Search results for ""author manus"
Phoneme Jacob the Mutant
Conceived of as a set of fragmentary manuscripts from an unpublished Joseph Roth novel, Mario Bellatin’s Jacob the Mutant is a novella in a perpetual state of transformation a story about a man named Jacob, an ersatz rabbi and owner of a roadside tavern. But when reality shifts, so does Jacob, mutating into another person entirely, while the novella mutates into another story. Cleverly translated by Jacob Steinberg, this Phoneme Media edition of a new novel by one of Mexico’s most notorious and celebrated writers includes a translator’s afterword and explanatory maps by illustrator Zsu Szkurka.
Little, Brown Book Group The Physicians 1660-2018: Ever Persons Capable and Able
The Royal College of Physicians celebrates its 500th anniversary in 2018, and to observe this landmark is publishing this series of ten books. Each of the books focuses on fifty themed elements that have contributed to making the RCP what it is today, together adding up to 500 reflections on 500 years. Some of the people, ideas, objects and manuscripts featured are directly connected to the College, while others have had an influence that can still be felt in its work.This, the seventh book in the series looks at the history of the Royal College.
Indiana University Press The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, Volume 3: The Satyres
Based on an exhaustive study of the manuscripts and printed editions in which these poems have appeared, the fifth volume in the series of The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne presents newly edited critical texts of the five canonical satires and "Metempsychosis" and details the genealogical history of each accompanied by a thorough prose discussion. The analysis contained in the volume shows that Donne revised each of the poems and explains how readings from the competing versions were intermingled in the early editions and transmitted to subsequent generations. The volume also presents a comprehensive organized digest of the critical-scholarly commentary on these poems from Donne's time through 2001.
Peeters Publishers Guillelmi Petri de Godino Lectura Thomasina. Distinctiones 1-22 libri Secundi
The so-called Lectura Thomasina, a commentary on Peter Lombard’s Sentences, was composed by the Dominican William of Peter of Godin at the beginning of the 14th century. The manuscript tradition provides the text with the title ‘Thomasina’ because of the large number of verbatim quotations from Aquinas’ writings. This text is not a mere compilation of Aquinas’ dicta, but represents an attempt to outline the fundamental elements of Thomas’ doctrine, giving them both unity and coherence. For this reason, Godin’s commentary is an important witness to the reception of Aquinas’ texts during the period between his death and his canonization. The critical edition of the Lectura Thomasina, presented here for the first time, is based on an examination of the entire manuscript tradition and is accompanied by an historical and philological introduction. The first half of the second book (dist. 1-22), edited in the present volume, covers a number of topics (e.g., the eternity of the world, the principle of individuation, or the soul-body problem) which have been the subject of a lively debate between Thomists and anti-Thomists in the late 13th and early 14th century.
The University of Chicago Press The Book of the Heart
In today's increasingly electronic world, we say our personality traits are "hard-wired" and we "replay" our memories. But we use a different metaphor when we speak of someone "reading" another's mind or a desire to "turn over a new leaf" - these phrases refer to the "book of the self", an idea that dates from the beginnings of Western culture. Eric Jager taces the history and psychology of the self-as-text concept from antiquity to the modern day. He focuses especially on the Middle Ages, when the metaphor of a "book of the heart" modelled on the manuscript codex attained its most vivid expressions in literature and art. For instance, mediaeval saints' legends tell of martyrs whose hearts recorded divine inscriptions; lyrics and romances feature lovers whose hearts are inscribed with their passion; paintings depict hearts as books; and mediaeval scribes even produced manuscript codices shaped like hearts. In a far-reaching conclusion, Jager considers what the much-prophesied "death of the book" might portend for 21st-century conceptions of the post-textual self.
Edinburgh University Press Rumi: A Life in Pictures
Picturing the life story of Jalal ad-Din Rumi, a premier Muslim mystic and the original Whirling Dervish, John Renard studies the images in three extant manuscripts of Aflaki's Wondrous Feats of the Knowers of God to provide a unique way to interpret the text.
Peeters Publishers The Syriac Version of John Chrysostom's Commentary on John I. Mêmrê 1-43: T.
St. John Chrysostom was one of the most popular and influential Greek Fathers in Syrian churches. His works began to be translated into Syriac in the fifth century, after which they significantly impacted the shape of Syriac exegetical, homiletical, dogmatic, and spiritual writing. These volumes make available for the first time an edition of the Syriac text and English translation of St. John Chrysostom’s Exegetical Homilies on the Gospel of John, typically known in Syriac as Chrysostom’s Commentary on John, Homilies (Mêmrê) 1–43. The text is edited on the basis of the extant main manuscripts, from the 6th–8th centuries, in addition to excerpts preserved in various collections. Introductions to the two volumes explore the Syriac manuscript tradition, the origin and technique of the translation, its value as a witness to the Greek text, the nature of its many biblical citations, and the impact of the version on the Syriac tradition. The volumes include an orthographical index and an index of biblical citations.
