Search results for ""author manus"
Columbia University Press The Italian Invert: A Gay Man’s Intimate Confessions to Émile Zola
“Each of us has his tastes inscribed in his brain and heart; whether he fulfills his urges with regret or with joy, he must fulfill them. He should let others act according to their own nature. It’s fate that creates us and guides us throughout our lives: to fight against it would be little more than fruitless, foolish, and reckless!”In the late 1880s, a dashing young Italian aristocrat made an astonishing confession to the novelist Émile Zola. In a series of revealing letters, he frankly described his sexual experiences with other men—including his seduction as a teenager by one of his father’s friends and his first love affair, with a sergeant during his military service—as well as his “extraordinary” personality. Judging it too controversial, Zola gave it to a young doctor, who in 1896 published a censored version in a medical study on sexual inversion, as homosexuality was then known. When the Italian came across this book, he was shocked to discover how his life story had been distorted. In protest, he wrote a long, daring, and unapologetic letter to the doctor defending his right to love and to live as he wished.This book is the first complete, unexpurgated version in English of this remarkable queer autobiography. Its text is based on the recently discovered manuscript of the Italian’s letter to the doctor. It also features an introduction tracing the textual history of the documents, analytical essays, and additional materials that help place the work in its historical context. Offering a striking glimpse of gay life in Europe in the late nineteenth century, The Italian Invert brings to light the powerful voice of a young man who forthrightly expressed his desires and eloquently affirmed his right to pleasure.
Bodleian Library From the Vulgate to the Vernacular: Four Debates on an English Question c.1400
Translation is at the centre of Christianity, scripturally, as reflected in the biblical stories of the tower of Babel, or of the apostles’ speaking in tongues after the Ascension, and historically, where arguments about it were dominant in Councils, such as those of Trent or the Second Vatican Council of 1962–64, which, it should be recalled, privileged the use of the vernacular in liturgy. The four texts edited here discuss the legitimacy of using the vernacular language for scriptural citation. This question in England became central to the perception of the followers of John Wyclif (sometimes known as Lollards): between 1409 and 1530 the use of English scriptures was severely impeded by the established church, and an episcopal licence was required for its possession or dissemination. The issue evidently aroused academic interest, especially in Oxford, where the first complete English translation seems to have originated. The three Latin works here survive complete each in a single manuscript: of these texts two, written by a Franciscan, William Butler, and by a Dominican, Thomas Palmer, are wholly hostile to translation. The third, the longest and most perceptive, edited here for the first time, emerges as written by a secular priest of impressive learning, Richard Ullerston; his other writings display his radical, but not unorthodox opinions. The only English work here is a Wycliffite adaptation of Ullerston’s Latin. The volume provides editions and modern translations of these four texts, together with a substantial introduction explaining their context and the implications of their arguments, and encouraging further exploration of the perceptions of the nature of language that are displayed there, many of which, and notably of Ullerston, are in advance of those of his contemporaries.
King's College London Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies Locating the Middle Ages: The Spaces and Places of Medieval Culture
An examination of the ideas of space and place as manifested in medieval texts, art, and architecture. This interdisciplinary collection of sixteen essays explores the significance of space and place in Late Antique and medieval culture, as well as modern reimaginings of medieval topographies. Its case studies draw on a wide variety of critical approaches and cover architecture, the visual arts (painting and manuscript illumination), epic, romance, historiography, hagiography, cartography, travel writing, as well as modern English poetry. Challenging simplistic binaries of East and West, self and other, Muslim and Christian, the volume addresses the often unexpected roles played by space and place in the construction of individual and collective identities in religious and secular domains. The essays move through world spaces (mappaemundi, the exotic and the mundane East, the Mediterranean); empires, nations, and frontier zones; cities (Avignon, Jerusalem, and Reval); and courts, castles and the architectureof subjectivity, closing with modern visions of the medieval world. They explore human movement in space and the construction of time and place in memory. Taking up pressing contemporary issues such as nationalism, multilingualism, multiculturalism and confessional relations, they find that medieval material provides narratives that we can use today in our negotiations with the past. Julian Weiss is Professor of Medieval and Early Modern Hispanic Studies, Sarah Salih Senior Lecturer in English, at King's College London. Contributors: Richard Talbert, Paul Freedman, Sharon Kinoshita, Luke Sunderland, Julian Weiss, Sarah Salih, Konstantin Klein, Katie Clark, Elizabeth Monti, Elina Gertsman, Elina Räsänen, Geoff Rector, Nicolay Ostrau, Andrew Cowell, Joshua Davies, Chris Jones, Matthew Francis
Holy Trinity Publications On the Tree of the Cross: Georges Florovsky and the Patristic Doctrine of Atonement
"Thou hast redeemed us from the curse of the Law by Thy precious Blood. By being nailed to the Cross and pierced with the Spear, Thou hast poured immortality on mankind. O our Saviour, glory to Thee." - Troparion for Holy FridayAtonement is a contested but inescapable term in contemporary English-language theological discussion. The doctrine of atonement has received little attention in Orthodox Christian circles since the work of Fr Georges Florovsky, who labored to clarify and promulgate the Orthodox teaching on atonement on the basis of his theological leitmotifs of neo-patristic synthesis and encounter with the West. Florovsky saw the doctrine of the person of Christ as the key to apprehending the pattern and the unity of God’s redemptive work. Hence he always sought to follow the Church Fathers in weaving together the themes of creation and fall, incarnation and atonement, deification and redemption, liturgy and asceticism, in the variegated yet seamless robe of true theology.The present volume is inspired by Florovsky’s legacy. It is composed of two parts. The first is a collection of papers on atonement by contemporary scholars from a patristic symposium in honor of Florovsky held at Princeton Theological Seminary and Princeton University in 2011. The second part is a collection of writings on atonement by Florovsky himself, including previously unpublished manuscripts and other works otherwise hard to access. This book offers incisive and informed neo-patristic voices to any contemporary discussion of atonement, thus responding to the perennial legacy and task to which Fr Georges Florovsky exhorted Orthodox theological reflection.
