Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Taxation
This title is part of a series dealing with all aspects of taxation, including tax policy and issues at the federal, state, local, or international level. The series primarily publishes empirical studies that address compliance, computer usage, education, legal, planning, or policy issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics and Society
This volume of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society presents a diverse array of articles by an interdisciplinary and international group of scholars. Their work spans the social sciences, humanities, and law. It examines new perspectives on the relationship of law and values and race and the law. The articles published here exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship. TABLE OF CONTENTS: List of contributors; Law and Values: Interpretive freedom and divine law: early rabbinic renderings of divine justice (C. Halberstam); Rawls' law of peoples: an expansion of the prioritization of political over religious values (E. Carpenter); Post modernity and the fading of individual responsibility (J. Krapp); Race in Law; Passing phantasms/sanctioning perfomativities: (re)reading white masculinity in Rhinelander v. Rhine lander (N. Hers); Tortious race, race torts: hate speech, intentional infliction, and the problem of harm (P.L. Rivers); Before or against the law? Citizens' legal beliefs and experiences as death penalty jurors (B. Steiner).
Emerald Publishing Limited Colombia: An Opening Economy?
Has the liberalization of the Colombian economy gone too far or not far enough? This second volume of studies on the Colombian economy seeks to shed some light on this difficult question. A variety of issues related to the economic opening or liberalization (commonly referred to as apertura) of Colombia are discussed. The authors' analysis not only improves our understanding of Colombia during a period of dramatic change but also may provide insight into the impact of liberalization throughout Latin America.
Emerald Publishing Limited Political Power and Social Theory
Part of a series studying political power and social theory, this volume discusses topics such as defence policy and corporate growth, global markets, governance structures and policy options, and reflections on embedded autonomy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Design and Engineering, Volume 3
The main construction of HS2, Britain’s new zero carbon, high-speed railway, began in September 2020, when delivery activity on Phase One moved from enabling works, scheme design and preparatory work to full construction of the railway. The new railway will link London and the West Midlands and eventually extend services to the North and Scotland. High-speed trains powered by zero carbon electricity will reach speeds of 225mph and transform journey times, while opening up capacity on the existing, conventional railway network. This volume of High Speed Two: Infrastructure Design and Construction from the HS2 Project, contains a collection of papers submitted to HS2 Ltd’s Technical Papers Competition. Contributions have come from consultants, contractors, suppliers and third-party stakeholders involved in the delivery of HS2. As part of HS2’s Learning Legacy programme, the organisation seeks to share its learnings and best practices with the rest of the industry throughout the project lifecycle. This volume includes high-quality papers on best practice in planning, design, construction and management for large-scale railway infrastructure projects. It is divided into two sections: ground engineering (geotechnics, groundworks and earthworks) and structural engineering (bridges, viaducts, tunnels and underground structures).
Emerald Publishing Limited Landslide Risk Assessment
Landslide Risk Assessment, Third Edition is the essential guide on establishing the likelihood and extent to which future slope failures could adversely impact society and affect urban areas. This book examines a variety of approaches to landslide risk assessment and management. It introduces the key challenges that practitioners will need to overcome when estimating the probability and consequences of landsliding. The use of risk criteria is described, marking the important transition between risk assessment and risk management. Now updated with the latest ISO and Society for Risk Analysis guidance, and with a focus on the impact of uncertainty and strength of knowledge on assessing risk plus much more, this book is the authoritative, must-have purchase for any practitioner operating in this area. With international case studies and examples to allow you to put theory into practice, this book covers: risk concepts and models basic elements of landslide risk assessment landslide hazard qualitative and quantitative risk assessments exposure and vulnerability consequences quantifying risk assessing uncertainty and strength of knowledge This title will appeal to any geotechnical or civil engineer involved in slope engineering and landslide risk. It will have additional appeal to risk analysts, geomorphologists, hydrologists, foresters, environmental consultants, students, academics and researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited India: Civil Engineering Special Issue
This special issue of Civil Engineering is dedicated to innovative civil engineering projects in India. It highlights how the world’s sixth largest economy is investing heavily in national and local infrastructure to meet its ever-growing social and economic needs while also considering the wider issues of sustainability.
