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Taschen GmbH History of Information Graphics
In the age of big data and digital distribution, when news travel ever further and faster and media outlets compete for a fleeting slice of online attention, information graphics have swept center stage. At once nuanced and neat, they distill abstract ideas, complex statistics, and cutting-edge discoveries into succinct, compelling, and masterful designs. Cartographers, programmers, statisticians, designers, scientists, and journalists have developed a new field of expertise in visualizing knowledge. This XL-sized compendium explores the history of data graphics from the Middle Ages right through to the digital era. Curated by Sandra Rendgen, some 400 milestones span astronomy, cartography, zoology, technology, and beyond. Across medieval manuscripts and parchment rolls, elaborate maps, splendid popular atlasses, and early computer-based information design, we systematically break down each work’s historical context, including such highlights as Martin Waldseemüller’s famous world map, the meticulous nature studies of Ernst Haeckel, and many unknown treasures. Hot on the heels of the best-selling Information Graphics and Understanding the World, this third volume fills the gap as an unprecedented reference book for data freaks, designers, historians, and anyone thirsty for knowledge. An enthralling exploration into the teachings, research, and lives of generations past.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Medieval Dress and Textiles in Britain: A Multilingual Sourcebook
A vital sourcebook for information on clothing and textiles in the middle ages, containing many previously unprinted documents. Texts (with modern English translation) offering insights into the place of cloth and clothing in everyday life are presented here. Covering a wide range of genres, they include documents from the royal wardrobe accounts and petitions to king and Parliament, previously available only in manuscript form. The accounts detail royal expenditure on fabrics and garments, while the petitions demand the restoration of livery, for example, or protest about the needfor winter clothing for children who are wards of the king. In addition, the volume includes extracts from wills, inventories and rolls of livery, sumptuary laws, moral and satirical works condemning contemporary fashions, an OldEnglish epic, and English and French romances. The texts themselves are in Old and Middle English, Latin and Anglo-Norman French, with some of the documents switching between more than one of these languages. They are presented with introduction, glossary and detailed notes. Louise M. Sylvester is Reader in English Language at the University of Westminster; Mark Chambers is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Durham University; Gale R. Owen-Crocker is Professor of Anglo-Saxon Culture at the University of Manchester.
Indiana University Press Animal Tales from the Caribbean
These twenty-one animal tales from the Colombian Caribbean coast represent a sampling of the traditional stories that are told during all-night funerary wakes. The tales are told in the semi-sacred space of the patio (backyard) of homes as part of the funerary ritual that includes other aesthetic and expressive practices such as jokes, song games, board games, and prayer. In this volume these stories are situated within their performance contexts and represent a highly ritualized corpus of oral knowledge that for centuries has been preserved and cultivated by African-descendant populations in the Americas. Ethnomusicologist George List collected these tales throughout his decades-long fieldwork amongst the rural costeños, a chiefly African-descendent population, in the mid-20th century and, with the help of a research team, transcribed and translated them into English before his death in 2008. In this volume, John Holmes McDowell and Juan Sebastián Rojas E. have worked to bring this previously unpublished manuscript to light, providing commentary on the transcriptions and translations, additional cultural context through a new introduction, and further typological and cultural analysis by Hasan M. El-Shamy. Supplementing the transcribed and translated texts are links to the original Spanish recordings of the stories, allowing readers to follow along and experience the traditional telling of the tales for themselves.
Paperblanks The Brothers Grimm Frog Prince Fairy Tale Collection Ultra Lined Hardback Journal Elastic Band Closure
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were pioneers in the field of folklore, collecting stories through Germany’s rich oral tradition in order to preserve a history that might otherwise have been lost forever. In doing so, they popularized some of today’s most enduring fairy tales. “The Frog Prince; or, Iron Henry” was the first tale in the 1812 edition of Grimms’ Fairy Tales (Kinder- und Hausmärchen). It tells the story of a spoiled princess who reluctantly befriends a frog who, unbeknownst to her, is actually a prince under a sorcerer’s spell. In the original tale, the curse is lifted when the princess throws the frog against a brick wall in anger, but in later years the Brothers Grimm sanitized the story, turning it into the tale we know today. The Grimms’ impact was so profound that it is hard to imagine a world without these stories as they continue to be passed down through generations. We are honoured to reproduce this manuscript from the Bodmer
Amsterdam University Press The Rhetorical Arts in Late Antique and Early Medieval Ireland
The Rhetorical Arts in Late Antique and Early Medieval Ireland represents the first study of the art of rhetoric in medieval Ireland, a culture often neglected by medieval rhetorical studies. In a series of three case studies, Brian James Stone traces the textual transmission of rhetorical theories and practices from the late Roman period to those early Irish monastic communities who would not only preserve and pass on the light of learning, but adapt an ancient tradition to their own cultural needs, contributing to the history of rhetoric in important ways. The manuscript tradition of early Ireland, which gave us the largest body of vernacular literature in the medieval period and is already appreciated for its literary contributions, is also a site of rhetorical innovation and creative practice.
