Search results for ""Author Kind"
Cinnamon Press The Roots on the Ground: The Standing Ground Trilogy Book 2
In this prequel to The Standing Ground, we travel back two generations to the origins of the oppressive E-Government state that infiltrates every aspect of people’s lives in the decade following Brexit and a global pandemic. But, as the darkness overtakes Britain and other areas of Europe, the light of resistance wakes in a community that spans the Celtic outposts of Brittany and North Wales. And in a strange child, Myrddin Emrys, also known as Merlin.Weaving together Arthurian legend and exploratory fiction of the near future, The Roots of the Ground explores the human cost of a monoculture that tramples freedom and privacy and asserts with Carl Jung that:'As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.'
Little, Brown Book Group Shadows on the Nile: 'Breathtaking historical fiction' The Times
'I'll find him. I will.' It's 1932 and 27-year-old Jessica is living London life to the full when her younger brother Tim, an ancient Egyptian archaeology expert, goes missing. Teaming up with Sir Montague Chamford - who can resist neither a damsel in distress nor the chance of adventure - Jessie vows to find her beloved brother. Following the clues Tim has left in his wake, Jessie and Monty head to Egypt. In the relentless heat of the desert, romance is kindled between them, but danger also lurks in every shadow. And then Jessie starts to wonder how much Monty really knows about her brother's disappearance ...A dramatic story of adventure, excitement, love and romance can all be found in the SHADOWS ON THE NILE
Allison & Busby The King's Evil: The thrilling historical whodunnit
A PERILOUS INVESTIGATION IN THE HEART OF LONDON RAVAGED BY THE GREAT FIRE September 1666. Meeting in the ashes of a devastated London, Christopher Redmayne, an architect with Cavalier instincts, and Jonathan Bale, a Puritan constable, are hardly kindred spirits. Redmayne dedicates himself to rebuilding the city that Bale believes was destroyed by its own inner corruption. The two men are thrown together when they catch thieves who are stealing from the house that Redmayne has designed for Sir Ambrose Northcott. The foul murder of Sir Ambrose joins them again, albeit reluctantly, in a complex and dangerous investigation that takes them through the brothels and gaming houses of Restoration London, right to the heart of the King's court.
Brookes Publishing Co Understanding RTI in Mathematics: Proven Methods and Applications
What do we know about RTI in math, why does it work, and how should K-12 teachers use it to ensure high-quality instruction and better outcomes? Find out in this definitive research-based text from more than 25 of today's top experts.Response to intervention - it's already improving reading outcomes in classrooms across the country, and this approach can be equally effective for K-12 mathematics instruction. This is the definitive volume on RTI in math: what we know about it, why it works, and how to use it to ensure high-quality math instruction and higher student achievement.Edited by National Math Panel veteran Russell Gersten with contributions by all of the country's leading researchers on RTI and math, this cutting-edge text blends the existing evidence base with practical guidelines for RTI implementation. Current and future RTI coordinators, curriculum developers, math specialists, and department heads will get the best, most up-to-date guidance on key facets of RTI in math: • conducting valid and reliable universal screening in mathematics • using evidence-based practices to provide a strong general education curriculum for effective Tier 1 instruction •• implementing explicit, research-based teaching practices for students who need Tier 2 and 3 instruction •• monitoring students' progress with high-quality tools and measures •• motivating and engaging struggling students receiving Tier 2 and 3 instruction •• teaching students to use an array of visual representations to help them solve math problems •• tailoring RTI for every grade level, from kindergarten through high school •• using RTI to target specific mathematical proficiencies and concepts, such as number sense, word problems, algebra, and ratios and proportionsFilled with vignettes, accessible summaries of the most recent studies, and best-practice guidelines for making the most of RTI, this comprehensive research volume is ideal for use as a textbook or as a key resource to guide decision makers. Readers will have the knowledge base they need to strengthen mathematics instruction with proven RTI practices - and help ensure better math outcomes for students at every grade level.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Sweet Blue Flowers, Vol. 1
Fumi is glad Akira is back in her life. Even in kindergarten, Akira knew how to stand up for herself, and she was always willing to stand up for Fumi too. But Fumi’s first love recently got married, and Fumi is grappling with a broken heart and the fact that her sweetheart was another woman… Can Akira’s open heart help dispel the gloom Fumi has been caught up in?
Little, Brown & Company Mieruko-chan, Vol. 5
After finding a kindred spirit in the Godmother, Miko’s made just a tiny bit of progress in figuring out what the heck is going on with her eyesight. But a bunch of mysteries still remain—like who those freaky shrine maidens are and who that shady dude in the top hat is...As if that weren’t enough, Hana’s come down with a sickness that (may) have been caused by ghost possession!
Harvey Map Services Ltd Dark Peak
Tough, durable & 100% waterproof these virtually indestructible maps cover Dark Peak's moorland fells & edges on a single map. Colour shading for easy identification of hill's and valleys makes this the only map you will need to walk in the Peak District. There is also a detailed enlargement of the Kinder plateau on the reverse of the map as well as a geological map. Useful tips, phone numbers etc are also included.
