Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited The Economics and Regulation of Digital Markets
The Economics and Regulation of Digital Markets presents new findings and perspectives from leading international scholars on three critical areas of developing government policies. The first three contributions analyse digital markets and their regulation. Next is a discussion of the divergence of expert and public views on European democracy. The final contribution provides an analysis of the effects of firing notification procedures on wage growth. The functioning of digital markets, the state of democracy around the world, and rules that affect wages raise questions about the proper roles of government rules. This volume provides insights into these pressing and important issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Group Processes
Advances in Group Processes publishes theoretical analyses, reviews, and theory based empirical chapters on group phenomena. The series adopts a broad conception of 'group processes'. This includes work on groups ranging from the very small to the very large, and on classic and contemporary topics such as status, power, trust, justice, social influence, identity, decision-making, intergroup relations, and social networks. Previous contributors have included scholars from diverse fields including sociology, psychology, political science, economics, business, philosophy, computer science, mathematics, and organizational behavior. Volume 40 brings together papers that address theoretical and empirical issues in small groups and organizational research related to: The role of affect in shaping perceptions of the police and the predisposition to mass violence The shaping of prosocial behaviors (e.g., pro-environmental behaviors) by various social/societal factors, such as the shape and density of one’s personal networks Differences in social status, its role in producing and sustaining social inequality and the unintended consequences of initiatives such as interventions designed to lessen status-based inequalities and level the playing field within the workplace Reflecting a range of novel approaches from leading scholars in the field, this volume explores the relevance of group processes in analysing social status, iniquities and behaviors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leaders’ Decision Making and Neuroscience: What Are You thinking?
What, exactly, is leadership? Leadership is about motivating a group of people to achieve a common goal. Ever since the dawn of the field of leadership, people have craved an understanding of invisible mental processes that underlie visible behavior. Why do people behave the way they do? Where does behavior come from? Consider your brain is a decision-making organ. Without the brain, you are unable to make decisions. You will learn how power, emotions, attention, memory, personality, and gut feeling influence your decisions. You will learn neural constraints imposed on your decision making and how to address them. In addition to learning how to make high-quality individual decisions, you will learn how to ensure a group makes high-quality decisions collectively. How does a collective mind emerge from multiple minds when making collective decisions? What should leaders do to facilitate a group decision-making process that generates collective wisdom, instead of the madness of crowds? If you are a leader, or aspire to be a leader, who strives to make high-quality decisions, this is the book for you. Leaders’ Decision Making and Neuroscience will take you on a journey of how a decision is made in your brain from a perspective of neuroscience and provides incredible insight into the nature of how the brain and nervous systems work in relation to decision making.
Emerald Publishing Limited Higher Education in Emergencies: International Case Studies
Today’s world is fraught with perils and pandemics. Education offers structure, stability, and hope for the future, supporting conflict resolution, peacebuilding efforts, and scientific research that can help prevent and mitigate both natural and manmade disasters. With these values in mind, how can universities apply their experiences from the COVID-19 pandemic to other emergency situations? How can they ensure accessibility to education under any circumstances without compromising on quality? With diverse contributions from Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Pakistan, Kenya, India, Saudi Arabia, and Bangladesh, Higher Education in Emergencies: International Case Studies challenges educators to design curriculums that focus on resilience and equip staff with the capability to navigate future scenarios, and students with the skills they need to someday solve them. Avoiding prescriptive standards and advocating for programmes that address the needs of individual campuses, chapters feature evidence-rich case studies that identify both the gaps in addressing vulnerabilities as well as exemplary responses that have led the way in promoting institutional adaptability. Championing a variety of the lessons taken from across the globe, Higher Education in Emergencies: International Case Studies provides a critical toolkit for preparing universities for the next pandemic, earthquake, or civil conflict.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations publishes both non-empirical and empirical articles dealing with accounting education. All articles emphasize teaching, learning and curriculum development, and discuss vital matters pertaining to the improvement of accounting programs at colleges and universities. Non-empirical papers are academically rigorous, and specifically discuss the institutional context of a course or program, as well as any relevant tradeoffs or policy issues. Empirical reports exhibit sound research design and execution, and develop a thorough motivation and literature review, including references from outside the accounting field, where appropriate. This 27th volume features 11 peer-reviewed papers surrounding three themes: (1) applied professional research and skills building; (2) generative artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics in the accounting curriculum; and (3) innovative practices in cost accounting and other areas. Faculty with an interest in accounting education as well as accounting program administrators should find all three themes to be highly informative and interesting. Some practitioners and regulators in the accounting profession may also find useful policy-related nuggets in Volume 27.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking Decision-Making Strategies and Tools: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Rethinking Decision-Making Strategies and Tools: Emerging Research and Opportunities analyses established decision-making tools, and on the necessity to re-arrange and re-evaluate some of them. The authors propose a new matrix with eight quadrants of the dynamic SWOT analysis. The new tool also considers three dimensions: (1) Actual – Potential, (2) Positive – Negative and (3) Internal – External. Applications for this revised matrix are offered in a range of relevant case studies, along with examples from a wide range of industries and firms to illustrate the many dimensions of decision-making tools and theories. Readers will be able to compare, contrast and comprehend whether the ‘decision making strategies and tools’ from different lenses are delivered similarly, or otherwise, in different parts of the world. The text includes an interesting mix of theory, primary research findings, and practice that will appeal to students, academics, and practitioners alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Migrations and Diasporas: Struggling Between Inclusion and Exclusion
