Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Manual of Construction Materials - 2 volume set
The second title in Thomas Telford's groundbreaking ICE Manuals series, this essential two volume work is a comprehensive reference for practicing engineers. Written and edited by a wide selection of leading specialists in each field, the ICE Manual of Construction Materials covers each of the key materials used in construction, detailing their properties and application in a civil and structural engineering context, and referencing the most up-to-date standards governing their use in construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited Design of Fastenings in Concrete
Although a large number of fastenings assembles are installed every day, understanding in the engineering community of their behaviour is limited, and there is no generally accepted design method. Design of fastenings in concrete overcomes this. This design guide is based on a safety concept using partial safety factors taken from the CEB/FIB Model Code 1990, and it covers all loading situations and failure models. It is valid for expansion, undercut and headed anchors, and is applicable to both new structures and the repair and strengthening of existing structures. This design guide will be complemented by future CEB work to cover fastenings with bonded anchors, channel bars and shear lugs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Integral bridges: A fundamental approach to the time temperature loading problem
In recent years, integral bridges have become increasingly popular in the UK. The Highways Agency standard now requires, where possible, that all new bridges with a length of less than sixty metres should be of integral form. In addition, it has been found that, due especially to the problems and costs associated with failed expansion joints, integral bridges are not only cost effective but also have a longer lifespan. Integral Bridges was commissioned by the Highways Agency to produce guidance for bridge designers by addressing the thermally induced soil/structure interaction problem created by environmental changes of temperature and the associated cyclical displacements imposed on the granular backfill to the bridge abutments. It develops a better theoretical understanding of the cyclic performance, in particular the strain racheting in the backfill soil when in contact with a stiff structure. It also identifies the governing soil parameters and examines their influence in the interaction problem, develops numerical modelling procedures to predict interactive soil behaviour, and identifies and quantifies the controlling features of bridge structures relevant to the interaction problem.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Projects for Success: A Trilogy
Managing Projects for Success is a 'how to do it' book of considerable value to practitioners and students alike. It provides the challenge of theory application through a series of exercises and is comprehensively illustrated. Managing Projects for Success equips the reader with specialist skills that can be immediately applied in practice and is written in three interrelated parts: Part 1: The framework Part 2: Planning for control Part 3: The tool kit - to promote clarity of understanding and study The framework sets out the bigger picture and a body of knowledge that describes the profession of project management. Planning and controlling are of paramount importance in the successful outcome of projects and part three describes and works through management processes. Each section includes an extensive list of references, enabling the reader to explore the topics covered in further detail, if required. The text is written in an easy readable style, making it accessible to all levels of reader while maintaining its standing as a work of considerable merit. A comprehensive index ensures that this book will be used as an excellent reference tool by practitioners and students alike. There is also an additional list of references at the end of the book. This is both an excellent reference book for existing project managers and a useful textbook for students new to the profession". Albert Hamilton's years of research, academic and practice experience gives this definitive book a unique approach to project management, that readers can directly draw on as an effective practical work tool.
Emerald Publishing Limited Use of Foamed Concrete in Construction
Concrete is at something of a crossroads: there are many opportunities and some threats. For those opportunities to change into beneficial practice, engineers, material scientists, architects manufacturers and suppliers must focus on the changes that are required to champion concrete and maintain its dominance within the global construction industry. The Concrete Technology Unit (CTU) of the University of Dundee organised this Congress to address these changes, under the theme Global Construction: Ultimate Concrete Opportunities 5-7 July 2005. The three-day International Congress consisted of ten Events: Use of Foamed Concrete in Construction forms the Proceedings of Event 6 and deals with issues such as materials, properties and production characteristics, specification for foamed concrete, applications and case studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Geoenvironmental Engineering
This new book contains the proceedings of the 4th Geoenvironmental Engineering Conference, organised by the British Geotechnical Association and Cardiff University’s School of Engineering, held in Stratford-Upon-Avon in June 2004. The theme of the conference was Integrated Management of Groundwater and Contaminated Land. This book is a compilation of peer-reviewed papers; grouped according to the sessions under which they were presented at the conference. Issues associated with Geoenvironmental Engineering continue to be a major preoccupation for Governments, public and private organisations and the general community around the world. The conference brought together people working in industry, academia and the public sector to discuss the latest ideas and developments in Geoenvironmental Engineering and related fields. The papers in these proceedings reflect the work being undertaken across the discipline. This volume is an indispensable source of information on current research and practice in the field of integrated management of groundwater and contaminated land.