Oxford University Press Early Greek Mythography: Volume 1: Text and Introduction
This volume collects together the scattered quotations of the Greek writers of the sixth to the fourth centuries BC who first recorded in prose the tales of Greek mythology (the 'mythographers'). Volume 1 is an edition of the texts, whilst Volume 2, which provides the commentary, will follow in a couple of years' time. Here Professor Fowler presents new texts of Hekataios' Genealogies, Akousilaos, Pherekydes of Athens, the mythographical works of Hellanikos, Andron of Halikarnassos, pseudo-Epimenides, Herodoros, and many other ancient Greek mythographers. The texts are based on a fresh examination of manuscripts and papyri, particularly of the minor scholia to Homer. Read together for the first time, these texts represent an important and understudied genre of early Greek literature.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Medieval Clothing and Textiles 6
The best new research on medieval clothing and textiles, drawing from a range of disciplines. This sixth volume of Medieval Clothing and Textiles ranges widely, as ever, across England and Europe. It presents two groundbreaking articles in novel areas of textile and dress scholarship: an introduction to a previouslyunexamined class of embroidery (decorative manuscript repair), and an English-language overview of scholarly research on historical dress in Latvia. Among the other topics considered in the volume are two very different listingsof clothing items from medieval Germany: an invented lexicon by the mystic Hildegard of Bingen, and an accounting of specific real garments worn by ordinary people and donated to finance the building of Strasbourg Cathedral. Papers also consider the mercantile world of clothing in medieval London: one gathers insight on dealers of secondhand clothing from the evidence of historical documents, while the other examines the social rise of the mercers in the light of their representation in literature, and their connections to the literary world. Further articles consider luxurious dress accessories with both worldly and spiritual significance, and analyse a French manual for Englishhousewives, illuminating the often-overlooked topic of home linen production. Contributors: Hilary Davidson, Ieva Pigozne, Valerie L. Garver, Christine Sciacca, Sarah L. Higley, William Sayers, Roger A. Ladd, Kate KelseyStaples, Charlotte A. Stanford
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Ein ungleicher Wettstreit
Die sumerische Erzählung von Enmerkara und dem Herrn von Arata ist Teil des thematisch orientierten Uruk-Zyklus, der die Vormacht Sumers Ã"ber den fernen, an Rohstoffen reichen Osten beschreibt und zelebriert. Den Kern der Geschichte bildet ein intellektueller Wettstreit, durch welchen Enmerkara, der mächtige Herr von Uruk, und sein östlicher Widerpart, der namenlose Herr der legendären Statt Arata, um die Gunst der ihnen gemeinsamen Göttin Innana buhlen. Das rhetorische Meisterwerk besticht durch seinen Unterhaltungswert. Die subtil gezeichneten Charaktere der beiden Kontrahenten und die wortgewandten Dialoge lassen fÃ"r den Adressaten des Textes in keinem Moment Zweifel an der Ãbermacht Enmerkaras aufkommen, und die unbeholfenen, bisweilen gar komisch anmutenden Reaktionen des Herrn von Arata tragen nicht minder zu diesem Bild bei. Die insgesamt 637 Zeilen von Enmerkara und der Herr von Arata sind in 23 Manuskripten der altbabylonischen Zeit Ã"berliefert. Sie werden hier in Form einer Partitur mit rekonstruiertem Text, Ãbersetzung, Kommentar und zum Teil auch in Kopie vorgelegt. Die Einleitung bietet eine Textanalyse, in der neben der Struktur und dem Inhalt der Erzählung auch die Protagonisten und der geographische Rahmen des Geschehens untersucht werden.
Harvard University Press The Well-Laden Ship
The Well-Laden Ship (Fecunda ratis) is an early eleventh-century Latin poem composed of ancient and medieval proverbs, fables, and folktales. Compiled by Egbert of Liège, it was planned as a first reader for beginning students. This makes it one of the few surviving works from the Middle Ages written explicitly for schoolroom use. Most of the content derives from the Bible, especially the wisdom books, from the Church Fathers, and from the ancient poets, notably Vergil, Juvenal, and Horace; but, remarkably, Egbert also included Latin versions of much folklore from the spoken languages. It features early forms of nursery rhymes (for example, "Jack Sprat"), folktales (for instance, various tales connected with Reynard the Fox), and even fairytales (notably "Little Red Riding Hood"). The poem also contains medieval versions of many still popular sayings, such as "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth," "When the cat's away, the mice will play," and "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." The Well-Laden Ship, which survives in a single medieval manuscript, has been edited previously only once (in 1889) and has never been translated. It will fascinate anyone interested in proverbial wisdom, folklore, medieval education, or medieval poetry.
Harvard University Press The Verrine Orations, Volume II: Against Verres, Part 2, Books 3–5
The young statesman’s first major prosecution.Cicero (Marcus Tullius, 106–43 BC), Roman lawyer, orator, politician and philosopher, of whom we know more than of any other Roman, lived through the stirring era that saw the rise, dictatorship, and death of Julius Caesar in a tottering republic. In his political speeches especially and in his correspondence we see the excitement, tension and intrigue of politics and the part he played in the turmoil of the time. Of about 106 speeches, delivered before the Roman people or the Senate if they were political, before jurors if judicial, fifty-eight survive (a few of them incompletely). In the fourteenth century Petrarch and other Italian humanists discovered manuscripts containing more than 900 letters of which more than 800 were written by Cicero and nearly 100 by others to him. These afford a revelation of the man all the more striking because most were not written for publication. Six rhetorical works survive and another in fragments. Philosophical works include seven extant major compositions and a number of others; and some lost. There is also poetry, some original, some as translations from the Greek. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Cicero is in twenty-nine volumes.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Medieval English Theatre 44
Newest research into drama and performance of the Middle Ages and Tudor period. Medieval English Theatre is the premier journal in early theatre studies. Its name belies its wide range of interest: it publishes articles on theatre and pageantry from across the British Isles up to the opening of the London playhouses and the suppression of the civic religious plays , and also includes contributions on European and Latin drama, together with analyses of modern survivals or equivalents, and of research productions of medieval plays. The papers in this volume explore richly interlocking topics. Themes of royalty and play continue from Volume 43. We have the first in-depth examination of the employment of the now-famous Black Tudor trumpeter, John Blanke, at the royal courts of Henry VII and Henry VIII. An entertaining survey of the popular European game of blanket-tossing accompanies the translation of a raucous, sophisticated, but surprisingly humane Dutch rederijkers farce. The Towneley plays remain fertile ground for further research, and this blanket-tossing farce illuminates a key scene of the well-known Second Shepherd's Play. New exploration of a colloquial reference to 'Stafford Blue' in another Towneley pageant, Noah, not only enlivens the play's social context but contributes to important current re-thinking of the manuscript's date. Two papers bring home the theatrical potential of food and eating. We learn how the Tudor interlude Jacob and Esau dramatises the preparation and provision of food from the Genesis story. Serving and eating meals becomes a means of social, theological, and theatrical manipulation. Contrastingly, in the N. Town Last Supper play and a French convent drama, we see how the bread of Passover, the Last Supper, and the Mass could be evoked, layered and shared in performance. In both these plays the audiences' experiences of theatre and of communion overlap and inform each other.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Ely: Bishops and Diocese, 1109-2009
