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The University of Chicago Press The Lucretian Renaissance: Philology and the Afterlife of Tradition
With "The Lucretian Renaissance", Gerard Passannante offers a radical rethinking of a familiar narrative: the rise of materialism in early modern Europe. Passannante begins by taking up the ancient philosophical notion that the world is composed of two fundamental opposites: atoms, as the philosopher Epicurus theorized, intrinsically unchangeable and moving about the void; and, the void itself, or nothingness. Passannante considers the fact that this strain of ancient Greek philosophy survived and was transmitted to the Renaissance primarily by means of a poem that had seemingly been lost - a poem insisting that the letters of the alphabet are like the atoms that make up the universe. By tracing this elemental analogy through the fortunes of Lucretius' "On the Nature of Things", Passannante argues that the philosophy of atoms and the void reemerged in the Renaissance as a story about reading and letters - a story that materialized in texts, in their physical recomposition, and in their scattering. From the works of Virgil and Macrobius to those of Petrarch, Montaigne, Bacon, Spenser, and Newton, "The Lucretian Renaissance" recovers a forgotten history of materialism in humanist thought and scholarly practice and asks us to reconsider one of the most enduring questions of the period: what does it mean for a text, a poem, and philosophy to be "reborn"?
Old Street Publishing The Effect of Her
Old Street Publishing Unspoken
O'Brien Press Ltd Football Fiesta: Sports Academy Book 1
Oxford University Press Inc Oceans Rise Empires Fall
A powerful explanation of why geopolitical competition makes implementing effective climate change policies so difficult. As the Russia-Ukraine war has shown, great-power competition drives states to prioritize fossil fuel acquisition over working toward a zero-carbon future.In the last few years, it has become abundantly clear that the effects of accelerating climate change will be catastrophic, from rising seas to more violent storms to desertification. Yet why do nation-states find it so difficult to implement transnational policies that can reduce carbon output and slow global warming? In Oceans Rise, Empires Fall, Gerard Toal identifies geopolitics as the culprit. States would prefer to reduce emissions in the abstract, but in the great global competition for geopolitical power, states always prioritize access to carbon-based fuels necessary for generating the sort of economic growth that helps them compete with rival states. Despite what we now know about the long-term impacts of
De Gruyter Pandemics, Politics, and Society: Critical Perspectives on the Covid-19 Crisis
This volume is an important contribution to our understanding of global pandemics in general and Covid-19 in particular. It brings together the reflections of leading social and political scientists who are interested in the implications and significance of the current crisis for politics and society. The chapters provide both analysis of the social and political dimensions of the Coronavirus pandemic and historical contextualization as well as perspectives beyond the crisis. The volume seeks to focus on Covid-19 not simply as the terrain of epidemiology or public health, but as raising fundamental questions about the nature of social, economic and political processes. The problems of contemporary societies have become intensified as a result of the pandemic. Understanding the pandemic is as much a sociological question as it is a biological one, since viral infections are transmitted through social interaction. In many ways, the pandemic poses fundamental existential as well as political questions about social life as well as exposing many of the inequalities in contemporary societies. As the chapters in this volume show, epidemiological issues and sociological problems are elucidated in many ways around the themes of power, politics, security, suffering, equality and justice. This is a cutting edge and accessible volume on the Covid-19 pandemic with chapters on topics such as the nature and limits of expertise, democratization, emergency government, digitalization, social justice, globalization, capitalist crisis, and the ecological crisis. Contents Notes on Contributors Preface Gerard Delanty1. Introduction: The Pandemic in Historical and Global Context Part 1 Politics, Experts and the State Claus Offe2. Corona Pandemic Policy: Exploratory Notes on its ‘Epistemic Regime’ Stephen Turner3. The Naked State: What the Breakdown of Normality Reveals Jan Zielonka4. Who Should be in Charge of Pandemics? Scientists or Politicians? Jonathan White5. Emergency Europe after Covid-19 Daniel Innerarity6. Political Decision-Making in a Pandemic Part 2 Globalization, History and the Future Helga Nowotny7. In AI We Trust: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Pushes