Association pour l'Avancement des Etudes Iraniennes "Husraw I Kawadan Ud Redag-e". Khosrow Fils De Kawad Et Un Page: Texte Pehlevi Edite Et Traduit
Nos connaissances sur l'education de la noblesse sassanide et les moeurs de cour proviennent essentiellement du texte pehlevi intitule Husraw i Kawadan ud Redag-e "Khosrow fils de Kawad et un page" qui fait ici l'objet d'une nouvelle edition commentee d'apres le manuscrit MK, accompagnee pour la premiere fois d'une traduction francaise. Concu comme un dialogue, ce recit retrace l'histoire d'un jeune page a la cour du roi sassanide Khosrow Ier (531-579 de notre ere) qui, grace a sa sagesse et son courage, parvient a regagner son rang hierarchique. Ce "manifeste" de l'education aristocratique a pris corps sous la forme de nombreuses listes lexicales qui se pretent volontiers a une analyse philologique detaillee. Our knowledge about the education of the Sasanian nobility and their courtly manners is mainly provided by the Pahlavi text entitled Husraw i Kawadan ud Redag-e "Khosrow, son of Kawad, and a page". In this volume, we present a new edition and commentary of the text, based on the manuscript MK, including for the first time a translation in French. This dialogical narrative tells the story of a young servant at the court of the Sasanian king Khosrow I (531-579 A.D.) , who succeeded in regaining his hierarchic rank because of both his wisdom and his courage. This "manifesto" of aristocratic education appears in the form of numerous lexical lists, a form suitable for a detailed philological analysis.
Bodleian Library Domestic Herbal, The: Plants for the Home in the Seventeenth Century
In the seventeenth century, even the most elaborate and fashionable gardens had areas set aside for growing herbs, fruit, vegetables and flowers for domestic use, while those of more modest establishments were vital to the survival of the household. This was also a period of exciting introductions of plants from overseas. Using manuscript household manuals, recipe books and printed herbals, this book takes the reader on a tour of the productive garden and of the various parts of the house – kitchens and service rooms, living rooms and bedrooms – to show how these plants were used for cooking and brewing, medicines and cosmetics, in the making and care of clothes, and finally to keep rooms fresh, fragrant and decorated. Recipes used by seventeenth-century households for preparations such as flower syrups, snail water and wormwood ale are also included. A brief herbal gives descriptions of plants that are familiar today, others not so well known, such as the herbs used for dyeing and brewing, and those that held a particular cultural importance in the seventeenth century. Featuring exquisite coloured illustrations from John Gerard’s herbal of 1597 as well as prints, archival material and manuscripts, this book provides an intriguing and original focus on the domestic history of Stuart England.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Old English Metrical Calendar (Menologium)
First modern text and English translation of an important Anglo-Saxon poem dealing with the liturgical year. WINNER of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists 2017 Publication Prize: Best Edition The late tenth-century Old English Metrical Calendar (traditionally known as Menologium) summarises, in the characteristicheroic diction and traditional metre of Old English poetry, the major course of the Anglo-Saxon liturgical year. It sets out, in a methodical structure based on the basic temporal framework of the solar/natural year, the locations of the major feasts widely observed in late Anglo-Saxon England. Such a work could have been a practical timepiece for reading the dates of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, for which it serves as a kind of prologue in the manuscript.The clearly domestic perspective of the poem, which fits in the manuscript context, is also noteworthy, while the poem also reveals various interesting characteristics in its grammar, vocabulary and prosody. This is the firstfull modern edition of the poem, and is accompanied by a facing translation. The introduction provides an extensive discussion of matter, content, style, and context, while the commentary offers further information. The volume also includes the texts and translations of a number of analogous works. Kazutomo Karasawa is Professor of English philology at Komazawa University, Tokyo.
Pennsylvania State University Press Making Magic in Elizabethan England: Two Early Modern Vernacular Books of Magic
This volume presents editions of two fascinating anonymous and untitled manuscripts of magic produced in Elizabethan England: the Antiphoner Notebook and the Boxgrove Manual. Frank Klaassen uses these texts, which he argues are representative of the overwhelming majority of magical practitioners, to explain how magic changed during this period and why these developments were crucial to the formation of modern magic.The Boxgrove Manual is a work of learned ritual magic that synthesizes material from Henry Cornelius Agrippa, the Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, Heptameron, and various medieval conjuring works. The Antiphoner Notebook concerns the common magic of treasure hunting, healing, and protection, blending medieval conjuring and charm literature with materials drawn from Reginald Scot’s famous anti-magic work, Discoverie of Witchcraft. Klaassen painstakingly traces how the scribes who created these two manuscripts adapted and transformed their original sources. In so doing, he demonstrates the varied and subtle ways in which the Renaissance, the Reformation, new currents in science, the birth of printing, and vernacularization changed the practice of magic.Illuminating the processes by which two sixteenth-century English scribes went about making a book of magic, this volume provides insight into the wider intellectual culture surrounding the practice of magic in the early modern period.
