Search results for ""author manus"
Penguin Books Ltd Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Jules Verne's wild and riotous fantasy Journey to the Centre of the Earth delves into the hidden mysteries of a vast, uncharted subterranean world. This Penguin Classics edition is translated from the French by Frank Wynne with an introduction by Jane Smiley and notes by Peter Cogman.Jules Verne's pioneering science fiction classic tells the story of the distinguished but eccentric Professor Lidenbrock, who finds a scrap of parchment in an old manuscript. A cipher written in runes, it tells of an entrance to another world - a world hidden beneath our own, illuminated by an electrified gas and populated by strange, prehistoric beings. So with his nephew reluctantly in tow, the Professor follows this cryptic clue down into a dormant volcano in Iceland, and the further they descend, the more extraordinary the discoveries and creatures that they encounter, the greater the dangers, and the more ancient the living past that surrounds them.This new translation by Frank Wynne is accompanied by an introduction on the science of Verne's work and its influences. This edition also includes notes, a chronology and suggested further reading.Jules Verne (1828-1905), the 'father of Science Fiction' was born in Nantes, developing from early childhood a romantic fascination for the ships and the sea. In 1848 he moved to Paris, ostensibly to become a lawyer, though his true ambition was to become a writer. His first book, Five Weeks in a Balloon (1863) was an immediate popular success, followed a year later by Journey to the Centre of the Earth; among the most popular of the fifty-four books published during his life are From the Earth to the Moon (1865), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870) and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873).If you enjoyed Journey to the Centre of the Earth you might like H.G. Wells' The Time Machine, also available in Penguin Classics.
Archaeopress Natter’s Museum Britannicum: British gem collections and collectors of the mid-eighteenth century
The German gem-engraver, medallist, and amateur scholar Lorenz Natter (1705-1763), was so impressed by the size and quality of the collections of ancient and later engraved gems which he found in Britain that he proposed the publication of an extraordinarily ambitious catalogue – Museum Britannicum – which would present engravings and descriptions of the most important pieces. He made considerable progress to this end, producing several hundred drawings, but in time he decided to abandon the near completed project in the light of the apparent lack of interest shown in Britain. Only one of the intended plates in its final form ever appeared, in a catalogue which he published separately for Lord Bessborough’s collection. On Natter’s death the single copy of his magnum opus vanished mysteriously, presumed lost forever. All hope of recovering Natter’s unpublished papers seemed vain, and their very existence had come to be doubted. Yet they were to be found more than two hundred years after his death, in Spring 1975, when the classical scholar and renowned expert in gems, Oleg Neverov, chanced upon them at the bottom of a pile of papers in the archives of the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg. Neverov and his colleague Julia Kagan carried out the initial research on the Hermitage manuscripts and produced the first published account of this archival treasure. The present volume builds upon their earlier work to produce the first comprehensive publication of Museum Britannicum, offering full discussion in English and presenting Natter’s drawings and comments alongside modern information on the gems that can be identified and located through fresh research. This book is the result of a ten-year collaboration between scholars on the Beazley Archive gems research programme at Oxford’s Classical Art Research Centre and the State Hermitage Museum. It fulfills Natter’s vision for the Museum Britannicum – albeit two and a half centuries late – to the benefit of art historians, cultural historians, curators, and gem-lovers of today.
Tuttle Publishing Bruce Lee The Tao of Gung Fu: Commentaries on the Chinese Martial Arts
In the months leading up to his death, Bruce Lee was working on this definitive study of the Chinese martial arts—collectively known as Kung Fu or Gung Fu. This book has now been edited and is published here for the first time in its entirety.Bruce Lee revolutionized the practice of martial arts and brought them into the modern world—by promoting the idea that students have the right to pick and choose those techniques and training regimens which suit their personal needs and fighting styles. He developed a new method of his own called Jeet Kune Do—combining many elements from different masters and different traditions. This was considered heretical at the time within martial arts circles, where one was expected to study with only a single master—and Lee was the first martial artist to attempt this. Today he is revered as the "father" of many martial arts practices around the world—including Mixed Martial Arts. In addition to presenting the fundamental techniques, mindset and training methods of traditional Chinese martial arts, this martial art treatise explores such esoteric topics as Taoism and Zen as applied to Gung Fu, Eastern and Western fitness regimens and self-defense techniques. Also included is a Gung Fu "scrapbook" of Bruce Lee's anecdotes regarding the history and traditions of the martial arts of China. After Lee's death, his manuscript was completed and edited by martial arts expert John Little in cooperation with the Bruce Lee Estate. This book features an introduction by his wife, Linda Lee Cadwell and a foreword from his close friend and student, Taky Kimura. This Bruce Lee Book is part of the Bruce Lee Library which also features: Bruce Lee: Striking Thoughts Bruce Lee: The Celebrated Life of the Golden Dragon Bruce Lee: Artist of Life Bruce Lee: Letters of the Dragon Bruce Lee: The Art of Expressing the Human Body Bruce Lee: Jeet Kune Do
University of California Press Printing and Book Culture in Late Imperial China
Despite the importance of books and the written word in Chinese society, the history of the book in China is a topic that has been little explored. This pioneering volume of essays, written by historians, art historians, and literary scholars, introduces the major issues in the social and cultural history of the book in late imperial China. Informed by many insights from the rich literature on the history of the Western book, these essays investigate the relationship between the manuscript and print culture; the emergence of urban and rural publishing centers; the expanding audience for books; the development of niche markets and specialized publishing of fiction, drama, non-Han texts, and genealogies; and more.
Goose Lane Editions Coastlines: The Poetry of Atlantic Canada
Atlantic Canada is enjoying a renaissance unknown since the days of Alden Nowlan, Milton Acorn, and John Thompson. Coastlines: The Poetry of Atlantic Canada features work by 60 of the region's finest poets in a volume that will whet appetites for more. The earlier poetry renaissance began in 1945, with the establishment of The Fiddlehead magazine. In this new volume, the present Fiddlehead editor Ross Leckie, and his collaborators Ann Compton, Laurence Hutchman, and Robin McGrath, showcase the lasting effects of that earlier renaissance and confidently forecast that the newest generation of Atlantic poets will help to make poetry a pre-eminent literary form in Canada once again. Coastlines provides expansive reading pleasure because of the astonishing range of poetic intelligences it represents and the myriad ways poets find to work and rework the topography of Atlantic culture and landscape. The earliest poems in the anthology were written in the 1950s by the acknowledged greats — Acorn, Nowlan, and Thompson — and by Alfred Bailey, Elizabeth Bishop, and Charles Bruce. The collection also features work by senior poets such as Kay Smith, M. Travis Lane, Fred Cogswell, and Douglas Lochhead, and mid-career poets such as Elisabeth Harvor, Harry Thurston, and John Steffler. Poets of the post-1995 renaissance include Anne Simpson, Sue Sinclair, Michael Crummey, and George Elliott Clarke, who won the 2001 Governor General's Award; Lynn Davies, Sue Goyette, and Carole Langille have all been recent finalists, and both Brian Bartlett and matt robinson have won the Petra Kenney Memorial International Poetry Prize. The newest voices in Coastlines belong to Tammy Armstrong and Geoff Cook, whose work was selected from manuscripts published in 2002.
