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John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Functional Textiles and Polymers: Fabrication, Processing and Applications
This book on advanced functional textiles and polymers will offer a comprehensive view of cutting-edge research in newly discovered areas such as flame retardant textiles, antimicrobial textiles, insect repellent textiles, aroma textiles, medical-textiles, smart textiles, and nano-textiles etc. The second part the book provides innovative fabrication strategies, unique methodologies and overview of latest novel agents employed in the research and development of functional polymers.
University of California Press Collected Ancient Greek Novels
Prose fiction, although not always associated with classical antiquity, flourished in the early Roman Empire, not only in realistic Latin novels but also and indeed principally in the Greek ideal romance of love and adventure. Enormously popular in the Renaissance, these stories have been less familiar in later centuries. Translations of the Greek stories were not readily available in English before B.P. Reardon’s first appeared in 1989.Nine complete stories are included here as well as ten others, encompassing the whole range of classical themes: romance, travel, adventure, historical fiction, and comic parody. A foreword by J.R. Morgan examines the enormous impact this groundbreaking collection has had on our understanding of classical thought and our concept of the novel.
Oxford University Press A History of the County of Chester: Volume I: Physique, Prehistory, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Domesday
This volume deals with aspects of the very early history of Cheshire. Successive chapters on Physique, Prehistory, the Roman Period, Anglo-Saxon Cheshire, and the Cheshire Domesday (an introduction and a translation of thetext) provide an outline of events up to the late 11th century. The deposition and evolution of the rocks and soils of the county provided the physical framework for human activity and the raw materials for man's exploitation.A notable instance is the beds of salt which have been worked at least from the Roman period and have caused subsidence in modern times; another is the Mid-Cheshire Ridge which has been a feature as much of the history asof the landscape of the county, with the dramatic site of Beeston castle showing evidence of significant occupation in successive ages. From cairns, barrows, and hillforts to arrowheads and beads, the evi-dence of prehistoric activity is comprehensively surveyed. In the Roman period the legionary fortress at Chester dominates the scene, but systematic consideration is also given to the evidence of civil settlement at Chester and elsewhere, of com-munications, and of industry. For the Anglo-Saxon period, archaeological, documentary, and place-name evidence is brought together to show the origins, associations, and organization of early English society in the county. That chapter leads naturally into the discussion of what can be learned from the Cheshire Domesday, which is evaluated within a wider context to which it brings new insights. Gazetteers supplement the discussion of archaeological sites andfinds, and an abundance of line drawings illustrates the text.
Insight Editions Endless Summer, Vol. 1: Dead Man's Curve
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Contemporary Surgical Management of Fractures and Complications: Volume 3 - Pediatrics
Contemporary Surgical Management of Fractures and Complications, Volume Three provides orthopaedic surgeons with the most up to date information on the treatment of paediatric fractures and avoidance of complications. Each of the twelve chapters presents a specific type of paediatric fracture, guiding surgeons step by step through the history, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, complications and their management. A complete chapter is dedicated to paediatric spine trauma and the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate management. Authored by internationally recognised experts from Pennsylvania, this comprehensive guide includes numerous clinical photographs, illustrations and tables. Volumes one and two, authored by Asif Ilyas and Saqib Rahman, also from Pennsylvania, published in March 2013. Key points Provides orthopaedic surgeons with most recent information on treatment of paediatric fractures Complete chapter dedicated to paediatric spine trauma Internationally recognised Pennsylvania-based authors Volumes one and two published in March 2013
IVP Academic Freeing Congregational Mission – A Practical Vision for Companionship, Cultural Humility, and Co–Development
Crossway Books The Emotional Life of Our Lord
In The Emotional Life of Our Lord, theologian B. B. Warfield explores Christ’s complex human emotions—such as anger, grief, and love—to help readers learn more about their compassionate Savior.
Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi Uitgevers/Publishers) OASE 104
Peeters Publishers Pictograms or Pseudo Script?: Non-textual Identity Marks in Practical Use in Ancient Egypt and Elsewhere. Proceedings of a Conference in Leiden, 19-20 December 2006
Marking systems such as masons' marks, property marks, pot marks, quarry marks and team marks confront us with the large variation in the use of graphic signs. They are often similar to writing, yet they are not script in the strictest sense of the word. The practical purposes of marks include claims to property and responsibilities, both individual and collective, for which also regular scripts are used. The marking systems are seen to operate in combination with writing, but frequently also in isolation. In societies that use writing, the marks appear to be strongly influenced by it: their shapes are often identical and they may be similarly arranged in lines or columns. In this sense the marking systems may be called a pseudo script, for in spite of their resemblance to writing, the signs remain mere pictograms. This volume brings together for the first time the results of research on practical marking systems in ancient Egypt and other cultures, making it possible to define the common characteristics of their appearance and their uses. It is the result of a conference hosted by the Egyptology Department at Leiden University in 2006. The great geographical and chronological range covered by the volume, the sign corpora added to many of the contributions, and the indices also make it the first important reference work on this intriguing topic.
Peeters Publishers Bilinguisme Et Terminologie Grammaticale Greco-latine
Les 21 contributions dans ce volume traitent de problemes historiques, philologiques, methodologiques (et epistemologiques) dans l'etude de la relation entre bilinguisme (ou diglossie) et terminologie grammaticale, dans l'Antiquite, au Moyen Age et a la Renaissance. La discussion de problemes methodologiques, dans les sept premieres contributions, a trait a la constitution, au developpement, a la transformation (et deformation) de la terminologie grammaticale, ou a des phenomenes de transfert terminologique. Les huit etudes qui suivent examinent le fonctionnement de la terminologie grammaticale en contexte bilingue, et l'evolution de la terminologie greco-latine de la phonetique et de la prosodie. Ensuite, trois contributions ont pour sujet la conception de l'analogie et de la proportion(nalite) dans les traditions grecque et latine. Les trois derniers articles etudient la reception et l'adaptation de la terminologie grammaticale greco-latine au Moyen Age et a la Renaissance. Le volume se termine par trois index (noms propres, termes grecs et latins, concepts). - Les contributions sont en francais, anglais, espagnol et italien. The 21 contributions in this volume deal with historical, philological, and methodological issues in the relationship between bilingualism (or diglossia) and grammatical terminology in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Seven papers deal with philological and methodological topics linked with the constitution, development, transformation and disfigurement of grammatical terminology, and with phenomena of terminological transfer and remodelling. The eight case-studies that follow deal with the functioning of grammatical terminology in a bilingual context, and with the evolution of Greco-Latin terminology concerning phonetics and prosody. Three other papers deal with the reception and adaptation of Greek and Latin grammatical terminology in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The volume is rounded off with indices of names, of Greek and Latin terms, and of concepts. - Contributions are in English, French, Italian, and Spanish.
Brepols N.V. Ludwig Senfl (C.1490-1543): A Catalogue Raisonne of the Works and Sources: Vol. 1: Catalogue of the Works
Springer Verlag, Singapore Bio-Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials: Mechanical, Thermal and Tribological Properties
This book provides an overview on the latest technology and applications of bio-based fiber composite materials. It covers the mechanical and thermal properties of bio-fibers for polymeric resins and explains the different pre-treatment methods used by the researchers for the enhancement. In addition, this book also presents a complete analysis on the tribological behavior of bio-fiber reinforced polymer composites to appreciate the friction and wear behavior. This book would be a handy to the industrial practitioners and researchers in the direction of achieving optimum design for the components made of natural fiber based polymer matrix composites.
CABI Publishing Biological Indicators of Soil Health
Maintaining soil health is fundamental to successful crop production and ecosystem sustainability. To enable effective management soil health must first be measured and then monitored and so the authors review and evaluate how soil organisms can be used to fulfil this role. This book is essential for all soil scientists and consultants. It is of particular relevance to those involved in soil health monitoring and maintenance as well as those undertaking soil remediation. It is also important reading for agronomists, ecologists and environmentalists. This book is a comprehensive and effective resource for all those working to sustain healthy soils.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Immunoassays: Essential Data
This handy, pocket-sized guide provides quick and easy access to key information on immunoassays, saving readers valuable time. Coverage includes an explanation of terms, classification of assay types, separation techniques, radiolabelled immunoassays, enzyme, fluorescent and chemiluminescent systems, agglutination methods, immunosenors and equipment.
