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Faber & Faber Julius Winsome
Julius Winsome lives in a cabin in the hunting heartland of the Maine woods, with only his books and his dog for company. That is until the morning he finds that his dog has been shot dead - and not by accident. Gerard Donovan weaves an extraordinary tale of revenge that is also a tender and heartbreaking paean to lost love. Narrated by the unforgettable voice of Julius himself - at once compassionate, vulnerable and threatening - it reads like a timeless, lost classic.
Yale University Press Theory of Value: An Axiomatic Analysis of Economic Equilibrium
"[This] beautiful and austere book . . . [is] an important landmark of economic theory."—F.H. Hahn, Journal of Political Economy "An immortal classic of twentieth century economics. Every economist should own a copy."—Robert Lucas, University of ChicagoTheory of Value offers a rigorous, axiomatic, and formal analysis of producer behavior, consumer behavior, general equilibrium, and the optimality of the market mechanism for resource allocation.
Gill On Raglan Road
Life is an ocean and love is a boat, In troubled waters that keeps us afloat ...This lively collection uncovers for the first time how the best Irish love songs came to be. This is for anyone who ever wondered who the 'Galway Girl' was, or if there was a real-life 'Nancy Spain'. Learn the often surprising, sometimes bittersweet, but always absorbing stories of the real women who inspired some of the world's finest love songs.
O'Brien Press Ltd Rugby Flyer: Haunting history, thrilling tries
Merrion Press Liam Lynch: To Declare a Republic
Austin Macauley Publishers Within you Without you
Austin Macauley Publishers Haizean
Ediciones Cátedra Crisis de valores en el cine posmoderno más allá de los límites
Hablar de valores es interesarse por la relación del sujeto con el mundo: el mundo objetivo (los objetos materiales), el mundo social (el otro, la realidad humana) y el mundo subjetivo e inmaterial (la conciencia: el cómo percibo el universo de valores en el que vivo). Indica nuevos " modos de sentir " , con su reverso, lo que he llamado el " sin sentir " .El cine actual exacerba estas mutaciones porque da cabida a todos los imaginarios, abre la puerta a los deseos, hasta a veces los más inconfesables, es a menudo un instrumento de cuestionamiento y refleja una profunda crisis de valores: el " presentismo " (el volcarse en el inmediato presente), el miedo al futuro que se traduce en visiones postapocalípticas, el redescubrimiento del cuerpo y su exploración extrema, los cambios en lo que respecta a la pareja, el " neo-existencialismo " que se manifiesta mediante estados de supervivencia, resistencia pasiva, crisis de los treinta, la revisión de valores y mitos colectivos que sirvie
John Wiley & Sons Inc A Brief Atlas of The Skeleton and Surface Anatomy to accompany Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 14e
This 14th edition of the phenomenally successful A Brief Atlas of The Skeleton and Surface Anatomy continues to set the standard for the discipline. Written and superbly illustrated for two-term, introductory Anatomy and Physiology students, this text offers a rich and complete teaching and learning environment. WileyPLUS sold separately from text.
Penguin Random House LLC Revenge of the Kremlin
Penguin Random House LLC Chaos in Kabul: A Malko Linge Novel
Die Gestalten Verlag The Carousel of Animals
Rodale Press Inc. The Gut Balance Revolution: Boost Your Metabolism, Restore Your Inner Ecology, and Lose the Weight for Good!
Gut flora imbalance is why so many people can't lose weight. Research shows that gut microflora play a pivotal role in weight maintenance through its influence on metabolism, appetite regulation, and insulin resistance. In this paperback conversion of The Gut Balance Revolution, which netted more than 15,000 copies in hardcover, Dr. Gerard Mullin - the foremost authority in gastroenterology and nutritional medicine - explains how to rebalance the microbiome using a simple three-step method: Reboot. Weed out fat-forming bad bacteria by eliminating foods that make them grow. Rebalance. Reseed your gut with goods bugs and fertilise these friendly flora to establish a healthy gut ecology. Renew. Carry this lifestyle adjustment forward and maintain your weight. The book will feature step-by-step meal plans, shopping lists, restaurant guides, recipes, recommendations on dietary supplements, and exercises for each phase so readers can easily reboot, rebalance, and renew their health.