Engaging with the complex natures of space and belonging, Migrations and Diasporas provides a means for understanding the plight of migrants and diasporas as they move through a world divided between those committed to welcoming them into their communities and those who perceive them as a problem or threat. Split into two parts, chapters address a range of critical issues, including the inclusive practices of both state and non-state actors, practices of exclusion expressing xenophobia and nativist policies that can jeopardize migrant safety, and the geographies and spaces that can restore lost histories, as well as help migrants negotiate new boundaries. Capturing institutional and organized civil society practices, the authors build an understanding of the struggles and challenges migrants and diasporas face, including climate change, assimilation, and complex legal systems. Grounded in a rich interdisciplinarity, contributors bring together perspectives from international relations, political science, law, philosophy, development economics, peace and conflict studies, forest and food sciences, linguistics, pedagogy, and human geography, as well as contexts across the United States, Australia, Europe, Honduras, Canada, New Zealand, Lebanon, Ukraine, Syria, and Armenia, from the Trump era to the Rwandan genocide. Advocating for a more welcoming world involves respecting the human dignity and fundamental rights of all individuals, regardless of their place of origin or immigration status. This perspective offers a powerful insight into the dynamics of social justice across borders.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Sense of Rhythm: A Semiotic Investigation of a Fundamental Device
The importance of rhythm spans time and space, its significance both natural and constructed. As contemporary society challenges us to search for connection, the question of rhythm is profoundly and uniquely capable of managing the exchange and dialogue between deep narrativity and surface figurativeness. A semiotic examination of the regulative efficacy of rhythm is at the centre of The Sense of Rhythm, which frames rhythm as a characteristic of texts and narratives in order to organize and sense meaning. Rhythm is capable of creating and conveying a passionate tone, and of fostering cross-disciplinary and cross-textual convergences. An awareness and recognition of rhythmic structure allows for potential to cross-code between perception and sensation across cultures. This new edition, published for the first time in English, brings semiotician Giulia Ceriani’s research to English-speaking students and researchers across disciplines. The Sense of Rhythm serves as a foundation for interdisciplinary research, creative practices, and a unique semiotic approach to the study of rhythm.
Emerald Publishing Limited Construction Workforce Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era
The construction industry is a huge employer all over the world, but due to the project-based nature of construction, opportunities to improve pay, conditions and use of technology are often overlooked. The lack of attention to workforce management issues in the construction industry contributes to its overall poor performance in most countries worldwide. To address this problem, it is necessary to understand the practices that need to be in place for construction organisations to be able to manage their workforce effectively. Construction Workforce Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era explores the concept of workforce management in construction and the impact of the pervasive technologies offered by the fourth industrial revolution on the effective management of the construction workforce. Through a critical review of existing related theories and models, gaps in existing workforce management studies are unearthed, and a conceptual model designed to improve the management of workers in the construction industry is proposed. The content here benefits researchers seeking to expand the frontiers of knowledge on workforce management in construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethnographies of Work
Presenting cutting-edge ethnographic research on contemporary worlds of work and the experiences of workers from a range of contexts, Volume 35 of Research in the Sociology of Work offers fine-grained, exploratory ethnographic data to provide insights unmatched by other research methods. Conscious of the social and economic upheaval that continues to transform the contemporary workplace and the wider landscape for workers across the globe, Ethnographies of Work, the first of two parts, features analyses of working from home, the gig economy, the food delivery sector, digital nomadism, workplace inequalities, the hospitality industry, and an alternative community. Rooted in ethnographic research, chapters also include ethnographers’ reflections on their experiences in careers outside of academia, as well as their personal feelings of precarity both within and beyond the field to create an enriched volume that makes the most of ethnographic through its representation in a variety of written forms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Toxic Humans: Combatting Poisonous Leadership in Boards and Organisations
International leadership expert Michael Jenkins shines a light on the adverse effects of dysfunctional and toxic boards and how they have the potential to destroy an organisation’s culture. This can happen through erosion of brand value leading to talent attrition and increased mental health issues in employees due to a deterioration in trust and psychological safety. Combined with recent fundamental changes in the labour market and demographic changes in the workforce, there is a potent cocktail of Future of Work issues that will not go away. Enlightened leaders must tackle such issues head-on if they are to steward sustainable and responsible organisations and businesses. Based on extensive research, including interviews with board members from around the world, together with one-to-one interviews with leaders from the VAB (Virtual Advisory Board) network, Toxic Humans: Combatting Poisonous Leadership in Boards and Organisations outlines various experiences of toxic leadership and how successful directors managed to work with and through it. These interviews shape the final sections of the book where the reader is given a set of recommendations for action to help mitigate and manage the effect of toxic leadership – at the Board, senior leader and team levels - and to build a positive and productive workplace where all can flourish.
