Search results for ""Author Kind"
Starfish Bay Publishing Pty Ltd The Scarf, with Zip the Robot
Age range 1+Cat teaches Zip to knit, and Zip learns faster isn’t always better; with bold pictures and simple text for new readers.When Zip the robot sees Cat knitting, he wants to knit a scarf, too. But Zip soon finds knitting very boring, and even using his turbo boost doesn't help him knit faster! This book is perfect for beginner preschool and kindergarten readers with bold, simple illustrations, appealing characters, and easy-to-read text with new words to expand young readers' vocabulary. Printed as a board book, the story is nicely designed for children and readers of all ages.
Image Comics Rock Candy Mountain Complete
The Eisner-nominated, magical world of hobos in post-WWII America is collected for the first time in a brand new edition!The world''s toughest hobo is searching for the mysterious sinner''s Heaven-Rock Candy Mountain. But why? And why is the Literal Devil chasing him? Jackson will have to survive underground fight clubs, trainyard bulls, the toughest FBI agent you''ve ever seen, prison, newfound friendships and more if he will make his destination. A kung fu, hobo epic the likes you''ve never seen! By Kyle Starks with colors by Chris Schweizer, featuring a brand new cover cover designed by Matt Kindt! Collects Rock Candy Mountain #1 - 8 and includes additional bonus material!
Pentagon Press Encyclopaedia of Education and Technology
Covers more than 200 entries relevant in many important educational contexts, including kindergarten, corporate and industrial training, and distance education.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reinventing the Postal Sector in an Electronic Age
This compilation of original essays by an international cast of economists, regulators and industry practitioners analyzes some of the major issues now facing postal and delivery services throughout the world as competition from information and communication technologies (ICT) has increased. Competition has become increasingly important in the postal sector for some time in the form of alternative entrants providing mail delivery. However, the competition from ICT in the form of email and instant messaging, the Internet, Facebook and other forms of social networking and portable wireless devices such as the iPad and Kindle may be even more significant. Mail volumes are falling and the economies of scale that have made possible daily deliveries to every address are being eroded. This book assesses volume these declines resulting from this so-called `eSubstituion' and looks at the ways the postal sector can adapt to the rapid changes resulting from ICT. The impact of electronic invoicing on transactions mail, and the impact on bulk mail of electronic forms of advertising are examined. Strategies, including pricing and access policies, are discussed in the context of the increasing impact of ICT. A rethinking of the role of mail in an electronic age is taking place and this book provides the cutting-edge of this rethinking and the attempts of POs to reinvent themselves while continuing to meet the public's expectation of continuing ubiquitous daily deliveries of traditional mail products. Undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in regulation, competition law, innovation and public sector economics along with institutional libraries and industry professionals will find this volume informative and useful.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Klassenrat als interaktive Praxis: Auseinandersetzung - Kooperation - Imagepflege
Heike de Boer setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander, was der Klassenrat für die Akteure bedeutet. Die interaktive Praxis des Klassenrates steht im Mittelpunkt der qualitativ-empirischen Untersuchung und führt zur Rekonstruktion der kindlichen Perspektive als Akteursperspektive. Peer-Interaktionen werden fokussiert, ohne die schulpädagogische Frage nach interaktivem Lernen auszublenden. Die konsequent ethnografische Sicht ermöglicht Irritationen der normativen Erwartungen an den Klassenrat und zieht eine Neubestimmung der Grenzen und Chancen nach sich.
Workman Publishing Show Me a Story: 40 Craft Projects and Activities to Spark Children's Storytelling
Encouraging children to let their imagination run wild, Emily K. Neuburger offers 40 inventive projects and activities that will inspire kids ages 5 to 12 to express themselves through storytelling. Younger children will love making story stones and a storytelling jar, while older kids will open up and thrive as they embark on guided story walks and inspiring journaling exercises. Sparking creativity while developing a child’s love of language, Show Me a Story will kindle a lifelong passion for both writing and telling original stories.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International English Foundation Teachers Guide
Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Raus aus der Ohnmacht: Das Konzept Neue Autorität für die schulische Praxis
Heutzutage sind Schulen mit ganz anderen Aufgaben und Anforderungen konfrontiert. Wissensvermittlung ist zu einem Teilbereich geworden, die Förderung sozialer und personaler Kompetenzen rückt dagegen mehr und mehr ins Zentrum. Auch Eltern sind heute kritischer und stellen die Autorität von Lehrpersonen schnell einmal infrage. Traditionelle erzieherische Vorstellungen und Methoden sind nicht mehr legitim oder bleiben bei den Schülern und Schülerinnen oft wirkungslos. Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass die alltäglichen Auseinandersetzungen im Klassenzimmer einer der gewichtigsten Gründe für Lehrpersonen sind, ein Burnout zu erleiden oder den Beruf zu wechseln. Umso wichtiger werden Fragen wie etwa: Wie schaffen Schulen eine gute Lernatmosphäre, wie kann auffälligen Kindern und Jugendlichen Respekt beigebracht werden, wie werden Ruhe und Sicherheit erreicht? 'Raus aus der Ohnmacht' heißt die Devise für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. In diesem Buch findet sich eine geballte Ladung an Erfahrung und systematischem Vorgehen mit und nach den Prinzipien der Neuen Autorität. Die vielen Beispiele belegen auf eindrückliche Weise, wie wirksam und entlastend ihre Anwendung ist.
