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Rowman & Littlefield Great Donald Ross Golf Courses Everyone Can Play: Resort, Public, and Semi-Private
Ever wonder what it would be like to play the same golf courses as celebrities such as Tiger Woods, Gary Player, Mark O’Meara, and even Babe Ruth? A celebrity in his own right, Donald Ross created many of the best golf courses ever designed. Here is the definitive collection of golf courses in the United States created by Ross, the most prolific and renowned golf course designer of all time. Paul and B. J. Dunn have collected all the information you need in order to find and play the more than one-hundred public, semi-private, and resort golf courses in the United States, all designed by Ross.
American Society for Training & Development Consulting on the Inside, 2nd ed.: A Practical Guide for Internal Consultants
Are you an internal consultant -- someone who is a permanent employee and staff member, yet serves in a consultative role within your organization? Then you need this hands-on, practical guidebook to help you better understand your role and improve your performance, whether you re a change agent, trusted advisor, or someone who serves in varying capacities. Just like an external consultant, it s important to design your job, develop a formal agreement, and build your practice. Consulting on the Inside provides a solid background for internal consultants, and serves as a roadmap for cultivating a successful career.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Book That Did Not Want To Be Read
The bestselling Swedish children's book of 2020, translated by B. J. Woodstein, with graphic design by Alexis HolmqvistWARNING!Stop what you're doing! Don't you know that this book does NOT want to be read? Not now and not ever.Because if this book is read all kinds of strange and magical things might happen. Silly things and secret things... Alligators might appear, the book might try to fly away, and before you know it you'll be having all kinds of unexpected fun. How AWFUL.Don't let this book be read. You're not prepared.Or are you?
Kath Univ Leuven Godgeleerdheid Franz Rosenzweig: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography
Peeters Publishers Het Spijkerschrift En Zijn Ontcijfering
Ruim 150 jaar geleden, op 25 mei 1857, werd in Londen door de Royal Asiatic Society vastgesteld dat het Mesopotamische spijkerschrift was ontcijferd. Onder couvert ingediende vertalingen door vier geleerden van een nieuwe Assyrische koningsinscriptie bleken zozeer overeen te stemmen dat geen twijfel meer mogelijk was. Daarmee was de oudste Semitische taal, het Akkadisch, bekend geworden en toegang verkregen tot de rijke en veelsoortige schriftelijke nalatenschap van het oude Mesopotamie, van de wereld van de Sumeriers, Babyloniers en Assyriers, gedurende een periode van drieduizend jaar. Ter herdenking van deze gebeurtenis werd in 2007 in Parijs, in het Maison de l'Archeologie et de l'Ethnologie, een expositie georganiseerd door het onderzoeksteam Histoire et Archeologie de l'Orient Cuneiforme van het CNRS. Dit rijk geillustreerde boekje is de neerslag van deze expositie en reproduceert de panelen die daar te zien waren. Het beschrijft hoe de moeilijke ontcijfering van het spijkerschrift uiteindelijk gelukte op basis van enkele meertalige inscripties uit het Achaemenidische rijk, die Oudperzisch en Babylonisch combineerden. De geleerden die daarin de hoofdrol vervulden, met name de Britten Hincks, Talbot en Rawlinson, en de Fransman Oppert, komen aan bod, men kan lezen en zien hoe dit schrift werd gebruikt om Oudperzisch, Akkadisch en Sumerisch te schrijven, en hoe te Ugarit een 'spijkerschriftalfabet' werd ontworpen. Daarnaast wordt aandacht besteed aan de schrijfmaterialen (vooral het kleitablet), de opleiding van de oude schrijvers en hun productie. Een schets van de herontdekking van het Oude Nabije Oosten, een chronologisch overzicht, kaarten over de verspreiding van het schrift en met vindplaatsen van tabletten en een goede bibliografie completeren dit informatieve boekje.