St Augustine's Press Essays on Law, Religion, and Morality
The most controversial foundational issue today in both legal philosophy and constitutional law is the relationship between objective moral norms and the positive law. Is it possible for the state to be morally “neutral” about such matters as marriage, the family, religion, religious liberty, and – as the Supreme Court once famously phrased it – “the meaning of life”? If such neutrality is possible, is it desirable? In this volume of essays one of our country’s leading constitutional lawyers answers “no” to both questions. In the first three chapters, Gerard Bradley investigates the central moral justification of punishment, the morality of plea bargaining, and how the criminal justice system should treat the family. These essays reflect both Bradley’s decades as a teacher of criminal law as well as his earlier experience as a trial prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. The second triptych of papers has to do with the raging controversy over same-sex “marriage,” and the broader movement toward a socially sanctioned orthodoxy about sexual orientation of which the “marriage” movement is one part. These papers reflect the author’s years of philosophical work on the marriage question, as well as his more practical experience as a popular debater and expert witness. Finally, Bradley takes up the questions of religious liberty and how our democratic polity should treat religion. These chapters cover the original meaning of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, the role of Catholicism in the post-World War II controversies over movie censorship as they played out in the Supreme Court, and emerging challenges to religious liberty in the 21st century.
New York University Press American Founding Son: John Bingham and the Invention of the Fourteenth Amendment
A history of the origins of the 14th Amendment and the the man who helped craft it John Bingham was the architect of the rebirth of the United States following the Civil War. A leading antislavery lawyer and congressman from Ohio, Bingham wrote the most important part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees fundamental rights and equality to all Americans. He was also at the center of two of the greatest trials in history, giving the closing argument in the military prosecution of John Wilkes Booth’s co-conspirators for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and in the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson. And more than any other man, Bingham played the key role in shaping the Union’s policy towards the occupied ex-Confederate States, with consequences that still haunt our politics. American Founding Son provides the most complete portrait yet of this remarkable statesman. Drawing on his personal letters and speeches, the book traces Bingham’s life from his humble roots in Pennsylvania through his career as a leader of the Republican Party. Gerard N. Magliocca argues that Bingham and his congressional colleagues transformed the Constitution that the Founding Fathers created, and did so with the same ingenuity that their forbears used to create a more perfect union in the 1780s. In this book, Magliocca restores Bingham to his rightful place as one of our great leaders.
Edinburgh University Press Dialectics of Improvement: Scottish Romanticism, 1786-1831
This book develops new insight into the idea of progress as improvement as the basis for an approach to literary Romanticism in the Scottish context. With chapter case studies covering poetry, short fiction, drama and the novel, it examines a range of key writers: Robert Burns, James Hogg, Walter Scott, Joanna Baillie and John Galt. Improvement, as the book explores, provided a dominant theme for literary texts in this period, just as it saturated the wider culture. It was also of real consequence to questions about what literature is and what it can do: a medium of secular belonging, a vehicle of indefinite exchange, an educational tool or a theoretical guide to history.
Thames and Hudson Ltd PopUp Surrealism
Gérard Lo Monaco is an Argentinian illustrator and paper engineer based in Paris. He has been art director at some of the most prestigious illustrated publishing houses, including Albin Michel and Helium. His pop-up version of The Little Prince has sold over 900,000 copies. He is also the creator of Sea Voyage and A Train Journey, both published by Thames & Hudson.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd God of Surprises - NEW 2022 EDITION
** Over 250,000 copies sold ** Jesus said, ‘The kingdom of God is like a treasure hidden in a field’. God of Surprises shows how we can find that treasure in the most unlikely of places – ourselves. Written for ‘bewildered, confused and disillusioned Christians’ as a guide for the inner spiritual journey in which we are all engaged, God of Surprises has much to say to those who have a love/hate relationship with the Church to which they belong or once belonged. This is an unforgettable book that has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of readers. God of Surprises is also available as a course study package for groups, ideal for Lent use. Each pack includes an audio cassette and ten copies of the accompanying booklet. The booklet includes extracts from the original book plus new material written by Hughes for the course, and ends with suggestions for different ways of praying. The 2022 edition of this evergreen classic comes with a new foreword written by Margaret Silf and is presented in paperback with a contemporary cover design and French flaps.