Pajama Press Lili Macaroni
An award-winning picture book about resilience, self-esteem, and the power of talking about emotions Lili Macaroni loves drawing butterflies, counting the stars, and being exactly who she is—Lili Macaroni. That is, until she starts kindergarten. There her classmates tell her that her hair is like a pumpkin, her eyes are squinty blueberries, and her laugh is like a parrot’s squawk. She has never felt such unhappiness before. It makes her want to erase herself and draw a brand-new Lili. Then she reconsiders. Does she really want to erase her hair that’s just like Mom’s? Her eyes just like Grandma’s? Her Grandpa’s infectious laugh? With her parents’ help, she creates a polka-dotted butterfly to wear at her collar, publicly announcing her own resilience and symbolically letting her sorrows be flown away. And when she explains the butterfly to her classmates, Lili discovers she has begun a powerful conversation, and that everyone has some trouble to be carried away on butterfly wings. In this accessible exploration of emotions and self-esteem, Nicole Testa and Annie Boulanger create a relatable heroine with inborn ingenuity and warm family support.
Little, Brown & Company The Children Of Willesden Lane: A Memoir of Music, Love and Survival
Based on the true story of her mother, Mona Golabek describes the inspirational story of Lisa Jura Golabek's escape from Nazi-controlled Austria to England on the famed Kindertransport. Lisa Jura is the only one of 3 sisters to receive the chance of a way out of Austria as her family chooses to send her to London, where she will be able to pursue her dreams of becoming a concert pianist. Separated from her beloved family she bravely endures the trip and a disastrous posting outside London before ending up at the Willesden Lane orphanage. It is there that Lisa's story truly comes to life. There her music inspires the other children and they in turn cheer her on in her efforts to make good on the promise she made to her family to fulfil her musical potential. Through hard work and sheer pluck she wins a scholarship to study piano at the Royal Academy. As she supports herself and her studies she forges a new life but dreams of re-connecting with the family she left behind. The resulting tale delivers a message of the power of music to uplift the human spirit and to grant the individual soul endurance, patience and peace.
WW Norton & Co Black Folk Could Fly: Selected Writings by Randall Kenan
Virtuosic in his use of literary forms, nurtured and unbounded by his identities as a Black man, a gay man, an intellectual, and a Southerner, Randall Kenan was known for his groundbreaking fiction. Less visible were his extraordinary nonfiction essays, published as introductions to anthologies and in small journals, revealing countless facets of Kenan’s life and work. Flying under the radar, these writings were his most personal and autobiographical: memories of the three women who raised him—a grandmother, a schoolteacher great-aunt, and the great-aunt’s best friend; recollections of his boyhood fear of snakes and his rapturous discoveries in books; sensual evocations of the land, seasons, and crops—the labor of tobacco picking and hog killing—of the eastern North Carolina lowlands where he grew up; and the food (oh the deliriously delectable Southern foods!) that sustained him. Here too is his intellectual coming of age; his passionate appreciations of kindred spirits as far-flung as Eartha Kitt, Gordon Parks, Ingmar Bergman, and James Baldwin. This powerful collection is a testament to a great mind, a great soul, and a great writer from whom readers will always wish to have more to read.
Getty Trust Publications Living Matter: The Preservation of Biological Materials in Contemporary Art: An International Conference Held in Mexico City, June 3-5, 2019
Eggshells, flowers, onion peels, sponge cake, dried bread, breast milk-these are just a few of the biological materials that some contemporary artists have used to make art. But how can works made from such perishable ingredients be preserved? And what ethical and conceptual dilemmas might be posed by doing so? Because they are prone to rapid decay, even complete disappearance, biological materials used in art pose a range of unique conservation challenges. This groundbreaking book probes the moral and practical challenges associated with displaying, collecting, and preserving these unique works of art. Theoretical considerations are complemented by a range of specific case studies, thereby affording a comprehensive and richly detailed overview of current thinking and practices on this topic. With contributions by conservators, scholars, curators, and artists, Living Matter is the first publication to address broadly these provocative issues, exploring the role of biological materials in the creative process and presenting a wide variety of possible approaches to their preservation. The free online edition of this publication is available at /publications/living matter/ and includes videos and zoomable illustrations. Also available are free PDF, EPUB, and Kindle/MOBI downloads of the book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rekindling Life: A Common Front
As the environmental crisis accelerates, we can easily feel overwhelmed, but our feeling of powerlessness is partly due to a misunderstanding of the natural world. We tend to think of nature as a cathedral on fire, like Notre Dame engulfed in flames. But the living world is not a cathedral on fire – if it were, the battle would already be lost. The living world is itself a fire that reconstitutes itself continuously and creates countless forms of life as soon as we leave it the space and time to do so. So the problem we face today is not to stop the fire – rather, it is how to defend and rekindle the embers of life that are all around us.Drawing lessons from conservationist initiatives aimed at allowing the natural forces of forests to take over again through a process of free evolution, and from agro-ecological farming initiatives which make lands hospitable for wildlife, Baptiste Morizot shows how specific actions can release the prodigality of life, its jungle-like power to regenerate itself. Actions like these are possible because the power of the living world lies in its abundance and creativity: the biosphere is a living fire that covers the earth, and it can always start up again if we know how to defend and kindle its embers.
