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Everyman Hopkins Poems And Prose
The greatest English religious poet of the nineteenth century, Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-89) was a Jesuit priest and literary scholar whose life ended prematurely after his exhausting pastoral work among the slums of Liverpool and Dublin. His poems are dazzling celebrations of God's endless creative power couched in a uniquely expressive poetic diction, and all his mature poetry is her reprinted, together with illuminating fragments from journals, letters, sermons and lectures in which he expounds his literary and religious outlook.
SPCK Publishing The Seven Stories that Shape Your Life
The most basic questions everyone faces in life is Why am I here? What is my purpose? Gerard Kelly presents the stories that make up the overall story of God in the world. And here we find our purpose for each of our individual Christian lives. Our purpose is as distinctive as our fingerprint and we will connect with it when we connect with our identity and origin in God. God remembers how he made us and is committed to the fruitfulness and fulfilment of our potential. We discover the importance of finding our place of service and usefulness, knowing that our lives have meaning in the purposes of God.
Peeters Publishers Hegel ou la quête de l'efficience de la pensée: Deuxième partie: le système de maturité (1807-1831)
Ce livre constitue la suite d’un précédent ouvrage qui, sous le même titre général, envisageait la formation de la pensée de Hegel. Ici, il s’agit d’examiner comment le souci pratique d’efficience de la pensée, qui irrigue la demarche de Hegel depuis son commencement, continue de travailler le système de maturité. A cet effet, les grands textes qui structurent celui-ci sont tour à tour interrogés et discutés. Il en ressort que, contrairement à la reputation qui lui a été couramment faite, le système hégélien est un système foncièrement ouvert, dans lequel la pensée, animée par ce que Hegel nomme son effectivité, est en continuel débordement de soi et ne cesse de rompre avec son abstraction, pour advenir et se manifester en toute fluidité réflexive dans le monde qu’elle façonne.
Peeters Publishers Hegel ou la quête de l'efficience de la pensée: Première partie: les années de formation (1770-1807)
Cet ouvrage étudie la formation de la pensée de Hegel à la lumière d’un problème spécifique qui s’impose d’emblée comme un souci central de sa réflexion: celui, pratique, de l’efficience de la pensée, c’est-à-dire de sa capacité d’agir sur le réel et de le transformer. Il montre comment la mise en oeuve de ce souci a tout d’abord donné lieu à une méditation intense sur la religion envisagée comme religion d’un peuple, avant d’en venir à la philosophie proprement dite; comment ensuite celle-ci, en tant que système scientifique, a connu à son tour une profonde évolution la conduisant d’une métaphysique substantialiste inspirée de Spinoza au système dialectique dans lequel la plus haute spéculation est conçue et exercée comme ce qu’il y a de plus effectif. Un second volume envisagera à partir du même point de vue l’oeuvre de maturité de Hegel.
Peeters Publishers Entre Hindouisme Et Bouddhisme: La Religion Newar, Nepal
La religion newar, du nom de la population autochtone de la vallee de Katmandou, est un des plus beaux exemples de syncretisme en Asie du Sud. Hindouisme et bouddhisme coexistent dans ce petit territoire depuis pres de deux millenaires et ont profondement agi l'un sur l'autre. Bien qu'il ne soit plus suivi aujourd'hui que par une minorite de la population, le bouddhisme (du Grand Vehicule) constitue toujours un element important de la vie socio-religieuse. L'ouvrage analyse cette religion essentiellement d'un point de vue anthropologique. La pretrise, les rites publics et prives, le pantheon et les croyances populaires sont traites en detail.
Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones Cómo se elabora el conocimiento la epistemología desde un enfoque socioconstructivista
Extracto del Índice:Introducción: Qué es la epistemología? Definir "disciplinas", "paradigmas", "interdisciplinariedad". Hitos para una epistemología socioconstructiva.1/ Las formas de exponer los métodos científicos y el lugar del sujeto: Dos maneras diferentes de contar las investigaciones científicas.2/ Las prácticas y las tradiciones científicas.3/ Las disciplinas científicas: un valioso patrimonio cultural.4/ La multiplicidad de prácticas científicas.5/ Algunos enfoques científicos de los que se habla en la escuela.6/ Más allá de la epistemología de las disciplinas científicas.7/ La epistemología, lugar de controversia.
Impedimenta Chiquilladas
Desde el inocente rosa de la cubierta, "Chiquilladas" nos invita a poner al límite nuestra capacidad de observación para ir más allá de las apariencias. Y es que, a pesar de su angelical título, este libro no es en absoluto lo que parece. Elegante ?e hilarante? parodia de los libros pedagógicos de principios del siglo pasado, este travieso álbum de estética vintage, que ilustra la crueldad atemporal de la que hacen gala los infantes cuando se les hurta la autoridad paterna, y nos descubre la falta de escrúpulos que caracteriza a los niños de todas las épocas. Una historia irónica sobre la crueldad de la niñez. Todo un homenaje a la literatura clásica teñida de humor negro que fue merecedor de una mención especial en la categoría de ficción de la Feria del Libro Infantil de Bolonia en 2016.Un ?antimanual de buenas maneras?, delicioso y transgresor, premiado en la Feria de Bolonia. El regalo perfecto para niños traviesos de 9 a 99 años.
Classiques Garnier Revue d'Etudes Proustiennes: Proust Et Kant. Hommage a Anne Henry
Steerforth Press The Evenings A Winters Tale The postwar masterpiece
THE FIRST ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF A POSTWAR MASTERPIECE'I work in an office. I take cards out of a file. Once I have taken them out, I put them back in again. That is it.'Twenty-three-year-old Frits - office worker, daydreamer, teller of inappropriate jokes - finds life absurd and inexplicable. He lives with his parents, who drive him mad. He has terrible, disturbing dreams of death and destruction. Sometimes he talks to a toy rabbit.This is the story of ten evenings in Frits's life at the end of December, as he drinks, smokes, sees friends, aimlessly wanders the gloomy city street and tries to make sense of the minutes, hours and days that stretch before him.Darkly funny and mesmerising, The Evenings takes the tiny, quotidian triumphs and heartbreaks of our everyday lives and turns them into a work of brilliant wit and profound beauty.
Hal Leonard Corporation Behind the Baton: An American Icon Talks Music
To speak of Gerard Schwarz ä musician conductor festival organizer gig hopper educator television personality patron and proselytizer of the arts ä is to tell an exemplary American story.ÞYou could convey it exclusively in clich©s from his industrious ©migr© parents to his precocious childhood from his ardor and diligence as a prodigy trumpeter to his meteoric rise as a conductor from his unforeseen cross-country migration to the gradual construction of a world-class orchestra in a city formerly regarded as a cultural backwater from the halls of New York City's High School of Performing Arts to the digital instructor's chair of the All-Star Orchestra's Khan Academy course series.ÞYou could simply recite the numbers: over 300 new works premiered over 350 recordings in his discography 14 GRAMMY nominations five Emmy awards six ASCAP Awards and hundreds of other honors and laurels.ÞYou could dazzle and festoon and bewitch with talk of truth and beauty and the pursuit of ever-higher forms of artistic expression.ÞOr you could tell it Jerry's way.ÞÊBehind the BatonÊ is a quintessentially Schwarzian memoir: intrepid forthright risible subtly self-assured and entirely unpretentious. It offers an intimate inside look at a man whose immense talent is rivaled only by his humility and work ethic ä a man who for nearly fifty years has strived to leave every orchestra and musician he touched better than when he found them. Whether you're a classical music aficionado an orchestra initiate just cutting your teeth or an everyday reader interested in the remarkable story behind an extraordinary man ÊBehind the BatonÊ belongs on your nightstand.