teNeues Publishing UK Ltd The Stars’ Share / La part des étoiles
Sir Paul Smith, with a wry grin in front of a bookshelf. Javier Bardem, utterly relaxed, in sneakers in a sunny field. Rasmus Kofoed, chef at Geranium in Copenhagen, one of the best restaurants in the world, atop an ivy-covered wall. What all these portraits have in common — along with a sense of closeness and privacy — is a glass. For this is how Gérard-Philippe Mabillard photographs his friends and acquaintances, all celebrities from the world of film, art, fashion, design, and culture. Mabillard himself worked as a creative professional before taking the position of director of the Vin du Valais non-profit association. For him, the glass, filled with wine or water, is the link between the people he portrays: a symbol of friendship and community. Through his photography project, Mabillard is supporting the NGO Fondation Moi pour Toit in Colombia. Text in English and French.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Mid-Atlantic UFOs: High Traffic Area
During a one-year period, as reported from only two of the many info-gathering organizations, there were 1,729 UFO sightings for the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region. This averaged 144 per month or roughly 5 per day-and these are just those reported. Here, find over 80 true encounters: alien abductions, a mass fleet sighting, advanced extraterrestrial technology, and more, coming from passionate eyewitness accounts. Read full-length, never-before-published stories of UFO encounters in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia, with ties to others around the world! Discover ET phenomena that range from playful flying globes to heartless abductions. Watch a glowing red sphere rise out of Delaware Bay that is as big as a house! Observe a hypnotized session as a man first learns that he has been visited/abducted by "greys" since he was five, and witness a never-before-reported blue-green alien mist terrorizing young men at their campsite!
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Cigar Box Labels: Portraits of Life, Mirrors of History
Cigar Box Labels: Portraits of Life, Mirrors of History pays tribute to cigars and the pictorial glory of Victorian-era cigar box labels, a unique form of commercial advertising that flourished in the business place a century ago and helped drive cigars to widespread prominence in American society. Those who fancy these stunningly beautiful paper images as a hobby are in the midst of the hottest area of antique tobacco advertising collecting today. Showcased here are some of the finest and most desirable examples produced by the old stone chromolithographic method between 1860 and 1910. This book also explores some of the rich historical past that surrounds cigars-their manufacture, marketing, and, most of all, their mystique. Also featured is a potpourri of contemporary anecdotes, poems, and other bits of literary whimsy designed to amuse, educate, and titillate the imagination.
St Augustine's Press Unquiet Americans – U.S. Catholics, Moral Truth, and the Preservation of Civil Liberties
Before the Second Vatican Council, America’s Catholics operated largely as a coherent voting bloc, usually in connection with the Democratic Party. Their episcopal leaders generally spoke for Catholics in political matters; at least, where America’s bishops asserted themselves in public affairs there was little audible dissent from the faithful. More than occasionally, the immigrant Church’s eagerness to demonstrate its patriotic bona fides furthered its tendency to speak with one voice about national matters, and in line with the broader societal consensus. And, notwithstanding the considerable conflict which Catholics encountered, and generated, in American political life, there was before the Council broad agreement in American culture about the centrality of Biblical morality to the success of Americans’ experiment with republican government.In other words: before the Council, American Catholics’ relationship to the political common good was mediated, somewhat uncritical, and insulated from conflict (both within and without the Church) over such fundamental matters as protection of innocent life, marriage and family life, and (to a lesser extent) religious liberty.This has all changed since the mid-1960s. For the first time in the Church’s pilgrimage on these shores, controversial questions about the basic moral requirements of the political common good are front and center for America’s Catholics. These questions require Catholics to confront matters which heretofore they either took for granted, read off from the background culture, or which they left to the bishops to handle. But the Council Fathers rightly recognized that Jesus calls upon a formed and informed laity to act as leaven in the public realm, to bring Gospel values to the temporal sphere. In this book of essays touching upon Catholic social doctrine, the truth about human equality and political liberty, and religious faith as it bears upon public life and the public engagement of lay Catholics, Gerard Bradley supplies indispensable aid to those seeking to answer Jesus’ call.
