Search results for ""Author Kind"
Pan Macmillan Monkey Puzzle
"I've lost my mum!"Where is Monkey's mummy? It's not too much fun being lost in the jungle, and little monkey wants his mum. Kindly butterfly is keen to help, but they don't seem to be having much luck and keep finding the wrong animals! But eventually, they find . . . Dad! It's just as well that he knows exactly where mum is, and she's waiting with a well-deserved cuddle.Monkey Puzzle is a clever, funny and charming tale from the unparalleled picture book partnership of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, creators of The Gruffalo. This edition features the classic story with a stunning, redesigned cover and beautiful finish, making it a must-have addition to the bookshelves of all Donaldson and Scheffler fans – big and small!Also available with redesigned covers are The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo's Child, Room on the Broom, The Snail and the Whale, The Smartest Giant in Town, Charlie Cook's Favourite Book, and A Squash and a Squeeze.
Tourbillon Pop-Up Topics: Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures
Engaging and fact-filled, Pop-Up Topics: Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures provides an exciting 3-D eye-view of the prehistoric world of animals. Tyrannosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Triceratops, and Quetzalcoatlus are some of the animals that leap off the pages of this pop-up book. - 10 big pop-ups! - Stats and brief, descriptive text for quick and easy learning - Sturdy construction that’s perfect for at-home or on-the-go Pop-Up Topics Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures is an informative guide to children’s favorite ancient animals. - Pop-up books for kids - Educational books for children aged 3 to 5 - Books for preschool and kindergarten children
Penguin USA Im Trying to Love Rocks
The fourth totally awesome, funny, and incredibly informative book in the I''m Trying to Love... book series!Think rocks are boring? Hard to like? Kinda just sit there, doing nothing?Why even write a whole book about them??Bethany Barton will tell you why . . . because we wouldn''t be here if there were no rocks!From the Grand Canyon to volcanos to diamonds and fossils, geology--the study of rocks--shows us where we''ve been and where we''re going. With tons of humor and scores of fascinating facts, Bethany Barton introduces younger readers to geology and why rocks matter . . . enough to write a whole book about them!
Roaring Brook Press Things in the Basement
It was supposed to just be a normal basement - some storage boxes, dust, you know, the usual basement stuff. But when Milo is sent by his mother to fetch a sock from the basement of the historic home they've moved into, he finds a door in the back that he's never seen before. Turns out that the basement of his house is enormous. In fact, there is a whole world down there. As Milo travels ever deeper into the Basement World, he meets the many Things that live in the shadows and gloom . . . and he learns that to face his fears he must approach even the strangest creatures with kindnesss.
De Gruyter Jeremias Altmann – YOUNG PROPHECIES / MACHINES: Zwei Werkserien / Two Series of Works
Zwei Werkserien von Jeremias Altmann In seiner künstlerischen Arbeit beschäftigt sich Jeremias Altmann mit den Themen Maschine, Mensch und Entwicklung. Die aufwendig gestaltete Künstlermonografie präsentiert die beiden Werkserien YOUNG PROPHECIES und MACHINES. In der Serie YOUNG PROPHECIES rekonstruiert Altmann seine eigenen Kinderzeichnungen. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Innenleben technischer Apparaturen im zeitlichen Wandel ist Ausgangspunkt für die Serie MACHINES. Die Präsentation der Serien wird ergänzt durch einen essayistischen Text des Künstlers, von Fragen kindlicher Entwicklungspsychologie bis zu Reflexionen zum Spannungsfeld Mensch/Maschine. Die ungewöhnliche Gestaltung des Buches mit zwei Leserichtungen erlaubt das spielerische Erforschen der Serien: Leseroutinen werden aufgebrochen; Texte und Bilder sind zu einer besonderen Einheit verwoben. Präsentation zweier außergewöhnlicher Werkserien des Künstlers Jeremias Altmann Unkonventionell gestaltetes Buchobjekt mit zwei Leserichtungen Mit Beiträgen von Barbara Herbst, Antonia Hoerschelmann, Esther Mlenek, Günther Oberhollenzer und Nina Schedlmayer
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Sweet Blue Flowers, Vol. 1
Fumi is glad Akira is back in her life. Even in kindergarten, Akira knew how to stand up for herself, and she was always willing to stand up for Fumi too. But Fumi’s first love recently got married, and Fumi is grappling with a broken heart and the fact that her sweetheart was another woman… Can Akira’s open heart help dispel the gloom Fumi has been caught up in?
Little, Brown & Company Mieruko-chan, Vol. 5
After finding a kindred spirit in the Godmother, Miko’s made just a tiny bit of progress in figuring out what the heck is going on with her eyesight. But a bunch of mysteries still remain—like who those freaky shrine maidens are and who that shady dude in the top hat is...As if that weren’t enough, Hana’s come down with a sickness that (may) have been caused by ghost possession!
Sourcebooks, Inc Plants Fight Back
Botany for kids! Beautiful illustrations in this nature book provide information on the clever adaptations that help plants survive.How do you survive when danger is near and you are rooted in the ground? Plants use their defenses and fight back!As readers turn the pages of this beautifully illustrated book, they will find fun and poetic language describing various situation where different plants find themselves under attack. This is followed by informative, science-based lessons about these plants and their survival methods. Backmatter includes a glossary and a STEM challenge activity to use at home or in the classroom.Backmatter Includes:Explore More for Kids: photos and information about the plants in this book.Explore More for Teachers & Parents: Literacy and Science connections!A perfect book for:parents and teachers in search of homeschool supplies for kindergarten (or any grade!)anyone looking for children's books to help instill an appreciation of our planet!