Peeters Publishers Tables Et Index De La Revue Des Etudes Juives, Tomes CXXXIX a CLVIII (1980-1999)
Comprend, pour les quarante livraisons parues entre 1980 et 1999, des tables par annees, des tables des auteurs, les theses routenues recemment, des auteurs dont les livres ont ete recenses, un index thematique, un index des manuscrits, ainsi que des tables et un index des illustrations. Une breve introduction en facilite le maniement et dresse un historique rapide de ces vingt ans de la Revue, dont les point forts sont demeures dans le periode l'Antiquite tardive, le moyen age et les temps modernes consideres du point de vue de l'histoire des litteratures juives comme de celui de l'histoire materielle et sociale des juifs, avec de tres riches rubriques bibliographiques qui couvrent aussi la periode contemporaine.
Debolsillo Paladin
El arqueólogo Fabio Ottaviani y su equipo parecen haber encontrado el Paladión, la más sagrada imagen de la diosa Atenea.El arqueólogo Fabio Ottaviani y su equipo parecen haber encontrado el Paladión, la más sagrada imagen de la diosa Atenea. Sin embargo, como no tardarán en comprobar, el Paladión es mucho más que una pieza de incalculable valor, y son muchos los que quieren apoderarse de ella a cualquier precio. Fascinado por su misteriosa leyenda, Ottaviani no dudará en rastrear en antiguos manuscritos y poner en peligro su propia vida para descubrir qué secreto esconde la mítica escultura. El éxito de Manfredi estriba en hacer pisar al lector la misma nieve, el mismo polvo y los mismos charcos que los protagonistas de sus historias. Historia National Geographic
Visor libros, S.L. Las lagrimas de Ahab
C artagena, 31 de Mayo de 1942. Su obra poética está traducida - y algunas de sus novelas - a más de veinte idiomas. Formó parte de la antología NUEVE NOVISIMOS. Finalista del premio PLANETA con El manuscirito de Palermo y de LA SONRISA VERTICAL con La caza del zorro, fue premio de esta última con La esclava instruida. También fue premio BARCAROLA. Su obra poética ha ido construyendo por más de 35 años un libro, Museo de cera (publicado en esta misma colección), en el que se integran títulos como La edad de oro, Nocturnos, Tosigo ardento, El escudo de Aquiles, Signifying nothing, El botín del mundo y La serpiente de bronce. Como traductor se le debe la obra de Konstantino Kavafis, los Poemas de la locura de Hólderlin, la poesía de Robert Louis Stevenson (del que también ha traducido La isla
Book*hug Good Mom on Paper: Writers on Creativity and Motherhood
The experience of motherhood is monumental, yet rarely discussed in connection with literary or creative life. How do we navigate the twin devotions of love and art? How does motherhood disrupt the creative process? How does it enhance it?Good Mom on Paper is a collection of twenty essays that goes beyond the clichés to explore the fraught, beautiful, and complicated relationship between motherhood and creativity. These texts disclose the often-invisible challenges of a literary life with little ones: the manuscript written with a baby sleeping in a carrier, missing a book launch for a bedtime, crafting a promotional tour around child care. But they also celebrate the systems that nurture writers who are mothers; the successes; the intricate, interconnected joys of these roles.Honest and intimate, critical and hopeful, this collection offers solace and joy to creative mothers and asks how we can better support their work. Mothers have long been telling each other these vital stories in private. Good Mom on Paper makes them available to everyone who needs them.With contributions by Heather O'Neill, Lee Maracle, Jael Richardson, Carrie Snyder, Alison Pick, Meaghan Strimas, Sofia Mostaghimi, Rachel Giese, Lorri Neilsen Glenn, Erin Wunker, Jónína Kirton, Jennifer Whiteford, Teresa Wong, Nikkya Hargrove, S. Lesley Buxton, Amber Riaz, Adelle Purdham, Harriet Alida Lye, and Kellee Ngan.A portion of each sale will be donated to the Mothers Matter Centre: a not-for-profit organization dedicated to empowering isolated, at-risk mothers.
Peeters Publishers Subhalmaran. The Book of Gifts: T.
This work provides a Syriac text and English translation of writings on ascetical life by Subhalmaran, early seventh-century metropolitan of Beth Seloq, now Kirkuk in Iraq. He was a contemporary of Catholicos Gregory I, of the monastic reformer Babai the Great, and of the writer Barhadbesabba. The Syriac material, found in British Library Oriental Manuscript 6714, is there passed off as a single work, but is an editorial collection of five pieces on asceticism and one on the Last Things. This last is similar to, possibly the same as, a piece known elsewhere as being by Babai the Great. Subhalmaran's approach is biblically based, perceptive and witty. His theme is that gifts of the virtues come to those who, by conquering passions and combatting demons, live so as to acquire what is mediated through Old and New Testament ascetics and their successors from their Lord and perfecter, the Messiah.