Emerald Publishing Limited Concise Guide to Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocode 2
Concise Guide to Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocode 2 explains the principles of limit state design in Eurocode 2 by means of simple worked examples of reinforced concrete design. The book introduces the reader to the basic principles applicable to each section and guides to design elementary reinforced concrete structures. Further practice problems and outline solutions are provided along the way and design charts, tables and formulae are included as design aids throughout. Each chapter contains a summary of the key structural design steps and more in-depth coverage of the design of reinforced concrete structural elements are presented which will be of benefit to any practitioner or student. This book contains chapters on limit state design flexure shear deflection curtailment slabs columns pad footings detailing. It is a concise, pick-up-and-go introduction to concrete technology for students of engineering and architecture, and an aide for junior engineers, architects and draughtspersons looking for the essential information for designing with Eurocode 2.
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Manual of Blue-Green Infrastructure
ICE Manual of Blue-Green Infrastructure draws together an exceptional breadth of material to provide a complete practical reference on Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) solutions. Written and edited by leading specialists, each chapter provides a contemporary overview of a significant area within the field and guidance on key considerations in BGI design, creation, retrofitting and maintenance. The book will help practitioners to explain the value of BGI, embed it into new development projects, retrofit it to older ones and provide for its long-term successful maintenance. Key features include: introduction to BGI, including definitions, and overarching benefits and challenges targeted chapters focusing on particular project types, landscapes and approaches, including coastal and marine BGI, BGI on highways, green bridges, green roofs, sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), trees and soils BGI standards and key issues for the management and maintenance of BGI examples of successful projects across a range of sectors Together, the chapters demonstrate how BGI is a vital part of infrastructure engineering design, which can deliver multifunctional benefits across multiple scales and sectors. Part of the ICE Manuals series, ICE Manual of Blue-Green Infrastructure is an essential reference for practicing engineers, masterplanners, landscape architects, water design specialists, ecologists, development companies, and local planning authorities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Underground Construction: Civil Engineering Special Issue
This Civil Engineering special issue is on underground construction. It explores some of the latest developments and innovations that are transforming underground construction across the world. The wide-ranging papers cover various ways in which underground spaces can meet society's future needs, and the innovations in underground construction technology that are helping to improve safety, delivery and environmental performance. The issue has been supported by the British Tunnelling Society (BTS), an Institution of Civil Engineers associated society, which celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2021. Since its first meeting in March 1971, it has since grown to become one of the world's most vibrant gatherings of professional tunnellers in the world, providing industry guidelines, codes of practice, training, conferences and advice to government on all aspects of underground construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Civil Engineers, The Contractors and The Consulting Engineers - 3 part bookset
Hugh Ferguson and Mike Chrimes' fascinating series is now available as a three-volume set. The Civil Engineers, The Contractors and The Consulting Engineers follows the story of the engineering profession, the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and the people and companies who made the industry what it is today. All of the books show the evolution of the civil engineering profession from ancient times to the present day, revealing how British endeavour has impacted the infrastructure of the United Kingdom and wider world. Each book is illustrated throughout and presented in full colour and contains biographies of the biggest names and influential pioneers including Grundy, Smeaton, Telford, Stephenson, Brunel, Binnie, Gibb and Arup, and many more. These books will appeal to professional engineers, academics, students of engineering, historians and the wider public who are interested in the social and industrial history of Great Britain, and its influence throughout the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Earthquake Design Practice for Buildings
Earthquake Design Practice for Buildings covers the main principles and design rules that are used to design buildings to resist the effect of earthquakes. It offers comprehensive, practical and easy to read advice on the technical issues that have to be considered in the seismic design of buildings. This indispensable guide outlines the principles of structural dynamics used to establish how a building and its foundations respond to strong ground shaking. Extensive advice is provided on the choice and design of structural forms and materials which produce practical, affordable and attractive buildings resilient to earthquakes. Now in its fourth edition and written by two experienced seismic engineers, this book has been updated to take into account the many developments in seismic design practice in recent years, including updates to international seismic design standards, along with new editions of US design standards, upcoming changes to Eurocode 8, and a comparison with Indian and Chinese code requirements a new chapter on seismic performance objectives for new and existing structures, and the latest developments in performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE) expanded coverage on the design of masonry and timber structures design of specific seismic-protective technologies, such as base isolation and supplemental damping, and the role of ‘non-structural’ building components in delivering resilient, damage-resistant seismic design a revised introduction on the wider technical and socio-economic factors affecting earthquake resilience. Containing information about the updated international seismic standards, Earthquake Design Practice for Buildings is directed at practising engineers and advanced-level students seeking a broad survey of the latest developments in seismic engineering. It also appeals to those who have a sound general knowledge of structural design but who may be unfamiliar with the problems of providing earthquake resistance. Want to find out more on designing earthquake-resistant buildings in seismic areas around the world? Read Damian Grant's, author of Earthquake Design Practice for Buildings, blog: Beyond life safety: how to make sure our buildings behave themselves in an earthquake.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cities for Driverless Vehicles: Planning the future built environment with shared mobility