Peeters Publishers Die Modernen "Ritual Studies" Als Herausforderung Fur Die Liturgiewissenschaft. Modern Ritual Studies as a Challenge for Liturgical Studies
Die Rede von der 'Wiederkehr' der Rituale hat sich zu einem Topos in der jungeren theologischen und kulturwissenschaftlichen Diskussion entwickelt. Manche sehen in Westeuropa tatsachlich eine Renaissance von Ritualen. Andere sprechen nur von einer neuen Aufmerksamkeit fur Rituale und die Bedeutung, die sie fur Individuum und Gemeinschaft, auch fur Religion und Kirche besitzen. Zu welchen Forschungsergebnissen kommen Liturgiewissenschaft und ritual studies mit Blick auf die 'rituelle Landschaft' heute? Welche Funktionen besitzen religiose Rituale in multikulturellen westlichen Gesellschaften? Welche neuen Rituale treten zum klassischen Repertoire hinzu? Wie lassen sich nicht zuletzt Rituale theologisch interpretieren? Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft katholischer Liturgiewissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler eV (AKL) hat sich in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Liturgisch Instituut (Tilburg) auf ihrer Jahrestagung 2006 mit dem Thema 'Die modernen ritual studies als Herausforderung fur die Liturgiewissenschaft' beschaftigt. Liturgiewissenschaftler, Religionswissenschaftler und Ethnologen haben das weite Feld der ritual studies mit Blick auf liturgiewissenschaftliche Fragestellungen erschlossen. Im vorliegenden Band sind die Tagungsvortrage zusammengestellt, angeordnet nach unterschiedlichen Themenfeldern, Methoden und Zielsetzungen. Er will zu einer intensiven Diskussion in und zwischen den beteiligten Fachwissenschaften anregen. The discussion of the 'return' of ritual has developed into a topos in recent debates in theology and cultural studies. Some see a real renaissance of ritual in western Europe. Others speak only of a new awareness of ritual and the meaning which it has for individuals and society, as well as for religion and the Church. What are the results of research with a view to the 'ritual landscape' in the fields of liturgy and ritual studies today? What functions do religious rituals serve in multicultural western society? What new rituals are being added to the classical repertoire? And finally, how can rituals be interpreted from a theological perspective? At its biannual conference in 2006 the Incorporated Consortium of Catholic Liturgists (AKL) in cooperation with the Liturgical Institute (Tilburg) took as its topic 'Modern ritual studies as a challenge for liturgical studies'. Liturgists, scholars of religious studies and ethnologists addressed the wide field of ritual studies with an eye to liturgical questions. The present volume brings together the lectures from the conference, ordered according to their various themes, methods and goals. This work is intended to encourage intensive discussion within and between the areas of study involved.
Peeters Publishers Luristan Excavation Documents Vol. VII: The Kalleh Nisar Bronze Age Graveyard in Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan
This volume is the final report on the 1967-1968 excavations at Kalleh Nisar in Pusht-i Kuh Luristan, Iran, by Ghent University and the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels. A large number of tombs, constructed with stone boulders, and remains of 2 buildings were discovered. One of these buildings is of Chalcolithic date. Individual and collective tombs were constructed at Kalleh Nisar throughout the 3rd millennium. Corridor-shaped tombs of up to 13m in length were designed as collective tombs and were used by several generations. Some were still re-used in the second millennium. The burial goods include plain and painted pottery, metal weapons and utensils, seals and jewellery. The finds cover the whole third and the first half of the second millennium. Bani Surmah is located in sub-region I of the Pusht-i Kuh, which is the closest to Mesopotamia. This explains the imports and influence of Mesopotamia in this part of Luristan. Metal analysis has nevertheless indicated the existence of a local metal production. The way of life and subsistence of past population groups in Pusht-i Kuh are considered. All the finds are illustrated in line drawings, the tombs and most objects also in photo.