Samfundslitteratur Human-Machine Interaction in Translation: Proceedings of the 8th International NLPCS Workshop
Harvard Business Review Press The Experience Economy, With a New Preface by the Authors: Competing for Customer Time, Attention, and Money
Time is limited. Attention is scarce. Are you engaging your customers?Apple Stores, Disney, LEGO, Starbucks. Do these names conjure up images of mere goods and services, or do they evoke something more--something visceral?Welcome to the Experience Economy, where businesses must form unique connections in order to secure their customers' affections--and ensure their own economic vitality.This seminal book on experience innovation by Joe Pine and Jim Gilmore explores how savvy companies excel by offering compelling experiences for their customers, resulting not only in increased customer allegiance but also in a more profitable bottom line. Translated into thirteen languages, The Experience Economy has become a must-read for leaders of enterprises large and small, for-profit and nonprofit, global and local.Now with a brand-new preface, Pine and Gilmore make an even stronger case for experiences as the critical link between a company and its customers in an increasingly distractible and time-starved world. Filled with detailed examples and actionable advice, The Experience Economy helps companies create personal, dramatic, and even transformative experiences, offering the script from which managers can generate value in ways aligned with a strong customer-centric strategy.
Peeters Publishers Two Cardinals: John Henry Newman, Desire Joseph Mercier
Peeters Publishers Le Desert. Image Et Realite: Actes Du Colloque De Cartigny 1983
Peeters Publishers Studien Zu Einleitungsfragen Und Zur Theologie Und Exegese Des Neuen Testaments: Gesammelte Aufsatze Von Peter Dschulnigg
Peter Dschulnigg ' Ordinarius fur Neues Testament an der Ruhr-Universitat Bochum vom SoSe 1991 bis zum SoSe 2008 ' interpretiert das Neue Testament weitgehend als judenchristliche Schrift, die nur vor dem Hintergrund der breiten alttestamentlich-fruhjudischen Uberlieferung angemessen zu verstehen ist. Methodisch sind die Beitrage dieses Bandes von einem 'diachron geerdeten', vorrangig synchronen Ansatz gepragt. Zentrale Themen der neutestamentlichen Einleitungswissenschaft sowie eine breite Vielfalt an exegetisch-theologischen Themen der Theologie werden in diesem Band vorgestellt. Neben den grossen Theologumena vom Leiden, Sterben und Auferstehen Jesu geraten dabei insbesondere die Fragen nach Armut und Reichtum im Neuen Testament und im Leben der (fruhen) Kirche, nach den Bedingungen der Nachfolge sowie der Rolle von Frauen als Jungerinnen Jesu in den Fokus. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt ist die Behandlung des Markusevangeliums, der Gleichnis-, sowie der Johannesforschung.
Editorial Kairos El Árbol del Yoga
Les Belles Lettres Vitruve, de l'Architecture: Livre VII
Henry Holt & Company Inc Tortillitas Para Mama and Other Nursery Rhymes
Springer Verlag, Singapore Emerging Frontiers in Operations and Supply Chain Management: Theory and Applications
This edited book addresses the challenges in managing the operations and supply chain of organizations in the era of internet of things and Industry 4.0. It presents cutting edge research on real world operations related problems, in-depth analyses, and relevant managerial implications. Wide variety of solution approaches such as quantitative, quantitative, and simulations are presented in the context of managing the operations and supply chains. Consisting of selected papers from the XXIII Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management, this volume is part of a two volume series with the other book consisting of chapters on quantitative decision making. This edited book covers various quantitative models on operations and supply chain management such as inventory optimization, machine learning-operations research integrated model for healthcare systems, game-theoretic analysis of review strategies in truthful information sharing, design of contracts in supply chains, supply chain optimization, inventory routing, and shop floor scheduling. In addition to the quantitative models, several innovative heuristics are proposed for different problems. This book explores qualitative models on improving the performance of small and medium enterprises and petroleum industries and a simulation model for staff allocation in the information technology industry. Finally, this book provides review articles on vaccine supply chains and behavioral operations management.The book throws light on the emerging trends in the use of analytics, optimization, and simulation tools and empirical analysis to improve the performance of operations and supply chains of organizations. It will serve as an essential resource for practitioners, students, faculty members and scholars in operations management and related areas to gain knowledge and pursue high quality research on developments in areas such as managing the resource management and the solution methodology---innovative tools employed in addressing the real world problems and the different optimization techniques.