La ideologa alemana Antologa
Dentro de los textos filosóficos del marxismo, entre lo que se pueden contar los "Manuscritos de economía y filosofía" y "El dieciocho Brumario de Luis Bonaparte" -ya en esta colección-, ocupa un lugar destacado "La ideología alemana" (1845-1847, aunque publicada por primera vez en 1932), obra en la que Karl Marx y Friedrich Engels sientan las bases del materialismo histórico en oposición a la filosofía de los jóvenes hegelianos. La presente antología, que ha podido contar con la reciente edición de los manuscritos originales en MEGA (2017), reúne el imprescindible primer capítulo de la obra en su integridad, una selección de los textos aún relevantes del resto de ella (buena parte de la cual ha quedado obsoleta por centrarse específicamente en las polémicas de la época) y las Tesis sobre Feuerbach, relacionadas intrínsecamente con los planteamientos que desarrolla.Selección y traducción de César Ruiz Sanjuán
American Oriental Society Greek Wisdom Literature in Arabic Translation: A Study of the Graeco-Arabic Gnomologia
" . . . a critical edition based on the three known manuscripts, and translation of a gnomologium entitled Mukhtar min kalam al-hukama' al-arba`a, which contains sayings ascribed to Pythgagoras, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Parallel versions from closely related gnomologia have been collated and noted in the apparatus. In the next section, a commentary on each individual saying and parallel versions in a large number of Arabic texts, both published and manuscript, are noted and discussed. [ . . . ] The Greek originals are, as far as they could be found, quoted and discussed within the tradition of Greek gnomologia." (from a review in Journal of Near Eastern Studies, volume 37, no.2) The book includes the Arabic text of the gnomologium, and an English translation, on facing pages. A paperback reprint of the original 1975 book, with a new Foreword, and with errata and corrections.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Sword Fighting 2: An Introduction to the Single-Handed Sword and Buckler
In the sequel to the first volume, which introduced the long sword, Herbert Schmidt explains single-handed sword fighting techniques with a buckler, or small shield. “Single-handed sword” here refers to the sword wielded in one hand, as used throughout almost the entire Middle Ages. This book analyzes historical evidence, taken mainly from the 13th-century German combat manual Manuscript I:33, or “Tower Manuscript,” the oldest and most widely trusted European sword fighting manual in existence. Find information on binds, posture, footwork, free fighting, and individual plays taken from the writings of fencing masters Hans Talhoffer, Andre Lignitzer, and Paulus Kal in this modern textbook that allows anyone interested—whether beginner or advanced—to work and improve his single-handed sword fighting skills.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Sword Fighting: An Introduction to handling a Long Sword
In the sequel to the first volume, which introduced the long sword, Herbert Schmidt explains single-handed sword fighting techniques with a buckler, or small shield. “Single-handed sword” here refers to the sword wielded in one hand, as used throughout almost the entire Middle Ages. This book analyzes historical evidence, taken mainly from the 13th-century German combat manual Manuscript I:33, or “Tower Manuscript,” the oldest and most widely trusted European sword fighting manual in existence. Find information on binds, posture, footwork, free fighting, and individual plays taken from the writings of fencing masters Hans Talhoffer, Andre Lignitzer, and Paulus Kal in this modern textbook that allows anyone interested—whether beginner or advanced—to work and improve his single-handed sword fighting skills.
Princeton University Press Insights and Interpretations: Studies in Celebration of the Eighty-fifth Anniversary of the Index of Christian Art
Established in 1917, the Index of Christian Art, located at Princeton University, is now the largest archive of medieval art in existence and the most specialized resource for the iconographer. Throughout its eighty-five years, it has justly been recognized as one of the most learned institutions for the study of the art and culture of the medieval world. The essays in this book, all by staff or scholars of the archive, highlight some of the current research in the archive and the scholarship for which it has been widely renowned. The studies cover art from the Late Antique period to the end of the fifteenth century and include most of the media represented in the archive, from manuscripts to sculpture to glass. From reinterpreting previous scholarship to making new insights into the medieval mind, they explore such themes as Jephtha's Daughter; Mary Magdalene; Saints Blaise, Paul, Joseph, and Elisabeth of Hungary; and topics including women in the Bibles moralisees, Late German sermons, the iconographic program at Bourges Cathedral, Franciscan devotional art, and a late medieval Islamic manuscript. This volume presents some of the most exciting and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of these subjects, from the home of medieval iconography in Princeton. The contributors are Adelaide Bennett, Lois Drewer, Ivan Great, Judith Golden, Gerald Guest, Margaret Jennings, Margaret Lindsey, Mika Natif, Lynn Ransom, Pamela Sheingorn, and A. E. Wright.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Thorney Liber Vitae (London, British Library, Additional MS 40,000, fols 1-12r): Edition, Facsimile and Study
First printed edition, with facsimile and studies, of a significant manuscript from medieval England. The Thorney liber vitae (BL, MS Add. 40,000, fols 1-12v) consists of many hundreds of names written in the front of a tenth-century gospel book. This liber vitae is one of only three such compilations surviving frommedieval England, the others being the Durham liber vitae (BL, MS Cotton Domitian A vii) and the New Minster liber vitae (BL, MS Stowe 944). Begun at Thorney abbey (Cambridgeshire) in the late eleventh century and continued into the late twelfth, it purports to be a record of the names of confraters of the abbey, that is of those people who, through their friendship and gifts to the abbey, were included in the daily prayers of the monks of the community. The present volume is the first complete edition of this important text, and includes a complete facsimile of the pages. It also contains studies of the manuscript context, of the names included and, where possible, the identities and relationship to the abbey of those named, many of whom are also entered in the priory cartulary known as the Red Book of Thorney. The introduction provides a wide-ranging historical context for the production of the liber vitae. Lynda Rollason is Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Archaeology at Durham University. With contributions from Richard Gameson, John Insley and Katharine Keats-Rohan.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Whose Acts of Peter?: Text and Historical Context of the Actus Vercellenses