Harvard University Press Moralia, VI: Can Virtue Be Taught? On Moral Virtue. On the Control of Anger. On Tranquility of Mind. On Brotherly Love. On Affection for Offspring. Whether Vice Be Sufficient to Cause Unhappiness. Whether the Affections of the Soul are Wors
Eclectic essays on ethics, education, and much else besides.Plutarch (Plutarchus), ca. AD 45–120, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome as a teacher in philosophy, was given consular rank by the emperor Trajan and a procuratorship in Greece by Hadrian. He was married and the father of one daughter and four sons. He appears as a man of kindly character and independent thought, studious and learned. Plutarch wrote on many subjects. Most popular have always been the forty-six Parallel Lives, biographies planned to be ethical examples in pairs (in each pair, one Greek figure and one similar Roman), though the last four lives are single. All are invaluable sources of our knowledge of the lives and characters of Greek and Roman statesmen, soldiers and orators. Plutarch’s many other varied extant works, about sixty in number, are known as Moralia or Moral Essays. They are of high literary value, besides being of great use to people interested in philosophy, ethics, and religion. The Loeb Classical Library edition of the Moralia is in fifteen volumes, volume XIII having two parts. Volume XVI is a comprehensive Index.
Chronicle Books The Brilliant Deep: Rebuilding the World's Coral Reefs
The Brilliant Deep is the proud recipient of the ALA Notable Children’s Books Award, the NSTA-CBC Best STEM Trade Books Award, the Junior Library Guild Selection and the ILA Teacher’s Choices. All it takes is one: one coral gamete to start a colony in the ocean, one person to make a difference in the world, one idea to help us heal the earth. The ongoing conservation efforts to save and rebuild the world's coral reefs—with hammer and glue, and grafts of newly grown coral—are the living legacy of environmental scientist Ken Nedimyer, founder of the Coral Restoration Foundation. In telling the story of this sea conservation pioneer and marine life protector, Kate Messner and Matthew Forsythe create a stunning tribute to the wonders of nature and the power of human hope—a power even the smallest readers can access in their quest to aid our extraordinary planet. Recommended by experts for children who are reading independently and transitioning to longer books, The Brilliant Deep is perfect for the following reading categories: • Books for Kids Ages 5-9 • Children’s Books for Kindergarten – 3rd Grade • Nonfiction Science Studies Education • Summer Reading
Peeters Publishers Man En Vrouw Schiep Hij Hen ...: Derde Herwerkte Editie
Misschien was de opdracht om heel gezond te leven voor de mens nooit zo pregnant als in de negentiger jaren, op weg naar het jaar 2000. Die moderne mens moet immers niet alleen de klassieke "fin de siecle"-aandoeningen ontwijken. De moderne mens, het moderne paar, het moderne gezin, moet zijn levensloop voltrekken in een technocratische cultuur. Deze technocratische cultuur draagt een inherent risico tot on-cultuur, tot ontvreemden van de lichamelijkheid, tot vervreemden van de menselijkheid. Dit risico dreigt zowel in de samenleving als in de hulpverlening. Mens en samenleving worden in de negentiger jaren ook sterker geconfronteerd met de AIDS-problematiek, die rechtstreeks met de seksuele omgang samenhangt. Ook het seksuele misbruik van kinderen en de (kinder)pornografie hebben dramatische afmetingen bereikt. Na de seksuele revolutie, met "nieuwe normen" voor huwelijk, gezin en seksualiteit, kwamen ook de moderne fertiliteitstechnologieen (van de pil tot de proefbuisbaby). Ook in de psychotherapie ontwikkelden zich een 250-tal onderscheiden disciplines en technieken...Mensen met psychosomatische klachten en/of seksuele problemen zijn niet (meer) bekwaam van hun lichaam als lust-en relatie-lichaam te genieten. Een integrale behandeling reikt zover dat deze mensen (terug) de lust tot relatie ontplooien, geestdriftig, met levenszin, en met eerbied en verdraagzaamheid tegenover elkaar.