The Skilled Helper
THE SKILLED HELPER has taught thousands of students a proven, step-by-step counseling process that equips them to become more confident and competent helpers. Internationally recognized for its successful problem-management and opportunity development approach to effective helping, the text emphasizes the collaborative nature of the therapist-client relationship and uses a practical, three-stage framework that drives client problem-managing and opportunity-developing action. As they read, students also gain a feeling for the complexity inherent in any helping relationship. In the eleventh edition, Gerard Egan and new co-author Robert J. Reese emphasize the power of basics, which are the key ingredients of successful therapy. The authors name, simplify, clarify and organize these basics, showing students what they need to understand and DO to be effective helpers.
Wilfrid Laurier University Press Florence Nightingale on Social Change in India: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 10
Social Change in India shows the shift of focus that occurred during Florence Nightingale's more than forty years of work on public health in India. While the focus in the preceding volume, Health in India, was top-down reform, notably in the Royal Commission on the Sanitary State of the Army in India, this book documents concrete proposals for self-government, especially at the municipal level, and the encouragement of leading Indian nationals themselves. Famine and related epidemics continue to be issues, demonstrating the need for public works like irrigation and for greater self-help measures like ""health missioners"" and self-government. The book includes sections on village and town sanitation, the condition and status of women, land tenure, rent reform, and education and political evolution toward self-rule. Nightingale's publications on these subjects appeared increasingly in Indian journals. Correspondence shows Nightingale continuing to work behind the scenes, pressing viceroys, governors, and Cabinet ministers to take up the cause of sanitary reform. Her collaboration with Lord Ripon, viceroy 1880-84, was crucial, for he was a great promoter of Indian self-government. Social Change in India features much new material, including a substantial number of long-missing letters to Lady Dufferin, wife of the viceroy 1884-88, on the provision of medical care for women in India, health education, and the promotion of women doctors. Biographical sketches of major collaborators, a glossary of Indian terms, and a list of Indian place names are also provided. Currently, Volumes 1 to 11 are available in e-book version by subscription or from university and college libraries through the following vendors: Canadian Electronic Library, Ebrary, MyiLibrary, and Netlibrary.
Rowman & Littlefield Theodore Roosevelt and the Assassin: Madness, Vengeance, and the Campaign of 1912
A New York Times Bestseller, rich with local color, period detail, and a fully realized historical and political backdrop, that tells the forgotten story of the lone, fanatical assailant who stalked Theodore Roosevelt on the 1912 presidential campaign trail until the evening of October 14 in Milwaukee, when he shot the Bull Moose in the chest from ten feet away
Arcadia Publishing Lake Pleasant
Irish Academic Press Ltd Anglo-Irish Politics in the Age of Grattan and Pitt
A A Balkema Publishers The Pressuremeter and Its New Avenues: Proceedings/ Comptes rendus: 4th international symposium, Sherbrooke, Québec, 17-19 May 1995
Pressuremeter testing activities are of great interest for scientists and engineers concerned with the mechanical behaviour of civil engineering materials. The proceedings include the first Menard Lecture presented by Professor Branko Ladanyi and 57 technical papers from 16 countries. They are related to the application of pressuremeter testing to granular and alluvial soils, clay, rock, concrete and permafrost, and geotechnical design. It also includes a session on technological developments in the design, fabrication and installation of pressuremeters.