Emerald Publishing Limited Grassroots Leadership and the Arts For Social Change
Throughout history artists have led grassroots movements of protest, resistance, and liberation. They created dangerously, sometimes becoming martyrs for the cause. Their efforts kindled a fire, aroused the imagination and rallied the troops culminating in real transformational change. Their art served as a form of dissent during times of war, social upheaval, and political unrest. Less dramatically perhaps, artists have also participated in demonstrations, benefit concerts, and have become philanthropists in support of their favorite causes. These artists have been overlooked or given too little attention in the literature on leadership, even though the consequences of their courageous crusades, quite often, resulted in censorship, “blacklisting,” imprisonment, and worse. This forthcoming book seeks to explore the intersection of grassroots leadership and the arts for social change by accentuating the many victories artists have won for humanity. Through this forthcoming book readers will vicariously experience the work of these brave figures, reflect on their commitments and achievements, and continue to dream a better world full of possibility.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gesammelte Werke in deutscher Sprache: Band 15: Ausgangspunkte. Meine intellektuelle Entwicklung
Von markanten Positionen seiner Biographie ausgehend schildert Popper in den Ausgangspunkten die frühen Impulse, die seine geistige Entwicklung nachhaltig geprägt haben: Die behütete Kindheit im großbürgerlichen Haushalt der Eltern, die frühe Lektüre und die Gespräche mit dem Vater und mit älteren Verwandten und Freunden, die zu ersten philosophischen Fragestellungen über die Unendlichkeit und den Essentialismus führen; die Wahrnehmung der prekären Lebenssituation breiter Bevölkerungsschichten Wiens nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges; die Beteiligung am politischen Leben und die Betroffenheit durch die bürgerkriegsähnlichen Zustände; die Begegnung mit dem Marxismus, dessen kritische Analyse schließlich in die Abwendung davon mündete. Die weit gespannten Interessen, die Popper als Student an der Universität verfolgt, führen ihn zu Auseinandersetzungen mit philosophischen Problemen, die ihn zeit seines Lebens beschäftigen werden: Im Umfeld des Wiener Kreises fesseln ihn die Probleme der Induktion, der Logik, der Erkenntnistheorie und der Wahrscheinlichkeit. Er beschreibt seine musikalischen Interessen, äußert sich über die Frage des Fortschritts in der Kunst, schildert seine Auffassung von Problemen der Quantentheorie und erinnert sich seiner Begegnungen u. a. mit Ludwig Wittgenstein, Albert Einstein und Erwin Schrödinger. Die Erörterung des Darwinismus als eines metaphysischen Forschungsprogramms, die Überlegungen zum Leib-Seele-Problem und die Darstellung des Konzeptes der Welt 3 beschließen die Ausführungen. Deutlich erkennbar ist eine Lebenshaltung, die mit dem ursprünglichen englischen Titel des Buches Unended Quest treffend charakterisiert ist: der anhaltende Kampf mit und um Ideen, das Wechselspiel von Problemen und ihren Lösungen, in dem vermutet, rekonstruiert und entdeckt werden muss und das Popper immer als Glück empfunden hat. Die Ausgabe in den Gesammelten Werken enthält als deutsche Erstveröffentlichung ausgewählte Antworten Poppers auf seine Kritiker.
Getty Trust Publications Cultural Heritage and Mass Atrocities
A pathbreaking call to halt the intertwined crises of cultural heritage attacks and mass atrocities and mobilize international efforts to protect people and cultures. Intentional destruction of cultural heritage has a long history. Contemporary examples include the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan, mosques in Xinjiang, mausoleums in Timbuktu, and Greco-Roman remains in Syria. Cultural heritage destruction invariably accompanies assaults on civilians, making heritage attacks impossible to disentangle from the mass atrocities of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing. Both seek to eliminate people and the heritage with which they identify. Cultural Heritage and Mass Atrocities assembles essays by thirty-eight experts from the heritage, social science, humanitarian, legal, and military communities. Focusing on immovable cultural heritage vulnerable to attack, the volume's guiding framework is the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), a United Nations resolution adopted unanimously in 2005 to permit international intervention against crimes of war or genocide. Based on the three pillars of prevent, react, and rebuild, R2P offers today's policymakers a set of existing laws and international norms that can and--as this book argues--must be extended to the protection of cultural heritage. Contributions consider the global value of cultural heritage and document recent attacks on people and sites in China, Guatemala, Iraq, Mali, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen. Comprehensive sections on vulnerable populations as well as the role of international law and the military offer readers critical insights and point toward research, policy, and action agendas to protect both people and cultural heritage. A concise abstract of each chapter is offered online in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish to facilitate robust, global dissemination of the strategies and tactics offered in this pathbreaking call to action. The free online edition of this publication is available at Also available are free PDF, EPUB, and Kindle/MOBI downloads of the book.
Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd Fashion City: How Jewish Londoners shaped global style
Discover the extraordinary stories of the Jewish people who designed, made and sold fashion in twentieth-century London, revealing their vital role in making it an iconic fashion city. While Jewish people have long been associated with making clothes, the full extent of the contributions they made to London’s growing reputation as a global fashion capital and the democratisation of fashion through the development of ready-to-wear clothes in the twentieth century have been widely forgotten. Spanning all sectors of the fashion industry – from homeworking to haute couture – the book draws stories from generations of Jewish Londoners and is richly illustrated with images from across the city and the Museum of London’s collections. Fashion City takes you on a journey across London, from the busy clothing factories of the East End to the swinging boutiques of Carnaby Street and the manicured squares of Mayfair. Along the way it introduces you to the intriguing stories of the key figures behind London fashion, such as Frederick Starke, a boy from the East End whose ability to tell a creative story changed the way the world saw British ready-to-wear fashion; Otto Lucas, a gay Jewish German hat maker who became the most financially successful milliner in the world; Mr Fish, the rule-defying tailor who dressed Mick Jagger and Muhammed Ali; and Netty Spiegel, who escaped the Nazis on the Kindertransport and became a London wedding dress designer of choice under her ‘Neymar’ label. Bringing together a wealth of new research and presenting a novel perspective of London fashion, this book gives a voice to the city’s overlooked and often forgotten Jewish fashion makers.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Chemische Spielereien: Kreative Ideen für kleine und große Forscher
Vom Eiswürfelkran zum selbst gemachten Christbaumschmuck: mehr als 50 originelle Versuche zu den Grundlagen der Chemie mit Bildanleitung und kindgerechter Erklärung wecken auf spielerische Weise das Interesse an der Natur und an der Wissenschaft.
Waldorf Early Childhood Association North America A Day Full of Song: Companion CD
This audio CD accompanies the book 'A Day Full of Song' for use in kindergartens.All 42 songs from the book, in vocal and instrumental versions. This CD is intended as an aid to learning the songs rather than as a 'listening' CD for children.
Munksgaard International Publishers Ecological Bulletins, The Use of Population Viability Analyses in Conservation Planning
The scope of this volume is intentionally broad. We review applications of spatially realistic occupancy models and age- or stage-structured demographic models as well as individual-based demographic models. These three main Population Viability Analysis (PVA) approaches initially are compared with other conservation assessment tools in an overview by Akcakaya, Lacy and Sjogren-Gulve and Hanski, with a special chapter on plant PVAs by Menges, all using illustrative examples. Fleishman et al. subsequently outline how nested subsets analyses can help discern focal species, taxa whose habitat requirements may encompass those of larger species groups and can be subjected to PVAs. Kindvall then compares the predictive accuracy of simpler occupancy models versus a democratic model for predicting local extinctions and colonizations in a bush-cricket metapopulation. Thereafter, four case studies which use the three model categories are presented (papers by Berglind, Ebenhard, Lennartsson, and Vos et al.). The volume concludes with Gardenfors' paper on the use of PVAs in the classification of threatened species, and Lacy's presentation of the structure and logic of VORTEX, a widely used demographic and genetic PVA model.
DK LEGO CITY: Busy Word Book
More than 500 words about vehicles, buildings, jobs, and people label colorful LEGO® scenes and minifigures to help kids learn the building blocks of language.LEGO® City is the perfect place for early readers to encounter lots of exciting words for the first time. There's always something happening, whether it's police officers catching crooks, firefighters training at the fire station, or hotdog vendors cooking up tasty snacks! Interactive activities such as spotting recurring characters and finding hidden objects keep children engaged and encourage repeat reading. Returning time and again to each page, children learn useful and fun words that they can use in daily life.LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure and the Brick and Knob configurations are trademarks and/or copyrights of the LEGO Group. All rights reserved. ©2017 The LEGO Group. Manufactured by Dorling Kindersley, 345 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014, US under license from the LEGO Group.
WS Publishing I Like to Learn Opposites: Amazing Bugs
The US Census Bureau estimates that over 8 million children enroll in nursery school or kindergarten every year. The educational success of these children depends largely on their knowledge of the alphabet, numbers, colors, and opposites. The I Like to Learn Opposites: Amazing Bugs teaches children these fundamental skills in a fun, playful, yet very effective way. The whimsically illustrated board book will help children learn their opposites with rich and colorful depictions of bugs. With beautiful hand-drawn illustrations, it’s a fun and exciting way of learning opposites that kids will never tire of.