Emerald Publishing Limited Achieving Net Zero: Challenges and Opportunities
It is generally accepted that climate change is happening and that steps need to be taken to alleviate this. One action which has become prominent is that of achieving net zero, which has been interpreted in terms of emissions of CO2 and other gases. Net zero cannot be achieved by anyone, any organization or even any country acting alone: a great number of actions need to be taken by individuals and organisations and these will differ according to their location and the nature of the organization involved. Achieving Net Zero brings together chapters to examine these challenges from a range of perspectives, various regions and industries, each presenting unique outlooks. From steps on the journey to net zero and sustainability rhetoric, to case studies in Angola and Mauritius, this edited collection helps facilitate best practice that can be adopted on a global scale. Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility offers the latest research on topical issues international experts and has practical relevance to business managers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethical AI Surveillance in the Workplace
With surveillance at work extending into the home and the deployment of AI in the workplace already rapidly expanding, concerns have been raised about the ramifications of these developments. Blurring the boundaries between public and private spheres, digital workplace monitoring and digital activity tracking seem set to raise stress levels and undermine trust between employers and employees as they threaten to further infiltrate the world of work. Proposing a clear list of policy options, Ethical AI Surveillance in the Workplace tackles the structural challenges associated with ‘wiring the labour market’, including issues of control, autonomy and voice. From Data Protection Impact Assessments to regulatory sandboxes, and from establishing the right to disconnect to setting up a Code of Ethical Workplace Monitoring, the proposed paths aim to safeguard a responsible deployment of AI-powered monitoring tools within the workplace and protect employees as data subjects whose digital footprints are under constant scrutiny. Wielding the legal, regulatory and institutional tools available, this uniquely structured analysis acts as a comprehensive starting point for discussing these ever-evolving challenges and how they may shape the future of the workplace.
Emerald Publishing Limited Youth Development in South Africa: Harnessing the Demographic Dividend
The African continent is colloquially referred to as the youngest in the world. Seizing on a topic underexplored in African research, Youth Development in South Africa: Harnessing the Demographic Dividend confronts the issues, challenges, and opportunities facing South Africa’s youth, resulting in a rich exploration of the South African corpus on youth development. Bringing together a diverse range of topics and research methodologies, contributors focus on the demographic dividend, South Africa’s relatively large population of young people, and the implications of harnessing this for economic growth and development within this country. Analysing model institutional and policy initiatives for youth development, contributors present a unique translation of ideas into practice, as well as attention to solutions. Highlighting challenges such as health pandemics, social media, and climate change, chapters cover questions surrounding youth aspirations, employment, and inclusivity. Showcasing the voices of researchers from across South Africa and the larger African continent, Youth Development in South Africa: Harnessing the Demographic Dividend is a compelling snapshot of thirty years of South Africa’s democratic dispensation and what it has meant for the youth of the country, as well as how its demographic dividend can be harnessed for a fairer society in the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Development Through Global Circular Economy Practices
The battle to preserve the environment is only just beginning – organisations and governments cannot underestimate the public outcry for cleaner environments and an end to increases in global warming. The Circular Economy has been able to tap into the current zeitgeist and is being coveted by many academic disciplines. Offering a detailed overview of what is required to move towards a circular economy by providing a series of cases alongside each chapter that illustrate practice in relation to theory, Maguire and Robson deliver a lens through which academics and students can explore what is emerging as state of the art. The chapters contain a critical and balanced treatment of theory and practice on the subjects of sustainable development and the circular economy, setting out and evaluating the theoretical landscape alongside a grand narrative drawn from systems thinking and the environmental, social, and governance paradigms. For students, academics and practitioners, Sustainable Development Through Global Circular Economy Practices is a go-to book with original insights from a theoretical perspective about how the global economy integrates, and how this integration can be leveraged to move practice toward sustainable practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Smart Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Performance Management in a Global Digitalised Economy
The Covid 19 pandemic has created chaos in the business world and forced leaders to rethink their operational status quo. Balancing the physical and virtual spaces of the global digital economy wherein economic, commercial, and professional transactions are enabled by information and communication technologies has called for additional support from data-driven technologies like smart analytics and artificial intelligence. Opportunities created within digital economies to leverage technologies to execute tasks better, faster, and often differently have found the desired prominence in the recent past. Though the benefits outweigh the risks, the challenges in digitalised economies are as sophisticated as the solutions they offer. Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis publishes a series of current and relevant themed volumes within the fields of economics and finance. Both disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies are welcome.
Emerald Publishing Limited The New Spirit of Hospitality: Designing Tourism Futures in Post-Truth Worlds
A ‘new spirit of hospitality’ beckons planetary provenances of leisure and pleasure, to promote tourism destinations through the digitization and cinematic advertising of tourist experience. While releasing identities, populations, and environments from their geographical and political isolation, this new spirit may rob them of their ability to communicate cultural diversity on their own terms. Such changes also affect the professionals who produce aesthetic renditions of other people’s home territories as tourist destinations, often feeding into domestic perceptions of homemaking, with various good and bad consequences for the design of sustainable planetary futures. Through methodological elaborations on case studies, Tzanelli explains that we have entered a new era of tourism and hospitality mobilities dominated by crises of cultural representation and host presence. Triggered by the urge to renovate concept design, the crisis leads to a proliferation of what is just, true, and real, with various consequences for those interest groups involved in the production of truthfulness, justice and reality in hospitality and tourism. The Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations series provides an insightful guide for policy makers, specialists and social scientists interested in the future of tourism in a society where uncertainness, anxiety and fear prevail.