Random House USA Inc Spanish Is My Superpower! (Sesame Street)
Sesame Street's Rosita learns how to respond when strangers at the supermarket tell her and her Mami not to speak Spanish—this illustrated paperback is based on the video of the same name on the Sesame Street in Communities website.Rosita and her Mami experience racism when they are told not to speak Spanish at the supermarket. While discussing the upsetting encounter, Rosita is reminded how smart and special she is to speak two languages. And that the ability to do so is like having a superpower! This important book—inspired by the video of the same name on the Sesame Street in Communities website—is a helpful way to introduce a tough yet important topic to young children.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.
Rizzoli International Publications The Children's Heritage Sourcebook: Back-to-Roots Living for Kids and Teens
Parents, educators, teens, and children will find inspiration for back-to-roots living.Not only a resource for teachers and homeschooling parents, The Children’s Heritage Sourcebook is a cookbook, manual, and activity book teaching modern homegrown practices of self-sufficiency to children, teenagers, and adults alike.The activities, eighty-five recipes, and projects are complementary and pertinent to the curriculum of kindergarten through eighth grade, with some specific to the teen years. Seasonal cooking, pickling, and gluten-free sourdough making; natural history and information on raising and caring for animals like horses, quail, dogs, and rabbits; and craft and garden activities such as natural dyes, wreaths, flower crowns, and making your own herbal soap and skincare are all included.Lavishly illustrated with 250 full-color images from photographer Sara Prince, this reference book is comfortable on a classroom desk, on your kitchen table, or laid open for use in your backyard garden.
CrackBoom! Books I Just Want to Be Super!
One morning, Nino finds a mask that gives him amazing powers. He can’t wait to blast into action! But no one will let him do all the super things he wants to do. Instead, everybody tells him stuff like Put away your dishes. Get dressed. Be CAREFUL. Will Nino ever get the chance to show how super he can be? With empathy, humor and exuberant imagination, dynamic writer-illustrator duo Andrew Katz and Tony Luzano tell a story all children will relate to, one about stretching their limits and discovering just what it means to be super. Fans of Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes), Max (Where The Wild Things Are) and any kid with LOTS of energy will discover a kindred spirit in Nino. There are also character education lessons here, perfect for discussions both in the classroom and at home, on learning to use strength in a way that is positive and conscious of others "A super story for anyone who wants to be a superhero." -Kirkus Reviews
Vertebrate Publishing Ltd Day Walks in the Peak District: 20 classic circular routes
Day Walks in the Peak District – 20 classic circular routes features 20 circular walks, between 8.25 and 12 miles (13 and 19.5 kilometres) in length, suitable for hillwalkers of all abilities.The routes are split into three areas – The High Moors, Hills Tors and Edges and Limestone Country – and feature walks around some of the most wild and beautiful places in the Peak District National Park, including; Alport Castles, Back Tor and Derwent Edge, the Monsal Trail through Chee Dale, the Kinder Edges, Chatsworth, Stanage Moor, The Roaches, Lathkill Dale, Chrome Hill, Cressbrook Dale, Wolfscote Dale and Dove Dale.Researched and written by local hillwalkers, Norman Taylor and Barry Pope, each route features clear and easy to use Ordnance Survey maps, easy-to-follow directions, details of distance, navigation information, refreshment stops and local knowledge. The book is illustrated with stunning location photography, and also features a detailed Appendix.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reinventing the Postal Sector in an Electronic Age
This compilation of original essays by an international cast of economists, regulators and industry practitioners analyzes some of the major issues now facing postal and delivery services throughout the world as competition from information and communication technologies (ICT) has increased. Competition has become increasingly important in the postal sector for some time in the form of alternative entrants providing mail delivery. However, the competition from ICT in the form of email and instant messaging, the Internet, Facebook and other forms of social networking and portable wireless devices such as the iPad and Kindle may be even more significant. Mail volumes are falling and the economies of scale that have made possible daily deliveries to every address are being eroded. This book assesses volume these declines resulting from this so-called `eSubstituion' and looks at the ways the postal sector can adapt to the rapid changes resulting from ICT. The impact of electronic invoicing on transactions mail, and the impact on bulk mail of electronic forms of advertising are examined. Strategies, including pricing and access policies, are discussed in the context of the increasing impact of ICT. A rethinking of the role of mail in an electronic age is taking place and this book provides the cutting-edge of this rethinking and the attempts of POs to reinvent themselves while continuing to meet the public's expectation of continuing ubiquitous daily deliveries of traditional mail products. Undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in regulation, competition law, innovation and public sector economics along with institutional libraries and industry professionals will find this volume informative and useful.
Green Writers Press Clark the Colorblind Chameleon
How difficult would it be for a little chameleon that can’t change colors because he is colorblind? Clark The Colorblind Chameleon is a modern-day fable written for a Kindergarten class when they were targeting a child for his differences. This story is especially timely with the political atmosphere of intolerance for anyone who is different. Often those very differences lead to brilliant creations and new ways of viewing and understanding each other, ultimately enriching our lives. Clark almost gets caught by a hungry cat, as he is the only chameleon who turns the wrong color and can be seen. Through the help of the Wise Chameleon, he learns how to work hard and push through his discouragement. After all his hard work, he not only can match colors, but discovers a talent for changing into fantastic colors no chameleon has ever done before!
