Search results for ""Author Christine"
Red Wheel/Weiser Scott Cunningham - the Path Taken: Honoring the Life and Legacy of a Wiccan Trailblazer
Amberley Publishing The Escape of Jack the Ripper: The Full Truth About the Cover-up and His Flight from Justice
For nearly 100 years, the question has repeatedly been asked: who was ‘Jack the Ripper’? The real question that should be answered, however, is why? Why were five poor, defenceless women savagely murdered in the slums of Whitechapel in the autumn of 1888? Credible Victorian sources including an Old Etonian police chief (Sir Melville Macnaghten), a famous writer on true crime (George R. Sims), a Conservative MP (Henry Farquharson) and, most incriminatingly, members of the killer’s own family knew that ‘Jack the Ripper’ was Montague John Druitt. He escaped earthly justice by drowning himself in the Thames. This book answers the question of why in 1888 Druitt, a barrister, part-time teacher and first-class cricketer, killed and mutilated women driven into prostitution through social neglect. Compiled from years of meticulous research, The Escape of Jack the Rippermoves from the suffering of impoverished Whitechapel to genteel London society, picturesque Dorset, the Inner Temple and the anonymity of the private asylums of France and England. The struggle of Druitt’s desperate, respectable family to cover up for their dead Montie, whilst preventing any innocent person being hanged for his crimes, is told here. In the Edwardian era, Sir Melville and G. R. Sims ensured that the public understood that the long-deceased Whitechapel fiend was neither poor nor an immigrant, but rather a product of the British establishment. The photographs include the newly discovered last known image of Druitt.
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac Abstrakt
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Extending Bpmn with Deontic Logic
Singliesel GmbH Yoga auf dem Stuhl für Senioren
Callwey GmbH Zu Gast am Gardasee
Heyn, Johannes Johann Julian Taupe
Heyn, Johannes Richard Kaplenig
Anness Publishing Coffee: the Home Barista's Guide to Making the Perfect Cup
There is nothing quite as satisfying as a well-made and aromatic cup of coffee. This in-depth guide explores all aspects of coffee and coffee use with clear, informative text and beautiful photographs throughout. The book begins with a fascinating discussion of the history of coffee growing and the rise of coffee houses and cafes around the world. A global tour covers the wonderful range of coffee beans grown today, explaining how the bean is grown and processed, sorted, graded and tasted. Comprehensive advice is then given on the wide range of coffee brewing equipment available, as well as how to make many of the best-known coffee drinks at home.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Theologien Des Politischen Im Horizont Interkultureller Theologie
McGraw-Hill Education Looseleaf for U.S.: A Narrative History, Volume 1: To 1877
McGraw-Hill Education Looseleaf for Experience History, Vol 2: Since 1865
University of Virginia Press The Papers of George Washington June-August 1793
Volume 13 of the ""Presidential Series"" documents the period from 1 June through 31 August 1793, a time when Washington focused his efforts as president on keeping the United States neutral during the war between France and Great Britain. The greatest challenge came from the presence in U.S. ports of both British and French privateers and their prizes. Frequent correspondence with the state governors, especially Thomas Mifflin of Pennsylvania and George Clinton of New York, kept the president informed of the latest arrivals. The cabinet, consisting of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of War Henry Knox, and Attorney General Edmund Randolph, met frequently at Washington's behest, both with and without him. These meetings produced a series of cabinet opinions delineating America's neutrality policy. An effort to solicit the Supreme Court for an opinion on regulations designed to enforce America's neutrality policy, however, failed. The administration also was unsuccessful in its attempt to prosecute American citizens who enlisted for service on French privateers. At the same time, Charles Edmond Genet, the French minister plenipotentiary to the United States, failed to cooperate with the administration's directives concerning French privateers and prizes. This fact, combined with his attempt to influence the American political process, led to the cabinet's decision to ask the French government for Genet's recall. While some Americans opposed the neutrality policies of the administration, others did not, and Washington received numerous letters of support from municipal and civic organizations in the maritime states. Other issues of national concern included Washington's approval of additional foreign loans and the administration's preparations for a peace treaty with hostile Indians in the Northwest Territory. The president also paid considerable attention to the desire of the citizens of South Carolina and Georgia for a military expedition against the Cherokees, Creeks, and other southern Indians. Washington, however, decided against the use of force at this time. In his private life, Washington continued his efforts to manage his Mount Vernon farms while living in Philadelphia. The death of his estate manager in June provided additional anxiety as Washington searched for a replacement. He also continued his role as the patriarch of an extended family. He was particularly engaged in offering advice on estate management to Frances Bassett Washington, the widow of his nephew George Augustine Washington.