Emerald Publishing Limited Positive Education at all Levels: Learning to Flourish
Positive education has grown and evolved, first as a discipline and then a perspective. Since its first wave of development as an application of positive psychology within education, where the focus was primarily on students, the second wave brought with it recognition of the importance of wellbeing for all those involved in education too. Now entering the third wave, with this comes positive education not as a discipline but as a perspective. In particular, a perspective which embraces the challenges of culture and diversity alongside already positively oriented programs, structures and frameworks within education that, with continued refinements, can bring out the best of what could be (Kern & Wehmeyer, 2021). With this third wave still in its infancy, therefore, Positive Education at all Levels brings the reader to where we are today, showcasing positive education across all three levels of UK education: primary, secondary, and tertiary. With chapters for parents as well as for educators, this book will be of interest for all those involved in positive education, including those who may be learners of positive education too.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
Advances in Hospitality and Leisure (AHL), a peer-reviewed research journal, has been published annually since 2004. AHL is indexed in Scopus and included in the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) journal quality list. Its editors, editorial board members, ad-hoc reviewers entail scholars from North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. AHL with international in focus attempts to divulge the innovative methods of inquiry so as to inspire new research topics that are vital and have been in large neglected in the context of hospitality, tourism, and leisure. It strives to address the needs of the populace willing to disseminate seminal ideas, concepts, and theories derived from scholarly inquiries. AHL covers full papers and research notes in the matter of conceptual models and empirical investigations using inductive and deductive methods. The authors of this publication come from and Africa, America, Asia/Pacific, Europe, and Middle East. Potential readers may retrieve useful articles to outline new research agendas, suggest viable topics for a dissertation work, and augment the knowledge of the new subjects of learning.
Emerald Publishing Limited Resilient Democratic Governance: Navigating Unity in Diversity for Sustainable Well-Being
Though diversity and interconnectedness are inherent and integral to the natural order, they often clash in the social world. To address this, Resilient Democratic Governance: Navigating Unity in Diversity for Sustainable Well-Being proposes a comprehensive framework advocating for the harmonious integration of diversity and interconnectedness in social structures, emphasizing their pivotal role in building resilience and achieving sustainable wellbeing. Girol Karacaoglu's innovative study explores the convergence of various political philosophies and social elements while still maintaining a sense of unity and cohesion in society. Through the perspectives of thinkers like Abd al-Karim al-Jili, Spinoza, Confucius, Alfred North Whitehead, Abraham Maslow, Sir Isaiah Berlin, Ronald Dworkin, Satish Kumar, and Amartya Sen, each chapter delves into how these scholars have conceptualized unity in different domains, spanning nature, creative processes, freedom, value, ecology, and economy. Karacaoglu argues that embracing this diversity-in-unity framework can serve as a guide to governance for sustainable wellbeing. His argument culminates in a reflection on the paths laid out by the Buddha and Lao Tzu, underscoring their profound insights into achieving balance and harmony in our interconnected world. Emerging as a hopeful voice amid increasing ideological polarisation, this thoughtful work reimagines democratic governance to offer a practical guide for deliberate and transformative social and political change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Selection of Papers Presented at the First History of Economics Diversity Caucus Conference
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology Volume 41B features a selection of papers presented at the First History of Economics Diversity Caucus Conference, new research essays from Roger Sandilands and co-authors Daniel Schiffman and Eli Goldstein, as well as an interview of Francis Wilson conducted by Phil Magness and Micha Gartz.
Emerald Publishing Limited Black Males in Secondary and Postsecondary Education: Teaching, Mentoring, Advising and Counseling
Black males face several active and inactive discriminations across society. In education, they encounter stiffer disciplinary actions such as out of school suspension and expulsion than their White peers, are overrepresented in special education programs as well as over diagnosed; are underrepresented in gifted in talented programs; advanced placement and honors courses; and have the lower college graduation rates compared to other racial groups. Although these issues are barriers to Black male success, we know that for every challenge, there is a solution to improving academic, career, and life outcomes for Black males. Black Males in Secondary and Postsecondary Education contributes to the existing literature on this population with a focus on teaching, mentoring, advising, and counseling Black boys and men, from preschool to graduate/professional school and beyond into their careers. The chapter authors address the gap on research from a strengths-based perspective, around implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on Black male educational attainment, the increased anti-black racism around police racial profiling and disciplinary issues in education, and academic and career outcomes of Black males. More importantly, the chapter authors provide recommendations for policy, practice and research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Pandemic, Politics, and a Fairer Society in Southeast Asia: A Malaysian Perspective
While the world was swept up in the complications and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, Malaysia’s government changed leadership twice without going to ballot. Employing the Malaysian case as a starting point for examining a wider trend in Southeast Asia, Pandemic, Politics, and a Fairer Society in Southeast Asia delves into how politicians and policymakers navigate political uncertainty and the impact of their decisions on creating and maintaining a fairer society. Presenting perspectives from political scientists from across Malaysia and the SEA region, chapters base themselves in the circumstances of political upheaval that Malaysia faced during the pandemic, making a unique and critical contribution to literature on the Southeast Asian experience of COVID-19. Covering trends in Southeast Asia, public perception, elections, and governance, contributors chronicle the rise of regional governments that sought to increase populism and authoritarianism at the height of the pandemic, in addition to monitoring the ongoing fluctuation of public trust and its relation to the political landscapes of the region. With a special focus on creating a fair and just society for a sustainable future, Pandemic, Politics, and a Fairer Society in Southeast Asia offers an in-depth analysis of regional political dynamics from multiple disciplines, including international relations, philosophy, and gender studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cohabitation and the Evolving Nature of Intimate and Family Relationships