Emerald Publishing Limited ICP Design Methods for Driven Piles in Sands and Clays
While axial capacity is often the governing design criterion with driven piles, the reliability of predictions made by conventional procedures is generally poor. A long-term research program run at Imperial College London in conjunction with Industry, the UKs Health and Safety Executive and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council led to the new design recommendations published by Jardine and Chow in 1996. Their procedures offered considerable improvements and have been applied worldwide in many offshore, marine and onshore projects. In this edition, the wide range of applications is emphasised. New sections are included on factors of safety, parameter selection, ageing processes, square and H piles, different soil types, group action, cyclic and seismic action. Well-known case histories are reviewed as detailed worked examples.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ground and Soil Improvement
Methods for improving ground and soil have undergone significant developments in recent years, particularly in terms of application and usage, and many innovative techniques have been introduced. However, it is of significance that in many areas the design process still lacks a theoretical framework. The papers included in this volume, written by international authors, deal with a cross-section of problems faced by many practising engineers and provide advice and guidance on how these problems can be dealt with in a practical manner.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Innovation in Construction
This book investigates best practice across sectors of the economy and their transfers into the context of construction. It examines the development and diffusion of innovation to address adversarial relationships, and the fragmented processes and lack of customer focus, which still characterises much of the industry. It explains how construction must respond to the raft of new management processes expounded throughout the last decade systematically in a bid to acheive a more appropriate approach for business innovation in construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tunnel Lining Design Guide
This guide is an essential reference to the recommended standards and rules applicable to formulation for all manner of bored tunnels, and shafts in any type of ground condition. It is also a useful resource for those involved in the procurement, operation, or maintenance of tunnels, or those seeking to acquire data for use in production.
Emerald Publishing Limited Extending Performance of Concrete Structures
Extending Performance of Concrete Structures forms the Proceedings of the one day International Seminar held during the Congress, Creating with Concrete, 6-10 September 1999, organised by the Concrete Technology Unit, University of Dundee. Topics discussed include developments in materials and use in new construction. The themes of the seminar were Materials Developments and Practical Applications.
Emerald Publishing Limited Introduction to Cable Roof Structures
The second edition of this book provides structural engineers with a concise introduction to the architectural, structural and technological aspects of cable roofs, and supplies sufficient information for engineers to carry out their own designs. The improved methods for generating wind and earthquake histories have been included as the trend in modern design codes seem increasingly to require that dynamic response of other forms of non-linear structures such as guyed masts is considered at the design stage.
Emerald Publishing Limited Arch Bridges
In the twentieth century bridge engineers have seen many changes. Advances in technology, materials and engineers understanding of structural behaviour and methods of analysis has presented opportunities for innovation and have led to increasingly sophisticated solutions to the basic problem of providing a bridge over an obstacle. However, despite these innovative technological changes, the masonry arch bridge has shown itself to be a durable, cost-effective structure, tolerant of its modern environment and out-performing many of its competitors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Project Cost Estimating
Estimates can be prepared at any stage during a project but in order to make use of an estimate it is important to consider its purpose, the stage of the project when it was prepared and the degree of risk in the project. To have any meaning, the purpose of any estimate must be linked to the stages of the project and to the data available. Project cost estimating offers practical advice and further information on the understanding, the preparation and the use of estimates in the civil engineering industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Engineering a Cathedral
Engineering a Cathedral offers professional engineers, architects and interested lay people a unique opportunity to study the construction of one of the world's finest buildings. Durham cathedral celebrates its 900th anniversary in 1993 and to mark the event a group of engineers have applied their modern knowledge and techniques to its structure. With over 80 illustrations, Engineering a Cathedral is not only relevant to Durham, it is relevant to all other medieval buildings, those who care for them and those who simply stand and wonder.