Cities for Driverless Vehicles examines the relationship between autonomous vehicles, transport infrastructure requirements and urban forms, as well as explores ways to adopt autonomous vehicles into future cities. With insights drawn from urban planners and professionals across the world, the book informs you how our future cities will look, what legal requirements will need to be met, how pedestrians will interact with driverless vehicles, the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept, and how planners can prepare for the new technological age. Informed research and expert transport modelling is underpinned by international case studies along with the action plans required to make the transition a smooth, orderly and safe one for future generations. This book includes plans for industry professionals on understanding new and upcoming technology and provides thoughts for further research and development details the infrastructure that the vehicles will interact with, including hard solutions and soft benefits reveals how to plan for a future with MaaS concludes each chapter with plausible and desirable future scenarios for the reader to take away and consider. With technology changing the face of future travel faster than ever before, the need to be ahead of the curve has never been greater. This forward-thinking book is, therefore, an ideal and necessary purchase for urban and transport planners, infrastructure engineers, vehicle manufacturers, and policy and decision makers tasked with future-proofing urban areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Blue-Green Cities: Integrating urban flood risk management with green infrastructure
In Blue-Green Cities, Colin Thorne and the team of authors, demonstrate how urban flood risk management based on Blue-Green approaches and infrastructure can deliver both sustainable flood risk management and multiple co-benefits that are valued by urban communities. Cities world-wide are seeking novel solutions to problems with aging ‘grey’ drainage systems that are unable to cope with climate change-related increases in urban flooding. A Blue-Green City finds solutions by combining its management of urban green spaces with upgrading existing drainage systems to create integrated stormwater management systems. This challenges policy makers and planners to overcome barriers to innovation, engineers to model, design and implement Blue-Green systems fit for an uncertain future, social scientists to identify the preferences and values of the beneficiary communities, and environmental economists to reliably evaluate the co-benefits of Blue-Green solutions. We address these issues by synthesising the outcomes of the Blue-Green Cities Research Project (EPSRC award EP/K013661/1) to demonstrate how urban flood risk management that is both sustainable and resilient can be achieved using innovative approaches. This book reveals how cities can enhance their flood risk management systems while simultaneously delivering increased water security improved air and water quality reduced urban heat island effects carbon sequestration access to natural areas for recreation and conservation enhanced social benefits and economic vitality. This book is an essential read for flood risk management professionals, policy makers and stakeholders in urban areas. It particularly appeals to city and local authority councillors, municipal, drainage and urban water engineers and developers, architects and landscape architects.
Emerald Publishing Limited Procurement and Contract Strategies for Construction
Procurement and Contract Strategies for Construction is a detailed guide to the key steps in the procurement process and the decisions which need to be made in order to create an effective procurement and contract strategy (PCS). PCS is a fundamental building block in successful project delivery. The book shows how—if done correctly—it ensures the right suppliers are appointed that are able to deliver the client’s objectives. Coverage includes determining client requirements, scope and objectives supply chain engagement breaking down a project into packages allocation of design responsibility types of engagement model—risk allocation and management responsibility selecting the commercial model choosing the contract, including NEC4, FIDIC and JCT; tendering and contract award. Procurement and Contract Strategies for Construction is essential reading for a wide range of construction professionals, particularly commercial, contractual and procurement staff. It will also be of interest to students on university and professional courses that cover procurement and contract strategy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Design of Vertical Gravity Sea and Quay Walls
This essential book offers a comprehensive guide to the design of vertical gravity concrete sea and quay wall structures for practitioners in the field. Design of Vertical Gravity Sea and Quay Walls covers the complete process from structure type selection through to detail design. Based on the British Standard 6349 as well as design codes including Eurocodes, the Coastal Engineering Manual, Japanese standards, CIRIA and PIANC guidelines, and the latest research, it includes information on the required technical specifications and construction aspects to consider. The book can also be used as a guide for the assessment of existing structures. With worked examples provided to illustrate the theory discussed, Design of Vertical Gravity Sea and Quay Walls covers choice of structure geometry design codes of practice and guidelines actions and combinations of actions design technical specifications and construction aspects. This book by Marisa Ackhurst is ideal for any civil engineer in need of guidance on the latest requirements for designing these marine structures. It is written in a way that will benefit civil engineers of any level of experience.