Fordham University Press William James on the Courage to Believe
William James’ celebrated lecture on “The Will to Believe” has kindled spirited controversy since the day it was delivered. In this lively reappraisal of that controversy, Father O’Connell contributes some fresh contentions: that James’ argument should be viewed against his indebtedness to Pascal and Renouvier; that it works primarily to validate our “over-beliefs” ; and most surprising perhaps, that James envisages our “passional nature” as intervening, not after, but before and throughout, our intellectual weighing of the evidence for belief. William James on the Courage to Believe is available from the publisher on an open-access basis.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Stellvertretung: Studien zur theologischen Anthropologie
Menschliches Leben bedarf der Stellvertretung. Eltern treten für ihre Kinder ein, diese dann umgekehrt für ihre alt oder krank werdenden Eltern, Freunde für einander, wieder anders Liebespaare. In funktionierenden Demokratien vertreten Abgeordnete die Bevölkerung. Auch elementare Äußerungen christlichen Lebens sind wesentlich Stellvertretung, etwa diakonisches Handeln oder das stellvertretende Bittgebet. Nach biblischem Zeugnis tritt Gott für sein Volk und für einzelne Menschen ein, um ihnen Gemeinschaft mit sich zu gewähren und sie in seine Nähe zu führen. Zugleich zeigen sich hier besondere Schwierigkeiten des Verstehens, weil unter anderem die Semantiken des Opfers und des stellvertretenden Leidens Jesu Christi aufgerufen sind, die nicht selten mit Empörung zurückgewiesen werden. Martin Hailer bietet für die komplexe Sachlage der Stellvertretungsthematik zweierlei: Zum einen wird die Rede von der Stellvertretung Gottes für Menschen entfaltet und nicht zuletzt durch ausführliche Bezugnahmen auf die klassischen Passagen Lev 16 und Röm 3,21-25 diskutiert. Zum anderen wird eine Reihe von Konkretionen zwischenmenschlicher Stellvertretung in theologischer Perspektive vorgestellt, unter ihnen Liebe, Freundschaft, das Phänomen des Vorbilds, Lehren/Lernen und das Gebet füreinander. Stellvertretung zeigt sich in all diesen Facetten als unverzichtbares Element einer theologischen Anthropologie.
Nine Arches Press Cyclone
Robert Peake’s second full collection of poems is about weathering storms—personal, political, psychological—in our present-day climate of chaos. These are matters of life or death, and Cyclone urges us to consider what the ill wind may bring, and how we will survive it.Peake’s acutely tuned poems bring eloquence and urgency to matters of profound devastation. With shattering delicacy, he writes of personal loss, of grief and the long aftermath; “whenever the wind sprays into my face, I taste salt of your absence”. These poems also hazard an eye at the global weather and find a world in turmoil, wild with unreliable news and terrible forecasts. Manifesting between the storms is the man with the kindest face. Is he here to save us or warn us? A guide or a harbinger? As these brilliantly-visioned poems suggest, nothing is certain in the eye of the storm. Nevertheless, there is some form of consolation and rescue: “He seems at home in this tempest. He seems happy”.
HarperCollins Publishers The Friend
The Kindle Best seller returns with the first in a gripping new crime series. A Stranger. A promise. A deadly game. Danny and Sharon Evans are desperate for answers. Why did their seemingly happy daughter try to take her own life? When a stranger approaches Danny, saying he knows who’s to blame, Danny is tempted, despite Sharon’s reservations. And when his new friend offers them revenge, how can he walk away? But little does Danny know he is being invited to play a terrible game. A game that won't just change lives – it will end them. DI Joel Norris knows this is no ordinary case when two seemingly unconnected murders hit his desk within a matter of days. But how far is he willing to go to solve the puzzle? Dark, gripping and unforgettable, The Friend will keep fans of Harlan Coben and Mark Billingham on the edge of their seats.
Forefront Books No Address
Based on the critically acclaimed dramatic film and inspired by true events, No Address shows how homelessness could happen to anyone.No Address is a gripping tale about a group of individuals who find themselves homeless due to unfortunate circumstances. It provides a realistic portrayal of their fight for survival against the gangs, vigilantes, and an uncompassionate community. The first character we meet is Lauren, a recent high school graduate who returns to her foster home only to find herself locked out. Having been in foster care since her mother passed away unexpectedly when she was eight, Lauren has no family or true friends to rely on. With no place to stay, she finds herself on the street and vulnerable. We also meet Jimmy, who left home at the young age of sixteen to escape his father’s abuse only to find himself now spiraling down into a world of homelessness. A kindhearted homeless veteran finds him sleeping on a bench an
Headline Publishing Group A Lesson in Cruelty
THREE WOMEN. ONE BODY. WILL THEY EVER LEARN?**The jaw-dropping new thriller from Sunday Times and Kindle #1 bestseller Harriet Tyce**''The shocks kept coming right up to the final pages.'' Lisa Jewell''Harriet''s best so far.'' Sophie Hannah''Nothing short of unputdownable. One of the best openings I''ve read in forever.'' Alex Michaelides''A shocking, provocative, standout thriller.''Chris Whitaker''Left me breathless.'' Lucy ClarkeAnna wants a fresh start. She doesn''t believe she deserves it, but after three years behind bars she has finally paid her dues. Most of them, anyway.Lucy craves the attention of the only man she can''t have, her alluring Oxford professor. He''s married - not for the first time. Maybe she should be next in line?Marie the recluse has been locked up for too long. She''s not ready to be free, but some rules are meant to be broken.