Emerald Publishing Limited Information Management in a Contractor - A Model for the Flow of Data
This book examines the flow of all information, relating not only to projects, but also to the more general information, that circulates in a contract. A model is presented, complete with definitions, that would help senior managers to analyze where there are deficiencies in existing management systems and provide the necessary basis for computerisation. The model will enable the benefits of information technology to be harnessed. This book will provide a benchmark against which contractors can identify their strengths and weaknesses in their flow of information.
Emerald Publishing Limited European Union and the Euro Revolution
European Union and the Euro Revolution" is a challenging study of the progression of the historic movement towards one European family. This volume is the first, most comprehensive exposition of the treatise of supranational macroeconomics. The Keynesian Revolution taught us macroeconomics in the context of a sovereign nation state. In the post-WWII decades, the concept of supra-national macroeconomics became the core theme of the European Union. Indeed, the traditional concept of a sovereign nation state economy begs a thorough re-examination. One common economic unit with its well-specified micro and macroeconomic parameters has been mapped onto one common geographic unit, the continent of Europe, a group of sovereign European nation states voluntarily surrendering their erstwhile sovereignty. The official inauguration of one common money, the euro, managed by one common supra-national central bank, the European Central Bank (ECB), on January 1, 1999, has been an epochal event in the eventful history of the European Union (EU) from 1958 through the present. As of 1999, with the euro and the ECB firmly established, the debate became: one money to one Europe. "European Union and the Euro Revolution" draws on the authors extensive field studies as a Visiting Scholar with three European national central banks, De Netherlandsche Bank in Amsterdam, Banque de France in Paris, and Der Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt and Japans Ministry of Finance in Tokyo. His personal conferences with Dr. Otmar Issing, Chief Economist and a Member of the Executive Board of the ECB enriched his understanding of the related issues. His personal conferences with ranking economists and policy-makers of Bank of Japan and Japan Bank for International Development Tokyo, the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) Beijing, Reserve Bank of Australia Canberra and Reserve Bank of New Zealand , Wellington , the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, San Francisco, and Atlanta plus his invited presentations at universities and research institutions in USA, Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Nam, Nepal, India, Australia, and New Zealand have added resourceful inputs to this volume. His invited presentation in 2002 at the special workshop sponsored by the United Nations International Training and Research (UNITAR) at the United Nations Headquarter in New York City, of course, brought meaningful insights. The contributions to Economic Analysis was established in 1952. The series purpose is to stimulate the international exchange of scientific information. The series includes books from all areas of macroeconomics and microeconomics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Librarianship
A reference source for developments in the field of libraries and library science. Areas of public, college, university, primary and secondary schools and special libraries are given critical analysis by professionals in the field of librarianship, in teaching and in research. The text is intended for use by professional librarians and information scientists and includes chapters on document delivery, co-operative cataloguing and strategic quality management in libraries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Institutions and Planning
The chapters in this volume, written by a distinguished group of academics in planning and related fields, revisit the terrain of planning in light of recent developments in the recognition of the importance of institutions in planning. The book is divided into three sections: the first section is concerned with examining the impact of the new institutionalism on the field of planning and on its theory. Chapters include those proposing intellectual justification of planning as a field and a profession. The second section is concerned with how civic traditions and institutions affect the urban realm. The chapters here explore the impact of these concerns on the daily patterns of urban life and particularly on the examination of the role of institutions in making this vitality possible. The final section examines the intellectual meaning of public-private partnerships that shed light on the role of planning in this new environment. It is a volume in the current research in urban and regional studies series. Its chapters are written by top tier academics. It revisits planning based on recent developments. It is broken up into three parts: Planning Perspectives on Institutions, Institutional Design, and Applying Institutional Ideas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Tourism: Diversity and Change
This volume brings together Cohen's principle articles on the sociology of tourism, published over the last three decades. Part one collects his major theoretical papers, starting with the pioneering articles of the 1970's, which contributed to the opening of the field of tourism for social science research, up to the recent work on the ongoing process of change in contemporary tourism. Part two features the author's work on the many-sided interfaces between tourism and other domains - such as religion, crime and language. Part three includes several case studies, representative of diverse aspects of the author's empirical research. The introduction places the author's work in the context of the development of the field, while the concluding chapter outlines the challenges that future developments in tourism will pose to its study.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transport Survey Quality and Innovation
This overview of developments in transport survey methods from around the world emphasises survey quality and innovation. It contains selected papers from the International Conference on Transport Survey Quality and Innovation, held in the Kruger National Park, South Africa, during August 2001. The conference covered both passenger and freight transport, but was limited to surveys that collect information directly from individuals or organisations so it excludes traffic counts or other observational data collection. Many delegates were from Sub-Saharan Africa and other less developed regions of the world, so there was also an interest in identifying user needs and exploring what can be accomplished outside the North American/Western European regions of the world. This conference was the eighth in a series of international conferences on Survey Methods held since the late 1970s, the previous one having been held in Germany in May 1997, entitled "Transport Surveys: Raising the Standard".