Emerald Publishing Limited Humanitarian Engineering: Civil Engineering Special Issue
This special issue of Civil Engineering on humanitarian engineering shares and celebrates some of the tremendous projects that civil engineers are carrying out in the humanitarian field. These eight papers aim to open discussions about best practice and lessons learnt for the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tension Structures: Form and behaviour
Tension Structures, Second edition delivers a unique coverage of the topic of tension structures ranging from a variety of pre-stressed cable net and fabric roofing forms to suspension bridge cables. The emphasis is on finding minimum energy forms of these structures by analogy to nature. Tension Structures, Second edition: features a number of projects detailing structural form and behaviour of tension structures offers an exclusive perspective that brings together fabric and cable structures, suspension bridge cables, and rigid structural forms, such as arches and shells provides unique insights into numerical modelling of cable and fabric structures includes brand new sections on modelling of suspension bridge cables and demonstrates its relevance to conceptual design of arch structures presents the latest approaches to patterning of fabric structures As a permanent fixture of modern architecture, tension structures demonstrate their potential for creating aesthetically pleasing art forms and offer wonderful design opportunities that arise from their ability to span large distances with elegance and structural efficiency. Tension Structures, Second edition compiles a vast amount of knowledge while providing an accessible entry to a rather specialised field. The mathematical expositions are set at an undergraduate level and, wherever possible, non-mathematical language is used to aid the understanding of fundamental concepts. The book will be of interest to researchers studying tension structures, engineering and architectural students, practising civil and structural engineers, architects, and scientists developing computational methodologies for non-linear problems in areas other than civil engineering.
Emerald Publishing Limited Progressive Collapse of Structures
Progressive Collapse of Structures, Second edition provides structural engineers with the practical and systematic frameworks they need to anticipate the risk of progressive and/or disproportionate collapse, and to apply this knowledge to the design of new structures as well as the retrofit design of existing structures. With design codes becoming more stringent in their collapse resistance requirements, there is an increased demand for guidance. This new edition addresses this demand by explaining progressive collapse as it occurs in different kinds of structures, as well as outlining both code provisions and general methods for providing resistance against disproportionate collapse. Progressive Collapse of Structures, Second edition: • offers a comprehensive, straightforward introduction to the topic • catalogues and describes in detail the different types of progressive collapse • includes a new chapter outlining and discussing the current US and European codes on design against disproportionate collapse – and their limitations • for the first time presents model guidelines that are not limited to building design but applicable to all kinds of structures • contains an extended applications chapter on the design of long bridges and tall buildings • proposes revised and extended measures of robustness.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategic Management of Flood Risk
Strategic Management of Flood Risk offers a proven approach for flood risk management in communities internationally. This supports the practical consideration of the full range of flood behaviour in decisions that influence this risk. These decisions may relate to: management activities aimed at reducing risk to the existing community land use planning activities to limit the growth in risk related to new development emergency management activities aimed at preparing for, responding to, and recovering from floods. This book provides a logical framework and understanding of how flood risk to communities can be considered and managed. It discusses approaches that allow consideration of the variation of risk between and within floodplains, and across flood events of different scales. It investigates how land use planning activities that support community growth can be informed by an understanding of the variation in flood behaviour, flood function, and isolation of an area from safety, and the associated risks to the community and the built environment. With full colour figures and diagrams in a colour plate section, case studies in land use planning from the UK, USA and Australia, emergency management and flood mitigation included, this book provides value for engineers, town planners and professionals involved in emergency management, as well as for postgraduate students studying flood risk solutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contaminated Land Guidance: The route to sustainable economic solutions
Contaminated Land Guidance provides authoritative guidance and up-to-date information on the challenges associated with contamination on brownfield developments. This fully updated edition summarises the key elements of current regulations and good practice as published in existing authoritative guidance documents prepared by key bodies such as central government, the Environment Agency, the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) and the Building Research Establishment (BRE). In addition, changes to waste management legislation have resulted in an increased focus on sustainable development along with the implementation of sustainable remediation solutions. It recognises that the whole area of contaminated land investigation and remediation has undergone significant changes since 1994 and the subsequent second edition in 2007 and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Contaminated Land Guidance: provides a clear overarching route map for current and best practice reflects the recent changes in the field of contaminated land, including government statutory guidance, the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations, clarifying different types of receptors, environmental permitting and background concentrations of contaminants includes a summary of key watch points and steps required to manage contaminated sites offers a range of case studies that showcase examples of practical cost-effective solutions. As redevelopment of brownfield land becomes the norm as a result of a lack of developable space, assessment of contamination becomes a material issue, in terms of both environmental risks and financial liabilities for most sites. Contaminated Land Guidance, Third edition is essential reading for professionals dealing with the regeneration of contaminated land, including civil and structural engineers, incoming contaminated land professionals at graduate level, project managers, planning consultants, surveyors, conveyancers, architects, property developers, portfolio managers and site managers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Risk Assessment and Strategic Planning: An introduction and facilitator's guide to the GRASP methodology