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Music For Little Mozarts: Music Workbook 3
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Lilly's Big Day and Other Stories CD: 9 Stories
De Gruyter Widersprüche. Kuratorisch handeln zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Widersprüche im musealen Kontext Wie kann Kritik am Museum im Museum Folgen haben? Seit Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts verbreiten sich kritische Theorien in der Praxis institutioneller Texte und Kontexte wie Lauffeuer: Feminismus, Antirassismus, Umweltpolitiken, Institutionskritiken, Inklusionsdebatten, dekoloniale und queere Theorien sind omnipräsent – während sich strukturell jedoch nur wenig zum Besseren verändert und ein hart erarbeitetes kritisches Vokabular oft zum Label wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht dieser Band die Verhältnisse von Theorie und Praxis sowie die damit verbundenen Widersprüche im musealen Kontext: Wie kann kritische Theorie zur Praxis werden? Wie lässt sich kritisches Vokabular in institutionelles Handeln übersetzen? Die Beiträge hinterfragen große Strukturen, beschreiben und reflektieren aber auch persönliche Momente. Sechster Band der Publikationsreihe curating. ausstellungstheorie & praxis Über Widersprüche in Organisationen, Institutionen, Ausstellungen, Sammlungen, Vermittlungsstrategien etc. Mit dem künstlerischer Beitrag Safe and Sound, Aldo Giannotti, 2021
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Music For Little Mozarts: Music Lesson Book 1
McFarland & Co Inc David Lynch and the American West: Essays on Regionalism and Indigeneity in Twin Peaks and the Films
This collection convenes diverse analyses of David Lynch's newly conceived, dreamlike neo-noir representations of the American West, a first in studies of regionalism and indigeneity in his films. Twelve essays and three interviews address Lynch's image of the American West and its impact on the genre. Fans and scholars of David Lynch's work will find a study of his interpretations of the West as place and myth, spanning from his first feature film, Eraserhead (1977), through the third season of Twin Peaks in 2017. Symbols of the West in Lynch's work can be as obvious as an Odessa, Texas street sign or as subtle as the visual themes rooted in indigenous artistry. Explorations of cowboy masculinity, violence, modern frontier narratives and representations of indigeneity are all included in this collection.
Wild Nature Press Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland
University of California Press Invitation to Syriac Christianity: An Anthology
Despite their centrality to the history of Christianity in the East, Syriac Christians have generally been excluded from modern accounts of the faith. Originating from Mesopotamia, Syriac Christians quickly spread across Eurasia, from Turkey to China, developing a distinctive and influential form of Christianity that connected empires. These early Christians wrote in the language of Syriac, the lingua franca of the late ancient Middle East, and a dialect of Aramaic, the language of Jesus. Collecting key foundational Syriac texts from the second to the fourteenth centuries, this anthology provides unique access to one of the most intriguing, but least known, branches of the Christian tradition.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methodologies: A Dynamic Approach
This sourcebook is an unparalleled resource in the field of family science. It provides a comprehensive overview of both traditional and contemporary theories and methodologies to promote a greater understanding of increasingly complex family realities. It focuses on broad developments in research design and conceptualization, while also offering a historical perspective on developments in family science over time, particularly emerging theories from the past several decades. Each chapter summarizes and evaluates a major theory or methodological approach in the field, delving into its main principles; its debates and challenges; how it has evolved over time; its practical uses in policy, education, or further research; and links to other theories and methodologies. In highlighting recent research of note, chapters emphasize the potential for innovative future applications.Key areas of coverage include:· Risk and resilience, family stress, feminist, critical race, and social exchange theories.· Ambiguous loss, intersectionality, Queer, and family development theory.· Life course framework.· Biosocial theory and biomarker methods.· Symbolic interactionism.· Ethnography.· Mixed methods, participatory action research, and evaluation.