ACC Art Books Sofreh: The Art of Persian Celebration
'Sofreh' is Persian for 'spread' - referring to the colorful arrangements of flowers, condiments and objects of spiritual or cultural importance that are displayed at Persian ceremonies. As the title promises, this book is a visual feast. Flush with lavish historical illustrations and contemporary photography, it documents Persian marriage and New Year celebrations in rich detail. Sofreh pays homage to ancient traditions, discussing the symbiosis of symbolism and culture. Despite their ancestral roots, the featured ceremonies are infused with life and creativity. Modern fabrics are welcomed alongside refined antique textiles, creative floral designs, unconventional pieces of furniture, and unexpected objects. References to Persian poetry, literature, art and folklore stimulate the imagination, and the text is illuminated with exquisitely detailed extracts from old manuscripts, antique woven textiles and embroideries. Each volume centers around a series of original and at times highly elaborate sofreh creations. Together they comprise an extensive project, involving research into Persian ceremonies and sofreh history by an eminent scholar, and the design and creation of stunning compositions. Book One is about the Persian New Year (Nowruz), which is celebrated on the first day of Spring. Book Two explores Persian marriage and wedding customs, and the elaborate settings for marriage ceremonies (Aqd). These two lavishly illustrated volumes which make an enduring gift are devoted to showcasing sofreh compositions in all of their glory. Never before have the splendor and beauty of the sofreh been presented in such an intricate and novel fashion.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume XVIII
The Journal of Medieval Military History continues to consolidate its now assured position as the leading academic vehicle for scholarly publication in the field of medieval warfare. Medieval Warfare This volume continues to reflect the vibrancy and diversity of the field, through the rich variety of topics and methodologies its chapters treat, and its geographical and chronological range. It includes an analytical narrative of the eastern campaigns of Henry II (1003-1017), demonstrating the strength and sophistication of German military institutions in this early period; a social-history approach to the First Crusade, looking at how European trends towards increasing political participation by the common people played out in the crusading army; an argument for radical change in Scandinavian naval warfare in the thirteenth century, including tactical innovations and the use of new types of large warships; and a toponymonographical approach to the continued presence of Pecheneg soldiers employing steppe tactics in Hungary in the thirteenth century. There are also essays on the sources used by English and French chroniclers to describe battles; the use of practical experimentation to determine the importance of different types of soft armor in helping mail to resist arrows; the role and importance of cavalry in the siege-based warfare of the later Hundred Years War; and the siege of Pisa in 1499, drawing on archival records to illustrate the logistical challenges facing the besiegers. The volume also includes freshly re-examined and re-edited manuscript texts of late-medieval gunpowder recipes.
University of Nebraska Press The Dakota Way of Life
2023 Bronze Medal in Western Nonfiction for the Will Rogers Medallion Award 2023 WHA Dwight L. Smith (ABC-CLIO) Award Ella Cara Deloria devoted much of her life to the study of the language and culture of the Sioux (Dakota and Lakota). The Dakota Way of Life is the result of the long history of her ethnographic descriptions of traditional Dakota culture and social life. Deloria was the most prolific Native scholar of the greater Sioux Nation, and the results of her work comprise an essential source for the study of the greater Sioux Nation culture and language. For years she collected material for a study that would document the variations from group to group. Tragically, her manuscript was not published during her lifetime, and at the end of her life all of her major works remained unpublished. Deloria was a perfectionist who worked slowly and cautiously, attempting to be as objective as possible and revising multiple times. As a result, her work is invaluable. Her detailed cultural descriptions were intended less for purposes of cultural preservation than for practical application. Deloria was a scholar through and through, and yet she never let her dedication to scholarship overwhelm her sense of responsibility as a Dakota woman, with family concerns taking precedence over work. Her constant goal was to be an interpreter of an American Indian reality to others. Her studies of the Sioux are a monument to her talent and industry.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Critical Companion to Medieval Motets
First full comprehensive guide to one of the most important genres of music in the Middle Ages. Motets constitute the most important polyphonic genre of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Moreover, these compositions are intrinsically involved in the early development of polyphony. This volume - the first to be devotedexclusively to medieval motets - aims to provide a comprehensive guide to them, from a number of different disciplines and perspectives. It addresses crucial matters such as how the motet developed; the rich interplay of musical,poetic, and intertextual modes of meaning specific to the genre; and the changing social and historical circumstances surrounding motets in medieval France, England, and Italy. It also seeks to question many traditional assumptions and received opinions in the area. The first part of the book considers core concepts in motet scholarship: issues of genre, relationships between the motet and other musico-poetic forms, tenor organization, isorhythm, notational development, social functions, and manuscript layout. This is followed by a series of individual case studies which look in detail at a variety of specific pieces, compositional techniques, collections, and subgenres.
Medieval Institute Publications Poems and Carols (Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 302)
Audelay's idiosyncratic devotional tastes, interesting personal life history, and declared political affiliations-loyalty to king, upholder of estates, anxiety over heresy-make him worthy of careful study beside his better-known contemporaries. Of particular note: MS Douce 302 preserves Audelay's own alliterative Marcolf and Solomon, a poem thought to be descended from Langland's Piers Plowman. The Audelay Manuscript also contains unique copies of other alliterative poems of the ornate style seen in Gawain and the Green Knight and The Pistel of Swete Susan. These pieces are Paternoster and Three Dead Kings, both set at the end of the book. Whether or not they are Audelay's own compositions, they seem certain to be his own selections. Audelay also displays a persistent habit of sequencing materials in generic and devotionally affective ways. His is a pious sensibility delicately honed by reverence for the liturgy and by an awe of God. That Audelay's poetry can awaken us to new poetic sensitivities in medieval devotional verse is reason enough to bring him into the ambit of canonical fifteenth-century English poets.