Pan Macmillan Vegan (ish): 100 simple, budget recipes that don't cost the earth
Discover delicious, creative and affordable meals in Vegan (ish), a collection of plant-based recipes from bestselling writer and campaigner Jack Monroe.'My theory is, if all of us adopted a few more plant-based meals into our diets on a weekly basis, not only would our food bills go down, but so would our environmental impact'This full-colour collection of one hundred simple, low-cost recipes is perfect for committed vegans or anyone who wants to give vegan cooking a try. From Breakfast Muckmuffins to Beet Wellington, and Kinda-Carbonara to Bakewell Tart, Jack's easy, vibrant home cooking is tasty, tempting and surprisingly uncomplicated.Packed with inventive, easy and 100% vegan dishes, this gorgeous book is sure to appeal – whether you are looking to take the leap, want to be a little kinder to the planet, need ideas to cook for a vegan friend, or simply want to put some more plant power in your everyday cooking.'Jack Monroe is both cookery writer and tenacious campaigner . . . she understands first hand what it's like to be skint and have the desire to put something delicious on the table' – Nigel Slater
Hodder Education Caribbean Primary Mathematics Book 6 6th edition
Make teaching and learning mathematics relevant and enjoyable with the best-known Primary mathematics series in the Caribbean updated and revised for the 21st Century by practising teachers, with a new focus on self-directed learning, problem-solving and raising standards. - Ensure all requirements of primary schools in all Caribbean territories from kindergarten to primary school exit examination level are covered. - Engage students and make maths more relevant with real-life situations used throughout the book, including the front cover, showing Mathematics in action.- Reinforce knowledge and encourage progression with Assessment Bank, available separately to compliment the topics covered in this series.- Encourage students to understand and build their own learning with all key skills and concepts clearly introduced in sequence, demonstrating links between mathematical strands and other curriculum subjects.
Hodder Education Caribbean Primary Mathematics Book 2 6th edition
Make teaching and learning mathematics relevant and enjoyable with the best-known Primary mathematics series in the Caribbean updated and revised for the 21st Century by practising teachers, with a new focus on self-directed learning, problem -solving and raising standards. - Ensure all requirements of primary schools in all Caribbean territories from kindergarten to primary school exit examination level are covered. - Engage students and make maths more relevant with real-life situations used throughout the book, including the front cover, showing Mathematics in action.- Reinforce knowledge and encourage progression with Assessment Bank, available separately to compliment the topics covered in this series.- Encourage students to understand and build their own learning with all key skills and concepts clearly introduced in sequence, demonstrating links between mathematical strands and other curriculum subjects.
Bristol University Press From Greed to Wellbeing: A Buddhist Approach to Resolving Our Economic and Financial Crises
Despite our fitful attempts over decades at reform, the global financial system seems caught in cycles of boom and bust, instability, and scandal. In this timely new book, Joel Magnuson builds on the classic works of E. F. Schumacher and other kindred spirits to provide a Buddhist economics perspective on this recurring pattern, and offers new possibilities for real change. The book centers on the belief that greed, aggression, and delusion (Buddhism’s “three poisons”) are embedded within our financial institutions and that they perpetuate the continued widespread attachment to endless economic growth and financial accumulation that are responsible for social and ecological malaise. Arguing that mainstream economics fails to adequately address this cycle, Magnuson presents a new framework of Buddhist economics, helping readers gain a deeper understanding of current economic problems and offering a course toward genuine wellbeing.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Sweet Blue Flowers Vol. 2
A genre-defining saga of love and friendship between girls.Akira Okudaira is starting high school and is ready for exciting new experiences. And on the first day of school, she runs into her best friend from kindergarten at the train station! Now Akira and Fumi have the chance to rekindle their friendship, but life has gotten a lot more complicated since they were kids…Kyoko’s fiancé invites a group of her friends to join them at his family’s summer home. But the trip ends up including more than just ghost stories and horseback riding—Fumi can now confirm that she has feelings for Akira. And Akira learns more than she wants to about Kyoko’s private life with some accidental eavesdropping. After this, how can the girls just go back to school like nothing happened?
The History Press Ltd Suffolk Folk Tales
With its wild eroding sea, its gentle rolling fields and tall churches, Suffolk is a county of contrasts. It may seem a kindly and civilised place, but in that sea, in the reed beds, the woods and even down dark town streets lurk strange beasts, ghosts and tricksters. These thirty traditional tales retold by storyteller Kirsty Hartsiotis take you into a hidden world of green children and wildmen, of lovers from beyond the grave and tricksy fairy folk. Shaped by generations of Suffolk mardle and wit, in these stories you’ll discover the county’s last dragon, the secret behind Black Shuck, saintly King Edmund and heroic King Raedwald, haunted airfields, broken-hearted mermaids and the exploits of the county’s cunning folk. Embark on this journey around Suffolk and you’ll find you’re never far from a story.