Arco Libros - La Muralla, S.L. Genética textual
El presente volumen pretende servir de introducción a la Crítica Genética, uno de los movimientos críticos de mayor interés de los surgidos en los últimos años, en especial en el ámbito francés. Los autores representativos de esta tendencia se han centrado en las posibilidades interpretativas de la historia textual de los manuscritos de trabajo de los autores, usándolos para algo más que para fijar el texto de una obra. A partir de la noción de textualidad, su objetivo no es el estudio del texto definitivo, sino la reconstrucción y análisis del proceso de escritura. Para agrupar su material de estudio, los genetistas utilizan el término ante-texto, que alude a los diversos esbozos, borradores, copias mecanografiadas, etc., conservados de una obra o de un autor. Los ensayos de este volumen contienen tanto trabajos teóricos generales como muestras de cómo la visión genética puede enriquecer otras corrientes críticas ya establecidas. Además, se completa con una Introducción que traza la h
Crónicas del Madrid secreto ochenta historias singulares de la villa y corte
Un recorrido único y fascinante por las calles y los secretos mejor guardados de la Villa y Corte.Por qué Cibeles, una diosa pagana de origen tracio, acabó convirtiéndose en una figura emblemática de Madrid? Cuál es la conexión entre el gran Leonardo da Vinci y esta ciudad? Qué importancia tuvo la capital española en la llegada del hombre a la Luna?Pedro Ortega, uno de los más lúcidos observadores contemporáneos de la ciudad de Madrid, ha desempolvado archivos secretos, rescatado manuscritos perdidos y descifrado claves ocultas para componer una apasionante y novedosa crónica de la capital de España, cuya lectura sorprenderá incluso a quienes creían saberlo todo sobre la historia de la ciudad.De este modo, el autor halla y recompone las piezas que faltaban en ese formidable y laberíntico puzle que es Madrid, al tiempo que nos presenta una excepcional guía práctica para recorrer la capital.Otros autores han dicho#En estas páginas los misterios de Madrid aban
Ediciones Cátedra Dictats obra completa
Ausiàs March es uno de los grandes poetas de España en cualquiera de sus lenguas, y seis siglos después su voz sigue resonando entre nosotros. En la historia de la literatura hispánica destaca como la figura más representativa y conocida antes de Garcilaso de la Vega. Ambos inauguraron lo que actualmente consideramos poesía moderna, pero el valenciano March lo hizo para las letras en lengua catalana un siglo antes, influyendo en Garcilaso y muchos otros poetas posteriores. En sus poemas, que él llama las más de las veces " Dictats " , se fusionan de forma muy personal ideas, imaginación y un lenguaje nuevo, que dotan a la obra de un sentido global insólito entonces e irrepetible después. Hasta nuestros días han llegado un número considerable de copias manuscritas y ediciones del siglo XVI que recopilan una obra muy extensa y variada, más de diez mil versos en ciento veintinueve composiciones, escritas en catalán en su forma valenciana. Esta edición ofrece al lector el texto original de
Memorial de los libros naufragados
Cómo Hernando Colón, hijo de Cristóbal Colón, creó la primera biblioteca moderna y organizó el conocimiento al mejor estilo de la era digital.El Memorial de los libros naufragados cuenta la historia casi increíble ?pero completamente cierta? del hijo menor de Cristóbal Colón, Hernando, quien procuró igualar o incluso superar los méritos de su padre creando una biblioteca universal, la más extraña y variadísima colección de materiales impresos, desde libros, manuscritos y panfletos hasta estampas, folletos, partituras, pósteres de tabernas y un largo etcétera. Este enorme y curioso legado tenía para él un valor incalculable, porque le acercó a su objetivo de construir una biblioteca que lo abarcara todo, en un sentido nunca antes imaginado.Conocido como el biógrafo más importante de Cristóbal Colón, así como por supervisar los primeros mapas modernos del mundo y visitar las principales capitales europeas en busca de libros, Hernando se nos revela en esta obra como u
Diario de un bibliotecario de Tombuct
El gran enemigo del hombre es el miedo, lo veo cuando miro atrás y veo todo lo que he dejado. Tengo miedo de perder todo, de volver a hacer de nuevo el recorrido de una vida. Quien tiene miedo deja de vivir.En abril de 2012, el grupo armado separatista tuareg MNLA (Movimiento Nacional para la Liberación de Azawad) ocupa el norte de Malí. Ismael Diadié ve peligrar el Fondo Kati, la biblioteca creada por la familia Kati y reunificada por él a lo largo de los años. Empujado por la guerra, abandona Tombuctú y desanda el camino iniciado cinco siglos atrás por su antepasado Alí Ben Ziyad Al Qutí, que dejó Toledo en 1467 llevándose consigo los 400 manuscritos iniciales buscando en Malí un hogar en paz. El autor y protagonista de este diario, en su huida, lucha por salvar el legado de su familia del sinsentido y la crueldad y devolverlo a España.Diario de un bibliotecario de Tombuctú es un relato estremecedor sobre los estragos de la guerra, de cualquier guerra, y del tesón de sus víctim
Julieta es un jardn
El ballet ?Romeo y Julieta' bebe del manuscrito del ?Sueño de Polífilo?, de Colonna. Julieta es Polia y vive en una isla con la diosa Venus.Polia, arquetipo celeste, es la dama durmiente que representa la luz y el conocimiento, neopetrarquista ideal que redime a la bailarina Julieta.Romeo y Julieta están liberados, parten del estado contemplativo para albergar el éxtasis; Nureyev quiere conciliar el frenesí del poeta con el furor dionisíaco.Julieta bebe de la fuente de Adonis; contempla las aguas, espejo para peinarse la luminosa cabellera; asombra a las aves del paraíso; su belleza altera las rosaledas de la pérgola del jardín. Nureyev impregna de sabiduría y fortaleza a Julieta; la dama se registra en la luz neoplatónica, se alía con Apolo en la cima de su amor. Nureyev lleva a la doncella al registro dionisíaco ante la muerte.Romeo significa peregrino, deambula bailando, buscando a Julieta, crea un itinerario hacia la luz y el conocimiento simulando ser un espectro.
La Cerdanya de 1603
L?any 1603 Joan Trigall era el rector de Vilagrassa, a l?Urgell. Per passar el temps i la calor va escriure el Tratado del condado de Cerdaña, un manuscrit en què descrivia minuciosament la vila de Puigcerdà, d?on era fill, i la història i la geografia cerdanes. Anys més tard va adreçar unes cartes a l?historiador Jeroni Pujades, en les quals relatava les seves ascensions a la muntanya amb el propòsit de fer observacions geogràfiques sobre el Pirineu. Aquests textos permeten intuir la personalitat singular d?un home que havia exercit de mestre de gramàtica a Solsona, a Manresa i a Puigcerdà, amb una gran cultura clàssica però també amb un incipient mètode científic. Citada i difosa parcialment des de fa més d?un segle, la seva obra mai no s?havia publicat íntegrament fins ara. Tant pel seu contingut com pel seu interès literari, els textos de Joan Trigall conformen un corpus documental imprescindible per a conèixer la història moderna de la Cerdanya.
