good & True Media Homer's The Odyssey: A Poetic Primer
Andrews UK Limited The Vigilante Tooth-Fairy
Paiboon Publishing,Thailand Lao for Beginners
Kath Univ Leuven Dep Oriental Redt Tyrus / Sauvons Tyr - Histoire Phenicienne / Fenicische Geschiedenis
In part I of the book equal attention is given to the history, philology, numismatics and archaeology of Tyre and its surroundings. In the contributions of part II, Near Eastern, Greek and Latin philology play an important role. Attention is paid also to the Phoenician settlements in Cyprus, especially to the A"Carthage de ChypreA", and to the problem of locating Byrsa in the great Carthage of North Africa.