Steidl GmbH & Co.OHG Hoffnungs Musikalische Bibliothek
Dielmann Axel Verlag Die geheimen Aufzeichnungen des Buchhndlers
Springer VS Coherence in European Teacher Education
Teacher education in Europe.- The (in)coherence of European teacher education.- Epistemic coherence in teacher education.- Exploring Finnish student teachers' perceived coherence of their teacher education program.- Coherence in initial class teacher education in Croatia.- Assessing student perceptions of professionalization measures and coherence after the 2011 French curriculum reform.- Co-constructing multidisciplinary coherence in subject teacher education.- Exploring coherence between teacher education and the competence required to facilitate students' oral participation in foreign language classrooms.- Perceptions of coherence among teacher education students and newly qualified teachers of foreign languages.- Research-based teacher education curriculum supporting student teacher learning.- Fostering coherence in Finnish teacher education.- Identifying core practices as a framework for teacher educators' cooperative professional development.- Coherence through cultures of rem
Suhrkamp Verlag Palimpseste
Dedalus Press A Song of Elsewhere
Salmon Poetry At Grattan Road
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
Starting with an updated description of Allen's calculus, the book proceeds with a description of the main qualitative calculi which have been developed over the last two decades. It describes the connection of complexity issues to geometric properties. Models of the formalisms are described using the algebraic notion of weak representations of the associated algebras. The book also includes a presentation of fuzzy extensions of qualitative calculi, and a description of the study of complexity in terms of clones of operations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The European Restructuring Directive
This comprehensive book provides a clear analysis of the European Restructuring Directive, which aims to improve national frameworks governing business restructuring and insolvency as well as to provide debt relief for individuals. Gerard McCormack explores the key aspects of the Directive including the moratorium on litigation and enforcement claims against the financially-troubled business, the provision for new financing, the division of creditors into classes, the introduction of a restructuring plan and the rules for approval of the plan by a court or administrative authority.Key features include: a unique contextualisation of the Directive, situating it against the backdrop of earlier European initiatives identification of important parallels with the UK scheme of arrangement and the new UK restructuring plan procedure embodied in the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 a comparison of the Directive with Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law legislative guide on insolvency, and the World Bank’s Insolvency and Creditor Rights and Doing Business projects. This important new book provides a detailed and practical analysis of the Directive and the implications for its transposition into national laws, making it an essential work for insolvency lawyers and practitioners, as well as EU policy makers. It will also be critical reading for academics and students of law, particularly those interested in commercial, insolvency, corporate and European law.
Quadrille Publishing Ltd The Bike Repair Book: The Handy Guide to Bicycle Maintenance
Cycling is more popular than ever before: it's healthy, it's cheap and it's better for the environment.People are dusting off their bicycles both for convenience and exercise, or investing in new models. But what do you do if things go wrong with your bike? Most bike problems don't require a visit to a specialist - you can fix it yourself with the right set of a spanners and a little know-how.The Bike Repair Book is your one-stop shop for fixing all bike-related issues, from punctured tyres, brake and gear problems, to broken chains. Illustrated with clear graphics and step-by-step instructions, you'll save money and time by repairing your bicycle yourself.
Liverpool University Press The IRA in Britain, 1919–1923: ‘In the Heart of Enemy Lines’
Between 1919 and 1923, Ireland was engulfed by violence as the Irish Republican Army (IRA) fought a guerrilla campaign against the British state and later fellow Irishmen and women in pursuit of an Irish Republic. Police barracks and government offices were attacked and burned, soldiers and policemen were killed and the economic and social life of the country was dislocated. Britain itself was a theatre in the war too. ‘In the heart of enemy lines’, as one IRA leader put it, cities such as London, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Glasgow and their environs saw the establishment of IRA companies, Irish Republican Brotherhood circles, Cumann na mBan branches and Na Fianna Éireann troops. Composed of Irish emigrants and the descendants of emigrants, these