Oxbow Books Art in England: The Saxons to the Tudors: 600-1600
Art in England fills a void in the scholarship of both English and medieval art by offering the first single volume overview of artistic movements in Medieval and Early Renaissance England. Grounded in history and using the chronology of the reign of monarchs as a structure, it is contextual and comprehensive, revealing unobserved threads of continuity, patterns of intention and unique qualities that run through English art of the medieval millennium. By placing the English movement in a European context, this book brings to light many ingenious innovations that focused studies tend not to recognize and offers a fresh look at the movement as a whole. The media studied include architecture and related sculpture, both ecclesiastical and secular; tomb monuments; murals, panel paintings, altarpieces, and portraits; manuscript illuminations; textiles; and art by English artists and by foreign artists commissioned by English patrons.
Desclée De Brouwer Judas y el evangelio de Jess del Judas de la fe al Iscariote de la historia
El "Evangelio de Judas" se descubrió en los 70 del pasado siglo y ha tardado cerca de 30 años en llegar al dominio público y al análisis crítico. El renombrado erudito bíblico y obispo de Durham (Inglaterra) Tom Wright, dirige su atención hacia este fascinante manuscrito. Wright se pregunta qué nos dice el texto acerca del antiguo gnosticismo y del moderno entusiasmo por retomar el contacto con este movimiento. Se puede afirmar que este excepcional documento ha desvelado, con una claridad no exenta de la máxima crudeza, aquello en lo que creían los gnósticos? Y por qué razón algunos de los más grandes autores dentro del ámbito de los primeros cristianos rechazaron con pasión el mensaje alternativo que aducían estas personas?Sin dejar de reconocer que se trata de un hallazgo arqueológico del máximo interés, Tom Wright sostiene que el "Evangelio de Judas" no nos dice nada del Jesucristo real ni del Judas real. Por el contrario, el entusiasmo con el que algunos lo han acogido habla más
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medieval Lyric: Middle English Lyrics, Ballads, and Carols
Medieval Lyric is a colourful collection of lyrical poems, carols, and traditional British ballads written between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, together with some twentieth-century American versions of them. A lively and engaging collection of lyrical poems, carols, and traditional British ballads written in between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, together with some twentieth-century American versions of them. Introduces readers to the rich variety of Middle English poetry. Presents poems of mourning and of celebration, poems dedicated to the Blessed Virgin and to Christ, poems inviting or disparaging love, poems about sex, and more. Reader-friendly - uses modernized letter forms, punctuation and capitalization, and side glosses explaining difficult words. Opens with a substantial introduction by the editor to the medieval lyric as a genre, and features short introductions to each section and poem. Also includes an annotated bibliography, glossary, index of first lines, and list of manuscripts cited.
Taylor & Francis Inc Effective Writing Strategies for Engineers and Scientists
This easy-to-read, concise book is filled with examples, hints, reminders and reviews designed to help engineers and scientists develop effective writing skills. Use the book to learn to write better reports, memos, and journal articles and keep it close at hand when you have questions about organization, clarity and style, writing and revising rough drafts, graphics, workplace writing, computers in writing, and legal issues in writing. The book also contains four helpful appendices on common errors, equations and abbreviations, preparing manuscripts for publication, and documenting information sources. Effective Writing Strategies for Engineers and Scientists provides easy training for the type of writing required of engineers and scientists, gives specific advise for conveying complicated information, and describes how to synthesize information according to specific writing strategies. It is a "must" for every scientist's and engineer's bookshelf.
University of Toronto Press Teaching in a Cold and Windy Place: Change in an Inuit School
Joanne Tompkins travelled to the Baffin Island community of Anurapaqtuq to take on the job of principal at the local school. This is the fascinating story of her experiences in the four years she spent there and the many challenges she faced.On her arrival in the Inuit village, Tompkins found struggling teachers and failing students in a community that was grappling with social and economic change. Outlining strategies that worked and others that failed, she gives a vivid account of the day-to-day trials and rewards that she and community members experienced as they worked to create a productive and exciting school environment.This engaging and informative account of change in an Inuit school will be of great use to educators and administrators, and appeal to general readers as well. One educator who read the manuscript paid it the compliment of comparing it to Sylvia Ashton-Warner's classic tale of teaching Maori children, Teacher.
City Lights Books City Bird and Other Poems
An underground denizen of San Francisco soars above it in a state-of-the-art long poem."These poems about San Francisco challenge the media narrative of a city in decline, paying tribute to its joys. Dunagan weaves in allusions to artists, including Joan Brown and Jay DeFeo, poets Bill Berkson and Lew Welch, and local landmarks O''Farrell Street and St. Anne of the Sunset."—Publishers WeeklyOver a decade ago, Patrick James Dunagan stoically refused to be published in the Spotlight series, citing his desire to maintain critical independence as a prolific reviewer of contemporary poetry. Finally, he has been prevailed upon to turn over a manuscript, City Bird and Other Poems. Defying the media narrative of the city''s demise, the poems of City Bird celebrate the joys of San Francisco, invoking artists like Joan Brown and Jay DeFeo, poets like Bill Berkson and Lew Welch, and local landmarks like O'
Oxford University Press Seneca: De Beneficiis (L. Annaei Senecae De beneficiis: Libri VII, De clementia: Libri II, Apocolocyntosis)
This is the first new critical edition of De beneficiis in almost 100 years, based on a fresh examination of the extant archetype (N) and on more extensive familiarity with the later medieval and humanist manuscripts than any previous edition. Each work in the edition is provided with a critical apparatus that is both informative and economical. The apparatus fontium et testium standing between the text and the critical apparatus on each page provides full references to the texts Seneca himself cites and extensive cross-references among the three works in the edition and between those works and Seneca's other prose writings, along with many parallel passages beyond the Senecan corpus. An appendix critica to De beneficiis contains much information on the text's documentary basis and critical history that future editors should find useful to have at hand even if it was not judged worthy of inclusion in this edition's critical apparatus.