The Actus Vercellenses, a Latin text preserved in only one manuscript copy, is published widely in translation under the title Acts of Peter. The Acts of Peter is thought to be the title of an ancient work, originally in Greek, which is usually said to have been composed in the second-century in Asia Minor. Accordingly, the Vercelli Acts are often treated simply as evidence for second-century Christian discourse. However, many issues relating to the study of the Actus Vercellenses qua Acts of Peter have hitherto been inadequately established, especially: the character, extent, and original time of composition of the ancient Acts of Peter ; the antiquity of the manuscript copy and the Latin version; and the proximity of the Latin Actus Vercellenses to extant Greek parallels in the Martyrium Petri, the Vita Abercii, and the Oxyrhynchus fragment. Through a detailed examination of the external evidence for ancient Petrine acta writings, through a thorough paleographical and philological investigation of manuscript Vercelli Bib. Cap. CLVIII and the Latin text of the Actus, and through an extensive synoptic comparison of all the extant Greek parallels to the Actus Vercellenses, Matthew C. Baldwin investigates and settles all of these issues. Ultimately, the results show that the Actus Vercellenses is probably best understood as evidence for fourth century Christianity in the west. In its current form, this Acts of the Apostle Peter is effectively that of a later, Latin speaking scriptor from the west.
Bodleian Library Qur'ans: Books of Divine Encounter
This book provides a unique visual history of the Qur'ān using fifty-five rare, beautiful and significant Qur'an manuscripts. A general introduction guides the reader through the Qur'ān's entry into the world of late near eastern antiquity, a world where books of scripture were inextricably bound to the political and religious identities of empires. Books of scripture, as well as being visible statements of divine majesty, personal piety and religious identity, were viewed as providing a point of contact with the divine. In this setting the Qur'ān came to be viewed by Muslims as the point of divine contact without peer, and the calligraphy of its text became the foundation of Islamic visual culture for centuries to come. From this beginning, the development of the Qur'ān in book form is followed chronologically and geographically, and the themes of textual development, art, identity and divine presence are highlighted in each chapter. This book draws mainly from the collection of Qur'āns in the Bodleian Library, one of the oldest collections in the English-speaking world and one of the finest collections internationally. Manuscripts are featured from every major chronological period of the Qur'ān's history, and most of the Qur'āns pictured have never appeared in print before. 'Qur'āns: Books of Divine Encounter' brings together in one volume a magnificent range of Qur'ānic manuscripts, providing a lavishly illustrated historical overview of one of the most influential, most memorized and enduring sacred books in our world.
THAMES & HUDSON The Celts 0000 Sacred Symbols
One of a series of volumes that introduce symbolic systems. This book covers the symbols of the Celts who are associated with a rich body of symbolism and mystery which was expressed in a variety of designs and symbols found in Celtic stonework, metalwork and manuscripts.
Maney Publishing Medieval Art and Architecture in the Diocese of Glasgow
This volume includes many of the papers given at the 1997 conference of the British Archaeological Association. It focuses on aspects of patronage, the wider architectural context of the cathedral, and on the Romaneque sculpture and manuscripts with the diocese.
Edinburgh University Press A Queer Book
'It will be a grand book for thae Englishers for they winna understand a word of it' Hogg's boast to William Blackwood Witty, humorous and comical as the title implies, the eccentric nature of many of the poems collected here nevertheless belies the often serious and moral issues contained within. Newly available in paperback, and including many of Hogg's better known longer pieces, the present volume is based on the first edition of A Queer Book to be published since 1832 - though the similarity between the two editions ends with the running order. While the text for the original edition was substantially reworked by the publisher to smooth out Hogg's use of Scots, this volume brings together manuscripts from all over the world to provide material as near to his final copy as possible. The result is a vibrant collection including many poems which have never been studied critically before. A thorough introduction to the best of Hogg's poetry.
Springer International Publishing AG Principles and Practice of Blockchains
This book provides an essential compilation of relevant and cutting edge academic and industry work on key Blockchain topics. This book concentrates on a wide range of advances related to Blockchains which include, among others, Blockchain principles, architecture and concepts with emphasis on key and innovative theories, methodologies, schemes and technologies of Blockchain, Blockchain platforms and architecture, Blockchain protocols, sensors and devices for Blockchain, Blockchain foundations, and reliability analysis of Blockchain-based systems. Further, it provides a glimpse of future directions where cybersecurity applications are headed. The book is a rich collection of carefully selected and reviewed manuscripts written by diverse cybersecurity application experts in the listed fields and edited by prominent cybersecurity applications researchers and specialists.