Random House Children's Books Dr. Seuss Handwriting Workbook
LEARN TO WRITE WITH ALL YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS FROM DR. SEUSS! With 80+ pages of fun activities, games, and exercises, this friendly workbook gives kids aged 4-6 plenty of practice tracing the letters of the alphabet and numbers 0-9 alongside beloved friends like The Cat in The Hat, Horton, and The Lorax.Developed by education experts, this brand new Dr. Seuss Workbook offers a progressive, step-by-step approach to print handwriting. Young learners first learn how to correctly hold a pencil and form lines and shapes, then progress to lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers.Reinforced with plenty of practice and repetition, it also includes puzzles and activities for added fun!Also available from the Dr. Seuss Workbooks line:Dr. Seuss Cursive Workbook (9780593712450)Dr. Seuss Workbook: Preschool (9780525572190)Dr. Seuss Workbook: Kindergarten (9780525572206)Dr. Seuss Wipe-Clean Workbook: Lette
Pearson Education Limited Longman Student Atlas
Produced in collaboration with The Geographical Association, providing stimulating Geography resources you can trust. Ideal for use at GCSE with all levels & specifications. Develops a better understanding of how to use atlases with a unique ‘background to maps' section provided in the introduction. Encourages information gathering through a questioning approach that reinforces the benefits of map reading skills and data collation in the study of Geography. Contains 14 focus areas, with linking themes supported by comprehensive imagery and detailed statistics. Features new up-to-date reference maps for thorough information gathering. Encourages development with suggested future projections for geographical changes. Stunning high quality, up-to-date visuals from Dorling Kindersley. Addresses key themes across the curriculum and age ranges including citizenship, conflict, human rights, sustainability, environment, globalisation and physical geography.
The Book Guild Ltd Friends in Funchal
It is 1811 and Dr Robert Willan, a Quaker, leaves his practice in London, where he has dedicated his life to treating the poor, for Funchal, Madeira. There, he hopes that the year-round warm climate will help improve his health and enable him to return to his work and the service of God. During his harrowing course of treatment, he meets a group of unforgettable characters whose warmth, eccentricity and kindly humour provide medicine for the soul. Now known as ‘the father of dermatology’, Willan’s life is recounted in KG Fleury’s witty, often humorous style while vividly describing an island occupied by military forces, the ravages of consumption and the traumatic remedies that Willan must endure. At heart this is not a story of illness and suffering; rather it is a gentle, heart-warming tale of the power of true friendship and love.
SPCK Publishing The Silver Moth: Sequel to The Little White Horse
Maria Merryweather returns to Moonacre Manor with her granddaughter Rose to escape the horrors of the first world war bombings in London. The magical qualities of Moonacre Valley are rediscovered as Rose meets Wrolf, who is more lion than dog, and sees the little white horse, an entrancing unicorn. Rose soon discovers that the Merryweathers’ old foes, the de Noir clan, are once more spreading darkness and fear through the Valley under the influence of Hugo de Noir. With the help of her new friend, Devin, and a variety of animal companions can Rose uncover the mystery of the Silver Moth aeroplane, rescue a young woman and her baby, and help an unexpected kindred spirit, William de Noir? Beautiful, thrilling, and magical, The Silver Moth, returns to the fantasy world of the bestselling timeless classic The Little White Horse.
Page Street Publishing Co. The Succulent Bite: 60+ Easy Recipes for Over-the-Top Desserts
Elevate your go-to desserts from plain to outrageously gooey, creamy and chocolatey with Nico Norena, sweet treats connoisseur and creator of the hit blog The Succulent Bite. Dozens of delicious, drool-worthy recipes await you, each super-easy to make with only a few ingredients - perfect for satisfying any late-night craving. Take classic treats like Oreos®, Nutter Butters® and Snickers® and transform them into even more decadent desserts, including: • Nesquik® Ice Cream • Nutella® Oreo® Cheesecake • Marshmallow Fluff Mug Cake • Chips Ahoy!® Crêpe • Biscoff® Cookies Basque-Style Cheesecake • Banana S’mores Pop-Tarts® • Date Night Boozy Brownies • Kinder® Chocolate Latte Whether you’re looking to impress your friends or sate your own chocolate craze, this essential guide to extravagant sweets is guaranteed to revolutionise your dessert game.
Amazon Publishing Walk a Crooked Line
In the follow-up to the #1 Kindle bestseller Walk into Silence, a young girl takes her own life. But what—or who—drove her to it? When a teenager’s body is found at the base of the old water tower, Detective Jo Larsen is one of the first on the scene. Tragically, it appears to be a clear case of suicide. But the more Jo learns about Kelly Amster, the more she finds herself needing to understand why the high school sophomore would take that fatal plunge. As they interview family and friends, Jo and her partner, Hank Phelps, begin to fit together the pieces of a dark puzzle. Something happened to Kelly in their small town of Plainfield, Texas—and it sent the young girl straight over the edge. Haunted by the memories of her own childhood, Jo digs deep into the shadowy corners of a seemingly tight-knit community—to uncover a devastating secret…
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Theatre and Tourism
How does tourism impact theatre? How do theatrical ways of seeing, knowing, and acting shape tourism? How do economic and political processes like colonization or neoliberalization influence them both? And what is the future of these twinned global leisure industries? Theatre and tourism are kindred practices. Both engage their patrons in experiences of temporary escape to distant places, times, or different lives. Both stage expressive, communicative, embodied encounters in real time and space. Tourism and theatre are both sites of public pedagogy, cultural diplomacy, and cosmopolitan consciousness, promising pleasure and knowledge from the spectacle of others and elsewheres. This concise study explores the historical and contemporary entanglement of theatre and tourism, and speculates about the future as emerging technologies reshape both industries, offering new experiences of presence, embodiment, and mobility.