Despite its size, Ely has always been one of the most wealthy and important dioceses in the country. The essays here focus on the careers of its bishops, with additional chapters on its buildings and holdings. The diocese of Ely, formed out of the huge diocese of Lincoln, was established in 1109 in St Etheldreda's Isle of Ely, and the ancient Abbey became Ely Cathedral Priory. Covering at first only the Isle and Cambridgeshire, it grewimmensely in 1837 with the addition of Huntingdonshire, Bedfordshire and West Suffolk. The latter two counties left the diocese in 1914, but a substantial part of West Norfolk was added soon after. Until the nineteenth century Ely was one of the wealthiest dioceses in the country, and in every century there were notable appointments to the bishopric. Few of the bishops were promoted elsewhere; for most it was the culmination of their career, and manyhad made significant contributions, both to national life and to scholarship, before their preferment to Ely. They included men of the calibre of Lancelot Andrewes in the seventeenth century, the renowned book-collector John Moorein the eighteenth, and James Russell Woodford, founder of the Theological College, in the nineteenth. In essays each spanning about a century, experts in the field explore the lives and careers of its bishops, and their families and social contacts, examine their impact on the diocese, and their role in the wider Church in England. Other chapters consider such areas as the estates, the residences, the works of art and the library and archives. Overall, they chart the remarkable development over nine hundred years of one of the smallest, richest and youngest of the traditional dioceses of England. Peter Meadows is manuscript librarian in Cambridge University Library. Contributors: Nicholas Karn, Nicholas Vincent, Benjamin Thompson, Peter Meadows, Felicity Heal, Ian Atherton, Evelyn Lord, Frances Knight, Brian Watchorn
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Critical Companion to Medieval Motets
First full comprehensive guide to one of the most important genres of music in the Middle Ages. Motets constitute the most important polyphonic genre of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Moreover, these compositions are intrinsically involved in the early development of polyphony. This volume - the first to be devotedexclusively to medieval motets - aims to provide a comprehensive guide to them, from a number of different disciplines and perspectives. It addresses crucial matters such as how the motet developed; the rich interplay of musical,poetic, and intertextual modes of meaning specific to the genre; and the changing social and historical circumstances surrounding motets in medieval France, England, and Italy. It also seeks to question many traditional assumptions and received opinions in the area. The first part of the book considers core concepts in motet scholarship: issues of genre, relationships between the motet and other musico-poetic forms, tenor organization, isorhythm, notational development, social functions, and manuscript layout. This is followed by a series of individual case studies which look in detail at a variety of specific pieces, compositional techniques, collections, and subgenres. JARED C. HARTT is Associate Professor of Music Theory at the Oberlin College Conservatory of Music. Contributors: Margaret Bent, Jacques Boogaart, Catherine A. Bradley, Alice V. Clark, Suzannah Clark, KarenDesmond, Lawrence Earp, Sarah Fuller, John Haines, Jared C. Hartt, Elizabeth Eva Leach, Dolores Pesce, Gaël Saint-Cricq, Jennifer Saltzstein, Matthew P. Thomson, Stefan Udell, Anna Zayaruznaya, Emily Zazulia
Harvard University Press Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit’s Quest for the Soul of Tibet
In a remote Himalayan village in 1721, the Jesuit priest Ippolito Desideri awaited permission from Rome to continue his mission to convert the Tibetan people to Christianity. In the meantime, he forged ahead with an ambitious project: a treatise, written in classical Tibetan, that would refute key Buddhist doctrines. If he could convince the Buddhist monks that these doctrines were false, thought Desideri, he would dispel the darkness of idolatry from Tibet.Offering a fascinating glimpse into the historical encounter between Christianity and Buddhism, Dispelling the Darkness brings Desideri’s Tibetan writings to readers of English for the first time. This authoritative study provides extended excerpts from Inquiry concerning the Doctrines of Previous Lives and Emptiness, Desideri’s unfinished masterpiece, as well as a full translation of Essence of the Christian Religion, a companion work that broadens his refutation of Buddhism. Desideri possessed an unusually sophisticated understanding of Buddhism and a masterful command of the classical Tibetan language. He believed that only careful argumentation could demolish the philosophical foundations of Buddhism, especially the doctrines of rebirth and emptiness that prevented belief in the existence of God. Donald Lopez and Thupten Jinpa’s detailed commentary reveals how Desideri deftly used Tibetan literary conventions and passages from Buddhist scriptures to make his case.When the Vatican refused Desideri’s petition, he returned to Rome, his manuscripts in tow, where they languished unread in archives. Dispelling the Darkness brings these vital texts to light after centuries of neglect.
TFM Publishing Ltd The Memoirs of Allen Oldfather Whipple: The man behind the Whipple operation
To the abdominal surgeon a first successful Whipple procedure is what a first combat mission is to the fighter pilot: a symbol of competence -- the fruits of prolonged training. Not many surgeons managed to incorporate their names into a commonly used eponym; Allen Whipple did and so became immortalised as a household name to surgeons world-wide. Yet, little has been known and written about Whipple, the great American surgeon -- the person and his other interests. This is what this book is about: an edited version of Whipple's previously unpublished memories, which until now -- for more than forty years -- has collected dust. In these pages the retired Whipple describes the journey of his life from the very beginning in Persia, where he was born, to the very end in New Jersey where he died. He provides snap shots of himself, his family and friends, his colleagues, and the changing times in which he lived. The editors have abbreviated the original manuscript by a third and have added footnotes and illustrations. An introduction and 'end page' adds perspective to the memoirs. It has been said "God put the pancreas in the back because he did not want surgeons messing with it". Allen Whipple had the courage to mess with the pancreas and to show us how to mess with it successfully. But what kind of man was he and how did he arrive at his achievements? Find out in this book.