Steinkopff Darmstadt Physiotherapeutisches Rezeptierbuch: Vorschläge für physiotherapeutische Verordnungen
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Spine and Joint Articulation for Manual Therapists
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public Policy Instruments: Evaluating the Tools of Public Administration
This important book provides a state of the art of the study of policy instruments, combining insights taken from European and American experiences, to present a detailed exposition of the nature and use of policy instruments.The book first analyses the background of the instrumental approach and outlines its development in the field of public adminstration. It also includes an exposition of four alternative schools of thought about policy instruments, namely, the instrumentalist, proceduralist, contingentist and constitutivist schools. The criteria for choosing instruments are discussed as is the effectiveness of regulatory, financial and communicative instruments. This volume also addresses the recent efforts by governments to restrict intervention in the market. The final section provides a reassessment of the instruments literature and looks at the questions that will continue to face this perspective on public policy.This book will be of great use to academics and students of public policy and political science as well as policymakers.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows
Providing a comprehensive grounding in the subject of turbulence, Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows develops both the physical insight and the mathematical framework needed to understand turbulent flow. Its scope enables the reader to become a knowledgeable user of turbulence models; it develops analytical tools for developers of predictive tools. Thoroughly revised and updated, this second edition includes a new fourth section covering DNS (direct numerical simulation), LES (large eddy simulation), DES (detached eddy simulation) and numerical aspects of eddy resolving simulation. In addition to its role as a guide for students, Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows also is a valuable reference for practicing engineers and scientists in computational and experimental fluid dynamics, who would like to broaden their understanding of fundamental issues in turbulence and how they relate to turbulence model implementation. Provides an excellent foundation to the fundamental theoretical concepts in turbulence. Features new and heavily revised material, including an entire new section on eddy resolving simulation. Includes new material on modeling laminar to turbulent transition. Written for students and practitioners in aeronautical and mechanical engineering, applied mathematics and the physical sciences. Accompanied by a website housing solutions to the problems within the book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Immunology at a Glance
Immunology at a Glance provides a user-friendly overview of the body’s defence mechanisms. Ideal from day one of a medical, biomedical or life science course, the text begins with a basic overview of both adaptive and innate immunity, before progressing to applied immunological concepts, which look at what happens when things go wrong, and how, in clinical medicine, each body system can be affected by immunity. Each double-page spread corresponds to a typical lecture and diagrammatically summarises core concepts in immunology, through accessible schematic diagrams on left-hand pages, with key points concisely summarised on the right-hand page. There are also self-assessment essay questions so you can test your knowledge. New for this 10th edition: Thoroughly updated and reorganised chapters offer greater clarity and easier understanding for those new to the subject New chapters on cytokine receptors and ‘Immunology in the Laboratory’ A completely re-written section on autoimmunity A brand new companion website featuring self-assessment questions and PowerPoint slides of images from the book, ideal for teaching and revision at Immunology at a Glance is the ideal companion for anyone about to start a new course in immunology and will appeal to medical and biomedical science students. Perfect for exam preparation, it provides the concepts and frameworks you need to succeed in your exam.