Headline Publishing Group The Chalk Girl
The little girl appeared in Central Park: red-haired, blue-eyed, smiling, perfect - except for the blood on her shoulder. It fell from the sky, she said, while she was looking for her uncle, who turned into a tree. Poor child, people thought. And then they found the body in the tree.For NYPD detective, Kathy Mallory, there is something about the girl that she understands. Mallory is damaged, they say, but she can tell a kindred spirit. And this one will lead her to a story of extraordinary crimes; murders stretching back fifteen years, blackmail and complicity and a particular cruelty that only someone with Mallory's history could fully recognise. In the next few weeks, Kathy Mallory will deal with them all ... in her own way.
Penguin Books Ltd The Book of Magic: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment
'. . . as when iron is drawn to a magnet, camphor is sucked into hot air, crystal lights up in the Sun, sulfur and a volatile liquid are kindled by flame, an empty eggshell filled with dew is raised towards the Sun . . .'This rich, fascinating anthology of the western magical tradition stretches from its roots in the wizardry of the Old Testament and the rituals of the ancient world, through writers such as Thomas Aquinas, John Milton, John Dee and Matthew Hopkins, and up to the tangled, arcane beginnings of the scientific revolution. Arranged historically, with commentary, this book includes incantations, charms, curses, Golems, demons and witches, as well as astrology, divination and alchemy, with some ancient and medieval works which were once viewed as too dangerous even to open. Selected and translated with an introduction and notes by Brian Copenhaver
New Island Books Proverbs in Irish
Proverbs are, however, much more than that. They are windows into our past, and a friendly nod from our ancestors. Sometimes they can remind us of our parents or grandparents as we once again hear their kindly voices speak to us in words of folk wisdom. This book offers mainly Irish folk proverbs, but there is also a selection from Irish literature, the Bible, and other languages.
Ize Press The Remarried Empress Vol. 7
With Duke Ergi's help, Navier and Heinrey successfully escaped to the Western Kingdom! But many of the people of Heinrey's homeland do not take kindly to news of Navier's arrival, in light of their loyalty to the former queen, Krista. With her reputation on the line, Navier must navigate a new political minefield, riddled with dangers even within the palace. And when Krista insists Navier and Heinrey leave their wedding preparations to her, it begs the questionjust what are her true intentions...?
Brookes Publishing Co Understanding RTI in Mathematics: Proven Methods and Applications
What do we know about RTI in math, why does it work, and how should K-12 teachers use it to ensure high-quality instruction and better outcomes? Find out in this definitive research-based text from more than 25 of today's top experts.Response to intervention - it's already improving reading outcomes in classrooms across the country, and this approach can be equally effective for K-12 mathematics instruction. This is the definitive volume on RTI in math: what we know about it, why it works, and how to use it to ensure high-quality math instruction and higher student achievement.Edited by National Math Panel veteran Russell Gersten with contributions by all of the country's leading researchers on RTI and math, this cutting-edge text blends the existing evidence base with practical guidelines for RTI implementation. Current and future RTI coordinators, curriculum developers, math specialists, and department heads will get the best, most up-to-date guidance on key facets of RTI in math: • conducting valid and reliable universal screening in mathematics • using evidence-based practices to provide a strong general education curriculum for effective Tier 1 instruction •• implementing explicit, research-based teaching practices for students who need Tier 2 and 3 instruction •• monitoring students' progress with high-quality tools and measures •• motivating and engaging struggling students receiving Tier 2 and 3 instruction •• teaching students to use an array of visual representations to help them solve math problems •• tailoring RTI for every grade level, from kindergarten through high school •• using RTI to target specific mathematical proficiencies and concepts, such as number sense, word problems, algebra, and ratios and proportionsFilled with vignettes, accessible summaries of the most recent studies, and best-practice guidelines for making the most of RTI, this comprehensive research volume is ideal for use as a textbook or as a key resource to guide decision makers. Readers will have the knowledge base they need to strengthen mathematics instruction with proven RTI practices - and help ensure better math outcomes for students at every grade level.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems
Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems Comprehensive spectroscopic view of the state-of the-art in theoretical and experimental hydrogen bonding research Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems includes diverse research efforts spanning the frontiers of hydrogen bonding as revealed through state-of-the-art spectroscopic and computational methods, covering a broad range of experimental and theoretical methodologies used to investigate and understand hydrogen bonding. The work explores the key quantitative relationships between fundamental vibrational frequencies and hydrogen-bond length/strength and provides an extensive reference for the advancement of scientific knowledge on hydrogen-bonded systems. Theoretical models of vibrational landscapes in hydrogen-bonded systems, as well as kindred studies designed to interpret intricate spectral features in gaseous complexes, liquids, crystals, ices, polymers, and nanocomposites, serve to elucidate the provenance of spectroscopic findings. Results of experimental and theoretical studies on multidimensional proton transfer are also presented. Edited by two highly qualified researchers in the field, sample topics covered in Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems include: Quantum-mechanical treatments of tunneling-mediated pathways and molecular-dynamics simulations of structure and dynamics in hydrogen-bonded systems Mechanisms of multiple proton-transfer pathways in hydrogen-bonded clusters and modern spectroscopic tools with synergistic quantum-chemical analyses Mechanistic investigations of deuterium kinetic isotope effects, ab initio path integral methods, and molecular-dynamics simulations Key relationships that exist between fundamental vibrational frequencies and hydrogen-bond length/strength Analogous spectroscopic and semi-empirical computational techniques examining larger hydrogen-bonded systems Reflecting the polymorphic nature of hydrogen bonding and bringing together the latest experimental and computational work in the field, Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems is an essential resource for chemists and other scientists involved in projects or research that intersects with the topics covered within.
