Search results for ""Author Christine"
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience
What do psychedelics reveal about consciousness? What impact have psychedelics had on philosophy? In this rapidly growing area of study, this is the first volume to explore the philosophy of psychedelic experience, from a range of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives. In doing so, Philosophy and Psychedelics reveals just why the place of psychedelics in our societies should not be left to medical sciences alone, as psychedelic experience opens up new perspectives on fundamental philosophical questions relating to human experience, ethics, and the metaphysics of mind. Mapping a range of philosophical responses to the surge in studies into psychedelic drugs in the cognitive sciences, this go-to volume examines topics including psychedelics and the role of governance; psychedelics and mysticism; what psychedelics can tell us about dyadic thankfulness; and psychedelics as ways to gain new knowledge. Written by leading international scholars, the essays cover Western and non-Western traditions, from analytic philosophy to Zen Buddhism, and discuss a variety of hallucinogens, such as LSD, MDMA, and Ayahuasca, in order to build a much-needed bridge between the rapidly growing scientific research and the philosophy behind psychedelic experience.
Alma Books Ltd In the Labyrinth
The Battle of Reichenfels has been fought and lost. The army is in flight. The enemy is expected to arrive in town at any moment. A soldier, carrying a parcel under his arm, is wandering through an unknown town. All the streets look the same, and he cannot remember the name of one where he was supposed to meet the man who had agreed to take the parcel. But he must deliver the parcel or at least get rid of it… A brilliant work from one of the finest exponents of the Nouveau Roman, In the Labyrinth showcases an inventive, hypnotic style which creates an uncanny atmosphere of déjà vu, yet undermines the reader’s expectations at every turn.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Theologien Des Politischen Im Horizont Interkultureller Theologie
McGraw-Hill Education Looseleaf for U.S.: A Narrative History, Volume 1: To 1877
McGraw-Hill Education Looseleaf for Experience History, Vol 2: Since 1865
University of Virginia Press The Papers of George Washington June-August 1793
Volume 13 of the ""Presidential Series"" documents the period from 1 June through 31 August 1793, a time when Washington focused his efforts as president on keeping the United States neutral during the war between France and Great Britain. The greatest challenge came from the presence in U.S. ports of both British and French privateers and their prizes. Frequent correspondence with the state governors, especially Thomas Mifflin of Pennsylvania and George Clinton of New York, kept the president informed of the latest arrivals. The cabinet, consisting of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of War Henry Knox, and Attorney General Edmund Randolph, met frequently at Washington's behest, both with and without him. These meetings produced a series of cabinet opinions delineating America's neutrality policy. An effort to solicit the Supreme Court for an opinion on regulations designed to enforce America's neutrality policy, however, failed. The administration also was unsuccessful in its attempt to prosecute American citizens who enlisted for service on French privateers. At the same time, Charles Edmond Genet, the French minister plenipotentiary to the United States, failed to cooperate with the administration's directives concerning French privateers and prizes. This fact, combined with his attempt to influence the American political process, led to the cabinet's decision to ask the French government for Genet's recall. While some Americans opposed the neutrality policies of the administration, others did not, and Washington received numerous letters of support from municipal and civic organizations in the maritime states. Other issues of national concern included Washington's approval of additional foreign loans and the administration's preparations for a peace treaty with hostile Indians in the Northwest Territory. The president also paid considerable attention to the desire of the citizens of South Carolina and Georgia for a military expedition against the Cherokees, Creeks, and other southern Indians. Washington, however, decided against the use of force at this time. In his private life, Washington continued his efforts to manage his Mount Vernon farms while living in Philadelphia. The death of his estate manager in June provided additional anxiety as Washington searched for a replacement. He also continued his role as the patriarch of an extended family. He was particularly engaged in offering advice on estate management to Frances Bassett Washington, the widow of his nephew George Augustine Washington.