organizations worked to help their comrades across the Irish Sea. Their most important activity was gunrunning, acquiring and smuggling weapons to Ireland. In November 1920, setting fire to warehouses and timber yards in Liverpool, they launched a campaign of violence. Meanwhile, mass-membership organizations such as the Irish Self-Determination League of Great Britain and Sinn Féin sought to persuade the British public of Ireland’s right to independence. Republican leaders such as Michael Collins, Rory O’Connor and Liam Mellows took a keen interest in these exploits. Making extensive use of archival sources and memoirs, The IRA in Britain is the first book to study this little known aspect of the Irish Revolutionary period. Tracing the history of the Irish Volunteers in Britain from their establishment in 1914 and participation in the Easter Rising two years later, through the weapons’ smuggling activities and violent operations of the War of Independence to the bitter divisions of the Civil War and the response of the authorities, The IRA in Britain highlights the important role played by those outside of Ireland in the Revolution.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Discovering Odors
Often taken for granted, the sense of smell has seldom been discussed or understood. However, since the start of the 20th Century, studies in this area have grown exponentially and today there is a greater understanding of the olfactory system at both structural and functional levels. Scientists now concern themselves with questions about the holistic nature of our sense of smell and are investigating the role of odors in interpersonal relations, in food intake processes, in the diagnosis of certain illnesses, and many other areas. The beginnings of this knowledge are as fascinating as they are abundant and numerous disciplines are involved: psychology, physiology, genetics, neuroscience, engineering, etc. This book illustrates and analyzes the current state of advances in research about the smells around us, and the way in which they influence our relationship with the world.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Algebraic Structures to Tensors
Nowadays, tensors play a central role for the representation, mining, analysis, and fusion of multidimensional, multimodal, and heterogeneous big data in numerous fields. This set on Matrices and Tensors in Signal Processing aims at giving a self-contained and comprehensive presentation of various concepts and methods, starting from fundamental algebraic structures to advanced tensor-based applications, including recently developed tensor models and efficient algorithms for dimensionality reduction and parameter estimation. Although its title suggests an orientation towards signal processing, the results presented in this set will also be of use to readers interested in other disciplines. This first book provides an introduction to matrices and tensors of higher-order based on the structures of vector space and tensor space. Some standard algebraic structures are first described, with a focus on the hilbertian approach for signal representation, and function approximation based on Fourier series and orthogonal polynomial series. Matrices and hypermatrices associated with linear, bilinear and multilinear maps are more particularly studied. Some basic results are presented for block matrices. The notions of decomposition, rank, eigenvalue, singular value, and unfolding of a tensor are introduced, by emphasizing similarities and differences between matrices and tensors of higher-order.
Little, Brown & Company American Breakdown: Why We No Longer Trust Our Leaders and Institutions and How We Can Rebuild Confidence
AMERICAN BREAKDOWN dissects how, in the space of a generation, the pillars that sustained the once-dominant superpower have been dangerously eroded. From government to business, from media to medicine-the strength and security of the American experiment have been weakened by a widening gap between the elites who control these institutions and the public.At the root of this breakdown is a precipitous fall in Americans' trust in their political, business and cultural leaders. As Baker writes, "This pathology of distrust across American society is eating the country away from the inside." Millions of Americans say they have little faith in their country's future, and no longer seem to have trust in their leaders, in their important social and civil institutions, even in their common values and ideals, or ultimately in each other.America in fact hasn't failed. Americans have been failed-misled by inept and deceitful political leaders, deserted by predatory and cynical corporate chiefs, and, above all, betrayed by a cultural elite that has exploited the very freedom this country provided in order to destroy it.AMERICAN BREAKDOWN is a deep analysis and thought-provoking account that explores the ways in which Americans have been let down and offers solutions for how we rebuild trust and reclaim purpose for a better future.