Editorial El Drac, S.L. Juegos de escritura caligrafía experimental
La naturaleza en imágenes escritasLa célebre artista caligráfica Denise Lach nos muestra la fascinante transformación de temas fotográficos de la naturaleza en imágenes escritas. La naturaleza es una extraordinaria e inagotable fuente de inspiración, que nos invita a contemplarla con detenimiento para adiestrar nuestra mirada y profundizar en nuestra capacidad de observación. En el proceso creativo de la escritura, al igual que en la contemplación de la naturaleza, se conjugan la experiencia meditativa y la sensorial.Más que la legibilidad de lo escrito, a la autora lo que le importa es la libre conversión creativa de los motivos en una letra y escritura propias. La letra manuscrita nos ofrece un acceso absolutamente personal a las texturas escritas y a sus múltiples posibilidades creativas. Aparte de ganas y entusiamo, no son necesarios conocimientos previos especiales para poder experimentar con distintos instrumentos y jugar con la escritura.
Taylor & Francis Ltd England and the Twelfth-Century Renaissance
Books and learning in 12th-century Europe are the broad concern of the nineteen papers assembled here. The discussion of ’books’ ranges from important individual manuscripts, to collections manufactured in ’scriptoria’ and kept in ’libraries’; the ’learning’ is primarily the composition, transmission and study of Latin literary texts, both ancient and contemporary. Special attention is given to the Latin classics, to the literary culture of the larger Benedictine houses, to the phenomenal quantity of Latin satirical writing of the period, and to the dissemination and reception of texts and ideas over time. While the geographical focus is England, the relationship of English materials and developments to the wider European context is constantly emphasized.
Medieval Institute Publications The Canterbury Tales: Fifteenth-Century Continuations and Additions
When Geoffrey Chaucer died in 1400, his massive project, the Canterbury Tales, lay unfinished and unpublished. This volume includes five works that aim to fill in the gaps in this incomplete masterpiece. The pieces presented here date from the fifteenth century and survive in at least one manuscript collection of Chaucer's tales: John Lydgate's Prologue to the Siege of Thebes, The Ploughman's Tale, The Cook's Tale, Spurious Links, and The Canterbury Interlude and Merchant's Tale of Beryn. These pieces of Chaucerian apocrypha have been collected into one student-friendly edition, including introductions, notes, glosses, and a glossary to accommodate students of all levels of experience in Middle English.
Canongate Books The Garden of Angels
A THE TIMES BEST THRILLER OF THE YEAR 2022When a Jewish classmate is attacked by bullies, fifteen-year-old Nico just watches - earning him a week's suspension and a typed, yellowing manuscript from his frail Nonno Paolo. A history lesson, his grandfather says, and a secret he must keep from his father.Nico is transported back to the Venice of 1943, an occupied city seething under the Nazis, and to the defining moment of his grandfather's life: when Paolo's support for a murdered Jewish woman brings him into the sights of the city's underground resistance. Hooked and unsettled, Nico can't stop reading - but he soon wonders if he ever knew his beloved grandfather at all.
Fowler Museum of Cultural History,U.S. Light and Shadows: The Story of Iranian Jews
Light and Shadows highlights the 2,700-year history of Jews in Iran. It reveals centuries of oppression, fascinating cultural borrowings, and great artistic achievements. The story is told through rare archaeological artifacts, illuminated manuscripts, beautiful ritual objects and amulets, ceremonial garments, musical instruments, photographs, and more. It examines as well the large-scale exodus of the Jewish community following the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Today, at least 25,000 practicing Jews remain in Iran, unwilling to give up their ancestral home and the distinctive way of life they have led there. Light and Shadows is a co-publication between the Fowler Museum at UCLA and Beit Hatfutsot--The Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv.
Devon & Cornwall Record Society The Exeter Cloth Dispatch Book, 1763-1765
Winner of the Best Books on Devon's History: Academic Award from the Devon History Society A richly illustrated exploration of the national and international importance of the early modern Exeter cloth trade. This book reproduces a newly discovered manuscript detailing the exports of Claude Passavant, a Swiss émigré merchant. Passavant's dispatch book comprises the most extensive surviving collection of Devon cloth with 2,475 surviving cloth samples. Thirteen chapters discuss the local and wider contexts of eighteenth-century cloth making. This study explores the quality, range, and vibrancy of cloth that lead to Exeter becoming an internationally renowned centre for the manufacture and trade of woollen cloth.
The History Press Ltd Welsh Folk Tales
This book, a selection of folk tales, true tales, tall tales, myths, gossip, legends and memories, celebrates and honours unique Welsh stories. Some are well known, others from forgotten manuscripts or out-of-print volumes, and some are contemporary oral tales. They reflect the diverse tradition of storytelling, and the many meanings of ‘chwedlau’. If someone says, ‘Chwedl Cymraeg?’ they are asking, ‘Do you speak Welsh?’ and ‘Do you tell a tale in Welsh?’ Here is the root of storytelling, or ‘chwedleua’, in Wales. It is part of conversation. This book, one to linger over and to treasure, keeps these ancient tales alive by retelling them for a new audience.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Cunningham's Book of Shadows: The Path of an American Traditionalist
Llewellyn is pleased to present a new Scott Cunningham book - a long-lost "Book of Shadows". Recently discovered in a battered manila envelope, this previously unpublished manuscript was penned by Scott in the late 1970s or early 1980s. This rare book includes original spells, rituals, and invocations and an herbal grimoire. Featured in the design are Scott's actual hand-written notes and hand-drawn signs, symbols, and runes. More than ten years after his passing, Scott Cunningham is still an iconic and highly regarded figure in the magical community. His books on Wicca are considered classics, and his writings continue to inspire and inform those new to the Craft.