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Music For Little Mozarts: Music Workbook 3
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Lilly's Big Day and Other Stories CD: 9 Stories
De Gruyter Widersprüche. Kuratorisch handeln zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Widersprüche im musealen Kontext Wie kann Kritik am Museum im Museum Folgen haben? Seit Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts verbreiten sich kritische Theorien in der Praxis institutioneller Texte und Kontexte wie Lauffeuer: Feminismus, Antirassismus, Umweltpolitiken, Institutionskritiken, Inklusionsdebatten, dekoloniale und queere Theorien sind omnipräsent – während sich strukturell jedoch nur wenig zum Besseren verändert und ein hart erarbeitetes kritisches Vokabular oft zum Label wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht dieser Band die Verhältnisse von Theorie und Praxis sowie die damit verbundenen Widersprüche im musealen Kontext: Wie kann kritische Theorie zur Praxis werden? Wie lässt sich kritisches Vokabular in institutionelles Handeln übersetzen? Die Beiträge hinterfragen große Strukturen, beschreiben und reflektieren aber auch persönliche Momente. Sechster Band der Publikationsreihe curating. ausstellungstheorie & praxis Über Widersprüche in Organisationen, Institutionen, Ausstellungen, Sammlungen, Vermittlungsstrategien etc. Mit dem künstlerischer Beitrag Safe and Sound, Aldo Giannotti, 2021
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Music For Little Mozarts: Music Lesson Book 1
McFarland & Co Inc David Lynch and the American West: Essays on Regionalism and Indigeneity in Twin Peaks and the Films
This collection convenes diverse analyses of David Lynch's newly conceived, dreamlike neo-noir representations of the American West, a first in studies of regionalism and indigeneity in his films. Twelve essays and three interviews address Lynch's image of the American West and its impact on the genre. Fans and scholars of David Lynch's work will find a study of his interpretations of the West as place and myth, spanning from his first feature film, Eraserhead (1977), through the third season of Twin Peaks in 2017. Symbols of the West in Lynch's work can be as obvious as an Odessa, Texas street sign or as subtle as the visual themes rooted in indigenous artistry. Explorations of cowboy masculinity, violence, modern frontier narratives and representations of indigeneity are all included in this collection.
Wild Nature Press Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland
University of California Press Invitation to Syriac Christianity: An Anthology
Despite their centrality to the history of Christianity in the East, Syriac Christians have generally been excluded from modern accounts of the faith. Originating from Mesopotamia, Syriac Christians quickly spread across Eurasia, from Turkey to China, developing a distinctive and influential form of Christianity that connected empires. These early Christians wrote in the language of Syriac, the lingua franca of the late ancient Middle East, and a dialect of Aramaic, the language of Jesus. Collecting key foundational Syriac texts from the second to the fourteenth centuries, this anthology provides unique access to one of the most intriguing, but least known, branches of the Christian tradition.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methodologies: A Dynamic Approach
This sourcebook is an unparalleled resource in the field of family science. It provides a comprehensive overview of both traditional and contemporary theories and methodologies to promote a greater understanding of increasingly complex family realities. It focuses on broad developments in research design and conceptualization, while also offering a historical perspective on developments in family science over time, particularly emerging theories from the past several decades. Each chapter summarizes and evaluates a major theory or methodological approach in the field, delving into its main principles; its debates and challenges; how it has evolved over time; its practical uses in policy, education, or further research; and links to other theories and methodologies. In highlighting recent research of note, chapters emphasize the potential for innovative future applications.Key areas of coverage include:· Risk and resilience, family stress, feminist, critical race, and social exchange theories.· Ambiguous loss, intersectionality, Queer, and family development theory.· Life course framework.· Biosocial theory and biomarker methods.· Symbolic interactionism.· Ethnography.· Mixed methods, participatory action research, and evaluation.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Diagramm Und Text. Diagrammatische Strukturen Und Die Dynamisierung Von Wissen Und Erfahrung: Uberstorfer Colloquium 2012