Turner (Spain) Eduardo Sarabia: Relacion de Un Interes
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Manual Washington de terapéutica médica
Manual Washington® de terapéutica médica es una de las obras insignes más reconocidas de la literatura médica mundial. Su estilo clásico de listado con los conceptos más útiles vertidos en enunciados claros y concisos la ha convertido en una de las obras más utilizadas y referenciadas por estudiantes de medicina, médicos residentes y especialistas en todo el mundo. Con más de 1 millón de copias vendidas en todo el mundo y traducciones a más de 20 idiomas, esta 37.ª edición mantiene su misión inicial de proporcionar un apoyo clínico integral e incidir positivamente en la atención de los pacientes. En esta edición se ha revisado y actualizado el contenido en su totalidad, para reflejar los últimos avances en medicina basada en evidencia y tecnología dirigida al diagnóstico y tratamiento. Con un sólido enfoque en medicina interna, la obra proporciona una cobertura integral de los padecimientos de mayor prevalencia e incidencia en todas las especialidades y subespecialidades médicas, y en cada uno aborda principios generales, características clínicas y estrategia terapéutica, con fundamento en la evidencia más reciente. Además, la obra incluye contenido adicional sobre atención general de pacientes, como evaluación y manejo, pre y posoperatorios, tratamiento de afecciones agudas, trasplantes y medicina transfusional.
Universitatsverlag Winter Religion in the United States
Brill Fink Fremdheit, Integration, Vielfalt?: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven Auf Migration Und Gesellschaft
Harrassowitz Leipziger Jahrbuch Zur Buchgeschichte 29 (2021)
Harrassowitz Leipziger Jahrbuch Zur Buchgeschichte 28 (2020)
Walter de Gruyter 1973
Little Brown and Company The Night Fire
John Wiley & Sons Inc Microbiology
Ideal for microbiology/science majors The third edition of Microbiology provides in-depth coverage of the science of microscopic organisms. Providing a balanced presentation of foundational concepts, real-world applications, and current research and experimentation, this comprehensive textbook facilitates a thorough understanding of the scope, nature, and complexity of microbiology. The text approaches the subject within the context of exploration and experimentation, integrating a wealth of classroom-tested pedagogical features. The material is organized around the three pillars of physiology, ecology and genetics — helping students appreciate the interconnected and dynamic nature of microbiology as they explore individual microbes and the relation between different types of microbes, other organisms, and the environment. Detailed yet accessible chapters illustrate how an experiment proceeds, explain how microbes replicate, clarify the flow of concept processes, and summarize key points. Challenging end-of-chapter questions both test students' understanding of the material and strengthen critical thinking skills. This new edition contains up-to-date coverage of topics including DNA replication and gene expression, viral pathogenesis, microbial biotechnology, adaptive immunity, the control of infectious diseases, the microbiology of food and water, and integrated coverage of COVID-19.