HarperCollins Publishers Eight Days of Luke
There seemed nothing odd about Luke to begin with – except perhaps the snakes. If they were snakes, that is… David wasn’t sure. "Just kindle a flame and I’ll be with you," says Luke. David thinks he’s joking, but certainly, whenever he strikes a match, Luke appears immediately. But David’s new friend seems to have some extraordinary friends and relations, and some very dark secrets. And when David enters into a bargain with the mysterious one-eyed Mr Wedding, life gets very hot indeed!
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Ojojojo Omnibus 1-2
Jigokumeguri Haru is rich, famous, and friendless. Thanks to her cold, stuck-up personality, she goes from school to school, looking for a place to fit in - but with no luck. When she crosses paths with Kawayanagi Tsurezure, she discovers that he gives her antisocial tendencies a run for their money. Has she finally found a kindred spirit?
Little, Brown & Company As Miss Beelzebub Likes, Vol. 7
Little by little, despite her worries, Beelzebub is getting closer to realizing her "special feelings" for Mullin. Is she finally going to graduate from the kindergarten of love?! (That would make her a student of the elementary school of love). Her conversations with Mullin are so pure and blissfully ignorant, they can't help but bring smiles.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Sweet Blue Flowers, Vol. 1
Fumi is glad Akira is back in her life. Even in kindergarten, Akira knew how to stand up for herself, and she was always willing to stand up for Fumi too. But Fumi’s first love recently got married, and Fumi is grappling with a broken heart and the fact that her sweetheart was another woman… Can Akira’s open heart help dispel the gloom Fumi has been caught up in?
Little, Brown & Company Mieruko-chan, Vol. 5
After finding a kindred spirit in the Godmother, Miko’s made just a tiny bit of progress in figuring out what the heck is going on with her eyesight. But a bunch of mysteries still remain—like who those freaky shrine maidens are and who that shady dude in the top hat is...As if that weren’t enough, Hana’s come down with a sickness that (may) have been caused by ghost possession!
Paperblanks The Brothers Grimm Frog Prince Fairy Tale Collection Ultra Lined Hardback Journal Elastic Band Closure
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were pioneers in the field of folklore, collecting stories through Germany’s rich oral tradition in order to preserve a history that might otherwise have been lost forever. In doing so, they popularized some of today’s most enduring fairy tales. “The Frog Prince; or, Iron Henry” was the first tale in the 1812 edition of Grimms’ Fairy Tales (Kinder- und Hausmärchen). It tells the story of a spoiled princess who reluctantly befriends a frog who, unbeknownst to her, is actually a prince under a sorcerer’s spell. In the original tale, the curse is lifted when the princess throws the frog against a brick wall in anger, but in later years the Brothers Grimm sanitized the story, turning it into the tale we know today. The Grimms’ impact was so profound that it is hard to imagine a world without these stories as they continue to be passed down through generations. We are honoured to reproduce this manuscript from the Bodmer
Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd Fashion City: How Jewish Londoners shaped global style
Discover the extraordinary stories of the Jewish people who designed, made and sold fashion in twentieth-century London, revealing their vital role in making it an iconic fashion city. While Jewish people have long been associated with making clothes, the full extent of the contributions they made to London’s growing reputation as a global fashion capital and the democratisation of fashion through the development of ready-to-wear clothes in the twentieth century have been widely forgotten. Spanning all sectors of the fashion industry – from homeworking to haute couture – the book draws stories from generations of Jewish Londoners and is richly illustrated with images from across the city and the Museum of London’s collections. Fashion City takes you on a journey across London, from the busy clothing factories of the East End to the swinging boutiques of Carnaby Street and the manicured squares of Mayfair. Along the way it introduces you to the intriguing stories of the key figures behind London fashion, such as Frederick Starke, a boy from the East End whose ability to tell a creative story changed the way the world saw British ready-to-wear fashion; Otto Lucas, a gay Jewish German hat maker who became the most financially successful milliner in the world; Mr Fish, the rule-defying tailor who dressed Mick Jagger and Muhammed Ali; and Netty Spiegel, who escaped the Nazis on the Kindertransport and became a London wedding dress designer of choice under her ‘Neymar’ label. Bringing together a wealth of new research and presenting a novel perspective of London fashion, this book gives a voice to the city’s overlooked and often forgotten Jewish fashion makers.