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft In Debate with Kari Palonen: Concepts, Politics, Histories
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Forschungen zur systematischen und ökumenischen Theologie: Zugänge zum Beten in unserer Zeit
Zwischen dem westlichen Gebetsverständnis als "Gespräch mit Gott" und der ostkirchlichen Gebetspraxis als "Verbindung oder Einheit mit Gott" besteht eine Kluft. In zehn Kapiteln untersucht Klein die Probleme des Betens und des betenden Menschen sowie die Quelle des Gebets und die Frage nach dem Gott, zu dem gebetet, und der Welt, in der gebetet wird. Er zeigt Weisen, Typen, Wege und Praktiken des Gebets auf. Jedes Kapitel besteht aus drei Abschnitten: der Darstellung der Problematik zunächst aus der Sicht westlicher dann aus östlicher Gebetstheologie und schlieÃlich dem Versuch einer grenzÃ"berschreitenden Vermittlung zwischen beiden. Klein gelingt es in dieser Studie auf einfÃ"hlsame wie fundierte Weise, die Kluft zwischen dem westlichen und östlichen Gebetsverständnis zu Ã"berbrÃ"cken und mit einem "ganzheitlichen Gebetsverständnis" neue Zugänge zum Beten in unserer Zeit zu eröffnen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Forschungen zur systematischen und ökumenischen Theologie: Zur Entstehung narrativer Identitätsmuster im Pietismus
Durch erstmals umfassende Untersuchungen pietistischer Literatur des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts öffnet der Autor den Blick fÃ"r ein vom Pietismus geprägtes expressivistisches Identitätsverständnis, das des Menschen Beziehung zu sich selbst als in Formen erzählerischer Selbstkonstruktion gegrÃ"ndet sieht. Der ausgewiesene philosophische Anspruch des Buches entspringt dem Kontext der Symbol- und Identitätstheorie, die der Autor methodisch mit der Objektiven Hermeneutik verbindet. Magnus Schlette analysiert genau, wie die religiösen Erfahrungen des Gläubigen im Pietismus Ã"ber Erzählungen verinnerlicht werden, die sich zu einer Geschichte zusammenfÃ"gen lassen, die das ganze Leben als religiös bedeutend begreift.
Harrassowitz Luthers Deutsch in Mittel- Und Osteuropa
Brepols N.V. Tributes to Maryan W. Ainsworth: Collaborative Spirit: Essays on Northern European Art, 1350-1650
F.A. Davis Company Public/Community Health and Nursing Practice: Caring for Populations
How do you solve population-level health problems, develop nursing inventions, and apply them to clinical practice?This problem-solving, case-based approach shows you how to apply public health knowledge across all settings and populations. You’ll encounter different case studies in every chapter as you explore concepts such as community assessments, public health policy, and surveillance. Step by step, you’ll develop the knowledge and skills you need to apply public health principles across a variety of health care settings, special populations, and scenarios, and to evaluate their effectiveness. New! Healthy People 2030 boxes that present its goals and objectives and discuss how to apply them to everyday work settings New & Expanded! Content on communicable diseases and pandemics and how they affect the structure of public health, plus updated coverage of the social determinants of health and vulnerable populations New! “Why It Matters” boxes exploring the clinical nurse’s role in public and community health and illustrating the application of theory to practice Three case studies in each chapter, “Solving the Mystery,” “Applying Public Health Science,” and one at the end of the chapter to provide examples of the step-by-step processes that enable you to apply public health principles in the real world Four simulation scenarios (facilitator and participant versions) that cover hot topics tied to problem-based learning as well as a new simulation scenario covering social determinants of health Coverage of public health nursing competencies and roles that highlights national standards in public health “Evidence-Based Practice” boxes illustrating how research and its resulting evidence support and inform public health nursing practice Callout boxes in each chapter highlighting relevant Healthy People 2030 information, evidence-based practice, and rate calculations Problem-based learning approach featuring exercises such as critical-thinking and end-of-chapter questions to enhance your skills and enable you to apply what you’re learning
Orbis Books (USA) The Thomas Merton Encyclopedia
Random House USA Inc Master Your Metabolism: The 3 Diet Secrets to Naturally Balancing Your Hormones for a Hot and Healthy Body!