Anaya Educación Viaje al centro de la Tierra
" Viaje al centro de la Tierra " es la segunda aventura imaginada por Julio Verne de una larga serie que, con más de cincuenta entregas, estaría escribiendo durante toda su vida. Sin duda Verne tenía un espíritu aventurero que necesitaba salir de vez en cuando a darse una vuelta. En esta ocasión, el escritor francés, se encarna por partida doble en la persona del profesor Lidenbrock, un excéntrico científico alemán, y su sobrino Axel, joven aún y huérfano, aprendiz de geólogo, que vive bajo su protección. El objetivo de la aventura que les une a los dos es demostrar que se puede llegar hasta el mismísimo centro de la Tierra siguiendo las huellas de Arne Saknussemm, un antiguo escritor del siglo XVI, investigador y viajero, que dejó un manuscrito secreto con las claves para realizar la expedición.Con este argumento, Verne nos arrastra a una historia descabellada de aventuras y continuas sorpresas que ponen a prueba hasta el límite a sus protagonistas. La historia es narrada por Axel,
Editora y Distribuidora Hispano Americana, S.A. (EDHASA) Ciudad del hombre
José María Fonollosa no es tanto un poeta marginado por la época como un poeta que decide marginarse de una época con la que no comulga. Cantó a las ciudades que lo conocieron, como si el enjambre de calles fuera el silencioso testigo de su paso por el mundo: Barcelona, La Habana, Nueva York. Y su canto no habla de la agustiniana ciudad de dios, sino del ser humano: del hombre que no encuentra su lugar en el mundo y menos entre otros hombres. Es, en definitiva, la suya una voz libre y cercana, un poeta que dice lo que piensa y que ofrece en sus versos un retrato acerado y valiente de las fobias, las ilusiones y los fracasos del hombre contemporáneo. Su poesía es nuestra y, a la vez, universal y, sin embargo, el manuscrito de Ciudad del hombre, después de mucho tiempo en el olvido, se había publicado solo de manera incompleta. hasta hoy. Con esta edición, a cargo de José Ángel Cilleruelo, al fin se puede disfrutar de la obra original e íntegra que el autor escribió: 236 poemas con su or
Pegasus Books A Polar Affair
A captivating blend of true adventure and natural history by one of today’s leading penguin experts and Antarctic explorers.George Murray Levick was the physician on Robert Falcon Scott’s tragic Antarctic expedition of 1910. Marooned for an Antarctic winter, Levick passed the time by becoming the first man to study penguins up close. His findings were so shocking to Victorian morals that they were quickly suppressed and seemingly lost to history. A century later, Lloyd Spencer Davis rediscovers Levick and his findings during the course of his own scientific adventures in Antarctica. Levick’s long-suppressed manuscript reveals not only an incredible survival story, but one that will change our understanding of an entire species. A Polar Affair reveals the last untold tale from the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. It is perhaps the greatest of all of those stories—but why was it hidden to begin with? The ever-fascinating a
Princeton University Press Archimedes
This classic study by the eminent Dutch historian of science E. J. Dijksterhuis (1892-1965) presents the work of the Greek mathematician and mechanical engineer to the modern reader. With meticulous scholarship, Dijksterhuis surveys the whole range of evidence on Archimedes' life and the 2000-year history of the manuscripts and editions of the text, and then undertakes a comprehensive examination of all the extant writings. Originally published in 1987. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
The University of Chicago Press Departing from Deviance: A History of Homosexual Rights and Emancipatory Science in America
The struggle to remove the stigma of sickness surrounding same-sex love has a long history. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its diagnostic classification of mental illness, but the groundwork for this decision was laid centuries earlier. In this study Henry L. Minton looks back at the struggle of the American gay and lesbian activists who chose scientific research as a path for advocating homosexual rights. He traces the history of gay and lesbian emancipatory research from its early beginnings in the late 19th century to its role in challenging the illness model in the 1970s. By examining archival sources and unpublished manuscripts, Minton reveals the substantial accomplishments made by key researchers and relates their life stories. He also considers the contributions of mainstream sexologists such as Alfred C. Kinsey and Evelyn Hooker who supported the cause through the advancement of scientific knowledge.
Oxford University Press Byzantine Art
The opulence of Byzantine art, with its extravagant use of gold and silver, is well known. Highly skilled artists created powerful representations reflecting and promoting this society and its values in icons, illuminated manuscripts, and mosaics and wallpaintings placed in domed churches and public buildings. This complete introduction to the whole period and range of Byzantine art combines immense breadth with interesting historical detail. Robin Cormack overturns the myth that Byzantine art remained constant from the inauguration of Constantinople, its artistic centre, in the year 330 until the fall of the city to the Ottomans in 1453. He shows how the many political and religious upheavals of this period produced a wide range of styles and developments in art. This updated, colour edition includes new discoveries, a revised bibliography, and, in a new epilogue, a rethinking of Byzantine Art for the present day.
Cambridge University Press The Cambridge Companion to Richard Wright
Hailed as 'the father of black literature in the twentieth century', Richard Wright was an iconoclast, an intellectual of towering stature, whose multidisciplinary erudition rivals only that of W. E. B. Du Bois. This collection captures Wright's immense power, which has made him a beacon for writers across decades, from the civil rights era to today. Individual essays examine Wright's art as central to his intellectual life and shed new light on his classic texts - Native Son and Black Boy. Other essays turn to his short fiction, and non-fiction as well as his lesser-known work in journalism and poetry, paying particular attention to manuscripts in Wright's archive - unpublished letters and novels, plans for multivolume works - that allow us to see the depth and expansiveness of his aesthetic and political vision. Exploring how Wright's expatriation to France facilitated a broadening of this vision, contributors challenge the idea that expatriation led to Wright's artistic decline.