The Catholic University of America Press A Shining Lamp: The Oral Instructions of Catherine McAuley
Catherine McAuley (1778–1841), the founder of the Sisters of Mercy in 1831, frequently gave oral instructions to the first Mercy community. Though she sometimes spoke explicitly about their religious vows, her words were always focused on the life, example, teachings, and evangelic spirit of Jesus Christ, emphasizing “resemblance” to him and fidelity to the calls of the Gospel. Her instructions have, therefore, a broad present-day relevance that can be inspiring and encouraging for all Christians. They are the “shining” words of a companion, a soul-friend, who offers guiding light to those who wend their pilgrim way toward the full embrace of God’s merciful reign. These instructions were initially written down, insofar as that was humanly possible, by sisters who were actually present and listening as she spoke. Some of their manuscripts were later copied into the long manuscript compilation that is the centerpiece of this book. Research also indicates that in preparing and giving her lectures, Catherine often relied on the content of previously published spiritual books, including works by Alphonsus Rodriguez, SJ, Louis Bourdaloue, SJ, and other well-known spiritual writers of the eighteenth and earlier centuries. The book’s endnotes illustrate this dependence. Catherine McAuley’s voice in these instructions is realistic, down-to- earth, humble, and compassionate. She is clearly dead-set against “froth” and “mere outward show” in one’s spiritual life. Like the practical Saint Teresa of Avila, whose life and thought she studied, she favors surrendering oneself now, with God’s help, to “ordinary,” every-day, possible holiness, rather than simply dreaming about extraordinary, but perhaps impossible, future sanctity. Her themes are some of the great themes of the Gospel: genuine humility and poverty of spirit, universal charity, self-denial, taking up one’s “cross,” and following Jesus Christ.
Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Textos médicos grecolatinos antiguos y medievales estudios sobre composición y fuentes
El presente volumen recoge diez estudios sobre textos médicos de la Antigüedad y la Edad Media escritos en griego o en latín. La atención se centra especialmente en los procedimientos y las técnicas de composición de dichos textos (compilación, segmentación, traducción, uso lingüístico, léxico técnico, géneros literarios), y en el empleo de fuentes anteriores, aspectos ambos fundamentales que hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de emprender la reconstrucción, el estudio y la edición de los mismos. Esta perspectiva se aplica a escritos antiguos y medievales dedicados a la enseñanza y la práctica de la Medicina, a traducciones de obras médicas griegas al latín, así como a escritos relativos al pulso, la ginecología, la medicina mágica y la preparación de medicamentos con sustancias procedentes de animales. En relación con ello, en el conjunto de los estudios se presta también atención a la edición y la enmienda de textos, a la vez que se obtienen conclusiones sobre su transmisión manuscrit
Mientras se documentaba para su monumental biografía de Franz Kafka, Reiner Stach visitó numerosas bibliotecas y archivos de Praga e Israel, donde hizo incontables hallazgos fascinantes: manuscritos de una picardía o ternura extraordinarias, fotografías sorprendentes, fragmentos de cartas y testimonios de contemporáneos que vertían una inesperada luz sobre la personalidad y la obra del escritor praguense. En Éste es Kafka?, Stach reúne los noventa y nueve hallazgos más inesperados, los sitúa comentando su procedencia o contrastándolos con la obra del escritor y nos descubre así algunas nuevas teselas del mosaico siempre incompleto de Kafka. Cada detalle examinado contribuye a desmontar el estereotipado mito del escritor neurótico y torturado, y pone al descubierto aspectos previamente ignorados de la colorida personalidad de uno de los mayores autores de todos los tiempos.
Peeters Publishers Narrativité, oralité et performance: 7e colloque international du Réseau de recherche Narratologie et Bible (RRENAB), 5 au 7 juin 2014, Université de Montréal
La culture antique, en Israël et dans le monde gréco-romain en général, était marquée par l'oralité tout en ayant recours fortement à la culture manuscrite. En faisant abstraction de cette dimension, ne s'empêche-t-on pas de comprendre pleinement la Bible? Poussant cette intuition, un nouveau courant est apparu en Amérique du Nord, le performance criticism, qui propose des «interprétations» théâtrales des textes bibliques faisant appel à la gestuelle, aux intonations, au rythme et à la corporalité tout en s'appuyant sur une solide analyse, narrative ou rhétorique. Des experts francophones du Réseau de recherche Narratologie et Bible (RRENAB) se sont interrogés. Si on accepte l'hypothèse que les récits bibliques étaient faits pour être racontés et performés, on peut se demander ce que cela change à nos analyses narratives. Avec des textes de Normand Bonneau, Yvan Bourquin, Jacques Descreux, Eleni Di Pede, Alain Gignac, Jean-Daniel Macchi, Yvan Mathieu, Ai Nguyen Chi, Sylvie Patron, David M. Rhoads, Jean-Claude Verrecchia, Rachel de Villeneuve et André Wenin.
Peeters Publishers A Critique of Infinity: Rosenzweig and Levinas
Levinas writes that Rosenzweig is too present in his work to be cited. This cryptic suggestion is unfolded into an in-depth confrontation. Both philosophers implement the same speculative gesture. Rosenzweig writes in post-Hegelian times; Levinas's thinking is enriched by phenomenology and marked by the Holocaust. Their critical exploration of the relationship to the infinite offers radically new perspectives on the language, the time and the other. The confrontation raises serious questions. How is a concept of alterity possible without accepting an identity? What are the concealed presuppositions? The questions lead to a critical analysis that cautiously explores the boundaries of dialogical thinking. But it is also the expression of the esteem held for the strong power of inspiration. As such, this book is both a critique and a tribute to Rosenzweig and Levinas. The book contains an exhaustive bibliography of the comparative studies. The manuscript was gold awarded by the Teylers Fellowship of Haarlem (the Netherlands).
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Léon le Diacre: Empereurs du Xe siècle
On trouvera dans ce volume les premières traductions en français de l'Histoire de Léon le Diacre et de son Éloge de l'empereur Basile, ce dernier texte accompagné d'une nouvelle édition, la première ayant été procurée par I. Sykoutrès en 1933. Les introductions traitent principalement des rapports entre rhétorique et histoire à Byzance. L'Éloge a été prononcé en 989 ou 990 en présence de l'empereur Basile II par ce membre du clergé impérial, alors âgé de 40 ans. L'Histoire en X livres s'étend de la dernière année de règne de Romain II (959) à la treizième année de celui de Basile II (989). Les auteurs ont profité de l'identité des événements rapportés par Léon le Diacre (Xe siècle) et Jean Skylitzès (XIIe siècle) pour illustrer la traduction de l'Histoire de Léon par un grand nombre des magnifiques miniatures du manuscrit Matritensis Bibl. nat., Vitr. 26.2 (XIIe siècle). Trois autres miniatures empruntées à la Chronique de Radziwill (XVe siècle) rehaussent les hauts faits de Svjatoslav rapportés par Léon au IXe livre de son Histoire.