Harvard Business Review Press Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want
Contrived. Disingenuous. Phony. Inauthentic. Do your customers use any of these words to describe what you sell--or how you sell it? If so, welcome to the club. Inundated by fakes and sophisticated counterfeits, people increasingly see the world in terms of real or fake. They would rather buy something real from someone genuine rather than something fake from some phony. When deciding to buy, consumers judge an offering's (and a company's) authenticity as much as--if not more than--price, quality, and availability. In Authenticity, James H. Gilmore and B. Joseph Pine II argue that to trounce rivals companies must grasp, manage, and excel at rendering authenticity. Through examples from a wide array of industries as well as government, nonprofit, education, and religious sectors, the authors show how to manage customers' perception of authenticity by: recognizing how businesses "fake it;" appealing to the five different genres of authenticity; charting how to be "true to self" and what you say you are; and crafting and implementing business strategies for rendering authenticity. The first to explore what authenticity really means for businesses and how companies can approach it both thoughtfully and thoroughly, this book is a must-read for any organization seeking to fulfill consumers' intensifying demand for the real deal.
John Libbey Eurotext Reflex Epilepsies: Progress in Understanding
Animal Media Group LLC B. Wurtz: Pan Paintings
The University Press of Kentucky Woody Plants of Kentucky and Tennessee: The Complete Winter Guide to Their Identification and Use
For centuries people have used trees, shrubs, and woody vines for food, clothing, ritual, construction, scientific study, and more. However, these important plants are easy to overlook during the winter months, when the absence of leaves, fruit, and other distinguishing characteristics makes them difficult to recognize.This comprehensive volume is the essential guide to woody plants in Kentucky, Tennessee, and surrounding states during the winter season. Featuring color images of more than four hundred species, this detailed botanical resource provides keys to the genera and species, as well as descriptions of the genera. The species accounts include useful information on Latin meanings, common names, habitats and distributions, and notes on toxicity, nativity, rarity, and wetland status. In addition, authors Ronald L. Jones and B. Eugene Wofford provide notes on practical uses for the plants, including food, medicine, fiber, and weapons.Winter identification of woody plants can be a daunting exercise, but Jones and Wofford present clear and authoritative information that can help anyone spot these species in the wild. Whether taken into the field or enjoyed at home, Woody Plants of Kentucky and Tennessee: The Complete Winter Guide to Their Identification and Use is a comprehensive and accessible resource for professional and amateur botanists, students, commercial landscapers, homeowners, and outdoor enthusiasts.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The State at Work, Volume 2: Comparative Public Service Systems
Representing the most extensive research on public employment, these two volumes explore the radical changes that have taken place in the configuration of national public services due to a general expansion of public employment that was followed by stagnation and decreases. Part-time employment and the involvement of women also increased as a component of the public sector and were linked to the most important growth areas such as the educational, health care and personal social services sectors. The two volumes that make up this study shed important insight on these changes.Volume 1 offers a unique internationally comparative multi-dimensional analysis of ten public service systems belonging to different families of major advanced western countries. It contains the most comprehensive and comparable quantitative analyses available anywhere of ten public service systems; Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the US, Germany, Spain, France, Denmark and Sweden.Volume 2 is a comprehensive analysis of the ten public service systems, with in-depth comparisons of the systems along eight dimensions including central-regional-local government employment proportions and the change of the services since the 1950s with respect to social composition (gender, minorities, elites, career groups).Scholars and professionals in the fields of public administration, politics and economics will find this two-volume compendium informative and practical.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The State at Work, Volume 1: Public Sector Employment in Ten Western Countries
