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Pen & Sword Books Ltd Garden Wildlife: Exposing Your Garden's Secrets
Garden Wildlife is a book that looks at the habitats in our gardens from the point of view of wild animal and plants. If we understand our gardens in this way, then we can appreciate that different parts of our gardens essentially mimic wild habitats in microcosm. This means that we can provide places for wild animals and plants to flourish in our gardens, whether they happen to be in rural, suburban or urban settings. Above all, we need to get away from the current obsession with tidiness and sterility in our gardens, and allow odd corners to go wild, so that our native species can live alongside us in the modern world. Without wildlife to discover and observe in our gardens, our lives are impoverished, so we have a duty to ourselves and our children to invite nature back into our outside spaces.
Penguin Random House LLC Surface to Air: A Malko Linge Novel
Librero b.v. Wein in 30 Sekunden
New York University Press American Founding Son: John Bingham and the Invention of the Fourteenth Amendment
A history of the origins of the 14th Amendment and the the man who helped craft it John Bingham was the architect of the rebirth of the United States following the Civil War. A leading antislavery lawyer and congressman from Ohio, Bingham wrote the most important part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees fundamental rights and equality to all Americans. He was also at the center of two of the greatest trials in history, giving the closing argument in the military prosecution of John Wilkes Booth’s co-conspirators for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and in the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson. And more than any other man, Bingham played the key role in shaping the Union’s policy towards the occupied ex-Confederate States, with consequences that still haunt our politics. American Founding Son provides the most complete portrait yet of this remarkable statesman. Drawing on his personal letters and speeches, the book traces Bingham’s life from his humble roots in Pennsylvania through his career as a leader of the Republican Party. Gerard N. Magliocca argues that Bingham and his congressional colleagues transformed the Constitution that the Founding Fathers created, and did so with the same ingenuity that their forbears used to create a more perfect union in the 1780s. In this book, Magliocca restores Bingham to his rightful place as one of our great leaders.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bruno Latour
Bruno Latour is among the most important figures in contemporary philosophy and social science. His ethnographic studies have revolutionized our understanding of areas as diverse as science, law, politics and religion. To facilitate a more realistic understanding of the world, Latour has introduced a radically fresh philosophical terminology and a new approach to social science, ‘Actor-Network Theory’. In seminal works such as Laboratory Life, We Have Never Been Modern and An Inquiry into Modes of Existence, Latour has outlined an alternative to the foundational categories of ‘modern’ western thought Ð particularly its distinction between society and nature Ð that has major consequences for our understanding of the ecological crisis and of the role of science in democratic societies. Latour’s ‘empirical philosophy’ has evolved considerably over the past four decades. In this lucid and compelling book, Gerard de Vries provides one of the first overviews of Latour’s work. He guides readers through Latour’s main publications, from his early ethnographies to his more recent philosophical works, showing with considerable skill how Latour’s ideas have developed. This book will be of great value to students and scholars attempting to come to terms with the immense challenge posed by Latour’s thought. It will be of interest to those studying philosophy, anthropology, sociology, science and technology studies, and almost all other branches of the social sciences and humanities.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fair Value Accounting Fraud: New Global Risks and Detection Techniques
Essential guidance on the new fair value rules for accounting managers, auditors, and fraud investigators Fair Value accounting is emerging as the next prime opportunity for financial statement fraud. Explaining the many complex applications of fair value accounting in the preparation of financial statements, Fair Value Accounting Fraud offers timely guidance on an up-and-coming issue as U.S. and international accounting rules pertaining to the use of fair value accounting continue to change. You'll find discussion of U.S. GAAP and IFRS rules on fair value accounting issues, highlighting the areas most vulnerable to fraud Explanations of 75 categories of fair value accounting fraud schemes Fraud risk checklist that you can put to immediate use Practical detection techniques useful for auditors, investigators and others who rely on financial statements Expert advice from Gerard Zack, CFE, CPA, author of Fraud and Abuse in Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Prevention and Detection Comparing US accounting standards to International Financial Reporting Standards-thereby making this book useful worldwide- Fair Value Accounting Fraud helps you understand the new rules and develop new auditing and investigative techniques to enable you to detect potential fraud.