Taschen GmbH The Book of Colour Concepts
The earliest forms of human creativity in carvings, markings, and cave paintings bear witness to humanity's engagement with color. Almost as old as these examples is the desire to assign structure, order, and meaning to this universal yet elusive concept, and it is this fascination that unites the works compiled in this expansive edition.Gathering over 65 rare books and manuscripts from a wealth of institutions, including the most distinguished color collections worldwide, The Book of Colour Concepts takes the reader on a chromatic odyssey across four centuries and over 1,000 images of luscious wheels and globes, painstakingly collated charts, and meticulous diagrams, many of them newly photographed exclusively for this edition. Some of these concepts provide exhaustive taxonomies of color, while others reflect upon the relationship of color and music, or the affinities between color and human emotions.Seminal works of color theory, such as Isaac Newton's O
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Visitation Articles and Injunctions of the Early Stuart Church: I. 1603-25
`An invaluable source for ecclesiastical history... promises to be a highly important record series.' ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW This is the first of two volumes which reproduce manuscript and printed documents for the years 1603-1642. The articles issued by archbishops, bishops, archdeacons and others exercising ecclesiastical jurisdiction have been frequently used by historians as evidence of the priorities and concerns of church government, but until now there has been no systematic examination of the structure and contents of articles, nor the relationship between sets issued bydifferent archbishops, bishops or archdeacons. These two volumes attempt to fill this gap. Volume 1, centring on the Church of James I, contains no less than sixty-six sets of articles, printed either in full or in collated form and includes injunctions or charges issued duringor after visitations. Volume 2 extends the same treatment to the Caroline Church up to the Civil War. KENNETH FINCHAM is lecturer in history at the University of Kent at Canterbury.
University of Toronto Press Prions en Chantant: Devotional Songs of the Trouv�res
The rich medieval French tradition of vernacular devotional songs has not received much scrutiny. With Prions en chantant, Marcia Epstein aims to remedy that situation by offering an edition of largely anonymous trouvere devotional songs, designed for both scholars and performers, from two late-thirteenth-century manuscripts. The majority of the music is published here for the first time. Sixty-one songs are presented, with forty-nine songs exhibited in Old French with a facing-page modern English translation followed by old musical notation and facing-page with modern musical transcription. An additional twelve songs, which lack music in the original sources, are represented by the Old French text and the modern English translation only. The introduction extensively describes the social, musical, literary and theological aspects of the trouvere songs contained in the volume. This is a valuable and welcome addition to the study of medieval music.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Spirit of Place: Artists, Writers and the British Landscape
When we look at the landscape, what do we see? Do we experience the view over a valley or dappled sunlight on a path in the same way as those who were there before us? We have altered the countryside in innumerable ways over the last thousand years, and never more so than in the last hundred. How are these changes reflected in – and affected by – art and literature? Spirit of Place offers a panoramic view of the British landscape as seen through the eyes of writers and artists from Bede and the Gawain-poet to Gainsborough, Austen, W. G. Sebald and Barbara Hepworth. Shaped by these distinctive voices and evocative imagery, Susan Owens describes how the British landscape has been framed, reimagined and reshaped by each generation. Each account or work of art, whether illuminated in a manuscript, jotted down in a journal or constructed from sticks and stones, holds up a mirror to its maker and their world. With 80 illustrations
Carcanet Press Ltd Select Meditations
"Select Meditations" is among the earliest works of the poet and mystic Thomas Traherne (1637-74). Written shortly after the Restoration of Charles II in 1660, the manuscript was not discovered until 1964 and first published by Carcanet in 1997. Traherne, a young clergyman in a country parish at the time, explores his relationship with God and his vocation to 'teach Immortal Souls the way to Heaven'. It is a spiritual journey that involves examination of his doubts and failings (he confesses to 'too much proneness to Speak'), of the political issues that shaped his times, and of the realities of ministering to his congregation. Above all, though, Traherne's meditations celebrate the beauty of the world and the human community transfigured by the love of God, in terms that speak across time. 'Remember', he writes, 'that the world is the beginning of Gifts.' Julia J. Smith's landmark edition, preserving the original spelling, provides a detailed introduction and notes on the text.
Little, Brown Book Group Echoing Greens
The importance of cricket to the English imagination has been immortalised in the art and literature of a thousand years. It is a story that is known in part, but one that has never been explored in full. And it is lined with surprises, forgotten tales, unnoticed details - ranging from medieval manuscript illustrations, through a dazzling variety of visual art, poetry, fiction, and drama, to recent portraits of contemporary heroes.Echoing Greens will explore the depth of the bond between cricket and the English imagination. For countless artists and writers across the centuries, the culture and aesthetics of cricket - white-clad players, the crack of bat on ball, booming appeals, admiring applause, figures running up to bowl, batsmen leaning, waiting, swinging the blade - have been as essential to the English landscape as the hills and meadows immortalised by Gainsborough, Constable and Turner. And in pursuing this journey, Echoing Greens will show t
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Poetic Edda: Stories of the Norse Gods and Heroes
"The poems of the Poetic Edda have waited a long time for a Modern English translation that would do them justice. Here it is at last (Odin be praised!) and well worth the wait. These amazing texts from a 13th-century Icelandic manuscript are of huge historical, mythological and literary importance, containing the lion's share of information that survives today about the gods and heroes of pre-Christian Scandinavians, their unique vision of the beginning and end of the world, etc. Jackson Crawford's modern versions of these poems are authoritative and fluent and often very gripping. With their individual headnotes and complementary general introduction, they supply today's readers with most of what they need to know in order to understand and appreciate the beliefs, motivations, and values of the Vikings." --Dick Ringler, Professor Emeritus of English and Scandinavian Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison
Clarendon Press Ovid Amores Medicamina Faciei Femineae Ars Amatoria Remedia Amoris
Since it first appeared in 1961 this has been the standard critical edition of Ovid''s love poems. For this new edition the text has been throughly revised to take account of published scholarship and the further thoughts of the editor. Conjectures have been admitted to both text and apparatus criticus more freely than in the first edition. Punctuation has been improved, spelling has been normalized, and the long poems have been paragraphed. The apparatus criticus now incorporates the reading of the important Berlin manuscript Hamilton 471 and such of the readings formerly reported in the Appendix of minor variants (now omitted) as are of critical significance; it has also been streamlined by the omission of explanatory material more conveniently accessible in commentaries.