Orion The Painters Daughters
THE NUMBER ONE KINDLE BESTSELLER SELECTED FOR THE BBC RADIO 2 BOOK CLUBWINNER OF THE MSLEXIA NOVEL COMPETITION''Beautifully written . . . I raced through it'' HILARY MANTEL''As exquisitely and tenderly rendered as a Gainsborough painting'' TRACY CHEVALIER''A wonderfully powerful and haunting novel with a hugely gripping plot'' DEBORAH MOGGACH''A rich evocation of secrets, art, sisterhood and class'' i PAPER1759, Ipswich. Sisters Peggy and Molly Gainsborough are the best of friends and do everything together. They spy on their father as he paints, they rankle their mother as she manages the books, they tear barefoot through the muddy fields that surround their home. But there is another reason they are inseparable: from a young age, Molly has had a tendency to forget who she is, to fall into confusion, and Peggy knows instinctively that no one must find out.When the family
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol. 19
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.The Demon Slayers fight hard to get their blades closer to Muzan’s neck! To avenge her family, Kanao must continue to battle Doma head-on while Iguro and Kanroji find themselves slashing through the shifting rooms of Infinity Castle. Elsewhere, Tokito, Sanemi and Genya come face-to-face with a villain who recognizes Tokito, but Tokito doesn’t know him. Who is this powerful adversary?
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol. 18
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.The battle between Tanjiro, Giyu and Akaza continues. To beat Akaza, Tanjiro must use an advanced technique his father taught him—the Transparent World—which will push him beyond his limitations. Elsewhere in the Infinity Castle, Shinobu, burning with hatred, confronts Doma, the demon who killed her family. Can she take on the powerful demon by herself?
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol. 17
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family!In Taisho-era Japan, kindhearted Tanjiro Kamado makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a demon herself! Tanjiro sets out on a dangerous journey to find a way to return his sister to normal and destroy the demon who ruined his life.The Demon Slayer Corps plunges into Infinity Castle to confront Muzan. Shinobu engages in a fierce fight against Doma, the Upper Rank 2 demon. Poison doesn’t work on him, so she finds herself in an intense struggle. Will she be able to defeat the demon who killed her older sister?! Then another demon appears before Zenitsu and blocks his way…
Penguin Random House Children's UK Blood Family
Edward is four years old when he is locked away with his mother by her abusive, alcoholic partner, Harris. By the time an elderly neighbour spots his pale face peering through a crack in the boarded-up window and raises the alarm, he is seven. Rescue comes, but lasting damage has been done. Sent to live with a kindly foster family, and then adopted, Edward struggles to adapt to normal life. Even as a teenager it’s still clear to his new family and schoolmates there’s something odd about him. Then one fateful day, Edward catches a glimpse of himself in a photograph. What he sees shocks him to the core – a vision of Harris. Was this monster his father all along? And does that mean that, deep down, another Harris is waiting to break out? Every step of progress Edward has made swiftly begins to unravel, and he has to decide whether his blood will determine his future.
Stackpole Books Christmas in Pennsylvania
The return of a bestselling classic with new material Full-color vintage images for the first time A new selection of recipes from Pennsylvania's Christmas past Originally published in 1959 and written by one of the seminal figures in American folklife studies, this classic work examines the folk origins of Christmas in the Keystone State. Composed of interviews and contemporary newspaper reports, it records holiday traditions from the eighteenth century through the early twentieth century, including mummers, Christ-Kindel and Kriss Kringle, Christmas trees and trimming, Belsnickels, the Philadelphia carnival of horns, Moravian pyramids and putzes, Pittsburgh firecracker celebrations, and holiday treats. Now with full-color images, this edition includes Don Yoder's new expanded afterword on recent research of Christmas customs and a selection of traditional recipes.
Little, Brown Book Group Penelope
Meet Penelope O'Shaughnessy, Harvard freshman.Armed with her Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights poster and party conversation modelled on the repartee of Noel Coward, Penelope is ready to take her place on campus. But where are the kindred spirits who will share her passion for Morse code and Tetris? Penelope's roommates, over-achieving Emma and the sullen Lan, seem to have already got to grips with university life, and she is finding it hard to work out if the dashing but elusive Gustav matches up to her hero, Hercule Poirot.Penelope follows our heroine's progress through her first year among America's elite, as she navigates the mysteries of life, love, inappropriate tutors, marionette operation and how to kiss on both cheeks and avoid disaster.
Quercus Publishing Stuff
A successful day for Emily - interior designer and total bitch - is throttling her husband Kevin and tormenting his best friend Raymond to their mutual satisfaction. A good day for Raymond is venting his frustrations on Emily's fine form and getting a glimpse of her even finer daughter Shelley. A tolerable day for Kevin is just avoiding Emily - until he meets a surprising young woman who sees through his dim wits to the kindly man beneath...Emily's a maelstrom of malice, but there's only so far she can push Kevin and Raymond before the storm finally breaks. Stripping the veneer of pretension and civility, Connolly's thrillingly repulsive characters are unveiled through breathless interior monologue to reveal the genuine and grotesque urges that drive them all into a violent climax.
Profile Books Ltd A Scheme of Heaven: Astrology and the Birth of Science
Despite a resurgence in popularity, horoscopes are generally considered to be pseudoscience today - but they were once a cutting-edge scientific tool. In this ingenious work of history, data scientist Alexander Boxer examines a treasure trove of esoteric classical sources to expose the deep imaginative framework by which - for millennia - we made sense of our fates. Astrology, he argues, was the ancient world's most ambitious applied mathematics problem, a grand data-analysis enterprise sustained by some of history's most brilliant minds, from Ptolemy to al-Kindi to Kepler. A Scheme of Heaven explores the wonderful subtleties of astrological ideas. Telling the stories of their inventors and most influential exponents, Boxer puts them through their paces using modern data sets - finding that the methods of today's scientists are often uncomfortably close to those of astrology's ancient sages.