In societies around the globe, couples are increasingly opting to live together without going through the formal and legal complications of marriage. Given the tremendous diversity in cohabiting couples, as well as the increasing prominence of this form of intimate relationships, Cohabitation and the Evolving Nature of Intimate and Family Relationships provides a more thorough comprehension of the structures, effects, and intimate practice of cohabitation around the world. As a richly edited collection, the chapters delve into a wide array of topics including transitions into cohabitation, parenting and parental roles, division of domestic labor among cohabitors, sharing of economic resources, elderly cohabitors, legal complications of cohabitation, intimate partner violence, interconnections between cohabitation and marriage, sex and sexuality, assortative mating among cohabiting partners, premarital cohabitation and its consequences, relationship dissolution, gender ideologies, changing patterns of cohabitation, cohabitation and remarriage, and parental cohabitation and child development, among others. This is compelling reading for scholars of family research for better comprehending the structural, affectional, and other characteristics of cohabitation around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contextualising African Studies: Challenges and the Way Forward
In uncertain times, the focus on advanced economies overshadows the often-overlooked contributions of African economies. However, it is crucial not to underestimate Africa's paramount importance in the global economy. With a diverse economy shaped by historical, social, and cultural changes, Africa offers a rich and compelling narrative. Presenting ten exciting chapters delving into the socio-cultural aspects of African contexts and their profound impact on regional, national, and international business, Contextualising African Studies lays the foundation for a comprehensive exploration of Africa's business landscape. Examining contemporary issues, the authors shed new light on the intricate relationship between businesses, societies, and economics across various African societies. From researchers seeking fresh insights to business practitioners and policymakers, this edited text is a vital resource detailing the intricate workings of business and economics in Africa. The New Frontiers in African Business and Society series pioneers innovative reflections on the intricate interplay between business and society in Africa's emerging economy. Distinguished scholars contribute their expertise, offering crucial answers to the continent's challenges while uncovering new avenues of research and forging pathways forward.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Transformation, Strategic Resilience, Cyber Security and Risk Management
Digitization of economic and management processes allows for the delivery of new value and higher efficiency in the implementation of strategic goals. This is due to the inclusion of digital technologies in the existing rules of functioning among partners involved in the flow of resources, and from their readiness for digital transformation. A significant challenge, in practical, organizational, and scientific terms is to understand the opportunities and threats resulting from digital transformation, to identify optimal strategies for the development of business entities in new economic and management conditions, taking care to adopt collateral and proper management of new risks. Addressing this challenge to the readers - contributors indicate the latest theoretical advances, and practical examples in FinTech, The Internet of Things, and AI, among others. This results in a synthetic look at the complex digital transformation processes of the modern world, both in terms of the underlying causes and the vast effects of the transformations and digitization of social and economic life. Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis publishes a series of current and relevant themed volumes within the fields of economics and finance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Impact of Industry 4.0 on Sustainable Tourism: Perspectives, Challenges and Future
The tourism and hospitality industry is at the forefront of the climate crisis as a significant source of carbon emissions on a global scale. There is a need to disseminate opportunities and explore scientific avenues in emerging technologies associated with industry 4.0 , such as artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, ‘extended reality’ or the use of service robots, and forecasting future trends in the tourism industry’s fight against the climate crisis. Translating these current and future problems into pragmatic solutions, the chapter authors explore the opportunities for both academia and industry in agile and disruptive technologies. By integrating unique features of these advancements like Extended Reality (XR), Machine Intelligence (MI) and Computer Vision (CV), Impact of Industry 4.0 on Sustainable Tourism determines the trajectory of sustainable tourism development. Of interest to both academics and practitioners, Impact of Industry 4.0 on Sustainable Tourism reveals patterns and projections to provide a discourse on the progression of disruptive and futuristic technologies in the field of sustainable tourism research and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education Institutions: The Need to Change
Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education Institutions: The Need to Change is a research-led study designed for leaders and change agents within Higher Educational institutions. Stephen G. Anthony and Jiju Antony present the development and testing of a Lean Six Sigma Maturity Model (LSS) which can be used to assess the current level of LSS maturity of any university setting. Lessons presented will help universities to develop necessary action plans and strategic objectives to successfully build maturity in LSS. Chapters examine the current state of Operational Excellence (OPEX) methodologies in the Higher Education sector, Frameworks and Maturity Models for delivering change, and the study concludes by presenting nine areas need to be considered by the academic leaders and change on their agenda in any HE Institutions to guarantee LSS success.
Emerald Publishing Limited Lifelong Learning and the Roma Minority in the Western Balkans
Access, attainment and success of Roma people in education and lifelong learning is one of the most urgent public policy issues in Europe. According to empirical data Roma people are the most underrepresented group in schools and other educational institutions. Lifelong Learning and the Roma Minority in the Western Balkans examines the education situation of Roma in the Western Balkans, providing an overview of the education policies for Roma in 5 EU-candidate and potential candidate countries: Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia. The book is an important contribution to the field of comparative education and informs educational leaders and practitioners in the Western Balkans and beyond.
Emerald Publishing Limited Policy Matters: Perspectives, Procedures, and Processes
Never have policy initiatives been so important than in today’s society. Neoliberal manifestations, climate change, civil rights movements, and governmental reactions to these issues have created a backdrop where greater education in policy analysis and development is vital. Policy is often created for accruing power, expanding privilege, and further marginalizing oppressed groups. Educating policy developers and consumers is but one means of harnessing the positive power of policy while restraining the tendencies to pervert policy for the betterment of a powerful hegemonic elite. Policy Matters: Perspectives, Procedures, and Processes demystifies policy, exploring how it may truly be transformative in combatting hegemonic and neoliberal incursions into the educational arena. The traditional theory / practice divide is overcome here, uniquely, as educational policy is united with educational reality to empower educators, education stakeholders, and citizens to use policy, policy development, and policy initiatives for the betterment of society as a whole.