us Deeper into Digitalization Eva Horn8. Tipping Points: The Anthropocene and COVID-19 Bryan S. Turner9. The Political Theology of Covid-19: a Comparative History of Human Responses to Catastrophes Daniel Chernilo10. Another Globalisation: Covid-19 and the Cosmopolitan Imagination Frédéric Vandenberghe & Jean-Francois Véran11. The Pandemic as a Global Total Social Fact Part 3 The Social and Alternatives Sylvia Walby12. Social Theory and COVID: Including Social Democracy Donatella della Porta13. Progressive Social Movements, Democracy and the Pandemic Sonja Avlijaš14. Security for Whom? Inequality and Human Dignity in Times of the Pandemic Albena Azmanova15. Battlegrounds of Justice: The Pandemic and What Really Grieves the 99% Index
Nova Science Publishers Inc Islamic State: Financial Aspects & U.S. Policy
Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd The Eskimo in the Net
Signal Books Ltd Reykjavik
Founded by Viking adventurers around AD 870, Reykjavik, the most northerly capital city in the world, is paradoxically a young city. Though it is home to the Althing, one of the oldest existing democratic institutions in the world, it was not until the eighteenth century that it developed from an isolated fishing village into a small town. It survived natural disasters and famine, a harsh climate and foreign meddling. Impoverished and marginalized under Danish rule, it was only with the Second World War, occupation by Allied forces and independence that Reykjavik grew into an important commercial and cultural centre. More recently Reykjavik has witnessed a dramatic cycle of boom and bust as its short- lived financial industry collapsed, creating unprecedented social friction in this most consensual of cities. As the city and country recover from the crash of 2008, Iceland has reassessed its role in the world economy and embraced new forms of tourism. Reykjavik's rapid growth and modernization stand in contrast to the resilience and permanence of its traditions. In art, literature and many forms of popular culture the city's people look back to a not-so-distant past of farming and fishing villages. Despite the advent of modernity, the city retains the feel of a small town, where family and community remain important. The modern and the traditional intersect in a city which is famous for its nightlife yet which is still strongly attuned to medieval sagas. Long-time resident and journalist Gerard Lemarquis plots the history of Reykjavik, its episodes of foreign domination and its trajectory towards independence. He explores Iceland's distant past and myths and legends as well as its often troubled relationship with Britain. Looking at the capital's major landmarks, he traces the changing phases of Icelandic architecture and its distinctive districts. He surveys the country's literary and artistic heritage, the idiosyncrasies of its social conventions and the importance of religion in everyday life. Not forgotten are the 'dark side' of Reykjavik and the spectacular surrounding natural scenery, which is easily accessible. Written by an outsider with deep roots in Reykjavik, this is both a clear- sighted and affectionate portrait of a unique city.
University of California Press The Art of War in World History: From Antiquity to the Nuclear Age
This engrossing anthology gathers together a remarkable collection of writings on the use of strategy in war. Gerard Chaliand has ranged over the whole of human history in assembling this collection - the result is an integration of the annals of military thought that provides a learned framework for understanding global political history. Included are writings from ancient and modern Europe, China, Byzantium, the Arab world, Persia, and the Ottoman Empire. Alongside well-known militarists such as Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Walter Raleigh, Rommel, and many others are 'irregulars' such as Cortes, Lawrence of Arabia, and even Gandhi. Contrary to standard interpretations stressing competition between land and sea powers, or among rival Christian societies, Chaliand shows the great importance of the struggles between nomadic and sedentary people, and of the conflicts between Christianity and Islam. With the invention of firepower, a relatively recent occurrence in the history of warfare, modes of organization and strategic concepts - elements reflecting the nature of a society - have been key to how war is waged. Unparalleled in its breadth, this anthology will become the standard work for understanding a fundamental part of human history - the conduct of war. 'This anthology is not only an unparalleled corpus of information and an aid to failing memory; it is also and above all a reliable and liberating guide for research...Ranging 'from the origins to the nuclear age', it compels us to widen our narrow perspectives on conflicts and strategic action and open ourselves up to the universal' - from the Foreword.