Michel albin SA A History of Motoring Through 100 Legendary Cars
From the mythical De Dion Bouton Type K1 to the Delahaye, from the Jeep Willys to the combi Volkswagen, from the Mercedes Benz to the Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500, from the Aston Martin DB7 to the Bugatti Veyron 16.4, and from the Austin Mini to the Range Rover. A hundred years of innovation, inventiveness and triumphs are condensed in this book, which reads as easily as a novel, and is illustrated with a rich and rare iconography.
Georgetown University Press National Health Insurance in the United States and Canada: Race, Territory, and the Roots of Difference
After World War II, the United States and Canada, two countries that were very similar in many ways, struck out on radically divergent paths to public health insurance. Canada developed a universal single-payer system of national health care, while the United States opted for a dual system that combines public health insurance for low-income and senior residents with private, primarily employer-provided health insurance - or no insurance - for everyone else.In "National Health Insurance in the United States and Canada", Gerard W. Boychuk probes the historical development of health care in each country, honing in on the most distinctive social and political aspects of each country - the politics of race in the U.S. and territorial politics in Canada especially the tensions between the national government and the province of Quebec. In addition to the politics of race and territory, Boychuk sifts through the numerous factors shaping health policy, including national values, political culture and institutions, the power of special interests, and the impact of strategic choices made at critical junctures. Drawing on historical archives, oral histories, and public opinion data, he presents a nuanced and thoughtful analysis of the evolution of the two systems, compares them as they exist today, and reflects on how each is poised to meet the challenges of the future.
Thames & Hudson Ltd A Train Journey: A pop-up history of rail travel
A Train Journey takes readers on an international journey through the history of trains and brings the locomotives to life in pop-up detail. Created by the world’s leading paper engineer and art director, Gérard Lo Monaco, the adventure begins in 1829 with Robert Stephenson’s ‘Rocket’ locomotive, the most advanced of its day, which operated on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Our journey hits new heights to investigate Manhattan’s elevated railroad, whose cars were the first to be manufactured out of stainless steel. Readers will see the trains buzzing and alive among 1900 New York’s distinctive high-rises. Skipping forward to the 1920s, readers will marvel at what was the most powerful locomotive on the London and North Eastern Railway: the ‘Flying Scotsman’, providing a non-stop daily service from London to Edinburgh. Readers then encounter the glamour of the 1930s and 40s on the infamous Orient Express as it travels between Paris and Istanbul. Finally, the reader is taken on a sprint to the present to see Japan’s Shinkansen ‘Bullet’ and China’s CHR 400 high-speed intercity trains, travelling at an impressive 320 km/hr! Designed in a beautifully layered pop-up format, with information about each train integrated into the artwork, A Train Journey marvels at, and is a marvel of, engineering over the centuries.
Olympia Publishers Life in America
Visor libros, S.L. Las quimeras y otros poemas
INICIADO?, ?Vestal?, ?Hijo del Fuego?. Así gustaba llamarse Gérard de Nerval (París, 1808-1855), el poeta más puro y moderno del Romanticismo francés, precursor del Simbolismo junto con Baudelaire y el antecesor más profundo del Surrealismo, siempre adelantado a Breton.Se reúnen aquí sus mejores versos: los insólitos e intangibles sonetos de Las Quimeras, fruto de su fecunda locura, sin precedentes en la literatura francesa, y una precisa selección del resto de sus poemas; desde el primero, que compusiera con apenas trece años, hasta el último, su ?Epitafio?, escrito poco tiempo antes de aparecer ahorcado en una sórdida
Klincksieck Histoire de la Critique d'Art
Rodale Press Inc. The Gut Balance Revolution: Boost Your Metabolism, Restore Your Inner Ecology, and Lose the Weight for Good!