Peeters Publishers The Necropolis of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period
Burials from the Second Temple Period, that is, the Late Hellenistic (Hasmonean) and the Early Roman (Herodian) Periods, were revealed in all the areas surrounding Jerusalem, the central city of the period. These burial caves, mainly family tombs, were hewn in a necropolis completely surrounding the city and more than a dozen times its area. The consequences of this study have enabled the authors to map the burial fields that make up this necropolis, one of the most intensively studied in the archaeology of the Levant. Approximately 900 family tombs and 60 individual graves were hewn in a ring about 4km around the city. An additional 100 burial caves were hewn within the present-day municipal area of Jerusalem, but are not discussed here because they lie outside this belt and belonged to neighboring villages of the period. Since the 19th century all the relevant findings from these burials were meticulously documented according to various categories: architectural elements (the majority of which are carved in the rock), ossuaries and sarcophagi, pottery, glass vessels, stone vessels, coins, personal belongings, human bones and more. Inscriptions and names, generally inscribed on the sides of ossuaries, give a voice to these silent findings, and reveal the personalities of the Jews who lived in the city and participated in its design and history. This interdisciplinary approach, incorporating many branches of study, weaves a colourful picture that enables us to understand the burial customs of the period and sheds light on the city and its inhabitants. The authors collected, summarized and discuss this large body of information, the product of intensive field work by hundreds of archaeologists and other scholars, who excavated the tombs, collected the data, and documented the finds connected to the burials and burial customs of the inhabitants of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period.
Peeters Publishers Luristan Excavation Documents: The Iron Age: v. 5: Iron Age III Graveyard at War Kabud, Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan
This monograph is the final report of the excavation of the War Kabud graveyard in Luristan, Iran, by the University of Ghent and the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels. The excavations, directed by Louis Vanden Berghe, were conducted in 1965 and 1966. War Kabud represents the largest number of excavated tombs (203) in a single Pusht-i Kuh cemetery. Dating back to the Iron Age III (8th-7th c. BCE), it is a representative assemblage of burialgoods and testifies of the homogeneity of the material culture of that period. Burials are individual and the dead were usually accompanied by pottery and quite often also by iron weapons (arrowheads, swords and daggers, spearheads, axes), bronze maces, vessels, anklets, bracelets and a variety of beads. The site, although essentially with a local material culture, shows some relations with Assyria. All finds are illustrated in line drawings, the tombs and the main objects also in photographs.
Peeters Publishers Les Defis De La Rationalite: Actes Du Colloque Organise Par L'Institut Superieur De Philosophie (UCL) a L'occasion Des 80 Ans De Jean Ladriere
Cet ouvrage reprend l'essentiel des discours prononces et des communications presentees lors du colloque qui s'est tenu le 16 novembre 2001 a l'Institut Superieur de Philosophie en l'honneur des 80 ans de Jean Ladriere. On y trouve, outre les discours de Marcel Crochet (recteur de l'UCL), Gilbert Gerard (president de l'Institut) et Michel Molitor (vice-recteur), une contribution importante de Jean Ladriere et des communications de Stanislas Breton, Bernard d'Espagnat, Dominique Lambert, Jean-Francois Malherbe, James Pembrun, Andre Van de Putte et Philippe Van Parijs. Toutes les interventions portent sur la problematique de la rationalite - un theme central et unificateur de l'oeuvre philosophique de Jean Ladriere - dans les domaines de l'histoire de la philosophie, la philosophie sociale et politique, la philosophie du langage, la philosophie des sciences et la theologie. L'ouvrage se termine par une interview de Jean Ladriere par Philippe Van Parijs.