Headline Publishing Group Far to Go
For readers of THE TATTOOIST OF AUSCHWITZ and SCHINDLER'S LIST, FAR TO GO is a powerful, mesmerising novel centring on one family's heartbreaking decision to save their son - by saying goodbye to him for ever.Longlisted for the 2011 MAN BOOKER PRIZE for Fiction'Extraordinary' Daily Mail 'A potential classic in the making' Financial TimesPepik is only six when the German forces invade Czechoslovakia. Desperate to find freedom, his affluent Jewish parents try to escape with him to Paris, but are betrayed by Marta, the family's beloved nanny. Yet it is Marta who then secures a place for the Pepik on a Kindertransport, an act of determination that saves his life. But the child is never to see his parents or Marta again.'Somewhere between a book and a miracle' Catherine Ryan Hyde
Little, Brown Book Group Life's For Living
Like most people in London in the impoverished 1920s, Joan Baldwin has her crosses to bear. Her biggest one by far is her husband: a good-for-nothing drinker and gambler, but one day he perishes in a fire of his own drunken making and Joan is set free. As a maid, her talents at sewing are noticed and encouraged and when her kindly employer dies leaving her £200, she takes another plunge - setting up Distinct Designs, which soon becomes a thriving fashion establishment.But will she ever be successful in love? When she meets Eric Roussel, a charismatic businessman it looks like happiness will finally be hers. Is he everything he's cracked up to be? With an exotic, foreign background, he's certainly different. Just how different is something that Joan is only just beginning to learn . . .
Henningham Family Press Mr. Beethoven
What if Beethoven had travelled to the United States? Taking up a commission to write a Biblical oratorio for Boston's Handel and Haydn Society?As Mr. Beethoven wrestles with his librettist and his muse, he comes to rely on two women. Thankful, who conducts his conversations using Martha's Vineyard sign language, and a kindred spirit: Mrs. Hill. Meanwhile all Boston waits in anxious expectation of a first performance Mr. Beethoven will never hear. Variously admonishing the amateur music society and laughing in the company of his hosts' children, the immortal composer is brought back to the fullness of life. Griffiths invents only what is strictly possible. His historiography weaves through the text in counterpoint, making this also a story about the fragility of the past and the remaining traces of the man: Mr. Beethoven.
The Conrad Press The Sorx and the Qorx
This remarkable and highly imaginative novel takes the reader into the fascinating world of Highlow, a fantastical land inhabited by Sorx, Qorx and other magical creatures. Join Holly and Jack in their frantic search for their friend Podge in a world built on prime numbers. While desperately trying to save Podge, Holly and Jack find themselves in Highlow. Lost and scared, they meet a kindly Qorx who hatches a rescue plan in which they must enter the weird and wonderful town of Qorxville. But their hopes are dashed at every turn. With time running out, they try to escape. After a fierce battle, a terrible disaster occurs. Can Holly and Jack rescue Podge or will they be trapped forever in this strange parallel universe?
Sourcebooks, Inc A Moon of My Own
Travel the world with the moon in this imaginative picture book, featuring beautiful silhouetted art, STEM/STEAM activities, and moon facts. Perfect for the toddler or young reader in your life, storytime, and preschool and kindergarten classrooms.Read on the International Space Station as part of Story Time from Space!Join an adventurous young girl as she journeys to all seven continents with her friend the moon. The moon is the girl's constant companion as it lights up the Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China, the Amazon Rainforest, and more. Simple text and striking silhouetted illustrations accompany the story, and encourage young readers to think about geography, science, and the phases of the moon.Each night you seem a little different from the night beforeBut I always know its youNo matter how far I go, you're right there with meI'm really lucky to have a Moon of my ownBackmatter includes:Explore More for Kids: information on all the places the girl visits in the book including a map of the seven continents, and information on the phases of the moonExplore More for Teachers and Parents: facts about the moon, recommended educational resources, and activities for the classroom and at home such as a Moon Phase Journal, a Moon and Sun demonstration with a ball, and moon art
John Wiley & Sons Inc Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies
Includes online access to new, customizable WJ IV score tables, graphs, and forms for clinicians Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies offers psychologists, clinicians, and educators an essential resource for preparing and writing psychological and educational reports after administering the Woodcock-Johnson IV. Written by Drs. Nancy Mather and Lynne E. Jaffe, this text enhances comprehension and use of this instrument and its many interpretive features. This book offers helpful information for understanding and using the WJ IV scores, provides tips to facilitate interpretation of test results, and includes sample diagnostic reports of students with various educational needs from kindergarten to the postsecondary level. The book also provides a wide variety of recommendations for cognitive abilities; oral language; and the achievement areas of reading, written language, and mathematics. It also provides guidelines for evaluators and recommendations focused on special populations, such as sensory impairments, autism, English Language Learners, and gifted and twice exceptional students, as well as recommendations for the use of assistive technology. The final section provides descriptions of the academic and behavioral strategies mentioned in the reports and recommendations. The unique access code included with each book allows access to downloadable, easy-to-customize score tables, graphs, and forms. This essential guide Facilitates the use and interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities, Tests of Oral Language, and Tests of Achievement Explains scores and various interpretive features Offers a variety of types of diagnostic reports Provides a wide variety of educational recommendations and evidence-based strategies
Greystone Books,Canada Wings, Waves, and Webs: Patterns in Nature
A visually stunning introduction to patterns found in nature. Perfect for early STEM learning in preschool and kindergarten.From the dots on a ladybug to the spiral on a snail, patterns in nature can be found anywhere. This simple and playful concept book introduces the littlest of readers to both math and nature while engaging their creative potential. By the end, kids will be able to identify: Spots and stripes Spirals and symmetry Waves and honeycombs And more After learning about key patterns, the book’s final page—a striking sunflower—will inspire kids to find patterns for themselves. Vibrant and immersive, Wings, Waves & Webs invites young children to discover the beauty of the world around them.