University Press of America The Queen City at War: Charlotte, North Carolina During World War II, 1939-1945
The Queen City at War reveals a complexity of experience on the Charlotte home front, and it supports much of the current research that exposes the myth behind the "Good War" concept. The story of Charlotte during World War II is a "tale of two cities:" for some, "it was the best of times," but for others, "it was the worst of times." This study draws upon much of the recent scholarship related to the home front, and it also utilizes a number of primary sources, especially the Charlotte Observer and the Charlotte News, as well as local documents and manuscript collections. The Queen City at War should appeal to historians, students of history, and the general public interested in World War II and the American home front, as well as those interested in Southern history and American urban history.
University Press of America The Queen City at War: Charlotte, North Carolina During World War II, 1939-1945
The Queen City at War reveals a complexity of experience on the Charlotte home front, and it supports much of the current research that exposes the myth behind the 'Good War' concept. The story of Charlotte during World War II is a 'tale of two cities:' for some, 'it was the best of times,' but for others, 'it was the worst of times.' This study draws upon much of the recent scholarship related to the home front, and it also utilizes a number of primary sources, especially the Charlotte Observer and the Charlotte News, as well as local documents and manuscript collections. The Queen City at War should appeal to historians, students of history, and the general public interested in World War II and the American home front, as well as those interested in Southern history and American urban history.
Harvard University Press Sāmaveda Samhitā of the Kauthuma School: With Padapāṭha and the commentaries of Madhava, Bharatasvāmin and Sayaṇa: Volume 2: Uttarārcika
The Sāmaveda contains the earliest tradition of music from India, which is largely Rigvedic textual material in a form arranged for singing in the solemn Srauta ritual. Since the first editions by Theodor Benfey (1848) and Satyavrata Samasrami (1874–1899), there has been no complete, accented edition that has also included all of its important commentaries.In this work, B. R. Sharma presents an accented edition that is based on manuscripts collected from all over India and Europe. Its Padapāṭha and the commentaries of Madhava, Bharatasvāmin, and Sayana comprise three volumes totaling 2,500 pages.These volumes contain the Purvarcika and Uttarārcika portions of the text. The third volume, complete with the indexes and a detailed introduction to the whole work, will be published soon.
Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd Stories from the Stacks: Selections from the Rare Materials Collection, National Library Singapore
The Rare Materials Collection at the National Library, Singapore, contains more than 11,000 items and spans six centuries of history. The collection comprises books, manuscripts, maps, photographs, correspondence, and more, which together provide us with valuable insights into Singapore’s history. This book presents a diverse selection of almost 50 of the rarest and most priceless items in the collection, including the Mao Kun Map, a recently-acquired Munshi Abdullah edition of the Sejarah Melayu, 19th century lithographs, Japanese reconnaissance maps, correspondence from Raffles, and even a football rule book in Jawi. Each item is described and analysed with an insightful essay and richly complemented with illustrations, helping to bring these stories from the stacks to life and lead us down new avenues of historical understanding.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd World Designs: 1200 Historic PatternsWith Royalty-free CD
Over 1200 dynamic, ethnic, decorative designs, from civilizations over 3000 years, are displayed here and on CD. Architecture, sculpture, painting, ceramics, mosaics, textiles, bronze, lacquer, leather, manuscripts, glass, metals, and typography were consulted from sources in Egypt, Assyria, Greece, Rome, China, Japan, India, Persia, Arabia, Turkey, Byzantinium, and Europe. The designs, most shown in beautiful color and exquisite detail, display Ancient, Gothic, Renaissance, and Classic styles. The accompanying text both describes each civilization and gives the sources for all the images, from their ruins, churches, museums, books, artifacts, and monuments around the world. This important collection will become a classic reference and source for designers of every type for years to come.
Alianza Editorial Qué es filosofía y otros ensayos
?Qué es filosofía?? es la obra que mejor compendia el pensamiento maduro de José Ortega y Gasset, su filosofía de la razón vital, la cual parte del hecho de que la realidad radical es la vida de cada uno. Frente al ser estático, permanente e idéntico a sí mismo que habían buscado tradicionalmente los filósofos, frente a la sustancia, Ortega dice que la vida es un gerundio, un ?siendo?, un constante hacerse, un quehacer que da mucho que hacer porque obliga al hombre a ejercer su libertad para ser sí mismo, para cumplir su vocación. Con este libro, que nació de un curso de 1929, Ortega se situó en el núcleo del debate filosófico del siglo XX. Se ofrece aquí en una nueva versión fiel a los manuscritos que dejó el filósofo.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Military Occupation under the Eyes of the Lord: Studies in Erfurt during the Thirty Years War
Did war serve as a catalyst for religious change? Holger Berg explores this question using the example of Erfurt during the Thirty Years' War. Dissenting theses The strengthening or abolition of existing doctrines as a result of the war is empirically examined for the first time on the basis of the rich source material. While sermons and edifices document the teachings of four pastors, historiographical manuscripts provide information On the Convictions of the Laity The broad perspective on pastors and church members provides nuanced results for both church history and historical-anthropological research who understand the relationship between suffering, lived faith, and war experiences interested, gaining unusual insights here.