Emerald Publishing Limited Japanese Urban Environment
Japan has led the world in urban innovation, design and planning, successfully combining high population with functionality, cleanliness and low levels of crime. "The Japanese Urban Environment" sets out to explain the reasons for this success, showing how both natural and human-made factors influence urban life. Interdisciplinary, comprehensive and up-to-date, this major new book shows how the physical cityscape of climate, buildings and infrastructure interacts with social and cultural factors to produce a unique environment. Divided into four parts, the volume addresses: the social, cultural and physical determinants of the Japanese urban environment, showing how cultural values have influenced the historical evolution of cities; the climate, energy use and leisure provision in the city from an environmental perspective; and the infrastructure of the Japanese city and its growth since the Second World War, illustrating how technical 'hardware', such as the subway systems, operates effectively because of the social, economic and cultural 'software'; and, the future of urban design in Japan, indicating the impact of national and local planning, the uses of advanced technology and methods for urban redevelopment. With contributions by a wide range of Japanese specialists, this work addresses the full complexity of the urban environment. The authors show how a dynamic synthesis of traditional Eastern socio-cultural influences with Western building and engineering techniques led to the modern Japanese city. Edited with extensive introductions to each section by Gideon Golany, the "Japanese Urban Environment" makes existing Japanese scholarship available to a wider audience. Scholars and policy makers will discover remarkable insights into successful urban design which can be applied to the cities across the industrialised and newly industrialising world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Learning in Humans and Machines: Towards an Interdisciplinary Learning Science
The book discusses the analysis, comparison and integration of computational approaches to learning and research on human learning. Learning has for some time been an issue of minor importance in the cognitive sciences. It has, however, now become one of the most active research fields in psychology, the neurosciences, and computer science (machine learning). The aim of this book is to provide the reader with an overview of the prolific research on learning throughout the disciplines. The book will not only provide a general overview for those who are new to the field but will also provide specialist knowledge for those who want to learn more about alternative approaches and conceptualizations of learning in other disciplines. The contributing authors are all considered as leading experts in their field and come from the fields of cognitive, computer and educational science. They provide an assessment of the state-of-the-art of research, links between the disciplines, and they highlight the critically important research issues and methodologies, thus providing a basis for future research.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Advances in Financial Economics
This is a collection of 21 articles that deal with the frontiers in financial theory of economics. Most aspects of finance are covered - domestic corporate and investment issues as well as questions and problems of topical value in international finance. It includes topics such as: initial public offerings, debt restructuring, mergers, dividend policy, stock returns, capital structure, measures of risk aversion, microstructure of equity markets, agency cost and employee stock ownership, international takeover bidding, futures and forward contracts in currency markets, offshore loans, and market efficiency.