Peeters Publishers Religious Education as Practical Theology
This book is meant to honour the Belgian religious educationalist Herman Lombaerts reflecting on his legacy. He is internationally renowned as a scholar with a strong commitment to and a conceptual analysis of the social and cultural context in which people live and learn. This series of essays is build upon a thought provoking, streamlined design on the relationship between theology and education, relying on Lombaerts' societal and cultural analysis of contemporary religious education. Three key elements are at stake: the self-agency of the learner, the hermeneutic and communitive interpretation of religious traditions in the teaching of religion, and the radical re-imagination of Christian theology relying on this new model of religious educational praxis. For Lombaerts, the search processes of religious people have their own dynamic and dignity. Practical theology should listen carefully and empathetically to this quest. But he is also convinced of the need of solid fundamental research to understand critically its ambiguities and perspectives. Scholars from Europe, the United States and Australia lead the way in this process of "conceptual stretching". Issues such as happiness of children, identity formation of youth, educational and religious insecurity of parents, multi-faith education, tradition crisis of churches, theological education of lay ministers, narrativity and modern art in religious education, etc. are examined from a practical theological point of view, with a strong commitment to the philosophical, psychological, sociological, educational and political dimensions of three issues. With this book the editors hope to commemorate Lombaerts' international radiation, by building a collegial bridge between the different theoretical approaches in the German, Dutch, French, Italian and Anglo-Saxon religious educational research.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Bronzi Antichi: Catalogo Della Mostra. Padova 2000/2001. 17 Dicembre-28 Febbraio. Piano Nobile Dello Stabilimento Pedrocchi
Gregorian & Biblical Press Lorenzo Da Viterbo: Magister Pictor del Rinascimento Italiano 1469-2019
B&H Publishing Group Rvr 1960 Biblia de Estudio Spurgeon NegroMarrón Símil Piel
Lifeway Christian Resources RVR 1960 Biblia de apuntes piel fabricada y mosaico crema y azul
Ahora en edición letra grande, la RVR 1960 Biblia de Apuntes, ha sido diseñada para mejorar el estudio personal de la Biblia y la preparación de clases y predicaciones. Esta Biblia contiene la popular versión Reina-Valera 1960. Provee espacio para tomar notas en cada página, observaciones, anotar pensamientos, formular preguntas y sugerencias para exploración adicional en el texto. La Biblia está hermosamente encuadernada con piel genuina y tela impresa. Esta incluye una página de presentación, un plan para leer la Biblia en un año y un resumen de cada libro de la Biblia. Con una garantía vitalicia, usted podrá dejar a sus hijos un tesoro al registrar sus reflexiones y pensamientos en esta Biblia. Características: Palabra de Cristo en rojo Texto en una sola columna Espacio para notas Página de presentación Plan de lectura bíblica de un año Resumen de introducció
Lifeway Christian Resources Biblia Peshitta caoba duotono siacutemil piel
Biblia basada en el texto Peshitta, un antiguo manuscrito bíblico en arameo, el idioma del Señor Jesús y Sus apóstoles. El resurgimiento del interés actual por el arameo bíblico se manifiesta principalmente en la traducción del texto Peshitta al español. Este texto, obra cumbre de la literatura aramea, dejó registrado para la posteridad el mensaje del evangelio en un idioma claro, sencillo y directo, que es el significado de 'Peshitta'. El lector encontrará notas explicativas a pasajes de relevancia. Bible based on the Peshitta text, an ancient Bible manuscript written in Aramaic, the language spoken by our Lord Jesus and His apostles. The current renewed interest in Biblical Aramaic is mainly conveyed by the translation of the Peshitta text into Spanish. This work, the ultimate masterpiece in Aramaic literature, left the message of the gospel and the apostles as a historical record in a 'clear, simple, straightforwa
Broadman & Holman Publishers Plan para Leer la Biblia en Un Año
Fledgling Press Leo and the Lightning Dragons
Written by Gill White for her son Leo who suffers from Ohtahara Syndrome, an extremely rare form of epilepsy, and beautifully illustrated by Fife artist Gilli B, this story has been positively received by parents of children with complex needs, by care workers and medical staff and by parents of healthy young children who love the book simply as an adventure story. Everybody in the kingdom is supporting the brave knight Leo in his battle against his fearsome dragons. They try lots of different things to help him defeat them but eventually Leo realises that the most important thing to do is to believe in himself. This beautifully illustrated book with a poignant and uplifting rhyming story encourages children to persevere and find strength in the face of adversity, even when it seems that nothing is working. All royalties from the sale of this book will go to CHAS (Children's Hospices across Scotland).