Rowman & Littlefield Harold Innis
His name may not be as well known as that of his colleague and spiritual descendent, Marshall McLuhan, but Harold Innis's (1894-1952) influence on contemporary critical media and communication studies has been no less profound. This concise look at Innis's life and contributions to the communication field charts his beginnings in political economy to his later work in critical media studies and communications history, synthesizing his key publications and clearly showing their ongoing resonance for the field today. The book also includes an appendix by William J. Buxton on the 'History of Communications' manuscript and one by J. David Black on the contributions of Mary Quayle Innis.
Simon & Schuster Ltd BRAT
‘Full of dark, deadpan humour, Brat is a raucous story of the messy, messed-up business of living, dying and having a family.’ Financial Times ‘A moving coming-of-age family story’ Observer 'Iconic', Radio 1I was in the waiting room. Then I was in the examination room. Gabriel’s skin is falling off. His dad is dead. He owes his editor a novel. His girlfriend won’t answer his calls. Tasked by his horribly well-adjusted brother with clearing out the family home for sale, Gabriel’s sanity quickly begins to unravel. His parents’ old manuscripts appear to change each time he reads them. A bizarre home video hints at long-buried secrets. And there’s a hideous man in the garden. Disquiet
Faber & Faber The Bell Jar
I was supposed to be having the time of my life.When Esther Greenwood wins an internship on a New York fashion magazine in 1953, she is elated, believing she will finally realise her dream to become a writer. But in between the cocktail parties and piles of manuscripts, Esther's life begins to slide out of control. She finds herself spiralling into serious depression as she grapples with difficult relationships and a society which refuses to take her aspirations seriously.The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath's only novel, was originally published in 1963 under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas. The novel is partially based on Plath's own life and descent into mental illness, and has become a modern classic.
University of California Press Said the Prophet of God: Hadith Commentary across a Millennium
Although scholars have long studied how Muslims authenticated and transmitted Muhammad's sayings and practices (hadith), the story of how they interpreted and reinterpreted the meanings of hadith over the past millennium has yet to be told. Joel Blecher takes up this charge, illuminating the rich social and intellectual history of hadith commentary at three critical moments: classical Andalusia, medieval Egypt, and modern India. Weaving together tales of public debates, high court rivalries, and colonial politics with analyses of contemporary field notes and fine-grained arguments adorning the margins of manuscripts, Said the Prophet of God offers new avenues for the study of religion, history, anthropology, and law.
HarperCollins Publishers Love Lies Bleeding (A Gervase Fen Mystery)
As inventive as Agatha Christie, as hilarious as P.G. Wodehouse - discover the delightful detective stories of Edmund Crispin. Crime fiction at its quirkiest and best. Castrevenford school is preparing for Speech Day and English professor and amateur sleuth Gervase Fen is called upon to present the prizes. However, the night before the big day, strange events take place that leave two members of staff dead. The Headmaster turns to Professor Fen to investigate the murders. While disentangling the facts of the case, Mr Fen is forced to deal with student love affairs, a kidnapping and a lost Shakespearean manuscript. By turns hilarious and chilling, Love Lies Bleeding is a classic of the detective genre.
Swan Isle Press Zóbel Reads Lorca – Poetry, Painting, and Perlimplín In Love
A cherished erotic play by Federico García Lorca, illustrated by a major Spanish artist. Painting, poetry, and music come together in Zóbel Reads Lorca, as Fernando Zóbel, a Harvard student who would become one of Spain’s most famous painters, translates and illustrates Federico García Lorca’s haunting play about the wounds of love. The premiere of Amor de Don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín, an “erotic allelujia” which Lorca once called his most cherished play, was shut down in 1928 by Spanish government censors who confiscated the manuscript and locked it away in the pornography section of a state archive. Lorca rewrote the work in New York, and an amateur theater group brought it to the Spanish stage a few years later. Since his death, the play has also been transformed into ballet and opera. Zóbel Reads Lorca presents Zóbel’s previously unpublished translation and features contextual essays from several scholars. Art historian Felipe Pereda studies Lorca in the context of Zóbel’s development as a painter, Luis Fernández Cifuentes describes the precarious and much-debated state of the humanities in Zóbel’s Harvard and throughout the United States in the 1940s, and Christopher Maurer delves into musical and visual aspects of the play’s American productions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Organizational Change and Development
This volume includes the role of persuasion in learning and education in the process of organization change and development; the role of leaders in the exploration of alternative ways to create and lead high performing organizations; understanding better the role and impact of the OD practitioner mindset on the evolving process of the change and development effort; developing a deeper level understanding of the connection between organization change content and change strategy; the challenge of system wide transformation in the emerging complex business context; the role and dynamics of sense-making and sense-giving in enhancing and facilitating change; new perspectives about different ways to create organization agility; ways to create responsive business process via a tapestry of learning mechanisms; and, the development of dynamic capability and different ways to accelerate global hybrid team effectiveness. These manuscripts provide an intriguing collection that capture and provide value to the real work of creating a sustainable field of study and practice - organization change and development - and sustainable organizations.
Little, Brown Book Group Guarded by Dragons: Encounters with Rare Books and Rare People
The Times Best Literary Non-fiction Books 2021 - 'a super yarn''Rick Gekoski's encyclopaedic knowledge of rare books is matched only by the enthusiasm and brio with which he writes about them' Ian RankinRick Gekoski has been traversing the rocky terrain of the rare book trade for over fifty years. The treasure he seeks is scarce, carefully buried and often jealously guarded, knowledge of its hiding place shared through word of mouth like the myths of old.In Guarded by Dragons, Gekoski invites readers into this enchanted world as he reflects on the gems he has unearthed throughout his career. He takes us back to where his love of collecting began - perusing D.H. Lawrence first editions in a slightly suspect Birmingham carpark. What follows are dizzying encounters with literary giants as Gekoski publishes William Golding, plays ping-pong with Salman Rushdie and lunches with Graham Greene. A brilliant stroke of luck sees Sylvia Plath's personal copy of The Great Gatsby fall into Gekoski's lap, only for him to discover the perils of upsetting a Poet Laureate when Ted Hughes demands its return.Hunting for literary treasure is not without its battles and Gekoski boldly breaks the cardinal rule never to engage in a lawsuit with someone much richer than yourself, while also guarding his bookshop from the most unlikely of thieves. The result is an unparalleled insight into an almost mythical world where priceless first editions of Ulysses can vanish, and billionaires will spend as much gold as it takes to own the manuscript of J.K. Rowling's Tales of Beedle the Bard.Engaging, funny and shrewd, Guarded by Dragons is a fascinating discussion on value and worth. At the same time, Gekoski artfully reveals how a manuscript can tell a thousand stories.