Representing the most extensive research on public employment, these two volumes explore the radical changes that have taken place in the configuration of national public services due to a general expansion of public employment that was followed by stagnation and decreases. Part-time employment and the involvement of women also increased as a component of the public sector and were linked to the most important growth areas such as the educational, health care and personal social services sectors. The two volumes that make up this study shed important insight on these changes.Volume 1 offers a unique internationally comparative multi-dimensional analysis of ten public service systems belonging to different families of major advanced western countries. It contains the most comprehensive and comparable quantitative analyses available anywhere of ten public service systems; Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the US, Germany, Spain, France, Denmark and Sweden.Volume 2 is a comprehensive analysis of the ten public service systems, with in-depth comparisons of the systems along eight dimensions including central-regional-local government employment proportions and the change of the services since the 1950s with respect to social composition (gender, minorities, elites, career groups).Scholars and professionals in the fields of public administration, politics and economics will find this two-volume compendium informative and practical.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Climate Change Adaptation Policy
This topical and engaging Research Handbook illustrates the variety of research approaches in the field of climate change adaptation policy in order to provide a guide to its social and institutional complexity. A range of international expert contributors offer interdisciplinary explorations of climate change adaptation policy from policy sciences, legal, and practitioner perspectives. Using examples from a variety of sectors including water, health and land use, and multiple levels of governance and country contexts, from international to local, and developing to developed countries, the chapters examine a wealth of theoretical orientations towards climate change adaptation policy and their underpinnings. In doing so, this Research Handbook provides an understanding of the complexity of the institutions, decision-makers and assumptions that are involved in adaptation research as well as adaptation policy development and implementation. This Research Handbook will be an indispensable resource for both researchers and practitioners in climate change adaptation with an interest in the research methods and policies that support and advance it. Undergraduate and postgraduate students of environmental studies, public policy and politics will also find this book provides a valuable foundation for building a deeper knowledge of adaptation science and policy.Contributors include: A. Atteridge, J. Bergh, R. Biesbroek, K.J. Bowen, D. Burton, S.N. Chau, C. Clar, S. Connor, G. Cundill, A. Dertinger, K.L. Ebi, S. Fritzen, K. Grecksch, F. Groundstroem, B. Harvey, M. Howlett, D. Javeline, S. Juhola, A. Jurgilevich, R.J. Keenan, E.C.H. Keskitalo, J. Klein, J. Lawrence, E. Lisa, J. McDonald, I. Mukherjee, M. Mullan, J. Munck, L.O. Naess, J. Nalau, H. Nelson, I. Noble, T. O'Donnell, A. Oels, M. Parsons, Å. Persson, B.L. Preston, M. Purdon, M. Rahman, A. Räsänen, D. Russel, F. Schipper, T.F. Smith, C.A. Sova, R. Steurer, R. Swart, P. Thornton, M. Twena, A. Wellstead, J. Wenta
Bristol University Press Disproportionate Minority Contact and Racism in the US: How We Failed Children of Color
Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) refers to the proportional overrepresentation of minority youth at each step of the juvenile justice system. This book addresses the issue of color-blind racism through an examination of the circular logic used by the juvenile justice system to criminalize non-White youth. Drawing on original data, including interviews with court and probation officers and juvenile self-reports, the authors call for a need to understand racial and ethnic inequality in the juvenile justice system from a structural perspective rather than simply at the level of individual bias. This unique research will contribute to larger discussions on how race operates in the United States.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Age of Experiences: Harnessing Happiness to Build a New Economy
In The Age of Experiences, Benjamin Kline Hunnicutt examines how the advance of happiness science is impacting the economy, making possible new experience-products that really make people happy and help forward-looking businesses expand and develop new technologies. In today’s marketplace there is less interest in goods and services and more interest in buying and selling personal improvements and experiences. Hunnicutt traces how this historical shift in consumption to the “softer” technologies of happiness represents not only a change in the modern understanding of progress, but also a practical, economic transformation, profoundly shaping our work and the ordering of our life goals. Based on incisive historical research, Hunnicutt demonstrates that we have begun to turn from material wealth to focus on the enrichment of our personal and social lives. The Age of Experiences shows how industry, technology, and the general public are just beginning to realize the potential of the new economy. Exploring the broader implications of this historical shift, Hunnicutt concludes that the new demand for experiences will result in the reduction of work time, the growth of jobs, and the regeneration of virtue—altogether an increasingly healthy public life.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Textile Engineering Materials