Lexington Books Africana Social Stratification: An Interdisciplinary Study of Economics, Policy, and Labor
This study seeks to critically examine the field and function of social stratification, with emphasis on Africana phenomena. Phrased another way, this edited volume attempts to study and focus on who gets what and why, with regard to resources and structural application of support. The John Henrik Clarke query is who made this arrangement of leadership in America. Moreover, serving as a reference, this study will assist researchers in contextualizing and thematically examining the structural and resource allocation of disparity exhibited toward Africana people. This manuscript of essays is the first its kind. This study incorporates an interdisciplinary scope to examine the concept of Africana Social Stratification in the subject areas of: history, political science, economics, Africana Studies, and social policy.
Seagull Books London Ltd Eulogy for the Living – Taking Flight
A fragmentary work that stands as a testament to Wolf's skill as a thinker, storyteller, and memorializer of humanity’s greatest struggles. Christa Wolf tried for years to find a way to write about her childhood in Nazi Germany. In her 1976 book Patterns of Childhood, she explained why it was so difficult: “Gradually, over a period of months, the dilemma has emerged: to remain speechless or to live in the third person, these seem to be the options. One is impossible, the other sinister.” During 1971 and 1972 she made thirty-three attempts to start the novel, abandoning each manuscript only pages in. Eulogy for the Living, written over the course of four weeks, is the longest of those fragments. In its pages, Wolf recalls with crystalline precision the everyday details of her life as a middle-class grocer’s daughter, and the struggles within the family—struggles common to most families, but exacerbated by the rise of Nazism. And as Nazism fell, the Wolfs fled west, trying to stay ahead of the rampaging Red Army.
Grolier Club of New York Poet of the Body – New York`s Walt Whitman
Published in conjunction with an eponymous Grolier Club exhibition, this catalogue presents the story of Walt Whitman’s coming of age as a poet through a unique assemblage of rare books, manuscripts, and artifacts, many never before seen, from the Whitman Collection of Susan Jaffe Tane, archives such as the Feinberg Collection at the Library of Congress and the New York Public Library's Berg Collection, private family collections, and forgotten treasures from Bryn Mawr College's Special Collections and the Brooklyn College Library.
University of Alberta Press The Thinking Heart: The Literary Archive of Wilfred Watson
This exhibition catalogue celebrates the life and work of avant garde poet and playwright Wilfred Watson. Drawing on the rich collection of letters, notebooks, manuscripts and sketchbooks in the University of Alberta Archives’ Wilfred Watson Fonds, this exhibition traces Watson’s development from his early encounters with the work of T.S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas and Emily Carr to his decades-long engagement with the writing of Gabriel Marcel, Wyndham Lewis, and Marshall McLuhan, and from his initial work on stage to his career-changing involvement in the Edmonton theatre community centred on Studio Theatre, Walterdale Theatre and the Yardbird Suite. The archives include a rich correspondence between Wilfred Watson and his wife, Sheila Watson, and many notebook entries describing the two writers' lifelong dialogue.
Faber & Faber Testimony: The Memoirs of Dmitri Shostakovich as related to and edited by Solomon Volkov
'A terrifying and unhappy book...' The GuardianThis astounding self-portrait covering the whole of Shostakovich's life (1906-1975) was prepared in collaboration with the distinguished Soviet musicologist Solomon Volkov. With the composer's consent, the manuscript was smuggled out of Soviet Russia - but Shostakovich, fearing reprisals, stipulated that the book should not appear until after his death. Ever since its publication in 1979 it has been the subject of controversy, some suggesting that Volkov invented parts of it, but most affirming that it revealed a profoundly ambivalent Shostakovich which the world had never seen before - his life at once triumphant and tragic.Either way, it remains indispensible to an understanding of Shostakovich's life and work. Testimony is intense and fiercely ironic, both plain-spoken and outspoken.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Saxon Prognostics: An Edition and Translation of Texts from London, British Library, MS Cotton Tiberius A.iii.