Health Communications Truthenomics: The Science of Allowing Abundance Through Honesty
When millions are struggling to pay bills and student loans, and millions more are displaced from jobs, "truthenomics" offers a dynamic blueprint to change the way we look at, pursue, and accumulate true wealth and authentic happiness.For many years, Gerard Powell was living the "American Dream"—he was a multi-millionaire who had it all. Deep down, he knew something was missing. The more he achieved, the more he fell into depression.Through a personal crisis, struggling with drugs, alcoholism and thoughts of suicide, he began a journey of self-transformation and healing which culminated in the creation of the Rythmia Life Advancement Center which has helped transform the lives of nearly 10,000 people. In his second thought-provoking guide, he reveals the life-changing principles of "truthenomics"--that true wealth-building must combine two elements: your personal truth with personal finance. True wealth-building involves self-discovery, and is more about what's imprinted on your soul than what's printed on your bank statement. Readers will learn: Why a problematic relationship with money can be an expression of traumatic events in early in life–and how to resolve them The money paradox--why many people hold unconscious conflicts about money from childhood How to be sure your understanding of money will bring authentic happiness and not a momentary fix How to raise your daily happiness set point How to fall forward from financial hardships How to harness the 4 Circles of growth to manifest your true heart's desire By fusing ancient wisdom and modern techniques, Powell helps readers create the lives that will truly make them whole. IntroductionOne: No ExpectationsTwo: The Universal SystemThree: Who You Were, Who You AreFour: Through the Looking GlassFive: To Get Where You Want to Go, Know Where You AreSix: What You Want, and WhySeven: The Vehicle Will AppearEight: Faster or Slower?Nine: Waiting Is the Hardest Part
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Wind, Water And Fire: The Other Renewable Energy Resources
This volume focuses on a few renewable energy sources, viz. wind energy plus energy from water movement and natural temperature differences that in principle could provide enormous energy resources. Energy from wind has been a rapidly growing source of energy as wind turbines have grown in size and especially as wind turbines have moved offshore. Hydroelectric dams have continued to be used as energy sources particularly in developing countries. Other energy sources using water, including waves and tidal sources, are also discussed in this volume. Finally, the volume discusses differences between deep and surface ocean temperatures plus the extraction of energy from the earth's extremely large energy resource of magma deep below the surface. These latter two energy resources in particular require further development and the current book describes the latest advances coupled with pointing possible paths forward.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Nile Campaign, 1884-1885: The Letters and Sketches of Rudolph de Lisle
Rudolph de Lisle RN entered Naval College in 1868 aged 13, and was only 31 when he died, ironically for a naval officer, in the Sudanese desert at the Battle of Abu Klea, 17 January 1885. An inveterate letter writer and talented artist, he consistently documented his eventful naval career as he travelled the world. His letters home were embellished with stunning sketches and watercolours. In August 1884, Rudolph was selected to join the Naval Brigade in the Gordon Relief Expedition led by General Sir Garnet Wolseley. His principal role was to help drag troop boats over the six cataracts that blocked their way up the Nile to Khartoum. Rudolph’s letters graphically describe this historic journey. We read of the struggles and ingenuity of the officers and men, the hardships and the daily dangers, and the shambolic, sometimes comic, chaos peculiar to the seemingly impossible task. His sketches, some of which were published in the Illustrated London News, vividly portray the challenges facing the Expedition. Gerard de Lisle, Rudolph's great nephew, has edited and compiled this superb collection, so that it can be appreciated by a wider audience and provide a fascinating insight into this famous yet too long overlooked military campaign. The result will appeal widely and particularly to art collectors and naval historians.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd In Search of a Way: The Pocket Library of Spritual Wisdom
What is the meaning of Christian faith? What is the Church? What does it mean to be a Christian, a Jesuit? After living with these questions for seven years, Gerard W. Hughes was given a year off for study and began with two weeks on a desert island followed by a ten week walk to Rome. The author of God of Surprises writes with great candour about his own inner journey and his walk to Rome: the 'outer' journey which helped to focus and clarify many of his spiritual perceptions. This is the revised edition of a book which will make you reflect deeply and laugh aloud; a unique blend of spiritual perception and hard-headed worldly wisdom.