Anness Publishing Sauces, Pickles & Preserves: More Than 400 Sauces, Salsas, Dips, Dressings, Jams, Jellies, Pickles, Preserves and Chutneys
This title features deliciously tempting recipes for hot and fiery salsas, creamy dips, tasty relishes, spicy marinades, tangy mustards, classic dressings and sweet sauces. It provides all the necessary know-how and essential techniques for making basic stocks and marinades, whisking up quick-and-easy sauces, perfecting the art of preserving and pickling fruit and vegetables, and setting marmalades and jellies. It includes Bolognese sauce for spaghetti; onion and mustard sauce for pork; parsley sauce for smoked fish; tandoori-style marinade for chicken; peanut sauce for vegetable salad; and lime sabayon for ice cream. It is beautifully illustrated with more than 1000 step-by-step photographs with clear and accessible instructions for all the sauce-making techniques. You can make every meal memorable with this practical and accessible guide to sauces, salsas, relishes, chutneys, pickles, dips, mustards, marmalades, jellies and jams. Over 400 recipes show how to add an inspirational touch to every dish, whether you choose a simple onion gravy, a tangy orange sauce, a crunchy satay or a fancy party dip. A comprehensive reference section covers all the techniques, equipment and ingredients you will need. It shows how to make hot stocks, how to prevent egg custard from curdling, and how to blend chocolate and cream to create a dreamy dessert topping. The recipes are arranged in helpful categories for speedy reference, making this book all you will ever need to create the perfect sauce, pickle or preserve to suit any occasion.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Maya's Story
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Jess's Story
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Johannesoffenbarung: Teilband 1: Offb 1,15,14
Illuminate Publishing WJEC GCSE Home Economics - Child Development Student Book
Endorsed by WJEC this textbook covers course content in just the right detail and provides invaluable support for your students completing their controlled assessments. // Covers essential course knowledge in a clear, colourful and highly accessible way. // Makes explicit connections between what students learn and how they apply this to the Child Study and the Child Focused Task. // Advises your students on how to structure and shape their coursework. // Provides thorough exam preparation and practice with dedicated exam practice sections.
James Currey Contested Sustainability: The Political Ecology of Conservation and Development in Tanzania
Richly detailed and timely study on conservation, development and sustainability in Tanzania. Provides valuable insights into the successes and failures of the management and governance of wildlife, forestry and coastal resources. Responding to the urgent need to examine the outcome of interventions in governing natural resources, this book analyses different types of sustainability partnerships - with donors, governments, business, NGOs and other actors, and, crucially, assesses which result in better livelihood and environmental outcomes. The contributors, from a range of disciplines, compare 'more complex' partnerships to relatively 'simpler', more traditional top-down and centralized management systems and to location where sustainability partnerships are not in place. Within-sector comparisons allow a fine-tuned analysis that is formed of historical, location and resource-specific issues, which can be used as input for resource-specific policy and partnership design. Experiences and lessons can be drawn from comparisons across the three different sectors, which can be applied to natural resource governance more broadly. This book is openly available in digital formats under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Development and Territorial Restructuring in an Era of Global Change: Theories, Approaches and Future Research Perspectives
Thinking about development and the environment simultaneously is one of the biggest scientific and societal challenges of the 21st century. Understanding the interactions between biophysical systems and human activities in an era of global change requires overcoming disciplinary divides and opening up new epistemological perspectives. This book explores these challenges using a territorial lens. Combining various scales of analyses (from global to local) and contexts (both urban and rural) in the North and in the South, it analyzes the relationships between environment and development through a variety of geographical objects (i.e. cities, rural and agricultural areas, coastlines, watershed), themes (i.e. ecological transitions, food, energy, transport, agriculture, mining activities) and methodologies (i.e. qualitative and quantitative approaches, modeling, in situ measurements). By engaging in a dialogue between social science and natural science disciplines, within different fields and with a variety of forms of knowledge production, this book provides essential information for understanding and reading the complexity of a globalized world. This book is targeted at academics and students in social sciences and at stakeholders in the field of territorial and environmental management.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Beyond Command and Control: Leadership, Culture and Risk
