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Laxmi Publications Manufacturing Technology - I
John Libbey Eurotext Diode Lasers in Neurosurgery
Shambhala Publications Inc Dreaming Yourself Awake: Lucid Dreaming and Tibetan Dream Yoga for Insight and Transformation
Human Kinetics Publishers Social Issues in Sport
This is the loose-leaf version of Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition, which offers students a less expensive, printed version of the text.Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition With HKPropel Access, introduces students to the study of sport as a social phenomenon. It explores current trends in sport and examines complex connections between sport and politics, economics, religion, race, gender, youth, and more. Author Ronald Woods draws on his experience of more than 40 years as a professor, coach, and sport administrator to explore modern sport from historical and cultural perspectives. New coauthor B. Nalani Butler offers a fresh perspective to the study of sport from an emerging generation of Black female scholars. She draws on her background as an athlete and professor, and leverages her international experience from working with the Center for Sport, Peace and Society and the International Olympic Academy (IOA). The text’s presentation style, full-color design, and ample learning tools are designed to keep students engaged.Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition, addresses the Common Professional Component topics outlined by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA). The text remains grounded in practical application and provides opportunities for students to examine real-world issues through the lens of social theory. The fourth edition also features the following enhancements: Online learning tools delivered through HKPropel: case studies on current events, video lectures, and essay and multiple-choice questions to support applied learning and encourage critical thinking Increased emphasis on emerging issues such as sport wagering, the use of social protest by athletes, sexual harassment of or by athletes, and sport safety Discussions on the rise in popularity of esports and on the exploding influence of social media on athletes, spectators, and fans Updated sidebars that address current topics such as the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on sport, offering a contemporary context to which students can apply the concepts in the text Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition, is streamlined into three parts, maintaining an accessible and student-friendly format that aligns with a 16-week semester. Part I sets the stage for studying sport from a sociological perspective by defining key terms and presenting crucial social theories. This section examines participation in sport, from spectators to performers, and explores sport economics through sport management, sport marketing, and sport media. Part II discusses sport institutions at all levels, from youth sport to Olympic competition. Part III is devoted to current issues and critically analyzes the effects of gender, race, economic status, religion, and government on sport. It also offers a detailed look at both ethics and deviance in sport.Social Issues in Sport, Fourth Edition, provides the foundations for critically examining the multifaceted roles of sport and physical activity in society. The information and activities offered by the text invite students to evaluate the sociocultural issues intertwined with sport and relate these themes to their own lives. Through this in-depth examination of sociocultural issues, students will be able to understand and appreciate the development of sport as a part and reflection of our society. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
Columbia University Press Contemplative Science: Where Buddhism and Neuroscience Converge
Science has long treated religion as a set of personal beliefs that have little to do with a rational understanding of the mind and the universe. However, B. Alan Wallace, a respected Buddhist scholar, proposes that the contemplative methodologies of Buddhism and of Western science are capable of being integrated into a single discipline: contemplative science. The science of consciousness introduces first-person methods of investigating the mind through Buddhist contemplative techniques, such as samatha, an organized, detailed system of training the attention. Just as scientists make observations and conduct experiments with the aid of technology, contemplatives have long tested their own theories with the help of highly developed meditative skills of observation and experimentation. Contemplative science allows for a deeper knowledge of mental phenomena, including a wide range of states of consciousness, and its emphasis on strict mental discipline counteracts the effects of conative (intention and desire), attentional, cognitive, and affective imbalances. Just as behaviorism, psychology, and neuroscience have all shed light on the cognitive processes that enable us to survive and flourish, contemplative science offers a groundbreaking perspective for expanding our capacity to realize genuine well-being. It also forges a link between the material world and the realm of the subconscious that transcends the traditional science-based understanding of the self.
Sage Publications Ltd The Next Public Administration: Debates and Dilemmas
Written by two of the leading scholars in the field, this book explores public administration in the past, present and future, critically reviewing the modernization of public management reform. It reasserts public administration as an integral component of democratic governance and fostering a state-citizen relationship. Wide-ranging in scope, The Next Public Administration: Extends basic public administration to consider issues associated with management, governance and democracy Covers core public administration concepts and their evolution through time Draws on an international spread of examples, bringing theoretical discussions to life Includes lists of further reading Essential reading for students of public management and public administration.