Hatje Cantz Heinz Mack
The Waldfrieden Sculpture Park is honouring the great painter and sculptor Heinz Mack on his 90th birthday with an exhibition devoted exclusively to his sculptural work. In its three exhibition halls and in the open grounds, the sculpture park presents 50 sculptures by Heinz Mack, including numerous works that have never been shown publicly before. Accompanying the exhibition is this comprehensive catalogue in German and English with numerous illustrations from the exhibition, a foreword by Anthony Cragg, a preface by Dr. Thomas A. Lange, two statements by Heinz Mack and essays by Heinz-Norbert Jocks, Norman Rosenthal, Corinna Thierolf and Jon Wood. The essays - analogous to the illustration section, which shows photographs from all three exhibition pavilions and from the outdoor area - are devoted to the artist's wealth of forms and diversity of materials on the basis of the exhibited stone works, steles made of wood and metal, metal reliefs and screens.
De Gruyter Kunstkammer: Weltsicht und Wissen um 1600
Die Dresdner Kunstkammer im Residenzschloss bietet eine faszinierende Vielfalt von Sammlungsobjekten der Spätrenaissance und des Frühbarock. Dem Gründer der Kunstkammer, Kurfürst August (1526–1586), ist der einzigartige Bestand an schlichten und kunstvoll verzierten Handwerkszeugen zu verdanken. Dabei reicht die Bandbreite von Gartengeräten über Goldschmiede-, Tischler- und eisenbearbeitende Werkzeuge bis zu den sogenannten Brechzeugen (Werkzeug zum Aufsprengen oder Zerbrechen). Darüber hinaus stellt der Museumsführer aufwendig verzierte Kunstkammerschränke, zwei reich ausgestattete Augsburger Kabinettschränke, mit irisierendem Perlmutter eingelegte Tische, kostbare Brettspiele und Musikinstrumente neben filigranen Drechselkunststücken, Werken der Schatzkunst und Gegenständen aus fernen Kulturen vor. Zahlreiche bisher nicht publizierte Meisterwerke der Kunstkammer im Dresdner Residenzschloss
Theologischer Verlag Gott, Warte Auf Mich: Eine Gebetsschule Fur Einzelne Und Gruppen
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Complexity and Simplicity in Science Education
This edited volume brings together a broad range of international science education studies, focusing on the interplay of teaching and learning science. It recognizes the complexity present in today’s education, associated with major science related issues faced by society, such as climate change, diseases and pandemics, global conflicts over energy, food and water.The studies discussed in this volume are focused on presenting different opportunities to teach these convoluted matters in order to find simplicity within the complexity and make it accessible to learners. They bring together the challenges of preparing the students of today to become scientifically informed citizens of tomorrow.
Bonnier Books Ltd Da Trow: The Troll in Shetland Scots
Dey wir eence a trow at baed anunder a brig.(Maist trows bide in hadds anunder hills.)Aboot da sam time, fram apo da far haaf,dey wir some pirates dat baed apon a ship.(Dat's whaar pirates is meant ta bide.)Trows is supposed ta aet goats (dey say!)But nae goats ivver cam tipperin owre dis trow's peerie brig.Sae he ot fish instead.So begins this hilarious tale of the adventures of a bunch of incompetent pirates who can't cook, and a crabbit auld troll (in Shetland, where they live in great abundance, trolls are known as trows) who can. Their lives seem very far apart: the troll, whose favourite dish is goat, tries and fails to eat the creatures crossing various bridges he hides under; the pirates, who like to eat fish, try and fail to find buried treasure.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Clinic Design: Strategies for an Era of Change
Shift Clinic design to keep pace with the evolving healthcare industry Modern Clinic Design: Strategies for an Era of Change is a comprehensive guide to optimizing patient experience through the design of the built environment. Written by a team of veteran healthcare interior designers, architects, and engineers, this book addresses the impacts of evolving legislation, changing technologies, and emerging nontraditional clinic models on clinic design, and illustrates effective design strategies for any type of clinic. Readers will find innovative ideas about lean design, design for flexibility, and the use of mock-ups to prototype space plans within a clinic setting, and diagrammed examples including waiting rooms, registration desks, and exam rooms that demonstrate how these ideas are applied to real-world projects. Spurred on by recent healthcare legislation and new technological developments, clinics can now offer a greater variety of services in a greater variety of locations. Designers not only need to know the different requirements for each of these spaces, but also understand how certain design strategies affect the patient's experience in the space. This book explores all aspects of clinic design, and describes how aesthetics and functionality can merge to provide a positive experience for patients, staff, and healthcare providers. Understand how recent industry developments impact facility design Learn how design strategies can help create a positive patient experience Examine emerging clinic models that are becoming increasingly prevalent Analyze the impact of technology on clinic design A well-designed clinic is essential for the well-being of the patients and health care providers that occupy the space every day. The healthcare industry is shifting, and the healthcare design industry must shift with it to continue producing spaces that are relevant to ever-evolving patient and worker needs. For complete guidance toward the role of design, Modern Clinic Design is a thorough, practical reference.