Broadview Press Ltd Felix Holt
When William Blackwood, George Eliot’s publisher, first saw the manuscript of Felix Holt in 1866 he could not contain his enthusiasm; in a letter to a friend he described the novel as “a perfect marvel. The time is 1832 just after the passing of the Reform Bill, and surely such a...series of pictures of English Life, manners, and conversation never was drawn. You see and hear the people speaking. Every individual character stands out a distinct figure.”A political radical and a child of the working class, Felix has lost faith in a political system in which candidates never represent the interests of the working class. Harold Transome, the cynical son of wealthy Tory landowners, embraces radical politics for very different reasons. Both Harold and Felix vie for the affections of Esther Lyon, and she must weigh her feelings for them with the social and material goals she has set for herself. Their personal drama unfolds against the broad canvas of social and political upheaval of 1830s England.This edition is based on the text of the first edition of the novel published in three volumes in 1866, and includes a full introduction, a wide range of appendices including reviews, as well as Eliot’s “Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt”; “The Legal Plot of Felix Holt”; and a chronology of Eliot’s life and career.
Oxford University Press Roman de Brut
'Whoever wishes to hear about, and to know about, kings and heirs, about who first ruled England and which kings it had, Master Wace, who is telling the truth about this, has translated this.' Wace's Roman de Brut (1155) can be seen as the gateway to the history of the Britons for both French and English speakers of the time, and thus to Arthurian history, as the first complete Old French adaptation of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Latin History of the Kings of Britain (late 1130s), in which Arthur appears for the first time as king of the Britons. The Roman de Brut was a foundational work, an inspiration for a series of anonymous verse Bruts of the late twelfth and thirteenth centuries and for the Anglo-Norman Prose Brut -- the most widely read French vernacular text on this material in medieval England -- as well as a forerunner of the Middle English Brut tradition, including Layamon's Brut (c. 1200). Wace's poem thus inaugurates and shapes Brut traditions, including Arthurian tales, in verse and in prose, in historiography and in literature, including Wace's innovation of King Arthur's Round Table. This volume contains an English prose translation of Wace's Roman de Brut, accompanied by an introduction and notes, a select bibliography, a summary of the text, a list of manuscripts, and indexes of personal and geographical names.
Harvard University Press Philippics 7–14
Invectives against Antony.Cicero (Marcus Tullius, 106–43 BC), Roman advocate, orator, politician, poet, and philosopher, about whom we know more than we do of any other Roman, lived through the stirring era that saw the rise, dictatorship, and death of Julius Caesar in a tottering republic. In Cicero’s political speeches and in his correspondence we see the excitement, tension, and intrigue of politics and the part he played in the turmoil of the time. Of about 106 speeches, 58 survive (a few incompletely), 29 of which are addressed to the Roman people or Senate, the rest to jurors. In the fourteenth century Petrarch and other Italian humanists discovered manuscripts containing more than 900 letters, of which more than 800 were written by Cicero, and nearly 100 by others to him. This correspondence affords a revelation of the man, all the more striking because most of the letters were not intended for publication. Six works on rhetorical subjects survive intact and another in fragments. Seven major philosophical works are extant in part or in whole, and there are a number of shorter compositions either preserved or known by title or fragments. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Cicero is in twenty-nine volumes.
Yale University Press The Allure of the Archives
An exquisite appreciation of the distinctive rewards of historical research and a classic guide to the personal yet disciplined craft of discovery, now in its first English translation. Arlette Farge’s Le Goût de l’archive is widely regarded as a historiographical classic. While combing through two-hundred-year-old judicial records from the Archives of the Bastille, historian Farge was struck by the extraordinarily intimate portrayal they provided of the lives of the poor in pre-Revolutionary France, especially women. She was seduced by the sensuality of old manuscripts and by the revelatory power of voices otherwise lost. In The Allure of the Archives, she conveys the exhilaration of uncovering hidden secrets and the thrill of venturing into new dimensions of the past. Originally published in 1989, Farge’s classic work communicates the tactile, interpretive, and emotional experience of archival research while sharing astonishing details about life under the Old Regime in France. At once a practical guide to research methodology and an elegant literary reflection on the challenges of writing history, this uniquely rich volume demonstrates how surrendering to the archive’s allure can forever change how we understand the past.
De Gruyter Anatol: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe
Nach Lieutenant Gustl (2011) erscheint mit Anatol der zweite Band der historisch-kritischen Ausgabe von Arthur Schnitzlers Frühwerk. Er enthält die Faksimiles der Manuskripte zu den sieben Einaktern in der Reihenfolge ihres Entstehens. Diese frühen Fassungen unterscheiden sich zum Teil noch beträchtlich von der späteren Textgestalt im Zyklus. Das Gegenüber von Original und präziser Transkription macht die Entzifferung von Schnitzlers berüchtigt schwer lesbarer Handschrift nachprüfbar. Der Lesetext folgt der Erstausgabe des Zyklus. Darüber hinaus enthält der Band zum Teil erstmals publizierte Texte ‑ Einakter, Prosatexte und Gedichte ‑ aus dem Umfeld des Entstehungsprozesses, die über die Anatol-Figur oder durch thematische Bezüge mit dem Zyklus verbunden sind. Der Band wird erschlossen durch editorische Apparate, einen literaturwissenschaftlichen Kommentar sowie einen ausführlichen Editionsbericht. Die Ausgabe erlaubt damit erstmals Einblicke in die komplexe Werkgenese dieses Einakterzyklus, der Arthur Schnitzlers Ruhm begründete.