Global Risk Assessment and Strategic Planning is a combined risk-based methodology for management planning and decision making in projects. GRASP uses multi-stakeholder perspectives to enlarge the project team’s knowledge base and increase awareness of the circumstances in which the project can make real progress. The book provides a practical, infinitely scalable process for managing project risk, improving project delivery planning and executing stakeholder engagement programmes; all intended to increase the likelihood of better project outcomes. As a 'how-to' manual, the book combines user-friendly information with examples that allow a practitioner to use the GRASP methodology in an efficient and effective manner. Global Risk Assessment and Strategic Planning: delivers a flexible, methodological approach to create a richer picture of a project for all parties operating at any level in the participating organisation helps improve managers’ ability to plan, assess and understand their projects and the risks inherent in them provides managers with a more informed view of their project, which in turn helps them to make more informed decisions contributes to a manager’s toolkit by being an essential and practical everyday facilitation aid. Global Risk Assessment and Strategic Planning has been designed to promote a culture of openness and positive attitudes to risk, stakeholder engagement and problem solving within projects. The methodology has been developed over several years and is in regular use by a number of forward-looking project sponsors and project management teams.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bridge Monitoring: A practical guide
Bridge Monitoring provides practical guidance on the monitoring of bridges, with a particular focus on the use of sensor technologies and bridge monitoring systems. As vital infrastructure assets, it is important that bridges are monitored effectively to ensure that they continue to be safe, operational and appropriately maintained. Bridge Monitoring: provides a new look at the reasons for, and possible outcomes from, monitoring bridges discusses how to specify and plan for the instalment of a monitoring system outlines recent developments in sensor technologies includes a selection of international bridge monitoring case studies. Part of a series of best practice guides written by experts at the Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC), this book provides valuable information which will be useful to a range of stakeholders involved in the design, construction and management of bridges.
Emerald Publishing Limited Distributed Fibre Optic Strain Sensing For Monitoring Civil Infrastructure: A practical guide
Distributed Fibre Optic Strain Sensing for Monitoring Civil Infrastructure offers comprehensive guidance in the current developments of distributed optical fibre sensing applied to the field of civil engineering. The book discusses the concepts and practice of fibre optic monitoring of infrastructure and construction within the underground and geotechnical industry through real-life case studies in tunnel and pile monitoring, diaphragm-walls and slopes and embankments. Smart monitoring for performance-based design is increasingly being recognised as an essential tool for improving construction processes, delivering efficiency and reducing over-specification. Distributed Fibre Optic Strain Sensing for Monitoring Civil Infrastructure provides in-depth knowledge of Brillouin sensing, including DFOSS and BOTDR/A includes highly illustrated real-world case studies explores an innovative, economic and effective solution to performance monitoring discusses practical considerations such as cable types, methods of attachment, cable handling and installation planning and testing. Written by experts at the Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC), this book highlights the main issues and offers guidance on how to correctly and efficiently determine the specifications for a distributed strain sensing system, examines fibre optic data analysis, the conversion to engineering parameters and how to interpret results.
Emerald Publishing Limited Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013: From Sea to Shore - Meeting the Challenges of the Sea
The ICE Coasts, Maritime Structures and Breakwaters conference series, sponsored by the ICE for over thirty years, is the leading forum for the presentation of the latest developments in coastal and maritime engineering. The tenth conference, From Sea to Shore – Meeting the Challenges of the Sea, was the largest in the history of the series attracting over 450 delegates and 130 papers across 3 plenary and 27 parallel sessions. In addition, these proceedings retain the tradition of including full discussions from each session. Whilst retaining the historical coverage on shoreline structures and coastal processes, the conference extended the marine energy theme with emphasis on the civil and coastal engineering interface such as fluid loadings, resource modelling and interactions with the environment. The papers, presented across two volumes, are divided into three streams: The first stream covers topics such as breakwater design, construction, armouring, overtopping and lessons from historical structures. The second stream tackles beaches, coastal structures, processes and erosion, coastal protection structures and environment schemes, shoreline management and flood forecasting. The third stream explores hydrodynamics, wave structure interactions, numerical and physical odelling, new test facilities and techniques, and renewable energy schemes. With contributions from industry and academia and a wide range of case studies including the UK, Italy, Pakistan and Hong Kong, From Sea to Shore – Meeting the Challenges of the Sea provides an invaluable reference for engineers and researchers in the field today and for many years to come.