Kayppin Media Nobody Likes the Easter Bunny: The Funny Easter Book for Kids!
Hop into the funniest (and most educational) Easter book of the season! Could it be that nobody likes the Easter Bunny...because everyone loves him?! Negatives turn to positives in this humorous picture book that gently explores social-emotional concepts such as keeping an open mind, comparisons, accepting differences, and seeing your strengths. Filled with humor and funny nonfiction information about bunnies and chicks, Nobody Likes the Easter Bunny is the perfect Easter basket stuffer. So hop in for a fun family read-aloud! In this Easter picture book, a cheeky chick is determined to explain just how eggstremely disappointing the Easter Bunny really is. The Easter Bunny only comes around once a year, doesn’t make his own eggs, and always steals the spotlight. But along the way, this chick learns just how special the Easter Bunny truly is. Nobody Likes the Easter Bunny is the perfect funny easter book (without the fart jokes!) for: Filling up Easter baskets! Easter fans everywhere! Teaching social and emotional (SEL) concepts combined with nonfiction learning Parents, caregivers, grandparents, teachers, librarians, and classroom story times for preschool, kindergarten, and elementary students Family read-alouds! Nobody likes the Easter Bunny. Really! Read this book and I’ll prove it to you.
Arcturus Publishing Breathwork for SelfTransformation
Konstantinos Tselios is a yoga instructor and magazine journalist, writing about yoga and alternative health and spirituality in magazines such as Kindred Spirit and Prediction. Kostas runs his own yoga centre called Heliodorus Yoga, and he has completed several yoga teacher training courses, including with Sivananda Yoga, Agama Yoga, and Jivamukti Yoga. In 2019, he also gained a Certificate in Mindfulness Teaching from the UK College of Mindfulness Meditation, completing their mindfulness teacher training course in the UK. He offers one-to-one therapy that includes techniques from yoga, mindfulness meditation, as well as advice on diet and natural medicines, including Ayurvedic health advice gained from his long-term relationship with several specialists in India.
Ebury Publishing Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAIN
'A powerful book that will free you from shame, fear, and negative self-beliefs. You will feel wiser, happier, and kinder after reading it' Haemin Sunim World-renowned meditation teacher Tara Brach shares a simple four-step practice to awaken compassion and release the grip of painful emotions:RecognizeAllowInvestigate NurtureHeartfelt and deeply practical, Radical Compassion teaches us to find healing and freedom through the sources of love, courage and deep wisdom alive within us all. 'Radical Compassion lays out a path of straightforward, accessible practices grounded in both modern brain science and ancient wisdom ... a masterpiece' Rick Hanson'This book is a treasure from one of the most spiritual teachers of our time' Kristin Neff
Andrews McMeel Publishing Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: Forging Destiny: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure
Minecraft meets Diary of a Wimpy Kid in book 6 of the very popular 8-Bit Warrior series of the journal of a young Minecraft villager who dares to dream of becoming a Minecraft warrior! THESE ARE THE REAL BOOKS BY CUBE KID! DIARY OF AN 8-BIT WARRIOR (BOOK 6) WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED AS WIMPY VILLAGER KINDLES 15 & 16. In the sixth in this series of six unofficial Minecraft adventure books, everyone's favorite 12-year-old villager-turned-warrior is back this time to use his warrior training on a new quest. There’s no time to enjoy his newfound stardom.To save Villagetown, Runt embarks on a perilous quest far beyond the safety of the wall. Between bizarre towns, terrifying dungeons, and epic boss battles, Runt must summon the hero within and say “so long” to the noob!
Cinnamon Press The Roots on the Ground: The Standing Ground Trilogy Book 2
In this prequel to The Standing Ground, we travel back two generations to the origins of the oppressive E-Government state that infiltrates every aspect of people’s lives in the decade following Brexit and a global pandemic. But, as the darkness overtakes Britain and other areas of Europe, the light of resistance wakes in a community that spans the Celtic outposts of Brittany and North Wales. And in a strange child, Myrddin Emrys, also known as Merlin.Weaving together Arthurian legend and exploratory fiction of the near future, The Roots of the Ground explores the human cost of a monoculture that tramples freedom and privacy and asserts with Carl Jung that:'As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.'
Little, Brown Book Group Shadows on the Nile: 'Breathtaking historical fiction' The Times
'I'll find him. I will.' It's 1932 and 27-year-old Jessica is living London life to the full when her younger brother Tim, an ancient Egyptian archaeology expert, goes missing. Teaming up with Sir Montague Chamford - who can resist neither a damsel in distress nor the chance of adventure - Jessie vows to find her beloved brother. Following the clues Tim has left in his wake, Jessie and Monty head to Egypt. In the relentless heat of the desert, romance is kindled between them, but danger also lurks in every shadow. And then Jessie starts to wonder how much Monty really knows about her brother's disappearance ...A dramatic story of adventure, excitement, love and romance can all be found in the SHADOWS ON THE NILE