Medieval Institute Publications Global Perspectives on Medieval English Literature, Language, and Culture
The twelve essays in this volume proceed from a modern fantasy-epic back in time to oral epics that have been transmitted through the technology of manuscripts, and central in the collection are two articles that address Chaucer's Middle English courtly epic, Troilus and Criseyde. Each, in its own way, presents a global perspective on its subject, whether by comparing texts, by considering textual transmission through translation, or by contrasting medieval issues with developing global movements. . . . These articles are presented as evidence of the international cooperation that has been fostered by the work of Paul Szarmach in the international community of medievalists and of the success of his vision in opening up the borders of a discipline that too long has been Eurocentric and not global in its perspective. - from the Introduction
Peeters Publishers Jean Potocki - Oeuvres II: Voyage a Astrakan Et Sur La Ligne De Caucase - Memoire Sur L'ambassade En Chine - Objets De Recherche - Sophio-polis
Apres les voyages a l'Ouest (Turquie, Egypte, Hollande, Maroc, Basse-Saxe: voir le volume I de notre edition), Jean Potocki tourne ses regards vers l'Orient: en 1797, il parcourt le Caucase; en 1805, il prend la route de la Chine et vers 1811, il s'enthousiasme pour la crimee. Ces trois voyages donnerent lieu a relation. Le texte du "Voyage a Astrakan et sur la ligne du Caucase" suit ici pour la premiere fois le manuscrit original; il est augmente du journal adresse a Stanislas Auguste, roi de Pologne, exile a Saint-Petersbourg. Le "Memoire sur l'ambassade en Chine" est suivi du "Rapport" sur les activites des savants places sous la direction de Potocki pendant l'ambassade. Enfin le petit texte sur le projet immobilier de Sophio-polis n'avait plus ete publie depuis sa parution confidentielle au debut du XIXe siecle.Rompant avec les precedentes relations, le "Voyage dans quelques parties de la Basse-Saxe" obeissait principalement a une exigence scientifique: il ne s'agissait plus au gre d'un itineraire vagabond de collecter des etonnements, des surprises. A partir de 1794, Potocki cherche a construire un discours, organiser une representation sur l'histoire des Slaves, les populations caucasiennes ou la diplomatie russe en Extreme-Orient. Le voyage est devenu pre-texte, matiere premiere d'une elaboration intellectuelle; en ce sens, il offre une synthese de l'oeuvre de Potocki, reunissant aussi bien les travaux historiques que les choix politiques ou l'experimentation narrative.Ce deuxieme volume des Oeuvres de Jean Potocki a ete prepare par Dominique Triaire, professeur a l'universite Paul-Valery Montpellier III.
Yale University Press When I Passed the Statue of Liberty I Became Black
"Harry Edward was a hugely talented athlete and an extraordinary man who fought all his life for justice and fairness in the face of repeated prejudice. His story is as powerful today as it was when he lived it and I urge everyone to read this book”—Linford Christie, 1992 Olympic 100m Champion The lost memoir of Britain’s first Black Olympic medal winner—and the America he discovered After winning Olympic medals for Britain in 1920, Harry Edward (1898–1973) decided to try his luck in America. The country he found was full of thrilling opportunity and pervasive racism. Immensely capable and energetic, Harry rubbed shoulders with kings and presidents, was influential in the revival of Black theatre during the Harlem Renaissance, and became a passionate humanitarian and advocate for child welfare. He was present at some of the twentieth century’s most significant moments, worked alongside W. E. B. Du Bois and Orson Welles, and witnessed two world wars and the civil rights movement. Yet he was frustrated at almost every turn. Toward the end of his life he set down his story, crafting this memoir of athletics and activism, race and racism on both sides of the Atlantic. His manuscript went unpublished until now. This is the deeply engaging tale of Edward’s life—and a moving testament to his drive to form a better world.
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers Inc The Vatican: All The Paintings: The Complete Collection of Old Masters, Plus More than 300 Sculptures, Maps, Tapestries, and other Artifacts
An unprecedented celebration of every Old Master painting in the Vatican, as well as hundreds of additional masterpieces in the papal collection, is included in this deluxe slipcased book.The Vatican is one of the most visited sites in the world and houses masterpieces like Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel; the Raphael frescoes; the works of Giotto, Fra Angelico, Titian, and Caravaggio; and some of the world's finest statues, manuscripts, architecture, and gardens, as well as the world's most precious Christian relics.The Vatican: All the Paintings is a complete treasure trove of one of the most exquisite and important art collections in the world. Each one of the 976 works of art represented in the book -- including 661 classical paintings on display in the permanent painting collection and 315 other masterpieces -- is annotated with the name of the painting and artist, the date of the work, the birth and death dates of the artist, the medium that was used, the size of the work, and the catalog number (if applicable). In addition, 180 of the most iconic and significant paintings and other pieces of art are highlighted with 300-word essays by art historian Anja Grebe on such topics as the key attributes of the work, what to look for when viewing the work, the artist's inspirations and techniques, biographical information on the artist, and the artist's impact on art history.