Stanford University Press Modern Girls on the Go: Gender, Mobility, and Labor in Japan
This spirited and engaging multidisciplinary volume pins its focus on the lived experiences and cultural depictions of women's mobility and labor in Japan. The theme of "modern girls" continues to offer a captivating window into the changes that women's roles have undergone during the course of the last century. Here we encounter Japanese women inhabiting the most modern of spaces, in newly created professions, moving upward and outward, claiming the public life as their own: shop girls, elevator girls, dance hall dancers, tour bus guides, airline stewardesses, international beauty queens, overseas teachers, corporate soccer players, and even female members of the Self-Defense Forces. Directly linking gender, mobility, and labor in 20th and 21st century Japan, this collection brings to life the ways in which these modern girls—historically and contemporaneously—have influenced social roles, patterns of daily life, and Japan's global image. It is an ideal guidebook for students, scholars, and general readers alike.
Stanford University Press Modern Girls on the Go: Gender, Mobility, and Labor in Japan
This spirited and engaging multidisciplinary volume pins its focus on the lived experiences and cultural depictions of women's mobility and labor in Japan. The theme of "modern girls" continues to offer a captivating window into the changes that women's roles have undergone during the course of the last century. Here we encounter Japanese women inhabiting the most modern of spaces, in newly created professions, moving upward and outward, claiming the public life as their own: shop girls, elevator girls, dance hall dancers, tour bus guides, airline stewardesses, international beauty queens, overseas teachers, corporate soccer players, and even female members of the Self-Defense Forces. Directly linking gender, mobility, and labor in 20th and 21st century Japan, this collection brings to life the ways in which these modern girls—historically and contemporaneously—have influenced social roles, patterns of daily life, and Japan's global image. It is an ideal guidebook for students, scholars, and general readers alike.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Low Vision: Principles and Management
Providing an ideal balance of theory and practice, Low Vision: Principles and Management covers all aspects of providing effective eye care to individuals with visual impairment. This concise yet comprehensive resource covers everything from theoretical background to current rehabilitative aids and low vision treatment strategies-all while adopting a practical approach to vision care. It brings practising eye care professionals and students fully up to date with current optical and electronic devices and how they are used in everyday practice, as well as evidence-based vision rehabilitation guidelines. Features comprehensive guidance on visual rehabilitation for acuity loss and visual field loss. Describes a wealth of practical advice and real-world case scenarios to help guide your day-to-day patient interactions as well as your most challenging situations. Covers hot topics, including the link between mental health and low vision, assistive technologies, measures of quality of life and other outcome measures, WHO classifications of visual impairment, and best practices for auditing and commissioning vision services. Contains over 200 diagrams, illustrations, and patient photos to aid in visual understanding. Explains how eye care professionals can work within a multi-disciplinary team to provide complete care. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Verlag Peter Lang Les Français Au Service de la Société Des Nations
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cleaner Technologies: Environmental Management Accounting, Investment Appraisal & Financing
Rowman & Littlefield It Takes a City: Getting Serious about Urban School Reform
Emerald Publishing Limited Structure, Content and Meaning of Organizational Networks: Extending Network Thinking
To better understand how structure, content and meaning are interrelated, there is great potential in conceptualizing mixed structure linkages, where social relations, events, actions and text-based information intersect. This potential is all the more salient in view of the large data flows and analytical tools that researchers can draw on. However, the increasing availability of tools and data seem to outpace theory development. In response to these trends, this volume aims to advance theoretical understanding of how structure, content and meaning are dynamically intertwined, in both online and offline domains. We also explain the methodological implications of such investigations. This volume therefore responds to the need for in-depth analyses studying the theoretical and methodological implications of the assumed unity of network approaches at the intersections of structure, content and meaning. With these analyses, we show promising approaches, provoke debates in the field, and suggest potential future directions.