Peeters Publishers The Homiliae Toletanae and the Theology of Lent and Easter
This book takes seriously the need for a two-fold shift in methodology within the field of liturgical studies and serves as a model for future historical work. The first shift necessary in liturgical studies is a shift to sources other than the central liturgical texts, i.e. the Missal, breviary, lectionary, and books of rites. The second shift necessary in the field is a greater appreciation of the diversity of liturgical celebrations within the Church. In order to engage in such a study, this book analyzes a non-traditional liturgical source within a little-studied liturgical tradition. The source that provides the basis for this study is the Homiliae Toletanae (British Library, Add. 30853), a homiliary for Mass found in the Hispano-Mozarabic Rite. The Homiliae Toletanae dates to circa the seventh/eighth centuries and survives in one tenth/eleventh-century manuscript. It contains homilies for every major temporal and sanctoral feast in the calendar of Toledo. The Homiliae Toletanae is a valuable manuscript for reconstructing and understanding the liturgical practices of seventh/eighth-century Toledo. This study looks only at the Lenten homilies found within the Homiliae Toletanae in order to supplement what is already known about the Lenten practices of late Visigothic and early Mozarabic Spain. In reconstructing the practices of Lent in seventh/eighth-century Spain, this study explores the two major themes of Lent, penance and initiation, and their relationship to one another. It reflects on what some scholars consider a crisis in the thematic understanding of Lent in the seventh/eighth centuries. Coupled with this crisis is a shift from adult initiation to infant initiation in this period. This study argues that this crisis of meaning and the subsequent shift to a more penitential understanding of Lent was a direct result of the decline in adult initiation in this period. The dominant role that fasting and almsgiving played in the Lenten life of late Visigothic and early Mozarabic Spain is also analyzed. In order to conduct this study, this volume utilizes textual criticism as well as the comparative method in liturgical studies. The comparative method is based on the work of Anton Baumstark, the Mateos School, and Paul Bradshaw. This method is used to reconstruct liturgical practices based on the manuscript evidence. The first part of this book contextualizes the Homiliae Toletanae within the larger Hispano-Mozarabic and Christian tradition, and discusses its origin, dating, composition, and general content. The second part of this book is an in-depth look at the twenty-three homilies of Lent found within the Homiliae Toletanae. The goal of this volume is to show that liturgical traditions, like the Hispano-Mozarabic Rite, have a profound creativity and uniqueness. Their patrimony is rich, and they contain many liturgical insights, both historically and pastorally.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Notes of Conversations, 1848-1875
Notes of Conversations, 1848-1875 is a volume of transcripts of conversations conducted by the nineteenth-century American philosopher and educator A. Bronson Alcott at various locations in New England and the Midwest. The transcripts have been copied from unpublished manuscripts in the Alcott collection at Harvard University and Concord Free Library, as well as published contemporary articles in The Radical, New York Tribune, and Chicago Tribune. Gathered in this volume, Alcotts transcripts vividly reflect American intellectual concerns from the years preceding the Civil War through the beginning of the Gilded Age. In this set of remarkable documents, Alcott holds conversations on broad aspects of human culture, on literature, on philosophical idealism, on women's roles and accomplishments, on abolition a whole range of social, literary, and religious reforms. Because women made up a significant portion of Alcotts enthusiastic participants, the transcripts allow us to witness their commitment to self-culture through a popular social phenomenon at a time when most middle- and upper-class women were not able to pursue college educations. The transcripts make us privy to the oral performances of some of the most important reformers of the nineteenth century, men and women such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, William Lloyd Garrison, Elizabeth Peabody, and Caroline Healey Dall. Further, lists of attendees at these public conversations show that this talking phenomenal extended beyond the well-known writers, thinkers, and reformers of the age to hundreds of men and women in nineteenth-century New England and Midwestern societies.
Pennsylvania State University Press Forming Sleep: Representing Consciousness in the English Renaissance
Forming Sleep asks how biocultural and literary dynamics act together to shape conceptions of sleep states in the early modern period. Engaging with poetry, drama, and prose largely written in English between 1580 and 1670, the essays in this collection highlight period discussions about how seemingly insentient states might actually enable self-formation.Looking at literary representations of sleep through formalism, biopolitics, Marxist theory, trauma theory, and affect theory, this volume envisions sleep states as a means of defining the human condition, both literally and metaphorically. The contributors examine a range of archival sources—including texts in early modern faculty psychology, printed and manuscript medical treatises and physicians’ notes, and printed ephemera on pathological sleep—through the lenses of both classical and contemporary philosophy. Essays apply these frameworks to genres such as drama, secular lyric, prose treatise, epic, and religious verse. Taken together, these essays demonstrate how early modern depictions of sleep shape, and are shaped by, the philosophical, medical, political, and, above all, formal discourses through which they are articulated. With this in mind, the question of form merges considerations of the physical and the poetic with the spiritual and the secular, highlighting the pervasiveness of sleep states as a means by which to reflect on the human condition. In addition to the editors, the contributors to this volume include Brian Chalk, Jennifer Lewin, Cassie Miura, Benjamin Parris, Giulio Pertile, N. Amos Rothschild, Garret A. Sullivan Jr., and Timothy A. Turner.
Coffee House Press Thousand Star Hotel
Bao Phi brings people to poetry who might not be interested or otherwise find it accessible. Though Phi?s poems are incredibly tender; they are colored with first-hand accounts of oppression, discrimination, and blatant, even violent, racism. These poems confront the privilege of white Americans, institutionalized racism, and the often unseen or unacknowledged violence toward minority groups, particularly Asian Americans. Phi is a child of the late 70s and 80s, and an unapologetic nerd?Star Wars movies, sci fi, comics, old-school hip hop?and those enthusiasms provide moments of lightness in the manuscript. How do you learn to be a father, you've been violently removed from your home and the context of your community? These poems are Phi's way of addressing that question. Phi has an extraordinary following in the spoken word community, and his work at the Loft has made him a hero to many, especially young poets of color. A new book should be greeted with real enthusiasm from his substantial audience.
St Martin's Press Of Books and Bagpipes
Always up fora literary adventure, Delaney Nichols left Kansas to pursue her dream job at the Cracked Spine, a Scottish bookshop specializing in rare manuscripts and other valuable historical objects. So when her boss asks herto retrieve a hard-to-find edition of an Oor Wullie comic, Delaney is only too eager to please. Even though her trip to Castle Doune, outside of Edinburgh, ends up being a lot more than she bargained for. .. While viewing the Highlands from the castle's ramparts, Delaney spots a sandal-clad foot at the other end of the roof—one that belongs to the now-deceased man in charge of bringing her the Oor Wullie. Delaney grabs the pages of the comic book and hides them under her jacket before rushing off to find the police. It's not until she's back in at the Cracked Spine that Delaney realizes just how complicated this story really is. Can she untangle the plot and figure out who the killer is.. .before getting herself booked for murder?