O'Brien Press Ltd Rugby Heroes: Ghostly Ground, Deadly Danger
Hebrew Union College Press,U.S. Lobbying for Equality: Jacques Godard and the Struggle for Jewish Equality during the French Revolution
The French Revolution brought the promise of equality to many oppressed groups living in France. French Jews, long persecuted and considered to be a separate nation, sought to benefit from the new freedoms promised by the Revolution. The inspiring story of Jacques Godard, set during the dramatic years of the Revolution, shows how one determined individual can be a catalyst for lasting and meaningful change. Jewish leaders engaged the services of Jacques Godard, a 27-year-old Catholic lawyer, who had previously defended a slave seeking his freedom, a Protestant defending his property rights, and other disadvantaged individuals. As the official lawyer and lobbyist for the Ashkenazi French Jewish community, Godard ultimately persuaded the Paris Municipal Assembly to become an important advocate in favour of equal rights for Jews, and, within two tumultuous years, the campaign for Jewish equality achieved its goal: Jews became equal citizens of France. Gerard Leval has performed an important service by describing the life of a young man who lived more than two hundred years ago and fought for causes for which we still struggle today.
Vaso Roto Ediciones El Mar y La Alondra
Random House USA Inc Hopkins: Poems
John Wiley & Sons Inc Unrelenting Innovation: How to Create a Culture for Market Dominance
The hands-on guide for fostering relentless innovation within your company Gerard Tellis, a noted expert on innovation, advertising, and global markets, makes the compelling case that the culture of a firm is the crucial driver of an organization's innovativeness. In this groundbreaking book he describes the three traits and three practices necessary to create a culture of relentless innovation. Organizations must be willing to cannibalize successful products, embrace risk, and focus on the future. Organizations build these traits by providing incentives for enterprise, empowering product champions, and encouraging internal markets. Spelling out the critical role of culture, the author provides illustrative examples of organizations with winning cultures and explores the theory and evidence for each of the six components of culture. The book concludes with a discussion of why culture is superior to alternate theories for fostering innovation. Offers a groundbreaking take on innovation that is driven by a company's culture Shows what it takes to create a culture of innovation within any organization Based on a study of 770 companies across 15 countries, the origin of 90 radical innovations spanning over 100 years, and the evolution of 66 markets spanning over a 100 years Provides numerous mini cases to illustrate the workings of culture Written by Gerard Tellis director of the Center for Global Innovation This must-have resource clearly shows the role of culture in driving relentless innovation and how to foster it within any organization.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd UFOs Above PA
Alien abductions, wild, silent spacecrafts, and magical extraterrestrial technology all come together through eyewitness accounts in UFOs Above Pennsylvania! Read new, never-before-told sagas of sightings that are similar to others around the world. Told in a short-story format to enflame the imagination and satisfy the intellect, feel the wonder, terror, and revelation of folks seeing objects and beings from other planets. Return to the ‘60s when a UFO was seen above a prominent eastern PA university. Witness a young boy being chased by an alien craft through the streets of his western PA suburb. Feel a woman’s terror as alien lights blast through her vacation cabin in central PA. Discover the real, nightly alien invasion that nobody has talked about, and no one can stop!
Everyman Hopkins Poems And Prose
The greatest English religious poet of the nineteenth century, Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-89) was a Jesuit priest and literary scholar whose life ended prematurely after his exhausting pastoral work among the slums of Liverpool and Dublin. His poems are dazzling celebrations of God's endless creative power couched in a uniquely expressive poetic diction, and all his mature poetry is her reprinted, together with illuminating fragments from journals, letters, sermons and lectures in which he expounds his literary and religious outlook.
SPCK Publishing The Seven Stories that Shape Your Life
The most basic questions everyone faces in life is Why am I here? What is my purpose? Gerard Kelly presents the stories that make up the overall story of God in the world. And here we find our purpose for each of our individual Christian lives. Our purpose is as distinctive as our fingerprint and we will connect with it when we connect with our identity and origin in God. God remembers how he made us and is committed to the fruitfulness and fulfilment of our potential. We discover the importance of finding our place of service and usefulness, knowing that our lives have meaning in the purposes of God.