From the top authority on the gut microbiome, here's a plan that will show you how to starve the fat-forming bacteria, reseed your gut with good fat-burning ones, and fertilize those friendly flora with just the right foods to reboot, rebalance, and renew your health - and lose weight for good. It's all based on up-to-the-minute scientific research.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Anatomy and Physiology
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 14e with Atlas of the Skeleton Set
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. Nennt mich nicht Ismael! Band 1
Edinburgh University Press Dialectics of Improvement: Scottish Romanticism, 1786-1831
This book develops new insight into the idea of progress as improvement as the basis for an approach to literary Romanticism in the Scottish context. With chapter case studies covering poetry, short fiction, drama and the novel, it examines a range of key writers: Robert Burns, James Hogg, Walter Scott, Joanna Baillie and John Galt. Improvement, as the book explores, provided a dominant theme for literary texts in this period, just as it saturated the wider culture. It was also of real consequence to questions about what literature is and what it can do: a medium of secular belonging, a vehicle of indefinite exchange, an educational tool or a theoretical guide to history.
Archipelago Books The Salt Smugglers
Pennsylvania State University Press Philosophy and Rhetoric in Dialogue: Redrawing Their Intellectual Landscape
Philosophy and Rhetoric, one of Penn State Press’s longest-running journals, was conceived at a time of immense philosophical upheaval: rhetoric as a field of study—first dismissed by Descartes—was being reexamined after decades of neglect. Now, nearly forty years later, Philosophy and Rhetoric continues to hold pride of place in this reinvigorated discipline. The brainchild of Penn State professors Carroll Arnold and Henry Johnstone, Philosophy and Rhetoric boasts work from dozens of international luminaries from a broad spectrum of specializations. To commemorate the fortieth year of publication, current series editor Gerard Hauser assembled a volume of the journal’s most noteworthy articles, beginning with Henry Johnstone’s gem of an essay underscoring the essential relationship between the art of rhetoric and philosophy. Donald Verene elaborates that initial thesis and suggests that rhetoric and philosophy are not distinct entities in conversation, but instead that rhetoric provides a forum in which philosophy can exist. Jean Goodwin looks at the theory in terms of a teacher/student relationship, and Barbara Biesecker looks at how governments in the war on terror employ rhetoric to manipulate the social consciousness. A concluding article by Carroll Arnold casts rhetoric as a dramatic device essential to establishing personal sovereignty. During its forty years, Hauser writes, the journal “radically altered the relationship between philosophy and rhetoric from irreconcilable antagonists to interlocutors in a shared inquiry into the constitutive powers of discourse.” This series of essays brilliantly traces the arc of that accomplishment.
Indiana University Press Freedom from Liberation: Slavery, Sentiment, and Literature in Cuba
By exploring the complexities of enslavement in the autobiography of Cuban slave-poet Juan Francisco Manzano (1797–1854), Gerard Aching complicates the universally recognized assumption that a slave's foremost desire is to be freed from bondage. As the only slave narrative in Spanish that has surfaced to date, Manzano's autobiography details the daily grind of the vast majority of slaves who sought relief from the burden of living under slavery. Aching combines historical narrative and literary criticism to take the reader beyond Manzano's text to examine the motivations behind anticolonial and antislavery activism in pre-revolution Cuba, when Cuba's Creole bourgeoisie sought their own form of freedom from the colonial arm of Spain.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Psychology of Hope
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Tobacco Advertising: The Great Seduction
Since 1789, when the first tobacco advertisement appeared, tobacco manufacturers have been pioneers of advertising and marketing, revolutionizing the American way of doing business in the process. The folksy, familiar and innocent-looking images portrayed in tobacco advertising were part of the new wave of product promotion - tin tags, cigar and tobacco labels, insert cards (including the first baseball cards) - that helped transform America into a nation of smokers by 1900. With illustrations of antique artifacts, old photographs and contemporary advertising, the reader is taken through the rapid growth of the tobacco industry following the Civil War, and shown a wide-range of promotional ploys and gimmickry that evolved in this century: tobacco tins, cigarette pack art, and outdoor advertising. Other advertising objects include lapel buttons, pocket mirrors, postcards, watch fobs, pocketknives, envelope stickers and more. All are lavishly illustrated, many in full color, and an informative value guide is included.