Regal Publications Globalization, Foreign Capital and Development
Manjul Publishing House Pvt Ltd Happiness Unlimited:: Awakening with the Brahma Kumaris
Harvard University Press History of Rome, Volume IV: Books 8-10
Rome, from the beginning.Livy (Titus Livius), the great Roman historian, was born at or near Patavium (Padua) in 64 or 59 BC; he may have lived mostly in Rome but died at Patavium, in AD 12 or 17. Livy’s only extant work is part of his history of Rome from the foundation of the city to 9 BC. Of its 142 books, we have just thirty-five, and short summaries of all the rest except two. The whole work was, long after his death, divided into Decades or series of ten. Books 1–10 we have entire; books 11–20 are lost; books 21–45 are entire, except parts of 41 and 43–45. Of the rest only fragments and the summaries remain. In splendid style Livy, a man of wide sympathies and proud of Rome’s past, presented an uncritical but clear and living narrative of Rome’s rise to greatness. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Livy is in fourteen volumes. The last volume includes a comprehensive index.
Kardamitsa Publications Archetectoneke Ke Politike Sten Archea Ellada
Editorial Kairos Luz sobre el yoga: La guía clásica del yoga, por el maestro más renombrado del mundo
Sagamore Publishing Diversity & Inclusion in the Recreation Profession: Organizational Perspectives
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Trade, Technology and Economics: Essays in Honour of Richard G. Lipsey
Trade, Technology and Economics represents a careful selection of papers from some of the world’s most influential economists of today reflecting areas in which Richard Lipsey has made fundamental contributions.This important volume pays tribute to Richard Lipsey, who has established a major international reputation through his wide ranging contribution to economics. Focusing on certain aspects of his work, the issues explored within the volume include: the theory of second best; unemployment, inflation and the Phillips Curve; trade theory, customs unions and the growth of the global economy; strategic behaviour in an exchange economy; competition and strategic choice of technology to support collusive oligopoly equilibria and property rights and technology.This collection of outstanding papers, written by a distinguished group of scholars - including Mark Blaug, Richard G. Harris, Kelvin Lancaster, David Card, David Laidler, R.J. Wonnacott and Michael Parkin - reflects the high esteem in which Richard Lipsey is held.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Age of Experiences: Harnessing Happiness to Build a New Economy
In The Age of Experiences, Benjamin Kline Hunnicutt examines how the advance of happiness science is impacting the economy, making possible new experience-products that really make people happy and help forward-looking businesses expand and develop new technologies. In today’s marketplace there is less interest in goods and services and more interest in buying and selling personal improvements and experiences. Hunnicutt traces how this historical shift in consumption to the “softer” technologies of happiness represents not only a change in the modern understanding of progress, but also a practical, economic transformation, profoundly shaping our work and the ordering of our life goals. Based on incisive historical research, Hunnicutt demonstrates that we have begun to turn from material wealth to focus on the enrichment of our personal and social lives. The Age of Experiences shows how industry, technology, and the general public are just beginning to realize the potential of the new economy. Exploring the broader implications of this historical shift, Hunnicutt concludes that the new demand for experiences will result in the reduction of work time, the growth of jobs, and the regeneration of virtue—altogether an increasingly healthy public life.