Orion Publishing Co Bird Families: A High-flying Card Game
SIMPLE GAMEPLAY: Based on Happy Families and Go Fish, this is quick and easy to learn for all the family, so you can get playing straight awayBEAUTIFULLY PRESENTED: With rich and colourful illustrations and a high-quality box and cards, this is a game to cherish foreverLEARN AS YOU PLAY: The accompanying booklet features information about all the birds in the game from nature writer Mike UnwinUNIQUE GIFT: The perfect present for bird watchers and nature loversThink you know your birds? Think again! Did you know that Kingfishers and Kookaburras are cousins, and that pesky Pigeons have a crested relative called the Jacobin? Based on Happy Families and Go Fish, in Bird Families the aim is to get as many sets of birds as you can. As you rush to collect four finches, four parrots or four woodpeckers before your opponents, marvel at the diversity of colours and plumage from around the world. This beautiful and educational game comes with a booklet describing all the species featured. It's fun for all the family and is sure to delight players of all ages.
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Aeneid 3
Verlag G. Mainz Measurement of Multicomponent Diffusion in Liquids Using Raman Microspectroscopy and Microfluidics
Diffusion is the rate-limiting mass transport step in many (bio)chemical processes. Diffusion data is therefore necessary to design unit operations, e.g., extraction. However, diffusion data on multicomponent mixtures in liquids are scarce, as diffusion measurements are intrinsically time-consuming and laborious. Also, several measurements are required for one diffusion coefficient matrix in a multicomponent mixture.Microfluidics promises to reduce experiment time and experimental effort, while Raman spectroscopy reduces the number of necessary experiments for multicomponent mixtures. To reduce the measurement effort for diffusion coefficients in multicomponent mixtures, microfluidics and Raman microspectroscopy were combined in this work for the first time for the measurement of diffusion coefficient matrices in multicomponent mixtures: Two liquids of different concentrations co-flow in parallel in a microfluidic H-cell, while changes of concentration due to diffusion are qu
MP-KAN Uni Press of Kansas Independent Scholars Meet the World Expanding Academia beyond the Academy
For too long graduate school was viewed solely as a pipeline to teaching positions at colleges and universities. As MAs and PhDs proliferate and opportunities in the academy narrow, this timely book reminds us that the academy is only one of many venues for satisfying and successful scholarly endeavour.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Fokus Musiktherapeut - Von Der Sorge Fur Sich Selbst: 26. Musiktherapie-Tagung Am Freien Musikzentrum Munchen E. V. (3.-4. Marz 2018)
Dr Ludwig Reichert Die Basilica Aemilia Auf Dem Forum Romanum in ROM: Bauphasen, Rekonstruktion, Funktion Und Bedeutung
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Transformations in Luther's Theology: Historical and Contemporary Reflections
Classiques Garnier Le Livre Des Epistres Du Debat Sus Le Rommant de la Rose
Second Story Press The Most Beautiful Thing I Have Ever Seen
Cottage Door Press Dinos Love Pajamas
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Lucrezia Marinella and the 'Querelle des Femmes' in Seventeenth-Century Italy
This book intends to prove that Lucrezia Marinella should be included in the Italian and European literary canons as a most remarkable contributor, as she excelled in several literary genres: epic, hagiography, poetry, and treatise writing. It also examines the place that Marinella holds within the dominant literary tradition of seventeenth-century Italy as a writer, as well as a woman who lived within a predominantly patriarchal culture. Integrating its values and expectations into her own view of reality, Marinella interprets literary tradition through her perspective by presenting female 'heroines' engaged within the pastoral and epic traditions, the allegorical mode, and the spiritual quest. The purpose of most of her work is to show the 'nobility and excellence' of women and to defend the reputation of women from the slander directed at them by men. Although several articles have been written on various aspects of Marinellas work, a thorough and critical analysis of her most important works,and especially of her last one, together with an assessment of her place in Venetian, Italian, and European womens literary histories, are still missing. This book fills that void.