A groundbreaking book on the recent advances in chemical finishing, innovative fabrication strategies frequently adopted for the mechanical finishing of textiles, as well as the environmental issues in textile sectors Advanced materials are undoubtedly becoming very popular as substitutes for traditional materials in the textile engineering field. Advanced textile engineering materials are giving way to innovative textile materials with novel functions and are widely perceived as offering huge potential in a wide range of applications such as healthcare, defense, personal protective equipment, textile antennas, garments for motion capture, and sensors, etc. Advanced Engineering Textile Materials contains 13 chapters written by high profile contributors with many years of experience in textile technology, and cover fundamental and advanced approaches associated with the design and development of textile implants, conductive textiles, 3D textiles, smart-stimuli textiles, antiballistic textiles and fabric structures designed for a medical application intrabody/extra-body, implantable/non-implantable) and various modification and processing techniques.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanomaterials in the Wet Processing of Textiles
Nanotechnology has attracted attention of textile and polymer scientists and has been playing extraordinary role over the past few decades in the functional finishing of different textile materials. Nanoparticles due to their diverse functions have not only imparted flame retardant, UV-blocking, water repellent, self-cleaning, and antimicrobial properties to the textiles, but also have greater affinity for fabrics leading to an increase in durability of the functions. This book emphasizes recent approaches and strategies that are currently at operation to functionalize both natural and synthetic textile materials using diverse nanoparticles and their composites with polymers. The book concludes by paying attention towards removal of toxic chemicals using state-of-the-art nano-adsorbents. Main Topics 1. Textile dyeing using metallic nanoparticles2. Metal oxide nanoparticles for multifunctional finishing 3. New approaches to produce UV protective textiles4. Polymeric nanocomposites for antimicrobial finishing 5. Self-cleaning of textiles using advanced nanoparticles6. Silver nanoparticles in dyeing and finishing applications7. Zinc Oxide – prospects in textile industry8. Titanium dioxide: Next generation photo-catalysts9. Textile effluent using chitosan nanocomposites 10. Recent advances in remediation of textile effluents using nano-catalysts
University of Nebraska Press Chip of the Flying U
B. M. (Bertha Muzzy) Bower was the first woman to make a career of writing popular westerns. And what a career it was—more than sixty novels published from 1904 to 1940, the year of her death, and still more posthumously. In the western orbit, Bower was—and still is—a star. Her first, Chip of the Flying U, lays out a ranch in Montana and introduces the Happy Family, the bunkhouse gang that reappears in her later books. Chip is the typical woman-shy cowboy, but he is also a gifted artist (reputedly, Bower based the character on Charles M. Russell, who illustrated Chip). Della, a doctor, is the young woman who disrupts his solitary life. The result as a quality ranch romance. Chip of the Flying U was a great success that led to several movie versions, one of them casting Hoot Gibson as Chip. Today’s readers who grew up watching westerns on television will appreciate Bower’s cinematic style. After living much of her life in Chouteau County, Montana, she moved to Los Angeles, close to the movie industry that increasingly fascinated her.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Performance in Planning and Scheduling
Understanding how to make the best of human skills and knowledge is essential in the design of technology and jobs, particularly where these involve decision-making and uncertainty. Recent developments have been made in naturalistic decision-making, distributed cognition and situational awareness, particularly with respect to aviation, transport and strategic planning, the nuclear industry and other high-risk industries.Despite the integration of computer-based support systems in production scheduling in recent years, the reality is that most enterprises consist of reactive re-scheduling, involving a high degree of human involvement. It is often with the insight, knowledge and skills of people that scheduling skills can function with any degree of success.Human Performance in Planning and Scheduling covers many industries, including clothing, steel, machine tools, paper/board, and the automobile industry. Using international case studies from various manufacturing industries, they highlight the fact that the human scheduler is a pivotal element in the scheduling process. Each section of the book includes an introduction with an overview of the material to follow, clearly identifying themes, discussion points and highlights inter-connections between the authors' work.