Fowler Museum of Cultural History,U.S. Material Choices: Refashioning Bast and Leaf Fibers in Asia and the Pacific
Winner of the R. L. Shep Ethnic Textiles Award sponsored by the Textile Society of America Asia is renowned for the production of fine handwoven cottons and luxurious silks -- important items of trade for centuries. In addition to these celebrated fabrics, however, weavers throughout the region produced cloth from ramie, hemp, pina, and banana fibers (including Philippine abaca and Okinawan ito basho), as well as a number of lesser-known plant fibers. Over the course of the twentieth century, many of these Asian plant fiber weaving traditions became marginalized or hovered on the brink of extinction, given the advent of synthetic fabrics, growing industrialization, and increased international textile trade. As the essays in this book testify, however, they have not vanished altogether. Rather, in recent times weavers have purposefully chosen to pursue various efforts directed at their preservation, revival, or reinvention. In many cases, the production of bast and leaf fiber textiles is now thriving in newly globalized situations. This volume presents eight essays documenting the current state of bast and leaf fiber weaving traditions in Vietnam, Borneo, Korea, Burma, Okinawa, the Philippines, Japan, and Micronesia. The processes that have nurtured or buffeted attempts to preserve or revive the production of these textiles are examined and abundantly illustrated with color photographs.
Taylor & Francis Inc Weiner's Pain Management: A Practical Guide for Clinicians
This seventh edition of a bestseller has been totally revised and updated, making this the most comprehensive rewrite in the book's long and distinguished history. It includes new chapters, new sections and section editors, and new contributors. Offering an interdisciplinary approach to pain management, the book delivers a scholarly presentation for those concerned with pedagogy, while still being accessible to those concerned with the immediate application of techniques.Here's what you get in the Seventh Edition:Tighter focus on discipline-specific approaches Expanded coverage of electrical and magnetic therapies New information on behavioral approaches Diagnostic tests and evaluations Updated information on legal and ethical issues
University of Nebraska Press Flying U Ranch
Life at the Flying U Ranch in the Bear Paw country of Montana was pleasant—until thousands of sheep invaded the coulee. B. M. Bower casts the ancient enmity between cattlemen and sheepmen in her own robust and slyly humorous style. Flying U Ranch brings back the Happy Family of cowboys introduced in Chip of the Flying U. Bertha Muzzy Bower, a Montanan herself, understood the joshing, boasting, and thoroughly decent young hands who worked at the Flying U—Andy, Pink, Slim, Big Medicine, Happy Jack, and the other members of the Happy Family. Here they must confront defiant sheepherders just when Chip and the Old Man are in Chicago. Bower delights in showing how they deal with rage and frustration without resorting to violence. The witty and nervy Flying U bunch gets satisfaction from a difficult situation justly ended.
Princeton University Press Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors
This graduate-level textbook is the first pedagogical synthesis of the field of topological insulators and superconductors, one of the most exciting areas of research in condensed matter physics. Presenting the latest developments, while providing all the calculations necessary for a self-contained and complete description of the discipline, it is ideal for graduate students and researchers preparing to work in this area, and it will be an essential reference both within and outside the classroom. The book begins with simple concepts such as Berry phases, Dirac fermions, Hall conductance and its link to topology, and the Hofstadter problem of lattice electrons in a magnetic field. It moves on to explain topological phases of matter such as Chern insulators, two- and three-dimensional topological insulators, and Majorana p-wave wires. Additionally, the book covers zero modes on vortices in topological superconductors, time-reversal topological superconductors, and topological responses/field theory and topological indices. The book also analyzes recent topics in condensed matter theory and concludes by surveying active subfields of research such as insulators with point-group symmetries and the stability of topological semimetals. Problems at the end of each chapter offer opportunities to test knowledge and engage with frontier research issues. Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors will provide graduate students and researchers with the physical understanding and mathematical tools needed to embark on research in this rapidly evolving field.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Transition Metal Oxides: Structure, Properties, and Synthesis of Ceramic Oxides