Aarhus University Press Mongol Shamans: Shaman Costumes at the National Museum of Denmark
The costumes and ritual equipment presented in this volume were obtained from shamans in Mongolia and Siberia and represent today a unique cultural world heritage. They were collected in the 1930s by two Danish legendary travelers, Henning Haslund-Christensen in Mongolia, and Knud Rasmussen in Siberia. Parts of the material were described by Haslund-Christensen in earlier publications, but with senior researcher Rolf Gilberg’s manuscript, the entire material is now thoroughly described, analyzed and presented in a context for an international public. The analysis contains the history of collection of the objects alongside a well-informed description of the cosmology of Shamanism, and the diversity of shamans in the larger Mongolian region. With the expertise accumulated over more than forty years’ studies, Gilberg’s analysis is guided by an abundance of original illustrations of drawings and photographs, of which many are new recordings. The book is rounded off with a chapter where the historical costumes and ritual objects are placed in a contemporary context through the depictions of Gilberg’s meetings with Mongol shamans in Mongolia in the 1990s.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Counsel and Strategy in Middle English Romance
Barnes contends that `rule by counsel' is central to the ethos of Middle English romance. By examining the development of Middle English romance against its background of 13th- and 14th-century royal-baronial conflict, this book assumes a new historical perspective. Friction between Plantagenet kings and dissident barons contributed to the development of the `problem of counsel' both as an actuality and as a topos in the literature of the period. Rule by counsel, an ideal which informs medieval English government at every level, is, the authorargues, central to the ethos of Middle English romance. The procedural formula of `counsel and strategy' is tested against a number of romances: Ywain and Gawain, Havelok, Gamelyn, Athelston, a selection of nine romances from the Auchinleck manuscript, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. By selecting these narratives Geraldine Barnes is able to approach the question of counsel from a number of different angles. This is a book which will stimulate considerable interest among scholars of medieval literature. GERALDINE BARNES is Senior Lecturer in English Language and Early English Literature at the University of Sydney.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Ordinal of the Abbey of the Holy Trinity Fécamp: (Fécamp, Musée de la Bénédictine, MS 186), I [containing Part I]
Edition of twelfth-century Ordinal from Fécamp, giving a detailed view of monastic liturgy. The abbey of Fécamp, reformed in the early years of the eleventh century by William of Volpiano, abbot of St-Bénigne at Dijon, was a key institution in the development of Norman monasticism in the middle ages. As one of the most energetic monastic reformers of his time, William was noted for the attention he paid to the liturgy of the many abbeys he superintended, and his liturgical cursus was influential in English and continental monastic houses. The Fécamp Ordinal, edited here from a manuscript of the early thirteenth century, but transmitting the liturgy observed in the abbey some two centuries earlier, is the first complete source of William's liturgical work tobe printed. It is expanded by readings from complementary Fécamp service books, creating a text which gives a particularly detailed view of medieval monastic liturgy. This first volume contains the Temporal; the remainder of the Ordinal, together with comprehensive indexes, will form the second volume.DAVID CHADDteaches in the School of Music at the University of East Anglia.
Yale Egyptological Institute The Mortuary Papyrus of Padikakem: Walters Art Museum 551
This new study is the first translation of the papyrus of Padikakem, with an extensive commentary. The complete early Ptolemaic manuscript from the Walters Art Museum contains two uncommon texts in hieratic. The initial text, a Ritual of Introducing the Multitude on the Last Day of Tekh, is identified as a temple liturgy by its rubric title, while its themes recall love poetry and the Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys. The second text, a rarely attested Book III of glorification spells (sakhw) has an exclusively mortuary character. The spells of this section largely originate in the Pyramid Texts and include specific instructions for recitation by the lector priest. The two texts are established as a coherent composition that belongs to the Greco-Roman tradition of merging Egyptian funerary practices with temple liturgies. The diverse sources and themes of the texts shed light on the evolution of Osirian and mortuary theologies from the Old Kingdom onwards. The study also thoroughly examines the development of grammar and paleography among the parallels.
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press theMystery.doc
Rooted in the western United States in the decade post-9/11, theMystery.doc follows a young writer and his wife as he attempts to write his second book, a national epic he hopes will last forever, and as he searches for a form that will express the world as it has become, revealing the interconnectedness of all our lives. Pop-up ads, internet search results, spam, lines of code, frames of film and television mix with canonical works of literature, alchemical manuscripts, transcripts of personal conversations, and the story of a man who wakes up one morning not knowing who he is, a blank document called themystery.doc newly appeared on his computer. Part love story, part prose poem, part documentary, part existential whodunit, part future-fiction, part Bildungsroman, part memoir, theMystery.doc is about the quest to find something lasting in a world where everything is in danger of slipping away. Love, loss, birth, death, technology, terrorism and the American Dream come together to form a great symphonic work that dazzles in both its structure and in its deep emotional resonance.
Vintage Publishing Poems: The Centenary Edition
This is the definitive centenary edition of the work of one of America's greatest poets, recognised today as a master of her art and acclaimed by poets and readers alike. Her poems display honesty and humour, grief and acceptance, observing nature and human nature with painstaking accuracy. They often start outwardly, with geography and landscape - from New England and Nova Scotia, where Bishop grew up, to Florida and Brazil, where she later lived - and move inexorably toward the interior, exploring questions of knowledge and perception, love and solitude, and the ability or inability of form to control chaos.This new edition, edited by Saskia Hamilton, includes Bishop's four published volumes (North & South, A Cold Spring, Questions of Travel and Geography III), as well as uncollected poems, translations and an illuminating selection of unpublished manuscript poems, reproduced in facsimile, revealing exactly how finished, or unfinished, Bishop left them. It offers readers the opportunity to enjoy the complete poems of one of the most distinguished American poets of the twentieth century.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd German Romance V: Erec
New edition, with facing English translation, of one of the most important Arthurian works from the middle ages. Erec is the earliest extant German Arthurian romance, freely adapted and translated into Middle High German by the Swabian knight, Hartmann von Aue, from the first Old French Arthurian romance, Chrétien de Troyes' Erec et Enide. Hartmann's work dates from c. 1180, but the only (almost) complete manuscript dates from the early sixteenth century, copied into the huge two-volume Ambraser Heldenbuch, now housed in Vienna - the most comprehensive extant compilation of medieval German romances and epics, commissioned by Emperor Maximilian I. Otherwise, only a few earlier medieval fragments survive. Erec tells the story of a young knight at King Arthur's court, whose early prowess wins him high repute, and a beautiful wife, Enite. He falls into disrepute because of his excessively zealous devotion of his time to her. Alerted to his notoriety, he embarks on a series of symbolic adventures, which eventually lead to his achieving a new balance between the claims of love and those of society. Far more than a simple translation, Hartmann's first attempt at an Arthurian romance is notable for its zest and gusto. This is the first edition with a parallel text translation into English; it is presented with explanatory notes and variant readings. Cyril Edwards is a Senior Research Fellow of Oxford University's Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, and an Honorary Research Fellow of University College London.