McGraw-Hill Education McGraw-Hill's Spanish for Educators, Premium Second Edition
Communicate with your Spanish-speaking students and parents with confidence!McGraw-Hill's Spanish for Educators, Second Edition, gives you more than 3,000 Spanish words and phrases and the basic grammar needed to use them properly and with confidence. You will learn vocabulary that covers every aspect of a student's school career, from kindergarten enrollment through high school graduation.Designed to get you up and running quickly with all the Spanish you need to build stronger relationships with Spanish-speaking students and families, this practical guide features:• English-Spanish mini-dictionary• Spanish grammar primer• Hundreds of practical, hands-on exercises• Bilingual forms and letters for parents• Review of key vocabulary and pronunciation• Audio recordings of hundreds of key expressions, available via the McGraw-Hill Language Lab app
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Normativer Individualismus in Ethik, Politik und Recht
Menschliches Handeln gegenüber anderen bedarf der Rechtfertigung. Diese kann verschiedene Anknüpfungspunkte wählen, so etwa Interessen, Bedürfnisse, Werte. In normativer Hinsicht ist entscheidend, worauf man sie zurückführt. Sind es in letzter Instanz nur Individuen? Oder gelten in letzter Instanz auch Kollektive und Werte? Daran knüpft sich eine Vielzahl an Folgefragen. Zu klären gilt etwa, welche Individuen maßgeblich sind und ob diese auch sich selbst gegenüber Pflichten haben. Lässt sich ein normativer Individualismus mit der Verpflichtung des Einzelnen durch den Staat vereinbaren? Ist er auch dann noch überzeugend, wenn es um Kinder geht, für die andere entscheiden? Der Sammelband widmet sich diesen Fragen, indem er aus verschiedenen Perspektiven nach den Voraussetzungen wie Folgen eines normativen Individualismus fragt.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Stellvertretung: Studien zur theologischen Anthropologie
Menschliches Leben bedarf der Stellvertretung. Eltern treten für ihre Kinder ein, diese dann umgekehrt für ihre alt oder krank werdenden Eltern, Freunde für einander, wieder anders Liebespaare. In funktionierenden Demokratien vertreten Abgeordnete die Bevölkerung. Auch elementare Äußerungen christlichen Lebens sind wesentlich Stellvertretung, etwa diakonisches Handeln oder das stellvertretende Bittgebet. Nach biblischem Zeugnis tritt Gott für sein Volk und für einzelne Menschen ein, um ihnen Gemeinschaft mit sich zu gewähren und sie in seine Nähe zu führen. Zugleich zeigen sich hier besondere Schwierigkeiten des Verstehens, weil unter anderem die Semantiken des Opfers und des stellvertretenden Leidens Jesu Christi aufgerufen sind, die nicht selten mit Empörung zurückgewiesen werden. Martin Hailer bietet für die komplexe Sachlage der Stellvertretungsthematik zweierlei: Zum einen wird die Rede von der Stellvertretung Gottes für Menschen entfaltet und nicht zuletzt durch ausführliche Bezugnahmen auf die klassischen Passagen Lev 16 und Röm 3,21-25 diskutiert. Zum anderen wird eine Reihe von Konkretionen zwischenmenschlicher Stellvertretung in theologischer Perspektive vorgestellt, unter ihnen Liebe, Freundschaft, das Phänomen des Vorbilds, Lehren/Lernen und das Gebet füreinander. Stellvertretung zeigt sich in all diesen Facetten als unverzichtbares Element einer theologischen Anthropologie.
Seagull Books London Ltd Bad Words: Selected Short Prose
I now no longer use the better words. Ilse Aichinger (1921-2016) was one of the most important writers of postwar Austrian and German literature. Born in 1921 to a Jewish mother, she survived World War II in Vienna, while her twin sister Helga escaped with one of the last Kindertransporte to England in 1938. Many of their relatives were deported and murdered. Those losses make themselves felt throughout Aichinger's writing, which since her first and only novel, The Greater Hope, in 1948, has highlighted displacement, estrangement, and a sharp skepticism toward language. By 1976, when she published Bad Words in German, her writing had become powerfully poetic, dense, and experimental. This volume presents the whole of the original Bad Words in English for the first time, along with a selection of Aichinger's other short stories of the period; together, they demonstrate her courageous effort to create and deploy a language unmarred by misleading certainties, preconceived rules, or implicit ideologies. In the following decades Aichinger's work became increasingly dense, poetic, and experimential, culminating in the iconic Schlechte Worter (Bad Words) in 1976. This entire volume, along with a selection of short stories from previous books in this period, is presented here for the first time in English translation. Any false promise of a coherent, masterful world (with its insistence of "better words") is left behind. Instead, we have "bad words" minor everyday objects and the freedom that comes with vigilant and playful disobedience.