Emerald Publishing Limited After Excessive Teacher and Faculty Entitlement
This second collection of perspectives on excessive teacher/faculty entitlement draws together authors from nine countries to address afresh the conundrums' affecting teaching and teacher education through the new lens afforded by the notion of excessive entitlement.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Volume 36 of Advances in Management Accounting features a diverse range of authors from around the world, focusing on theoretically sound and practical management accounting research which has a cutting-edge and wide-reaching appeal to both academics and practitioners.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Smart Building Advantage
The Smart Building Advantage introduces and explores the fascinating world of cutting-edge technology, sustainable design, and the incredible potential of smart buildings. This book is a roadmap to understanding the transformative power of smart building technologies and how they can deliver an astonishing return on investment for those who can harness their power. The world of real estate and building management is rapidly evolving, with the adoption of smart technologies becoming increasingly essential. The concept of a smart building goes far beyond mere convenience; it''s a strategic investment that promises substantial financial gains and environmental benefits. From reducing energy consumption and optimising space usage to enhancing occupant comfort and reducing productivity leakage, the benefits of smart buildings are far-reaching and compelling.Drawing on a wealth of real-world experiences, global reach, and practical guidance, this bookdemystifi
Emerald Publishing Limited Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence: Why and How it is Revolutionizing Healthcare Management identifies a roadmap for the appropriate introduction of artificial intelligence in healthcare organizations that responds to the need of decision-makers and managers to have a clear picture of how to move in the developing field of AI.
Emerald Publishing Limited Class and Inequality in the United States
At a time of growing wealth and income inequality in the United States during recent decades, Class and Inequality in the United States examines the nature and sources of social inequality based on class, race, and gender relations throughout the course of U.S. history. Addressing the class bases of social inequality during the turbulent 20th and early 21st centuries, Berch Berberoglu stresses the urgency of the study of class relations and their contradictory and unequal outcomes in American society today.Exploring the development of class-consciousness and class struggles of working people, Class and Inequality in the United States examines the realities behind conflicting class relations, the effects of racial and gender oppression, and the dynamics of social change through struggles between the contending class forces that have shaped the contours of contemporary American society and will continue to affect the course of its development in the coming dec
Emerald Publishing Limited Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements
Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements, Second Edition is a hands-on guide to the practicalities of pavement engineering. Now updated in this second edition and with additional information on principles of pavement design, this book covers the complete spectrum of pavement types, from footways to runways and from heavily trafficked roads in the UK to unpaved roads worldwide. Addressing specific practical issues including drainage and vehicle flow, and considering state-of-the-art data collection techniques for pavement evaluation, this book equips readers with the knowledge and tools to make judgements on appropriate maintenance strategies for a wide range of pavements. Written by two leading experts in pavement engineering, this book features chapters on: traffic loading pavement design data collection asset management maintenance techniques Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements, Second Edition will be required reading for practicing pavement engineers, contractors, local authorities and students of pavement engineering around the world looking to gain a complete understanding of pavement deterioration and maintenance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Smart Cities and Circular Economy
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Wellbeing in Higher Education
There has been an increased focus on the need to address the wellbeing and mental health challenges that affect humans across organizational settings, including the higher education sector.This comprehensive Handbook is organized into three sections: student wellbeing, faculty and leader wellbeing, and wellbeing initiatives at institutional or systems-level. Scholars from around the globe discuss initiatives, practices, and structures that provide a positive outlook on individual and organizational flourishing in higher learning and offer lessons from efforts to promote positive emotional and social aspects for students, leaders, and faculty. Topics include student resilience and leadership, supervisory relationships, appreciative mentoring, student thriving, issues of mental and physical health, faculty and leader wellbeing, development of wellbeing interventions and health promotion frameworks, and international student wellbeing.The interventions and experiences pre
Emerald Publishing Limited FutureProof Accounting
In today''s rapidly evolving accounting landscape, success hinges on embracing cutting-edge technologies. Data analytics and blockchain technology have become indispensable tools for accountants as businesses increasingly digitize their operations. To remain at the forefront of the profession, accountants must possess the ability to decipher complex data and uncover emerging trends. Moreover, understanding the inner workings of blockchain technology is paramount for providing sound advice to clients. By continuously staying abreast of these groundbreaking technologies, accountants can secure their position as highly sought-after professionals.Future-Proof Accounting: Data and Technology Strategies equips accounting students, professors, and industry experts with the knowledge needed to navigate the dynamic realm of accounting. This essential resource provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the latest technologies and their practical applications. Wheth