Emerald Publishing Limited Toward New Possibilities for Library and Information Science: The Use of Social Media in the 2018 West Virginia Teachers' Strike
The 2018 West Virginia teachers’ strike in the United States exemplifies the changing shape of dissent and protest in the digital age. The use of social media has changed the ways such events develop and unfold, offering new tools for organizing, strategizing, generating large numbers of participants, and for communicating crucial information widely and quickly. Utilizing in-depth interviews with strike participants, ‘Toward New Possibilities for Library and Information Science: The Use of Social Media in the 2018 West Virginia Teachers' Strike’ takes a critical approach to understanding the role of social media in the 2018 teachers’ strike, the significance of social media to the outcomes of the strike, and the importance of an Appalachian collective identity. It further proposes solutions for changing entrenched practices within library and information sciences education. In this way, it extends the scope and praxis of scholarship and education in information sciences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Crime and Social Control in Pandemic Times
Theoretically and methodologically diverse, Volume 28 of Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance addresses important questions of crime, punishment, policing, social control, and law in relation to COVID-19. The pandemic has brought about a wide number of analyses from various viewpoints, but what role has the study of crime, deviance, and social control played? A timely contribution that tackles a variety of related topics and brings together authors from a range of social-science disciplines, Crime and Social Control in Pandemic Times is a diverse and useful resource for those interested in the dynamics of crime and social control at a time of huge global disruption.
Emerald Publishing Limited Braver Leaders in Action: Personal and Professional Development for Principled Leadership
Braver Leaders in Action explains why it is vital for ordinary leaders to be brave in the context of unprecedented global challenges. Exercises and practical examples from experienced leaders help you to grow your awareness and understanding, boosting your potential to be a braver leader and prompting reflection on your development in eight key areas. Each area explores the braver forms of personal and corporate leadership necessary for future leaders via four related “cornerstones” derived from literature reviews, discussions with leaders, and many years of developmental and coaching conversations. This well-referenced and practical book is essential reading for a range of readers across sectors including management and leadership, coaching, mentoring and followership. Supporting the case for new ways of thinking about leadership in current conditions – and what its core purpose may actually be – Braver Leaders in Action fills a gap in the current leadership literature by exploring how leaders can truly bring a braver stance to their life and work.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fintech, Pandemic, and the Financial System: Challenges and Opportunities
Financial institutions are facing unprecedented challenges brought on by the coronavirus Pandemic, less than a decade after recovering from the Global Financial Crisis and the Eurozone debt crisis. The causes of these challenges differ greatly from the previous crises that financial institutions, to a large extent, had contributed to. The current challenges were exogenous and unpredictable, and their consequences will reshape the financial system architecture around the world. Fintech, once dismissed as no more than a novel approach to servicing the segment of the population often overlooked by established financial intermediaries, is now challenging the traditional models of commercial and investment banking. The inevitable future introduction of digital currencies that could replace national currencies in many business transactions has the potential to fundamentally change the business models of financial institutions and how the financial system functions. Volume 22, Fintech, Pandemic, and the Financial System, examines systemic challenges faced by a wide range of financial market participants and the continued disruptions introduced by financial innovations (Fintech). International Finance Review publishes theme-oriented volumes on various issues in international finance, such as international business finance, international investment and capital markets, global risk management, international corporate governance and institution, currency markets, emerging market finance, international economic integration, and related issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Decoloniality Praxis: The Logic and Ontology
Untangling the tentacles of colonialism is not an easy task, theoretically or in practice. Presenting a holistic view of Decoloniality, its genetic makeup, and its complexities, this book examines how colonialism has become embedded in power, language, culture, institutions, and social structures across the globe, as well as what it might take to relinquish postcolonial thinking in search of a decolonized future. Incorporating perspectives from both the Global North and the Global South, this book dismantles colonial ways of thinking, clearing the way for indigenous and marginalized groups to share their knowledge and expertise in fighting global issues such as climate change. Encouraging intersectional frameworks to open up to to new possibilities for inclusion, author Hamid H. Kazeroony also explores colonization as a gendered process tied to global capitalism and what this might mean for feminist activism and scholarship. To achieve a decolonized future, we must first understand our colonial past, keeping those lessons close as we seek to reconsider and restructure the ontology of epistemic inquiries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Working Women in the Sandwich Generation: Theories, Tools and Recommendations for Supporting Women’s Working Lives
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Women more often than men take care of their ageing relatives together with their own children or grandchildren. These Sandwich Generation (SG) women constitute an expanding vulnerable group on the labour market at higher risk of discrimination, work-family conflict, burnout, and withdrawal from the labour market and unemployment. Working Women in the Sandwich Generation helps present a clearer view of how to support this group both now and in the future. Beginning with a presentation of quantitative and qualitative research that sheds light on the SG situation in Poland, Finland and Flanders, this volume provides insights into various components from the SG life domains such as personal development and learning, connection to the labour market, coping strategies, resources, and energy drainers. In the second part the book provides tools for SG women, their supervisors, educators, and coaches to help manage challenging situations and improving wellbeing at work. Working Women in the Sandwich Generation then introduces the results of international comparative research the purpose of which was to identify and characterise the SG in five European countries before concluding with recommendations for supervisors and policy makers in supporting SG women.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Migration, COVID-19, and Environmental Sustainability