Unrated Comics El partido fantasma La tregua de Navidad
Editorial Renacimiento Poemas Poesa Universal Spanish Edition
Gerard Manley Hopkins (Essex, 1844-1889) entronca, junto con Eliot, la lírica inglesa contemporánea con la tradición de los poetas metafísicos. Su permanente mérito literario tiene tres aspectos. Es un poderoso y profundo poeta religioso, uno de los más vivaces poetas de la naturaleza y posee un lenguaje raramente novedoso y original. La crítica inglesa ha dedicado numerosos trabajos a su obra y es el poeta inglés más estudiado junto a Shakespeare. Hopkins, como pocos, ha conducido el mundo en una fina danza hacia su propio excéntrico sonido de flauta. José Julio Cabanillas (Granada, 1958) es autor de los libros de versos Las canciones del alba, Palabras de demora y En lugar del mundo, y de la novela Benzelá.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Garden Wildlife: Exposing Your Garden's Secrets
Garden Wildlife is a book that looks at the habitats in our gardens from the point of view of wild animal and plants. If we understand our gardens in this way, then we can appreciate that different parts of our gardens essentially mimic wild habitats in microcosm. This means that we can provide places for wild animals and plants to flourish in our gardens, whether they happen to be in rural, suburban or urban settings. Above all, we need to get away from the current obsession with tidiness and sterility in our gardens, and allow odd corners to go wild, so that our native species can live alongside us in the modern world. Without wildlife to discover and observe in our gardens, our lives are impoverished, so we have a duty to ourselves and our children to invite nature back into our outside spaces.
Penguin Random House LLC Surface to Air: A Malko Linge Novel
Librero b.v. Wein in 30 Sekunden
New York University Press American Founding Son: John Bingham and the Invention of the Fourteenth Amendment
A history of the origins of the 14th Amendment and the the man who helped craft it John Bingham was the architect of the rebirth of the United States following the Civil War. A leading antislavery lawyer and congressman from Ohio, Bingham wrote the most important part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees fundamental rights and equality to all Americans. He was also at the center of two of the greatest trials in history, giving the closing argument in the military prosecution of John Wilkes Booth’s co-conspirators for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and in the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson. And more than any other man, Bingham played the key role in shaping the Union’s policy towards the occupied ex-Confederate States, with consequences that still haunt our politics. American Founding Son provides the most complete portrait yet of this remarkable statesman. Drawing on his personal letters and speeches, the book traces Bingham’s life from his humble roots in Pennsylvania through his career as a leader of the Republican Party. Gerard N. Magliocca argues that Bingham and his congressional colleagues transformed the Constitution that the Founding Fathers created, and did so with the same ingenuity that their forbears used to create a more perfect union in the 1780s. In this book, Magliocca restores Bingham to his rightful place as one of our great leaders.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bruno Latour
Bruno Latour is among the most important figures in contemporary philosophy and social science. His ethnographic studies have revolutionized our understanding of areas as diverse as science, law, politics and religion. To facilitate a more realistic understanding of the world, Latour has introduced a radically fresh philosophical terminology and a new approach to social science, ‘Actor-Network Theory’. In seminal works such as Laboratory Life, We Have Never Been Modern and An Inquiry into Modes of Existence, Latour has outlined an alternative to the foundational categories of ‘modern’ western thought Ð particularly its distinction between society and nature Ð that has major consequences for our understanding of the ecological crisis and of the role of science in democratic societies. Latour’s ‘empirical philosophy’ has evolved considerably over the past four decades. In this lucid and compelling book, Gerard de Vries provides one of the first overviews of Latour’s work. He guides readers through Latour’s main publications, from his early ethnographies to his more recent philosophical works, showing with considerable skill how Latour’s ideas have developed. This book will be of great value to students and scholars attempting to come to terms with the immense challenge posed by Latour’s thought. It will be of interest to those studying philosophy, anthropology, sociology, science and technology studies, and almost all other branches of the social sciences and humanities.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fair Value Accounting Fraud: New Global Risks and Detection Techniques
Essential guidance on the new fair value rules for accounting managers, auditors, and fraud investigators Fair Value accounting is emerging as the next prime opportunity for financial statement fraud. Explaining the many complex applications of fair value accounting in the preparation of financial statements, Fair Value Accounting Fraud offers timely guidance on an up-and-coming issue as U.S. and international accounting rules pertaining to the use of fair value accounting continue to change. You'll find discussion of U.S. GAAP and IFRS rules on fair value accounting issues, highlighting the areas most vulnerable to fraud Explanations of 75 categories of fair value accounting fraud schemes Fraud risk checklist that you can put to immediate use Practical detection techniques useful for auditors, investigators and others who rely on financial statements Expert advice from Gerard Zack, CFE, CPA, author of Fraud and Abuse in Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Prevention and Detection Comparing US accounting standards to International Financial Reporting Standards-thereby making this book useful worldwide- Fair Value Accounting Fraud helps you understand the new rules and develop new auditing and investigative techniques to enable you to detect potential fraud.