Peeters Publishers Hokhmat Sopher: Mélanges offerts au Professeur Émile Puech en l'honneur de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire
Cet ouvrage offert au professeur Émile Puech pour son quatre-vingtième anniversaire par ses ami.e.s, ses collègues et ses étudiant.e.s, rassemble des études qui couvrent l’ensemble des domaines qu’il a labouré tout au long de sa carrière d’enseignant et de chercheur : épigraphie nord-ouest sémitique, sémantique et linguistique hébraïque, araméenne ou ougaritique, manuscrits de la mer Morte intégrés dans le contexte large de la littérature juive des époques hellénistiques et romaines. Ces contributions veulent être un hommage et un reflet de son propre travail : toujours lire et relire, corriger sans cesse, réviser ses propres positions, comme un scribe patient.
Siruela El libro de Ana
La magnífica, hermosa Ana Karenina, nunca más bella, es el sol de medianoche.En 1905, años después de la muerte de Ana Karenina, en San Petesburgo, cuando está por sobrevenir una multitudinaria manifestación obrera encabezada por el Padre Gapón, y los anarquistas preparan una serie de atentados de resultado incierto, el hijo de la Karenina, Sergio, está dispuesto a entregarle al zar un retrato de su madre que el monarca ansía para su colección. Al buscarlo entre las pertenencias de la suicida, la esposa de Sergio, Claudia, se topará con el manuscrito que, cuenta Tolstoi, escribió Karenina.En esta novela íntima y sorprendente sobre la inmortal heroína de Tolstoi, los personajes se tornan personas y las personas, personajes, en un intrigante juego de espejos que reserva al lector más de un enigma.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Alexander von Humboldt: Geographie der Pflanzen: Unveröffentlichte Schriften aus dem Nachlass
Der Band dokumentiert ein Lebensprojekt: Für Alexander von Humboldt war die Geographie der Pflanzen empirisches Forschungsprogramm und ästhetische Anschauungswissenschaft zugleich. Seine in den amerikanischen Tropen gewonnenen biogeographischen Erkenntnisse verstand er als Grundlage einer Wissenschaft der gesamten Erde. Zahlreiche nun erstmals ediert vorliegende Manuskripte, Notizen und Briefe veranschaulichen Humboldts jahrzehntelange Arbeit an diesem Vorhaben. Sie dokumentieren Humboldts Lektüre- und Schreibpraktiken und zeigen wie er weltweit Daten sammelte sowie Forschungen und Gelehrte vernetzte. Wissenschaftshistorische Beiträge begleiten die Edition. Sie gehen Ursprüngen und Kontexten der Humboldt'schen Biogeographie nach und fragen nach weniger bekannten Vorläufern, Zeitgenossen und Kritikern.
Medieval Institute Publications Sources for the History of Medicine in Late Medieval England
The material contained here derives from a wide variety of printed and manuscript sources, chosen to give some idea of the rich diversity of evidence available to the historian of English medicine and its place in society during the fourteenth, fifteenth, and early sixteenth centuries. Latin and French have been translated into modern English, while vernacular texts have been slightly modified, and obsolete or difficult words explained. Middle English has otherwise been retained to give the past an authentic voice and to emphasize the similarities as well as the differences between the experience of modern readers and that of the inhabitants of late medieval England
University of Wales Press Introducing the Medieval Fox
This book is an entertaining, informative and enchanting introduction to its subject – just as those medieval banes of the farmyard, the Fox and the Vixen, were enchanting in escapades from fables and funny tales, from beastly epic poems and bestiaries, and from medieval material culture (in Danish wall-paintings and Dutch manuscript illustrations and statues, stained-glass and Italian mosaics). There exist books on medieval fox stories and on the animal’s iconography, which are important themes in this study, but this book is the first holistic approach to all types of manifestations of foxes in medieval culture – from medical recipes and fur trade, to Bible commentaries and hunting manuals.
HopeRoad Publishing Ltd A King's Armour
Istanbul, 1592: the arrival of a mysterious manuscript at the court of Sultan Murad III, claiming to know the location of the fabled Armour of King David, sends the Sultan into a frenzied desire to track it down. Despite being the most powerful man in the world, he has never led armies into battle and craves the protection of the legendary breastplate before he takes the field. It is to the elite Ruzgar unit that the Sultan turns to locate the Armour. This journey will be dangerous. Each warrior is aware that it could change their lives forever, and that for some of them, this mission to find King David's Armour will be their last.
Indiana University Press A Guide to Playing the Baroque Guitar
James Tyler offers a practical manual to aid guitar players and lutenists in transitioning from modern stringed instruments to the baroque guitar. He begins with the physical aspects of the instrument, addressing tuning and stringing arrangements and technique before considering the fundamentals of baroque guitar tablature. In the second part of the book Tyler provides an anthology of representative works from the repertoire. Each piece is introduced with an explanation of the idiosyncrasies of the particular manuscript or source and information regarding any performance practice issues related to the piece itself—represented in both tablature and staff notation. Tyler's thorough yet practical approach facilitates access to this complex body of work.
HarperCollins Publishers Hollow Places: An Unusual History of Land and Legend
‘Impossible to summarise and delightfully absorbing, Hadley’s book is comfortably the most unexpected history book of the year’ Sunday Times A luminous journey through a thousand years of folklore and English history. Once upon a time in a Hertfordshire field, an ancient yew tree hid a dragon hunted by a giant named Piers Shonks. Today, the dragon and its slayer are the survivors of an 800-year battle between rural legend and national record, storytellers and sceptics. In this brilliant and lyrical history, Christopher Hadley journeys from churches to tombs to manuscript margins, to explore history, memory and legend, and the magical spaces where all three meet.
Distributed Art Publishers Leonard Cohen: Everybody Knows: Inside His Archive
Previously unseen journals, letters, sketches and more from the vast personal archive of Leonard Cohen Leonard Cohen is renowned the world over for his meditations on beauty, death, loss and the human heart. The objects, papers and artifacts from Cohen’s personal archive provide fresh insight into the artist’s creative pursuits and the arc of his career over six decades. Aware from an early age that he was destined to make a mark on this world, Cohen preserved an expansive collection of letters, journals, manuscripts, sketches and records. Together, they provide a rich visual road map to his evolution as a poet and songwriter. The first publication to present the holdings of the Leonard Cohen Family Trust, Everybody Knows: Inside His Archive immerses readers in the many facets of Cohen’s creative life. Images of rare concert footage and archival materials, including musical instruments, notebooks, lyrics and letters, are featured alongside photographs, drawings and digital art created by Cohen across several decades. Leonard Cohen (1934–2016) was a Canadian poet, singer-songwriter and novelist. Born and educated in Montreal, Cohen began his artistic career in 1956 with the publication of his first book of poetry, Let Us Compare Mythologies. Over his long and productive career, he published two novels, The Favourite Game (1963) and Beautiful Losers (1966), and numerous books of poetry, including Stranger Music: Selected Poems and Songs (1993). He recorded more than a dozen music albums, and numerous tribute albums have celebrated his songs in various languages. He died in Los Angeles in 2016 and was secretly buried in Montreal a few days later.