Peeters Publishers Semiotics and Church Architecture
In recent decades semiotics has succeeded in establishing itself as a discipline with international recognition. As a discipline specifically devoted to the study of signs and sign systems, it is relevant to the discipline of theology, working as it does with verbal and non-verbal signs. Since 1976 Semanet, a Dutch study group, has applied Greimassian semiotics to linguistic theological statements. More recently, Gerard Lukken undertook the analysis of church buildings. It was at that stage that Mark Searle joint Semanet during a sabbatical leave. He applied the analytical method to a particular church: SS. Peter and Paul in Tilburg, which is of interest both as a representative modern church and as a particularly intruiging object for semiotic analysis. The book shows how Greimassian semiotic theory as it relates to architecture was developed into a usable method for analysing particular church buildings and then demonstrates how such an analysis might be conducted. The book contains numerous full color reproductions. Gerard Lukken (1933) is professor of liturgy and sacramental theology and director of the Liturgical Institute at the Theological Faculty of Tilburg. He studied at the Diocesan Seminary in Haaren, the Pontificia Universita Gregoriana in Rome, and the Institut Superieur de Liturgie in Paris. Mark Searle (1941-1992) was associated professor of pastoral liturgy at the Notre Dame University in Notre Dame (Indiana, USA). He studied at the Franciscan House of Studies in East Bergholt (United Kingdom), the Institut Superieur de Liturgie in Paris, the Liturgisches Institut in Trier and the Pontificio Ateneo di Sant'Antonio in Rome.
Peeters Publishers Hommage a Georges Vajda: Etudes D'histoire Et De Pensee Juives
Rowman & Littlefield Digital Disability: The Social Construction of Disability in New Media
Media representation of and for the disabled has been recharged in recent years with the expansion of new media worldwide. Interactive digital communications—such as the Internet, new varieties of voice and text telephones, and digital broadcasting—have created a need for a more innovative understanding of new media and disability issues. This engaging analysis offers a global perspective on how people with disabilities are represented as users, consumers, viewers, or listeners of new media, by policymakers, corporations, programmers, and the disabled themselves.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematics for Engineers
This book offers comprehensive coverage of all the mathematical tools needed by engineers in the field of processing and transport of all forms of information, data and images - as well as many other engineering disciplines. It provides essential theories, equations and results in probability theory and statistics, which constitute the basis for the presentation of signal processing,information theory, traffic and queueing theory, and reliability. The mathematical foundations of simulation are also covered. The book's accessible style will enable students, engineers and researches new to this area to advance their knowledge of communication and other engineering technologies; however, it will also serve as a useful reference guide to anyone wishing to further explore this field.
Kogan Page Ltd The Procurement Value Proposition: The Rise of Supply Management
WINNER: ACA-Bruel 2015 - Grand Prix Businesses are going through rapid change due to an increased focus on sustainability and corporate responsibility, technological advances, geo-political and macro-economic change, and demographic shifts. If purchasing and supply chain managers are to embrace these challenges they must develop new ways of thinking about supply structures and processes as well as new skills and competencies. The Procurement Value Proposition examines these important changes that will have a profound effect on the way future procurement is carried out. It considers the implications of global economic transformation for procurement set against: changes in business contexts, purchasing strategies, organisational structure, roles and responsibilities, system development and skills required to work in the profession. This book discusses the value proposition offered by contemporary procurement to the sustainability and development of business. They examine how organizations that position procurement as a core business function will be able to drive a more competitive lever for change, and more readily adapt to the forces driving rapid change in the current global environment. The Procurement Value Proposition features case studies of companies that are moving through procurement transformation in a continual phase of movement and adaption to the multitude of shifts that are occurring. It features input, observations and case studies from CPO's, Commercial Directors and other Procurement and business leaders. The book considers a variety of geographical contexts and highlights differences between the US, the UK and China. Awarded the Grand Prix ACA-Bruel for its important contributions to the research and practice in procurement and supply chain management, it has been recognized for its ambitious vision of procurement.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Representations: Explorations in Social Psychology
Serge Moscovici first introduced the concept of social representations into contemporary social psychology nearly forty years ago. Since then the theory has become one of the predominant approaches in social psychology, not only in continental Europe, but increasingly in the Anglo-Saxon world as well. While Moscovici's work has spread broadly across the discipline, notably through his contributions to the study of minority influences and of the psychology of crowds, the study of social representations has continued to provide the central focus for one of the most distinctive and original voices in social psychology today. This volume brings together some of Moscovici's classic statements of the theory of social representations, as well as elaborations of the distinctive features of this perspective in social psychology. In addition the book includes some recent essays in which he re-examines the intellectual history of social representations, exploring the diverse ways in which this theory has responded to a tradition of thought in the social sciences which encompasses not only the contributions of Durkheim and Piaget, but also those of Lévy-Bruhl and Vygotsky. The final chapter of the book consists of a long interview with Ivana Marková, in which Moscovici not only reviews his own intellectual itinerary but also gives his views on some of the key questions facing social psychology today. The publication of this volume provides an essential source for the study of social representations and for an assessment of the work of a social psychologist who has consistently sought to re-establish the discipline as a vital element of the social sciences.