Princeton University Press 40 Years of Evolution: Darwin's Finches on Daphne Major Island
Renowned evolutionary biologists Peter and Rosemary Grant have produced landmark studies of the Galapagos finches first made famous by Charles Darwin. In How and Why Species Multiply, they offered a complete evolutionary history of Darwin's finches since their origin almost three million years ago. Now, in their richly illustrated new book, 40 Years of Evolution, the authors turn their attention to events taking place on a contemporary scale. By continuously tracking finch populations over a period of four decades, they uncover the causes and consequences of significant events leading to evolutionary changes in species. The authors used a vast and unparalleled range of ecological, behavioral, and genetic data--including song recordings, DNA analyses, and feeding and breeding behavior--to measure changes in finch populations on the small island of Daphne Major in the Galapagos archipelago. They find that natural selection happens repeatedly, that finches hybridize and exchange genes rarely, and that they compete for scarce food in times of drought, with the remarkable result that the finch populations today differ significantly in average beak size and shape from those of forty years ago. The authors' most spectacular discovery is the initiation and establishment of a new lineage that now behaves as a new species, differing from others in size, song, and other characteristics. The authors emphasize the immeasurable value of continuous long-term studies of natural populations and of critical opportunities for detecting and understanding rare but significant events. By following the fates of finches for several generations, 40 Years of Evolution offers unparalleled insights into ecological and evolutionary changes in natural environments.
Princeton University Press In Search of the Causes of Evolution: From Field Observations to Mechanisms
Evolutionary biology has witnessed breathtaking advances in recent years. Some of its most exciting insights have come from the crossover of disciplines as varied as paleontology, molecular biology, ecology, and genetics. This book brings together many of today's pioneers in evolutionary biology to describe the latest advances and explain why a cross-disciplinary and integrated approach to research questions is so essential. Contributors discuss the origins of biological diversity, mechanisms of evolutionary change at the molecular and developmental levels, morphology and behavior, and the ecology of adaptive radiations and speciation. They highlight the mutual dependence of organisms and their environments, and reveal the different strategies today's researchers are using in the field and laboratory to explore this interdependence. Peter and Rosemary Grant--renowned for their influential work on Darwin's finches in the Galapagos--provide concise introductions to each section and identify the key questions future research needs to address. In addition to the editors, the contributors are Myra Awodey, Christopher N. Balakrishnan, Rowan D. H. Barrett, May R. Berenbaum, Paul M. Brakefield, Philip J. Currie, Scott V. Edwards, Douglas J. Emlen, Joshua B. Gross, Hopi E. Hoekstra, Richard Hudson, David Jablonski, David T. Johnston, Mathieu Joron, David Kingsley, Andrew H. Knoll, Mimi A. R. Koehl, June Y. Lee, Jonathan B. Losos, Isabel Santos Magalhaes, Albert B. Phillimore, Trevor Price, Dolph Schluter, Ole Seehausen, Clifford J. Tabin, John N. Thompson, and David B. Wake.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Finite Element Method in the Static and Dynamic Deformation and Consolidation of Porous Media
The Finite Element Method in the Static and Dynamic Deformation and Consolidation of Porous Media Second Edition Roland W. Lewis, University of Wales Swansea, UK Bernard A. Schrefler, University of Padua, Italy Following the highly successful first edition, this text deals with numerical solutions of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical problems in porous media. Governing equations are newly derived in a general form using both averaging methods (hybrid mixture theory) and an engineering approach. Unique new features of the book include numerical solutions for fully and partially saturated consolidation, subsidence analysis including far field boundary conditions (Infinite Elements), new case studies and also petroleum reservoir simulation. Extended heat and mass transfer in partially saturated porous media, and consideration of phase change, are covered in detail. In addition, large strain, fully and partially saturated, soil dynamics problems are explained. Back analysis for consolidation problems is also included. Significantly, the reader is provided with access to a Finite Element code for coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical problems in partially saturated porous media with full two phase flow and phase change, written according to the theory outlined in the book and obtainable via the Network of the Italian Research Council (COMES). With a range of engineering applications from geotechnical and petroleum engineering through to bioengineering and materials science, this book represents an important resource for students, researchers and practising engineers in all these and related fields.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers IUI Intrauterine Insemination
This book is a step by step guide to intrauterine insemination (IUI). Divided into seven sections, the first provides an overview of IUI and general aspects of preparation for the procedure. The following sections discuss andrology, ovulation, IUI in special circumstances, for example with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV); procedures and results. The final chapter examines future challenges for IUI. With more than 100 images and illustrations, this book is a practical, step by step guide for practising gynaecologists, as well as postgraduate students.