Brookes Publishing Co Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation: Pre-K (ELLCO Pre-K) User's Guide
Ellco helps administrators, supervisors, and program directors gather the crucial data schools need to strengthen classroom quality and build better literacy programs, both by improving teacher development and comparing their practices with others.Originally published in 2002, ""Ellco"" was developed to measure classroom environments and their effects on early literacy and language development in pre-K through third grade. To strengthen the usefulness of the tool and better address the differences in settings between pre-school and early elementary classrooms, the new edition is divided into 2 parts: pre-K and kindergarten through third grade. The tools for each age group are parallel in design and layout with the same scoring system and the same level of guidance for use and interpretation.The new tool now consists of only 2 elements, the Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview. This edition includes descriptors for all 5 scoring levels.The User's Guides provide more information on how to use and interpret the results, including guidelines for conducting classroom observations, limiting bias in scoring, scoring guidance, providing feedback, research use, and data collection tips. Additions include research-based practices for increasing reading fluency, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, and more.
Amazon Publishing Rivers
A critically acclaimed, award-winning collection drawing sparkling prose from the inspiration of three rivers passing through different times and places. On the storm-swollen Aisne in northeastern France, an alcoholic actor combats both his demons and nature’s tempests. Along the Main and Rhine in Germany, a kindhearted logger has but one wish: to travel with the lumber from his small Franconian hometown to the end of the river in the Netherlands, where it feeds into the majestic North Sea. In a bucolic vale in the French region of Brittany, two families, divided by religion and an unnamed stream, sustain a centuries-old feud, their resolve no match for the constantly shifting flow of water. These three stories span countries and eras, but they are all connected by, and reliant on, the unpredictable power and languid beauty of rivers that give life as quickly as they take it away.
Scarecrow Press Information Literacy Assessment in K-12 Settings
As library educators help the academic community incorporate information literacy into the curriculum and instruct students so they become information literate, the role of assessment becomes key—and problematic. What should be assessed, how should it be examined, and is there even a valid and feasible set of assessment tools? This work helps library educators serving students from the pre-kindergarten level through high school address information literacy assessment issues systematically within their own settings. Global trends and cultural contexts are duly noted in exploring assessment processes and use, as well as in analyzing and categorizing existing assessment instruments. Farmer and Henri also investigate the factors affecting information literacy: instructional strategies, learning activities, collaborative practices, resources, learning environment, curriculum, and administrative support. Library educators will greatly appreciate the systematic approaches to assessment products and processes for information literacy offered in this resource.
Nick Hern Books Let the Right One In
A dark and visceral coming-of-age vampire love story, based on the acclaimed novel and film. Oskar is a bullied, lonely, teenage boy living with his mother on a housing estate at the edge of town, when a spate of sinister killings rocks the neighbourhood. Eli is the young girl who has just moved in next door. She doesn't go to school and never leaves the flat by day. Sensing in each other a kindred spirit, the two become devoted friends. What Oskar doesn't know is that Eli has been a teenager for a very long time… Jack Thorne's adaptation of Let The Right One In, based on the novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist, premiered in June 2013 at the Dundee Rep Theatre in a production by the National Theatre of Scotland, before transferring to London's Royal Court Theatre in November 2013. It won the South Bank Sky Arts Award for Theatre in 2014.
Knock Knock Your Sober Pal: 50 Affirmation Cards Deck To Help You Along the Recovery Path
Want/need a sober pal who’s been there and totally gets it? With 50 funny + real-talkin’, motivational cards, this recovery affirmation deck has got your back! Whether you’re already in recovery, wanna go easy for a bit, or just kinda sober curious… Your Sober Pal is here to uplift and comfort you along the way. Get daily sobriety affirmations & an inspirational pocket hug 24/7! File under: self-care, self-esteem, self-help, proud of you sobriety gifts! 3.75 x 5 inches; 50 cards, plus instruction card; written by Laura Van Antwerp
Waldorf Early Childhood Association North America The Mood of the Fifth: A Musical Approach to Early Childhood
Music is a vital part of the healthy development of young children and yet many teachers can struggle with this key area.This book collects together different perspectives on the theme of music in the mood of the fifth (that is, using a pentatonic scale of five notes), to help teachers, parents and carers understand and work with music at kindergarten level.The book includes classic articles by Jennifer Aulie, Wilma Ellersiek and Rita Jacobs, along with new contributions by Michael Deason-Barrow, Jana Hawley, Renate Long-Breipohl, Sally Schweizer, Estelle Bryer, Eleanor Winship, Jill Taplin and many others.A key resource book for Steiner-Waldorf teachers.
Starfish Bay Publishing Pty Ltd The Scarf, with Zip the Robot
Age range 1+Cat teaches Zip to knit, and Zip learns faster isn’t always better; with bold pictures and simple text for new readers.When Zip the robot sees Cat knitting, he wants to knit a scarf, too. But Zip soon finds knitting very boring, and even using his turbo boost doesn't help him knit faster! This book is perfect for beginner preschool and kindergarten readers with bold, simple illustrations, appealing characters, and easy-to-read text with new words to expand young readers' vocabulary. Printed as a board book, the story is nicely designed for children and readers of all ages.