Unrated Comics El partido fantasma La tregua de Navidad
Editorial Renacimiento Poemas Poesa Universal Spanish Edition
Gerard Manley Hopkins (Essex, 1844-1889) entronca, junto con Eliot, la lírica inglesa contemporánea con la tradición de los poetas metafísicos. Su permanente mérito literario tiene tres aspectos. Es un poderoso y profundo poeta religioso, uno de los más vivaces poetas de la naturaleza y posee un lenguaje raramente novedoso y original. La crítica inglesa ha dedicado numerosos trabajos a su obra y es el poeta inglés más estudiado junto a Shakespeare. Hopkins, como pocos, ha conducido el mundo en una fina danza hacia su propio excéntrico sonido de flauta. José Julio Cabanillas (Granada, 1958) es autor de los libros de versos Las canciones del alba, Palabras de demora y En lugar del mundo, y de la novela Benzelá.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Garden Wildlife: Exposing Your Garden's Secrets
Garden Wildlife is a book that looks at the habitats in our gardens from the point of view of wild animal and plants. If we understand our gardens in this way, then we can appreciate that different parts of our gardens essentially mimic wild habitats in microcosm. This means that we can provide places for wild animals and plants to flourish in our gardens, whether they happen to be in rural, suburban or urban settings. Above all, we need to get away from the current obsession with tidiness and sterility in our gardens, and allow odd corners to go wild, so that our native species can live alongside us in the modern world. Without wildlife to discover and observe in our gardens, our lives are impoverished, so we have a duty to ourselves and our children to invite nature back into our outside spaces.
Penguin Random House LLC Surface to Air: A Malko Linge Novel
Librero b.v. Wein in 30 Sekunden
New York University Press American Founding Son: John Bingham and the Invention of the Fourteenth Amendment
A history of the origins of the 14th Amendment and the the man who helped craft it John Bingham was the architect of the rebirth of the United States following the Civil War. A leading antislavery lawyer and congressman from Ohio, Bingham wrote the most important part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees fundamental rights and equality to all Americans. He was also at the center of two of the greatest trials in history, giving the closing argument in the military prosecution of John Wilkes Booth’s co-conspirators for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and in the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson. And more than any other man, Bingham played the key role in shaping the Union’s policy towards the occupied ex-Confederate States, with consequences that still haunt our politics. American Founding Son provides the most complete portrait yet of this remarkable statesman. Drawing on his personal letters and speeches, the book traces Bingham’s life from his humble roots in Pennsylvania through his career as a leader of the Republican Party. Gerard N. Magliocca argues that Bingham and his congressional colleagues transformed the Constitution that the Founding Fathers created, and did so with the same ingenuity that their forbears used to create a more perfect union in the 1780s. In this book, Magliocca restores Bingham to his rightful place as one of our great leaders.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bruno Latour
Bruno Latour is among the most important figures in contemporary philosophy and social science. His ethnographic studies have revolutionized our understanding of areas as diverse as science, law, politics and religion. To facilitate a more realistic understanding of the world, Latour has introduced a radically fresh philosophical terminology and a new approach to social science, ‘Actor-Network Theory’. In seminal works such as Laboratory Life, We Have Never Been Modern and An Inquiry into Modes of Existence, Latour has outlined an alternative to the foundational categories of ‘modern’ western thought Ð particularly its distinction between society and nature Ð that has major consequences for our understanding of the ecological crisis and of