The University of Chicago Press Plato the Myth Maker
We think of a myth as a fictional story, and Plato was the first to use the term "muthos" in that sense. But Plato also used "muthos" to describe the practice of making and telling myths, the oral transmission of all that a community keeps in its collective memory. In the first part of this text, Luc Brisson reconstructs Plato's multifaceted and not uncritical description of "muthos" in light of the latter's famous Atlantis story. The second part of the book contrasts this sense of myth, as Plato does, with another form of speech which he believed was far superior: the "logos" of philosophy. Brisson's work is part lexical, part philosophical, and part ethnological, and Gerard Naddaf's substantial introduction shows the originality and importance both of Brisson's method and of Plato's analysis in the context of contemporary debates over the origin and evolution of the oral tradition.
Colourpoint Creative Ltd So Young: The Taking of My Life by the Catholic Church
‘What I wanted was for Malachy Finegan to be exposed. I felt that the wee boy I had been might be stepping from the darkness, and I needed him to be heard and to be believed.’ When he was twelve and in first year at St Colman’s College in Newry, Gerard Gorman was abused by paedophile priest Father Malachy Finegan. Gerard was so traumatised that for many years he was unable to talk about what had happened to him. So Young is Gerard’s powerful and courageous account of how he finally found a voice to tell his story. In this memoir – with the help of his brother, the poet Damian Gorman - he talks openly about the abuse he suffered and the impact it had on his life and on the lives of those around him. He describes too his role in exposing Finegan and his long and painful battle with the Catholic Church – in and out of the civil courts – to force it to acknowledge the harm done to him and the cover-up that perpetuated Finegan’s abuse. Brave, moving and open-hearted, So Young is a powerful account of surviving abuse and a damning indictment of an institution that continues to stonewall victims.
Greystone Books,Canada On the Other Side of the Forest
A 2021 New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Book“Absorbing storytelling.”—Publishers Weekly STARRED Review“A riveting read.”—Kirkus Reviews STARRED ReviewWhat’s on the other side of the forest? A young rabbit and his father are determined to find out in this modern picture book that “feels like a vintage gem” (New York Times), calling to mind the tender work of Beatrix Potter.Some say that wolves, ogres, and giant badgers live in the forest beside Arthur’s house. That’s why no one ever goes in there, to see what’s on the other side. But one day, Arthur’s dad has an idea—a magnificent idea! Build a tower to look over the treetops! But a magnificent idea takes a lot of work. Will the villagers join and help them? And when the tower takes shape, what will they see on the other side?This wonderful, heartwarming story reminiscent of classic children’s books, is perfect for: Teaching kids about cooperation and teamwork—and how they help us achieve our dreams! A fun and creative Easter or Spring-themed gift for kids
Cengage Learning EMEA The Skilled Helper
Gerard Egan and Robert Reese���s bestselling text has taught thousands of students using a proven counselling model which equips them to become confident and competent helpers. Now in its fourth edition and containing all the recent research, the text uses a practical three stage step-by-step process to engage helpers and build their confidence. Users will learn how to tackle a wide variety of complex situations they���ll likely encounter throughout their work. The Skilled Helper integrates the most relevant aspects of different theoretical orientations (humanistic, cognitive, behavioural and solution-focused) into a pragmatic approach to helping.