Emerald Publishing Limited Biographical Dictionary of Civil Engineers in Great Britain and Ireland - Volume 3: 1890-1920
The third volume of the authoritative source of information on the engineers who designed public works over the past 300 years. Biographical Dictionary of Civil Engineers in Great Britain and Ireland discusses the lives of the people who were concerned with awe-inspiring engineering feats between the years 1891-1920 including building harbours and lighthouses, fen drainage and improving river navigations, building canals, roads, bridges and early railways, and providing water supply facilities. This book is the definitive biographical reference work on the lives, works and careers of individuals engaged in the practice of civil engineering. Richly illustrated, this book is an engaging read for any engineer and also provides great value to engineers involved in restoration work.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Buildings
Sustainable Buildings is an indispensable handbook that combines a summary of good practice and sources of information helpful to practitioners involved in the design and procurement of buildings. This book illustrates the need for inter-disciplinary integration and an understanding of environmental physics as early as possible in the design process in order to deliver high-quality, economical and sustainable infrastructure across the globe. With many years of knowledge related to the sustainability of buildings, the authors aim to provide a balanced view of current best practice and a vision of the way forward in a rapidly changing sector, the demands placed on its outputs and the solutions that are available. Sustainable Buildings provides readers with: time-limited and output-driven perspectives of practical infrastructure practitioners real-life examples and case studies from a range of UK and worldwide projects a comparison of RIBA, ACE, French, Russian and US design processes a framework that allows engineers, architects, surveyors, constructors and others to work together as a team real-world advice on how, when and what professionals involved in infrastructure-related businesses need to consider. Sustainable Buildings is part of the Delivering Sustainable Infrastructure series of handbooks aimed at providing engineers with an understanding of sustainability principles and solutions. To be useful for practitioners, the series sets sustainability concepts within well-known engineering management processes of planning, designing and delivering infrastructure.
Emerald Publishing Limited Delivering London 2012: Infrastructure and Venues: Civil Engineering Special Issue
This second Civil Engineering special issue about the London 2012 Olympics project describes the physical delivery of key assets on the Olympic Park. The nine papers discuss how each of the project teams for the major infrastructure and venues projects individually responded to the briefs set by ODA and the challenges of design and construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Civil Engineers - The Story of the Institution of Civil Engineers and the People Who Made It
The first history of the Institution of Civil Engineers to be illustrated in colour looks at the development of the profession over nearly 200 years and includes biographies of some of the greatest engineers who made these changes possible, charting the successes of construction from the great engineering advances of Victorian times to the Channel Tunnel Rail Link. A fascinating and informative read for all those interested in the history of ICE and how it has grown as well as the civil engineering industry and its impact on the world in which we live.
Emerald Publishing Limited Stress Ribbon and Cable-Supported Pedestrian Bridges
Stress Ribbon and Cable-supported Pedestrian Bridges provides a definitive practical guide to the skills, knowledge and understanding required by the practising engineer. ‘Stress ribbon bridges’ is the term used to describe structures formed by a very slender concrete deck in the shape of a catenary. They can be designed with one or more spans and are characterized by successive and complementary smooth curves. These curves blend into the natural environment and their forms; the most simple and basic of structural solutions, clearly articulate the flow of internal forces which can be erected without undue pressure on the environment. This new and fully updated edition of Stress Ribbon and Cable-supported Pedestrian Bridges examines all aspects of the design of these structures. Starting with a brief history, the title describes structural types, addresses general design criteria, current technology, static and dynamic analysis and discusses the results of the static and dynamic loading tests. Illustrated throughout, Stress Ribbon and Cable-supported Pedestrian Bridges provides the latest examples of outstanding structures and fully revised to bring the text in to line with the Eurocodes. Stress Ribbon and Cable-supported Pedestrian Bridges: provides a definitive practical guide to stress ribbon and cable-supported bridges focuses on the very latest examples of these structures with international case studies includes over 500 illustrations to complement the text incorporates the latest Eurocodes features the most up to date technology. Stress Ribbon and Cable-supported Pedestrian Bridges is essential reading to practising engineers who wish to understand the premises upon which the rules are based and researchers who wish to develop the subject further and students who wish to delve into the background behind the current loading rules.