the role of science in democratic societies. Latour’s ‘empirical philosophy’ has evolved considerably over the past four decades. In this lucid and compelling book, Gerard de Vries provides one of the first overviews of Latour’s work. He guides readers through Latour’s main publications, from his early ethnographies to his more recent philosophical works, showing with considerable skill how Latour’s ideas have developed. This book will be of great value to students and scholars attempting to come to terms with the immense challenge posed by Latour’s thought. It will be of interest to those studying philosophy, anthropology, sociology, science and technology studies, and almost all other branches of the social sciences and humanities.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fair Value Accounting Fraud: New Global Risks and Detection Techniques
Essential guidance on the new fair value rules for accounting managers, auditors, and fraud investigators Fair Value accounting is emerging as the next prime opportunity for financial statement fraud. Explaining the many complex applications of fair value accounting in the preparation of financial statements, Fair Value Accounting Fraud offers timely guidance on an up-and-coming issue as U.S. and international accounting rules pertaining to the use of fair value accounting continue to change. You'll find discussion of U.S. GAAP and IFRS rules on fair value accounting issues, highlighting the areas most vulnerable to fraud Explanations of 75 categories of fair value accounting fraud schemes Fraud risk checklist that you can put to immediate use Practical detection techniques useful for auditors, investigators and others who rely on financial statements Expert advice from Gerard Zack, CFE, CPA, author of Fraud and Abuse in Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Prevention and Detection Comparing US accounting standards to International Financial Reporting Standards-thereby making this book useful worldwide- Fair Value Accounting Fraud helps you understand the new rules and develop new auditing and investigative techniques to enable you to detect potential fraud.
Michel albin SA A History of Motoring Through 100 Legendary Cars
From the mythical De Dion Bouton Type K1 to the Delahaye, from the Jeep Willys to the combi Volkswagen, from the Mercedes Benz to the Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500, from the Aston Martin DB7 to the Bugatti Veyron 16.4, and from the Austin Mini to the Range Rover. A hundred years of innovation, inventiveness and triumphs are condensed in this book, which reads as easily as a novel, and is illustrated with a rich and rare iconography.
Georgetown University Press National Health Insurance in the United States and Canada: Race, Territory, and the Roots of Difference
After World War II, the United States and Canada, two countries that were very similar in many ways, struck out on radically divergent paths to public health insurance. Canada developed a universal single-payer system of national health care, while the United States opted for a dual system that combines public health insurance for low-income and senior residents with private, primarily employer-provided health insurance - or no insurance - for everyone else.In "National Health Insurance in the United States and Canada", Gerard W. Boychuk probes the historical development of health care in each country, honing in on the most distinctive social and political aspects of each country - the politics of race in the U.S. and territorial politics in Canada especially the tensions between the national government and the province of Quebec. In addition to the politics of race and territory, Boychuk sifts through the numerous factors shaping health policy, including national values, political culture and institutions, the power of special interests, and the impact of strategic choices made at critical junctures. Drawing on historical archives, oral histories, and public opinion data, he presents a nuanced and thoughtful analysis of the evolution of the two systems, compares them as they exist today, and reflects on how each is poised to meet the challenges of the future.