Pan Macmillan The Seacunny
Gerard Woodward’s poetry has long been admired for its sharp and unflinching eye, its fearless surrealism, its blacker-than-black humour, and its ability to find a little abyss in any detail, no matter how innocuous or domestic. Here, his considerations of trampolines, bird-tables and lightbulbs will leave the reader unable to regard those things in quite the same way again; they will also find science-fiction novels compressed to a few stanzas, strange potted biographies, and lists of edicts from long-dead tyrants. However, The Seacunny finds this inimitable voice extend itself in new and unexpected directions, with the poet turning to the natural world and to human relationships in ways that are affecting as they are surprising. This is a book of astonishing range, and declares a new lyric direction in Woodward’s poetry.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Féodalités et droits savants dans le Midi médiéval
The feudal system has come to be seen as one of the most characteristic features of the Western Middle Ages, yet the study of feudal law has not always received the same attention as that given to its institutions. This law, it is true, was a subject of secondary importance in the medieval universities, but there does remain a corpus of writing sufficiently large to permit the investigation of how it related to medieval practice. In these articles, now provided with extensive additional notes, Gérard Giordanengo has undertaken such an investigation, with particular reference to Southern France in the 12th-14th centuries. He shows how, in Provence, legal doctrine did exert a clear influence on feudal practice, and that it was the jurists attached to princely or ecclesiastic entourages who were the key to its dissemination. In the Dauphiné, on the other hand, theory had a more limited impact, and feudal ties became not a mark of subjection, but a means of recognising legal and social status. At the governmental level, finally, he argues that it was not any feudal theory, nor even any feudal structures, but rather the absolutist doctrines of Roman law and the Old Testament that shaped the political ideology - and practice, if possible - of the medieval king. Le système féodal est considéré comme étant l’une des caractéristiques fondamentales du Moyen Age occidental; cependant, l’étude du droit féodal savant n’a pas toujours fait l’objet de la même attention que celle portée à ses institutions et coutumes. Ce droit, il est vrai, était un sujet d’importance secondaire au sein des universités médiévales, mais il reste néanmoins, un ensemble d’écrits suffisamment important pour qu’il soit possible d’examiner son influence sur la pratique médiévale. Au cours de ces articles, dès à présent pourvus de notes supplémentaires, Gérard Giordanengo a entrepris une telle analyse, se référant plus particulièrement au Sud de l
University of Minnesota Press Masking And Power: Carnival And Popular Culture In The Caribbean
University of British Columbia Press Checklist of Printed Material Relating to French-Canadian Literature
This second enlarged edition of Gérard Tougas'Checklist is essentially a primary bibliography ofFrench-Canadian literature from the nineteenth century to 1968. TheChecklist, containing over 2800 titles, represents theholdings of the University of British Columbia Library. The UBCcollection comprises a substantial portion of the total body of workpublished in this field. Included are books, pamphlets andmicrofilms. In this bibliography, the term literature has been interpreted toinclude separately published chronicles, literary criticism,biographies, and folklore as well as novels, poetry, drama and shortstories. The second edition has been expanded to include bibliographiesand theses.
Edinburgh University Press Scottish Literature
This guide combines detailed literary history with discussion of contemporary debates about Scottishness. The book considers the rise of Scottish Studies, the development of a national literature, and issues of cultural nationalism. Beginning in the medieval period during a time of nation building, the book goes on to focus on the 'Scots revival' of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries before moving on to discuss the literary renaissance of the twentieth century. Debates concerning Celticism and Gaelic take place alongside discussion of key Scottish writers such as William Dunbar, Robert Burns, Walter Scott, Thomas Carlyle, Margaret Oliphant, Hugh MacDiarmid, Alasdair Gray, Janice Galloway and Liz Lochhead. The book also considers emigre writers to Scotland; Scottish literature in relation to England, the United States and Ireland; and postcolonialism and other theories that shed fresh light on the current status and future of Scottish literature. Key Features *Identifies the main trends in the emergence and development of Scottish literature, situating them in historical and cultural context *Discusses long-running debates about Scottish language and national identity through detailed readings of authors and texts *Introduces students to a variety of comparative and theoretical approaches which further develop an understanding of Scottish literature *Encourages reflection on questions of Scottish nationalism, cultural politics, canonicity and the rise of Scottish Studies
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Alien Sex: The Body and Desire in Cinema and Theology
Gerard Loughlin is one of the leading theologians working at the interface between religion and contemporary culture. In this exceptional work, he uses cinema and the films it shows to think about the church and the visions of desire it displays. Discusses various films, including the Alien quartet, Christopher Nolan's Memento, Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange, Nicolas Roeg's The Man Who Fell to Earth and Derek Jarman's The Garden. Draws on a wide range of authors, both ancient and modern, religious and secular, from Plato to Levinas, from Karl Barth and Hans Urs von Balthasar to André Bazin and Leo Bersani. Uses cinema to think about the church as an ecclesiacinema, and films to think about sexual desire as erotic dispossession, as a way into the life of God. Written from a radically orthodox Christian perspective, at once both Catholic and critical.