Praise for the First Edition: "Very useful for researchers in solid-state chemistry and as a textbook of advanced inorganic chemistry for PhD students." -Advanced Materials. This book provides unified coverage of the structure, properties, and synthesis of transition metal oxides. Written by two world-class scientists, it offers both an excellent window on modern solid-state chemistry and a gateway to understanding the behavior of inorganic solids. Scientists and advanced students in inorganic and solid-state chemistry, materials science, ceramics, and condensed matter science will welcome this updated Second Edition, which features new or expanded material on: * Oxyanion derivatives of cuprates, mercury cuprates, ladder compounds, and new oxide systems * Giant magnetoresistance, superconductivity, and nonlinear materials * Recently developed synthetic strategies and examples, including soft chemistry routes Plus: * Hundreds of illustrations * Helpful references.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Applications of Toxicogenomics in Safety Evaluation and Risk Assessment
This book provides a timely overview of toxicogenomics, with special emphasis on the practical applications of this technology to the risk assessment process. Introductory sections are followed by a series of chapters highlighting practical and systematic applications of toxicogenomics in informing the risk assessment process – including the areas of mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, endocrine toxicity, organ-specific toxicity, population monitoring, and ecotoxicology. The book concludes with approaches for the integration of this technology in safety evaluation studies, and an outlook on how toxicogenomics and complementary technologies can reframe the current risk assessment paradigm.
Laxmi Publications Electrical Power System Analysis
Nova Science Publishers Inc Regeneration of Spent Catalyst & Impregnation of Catalyst by Supercritical Fluid
Nova Science Publishers Inc Single Currency for Pacific Islands
Nova Science Publishers Inc Deep Decomposition of Wood: Light Products of Electron-Beam Fragmentation
Harvard Business Review Press The Experience Economy, Updated Edition
In 1999, Joseph Pine and James Gilmore offered this idea to readers as a new way to think about connecting with customers and securing their loyalty. As a result, their book "The Experience Economy" is now a classic, embraced by readers and companies worldwide and read in more than a dozen languages. And though the world has changed in many ways since then, the way to a customer's heart has not. In fact, the idea of staging experiences to leave a memorable and lucrative impression is now more relevant than ever. With an ongoing torrent of brands attacking consumers from all sides, how do you make yours stand out? Welcome to the new "Experience Economy". With this fully updated edition of this book, Pine and Gilmore make an even stronger case that experience is the missing link between a company and its potential audience. It offers new rich examples including the U.S. Army, Heineken Experience, Autostadt, Vinopolis, American Girl Place, and others to show fresh approaches to scripting and staging compelling experiences, while staying true to the very real economic conditions of the day.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Magnetic Materials
Introduction to Magnetic Materials, 2nd Edition covers the basics of magnetic quantities, magnetic devices, and materials used in practice. While retaining much of the original, this revision now covers SQUID and alternating gradient magnetometers, magnetic force microscope, Kerr effect, amorphous alloys, rare-earth magnets, SI Units alongside cgs units, and other up-to-date topics. In addition, the authors have added an entirely new chapter on information materials. The text presents materials at the practical rather than theoretical level, allowing for a physical, quantitative, measurement-based understanding of magnetism among readers, be they professional engineers or graduate-level students.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Introduction to Stochastic Calculus
This book sheds new light on stochastic calculus, the branch of mathematics that is most widely applied in financial engineering and mathematical finance. The first book to introduce pathwise formulae for the stochastic integral, it provides a simple but rigorous treatment of the subject, including a range of advanced topics. The book discusses in-depth topics such as quadratic variation, Ito formula, and Emery topology. The authors briefly addresses continuous semi-martingales to obtain growth estimates and study solution of a stochastic differential equation (SDE) by using the technique of random time change. Later, by using Metivier–Pellaumail inequality, the solutions to SDEs driven by general semi-martingales are discussed. The connection of the theory with mathematical finance is briefly discussed and the book has extensive treatment on the representation of martingales as stochastic integrals and a second fundamental theorem of asset pricing. Intended for undergraduate- and beginning graduate-level students in the engineering and mathematics disciplines, the book is also an excellent reference resource for applied mathematicians and statisticians looking for a review of the topic.