Image Comics Rock Candy Mountain Complete
The Eisner-nominated, magical world of hobos in post-WWII America is collected for the first time in a brand new edition!The world''s toughest hobo is searching for the mysterious sinner''s Heaven-Rock Candy Mountain. But why? And why is the Literal Devil chasing him? Jackson will have to survive underground fight clubs, trainyard bulls, the toughest FBI agent you''ve ever seen, prison, newfound friendships and more if he will make his destination. A kung fu, hobo epic the likes you''ve never seen! By Kyle Starks with colors by Chris Schweizer, featuring a brand new cover cover designed by Matt Kindt! Collects Rock Candy Mountain #1 - 8 and includes additional bonus material!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies
Includes online access to new, customizable WJ IV score tables, graphs, and forms for clinicians Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies offers psychologists, clinicians, and educators an essential resource for preparing and writing psychological and educational reports after administering the Woodcock-Johnson IV. Written by Drs. Nancy Mather and Lynne E. Jaffe, this text enhances comprehension and use of this instrument and its many interpretive features. This book offers helpful information for understanding and using the WJ IV scores, provides tips to facilitate interpretation of test results, and includes sample diagnostic reports of students with various educational needs from kindergarten to the postsecondary level. The book also provides a wide variety of recommendations for cognitive abilities; oral language; and the achievement areas of reading, written language, and mathematics. It also provides guidelines for evaluators and recommendations focused on special populations, such as sensory impairments, autism, English Language Learners, and gifted and twice exceptional students, as well as recommendations for the use of assistive technology. The final section provides descriptions of the academic and behavioral strategies mentioned in the reports and recommendations. The unique access code included with each book allows access to downloadable, easy-to-customize score tables, graphs, and forms. This essential guide Facilitates the use and interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities, Tests of Oral Language, and Tests of Achievement Explains scores and various interpretive features Offers a variety of types of diagnostic reports Provides a wide variety of educational recommendations and evidence-based strategies
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Reroute the Preschool Juggernaut
Chester E. Finn, Jr. outlines the issues that define, animate, and complicate today's contentious pre-kindergarten debate in American education. He examines such topics as: which children really need it; how many aren't getting it; who should provide it and at what expense; what is the right balance between education and child care; and how to know whether it is succeeding.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems
Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems Comprehensive spectroscopic view of the state-of the-art in theoretical and experimental hydrogen bonding research Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems includes diverse research efforts spanning the frontiers of hydrogen bonding as revealed through state-of-the-art spectroscopic and computational methods, covering a broad range of experimental and theoretical methodologies used to investigate and understand hydrogen bonding. The work explores the key quantitative relationships between fundamental vibrational frequencies and hydrogen-bond length/strength and provides an extensive reference for the advancement of scientific knowledge on hydrogen-bonded systems. Theoretical models of vibrational landscapes in hydrogen-bonded systems, as well as kindred studies designed to interpret intricate spectral features in gaseous complexes, liquids, crystals, ices, polymers, and nanocomposites, serve to elucidate the provenance of spectroscopic findings. Results of experimental and theoretical studies on multidimensional proton transfer are also presented. Edited by two highly qualified researchers in the field, sample topics covered in Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems include: Quantum-mechanical treatments of tunneling-mediated pathways and molecular-dynamics simulations of structure and dynamics in hydrogen-bonded systems Mechanisms of multiple proton-transfer pathways in hydrogen-bonded clusters and modern spectroscopic tools with synergistic quantum-chemical analyses Mechanistic investigations of deuterium kinetic isotope effects, ab initio path integral methods, and molecular-dynamics simulations Key relationships that exist between fundamental vibrational frequencies and hydrogen-bond length/strength Analogous spectroscopic and semi-empirical computational techniques examining larger hydrogen-bonded systems Reflecting the polymorphic nature of hydrogen bonding and bringing together the latest experimental and computational work in the field, Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems is an essential resource for chemists and other scientists involved in projects or research that intersects with the topics covered within.
Astra Publishing House How to Build a Diamond: Angles
Discover Math Matters! With 15 million books sold worldwide, this award-winning series of easy-to-read books will help young readers ages 5–8 approach math with enthusiasm. Great for fans of MathStart or Step into Reading Math.What’s summer without baseball? Lindsey, Arun, and Ladi are done with little league for the season, but the itch to play is still fresh in their minds. Maybe they can create their own baseball field—but where to start? Diamonds, squares, pentagons, right angles! What are they? With the help of the kindly Mr. Riley, the kids learn the precise angles and measurements to create their own field. (Math topic: angles)With engaging stories that connect math to kids’ everyday lives, each book in the Teachers’ Choice Award–winning Math Matters series focuses on a single concept and reinforces math vocabulary and skills. Bonus activities in the back of each book feature math and reading comprehension questions, and even more free activities online add to the fun!
Random House USA Inc Elmo's Easter Egg Surprises (Sesame Street)
A sturdy board book edition of a hopping-good Easter story starring Sesame Street's Elmo and Abby Cadabby!It's Easter on Sesame Street, and Abby Cadabby is trying to use magic to make the holiday celebration extra special for her friends Elmo, Big Bird, Grover, Cookie Monster, and Oscar the Grouch. But, as usual, she gets some of the magical spells mixed-up--with very funny results! Young children will laugh out loud at the silliness and ask to hear the story again and again.This new board book edition has a colorful image of Elmo peeking through a cool diecut in the cover, sturdy pages, and full-color illustrations. It makes a great gift for Easter or any day!Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world. Sesame Street is the most trusted name in early learning.