Peeters Publishers Luristan Excavation Documents Vol. VIII: Early Bronze Age Graveyards to the West of the Kabir Kuh (Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan)
This volume is the final report on the 1965-1979 excavations by Ghent University and the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, in sub-region I, the most western part of Pusht-i Kuh in Luristan (W-Iran), which is the closest to Mesopotamia. The volume is divided into two parts. The first part discusses tombs at nine sites from the Early Bronze Age I to III period (early and middle third millennium B.C.). Most of these were collective tombs; some of them were even re-used in later periods. Two Sasanian interments with exceptional burial goods are also documented. The second part of the book deals with tombs from the late third and the early second millennium (Early Bronze Age IV), or the so called 'Gutian'-tombs. These small individual tombs were documented at six sites. Usually they have three walls only, but occasional reuse of earlier tombs was attested as well. Burial goods include plain and painted pottery, metal weapons and utensils, seals and personal ornaments, some of it of Mesopotamian origin or at least related to it. All the finds are illustrated in line drawings, with the tombs and most objects also in photographs. Metal analyses of objects were performed and the results are included in the volume.
Peeters Publishers (In)site Sagalassos
(In)site Sagalassos is het eerste fotoboek dat verschijnt over de archeologische site van Sagalassos. Al 18 jaar onderzoekt een interdisciplinair-archeologisch team van de KULeuven onder leiding van Prof. Marc Waelkens de antieke stad in zuidwest Turkije. Sinds 2003 fotgraferen Bruno Vandermeulen en Danny Veys de vondsten en structuren van de stad. Als fotografen bekijken zij de site met andere ogen dan de archeoloog. Dit boek is een fotografische impressie van de opgraving met haar monumenten en wijken. Zij toont de stad op een andere, verrassende manier. Door de combinatie van grote en kleine foto's, details en overzichten, architectuur en landschap wordt dit boek tot een boeiend geheel verweven. Het fotoboek wordt ingeleid door Marc Waelkens en bevat een historisch overzicht van de opgraving en de site. Meer informatie is beschikbaar op de website
Peeters Publishers Metalangage Et Terminologie Linguistique: Actes Du Colloque De Grenoble (Universite Stendhal-Grenoble III, 14-16 Mai 1998)
This volume contains the proceedings of an international conference held in 1998 ("Metalangage et terminologie linguistique", Universite Stendhal - Grenoble III, 14-16 May 1998). The first section contains 18 contributions dealing with foundational issues in linguistic terminology (its status, its constitution, the relationship between metalanguage and terminology, the adequacy of linguistic terminology, etc.). The second section, devoted to the history of linguistic terminology, contains 18 papers dealing with particular stages in the history of linguistic terminology in the West, and 8 papers on the history of linguistic terminology in non-Western traditions (Mesapotamia, Caucasia, Arab tradition, Jewish tradition, Japan). The third section is devoted to applicational fields of linguistic terminology. Its first subsection contains 10 papers on linguistic terminology and language teaching, whereas the second subsection contains 8 papers on specialized linguistic terminologies and on the metalanguage of adjacent fields. The third subsection contains 6 papers on contrasts and convergences between (nationally) diversified linguistic terminologies. The proceedings are rounded off with the transcription of the round table discussion that took place at the end of the conference.All contributions are followed by bibliographies. The volume is written in French and contains English summaries of all the papers, an index of personal names and of concepts.The editors of the volume teach at the Universite Stendhal - Grenoble II.