Edition and translation of prognostic guides and calendars, intended as an effort to foretell the future. Winner of the Beatrice White Prize, 2013. Medieval prognostic texts - a survival from the classical world - are the ancestors of modern almanacs; a means of predicting future events, they offer guidance on matters of everyday life, such as illness, childbirth, weather, agriculture, and the interpretation of dreams. They give fascinating insights into monastic life, medicine, pastoral care, the transformations of classical learning in the middleages, and the complex interconnections between orthodox religion, popular belief, science and magic. This volume provides the first full critical edition, with a facing-page translation, of a diverse and peculiar group of prognostic guides and calendars, in Latin and Old English, found in an eleventh-century manuscript from Christ Church, Canterbury; they are collated with related versions in both Anglo-Saxon and continental manuscripts. A lengthy introduction and commentary examine the transmission and translation of these texts, and shed light on their origins and uses in late Anglo-Saxon monastic culture. ROY LIUZZA is Professor of English at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Saxon Exeter: A Tenth-Century Cultural History
A study of the manuscripts, relics and historical traditions of Anglo-Saxon Exeter before Leofric moved the see of Devon and Cornwall there in 1050. In his search for an historical context for the famous Exeter Book of Old English poetry, Dr Conner's examination of the archaeological and textual records of Exeter have led him to significant new conclusions about the city's tenth century monastic culture. He posits the existence of a large library dating from the time of King Æthelstan, an active scriptorium from at least the mid-century period, and suggests that five other important manuscripts may have originated at Exeter c.950-c.990.A codicological examination of the Exeter Book draws fresh conclusions about its composition and its literary context. Anglo-Saxon Exeterconcludes with six appendices in which many documents important to the early history of the city are edited, including its relic-lists, the records for moving the see from Crediton to Exeter, Leofric's Inventory, a series of legal records which survive on a single leaf of an8th-century lectionary, and a study of the history of the Exeter Book from 1050 to the present. PATRICK CONNER is Professor in the department of English at West Virginia University.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Gospel Parallels, NRSV Edition: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels
A classic since 1949, Gospel Parallels presents Matthew, Mark, and Luke printed side-by-side for easy and enlightening comparative study.Using a parallel arrangement of columns, Gospel Parallels highlights differences and similarities in language and chronology between the first three Gospels. This unique reference tool will benefit anyone interested in examining the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Preachers will find this work useful for creating a complete picture of the life of Christ. Students of the English Bible will use it to come to their own conclusions about the variations in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. And advanced scholars will use the scholarly apparatus to study the textual variations in the earliest known Greek and Latin Manuscripts of the Gospels.Features: Easy-to-follow system of comparison Textual notes for in-depth study of biblical manuscripts Noncanonical parallels to the Gospel text Text from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible This 5th edition features revised and updated textual notes based on the NRSV, enlarged type size, an all-new page design, and an improved system of comparison.
Medieval Institute Publications The Play of Daniel: Critical Essays
The Play of Daniel from Beauvais was the first medieval music-drama to be staged in a popular modern production by the legendary Noah Greenberg's New York Pro Musica. This book provides for the first time a critical introduction to the staging and production, music, and setting of the play in its architectural and historical context. It also reproduces the pages in the manuscript which contain the play in facsimile, and it provides a new and faithful transcription of the music as well as a fresh translation of the text by A. Marcel J. Zijlstra of the Schola Cantorum "Quem Quaeritis" of the Netherlands, a group which performs regularly at the Utrecht Festival.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Taxation
Advances in Taxation Vol. 23 contains a collection of high-quality manuscripts addressing problems arising from federal, state local and international taxation. Using a wide variety of research methods, the papers address issues concerning challenges in tax administration, taxpayer decisions, ethical issues in taxation, and college savings plans.
Rizzoli International Publications Richard Prince: American Prayer
A look into Richard Prince’s private library and his influences, published on the occasion of an exhibition of the artist’s work at the Bibliotheque nationale de France, Paris. Artist Richard Prince is renowned for appropriating icons that capture the American cultural zeitgeist, such as Marlboro cowboys, femme-fatale nurses, and muscle cars. Prince is also a bibliophile, collecting rare volumes published from 1949 to 1984 which include Naked Lunch, Jack Kerouac’s rolled manuscript for Big Sur, and editions of Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita in several languages. An exhibition at the Bibliotheque nationale de France, Paris, presents rare books selected by the artist from its collection alongside Prince’s artwork.Richard Prince: American Prayer is an accompanying volume that offers a rare glimpse into Prince’s intellectual explorations, revealing the source material for many of his well-known series through the pairing of literary excerpts and complementary illustrations of artwork.
The Lilliput Press Ltd Selected Poems Of James Henry
Born in Dublin in 1798 and educated at Trinity College, James Henry was a controversially humane doctor, a passionate scholar of Virgilian manuscripts, and a lifelong interrogator of Christianity. More than a century after James Henry’s death, Christopher Ricks came upon his poems – printed but unpublished – in the Cambridge University Library. Within these volumes Ricks discovered poetry ‘unaffectedly direct, sinewy, seriously comic. And brave.’ Henry’s convictions and his humour, his idiosyncrasies and his courage, come through in work that, Ricks writes, ‘has an integrity, a consistency, for all its engaging diversity of topic and tone’. With the publication of the Selected Poems of James Henry, the world at large can hear the voice of a remarkable poet.
University of Wales Press The Complete Poems of T. H. Jones, 1921-1965
Contains T H Jones' poetic output. This edition includes early poems and drafts, the verse drama "The Weasel at the Heart" as well as poetry from "The Black Book", Jones' manuscript notebook. It also contains an outline of Jones' career, a bibliography and review of critical materials and a discussion of Jones' poetic techniques.