Zondervan The Princess Twins Collection: Level 1
Join the Princess Twins as they celebrate God’s values and virtues in this wonderful collection of four I Can Read Level 1 stories. Beginner readers will delight in the fun fairy tales of the sister princesses as they live out God’s word.Emma and Abby show young readers the purpose of God’s values and virtues in this collection of I Can Read stories. A faith based I Can Read series, The Princess Twins Collection is: Perfect for young or beginning readers who love fairytales The perfect addition to pre-kindergarten or homeschooling resources A great value with four stories in one A great faith-based early reader for children ages 4-8 Wonderful gift for birthdays, Christmas, other celebrations or giving occasions The Princess Twins Collection includes: The Princess Twins and the Puppy The Princess Twins Play in the Garden The Princess Twins and the Birthday Party The Princess Twins and the Tea Party Give your child the gift of faith-based learning with this delightful collection of early reader stories.
Thomas Nelson Publishers God Thinks You're Wonderful
We all need to know that God thinks we're special. No matter where we are in life, Max Lucado understands that it's important to feel His love in our hearts. This adorable gift book, God Thinks You're Wonderful, is the perfect way to remind yourself of this vital truth or to tell someone, "You are special." All ages will enjoy 128 pages of smile-producing affirmations such as: If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. He can live anywhere in the universe, and he chose your heart. Our hearts are not large enough to contain the blessings that God wants to give. Each thoughtful quote is accompanied by an irresistible drawing to remind you of God's love and care. Chris Shea's delightful illustrations pair perfectly with Max Lucado's warm words in this unique, full-color book. It's an ideal gift to celebrate: Valentine's Day First Communions Birthdays Graduations from kindergarten to college Any time a friend needs a boost God deliberately planned you, specifically gifted you, and lovingly positioned you here on this earth. In fact, He thinks you're wonderful!
Ideapress Publishing Wonderhell
WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER!AS SEEN ON GOOD MORNING AMERICA!Have you ever accomplished something you weren't so sureyou could do? Success has always been the end goal, but when you achieve it ...something infuriatingly predictable happens. You start wondering what more youcan do.Instead of success bringing you happiness, it hands you anincreased hunger to achieve something even bigger. And with that desire alsocomes uncertainty, self-doubt, anxiety and stress.Success, in other words, is kinda wonderful ... but it'salso kinda hell. Welcome to Wonderhell.Wonderhell is that space in your psyche where the burden ofyour newly discovered potential plops down, unpacks its backpack, and asks:Hey, you! Whatcha got for me?Living in an ambitious, results-oriented society, we oftenmischaracterize the turbu
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Klassenrat als interaktive Praxis: Auseinandersetzung - Kooperation - Imagepflege
Heike de Boer setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander, was der Klassenrat für die Akteure bedeutet. Die interaktive Praxis des Klassenrates steht im Mittelpunkt der qualitativ-empirischen Untersuchung und führt zur Rekonstruktion der kindlichen Perspektive als Akteursperspektive. Peer-Interaktionen werden fokussiert, ohne die schulpädagogische Frage nach interaktivem Lernen auszublenden. Die konsequent ethnografische Sicht ermöglicht Irritationen der normativen Erwartungen an den Klassenrat und zieht eine Neubestimmung der Grenzen und Chancen nach sich.
Workman Publishing Show Me a Story: 40 Craft Projects and Activities to Spark Children's Storytelling
Encouraging children to let their imagination run wild, Emily K. Neuburger offers 40 inventive projects and activities that will inspire kids ages 5 to 12 to express themselves through storytelling. Younger children will love making story stones and a storytelling jar, while older kids will open up and thrive as they embark on guided story walks and inspiring journaling exercises. Sparking creativity while developing a child’s love of language, Show Me a Story will kindle a lifelong passion for both writing and telling original stories.
Simon & Schuster EngiNerds Rogue Robot Collection (Boxed Set): EngiNerds; Revenge of the EngiNerds; The EngiNerds Strike Back
The battle between kids and bots is on in this funny, fast-paced middle grade series!Ken is an EngiNerd: one of a supersmart group of friends—all nerds—who have been close since kindergarten. They may be brainiacs, but their lives are just like everyone else’s. Well, except for the time when Dan unleashed a horde of ravenous robots. Or when UFO-obsessed new girl Mikaela not only tried to join their all-guys group, but attempted to make contact with aliens. Or when those aliens planned to demolish Earth and the EngiNerds needed to save the planet! But other than that—totally normal. Dive into the hi-tech adventures in this hardcover boxed set including: EngiNerds Revenge of the EngiNerds The EngiNerds Strike Back
Allison & Busby Fire and Sword: An explosive adventure for Captain Daniel Rawson
CAPTAIN DANIEL RAWSON'S MOST DANGEROUS ESCAPADE YET Flanders, 1707. Returning to camp from a dangerous solo mission behind enemy lines, Captain Daniel Rawson finds himself stranded, with French soldiers in fierce pursuit. A kindly farmer helps Daniel hide and then to escape - but with dire consequences. Back in England there is political unrest. Queen Anne's favour has shifted causing the Duke of Marlborough to resign as Commander-in-Chief. And all the while, the treacherous and scheming Duc de Vendôme, is hell-bent on capturing Daniel, by any means at his disposal, including kidnapping the beautiful Amalia. With the odds stacked against him, Daniel, aided by his friend Henry Welbeck, must face his greatest challenge yet and fight for his life at the bloody battle of Oudenarde.