Les Belles Lettres Gargilius Martialis, Les Remedes Tires Des Legumes Et Des Fruits
Broadman & Holman Publishers Qué Dice la Biblia sobre la Oración
Broadman & Holman Publishers Biblia de Estudio de Apologética, tapa dura
Broadman & Holman Publishers Nombres de Jesús
HarperCollins Publishers Inc What You Know First
Palgrave Macmillan Doing More with Less 2nd edition: Measuring, Analyzing and Improving Performance in the Not-For-Profit and Government Sectors
Written in an accessible and practical style, Doing More With Less 2nd edition addresses the efficiency drive using models, tools, and ideas more commonly found in the corporate world. This fully updated edition also includes case studies from Audit Scotland, Belfast City Council, FBI, NHS, Ministry of Works (Bahrain), and many more.
Harvard University Press History of Rome, Volume III: Books 5-7
Rome, from the beginning.Livy (Titus Livius), the great Roman historian, was born at or near Patavium (Padua) in 64 or 59 BC; he may have lived mostly in Rome but died at Patavium, in AD 12 or 17. Livy’s only extant work is part of his history of Rome from the foundation of the city to 9 BC. Of its 142 books, we have just thirty-five, and short summaries of all the rest except two. The whole work was, long after his death, divided into Decades or series of ten. Books 1–10 we have entire; books 11–20 are lost; books 21–45 are entire, except parts of 41 and 43–45. Of the rest only fragments and the summaries remain. In splendid style Livy, a man of wide sympathies and proud of Rome’s past, presented an uncritical but clear and living narrative of Rome’s rise to greatness. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Livy is in fourteen volumes. The last volume includes a comprehensive index.
Regal Publications Role Perception and Inclusive Democracy
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Glass along the Silk Road from 200 BC to AD 1000: International Conference within the scope of the »Sino-German Project on Cultural Heritage Preservation« of the RGZM and the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, December 11th-12th 2
Since Antiquity, the routes of the so-called Silk Road formed an important network for commercial, cultural and technological exchange. Far-reaching and criss-crossing the Asian continent they connected eastern and south-eastern parts of Asia to the Mediterranean world via both maritime and overland routes. Named after the lucrative silk trade, which developed during Han Dynasty, one tends to think of the Silk Road as a one-way road starting in China and ending at the Mediterranean. However, goods, technologies and ideas were travelling in both directions, and glass is an excellent example for a trade-good that arrived in the East from the West. The key developments of glass, which had its origins in the Middle and Near East, mainly took place in the Mediterranean and in the Arab World during Antiquity and Islamic times. Although known in the Far East since at least the Han Dynasty and treated as equivalent to precious stones, glass never played a significant role in Far Eastern cultures. Therefore, glass finds from Far Eastern sites provide evidence for far-reaching trade-relationships and imply cross-fertilization with other cultures. Thus, the contributions to this conference dealt with a geographical area between Western Europe, the Balkans, the Near East, Central Asia, as well as Eastern and Southeastern Asia and covered a chronological range from 200 BC to AD 1000. The conference focused on the one hand on recent results of scientific analyses of glass and on the other hand on archaeological questions. The possibility of interdisciplinary research was one of the focal points of the conference and hence this volume, as well as questions on workshops, raw material, technology and trade. The current state of research on glass along the Silk Road was the subject of an international conference within the scope of the "Sino-German Project on Cultural Heritage Preservation" of the RGZM and the Shaanxi Provincal Institute of Archaeology, hosted in 2008 in Mainz. The book contains the contributions to that conference.
Independent Author Sand And Spring Board Training For Football Performance
Princeton University Press The PionNucleon System
Synthesizing the theoretical and experimental advances in pion-nucleon interactions over approximately the last twelve years, the authors offer here a timely account of the hadronic interactions of pions and nucleons and of the structure of nucleons. Because of the hadronic SU3 symmetry, the book also treats the structure of baryons in general, and
Peeters Publishers Aesthetic Autonomy: Problems and Perspectives
This volume contains a selection of essays presented at the international conference on Cultural Crises in Art and Literature, held in Groningen in November 2002, in a special session on the question of the autonomy of the arts. Do we witness, in western culture, the end of the autonomy of the arts as it has been conceptualized and institutionalized since the eighteenth century? Indeed, developments of quite a different nature seem to have contributed to a blurring of boundaries between art and non-art, art and the market, art and politics or ethics, as well as between the arts themselves, and between 'high' and 'low' art. Although this volume does not pretend to map this complex process in its entirety - partly because it is impossible to step out of one's own history - it is meant as a contribution to the elucidation of the process itself, offering some challenging explanations as to the heat of the current debate.