Broadview Press Ltd Bertram Cope's Year
In 1918, when Henry Blake Fuller was 62 years old, he completed the manuscript of a novel, Bertram Cope’s Year. Though Fuller was well known as an accomplished realist and had published twelve previous novels, this work was his first published fiction to address the topic of homosexuality. In the novel Bertram Cope, a handsome young college student, is befriended by Medora Phillips, a wealthy older woman who tries to match him with several eligible young women. However, Bertram is emotionally attached only to his friend and housemate, Arthur Lemoyne. The novel’s portrayal of their friendship is subtle, but has clear overtones of sexual attraction.Appendices focus on the novel’s composition, reception, and place in contemporary discourses about attraction between men.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Emily Dickinson
This companion to America's greatest woman poet showcases the diversity and excellence that characterize the thriving field of Dickinson studies. Covers biographical approaches of Dickinson, the historical, political and cultural contexts of her work, and its critical reception over the years Considers issues relating to the different formats in which Dickinson's lyrics have been published ? manuscript, print, halftone and digital facsimile Provides incisive interventions into current critical discussions, as well as opening up fresh areas of critical inquiry Features new work being done in the critique of nineteenth-century American poetry generally, as well as new work being done in Dickinson studies Designed to be used alongside the Dickinson Electronic Archives, an online resource developed over the past ten years
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Jesus in apokryphen Evangelienüberlieferungen: Beiträge zu außerkanonischen Jesusüberlieferungen aus verschiedenen Sprach- und Kulturtraditionen
Die apokryphen Jesusüberlieferungen bilden einen Bereich vielfältiger Deutungen des Wirkens Jesu, die oft in nur wenig bekannten Sprachen und schwer zugänglichen Manuskripten erhalten sind. Der hier vorliegende Band stellt eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme maßgeblicher Texte dieses Überlieferungsbereichs aus der Perspektive ausgewiesener Kenner dieser Texte dar.Er versammelt eine Vielzahl von Studien zu außerneutestamentlichen Jesusüberlieferungen aus diversen Sprach- und Kulturtraditionen. Dabei kommen häufig diskutierte apokryphe Texte, wie etwa das Thomas-, das Petrus- oder das Mariaevangelium in den Blick, es werden aber auch bislang weniger bekannte Überlieferungsbereiche wie der syrische, der äthiopische und der slawische berücksichtigt. Auf diese Weise entsteht ein faszinierendes Spektrum antiker und mittelalterlicher Rezeptionen der Lehre Jesu, die diese in verschiedener Weise fortschreiben und in neue Kontexte stellen.
Penguin Books Ltd Aurora Leigh and Other Poems
Aurora Leigh (1856), Elizabeth Barrett Browning's epic novel in blank verse, tells the story of the making of a woman poet, exploring 'the woman question', art and its relation to politics and social oppression. The texts in this selection are based in the main on the earliest printed versions of the poems. What Edgar Allan Poe called 'her wild and magnificent genius' is abundantly in evidence. In addition to Aurora Leigh, this volume contains poetry from the several volumes of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's published poetry from 1826 to 1862, including Casa Guidi Windows (1851), Songs for the Ragged Schools of London (1854) and the British Library manuscript text of the 'Sonnets from the Portuguese' (1846) which records her courtship with Robert Browning.
Canongate Books The Living Mountain: A Celebration of the Cairngorm Mountains of Scotland
'The finest book ever written on nature and landscape in Britain' GuardianIntroduction by Robert Macfarlane. Afterword by Jeanette WintersonIn this masterpiece of nature writing, Nan Shepherd describes her journeys into the Cairngorm mountains of Scotland. There she encounters a world that can be breathtakingly beautiful at times and shockingly harsh at others. Her intense, poetic prose explores and records the rocks, rivers, creatures and hidden aspects of this remarkable landscape. Shepherd spent a lifetime in search of the 'essential nature' of the Cairngorms; her quest led her to write this classic meditation on the magnificence of mountains, and on our imaginative relationship with the wild world around us. Composed during the Second World War, the manuscript of The Living Mountain lay untouched for more than thirty years before it was finally published.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Byzantine Naval Forces 1261–1461: The Roman Empire's Last Marines
After the recapture of Constantinople, Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos was determined to bring glory back to the Byzantine Empire. To achieve this, he established an Imperial Fleet and raised new regiments of elite marine troops. This work provides a comprehensive, illustrated guide to the unit history and appearance of these men, who were at the cutting edge of the last great flourish of Byzantine naval power. They won victory after victory in campaigns throughout the 1260s–70s, and though successive periods of decline and partial resurrection followed, these marine units survived until the very last flickers of Byzantine resistance were extinguished. Drawing upon early literary sources, the rich evidence of period illuminated manuscripts, frescoes and other iconography, Raffaele D'Amato details the lasting legacy of the swansong of Byzantine naval power.
Springer International Publishing AG Sponge City Hybrid Infrastructure
This book focuses on the access to water in the building and its surroundings, to infer the mutual interaction and the complex interconnection of green/blue infrastructures. This book is a tool for understanding the multifunctional functionality of urban waste water to recognize their efficient and strategically useful potential in the form of aesthetic and functional architectural elements—vertical gardens, waterproof roof systems, rain gardens, retention rainwater recirculation tanks, biomarkers for wastewater treatment, and other progressive technologies and technical solutions. The originality of the proposed book and the innovation of the proposed objectives lies in the complexity and interdisciplinary of the problem solved, with clear continuity and utilization in professional building, environmental, and psychosocial practice. Understanding the quality of life as a category influenced by several objective and subjective conditions, this manuscript draws up recommendations on how to build “green buildings”—progressively supplied with water, connecting infrastructures—from existing buildings (administrative or training).