Old Street Publishing The Effect of Her
O'Brien Press Ltd Rugby Warrior: Back in school. Back in sport. Back in time.
Reaktion Books Woodpecker
Woodpeckers are among the most remarkable birds in the avian world, having evolved a unique anatomy that enables them to peck and bore into solid timber both to find food and to create nesting cavities. They have been considered symbols of fertility, security, strength, power, prophecy, magic, rhythm, medicine and carpentry, and have been esteemed as the guardians of woodlands, tree surgeons, fire-bringers, weather forecasters and boat-builders. Highly regarded woodpecker expert Gerard Gorman delves into the natural and cultural history of woodpeckers, presenting their natural, social and cultural history. He explores their origins and where they are found, and how they have fascinated humankind throughout history, from ancient Babylon, Greece and Rome, via the tribes of North America and the jungles of Amazonia and Borneo, to the modern cartoon rascal Woody Woodpecker. He describes how they feature in folk tales, myths and legends wherever they occur, and how their fluctuating relationship with humans has developed. Featuring many stunning photographs and illustrations from both nature and culture, Woodpecker will appeal to anyone who is interested in these extraordinary birds.
David R. Godine Publisher Inc No Respect New Selected Poems 19642000
Vajra Publications Panauti: Past - Present (1976-2020)
John Libbey Eurotext Le Café et la Santé
ISTE Editions Ltd Décompositions matricielles et tensorielles en traitement du signal
Canongate Books The Doom List
Nova Science Publishers Inc Archeological Investigations
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Shorty and Billy Boy: A tale of two naughty dogs
Written and illustrated in 1973 by one of South Africa's most famous artists, Gerard Sekoto, Shorty and Billy Boy is a book for children as well as art lovers and collectors. The manuscript formed part of a private collection of Sekoto's sketches, artworks, letters and memoirs repatriated to South Africa from France. The story was clearly written and illustrated as a personal exercise and possibly a sentimental souvenir of his own childhood memories, but has not been published until now. Sekoto may well have composed it as a gift for children of friends, as he was often engaged in making greeting cards with accompanying illustrations. There are other unfinished stories and musical compositions in the estate collection, but Shorty and Billy Boy is the most complete. Shorty and Billy Boy tells the tale of two troublesome dogs whose thieving ways take them to the far-away town of Porcupine Hills. Here they meet all sorts of interesting characters, but continue their mischief until Billy Boy is caught red-handed and sent to jail. Here he dreams about the kindness of others, and comes to realise that good deeds are the true measure of freedom. The Gerard Sekoto Foundation has approved a number of editorial changes made to Sekoto's original text, where the aim has been to preserve the integrity and flavour of the unpublished story, while making it more accessible to present-day readers. The South African context of the tale has been accentuated, and obsolete language and minor inconsistencies have been removed. The result is a timeless and engaging story that retains Sekoto's unique spirit and imagination.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Wartime Schools: How World War II Changed American Education
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Nieuport: A Biography of Edouard Nieuport 1875-1911
This new biography of Edouard Nieuport, written by his grandson GŽrard Pommier, details the brilliant solutions he applied to cycling and automobiles before turning to aircraft later made famous by pilots of nearly all Allied nations in the First World War. Described are the achievements of this extraordinarily talented engineer (who died at age thirty-six), of his brother Charles (killed less than two years later), and of the splendid company bearing their name Ð which at one time led the world in airplane production, and continued its activity until 1936. The book is enhanced by many unpublished photographs from the Nieuport/Pommier archives.