Editorial Kairos Luz Sobre los Yoga Sutras de Patanjali
B&H Publishing Group Gua esencial de la Biblia Un recorrido completo de todos los 66 libros de la Biblia
Harlequin Bestselling Author Collection Sierra's Homecoming & Montana Royalty: A 2-In-1 Collection
John Wiley & Sons Inc Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis
The definitive resource for psychological diagnosis, updated with the latest research Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis offers comprehensive coverage of psychological disorders and presents a balanced integration of empirical data and diagnostic criteria to aid in understanding diagnosis and psychopathology. Designed to support students of clinical psychology, counseling, nursing, and social work, this invaluable resource merges overviews, case studies, and examination of individual disorders in an accessible format that facilitates easy reference. Broad-reaching issues such as interviewing and cross cultural considerations are discussed in detail for their effect on the clinical presentation of every disorder and case studies illustrate how diagnoses are reached and applied in real-world clinical settings. Updated to reflect the latest advances in research, this new 8th Edition includes new coverage of personality disorders, a new chapter on the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDOC), new authors for a number of the chapters, and contributions by leaders in the field to provide students with exceptional insight into psychopathology and diagnosis. Get up to date on the latest research based on DSM-5 categorization Easily locate and retain information with a proven chapter structure Examine a new alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorders Include cross-cultural considerations throughout investigation and diagnosis In clarifying DSM-5 classification and diagnostic guidelines while integrating leading-edge research with a case study approach, this book provides the most complete, most up-to-date reference for graduate students and practitioners alike. Thorough coverage of essential topics such as neurological foundations, dual diagnoses, eating disorders, anxiety, gender issues and more provides both theoretical insight as well as practical understanding, making Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis once again a top resource for the field.
Princeton University Press How and Why Species Multiply: The Radiation of Darwin's Finches
Charles Darwin's experiences in the Galapagos Islands in 1835 helped to guide his thoughts toward a revolutionary theory: that species were not fixed but diversified from their ancestors over many generations, and that the driving mechanism of evolutionary change was natural selection. In this concise, accessible book, Peter and Rosemary Grant explain what we have learned about the origin and evolution of new species through the study of the finches made famous by that great scientist: Darwin's finches. Drawing upon their unique observations of finch evolution over a thirty-four-year period, the Grants trace the evolutionary history of fourteen different species from a shared ancestor three million years ago. They show how repeated cycles of speciation involved adaptive change through natural selection on beak size and shape, and divergence in songs. They explain other factors that drive finch evolution, including geographical isolation, which has kept the Galapagos relatively free of competitors and predators; climate change and an increase in the number of islands over the last three million years, which enhanced opportunities for speciation; and flexibility in the early learning of feeding skills, which helped species to exploit new food resources. Throughout, the Grants show how the laboratory tools of developmental biology and molecular genetics can be combined with observations and experiments on birds in the field to gain deeper insights into why the world is so biologically rich and diverse. Written by two preeminent evolutionary biologists, How and Why Species Multiply helps to answer fundamental questions about evolution--in the Galapagos and throughout the world.
S Chand & Co Ltd Grewals Accountancy: Common Proficiency Test
Nova Science Publishers Inc Order & Disorder in Polymer Reactivity
Plural Publishing Inc Atlas of Otoscopy
While written principally for otologists in training, this stunningly illustrated volume provides much information for audiologists in recognizing and understanding common and rare conditions such as cholesteatoma, perforations, aural polyps, middle ear effusion, bubbles, glomus tumour, and more. The authors demonstrate that careful examination of the external ear can yield a wealth of information pertaining to the condition of the external ear canal, the tympanic membrane and the middle ear, presenting a range of otoscopic images, each uniquely and clearly captioned and labeled to illuminate each illustration and the anomalies therein.