Thames & Hudson Ltd A Train Journey: A pop-up history of rail travel
A Train Journey takes readers on an international journey through the history of trains and brings the locomotives to life in pop-up detail. Created by the world’s leading paper engineer and art director, Gérard Lo Monaco, the adventure begins in 1829 with Robert Stephenson’s ‘Rocket’ locomotive, the most advanced of its day, which operated on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Our journey hits new heights to investigate Manhattan’s elevated railroad, whose cars were the first to be manufactured out of stainless steel. Readers will see the trains buzzing and alive among 1900 New York’s distinctive high-rises. Skipping forward to the 1920s, readers will marvel at what was the most powerful locomotive on the London and North Eastern Railway: the ‘Flying Scotsman’, providing a non-stop daily service from London to Edinburgh. Readers then encounter the glamour of the 1930s and 40s on the infamous Orient Express as it travels between Paris and Istanbul. Finally, the reader is taken on a sprint to the present to see Japan’s Shinkansen ‘Bullet’ and China’s CHR 400 high-speed intercity trains, travelling at an impressive 320 km/hr! Designed in a beautifully layered pop-up format, with information about each train integrated into the artwork, A Train Journey marvels at, and is a marvel of, engineering over the centuries.
Olympia Publishers Life in America
Cornell University Press Outsourcing the Polity
Outsourcing the Polity offers a new account of social outsourcing in post-independence Myanmar, demonstrating how the bankrupt post-socialist junta mediated market reform in the 1990s and 2000s and forced private and non-state actors to take the burden for social welfare. Informed by research during Myanmar''s decade of partial civilian rule (20112021), Gerard McCarthy examines how ideals and practices of non-state welfare can both sustain democratic resistance and undermine social reform over time. Rather than expand government-led social action funded by direct taxation, grassroots activists and democratic leaders after 2011 variously framed government social action as ineffective, undesirable, and even corrosive of civic norms. They instead encouraged citizens to be self-reliant and support each other, including during disasters. Powerful tycoons filled the social gap, using public philanthropy to remake their reputations and to defend their ongoing ex
Peeters Publishers La Version Ethiopienne de la Vie de Schenoudi: T.
Campgrafic Editors Qu ocurre mientras lees tipografa y legibilidad
Descripción: 24x17 cm.Encuadernacion:Rustica con solapa.El autor recoge en este libro muchas de las preguntas que neurólogos, tipógrafosy editores llevan años planteándose y resolviendo de modo individual. No es esta una respuesta más. Pero que nadie piense en un libro sobre lingüística cognitiva. Nada más lejos de la realidad. El lector, hoy amenazado por mil crisis, entre ellas la del libro o la lectura, encontrará en estas páginas muchas y nuevas razones para continuar leyendo y disfrutando de la lectura...en letra y, por qué no, en imágenes.
Valparaíso Ediciones Grard de Nerval
Onestar Press Gérard Traquandi: Dessins & Peintures 2001-2006
Editions Heimdal Avions De Combat De L'Otan: Depuis 1949
Created in 1949 by ten European countries, joined later by Canada and the United States, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was originally intended to federate the defence means of the signatories, in the context of the beginning of the Cold War, just after the Berlin blockade. Setting up this alliance meant the weapons of the member countries and especially their air forces were very rapidly modernised, especially under the aegis of the United States, the only country at the time to have a nuclear weapon, the indispensable prerequisite for all dissuasion. In the following decades several nations joined NATO, whereas France decided to go it alone and, on the contrary, leave NATO and ensure its own defence. The disappearance of the USSR then the Warsaw Pact in the 1990s meant the role of the Alliance had to be reviewed, because it had lost its main adversary and raison d’être. Meanwhile it started to take part in various external operations, and a certain number of countries from the former Eastern Bloc gradually began joining it. In this 300+ page book, the fighting planes of each NATO country’s air force, be they a founder member or a new member, are presented in detail, the nations being classified by alphabetical order, which gives a very complete panorama of the machines in operation and the camouflage systems and markings used, notably thanks to more than 600 profiles and about 300 period photographs.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Les Ages Du Monde de Schelling: Une Traduction de l'Absolu
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Temps Messianique: Temps Historique Et Temps Vecu