Oxford University Press The Oxford History of Poetry in English: Volume 4. Sixteenth-Century British Poetry
The Oxford History of Poetry in English is designed to offer a fresh, multi-voiced, and comprehensive analysis of 'poetry': from Anglo-Saxon culture through contemporary British, Irish, American, and Global culture, including English, Scottish, and Welsh poetry, Anglo-American colonial and post-colonial poetry, and poetry in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, India, Africa, Asia, and other international locales. The series both synthesises existing scholarship and presents cutting-edge research, employing a global team of expert contributors for each of the volumes. Sixteenth-Century British Poetry features a history of the birth moment of modern 'English' poetry in greater detail than previous studies. It examines the literary transitions, institutional contexts, artistic practices, and literary genres within which poets compose their works. Each chapter combines an orientation to its topic and a contribution to the field. Specifically, the volume introduces a narrative about the advent of modern English poetry from Skelton to Spenser, attending to the events that underwrite the poets' achievements: Humanism; Reformation; monarchism and republicanism; colonization; print and manuscript; theatre; science; and companionate marriage. Featured are metre and form, figuration and allusiveness, and literary career, as well as a wide range of poets, from Wyatt, Surrey, and Isabella Whitney to Ralegh, Drayton, and Mary Herbert. Major works discussed include Sidney's Astrophil and Stella, Spenser's Faerie Queene, Marlowe's Hero and Leander, and Shakespeare's Sonnets.
Sourcebooks, Inc Lost in Paris: A Novel
Four years after being exiled to Paris for disgracing the family name, Alabama debutante Zoe Barlow is still reeling from the horror of her ejection. Still, she's managed to create a new family among fellow expats and artists, including Hadley and Ernest Hemingway. When a valise containing all of Ernest's writings goes missing, Zoe volunteers to help Hadley track it down. Unfortunately, the valise leads to two murders-the train porter who stole the bag, and a young woman rumored to be Anastasia Romanov-shot to death on the edge of a small village. With much more at stake than the missing manuscripts, Zoe risks everything she holds dear to find out who among her adopted family is a murderer.
Red Hen Press Counterpoint
Counterpoint, the first full collection of poems by David Alpaugh, was selected out of over 800 manuscripts for the seventh annual Nicholas Roerich Poetry Prize by Story Line Press in 1994. The subjects of the book’s contemporary, witty, bizarre, and often moving poems range from POWs and salespeople to art and the dead. Alpaugh’s works speak to one another—child to adult, animal to human, ad man to poet, New Jersey to California, and past to present. He writes with affection and care for each of these points of unlikely connection. Harold Witt called Alpaugh “a unique voice to hear now and to listen for in the future.” More than twenty-five years after Counterpoint’s initial publication, these words ring more true than ever.
The History Press Ltd The History of Domestic Plant Medicine
The debt medicine owes to botany is not commonly appreciated. In the past, medicine relied almost entirely on plants, and even today, many western medicines are plant derived. Despite this, historians have largely neglected the study of domestic medicine, practised by the ordinary person and passed down through generations, in favour of ‘official medicine’. The History of Domestic Plant Medicine brings together manuscripts, letters, diaries, personal oral interviews and other primary evidence to produce a detailed picture of the medicinal use of native plants in Britain from 1700 to the present day. Recording for posterity this neglected aspect of our heritage, it is a valuable contribution to the study of the folklore of modern Britain and a fascinating piece of social history.
Little, Brown Book Group Anatomy of a Building
The Royal College of Physicians celebrates its 500th anniversary in 2018, and to observe this landmark is publishing this series of ten books. Each of the books focuses on fifty themed elements that have contributed to making the RCP what it is today, together adding up to 500 reflections on 500 years. Some of the people, ideas, objects and manuscripts featured are directly connected to the College, while others have had an influence that can still be felt in its work.Written exactly fifty years after the opening of the building in 1964, this first book in the series, Anatomy of a Building, is a meditation on the architecture of the college, focusing particularly on its current home, a Grade 1 listed building, designed by Denys Lasdun.
Headline Publishing Group Churchill's Bodyguard
For fans of Darkest Hour and Dunkirk, discover the story of Walter H. Thompson, the man who saved Winston Churchill's life more than once.Walter H. Thompson was Churchill's bodyguard from 1921 until 1945, brought back from retirement at the outbreak of war.Tom Hickman's authorised biography draws heavily on extracts from a manuscript recently discovered by his great-niece, in which Thompson gives a unique insider's account of a number of occasions on which Churchill's life was put seriously at risk and his intervention was needed.After the war, Thompson married one of Churchill's secretaries, and her recollections, as well as those of surviving family members, are interwoven to tell the revelatory inside story of life beside the Greatest Briton.
Ediciones Nowtilus El enigma del códice Bardulia
Un estigma transmitido de generación en generación. Un condado invisible para las huestes sarracenas. Un monasterio que verá nacer las primeras palabras castellanas. Un manuscrito medieval que encierra un inesperado mensaje. Una insólita serie de muertes en un pequeño hospital de provincias... El enigma del códice Bardulia es una novela que nos introduce en una peligrosa aventura a caballo entre dos épocas. En el siglo IX un ermitaño encuentra una docena de cadáveres de soldados en un claro de un bosque vasco. De entre los cuerpos emerge un joven cristiano con las manos manchadas de sangre. En el siglo XXI un médico y una investigadora unen sus fuerzas en una aventura que cambiará sus vidas para siempre
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Benedictine Prologue: A Contribution to the Early History of the Latin Prologues to the Pauline Epistles
For centuries, biblical prologues introduced readers to the themes and problems of the Latin Bible. Paul's profile has undoubtedly been shaped by this genre: Paul the new Moses, Paul the theologian, Paul the arbitrator between Jews and gentiles. Despite fine critical editions, the texts and historical situations of these prologues still lack scholarly attention. The present monograph examines one such introduction known as the Benedictine Prologue, acknowledged for its relationship to the Muratorian Fragment but excluded from all indices of biblical paratexts. Prompted by a new manuscript discovery, Jeremy C. Thompson and Clare K. Rothschild treat the prologue in its own right with a new edition and commentary covering all known sources and analogues. Ultimately, they propose to ground this rare text in the book practices, theological polemics, and intellectual exchange between Greek and Latin writers of the early fifth century and beyond.