Yale University Press An Introduction to the Gospel of John
When Raymond E. Brown died in 1998, less than a year after the publication of his masterpiece, An Introduction to the New Testament, he left behind a nearly completed revision of his acclaimed two-volume commentary on the Gospel of John. The manuscript, skillfully edited by Francis J. Moloney, displays the rare combination of meticulous scholarship and clear, engaging writing that made Father Brown’s books consistently outsell other works of biblical scholarship. An Introduction to the Gospel of John represents the culmination of Brown’s long and intense examination of part of the New Testament. One of the most important aspects of this new book, particularly to the scholarly community, is how it differs from the original commentary in several important ways. It presents, for example, a new perspective on the historical development of the Gospels, and shows how Brown decided to open his work to literary readings of the text, rather than relying primarily on the historical, which informed the original volumes. In addition, there is an entire section devoted to Christology, absent in the original, as well as a magisterial new section on the representation of Jews in the Gospel of John.
Johns Hopkins University Press Evergreen: The Garrett Family, Collectors and Connoisseurs
Evergreen-the long-time home of the Garrett family in north Baltimore-offers a preeminent example of antebellum-American Italianate architecture. It also houses a remarkably diverse collection of over 50,000 objects, including paintings, furniture, sculpture, ceramics, and rare books. Acquired by two generations of the prominent Garrett family, self-described "collectors by instinct and by education," the assemblage of fine and decorative arts is remarkable in scope and inventiveness. Now part of the Johns Hopkins University, the mansion endures as a rare visual encyclopedia, representative of nearly all major architectural and design movements indicative of America's transition from a predominantly agrarian society to a world industrial power. This meticulously researched and handsomely illustrated volume honors the distinct and richly layered collections that characterize Evergreen. The book opens with a history of the philanthropic family itself, which helped run the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and develop many of the Monument City's most important civic and cultural institutions. Tracing their evolution as collectors and philanthropists, the book charts the family's artistic tastes and aesthetic sensibilities from the Gilded Age to the World Wars while also describing the physical landscape and architecture of Evergreen. The Asian Art section explores the world renowned Garrett Collection of Chinese and Japanese art. As one of the earliest American collections of Japanese art assembled, it provides an important insight into collecting habits of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Among its highlights is one of only a half dozen examples of blue lacquer known to exist, as well as examples of Chinese Imperial porcelain. The Decorative Arts section highlights the furniture, textiles, and other applied arts largely commissioned or collected by the Garretts. Beginning with the Aesthetic Movement of the 1880s and the talents of renowned design firms such as Herter Brothers, Liberty & Company, and Louis C. Tiffany and Company, Evergreen's interiors have embraced each succeeding decorative trend-including the Bourbon, Colonial, Empire, and Renaissance revivals, the Arts and Crafts movement, and European modernism. The Fine Arts section showcases modernist art assembled by Alice Warder Garrett and her husband, Ambassador John Work Garrett. Credited as the first Baltimore "gallery" to exhibit a Picasso, Evergreen's collection of drawings, paintings, and sculpture document the couple's aesthetic appreciation and connoisseurship, which began at the threshold of World War I. Included are works by such artists as Pierre Bonnard, Jean-Edouard Vuillard, Leon Bakst, Miguel Covarrubias, Raoul Dufy, Herbert Haseltine, Amedeo Modigliani, and Ignacio Zuloaga. Evergreen's John Work Garrett Library, built between the years immediately following the American Civil War and World War II, ranks among the most extensive private American collections of its kind from that period. Highlights include a recently discovered and ambitious rare book desiderata manuscript from the headiest period of John Work Garrett's book collecting in 1929; an original John James Audubon engraved metal plate for his double-elephant folio Birds of America, a complete copy of which is also held by the library; the Garrett Zafarnama, a sumptuously illustrated fifteenth-century Persian illuminated manuscript by the renowned artist Bihzad; and all four seventeenth-century folios of Shakespeare's collected plays. A celebration of one of Baltimore's grandest nineteenth-century mansions, Evergreen reveals fascinating life stories through the richly preserved family archive and the historical context that remains through Evergreen's evolving architectural spaces and growing collections. This volume will appeal to art collectors and lovers of historic houses, museums, and libraries, as well as readers fascinated by the intersection of art and architecture, literature and history, and the history of ideas and collecting.
Harvard University Press San Lorenzo: A Florentine Church
This comprehensive, interdisciplinary collection illuminates many previously unexplored aspects of the Basilica of San Lorenzo’s history, extending from its Early Christian foundation to the modern era. Brunelleschi’s rebuilt Basilica, the center of liturgical patronage of the Medici and their grand-ducal successors until the nineteenth century, is today one of the most frequently studied churches in Florence. Modern research has tended, however, to focus on the remarkable art and architecture from ca. 1400–1600.In this wide-ranging collection, scholars investigate: the urban setting of the church and its parish; San Lorenzo’s relations with other ecclesiastical institutions; the genesis of individual major buildings of the complex and their decorations; the clergy, chapels and altars; the chapter’s administration and financial structure; lay and clerical patronage; devotional furnishings, music, illuminated liturgical manuscripts, and preaching; as well as the annual or ephemeral festal practices on the site. Each contribution offers a profound exploration of its topic, wide-ranging in its chronological scope. One encounters here fresh archival research, the publication of relevant documents, and critical assessments of the historiography. San Lorenzo is represented in this volume as a living Florentine institution, continually reshaped by complex historical forces.