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Hanahan
Simon & Schuster The Boy Who Cried Wolf
"Nothing ever happens here," the shepherd thinks. But the bored boy knows what would be exciting: He cries that a wolf is after his sheep, and the town's people come running. How often can that trick work, though? B.G. Hennessy's retelling of this timeless fable is infused with fanciful whimsy through Boris Kulikov's hilarious and ingenious illustrations. This tale is sure to leave readers grinning sheepishly.
Hal Leonard Corporation B.B. King & Eric Clapton: Riding with the King
Guilford Publications Handbook of Implicit Social Cognition: Measurement, Theory, and Applications
Virtually every question in social psychology is currently being shaped by the concepts and methods of implicit social cognition. This tightly edited volume provides the first comprehensive overview of the field. Foremost authorities synthesize the latest findings on how automatic, implicit, and unconscious cognitive processes influence social judgments and behavior. Cutting-edge theories and data are presented in such crucial areas as attitudes, prejudice and stereotyping, self-esteem, self-concepts, close relationships, and morality. Describing state-of-the-art measurement procedures and research designs, the book discusses promising applications in clinical, forensic, and other real-world contexts. Each chapter both sums up what is known and identifies key directions for future research.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advances in Dual Integral Equations
The effectiveness of dual integral equations for handling mixed boundary value problems has established them as an important tool for applied mathematicians. Their many applications in mathematical physics have prompted extensive research over the last 25 years, and many researchers have made significant contributions to the methodology of solving and to the applications of dual integral equations. However, until now, much of this work has been available only in the form of research papers scattered throughout different journals.In Advances in Dual Integral Equations, the authors systematically present some of the recent developments in dual integral equations involving various special functions as kernel. They examine dual integral equations with Bessel, Legendre, and trigonometric functions as kernel plus dual integral equations involving inverse Mellin transforms. These can be particularly useful in studying certain mixed boundary value problems involving homogeneous media in continuum mechanics. However, when dealing with problems involving non-homogenous media, the corresponding equations may have different kernels. This application prompts the authors to conclude with a discussion of hybrid dual integral equations-mixed kernels with generalized associated Legendre functions and mixed kernels involving Bessel functions.Researchers in the theory of elasticity, fluid dynamics, and mathematical physics will find Advances in Dual Integral Equations a concise, one-stop resource for recent work addressing special functions as kernel.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Open and Closed Systems
This is the first unified treatment of the properties of thermodynamically open and closed systems. It provides the theory and methodology that are necessary to understand nonlinear processes. The section on Classical Systems covers topics ranging from the evolution of probability to open and closed systems and non-Hamiltonian systems. The concluding section on Quantum Systems is equally detailed, treating the evolution of quantum systems, c-number fluctuations and operator fluctuations. The material covered is applicable to weather systems, ocean currents, dye lasers and many other nonequilibrium systems. The text is also suitable for students in graduate course. Numerous physical chemical examples facilitate self-study.
Little, Brown & Company Werewolf Weekend
Don't make the same mistake Emma made. Don't read my book. Signed,The Scaremaster... Don't say I didn't warn you.Twelve-year-old Emma is excited to spend a night away at best friend Samantha's house for an epic sleepover with Sam's very chic out-of-town cousins - but when the cousins turns out to have a creepy secret, it's up to Emma to solve this wolfish mystery, race against the clock to outwit the Scaremaster, and stop a werewolf in her tracks.For fans of Goosebumps, Eerie Elementary, and the Haunted Library series, debut pseudonymous author B.A. Frade brings frightfully funny tales to life in this new middle grade series.
ISTE Editions Ltd Contrle Et PrcVention Des Risques Biologiques AssocicS La Contamination Des Aliments Transformation Distribution Et Utilisation Par Le Consommateur