Louisiana State University Press The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti: A Variorum Edition
Born in 1830, Christina Rossetti began composing verse at the age of eleven and continued to write for the remaining fifty-three years of her life. Her brother Dante Gabriel Rossetti, himself a poet and painter, soon recognised her genius and urged her to publish her poems. By the time of her death in 1894, Christina had written more than eleven hundred poems and had published over nine hundred of them. Although she is regarded as the greatest woman poet of the Victorian period, there has not been until now and authoritative edition of her poetry.In this second volume of the three-volume The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti, R.W. Crump continues the editorial standards she established n Volume I, published in 1979. She gives the reader a comprehensive text with notes revealing Christina's process of composition and revision and her painstaking concern for the technical details of her work. The variant readings in the notes are taken from extant manuscripts, individual poems as published or privately printed before being incorporated into her published collections, and all the English and American editions of her poems through William Michael Rossetti's The Poetical Works of Christina Georgina Rossetti (1904). A special feature of both Volumes I and II is a complete list of holographs and their locations.Volume II contains Sing-Song: A Nursery Rhyme Book (1872), A Pageant and Other Poems (1881), and Verses (1893), as well as the poems added to these volumes after their original publication. Volume III contains poems Christina published but did not include in any of her collections as well as poems that have not previously appeared in print.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Directing the Tunnellers' War: The Tunnelling Memoirs of Captain H Dixon MC RE
The original version of this memoir was entitled The Lighter Side of a Tunneller s Life; he has hoped to get it published in the late thirties, but this was a period when many publishers considered that there was memoir fatigue as regards the Great War and a new war was looming. With a background in mining and tunneling (the internal evidence suggests that some of this was done in South Africa), he served with a Tunnelling Company and was then transferred to GHQ in Montreuil to handle mining plans and records. The British organized their mining at Army and GHQ level, with a close control on operational activity being reserved to GHQ. In due course he was appointed as one of the Assistant Inspectors of Mines, a small group of Royal engineers officers who operated as the eyes and ears of the Inspector of Mines, who exercised overall control on mining operations. His activity in this role is particularly important for the period after the June 1917 Messines Offensive, when the use of mining for blows against the enemy substantially diminished indeed, all but disappeared and the tunneling companies were reallocated to a new range of tasks. His manuscript, produced in 1933, was intended for publication, but remained no more than a draft, rescued some time ago by one of the editors from the Royal Engineers archives at Chatham. Dixon remarks that the carnage and horrors of war have been deliberately omitted, for enough and to spare has been written about these aspects by countless others. His manuscript, alternatively, provides a valuable insight into the overall conduct of mining operations and the tactical and strategic considerations that rarely feature in other accounts. He was at the centre of staff activity that set about countering the effects of the German Kaiserslacht offensives in March, April and May 1918, and the preparations for a possible German breakthrough to the channel ports. Subsequently, with the allied advances of the Last Hundred Days , he became considerably occupied by the hazards of dealing with delayed action mines and booby traps. Aside from these tactical and strategic considerations, he recounts, by means of numerous humorous anecdotes, the personalities and work of the staff at GHQ, ranging from humble clerks and the misdemeanors of his batman to senior officers. He brings to life the exceptional endeavours of the often maligned senior staff and the individual characteristics of many senior staff officers who are otherwise but shadows in accounts of the Great War. The editors have added extensive notes explaining and, on occasions correcting, Dixon s accounts; these are illustrated with explanatory plans and diagrams along with photographs of many of the personalities he describes. The combination provides a very personal perspective of the conduct of the war at GHQ.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Dead Sea Scrolls. Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations: Volume 2: Damascus Document, War Scroll, and Related Documents
The Dead Sea Scrolls represent the remains of an ancient Jewish library which antedates 68 C.E. It is the most significant discovery of biblically related ancient manuscripts, and represents more than 600 ancient Jewish documents. This series is the definitive collection of the Dead Sea Scrolls and will conclude with a volume on the Biblical Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, and a concordance to the collection. Forty-four scholars from Canada, Germany, Israel, the United States, and other countries serve as subeditors in the series.The second volume contains improved Hebrew texts and literal translations of CD with selected fragments of the Damascus Document from Cave 4, 5 and 6; also included are 1 QM, with the fragments of the War Scroll from Caves 1 and 4. The series is prepared with the text on the left page and the translation on the right. Critical notes help the scholar understand the text, variants, philological subtleties, and translation. Other documents relating to rules are also contained in the second volume.
Peeters Publishers La version copte du discours pseudo-éphrémien In pulcherrimum Ioseph: V.
Cet ouvrage présente l’editio princeps, d’après les manuscrits IB 11.128-136 de la Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III de Naples, et M 578 du Morgan Library and Museum de New York, de la version copte d’un grec transmis sous le titre de Discours sur le très beau Joseph. Ce Discours appartient au corpus de l’«Éphrem grec», qui regroupe un grand nombre de textes attribués à Éphrem le Syrien, dont la plupart sont considérés comme inauthentiques. Par son contenu, le Discours s’inscrit dans le cadre de la littérature juive et chrétienne relative au patriarche Joseph, qui développe les chapitres 37 et 39 à 50 du livre de la Genèse. Il ne peut toutefois être identifié à aucune autre production littéraire connue consacrée au patriarche. Par le nombre et la diversité des témoins qui l’attestent, le Discours sur le très beau Joseph est parfaitement représentatif des problèmes critiques posés par la transmission et l’édition de l’Éphrem grec.
Peeters Publishers Philokappadox: In memoriam Justin Mossay
«Philokappadox» rassemble dix-sept contributions en hommage posthume au Professeur Justin Mossay, helléniste émérite surtout connu pour ses travaux relatifs aux Discours de Grégoire de Nazianze. Les articles de ses élèves et amis sont répartis dans quatre parties, dont cet illustre Cappadocien constitue le thème central: la tradition grecque des Discours grégoriens, les versions orientales (essentiellement géorgiennes et syriaques), la postérité du Théologien sous des formes variées, et divers éléments en rapport avec la Cappadoce. Différentes disciplines sont mises à l'honneur: la philologie traditionnelle est illustrée par des éditions de textes et l'examen des traditions manuscrites, grecque et orientales; des points de contact sont établis avec le monde occidental; l'onomastique capadocienne antérieure au monde gréco-romain y trouve également place; enfin, les méthodes modernes d'analyse statistique et de lemmatisation complètent de façon originale cet éventail d'approches variées.