Running Press,U.S. The Humiliations of Pipi McGee
The first eight years of Penelope McGee's education have been a curriculum in humiliation. From her kindergarten self-portrait as a bacon with bobbs, to fourth grade when she peed her pants in the library thanks to a stuck zipper to seventh grade where...well, she doesn't talk about seventh grade. Ever.After hearing the guidance counsellor lecturing them on how high school will be a clean slate for everyone, Pipi--fearing that her eight humiliations will follow her into the halls of Northbrook High School--decides to use her last year in middle school to right the wrongs of her early education and save other innocents from the same picked-on, laughed-at fate. Pipi McGee is seeking redemption, but she'll take revenge, too.
Random House Children's Books Lemon Bird
When a small lemon shaped bird and her pumpkin dog friend are lost on their journey home, it doesn't stop them from reaching out and helping all the new friends they meet on their way! A chapter book middle grade novel about friendship and the unlimited power of kindess for fans of Narwhal and Jelly.Lemon Bird and her new best friend, Pupkin, are lost!It will take some quick thinking, and the help of those they meet on the way, to help these two friends make it back to their home. It's not long before Lemon Bird and Pupkin realize they can help those in need as well! After all, they may be lost but that doesn't mean they can't be a good friend.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: Path of the Diamond: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure
Minecraft meets Diary of a Wimpy Kid in book 4 of the very popular 8-Bit Warrior series of the journal of a young Minecraft villager who dares to dream of becoming a Minecraft warrior! THESE ARE THE REAL BOOKS BY CUBE KID! DIARY OF AN 8-BIT WARRIOR: PATH OF THE DIAMOND ​WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED AS WIMPY VILLAGER KINDLES 11 & 12. In the fourth in this series of four unofficial Minecraft adventure books, it’s time for our 12-year-old hero to choose his future vocation to study at the Minecraftia school. His options are less than tantalizing: farmer, butcher, crafter, miner. What this noob really wants is to be a warrior like his hero, Steve. So when he learns that the five best students in school that year will get the chance to start warrior training, it’s ON.
Random House USA Inc Furry Friends Forever: Elmo & Tango (Sesame Street)
Elmo and his adorable puppy, Tango, star in a sturdy board book based on the new Sesame Street specials Furry Friends Forever: Elmo Gets a Puppy! and Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries.Meet Tango--Elmo's adorable mixed-breed puppy! This sturdy board book is based on Sesame Street's new animated special Furry Friends Forever: Elmo Gets a Puppy. The youngest Sesame Street fans will love looking at the bright, colorful illustrations and hearing about all the fun things Elmo and Tango do together.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Kiss
Love, tragedy and hope conspire in Paris, when a kiss between two strangers changes everything.Isabelle Forrester is the wife of a Parisian banker who has long since shut her out of his heart. She has one secret pleasure: a long-distance friendship with a man who, like Isabelle, is trapped in a loveless marriage. To Bill Robinson, Isabelle is a kindred spirit. Agreeing to meet for a few precious, innocent days in London, they find their friendship changing, and they exchange their first, searching kiss. Time stands still – and tragedy strikes.A long journey begins – towards healing, hope and dreams of a seemingly impossible future. Isabelle and Bill cling to life. Together they must find the strength not only to embrace the future but to face what they have left behind.
Aiora Press Moscov Selim
Georgios Vizyenos (1849-1896) is one of Greeces best-loved writers. Moskov Selim is set in Thrace, a corner of Europe where Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria meet. Selim is a Muslim name, yet Moskov implies that he is a Russian. Vizyenos fascinating and moving story is set during a time of constant wars between Russians and Turks whose outcome would decide the future of south-east Europe: Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria were becoming independent of the Ottoman empire, while Greece was to gain huge territories at the empires expense. Although Istanbul would remain in Turkey, it would no longer be the seat of the Ottoman Sultan, who, as caliph, was the leader of the worlds Muslims. Vizyenos story evokes a time when Greeks and Turks could share each others joys and pains despite the hostile relations between their governments. Listening to the protagonists life story, the narrator of Moskov Selim discovers that this Turk is a kindred spirit, despite the gulf of nationality and religion that separates them.