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Fire Engineering
Structural Fire Engineering provides comprehensive and practical design guidance on the application of structural fire engineering to specialist structural engineers. The chapters provide an insight into the explanation of the structural fire engineering design process, its position within the regulatory system and guidance on the selection of appropriate partial factors for the fire limit state for variations in material properties and loading. The book places structural fire engineering design procedures within a context and framework which will be familiar to many readers. The information on standard methods of test and assessment and their function within the regulatory framework provides a broader perspective to the design standards. Structural Fire Engineering: provides a unique approach to practical design guidance highlights the Eurocode standards in the context of fire engineering design and conformity to the requirements of the regulations demonstrates the options for design through several worked examples incorporates over 80 illustrations to complement the text provides guidance on the UK National Annexes for Eurocodes Structural Fire Engineering is invaluable reading for practising structural engineers, fire safety engineers, structural fire engineers, students and those who teach advanced fire design.
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Manual of Construction Law
Now part of the ICE manuals series, ICE Manual of Construction Law is the essential legal reference for all construction professionals. Written for non-lawyers by experts from the largest specialist construction law firms and leaders from within the construction industry, ICE Manual of Construction Law considers the practical and commercial implications of case law and legislation and delivers practical guidance and a breadth of knowledge that is unrivalled by any other publication. Covering current UK and European legislation, the most important construction law issues are addressed as they may arise on a project - from planning, financing and procurement, through operational issues and general law, such as insurance, employment, contracts, health and safety, environmental issues, to construction disputes and dispute resolution.
Emerald Publishing Limited Selected papers on geotechnical engineering by P R Vaughan, FREng
This book brings together twenty of the most important papers by the late Professor Peter Rolfe Vaughan on geotechnical engineering. Selected by Peter's closest colleagues at Imperial College and the Geotechnical Consulting Group, these papers are reproduced along with the obituary published in Géotechnique, a full listing of his bibliography, some photographs and personal reflections by David Hight, David Potts, Nebojša Kovačević and Finlay Jardine on working with Peter. The papers were chosen to illustrate Peter's academic work and his considerable impact on civil engineering practice. Many of the papers were awarded distinguished prizes and some are drawn from sources that are now hard to access. The volume will be valued by researchers, practitioners and all those who studied or worked with Peter.T
Emerald Publishing Limited CEB-FIP Model Code 1990
This document is a comprehensive design code for concrete. It is the result of a comprehensive revision to the original model code of 1978, which was produced jointly by the Comité Euro-International du Béton (CEB) and the Fédération International de la Précontrainte (FIP). The original CEB-FIP Model Code of 1978 has had a considerable impact on the national design codes in many countries. In particular, it has been used extensively for the harmonisation of national design codes. Eurocode 2, on the design of concrete structures, used Model Code 1978 as its basic reference document Model Code 1990 has more detailed guidelines and explanations than national codes and can be used as a basis for them. It has already influenced the codification work that is being carried out both nationally and internationally and will continue to do so. With the publication of Eurocode 2: Part 1 as a draft pre-standard, this document is an invaluable reference during the consultative period before Eurocode 2 becomes a European standard. It is also indispensable for anyone involved in codification work on concrete.
Emerald Publishing Limited Coating Protection for Reinforcement
This state of the art report provides an in-depth, comprehensive technical survey of the three main coating protection systems for steel reinforcement: hot-dip galvanizing epoxy-coating PVC-coating
Emerald Publishing Limited Manual For Streets
This guide is facilitates the creation of streets that promote greater social interaction and enjoyment while still performing successfully as conduits for movement. It is to be used predominantly for the design, construction, adoption and maintenance of new residential streets, but it is also applicable to existing residential streets that are subject to re-design.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tables for the Hydraulic Design of Pipes, Sewers and Channels, (2-volume set)
For this new edition the system of increments of gradient have been modified to reduce the need for interpolation, now matching that of (Tables D). Continued from the Seventh edition are the results of new work on the assessment of roughness size in commercial pipes manufactured from materials currently utilised to give a smooth finish and on the assessment of additional losses at bends in such pipes. Volume 2 uses a newer, alternative, route to support the application of the unit size method. For this route, Manning equation tables (Tables D) act also as a carrier for obtaining solution of the Colebrook-White Equation when combined with (Tables E). For Volume II of the Seventh edition, the Manning equation tables were redone reducing the increment in gradient between entries to ease interpolation. This is continued here. As before the coverage of discharges continues into the order of scale of continental rivers. In Volume II a wide range of conduit and channel shapes is covered by tables of properties based on unit size, with key examples of these tables also included in Volume I. This gives illustration of solutions supported by the established form of Colebrook-White tables, as is possible for most conduits and smaller channels when the two volumes are used in conjunction. In both volumes the tables of unit properties provide aid for both gradually varied and rapidly varied flow problems. Also, there is more detailed coverage of the possible effects of variation in water temperature within the normal water resources and drainage range of temperatures. Both volumes include a revised treatment of part-full flow in circular pipes and of the assessment of the effect of conduit shape on free-surface flow in general.