Marvel Comics Daredevil & Echo
Peeters Publishers D'une Gaite Ingenieuse. L'"Histoire De Gil Blas", Roman De Lesage
Lesage n'a pas ecrit une A"Histoire de Gil BlasA", mais trois, qui se completent a dix puis vingt ans de distance. Les auteurs de ce volume ont fait le pari qu'on pouvait lire separement la premiere, celle de 1715. Ils ont voulu rendre compte de l'hesitation des critiques devant un des rares romans du 18e siecle a etre reste populaire: en reperant ce qui autorise des lectures contradictoires, jeu de defausse ou suspension indefinie du sens, mais aussi en retrouvant les intentions litteraires de cette ecriture avec la notion de sublime comique ou d'ingeniosite postcritique. Ce projet historique dans sa visee a donc une ambition poetique: les interpretations de Gil Blas ici proposees sont une contribution a la reconnaissance des proprietes du roman d'Ancien Regime et une quete des outils critiques qui leur sont adaptes. Les travaux de ce volume ont d'abord ete presentes lors de deux journees d'etudes, l'une tenue en decembre 2002 a l'universite de Paris 3-Sorbonne nouvelle et organisee par le Cerlav 18, en collaboration avec les collegues de l'universite de Grenoble, et la seconde en janvier 2003 a l'ENS de la rue d'Ulm. Y ont ete joints deux textes inedits de Rene Demoris et de Marc Escola.
Alfred Music General Wooster March: Part(s)
St Martin's Press The Guest
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Loose-Leaf for Microeconomics
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Samanthasaurus Rex
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Governance
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. Jon Pierre and Guy Peters expertly guide the reader through governance - one of the most widely used terms in political science - and its differing interpretations, with comprehensive discussion of the key issues covering global as well as local level governance. A detailed look into what constitutes 'good governance', whether produced by a government or by more informal means, is also explored. Key features include: examination of what governance is, how it is created and the differing styles of governance how governance is becoming more collaborative between governments and the private sector an investigation into the governance process and outcomes, including topics such as bargaining, negotiation and the use of political power. This insightful Advanced Introduction will be an excellent resource for both graduates and undergraduates studying governance and political science. It will also be a useful guide for academics who are interested in governance and who need a concise introduction.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Governance
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. Jon Pierre and Guy Peters expertly guide the reader through governance - one of the most widely used terms in political science - and its differing interpretations, with comprehensive discussion of the key issues covering global as well as local level governance. A detailed look into what constitutes 'good governance', whether produced by a government or by more informal means, is also explored. Key features include: examination of what governance is, how it is created and the differing styles of governance how governance is becoming more collaborative between governments and the private sector an investigation into the governance process and outcomes, including topics such as bargaining, negotiation and the use of political power. This insightful Advanced Introduction will be an excellent resource for both graduates and undergraduates studying governance and political science. It will also be a useful guide for academics who are interested in governance and who need a concise introduction.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Economics of Foreign Aid
'Today's questions regarding foreign aid centre around aid allocation dynamics, the impact on trade and growth for receivers as well as donors, and, quite frequently, on aid effectiveness. The inter-relationship between aid and politics are also topics of high interest. These are precisely the issues that the Handbook edited by B. Mak Arvin and Byron Lew deals with. In more than 30 contributions, some highly renowned development scholars use the theoretical state of the art combined with empirically based econometric approaches to analyse various issues in the foreign aid field. It is a great pleasure for science-oriented readers to find a wealth of findings derived from hard data and rigorous analytical methods. The book is an excellent contribution to the current foreign aid discussion.'