This book will advance the understanding of leadership beyond the inherited myths and modalities of command and control. Leadership is separated from ideas and institutional seniority and explained as the collaborative power of one with others. Enabling the intelligent co-participation of all people, the constructive effect of this approach to leadership is in the engagement of people. This is significant when task accomplishment depends not on managerial direction, but on the interaction of people with each other, with technical systems, and with complex regulations which are often across jurisdictional boundaries. Examples and case studies are included.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Citizenship and PSHE – Book 1
Collins Citizenship and PSHE Book 1 (previously from Folens) is intended for children age 7-8 in Year 3. Personal development, citizenship, lifestyle and relationships are investigated through speaking and listening, reading and writing activities that encourage children to consider issues, assess options and opinions, and justify decisions. Illustrations, photographs, case studies and examples for children to discuss Speaking and listening, reading and writing activities encourage children to assess opinions and reach conclusions Photocopiable activity sheets provide support, extension and assessment Planning grids and teaching notes off full support throughout the programme
Facet Publishing Information Systems: Process and practice
This book adopts a holistic interpretation of information architecture, to offer libraries and information professionals a variety of methods, tools, and techniques that may be used when designing websites and information systems that support workflows and what people require when “managing information”. The editors argue that information architecture for libraries has largely been the study of content architecture and that, on the other hand, library assessment literature has dealt with performance measurement and change management strategies. There is a gap in the middle for information services, with little on the ways of looking at the process architecture of a library and information service and on methods for business process analysis. Information Systems: Process and practice aims to fill that gap with a combination of theory and supporting case studies written by an international line-up of contributors, including Sally Burford, Fernando Loizides, Catherine Burns and Adam Euerby. Case studies cover a wide variety of settings, from discrete resource discovery projects for academic and cultural institutions, through design for large organizational websites, the research evidence about user experience for semi-structured document design on websites, to the health sector with examples including patient support websites and clinical document management. This book: takes a holistic view and interpretation of Information architecture in the context of libraries across the sector, globally discusses research and methods that help libraries and information services work from strategic business objectives through the organisation of processes that support the information services offered, and information management functions supported opens a new area of research/investigation on the link between information behaviour research and information systems and architecture, supported by case studies and projects includes contributions from an international range of experts from diverse backgrounds uses introductory sections and chapter commentary from the editors to draw the discussions together. This will be essential reading for researchers in information science specifically in the areas of digital libraries, information architecture and information systems. It will also be useful for practitioners and students in these areas who want to know the different research issues and challenges and learn how they have been handled in course of various research projects in these areas.
Cengage Learning, Inc Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, 7th Edition, equips you with a solid understanding of our complex Constitution and criminal justice system. The text avoids confusing "legalese," focusing instead on real-life examples to illustrate the material. More than 200 succinct, summarized cases written in plain English introduce you to the most influential and significant cases. You'll learn about the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, exploring their application to issues relevant to criminal justice: reasonable search and seizure, double jeopardy, and testifying against oneself. The seventh edition also includes expanded discussions of the First and Second Amendments as well as cutting-edge coverage of such high-profile topics as immigration, terrorism and homeland security, electronic surveillance and the use of drones, use of force, searches of cell phones and other digital evidence, and many others.
HarperCollins Publishers Workbook Foundation (Treasure House)
Foundation Treasure House is a topic-based resource consisting of mini-storytelling projects. Each project focuses on an exciting and engaging core text, with a bank of activities linked to the text. All 40-60+ month reading and writing early years outcomes are covered within the topics. The bank of activities for each project is the vehicle for teaching speaking and listening skills, early reading skills (phonics), early writing skills and related reinforcement. There are lots of suggestions for incorporating more cross-curricular and creative activities within the topic. The Workbook is phonics-based and linked the reading and writing Early Learning Goals. It can be used for practice, for exemplification and to support teacher judgement of the EYFS and completion of the EYFS profile.
Verlag fur moderne Kunst GmbH Jonas Kaufmann: A Picture Journey