DC Comics Doom Patrol by Gerard Way and Nick Derington: The Deluxe Edition
Grant Morrison's classic misfit team-the Doom Patrol-is reintroduced by Eisner Award-winning writer and rock star Gerard Way! The Doom Patrol will go on an epic road trip around the solar system, facing off against the unusual and bizarre including the fanatical fitness fiends of planet Orbius and the Marathon Eternal. Big changes are coming for these unusual heroes, including Robotman coming to terms with his new life as a human. Front man to My Chemical Romance and the author of The Umbrella Academy, Gerard Way is no stranger to strangeness. He's taken the Doom Patrol from within a gyro to the edges of the universe, and you can't wait to see where he'll take them next! Doom Patrol by Gerard Way and Nick Derington: The Deluxe Edition explores the fringes of a universe created by one of our generation's most unimaginable minds! This collection includes Doom Patrol #1-12 (2016-2018) and tales from Doom Patrol Vol. 2: Nada, Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds #1-7!
Anthroposophic Press Inc The Goetheanum Cupola Motifs of Rudolf Steiner
Thames & Hudson Ltd Ornament and Decoration in Islamic Architecture
Surface decoration has always played a fundamental role in Islamic architecture. As human representation is forbidden in Islamic religious monuments, designers employed mosaics, stucco, brickwork and ceramics, and the vigorous use of brilliant colour to reach unparalleled heights of expression. It is this ornamental dimension of Islamic architecture that is explored in this magnificent volume. Rather than limiting itself to an exclusively historical or chronological perspective, Ornament and Decoration in Islamic Architecture presents four successive approaches to its subject. The first part offers an overview of Islamic architecture, discussing the great diversity it contains. Dealing exclusively with techniques, the second part considers the materials most often used as well as the expertise of the builders and Muslim decorative artists, and the third part explores themes in Islamic ornamentation. Section four discusses aesthetics, and studies the relationship between the buildings – the structures or their architectonic components – and their ornamental coverings. Each of these topics is presented through a number of outstanding examples and then through comparable monuments from all over the Islamic world. For anyone in thrall to such great wonders as the Taj Mahal and the Alhambra, and for everyone interested in the world of Islam, this lavish publication will be indispensable.
Springer International Publishing AG The Challenges of Nursing Stroke Management in Rehabilitation Centres
This volume provides integral knowledge of all aspects of stroke care and rehabilitation after stroke, and is therefore highly relevant for nurses who work in rehabilitation centers. It outlines the several phases after stroke, for example the type of care patients may receive in the chronically phase at home. Nurses will obtain knowledge about treatment, importance of observation and caring with a special focus on communication problems, swallowing problems, activities of daily living, urinary and defecation problems, shoulder and hand issues. Thanks to photographs, nurses will learn to transfer patients in the adequate positions. Several chapters provide nurses with examples of effective and efficient collaboration with multidisciplinary professionals, informal caregivers and patients themselves. There is also an emphasis on behavior and cognitive functioning. And lastly, in the final chapters authors highlight the organization of rehabilitation and integrated care issues. Nurses play a very important role in rehabilitation, education, counseling, prevention, and caring for patients with cerebrovascular accident (CVA). In caring for stroke patients, nurses need specific competences and abilities that go beyond the general neurologic knowledge and experience. Nurses need to collaborate in an efficient and effective manner with multidisciplinary team members in their organization and across organizations. This book discusses medical aspects and specific symptoms of a stroke, as well as the limitations that patients experience, and which interventions are indicated for recovery.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Understanding Contemporary Ethiopia: Monarchy, Revolution and the Legacy of Meles Zenawi
When we think of Ethiopia we tend to think in cliches: Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, the Falasha Jews, the epic reign of Emperor Haile Selassie, the Communist Revolution, famine and civil war. Among the countries of Africa it has a high profile yet is poorly known. How- ever all cliches contain within them a kernel of truth, and occlude much more. Today's Ethiopia (and its painfully liberated sister state of Eritrea) are largely obscured by these mythical views and a secondary literature that is partial or propagandist. Moreover there have been few attempts to offer readers a comprehensive overview of the country's recent history, politics and culture that goes beyond the usual guidebook fare. Understanding Contemporary Ethiopia seeks to do just that, presenting a measured, detailed and systematic analysis of the main features of this unique country, now building on the foundations of a magical and tumultuous past as it struggles to emerge in the modern world on its own terms.