- Siegfried Schönherr, Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Germany'A title like Handbook on the Economics of Foreign Aid is ambitious; it promises coverage of literature that spans from theory to empirics, from macro to micro levels of analysis, from positive to normative economics. This Handbook fulfills this ambition 100 percent. It will be the single place that people will go to get a state-of-the-art survey of a particular issue. Some chapters are written by established experts in the area, others by newcomers that bring a fresh view on the issues involved. All in all, a book that future researchers in foreign aid must consult.'- Pascalis Raimondos, Copenhagen Business School, DenmarkIt would be fair to say that foreign aid today is one of the most important factors in international relations and in the national economy of many countries - as well as one of the most researched fields in economics. Although much has been written on the subject of foreign aid, this book contributes by taking stock of knowledge in the field, with chapters summarizing long-standing debates as well as the latest advances.Several contributions provide new analytical insights or empirical evidence on different aspects of aid, including how aid may be linked to trade and the motives for aid giving. As a whole, the book demonstrates how researchers have dealt with increasingly complex issues over time - both theoretical and empirical - on the allocation, impact, and efficacy of aid, with aid policies placed at the center of the discussion. In addition to students, academics, researchers, and policymakers involved in development economics and foreign aid, this Handbook will appeal to all those interested in development issues and international policies.Contributors: E. Aguayo, E. Alvi, B.M. Arvin, S.A. Asongu, E. Bland, C. Boussalis, J. Brambila-Macias, S. Brown, R. Calleja, L. Chauvet, A. Das, H. Doucouliagos, V.Z. Eichenauer, G.S. Epstein, P. Exposito, S. Feeny, D. Fielding, I.N. Gang, F. Gibson, R. Gounder, P. Guillaumont, M.-C. Guisan, N. Hermes, P. Hühne, A.L. Islam, A. Isopi, S. Kablan, C. Kilby, A. Kumar, S. Lahiri, R. Lensink, B. Lew, I. Martinez-Zarzoso, I. Massa, G. Mavrotas, M. McGillivray, B. Meyer, K. Michaelowa, O. Morrissey, D. Mukherjee, P. Nunnenkamp, M. Paldam, C. Peiffer, R. Pradhan, M.G. Quibria, B. Reinsberg, D. Rowlands, M. Salois, J. Serieux, D. Sogge, S. Torrance, S. Tezanos Vázquez, L. Wagner
John Wiley & Sons Inc An Introductory Guide to Valve Selection
A guide to the choice of common types of isolating (block), check and diverter valves for the energy, process, oil and gas industries. The book is applicable to both onshore and offshore locations, including subsea applications.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Textbook & Atlas of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
This textbook and atlas presents a complete guide to laparoscopic hysterectomy from basics and types of hysterectomy, to discussion on surgical procedures, and potential complications. Divided into seven sections, topics include basics, routes of hysterectomy, procedure, special considerations, complications, a ‘food for thought’ section, and commentary on the authors’ own experiences. The book also includes recent advances such as robot-assisted surgery and LESS hysterectomy. Highly illustrated with tables, flowcharts and graphs, this comprehensive text is accompanied by an interactive DVD ROM of videos demonstrating step by step surgical techniques. Key Points Comprehensive guide to laparoscopic hysterectomy for practising surgeons Covers complete field from basics and types of hysterectomy, to procedures and complications Includes recent advances such as robot-assisted surgery and LESS surgery Accompanying DVD ROM demonstrates step by step surgical procedures
Deep & Deep Publications Relative Economics
Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd International Encyclopaedia of Professional Management
S Chand & Co Ltd A New Look at Modern Indian History: Men of Destiny
Gyan Publishing House Backward Communities: Identity, Development and Transformation
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd Building Great Relationships: All About Emotional Intelligence
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Tax Receipts, Taxpayers, and Taxes in Early Ptolemaic Thebes
The author lays out the early Ptolemaic tax system, describes the changes in the capitation taxes during the reign of Ptolemy II, discusses the other state and temple revenues, and then reconstructs the prosopography and provenance of thirty-nine tax payers whose names occur frequently in these initial studies. Having set the stage, the author then provides editions of sixty-one ostraca from Harold Nelson's collection that include an important group of early Ptolemaic Demotic, Greek, and bilingual ostraca, mostly tax receipts. One late Ptolemaic account ostracon (Cat. no. 3) is also published here since it concerns the business of choachytes, who figure prominently in the group of early Ptolemaic ostraca. The book concludes with full indices, and each of the ostraca is illustrated in drawing and photograph.