Zondervan Kiswahili Contemporary Version Bible, Hardcover
A contemporary Bible in the Kiswahili language that is ideal for outreach or personal use.This contemporary Kiswahili Bible is available in a quality hardcover binding with a readable 8-point type size. It features the clear and accurate Kiswahili Contemporary Version, which translates the original biblical manuscripts into language that helps the ancient words of Scripture speak to the hearts of readers today.Features include: Complete text of the clear and accurate Kiswahili Contemporary Version Plan of Salvation article that explains how to become a Christian and what it means to follow Jesus Readable 8-point type size
Bodleian Library John Gower: Poems on Contemporary Events
The English poet John Gower (ca. 1340–1408) wrote important Latin poems witnessing the two crucial political events of his day: the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 and in 1399 the deposition of Richard II, in the Visio Anglie (A Vision of England) and Cronica tripertita (A Chronicle in Three Parts), respectively. Both poems, usually transmitted with Gower’s major Latin work, Vox clamantis, are key primary sources for the historical record, as well as marking culminating points in the development of English literature. The earlier Visio Anglie is verbally derivative of numerous, varied sources, by way of its literary allusions, but is also highly original in its invention and disposition. On the other hand, the Cronica tripertita’s organization, even in details, is highly derivative, and from a single source, but its verbal texture is all invented. This volume includes Latin texts of these poems of Gower, newly established from the manuscripts, with commentary on Gower’s relation with the rest of the contemporary historical record and with his literary forebears and contemporaries, including Ovid, Virgil, Peter Riga, Nigel Witeker, and Godfrey of Viterbo. This volume also includes Modern English verse translations of the two poems, which are at once critically accurate and enjoyably accessible.
University of Notre Dame Press Visuality and Materiality in the Story of Tristan and Isolde
More than any other secular story of the Middle Ages, the tale of Tristan and Isolde fascinated its audience. Adaptations in poetry, prose, and drama were widespread in western European vernacular languages. Visual portrayals of the story appear not only in manuscripts and printed books but in individual pictures and pictorial narratives, and on an amazing array of objects including stained glass, wall paintings, tiles, tapestries, ivory boxes, combs, mirrors, shoes, and misericords. The pan-European and cross-media nature of the surviving medieval evidence is not adequately reflected in current Tristan scholarship, which largely follows disciplinary and linguistic lines. The contributors to Visuality and Materiality in the Story of Tristan and Isolde seek to address this problem by opening a cross-disciplinary dialogue and by proposing a new set of intellectual coordinates—the concepts of materiality and visuality—without losing sight of the historical specificity or the aesthetic character of individual works of art and literature. Their theoretical paradigm allows them to survey the richness of the surviving evidence from a variety of disciplinary approaches, while offering new perspectives on the nature of representation in medieval culture. Enriched by numerous illustrations, this volume is an important examination of the story of Tristan and Isolde in the European context of its visual and textual transmission.
University of Exeter Press Bewnans Ke / The Life of St Kea: A critical edition with translation
In 2000, a sixteenth-century manuscript containing a copy of a previously unknown play in Middle Cornish, probably composed in the second half of the fifteenth century, was discovered among papers bequeathed to the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth. This eagerly awaited edition of the play, published in association with the National Library of Wales, offers a conservatively edited text with a facing-page translation, and a reproduction of the original text at the foot of the page – vital for comparative purposes. Also included are a complete vocabulary, detailed linguistic notes, and a thorough introduction dealing with the language of the play, the hagiographic background of the St Kea material and the origins of other parts in the work of Geoffrey of Monmouth. The theme of the play is the contention between St Kea, patron of Kea parish in Cornwall, and Teudar, a local tyrant. This is combined with a long section dealing with the dispute over tribute payments between King Arthur and the Emperor Lucius Hiberius; Queen Guinevere’s adultery with Arthur’s nephew Modred; the latter’s invitation to Cheldric and his Saxon hordes to come to Britain to assist him in his conflict with his uncle; and Arthur’s battle with Modred. Winner of the 2008 Holyer An Gof Award for Cornish language publications.
Biblioteca Autores Cristianos Protestantismo y sectas místicas regalismo y enciclopedia heterodoxia en el siglo XIX
Durante varios decenios, Menéndez Pelayo fue considerado en España el autor de los Heterodoxos. Y así se le comenzó a llamar desde que a los veinticuatro años, siendo ya catedrático de la Universidad de Madrid, empezó a publicar su famosa obra. La Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos pone en manos de sus lectores esta cuidada edición de los Heterodoxos ?en dos volúmenes?, enriquecida con las notas que Menéndez Pelayo dejó manuscritas a su muerte. A la luz del estudio final del que fuera autorizadísimo especialista en estos trabajos, Rafael García y García de Castro, el lector contemporáneo puede, a través de esta excepcional obra, ubicar la figura gigantesca de don Marcelino en el triple plano espiritual, doctrinal e histórico.
Peeters Publishers La Chaine sur L'Exode. I. Fragments de Severe D'Antioche: Texte Grec Etabli et Traduit par Francoise Petit. Glossaire Syriaque par Lucas Van Rompay
Les manuscrits cateniques de l'Exode contiennent un lot important de citations imputees a Severe d'Antioche. Ce lot n'appartient pas au fonds primitif de la chaine, laquelle est anterieure a Severe de trois quarts de siecle au moins. L'oeuvre de Severe, perdue en grec, n'est connue que par des versions syriaques. La confrontation des citations de la chaine avec le texte syriaque garantit leur fidelite litterale et souvent permet de mieux interpreter la version orientale. Du point de vue theologique et historique, la lecture que fait de l'Exode un monophysite aussi representatif que Severe n'est pas sans interet. La chaine sur l'Exode a livre quarante-six extraits des Homelies cathedrales, trois textes du dossier Contre Julien d'Halicarnasse et cinq extraits de la Correspondance. Le glossaire qui complete l'edition rendra de grands services aux syriacisants. Glossaire grec-syriaque et syriaque-grec dresse par Lucas Van Rompay.