International migration afflicts nearly every corner of the globe, from the Americas, Europe and North Africa, and adjoining countries in South Asia. This migration links the socio-economic statuses of migrants’ home countries and those into which they are migrating. This phenomenon has a profound impact upon ethnic conflict, resource availability, famines and other natural and manmade disasters, as well as financial, political, social and environmental implications for some of the world’s most seemingly unsolvable crises, such as world peace. These vast complexities have been further exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, which, as analysed through an environmental and migratory lens, is the focus of this 32nd volume of the book series Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development. With contributions from world-renowned scholars, International Migration, COVID-19, and Environmental Sustainability tackles recent universal subject matter and ties it to key contemporary issues, including globalisation and sustainability, that are related to international migration and its impacts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Data Ethics and Digital Privacy in Learning Health Systems for Palliative Medicine
Though algorithms are chosen to eliminate bias in the Learning Health Systems (LHS) that support medical decision making, we are left with unconscious bias present in data due to lack of representation for marginalized populations, particularly in palliative care. Medical practitioners often lack historical foundations for decision making for patients in underrepresented populations, which lead to palliative patients being subjected to uneven quality of care and an absence of treatment goals due to a lack of advocacy and other challenges. Data Ethics and Digital Privacy in Learning Health Systems for Palliative Medicine reviews the ethical foundations that drive our approach, data collection (public data, private data and data privacy), data stratification methodologies to support marginalized and intersectional populations, analysis techniques, algorithmic development to maintain privacy, survival analysis, result interpretation, LHS development, and LHS implementation. These methodologies address the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which clearly establishes the standard to protect digitally held health care data. Informing both research and practice, Data Ethics and Digital Privacy in Learning Health Systems for Palliative Medicine brings attention to an important issue that lies at the intersection of medicine, science, and digital technology and communication.
Emerald Publishing Limited Environmental Sustainability and Agenda 2030: Efforts, Progress and Prospects
Actions to accomplish Agenda 2030 have gained propulsion across time yet remain undetermined in several respects. This volume draws attention to environmental-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the progress of implementation at country and company levels, underscoring the urgent actions needed. Environmental Sustainability and Agenda 2030: Efforts, Progress & Prospects documents the status of environmental SDG implementation in the two developing blocs of BRICS and MINTS, highlighting the reporting practices across these countries. Contributors illustrate that multi-stakeholder participation using group model-building exercises can be practically helpful to generate a shared mental model of multiple stakeholders in conflict. Further insights with practical implications for managers and policy makers include mechanisms for managing modern slavery through corporate social reporting practices, minimising slavery in domestic and global supply chains; use of sustainability accounting in accomplishing Agenda 2030; corporate motivation for disclosing clean water and sanitation (SDG-6) related actions; and the state of corporate environmental reporting research in sub-Saharan Africa.
Emerald Publishing Limited Polish Marxism after Luxemburg
In this 37th issue of the Research in Political Economy series, Jan Toporowski and leading experts offer a unique and insightful overview of Polish Marxism after Luxemburg, serving as an introduction to some key themes and the ideas of several Polish political economists. Polish Marxism after Luxemburg covers various ideas that emerged around the same period as Rosa Luxemburg was active, such as Ludwik Krzywicki who pioneered the study of monopoly finance capital and suggested the possibility of industrial feudalism. Chapters illustrate the current relevance of these thinkers and highlight the development from Polish Marxism of Michał Kalecki and Oskar Lange, who went on to become one of the founders of what came to be called the Keynesian Revolution in macroeconomics and economic policy. After exploring the relationship of Kalecki to Marxism, through the work of Luxemburg. Polish Marxism after Luxemburg also illuminates a selection of Polish discussions in the political economy from the second half of the twentieth century, particularly in the circle of political economists around Oskar Lange, like Włodzimierz Brus and Tadeusz Kowalik.
Emerald Publishing Limited Privatisation of Migration Control: Power without Accountability?
This special issue is the second of a two-part edited collection on the privatisation of migration. The central thrust of the special issue is a critical analysis of modern day manifestations of private participation in immigration control such as through companies which run detention and deportation programmes and individual landlords, medical professionals and employers who become part of immigration enforcement. In the chapters the authors examine the role of private stakeholders and the political economy in migration control.
Emerald Publishing Limited The African Context of Business and Society
The African Context of Business and Society traces the unique and often overlooked and unestimated contours of African business and society, abandoning the flawed assumption that western preconceptions can be directly transplanted– one that has often led to incorrect macro-theorisations. Africa’s diverse economy has been influenced by historical and cultural change, and The African Context of Business and Society’s novel indigenous viewpoints address topics such as female entrepreneurship, organizational culture, the role of religion on employee trust, authentic leadership and more. Understanding individual and organisational behaviour, the chapters examine the under-researched aspects of Africa’s business and society and both opportunities and constraints. The New Frontiers in African Business and Society series provides innovative reflections on the nature of business and society across parts of Africa and its emerging economy. Distinguished scholars formulate important answers to the problems within the continent, discovering new avenues of research and pathways forward.