Emerald Publishing Limited Disability and the Changing Contexts of Family and Personal Relationships
The past 50 years have witnessed a transformation in the structure and function of families and households. The social and demographic catalysts for these changes including but not limited to delayed marriage, the legalization of same-sex marriage, women's increased labor force participation, and declines in fertility and mortality have further impacted norms around family life and the performance of formal and informal family roles. Despite these radical shifts, however, family and personal relationships are not well-represented in disability scholarship.In the interest of expanding disability scholarship on families, this volume of Research in Social Science and Disability brings together research and theoretical perspectives that challenge and revise dominant perspectives on disability and the changing contexts of family and personal relationships. Rooted in a sociological and anti-ableist understanding of families which recognizes that families are not only sha
Emerald Publishing Limited Piers Jetties and Related Structures Exposed to Waves
Emerald Publishing Limited Principles of Pavement Engineering
Emerald Publishing Limited Diversity Equity and Inclusion DEI Management
Emerald Publishing Limited Press B to Belong
Emerald Publishing Limited Different Diagnoses Similar Experiences
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding Intercultural Interaction
Cutting across the world of work and education, this is a timely refresh for equipping a diverse range of both students and professionals with the tools to understand, discuss, and ultimately fulfil the role that they can play on the international stage.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Ethical Finance and Corporate Social Responsibility
The term ethical finance refers to finance that considers environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects influencing a borrower and/or its possessions. The authors provide a fresh look at ESG aspects along with CSR implementation for sustainable development, which has global and long-term repercussions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital PR
Digital changes everything. That’s a truth that has played out across industries the world over. And PR is a perfect example of an industry that has been forced to transform. Across every PR discipline, from media relations and content creation through to social media and influencer marketing, digital has changed traditional PR techniques and ushered in a whole new wave of specialisms that previously did not exist. This book acts as a guide to this era of transformation. It’s a manual that summaries the trends affecting our industry. It examines the techniques that have changed and also investigates some of the new approaches that are starting to emerge. It poses the questions that modern PR practitioners need to ask, whether working in-house or in an agency, and will be equally relevant for those studying PR or coming into the industry as it will those who are hardened professionals facing a future that looks significantly different to the tried and tested approaches of the past. This is a book about opportunity. A book that shines a light on how adoption of data, audience planning and creativity, seen through a digital lens, can transform an industry, making it more relevant and necessary that ever before. It’s a celebration of the power of earned media in a world where we are, as consumers of media, increasingly shunning interruptive marketing and looking for connection and true engagement.
Emerald Publishing Limited Construction Planning
Construction Planning, 2nd Edition is a thorough guide to the use of planning techniques, key concepts and the latest developments in the field of project planning. It explores the construction planning process in the digital age by taking a closer look at the most effective principles and practice, including the latest technological developments to support the successful delivery of projects. This well-illustrated book provides students, and those needing a foundation in this specific aspect of project management with clear, straightforward and concise explanations of the processes and techniques required for the effective planning and control of construction projects. Construction Planning, 2nd Edition: describes the principal planning techniques - bar charts, network analysis, line-of-balance and linear programmes - that make up the ‘planners’ toolbox’ explains the practical application of these techniques provides guidance on techniques for scheduling and controlling resources uses both manual and computer methods of analysis to demonstrate how these techniques can be used for planning, monitoring and controlling the construction works and the resources involved • explores international and UK case studies in detail, providing worked
Emerald Publishing Limited War, Peace and Organizational Ethics
Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations (REIO) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed series that publishes rigorous academic research into organizational ethics from a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives including, but not limited to, business management, philosophy, sociology, psychology, religion, accounting, and marketing. In this volume, War, Peace and Organizational Ethics, expert contributors draw upon philosophers such as Aristotle, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Emmanuel Levinas in order to explore how the ethics of war and peace resonate with organizational ethics. The topics covered include: the role of business in the “War on Terror”; the ethics of robot decision-making in military contexts; the use of force in UN peacekeeping missions; John Wooden’s conception of moral leadership; the implementation of meaningful change in relation to well-being in and outside of work; unethical pro-organizational behaviour; forsaking Aristotle’s Mean and pursuing the extreme. Ideally suited for researchers and professionals, this book poses questions that go to the very heart of the role organizations play in greater social conflicts, as well as the role that conflict plays in shaping organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Insight Discipline: Crafting New Marketplace Understanding that Makes a Difference
In this re-published book The Insight Discipline: Crafting New Marketplace Understanding That Makes a Difference, Liam Fahey details the analysis methods and modes of deliberations required to overcome data challenges and create an insight-driven culture. He lays out the business case for why leaders must emphasize the goal of attaining new insight if they want to gain maximum value from analysis. The Insight Discipline provides you with a comprehensive guide to what it takes to craft marketplace insight that extends beyond the typical analysis findings. Plus, you’ll see how to use new insight to influence thinking, decisions and action at any organizational level. This book forms part of the American Marketing Association (AMA) Leadership series: 7 Big Problems of Marketing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reviving Arab Reform: Development Challenges and Opportunities
Reviving Arab Reform offers a unique consideration of the links between economic, political and social development in the Arab region and offers tangible hope for the future. Islam Abdelbary evaluates the reform programmes in the last three decades in the Middle East North Africa region, and through a wide variety of analytical methods, he identifies the failures and successes of previous Arab reforms by comparing the outcomes of reforms in the Arab world with those in other world regions. The book is distinguished by how it outlines the challenges and opportunities for development in the region and provides a framework for comprehensive and integrated development in the Arab world. Ultimately, Abdelbary argues that the new Arab reform agenda must address previous debilitating development issues, especially governance. Economic reform should not be seen in a vacuum, in isolation from political and social choices that society makes, thereby contributing to sustained and inclusive growth. For its unique mix of scholarly rigour and practical ways forward, Reviving Arab Reform is a must-read not only for researchers interested in economic theory, development studies, and the Middle East but also for policy-makers in the region and international organisations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Intellectual Disability Nursing: An Oral History Project
This unique monograph, based on empirical research, used the oral history approach to explore the careers of 31 intellectual disability nurses from England and the Republic of Ireland; each with at least 30 years' experience. We sought to understand motives for such long service to nursing practice. Some had worked in the intellectual disability hospitals of the 19th and 20th Centuries. In both jurisdictions these have almost closed and been replaced with smaller living configurations; subsequently few such nurses have experience of these institutions. This makes it important to hear their stories, which were digitally recorded; now forming a unique collection in the Royal College of Nursing's archives. These oral histories when synthesised with prevailing discourse of intellectual disability nursing from literature, and research put into perspective contemporary nursing workforce challenges faced by these nurses in both jurisdictions. Their stories are testament, amongst other things, to a strong 'sense of justice… doing the right thing and making a difference'. Some reported a 'very early interest in working with people with intellectual disabilities'. And at 'journey’s end' sadly, almost universally, they reported a sense of being 'undervalued'. Their narratives articulate enormous health and social care change witnessed over three decades or more. But above all else they give voice to commitment, dedication, and kindness to a vulnerable, and often marginalised people, those with intellectual disabilities, as such it gives voice to otherwise 'Untold Stories'.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership of Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A what not to do Guide for HBCU Leaders
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) face critical challenges of funding, accreditation, enrollment, recruitment, retention, and graduation rates, and these have become a staple of smaller colleges in the global competitive marketplace and current higher education system. Offering a comprehensive "what not to do" guide, this book puts forward the past mistakes which leaders must learn from in order to ensure their institution's future. Johnny D. Jones has written this book to arm stakeholders in the academic communities of HBCUs to future-proof how students learn, how faculty teach, and how campuses embrace innovation. Including descriptive case studies, this book empowers readers to navigate their own path to quality leadership. By equipping leaders to identify how future studies can be institutionalized at HCBUs in a way that also compliments historic campus culture, environment, climate, and ecology, Jones sets out a strategy to refine HBCU leadership, which accounts for the specific needs that exist across HBCUs. Serving up practical guidance and best practice advice, Johnny's book is essential reading for researchers and academic leaders across the US who wish to ensure that these exceptional schools not only survive, but thrive.