Michel albin SA A History of Motoring Through 100 Legendary Cars
From the mythical De Dion Bouton Type K1 to the Delahaye, from the Jeep Willys to the combi Volkswagen, from the Mercedes Benz to the Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500, from the Aston Martin DB7 to the Bugatti Veyron 16.4, and from the Austin Mini to the Range Rover. A hundred years of innovation, inventiveness and triumphs are condensed in this book, which reads as easily as a novel, and is illustrated with a rich and rare iconography.
Georgetown University Press National Health Insurance in the United States and Canada: Race, Territory, and the Roots of Difference
After World War II, the United States and Canada, two countries that were very similar in many ways, struck out on radically divergent paths to public health insurance. Canada developed a universal single-payer system of national health care, while the United States opted for a dual system that combines public health insurance for low-income and senior residents with private, primarily employer-provided health insurance - or no insurance - for everyone else.In "National Health Insurance in the United States and Canada", Gerard W. Boychuk probes the historical development of health care in each country, honing in on the most distinctive social and political aspects of each country - the politics of race in the U.S. and territorial politics in Canada especially the tensions between the national government and the province of Quebec. In addition to the politics of race and territory, Boychuk sifts through the numerous factors shaping health policy, including national values, political culture and institutions, the power of special interests, and the impact of strategic choices made at critical junctures. Drawing on historical archives, oral histories, and public opinion data, he presents a nuanced and thoughtful analysis of the evolution of the two systems, compares them as they exist today, and reflects on how each is poised to meet the challenges of the future.
Thames & Hudson Ltd A Train Journey: A pop-up history of rail travel
A Train Journey takes readers on an international journey through the history of trains and brings the locomotives to life in pop-up detail. Created by the world’s leading paper engineer and art director, Gérard Lo Monaco, the adventure begins in 1829 with Robert Stephenson’s ‘Rocket’ locomotive, the most advanced of its day, which operated on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Our journey hits new heights to investigate Manhattan’s elevated railroad, whose cars were the first to be manufactured out of stainless steel. Readers will see the trains buzzing and alive among 1900 New York’s distinctive high-rises. Skipping forward to the 1920s, readers will marvel at what was the most powerful locomotive on the London and North Eastern Railway: the ‘Flying Scotsman’, providing a non-stop daily service from London to Edinburgh. Readers then encounter the glamour of the 1930s and 40s on the infamous Orient Express as it travels between Paris and Istanbul. Finally, the reader is taken on a sprint to the present to see Japan’s Shinkansen ‘Bullet’ and China’s CHR 400 high-speed intercity trains, travelling at an impressive 320 km/hr! Designed in a beautifully layered pop-up format, with information about each train integrated into the artwork, A Train Journey marvels at, and is a marvel of, engineering over the centuries.
Olympia Publishers Life in America
Peeters Publishers Hegel ou la quête de l'efficience de la pensée: Deuxième partie: le système de maturité (1807-1831)
Ce livre constitue la suite d’un précédent ouvrage qui, sous le même titre général, envisageait la formation de la pensée de Hegel. Ici, il s’agit d’examiner comment le souci pratique d’efficience de la pensée, qui irrigue la demarche de Hegel depuis son commencement, continue de travailler le système de maturité. A cet effet, les grands textes qui structurent celui-ci sont tour à tour interrogés et discutés. Il en ressort que, contrairement à la reputation qui lui a été couramment faite, le système hégélien est un système foncièrement ouvert, dans lequel la pensée, animée par ce que Hegel nomme son effectivité, est en continuel débordement de soi et ne cesse de rompre avec son abstraction, pour advenir et se manifester en toute fluidité réflexive dans le monde qu’elle façonne.
Peeters Publishers Hegel ou la quête de l'efficience de la pensée: Première partie: les années de formation (1770-1807)
Cet ouvrage étudie la formation de la pensée de Hegel à la lumière d’un problème spécifique qui s’impose d’emblée comme un souci central de sa réflexion: celui, pratique, de l’efficience de la pensée, c’est-à-dire de sa capacité d’agir sur le réel et de le transformer. Il montre comment la mise en oeuve de ce souci a tout d’abord donné lieu à une méditation intense sur la religion envisagée comme religion d’un peuple, avant d’en venir à la philosophie proprement dite; comment ensuite celle-ci, en tant que système scientifique, a connu à son tour une profonde évolution la conduisant d’une métaphysique substantialiste inspirée de Spinoza au système dialectique dans lequel la plus haute spéculation est conçue et exercée comme ce qu’il y a de plus effectif. Un second volume envisagera à partir du même point de vue l’oeuvre de maturité de Hegel.