Emerald Publishing Limited Smart Industry - Better Management
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Smart industry requires better management. As industrial and production systems are future-proofed, becoming smart and interconnected through use of new manufacturing and product technologies, work is advancing on improving product needs, volume, timing, resource efficiency, and cost, optimally using supply chains. Presenting innovative, evidence-based, and cutting-edge case studies, with new conceptualizations and viewpoints on management, Smart Industry, Better Management explores concepts in product systems, use of cyber physical systems, digitization, interconnectivity, and new manufacturing and product technologies. Contributions to this volume highlight the high degree of flexibility in people management, production, including product needs, volume, timing, resource efficiency and cost in being able to finely adjust to customer needs and make full use of supply chains for value creation. Smart Industry, Better Management illustrates how industry can enabled by a more network-centric approach, making use of the value of information and the latest available proven manufacturing techniques.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leisure Lifestyles: Organizing Everyday Life for Fun and Fulfillment
Acknowledging that the challenge facing social science is how to inject some order into the common-sense notion of leisure lifestyles, this book, written by a major player in the field of leisure, considers how to turn the study of both serious and casual leisure into a useful concept for guiding research. Developing the common-sense notion that leisure lifestyles have time and space dimensions, Stebbins delves into distinctive leisure lifestyles which occur around particular free-time activities such as the serious ones where participants must routinely train, practice, rehearse, gather information, and those that are casual such as bingo, lunches with colleagues, and outings of small walking groups. Demonstrating the nuances of each, and analysing how serious activities are structured along the lines of the social world in which every lifestyle is embedded, this book revolutionises the idea of leisure lifestyle, turning it into a workable concept for guiding research, while also enriching our understanding of what it means. Striving to meet the test of a critical challenge in the field, this book is a refreshing new addition to the work on leisure, from a highly-respected and established scholar.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Risk and Decision Making in Times of Economic Distress
Managing Risk and Decision Making in Times of Economic Distress adds much needed scholarly analysis of the fledgling decision/control approach, arguing the merits of its empirical content to shed light on the structure of capital contracts and rationale for diversity of objectives. Underpinning the book's central arguments are questions surrounding the identification and realisation of opportunities during periods of distress or disruption. Although such questions have been the focus of corporate finance, risk management, and financial management studies and literature, within the context of COVID-19 gaps remain unresolved. Continuity should be a proactive living plan to return to the norm we know, and continuity planning forms an integral part of a risk management strategy. With the future set to be shaped by these many disruptions and humanity's responses to it, critical insights are more important than ever, to ensure and determine progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and recovering from these economic and social challenges. Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis publishes a series of current and relevant themed volumes within the fields of economics and finance. Both disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies are welcome.
Emerald Publishing Limited Higher Education in Emergencies: Best Practices and Benchmarking
Today’s world is fraught with perils and pandemics. Education offers structure, stability, and hope for the future, supporting conflict resolution, peacebuilding efforts, and scientific research that can help prevent and mitigate both natural and manmade disasters. With these values in mind, how can universities apply their experiences from the COVID-19 pandemic to other emergency situations? How can they ensure accessibility to education under any circumstances without compromising on quality? With diverse contributions from Qatar, Kosovo, Turkey, Austria, Israel, Sweden, and the United States, Higher Education in Emergencies: Best Practices and Benchmarking challenges educators to design curriculums that focus on resilience and equip staff with the capability to navigate future scenarios, and students with the skills they need to someday solve them. Avoiding prescriptive standards and advocating for programmes that address the needs of individual campuses, chapters focus on effective methods for evaluating and assessing emergency preparedness, as well as exhibiting exemplary responses that have set a precedent for institutional adaptability moving forward. Championing tangible action and its measurable impacts, Higher Education in Emergencies: Best Practices and Benchmarking provides a critical toolkit for preparing universities for the next pandemic, earthquake, or civil conflict.
Emerald Publishing Limited Information Pollution as Social Harm: Investigating the Digital Drift of Medical Misinformation in a Time of Crisis
The coronavirus pandemic struck the world in a very distinctive way: experience from past pandemics or from more recent outbreaks could give us only a limited understanding of how the situation was likely to unfold. In this context, and with cyberspace being increasingly used to support health-related decision making and to market health products, potentially harmful behaviours have been carried out by individuals propagating non-science-based health (mis)information and conspiratorial thinking. This includes, among other actions, boycotting the use of masks and physical distancing, proactively opposing the use of the COVID-19 candidate vaccines, and promoting the use of useless or even dangerous substances to prevent or resist the virus. By relying on a virtual ethnography approach carried out on Italian-speaking alternative lifestyle and counter-information online communities, this book shows how the nature of personal interactions online and the construction of both personal and group identities through the development of an 'us vs. them' narrative, are central to the creation and propagation of medical misinformation. This book is essential reading for researchers in the social, health, and data sciences and also professionals interested in scientific communication.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Student Literacies amid COVID-19: International Case Studies
The COVID-19 global pandemic triggered the need to reconceptualize provisions to run an agile university at all levels. New Student Literacies amid COVID-19 explores how institutions needed to defend teaching, learning, research and innovation, and implement transdisciplinary approaches to address such complexities together with wider knowledge sharing to unlock solutions. Delving into how universities resorted to intensive use of different technological platforms and resources to ensure that learning prevails, the chapters in this edited collection demonstrate how higher education institutions evaluated and assessed teaching methods and strove to uphold the concepts of inclusion, innovation, and cooperation of higher education. Including international case studies that highlight the issues related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education, the authors showcase how different countries tried to cope with the sudden shift of education to the online mode of teaching and learning, and tried to resolve challenges of online mode of education, largely around the issues of digital pedagogy.