Chronicle Books The Elephants Come Home: A True Story of Seven Elephants, Two People, and One Extraordinary Friendship
The amazing true story of a herd of elephants, the man who saved them, and the miracle of love that brought them home. One day in 1999, Lawrence Anthony and Françoise Malby hear that a herd of wild African elephants needs a new home. They welcome the elephants to their wildlife sanctuary—Thula Thula—with open arms. But the elephants are much less sure they want to stay. How will Lawrence prove to them that they are safe and loved? What follows is a gorgeously illustrated real-life story of a friendship . . . and the story of the miraculous way that love given freely will return—greater and more wonderful than it began. • TOUCHING ANIMAL FRIENDSHIPS: Owen and Mzee, Tarra and Bella, Rescue and Jessica . . . touching true stories of the emotional bonds possible between species are charming, and speak to the limitlessness of love. • ELEPHANT APPEAL: Elephants are one of the most fascinating and charming wild animals in all of nature. This heartwarming true story will intrigue and inspire children, and turn even the most reluctant readers into elephant enthusiasts. • CONSERVATION THEME: This book tells the true story of caring for one of the world's most beloved endangered animals: the African elephant. This book is a great, upbeat jumping-off point for discussions of the importance of preserving endangered species and their environments. • ENGAGING NONFICTION: There's no better way to get readers hooked on factual books than to offer them real-life stories with heart and meaning. • STRONG CURRICULUM CONNECTIONS: The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) emphasize learning about animal habitats/biomes in K–2 curriculums, while later grades address topics like conservation and endangered species. With a depth of research and an engaging, highly visual narrative, this book is an excellent resource for librarians and primary school educators. Perfect for: • Kindergarten and elementary school teachers • Parents and grandparents • Librarians • Lovers of animals, wildlife, and the natural world • Zoo and natural history museumgoers
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation
Over the past few decades, corporations have been neglected in studies of international political economy (IPE). Seeking to demystify them, what they are, how they behave and their goals and constraints, this Handbook introduces the corporation as a unit of analysis for students of IPE. Providing critical discussion of their global and domestic power, and highlighting the ways in which corporations interact with each other and with their socio-political environment, this Handbook presents a thorough and up-to-date overview of the main debates around the role of corporations in the global political economy. Bringing together international contributors, this Handbook provides a nuanced and global perspective on the IPE of corporations. With a multidisciplinary introduction to corporations from an IPE perspective, this Handbook investigates the role of the corporation in the twenty-first century and highlights the complexities of corporations and the environments in which they exist. Chapters provide insights into corporations' internal structures, how they are embedded in their national environments and how their transnational relations are structured, as well as their position in the global economy. Carefully written and edited to ensure accessibility, the Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation is a crucial resource for students of IPE seeking to deepen their understanding of the discipline as well as for postgraduate scholars who need reference material within which to frame their research. Contributors: C. Bakir, M.V. Balestro, T.L. Berge, D. Bohle, L. Campling, W.K. Carroll, J. Clifton, F. de Beule, D. Díaz-Fuentes, A. Dienes, M. Ebenau, S. Eckert, J. Eckhardt, D. Finchelstein, D. Fuchs, B. Ganson, J.-C. Graz, C. Gregoratti, T. Gumbert, H. Hveem, O.C. Iheduru, A. Jakli , D. Kinderman, J. Klinkhammer, H.-A. Lee, C. May, L. Mondi, G. Morgan, A. Nölke, S. Pinto, M. Pohlmann, A. Rebérioux, A. Roberts, G. Roudaut, J.P. Sapinski, V. Scepanovic, B. Selwyn, S. Tornhill, A. Wennmann, M.A. Witt, J. Woods, K. Young
Nick Hern Books Three Sisters On Hope Street
A funny, vibrant and moving version of Chekhov's Three Sisters, set amongst the Jewish community in wartime Liverpool. From the award-winning writer Diane Samuels (Kindertransport) and well-known actress and writer Tracy-Ann Oberman. Liverpool, 1946. A year after the sudden death of their father, sisters Gertie, May and Rita Lasky share their once grand home on Hope Street with their asthmatic brother Arnold, Auntie Biel (who still keeps her packed suitcase under the spare bed) and old family friend Dr Nate Weinberg (who claims, hand on heart, to be on the wagon). As the sisters regularly welcome GIs and pilots from the nearby American base, each continues her own search for meaning amidst the shattered remains of their city, in a rapidly changing world. Three Sisters on Hope Street was first staged at the Everyman Theatre, Liverpool, in 2008, transferring to Hampstead Theatre, London.
Simon & Schuster Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons: Revised and Updated Second Edition
With more than one million copies sold, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is a remarkable step-by-step, phonics-based program that teaches your child to read in just twenty minutes a day—with love, care, and joy a parent and child can share. Now fully revised and updated with a Practice Guide for parents and an extra section with supplementary material! “[A] magical book...I’ve seen this method work in my own home, having used it with both of my children and watched that light go on.”—John McWhorter, The New York Times “Countless parents have told me they used this book to teach their child how to read when their child wasn’t being taught in school.” —Emily Hanford, host and lead producer of the APM podcast, Sold a Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went So WrongIs your four-year-old or even three-year-old child expressing interest in reading, constantly pretending to read, and asking questions while you are reading&★ Do you want to develop a young reader but are unsure of how to do it&★ Is your child halfway through kindergarten and unable to read simple words without memorizing or guessing&★ Do you want to teach your child to read using the most research-supported method with a long record of success&★ Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is an adaptation of the most successful beginning reading program written for schools. More than 100 formal studies using the highest-quality research methods have documented the superiority of the Direct Instruction approach to phonics and other essential beginning reading skills. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is a complete, sensible, easy-to-follow, step-by-step program that shows simply and clearly how to teach children to read. In 100 lessons, color-coded for clarity and ease of delivery, you can give your child the basic and more advanced skills needed to be a good reader—at about a second-grade level. Twenty minutes a day is all your child needs to become an independent reader in 100 lessons. It’s an enjoyable way to help your child gain the vital skills of reading. Everything you need is here for you and your child to learn together. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons will bring you and your child a sense of accomplishment and confidence while giving your child the reading skills needed now for a better chance at tomorrow. Training videos and additional supplementary material are available for free at