Peeters Publishers Entre Hindouisme Et Bouddhisme: La Religion Newar, Nepal
La religion newar, du nom de la population autochtone de la vallee de Katmandou, est un des plus beaux exemples de syncretisme en Asie du Sud. Hindouisme et bouddhisme coexistent dans ce petit territoire depuis pres de deux millenaires et ont profondement agi l'un sur l'autre. Bien qu'il ne soit plus suivi aujourd'hui que par une minorite de la population, le bouddhisme (du Grand Vehicule) constitue toujours un element important de la vie socio-religieuse. L'ouvrage analyse cette religion essentiellement d'un point de vue anthropologique. La pretrise, les rites publics et prives, le pantheon et les croyances populaires sont traites en detail.
Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones Cómo se elabora el conocimiento la epistemología desde un enfoque socioconstructivista
Extracto del Índice:Introducción: Qué es la epistemología? Definir "disciplinas", "paradigmas", "interdisciplinariedad". Hitos para una epistemología socioconstructiva.1/ Las formas de exponer los métodos científicos y el lugar del sujeto: Dos maneras diferentes de contar las investigaciones científicas.2/ Las prácticas y las tradiciones científicas.3/ Las disciplinas científicas: un valioso patrimonio cultural.4/ La multiplicidad de prácticas científicas.5/ Algunos enfoques científicos de los que se habla en la escuela.6/ Más allá de la epistemología de las disciplinas científicas.7/ La epistemología, lugar de controversia.
Impedimenta Chiquilladas
Desde el inocente rosa de la cubierta, "Chiquilladas" nos invita a poner al límite nuestra capacidad de observación para ir más allá de las apariencias. Y es que, a pesar de su angelical título, este libro no es en absoluto lo que parece. Elegante ?e hilarante? parodia de los libros pedagógicos de principios del siglo pasado, este travieso álbum de estética vintage, que ilustra la crueldad atemporal de la que hacen gala los infantes cuando se les hurta la autoridad paterna, y nos descubre la falta de escrúpulos que caracteriza a los niños de todas las épocas. Una historia irónica sobre la crueldad de la niñez. Todo un homenaje a la literatura clásica teñida de humor negro que fue merecedor de una mención especial en la categoría de ficción de la Feria del Libro Infantil de Bolonia en 2016.Un ?antimanual de buenas maneras?, delicioso y transgresor, premiado en la Feria de Bolonia. El regalo perfecto para niños traviesos de 9 a 99 años.
Classiques Garnier Revue d'Etudes Proustiennes: Proust Et Kant. Hommage a Anne Henry
Steerforth Press The Evenings A Winters Tale The postwar masterpiece
THE FIRST ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF A POSTWAR MASTERPIECE'I work in an office. I take cards out of a file. Once I have taken them out, I put them back in again. That is it.'Twenty-three-year-old Frits - office worker, daydreamer, teller of inappropriate jokes - finds life absurd and inexplicable. He lives with his parents, who drive him mad. He has terrible, disturbing dreams of death and destruction. Sometimes he talks to a toy rabbit.This is the story of ten evenings in Frits's life at the end of December, as he drinks, smokes, sees friends, aimlessly wanders the gloomy city street and tries to make sense of the minutes, hours and days that stretch before him.Darkly funny and mesmerising, The Evenings takes the tiny, quotidian triumphs and heartbreaks of our everyday lives and turns them into a work of brilliant wit and profound beauty.