Springer Collected Papers IV
Following the thematic divisions of the first three volumes of Alfred Schutz's Collected Papers into The Problem of Social Reality, Studies in Social Theory and Phenomenological Philosophy, this fourth volume contains drafts of unfinished writings, drafts of published writings, translations of essays previously published in German, and some largely unpublished correspondence. The drafts of published writings contain important material omitted from the published versions, and the unfinished writings offer important insights into Schutz's otherwise unpublished ideas about economic and political theory as well as the theory of law and the state. In addition, a large group contains Schutz's reflections on problems in phenomenological philosophy, including music, which both supplement and add new dimensions to his published thought. All together, the writings in this volume cover Schutz's last 15 years in Europe as well as manuscripts written after his arrival in the USA in 1939. Audience: Students and scholars of phenomenology, social theory and the human sciences in general.
Harvard University Press Commentaries: Volume 2
The Renaissance popes were among the most enlightened and generous patrons of arts and letters in the Europe of their day. The diaries of Pius II give us an intimate glimpse of the life and thought of one of the greatest of the Renaissance popes. Pius II (1405-1464) began life as Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini in a small town near Siena and became a famous Latin poet and diplomat. Originally an opponent of the papacy as well as something of a libertine, Aeneas eventually reconciled himself with the Roman church and became a priest, then a cardinal. Finally he was elected Pope Pius II (1458) and dedicated his pontificate to organizing a pan-European crusade against the Ottoman Empire. Pius's Commentaries, the only autobiography ever written by a pope, was composed in elegant humanistic Latin modeled on Caesar and Cicero. This edition contains a fresh Latin text based on the last manuscript written in Pius's lifetime and an updated and corrected version of the 1937 translation by Florence Alden Gragg.
Harvard University Press Commentaries: Volume 1
The Renaissance popes were among the most enlightened and generous patrons of arts and letters in the Europe of their day. The diaries of Pius II give us an intimate glimpse of the life and thought of one of the greatest of the Renaissance popes. Pius II (1405-1464) began life as Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini in a small town near Siena, and became a famous Latin poet and diplomat. Originally an opponent of the papacy as well as something of a libertine, Aeneas eventually reconciled himself with the Roman church and became a priest, then a cardinal. Finally he was elected Pope Pius II (1458) and dedicated his pontificate to organizing a pan-European crusade against the Ottoman Empire. Pius's Commentaries, the only autobiography ever written by a pope, was composed in elegant humanistic Latin modeled on Caesar and Cicero. This edition contains a fresh Latin text based on the last manuscript written in Pius's lifetime and an updated and corrected version of the 1937 translation by Florence Alden Gragg.
Brandeis University Press First Impressions – Sefer Hasidim and Early Modern Hebrew Printing
Uncovers the history of creative adaptation and transformation through a close analysis of the creation of the Sefer Hasidim book. In 1538, a partnership of Jewish silk makers in the city of Bologna published a book entitled Sefer Hasidim, a compendium of rituals, stories, and religious instruction that primarily originated in medieval Franco-Germany. How these men, of Italian and Spanish descent, came to produce a book that would come to shape Ashkenazic culture, and Jewish culture more broadly, over the next four centuries is the basis of this kaleidoscopic study of the history of Hebrew printing in the sixteenth century. During these early years of printing, the classic works of ancient and medieval Hebrew and Jewish literature became widely available to Jewish (and non-Jewish) readers for the first time. Printing, though, was not merely the duplication and distribution of pre-existing manuscripts, it was the creative adaptation and transformation of those manuscripts by printers. Ranging from Catholic Bologna to Protestant Basel to the Jewish heartland of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Joseph A. Skloot uncovers the history of that creativity by examining the first two print editions of Sefer Hasidim. Along the way, he demonstrates how volumes that were long thought to be eternal and unchanging were in fact artifacts of historical agency and contingency, created by and for human beings.
Batsford Ltd Textus Roffensis: The Rochester Book - One of England's Greatest Hidden Treasures
Textus Roffensis was written out by a scribe in 1122 - he was copying out a code of law that had first been issued by Ethelbert, the first Christian King of Kent, in about 607. These were the first laws to be written in English for Englishmen. Today, this manuscript remains in the care of Rochester Cathedral. Following the Norman Conquest, at a time of great change, the monks of Rochester felt their independence and financial security were under threat. To defend themselves and secure their future they wrote Textus Roffensis. It provided the monks with an effective legal code with which to reinforce their claims to privileges and possessions. The book is made up of two parts and it is not known why they were bound together - an expensive process. One theory is that the monks were attempting to hide evidence of forged manuscripts. Produced by Rochester Cathedral, and including images of the pages themselves, this book outlines the intriguing history of Textus Roffensis.