Gill Overheard in Dublin
Girl: ‘Giz a kiss.’ Bloke: ‘Let me swally me phlegm first.’ — Two aul dears queuing for the no. 27 bus. Just caught the end of the conversation: Old dear #1: ‘Sure whoaya tellin. De kids dees days is terrible bold.’ Old dear #2: ‘And ye know it’s not de parents I blame, it’s the mudders an fadders.’ — Country girl gets on no. 16 bus and asks driver how much is the fare. Driver replies, ‘Where are you going?’ Country girl says, ‘To get my hair done!’ — While visiting the Mater Hospital, hearing an old man complaining about the current conditions in hospital and being kept in a unisex environment: Old Man (to his daughter): ‘I’m 92 years old and here I am being left on a bed in a corridor with all these other patients, and to make it worst it’s bisexual!’ — Heard a girl answer her phone in the waiting room of Holles Street Maternity Hospital: ‘Well, tell me, am I an Auntie or an Uncle?’ — D4 girl at Lansdowne Road for the All Blacks match. Just as the All Blacks begin the Haka, one girl says, ‘Oh, my God, are they doing a dance?’
Peeters Publishers Christian Feast and Festival: The Dynamics of Western Liturgy and Culture
This collection on Christian feast culture is closely connected with the first Dutch national research program, Liturgical Movements and Feast Culture, which was conceived and initiated in 1995, and coordinated by the Interuniversity Liturgical Institute, headquartered in Tilburg. The collection marks the conclusion of the program, and through a report of work in progress is intended to present a sort of sampler of Dutch liturgical studies for an international forum. Against the broader background of modern multidisciplinary liturgical studies and the theme of liturgical movements, the dynamic of cultus and culture, Christian feast culture in the year and in life forms the central theme of the collection. A number of choices have had to be made as this developed. For example, the collection almost exclusively focuses on Western Christian rituality, in which, within that Western perspective, broader ritual contexts are brought into the discussion. The collection is divided into four parts. In addition to an introduction (part I) to situate the topic, part II contains a series of systematic, theoretical explorations, which present diverse but also converging disciplinary approaches, generally illustrating them as well. Part III comprises historical explorations. Part IV comprises studies in contemporary liturgical practice, including the liturgia condenda. Each of the parts II-IV has an introduction in which an effort is made to offer some lines of synthesis and evaluation.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Geschichte Der Politischen Ideengeschichte
Classiques Garnier Theorie Critique Du Reformisme Conservateur: Genese de la Matrice Reformiste En Allemagne a l'Epoque de la Revolution Francaise
Histoire & Collections Waterloo Relics
Waterloo, the plain where Napoleon’s Empire was dealt its final blow after a titanic fight, is not only a name on the map. La Haye-Sainte, Hougoumont, Plancenoit, are real places where men struggled, suffered and died. In this book, the authors retrace the phases of the famous battle. But moreover, they lead the reader deep into history by showing the artifacts, weapons, uniforms and pieces of equipment that have survived after more than two centuries. From Napoleon’s hat to Wellington’s pad, from a simple uniform button to a rusted bayonet found on the very ground of the battlefield, these fabulous relics help us revisit the day of June 18th 1815. Packed with dozens of color images of uniforms and equipment.
Klincksieck Methode d'Arabe Litteral: Premier Livre
Les Belles Lettres Petrarque
Astra Publishing House Dorothea's Eyes: Dorothea Lange Photographs the Truth
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Grosseltern werden für Dummies
Egal ob lange ersehnt oder völlig unerwartet? Wenn Ihr Kind ein Kind bekommt, finden Sie sich plötzlich in einer völlig neuen Rolle wieder: Sie werden Großeltern und eine spannende Zeit liegt vor Ihnen! Doch die Erziehung Ihrer eigenen Kinder ist schon lange her und Sie wissen gar nicht mehr so richtig, wie Sie mit Babys und Kleinkindern umgehen sollen? Keine Sorge, dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre Familie unterstützen können, ohne selbst dabei zu kurz zu kommen und wie Sie von Anfang an eine wunderbare Beziehung zu Ihrem Enkel aufbauen. Natürlich erfahren Sie auch, wie Sie mit Krankheitsfällen umgehen, wie Sie ein Nachmittag organisieren können und vieles mehr.