African American Images Educating Black Girls
Making use of the latest trends and statistics, Educating Black Girls is a guidebook that looks at the academic performances of African American girls from kindergarten through high school. This work dissects such issues as the disproportionate number of black girls suspended from school; the low expectations of teachers; and the small number of African American girls who pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It also offers more than 50 potential solutions for improving academic achievement.
Chronicle Books School Years
Record and log milestones of your child's education with this cute and clever keepsake album. Bothparent and child can fill each pocket-there's one for every year from kindergarten to 12th grade-with photos, report cards, art projects, and other mementos. While keeping track of favorite subjects, teachers, hobbies, and friends with School Years, you and your child participate in an interactive andongoing memory book to cherish for years to come.
Chronicle Books Ode to a Bad Day
Told in a series of dramatic odes to her day's annoyances, Alexander (of the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day ) has got NOTHING on this girl whose day just gets worse and worse! Oh Too Much Milk in My Cereal! Soggy, squishy! Boggy, mushy! You turned my crispy into gushy! Sometimes the little bumps in our days can feel much bigger than they are. And when they start multiplying . . . oh, what a bad day it can become! Told in a series of dramatic odes to a day's annoyances, Ode to a Bad Day lets children and caregivers alike find the humor and compassion in the days that could have gone better-and encourages readers to look forward to a better day . . . tomorrow. TIMELESS TOPIC: Classic in sensibility but with fresh, sharp wit, this book touches on a truly universal topic with an authentic voice young readers will recognize and identify with. The struggles of the main character immediately capture the drama of childhood without making the world seem totally hopeless and antagonistic. READ ALOUD: This picture book is riddled with rhyme and chock-full of humor in every stanza-perfect for read-aloud occasions, bedtime, or any moment a kid needs cheering up on a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. SELF-RELIANCE: In celebrating frustration, tedium, and boredom, this book also emphasizes the value of remaining positive facing life's various difficulties. You can be upset and still be a regular person; you can have a bad day and still rhyme about it. BACK-TO-SCHOOL REASSURANCE: Perfect for kids who are nervous about starting school or struggling with any less-than-ideal moments in life. EDUCATIONAL INFO INCLUDED: After reading through the fun, rhyming narrative, kids can read on to learn more about what an ode is, how to make one, and even have the opportunity to create their own. Perfect for: • Great read-aloud option for parents, teachers, and librarians looking for funny kids' books • Starting-school or back-to-school book for young readers • Reassuring book for kids who experience anxiety or struggle to get through bad days • Fans of humor, children's poetry, and books that celebrate big feelings • Readers of popular children's books like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten, Cranky Bear, and The Seven Silly Eaters
HarperCollins Publishers The Silmarillion
For the first time ever, a very special edition of the forerunner to The Lord of the Rings, illustrated throughout in colour by J.R.R. Tolkien himself and with the complete text printed in two colours. The Silmarilli were three perfect jewels, fashioned by Fëanor, most gifted of the Elves, and within them was imprisoned the last Light of the Two Trees of Valinor. But the first Dark Lord, Morgoth, stole the jewels and set them within his iron crown, guarded in the impenetrable fortress of Angband in the north of Middle-earth. The Silmarillion is the history of the rebellion of Fëanor and his kindred against the gods, their exile from Valinor and return to Middle-earth, and their war, hopeless despite all the heroism, against the great Enemy. It is the ancient drama to which the characters in The Lord of the Rings look back, and in whose events some of them such as Elrond and Galadriel took part. The book also includes several shorter works: the Ainulindalë, a myth of the Creation, and the Valaquenta, in which the nature and powers of each of the gods is described. The Akallabêth recounts the downfall of the great island kingdom of Númenor at the end of the Second Age, and Of the Rings of Power tells of the great events at the end of the Third Age, as narrated in The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien could not publish The Silmarillion in his lifetime, as it grew with him, so he would leave it to his son, Christopher Tolkien, to edit the work from many manuscripts and bring his father’s great vision to publishable form, so completing the literary achievement of a lifetime. This special edition presents anew this seminal first step towards mapping out the posthumous publishing of Middle-earth, and the beginning of an illustrious forty years and more than twenty books celebrating his father’s legacy. This definitive new edition includes, by way of an introduction, a letter written by Tolkien in 1951 which provides a brilliant exposition of the earlier Ages, and for the first time in its history is presented with J.R.R. Tolkien’s own paintings and drawings, which reveal the breathtaking grandeur and beauty of his vision of the First Age of Middle-earth.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Grandpa's Basement
Beautifully illustrated with 29 watercolor images, this heartwarming tale relates how a grandson learns more than decoy carving from his grandfather in the basement workshop. Through tall tales and kindly advice, Bobby and young readers alike learn about valuing family and one's elders, to show care and respect, the importance of a clean environment, and wonders of the natural world. Along with the engaging story and colorful illustrations, this book includes a glossary of terms to broaden a child's vocabulary. It is an excellent teaching tool for parents and educators that is sure to be treasured and returned to again and again. Middle grades–ages 10-13.