Hal Leonard Corporation Behind the Baton: An American Icon Talks Music
To speak of Gerard Schwarz ä musician conductor festival organizer gig hopper educator television personality patron and proselytizer of the arts ä is to tell an exemplary American story.ÞYou could convey it exclusively in clich©s from his industrious ©migr© parents to his precocious childhood from his ardor and diligence as a prodigy trumpeter to his meteoric rise as a conductor from his unforeseen cross-country migration to the gradual construction of a world-class orchestra in a city formerly regarded as a cultural backwater from the halls of New York City's High School of Performing Arts to the digital instructor's chair of the All-Star Orchestra's Khan Academy course series.ÞYou could simply recite the numbers: over 300 new works premiered over 350 recordings in his discography 14 GRAMMY nominations five Emmy awards six ASCAP Awards and hundreds of other honors and laurels.ÞYou could dazzle and festoon and bewitch with talk of truth and beauty and the pursuit of ever-higher forms of artistic expression.ÞOr you could tell it Jerry's way.ÞÊBehind the BatonÊ is a quintessentially Schwarzian memoir: intrepid forthright risible subtly self-assured and entirely unpretentious. It offers an intimate inside look at a man whose immense talent is rivaled only by his humility and work ethic ä a man who for nearly fifty years has strived to leave every orchestra and musician he touched better than when he found them. Whether you're a classical music aficionado an orchestra initiate just cutting your teeth or an everyday reader interested in the remarkable story behind an extraordinary man ÊBehind the BatonÊ belongs on your nightstand.
The Skilled Helper
THE SKILLED HELPER has taught thousands of students a proven, step-by-step counseling process that equips them to become more confident and competent helpers. Internationally recognized for its successful problem-management and opportunity development approach to effective helping, the text emphasizes the collaborative nature of the therapist-client relationship and uses a practical, three-stage framework that drives client problem-managing and opportunity-developing action. As they read, students also gain a feeling for the complexity inherent in any helping relationship. In the eleventh edition, Gerard Egan and new co-author Robert J. Reese emphasize the power of basics, which are the key ingredients of successful therapy. The authors name, simplify, clarify and organize these basics, showing students what they need to understand and DO to be effective helpers.
Wilfrid Laurier University Press Florence Nightingale on Social Change in India: Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 10
Social Change in India shows the shift of focus that occurred during Florence Nightingale's more than forty years of work on public health in India. While the focus in the preceding volume, Health in India, was top-down reform, notably in the Royal Commission on the Sanitary State of the Army in India, this book documents concrete proposals for self-government, especially at the municipal level, and the encouragement of leading Indian nationals themselves. Famine and related epidemics continue to be issues, demonstrating the need for public works like irrigation and for greater self-help measures like ""health missioners"" and self-government. The book includes sections on village and town sanitation, the condition and status of women, land tenure, rent reform, and education and political evolution toward self-rule. Nightingale's publications on these subjects appeared increasingly in Indian journals. Correspondence shows Nightingale continuing to work behind the scenes, pressing viceroys, governors, and Cabinet ministers to take up the cause of sanitary reform. Her collaboration with Lord Ripon, viceroy 1880-84, was crucial, for he was a great promoter of Indian self-government. Social Change in India features much new material, including a substantial number of long-missing letters to Lady Dufferin, wife of the viceroy 1884-88, on the provision of medical care for women in India, health education, and the promotion of women doctors. Biographical sketches of major collaborators, a glossary of Indian terms, and a list of Indian place names are also provided. Currently, Volumes 1 to 11 are available in e-book version by subscription or from university and college libraries through the following vendors: Canadian Electronic Library, Ebrary, MyiLibrary, and Netlibrary.
Rowman & Littlefield Theodore Roosevelt and the Assassin: Madness, Vengeance, and the Campaign of 1912
A New York Times Bestseller, rich with local color, period detail, and a fully realized historical and political backdrop, that tells the forgotten story of the lone, fanatical assailant who stalked Theodore Roosevelt on the 1912 presidential campaign trail until the evening of October 14 in Milwaukee, when he shot the Bull Moose in the chest from ten feet away
Arcadia Publishing Lake Pleasant
Irish Academic Press Ltd Anglo-Irish Politics in the Age of Grattan and Pitt
A A Balkema Publishers The Pressuremeter and Its New Avenues: Proceedings/ Comptes rendus: 4th international symposium, Sherbrooke, Québec, 17-19 May 1995
Pressuremeter testing activities are of great interest for scientists and engineers concerned with the mechanical behaviour of civil engineering materials. The proceedings include the first Menard Lecture presented by Professor Branko Ladanyi and 57 technical papers from 16 countries. They are related to the application of pressuremeter testing to granular and alluvial soils, clay, rock, concrete and permafrost, and geotechnical design. It also includes a session on technological developments in the design, fabrication and installation of pressuremeters.