Gateways Books & Tapes,US Gita Takes Wing
When a wild Canada goose is injured and put into Gita's yard, she discovers a kindred spirit, begins to find the answers to her many queries, and gathers the courage to follow quest for flight and freedom. The book is written as a coming of age adventure for children.
Ediciones Akal Atlas histórico mundial II de la Revolución Francesa a nuestros días
El atlas histórico mundial de Kinder y Hilgemann es, todavía hoy, la mejor y más completa herramienta para el historiador, ya sea éste profesional o amateur. Combinando los mapas y gráficos con una síntesis cronológica de la historia política, económica, social y cultural, el libro ilustra cualquier recorrido que se quiera considerar, ya sea europeo o universal.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation
Over the past few decades, corporations have been neglected in studies of international political economy (IPE). Seeking to demystify them, what they are, how they behave and their goals and constraints, this Handbook introduces the corporation as a unit of analysis for students of IPE. Providing critical discussion of their global and domestic power, and highlighting the ways in which corporations interact with each other and with their socio-political environment, this Handbook presents a thorough and up-to-date overview of the main debates around the role of corporations in the global political economy. Bringing together international contributors, this Handbook provides a nuanced and global perspective on the IPE of corporations. With a multidisciplinary introduction to corporations from an IPE perspective, this Handbook investigates the role of the corporation in the twenty-first century and highlights the complexities of corporations and the environments in which they exist. Chapters provide insights into corporations' internal structures, how they are embedded in their national environments and how their transnational relations are structured, as well as their position in the global economy. Carefully written and edited to ensure accessibility, the Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation is a crucial resource for students of IPE seeking to deepen their understanding of the discipline as well as for postgraduate scholars who need reference material within which to frame their research. Contributors: C. Bakir, M.V. Balestro, T.L. Berge, D. Bohle, L. Campling, W.K. Carroll, J. Clifton, F. de Beule, D. Díaz-Fuentes, A. Dienes, M. Ebenau, S. Eckert, J. Eckhardt, D. Finchelstein, D. Fuchs, B. Ganson, J.-C. Graz, C. Gregoratti, T. Gumbert, H. Hveem, O.C. Iheduru, A. Jakli , D. Kinderman, J. Klinkhammer, H.-A. Lee, C. May, L. Mondi, G. Morgan, A. Nölke, S. Pinto, M. Pohlmann, A. Rebérioux, A. Roberts, G. Roudaut, J.P. Sapinski, V. Scepanovic, B. Selwyn, S. Tornhill, A. Wennmann, M.A. Witt, J. Woods, K. Young
Not Stated Most Likely
From the creator of the hit TV series The Bold Type comes an empowering and heartfelt novel about a future female president's senior year of high school.Ava, CJ, Jordan, and Martha (listed in alphabetical order out of fairness)have been friends since kindergarten. Now they're in their senior year, facing their biggest fears about growing up and growing apart. But there's more than just college on the horizon. One of these girls is destined to become the president of the United States.The mystery, of course, is which girl gets the gig.Is it Ava, the picture-perfect artist who's secretly struggling to figure out where she belongs? Or could it be CJ, the one who's got everything figured out . . . except how to fix her terrible SAT scores? Maybe it's Jordan, the group's resident journalist, who knows she's ready for more than their small Ohio suburb can offer. And don't overlook Martha, who will have to
Book Publishers Network Criar A Nuestros Hijos Creciendo Nosotros: Transformando el Vinculo Entre Padres e Hijos: De Reaccion y Lucha a Liberdad, Poder y Disfrute
Every parent would happily give up ever scolding, punishing or threatening if she only knew how to ensure that her toddler/child/teen would thrive and act responsibly without such painful measures. Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves is the answer to this universal wish. It is not about gentle ways to control a child, but about a way of being and of understanding a child so she/he can be the best of herself, not because she fears you or seeks your approval but because she wants to, of her own free will. Aldort's guidance takes the struggle out of parenting. The book is full of real life stories, often leaving the reader moved to tears or laughter and relieved to discover that there is a kinder way. The SALVE communication formula has been praised for providing a hybrid of The Work of Byron Katie and Nonviolent Communication. It gives parents the tools to move beyond their initial unproductive reaction, to a response that is connecting and empowering to the child and to themselves.