Emerald Publishing Limited Achieving Results: How to create value
A company's ability to quickly adapt to the changing demands and requirements of its customers has become an essential requirement for it's long-term survival. Managers must not limit their thinking to `just' the product or project's value but more importantly what will make customers prefer their offerings to those presented by rivals. It's about a `Result Focus' aimed not simply at what is made and how much it will cost to manufacture but how it will be useful to those who buy it: it's about exceeding the customer's experience and so beating the competition.
Emerald Publishing Limited Preparing International Proposals
The modern engineer has two key tasks: successfully completing projects and working to win the next one. In the past, a proposal may have been little more than a brief letter, accompanied by one or two CVs. Now, to tempt prospective clients, engineers have to submit a comprehensive document consisting of one hundred pages or more of text and calculations and offer an interesting package of skills at a competitive price. All UK and international proposals involve writing technical and financial proposals. The proper preparation and good presentation of a proposal will save money and greatly increase the chances of a successful outcome. This book is a practical step-by-step guide which will help practising engineers prepare and write successful proposals. In one handy guide it: describes the problems and best approach for preparing proposals, focusing on technical and financial proposals, technical staff CV’s and project references outlines the preparation of a proposal, the best route map for getting there, and possible short cuts explains the importance of intermediate sheets to help you get invited to write a proposal resubmitting letters of interest and pre-qualification documents describes technical proposals, how to get ideas, what the documents should contain, and what you should and should not say • highlights the unexpected problems with document submission illustrates the value of follow-up, regardless of the outcome of the proposal decision describes financial proposals - what should not be included, and how to simplify and standardise calculations defines technical references - project and staff descriptions, summary, short and long forms of each - and compares the expectations of a range of International Funding Institutions contains numerous checklists including a summary of the key factors to remember and potential pitfalls to watch out for when preparing and writing proposals
Emerald Publishing Limited Appraisal and Repair of Masonry
This guide provides practical advice and guidance on the repair and maintenance of masonry structures. It covers all of the various forms of masonry, including stone, brick and blockwork.
Emerald Publishing Limited From Kendal's Coffee House to Great George Street
The history of the various headquarters of the Institution of Civil Engineers traces the journey from the first meetings of a group of young engineers in Kendals Coffee House, Fleet Street to the grandeur of the present headquarters at Great George Street. Details are given of the design and construction of the present headquarters during 1908-13 and 1935-36 and a major section is devoted to a detailed description of construction work carried out during the recent modernization of the building.
Emerald Publishing Limited Groundwater Problems in Urban Areas
Changing groundwater levels are causing problems in many cities and urban areas throughout the world. Over-abstraction of water for prolonged periods has caused levels to fall with ensuing foundation settlement and structural damage caused by consolidation of the underlying strata, in addition to frequent deterioration of water quality. Conversely, the decline of industry in many cities and/or the provision of better piped supplies has led to greatly reduced water abstraction. The ensuing rise in water levels has caused flooding or uplift of basements and tube tunnels, together with the differential movement of buildings constructed on a mixture of deep and shallow foundations. This book addresses these problems and provides comprehensive coverage of background information, data interpretation, details of the rising and falling groundwater levels and possible engineering solutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Slope Stability Engineering: Developments and applications
This volume draws on the experience and extensive research of an international authorship to bring together details on slope stability, causes of landslides, landslide prevention, new techniques for assessing and predicting stability, new methods for stabilising slopes and the special considerations for coastal situations.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Embankment Dam
This is a state-of-the art survey of embankment dams. Drawing on an international authorship, it provides up to date information from many countries on research, environmental considerations, risks, hazards and safety. A major part of the book is devoted to a wide-ranging study of tailings dams, which draws together current international practice. Any engineer involved in the planning, design, construction, or operation of water-retaining embankments and tailing dams will find this an invaluable reference book.
Emerald Publishing Limited Engineering for Offshore Fish Farming
The growth in offshore fish farming in the past decade has produced a crucial need to develop engineering solutions to its unique problems. The search for cleaner waters and the need to avoid polluting coastlines, combined with a general desire for expansion, have meant that farmers are constructing farms in ever more aggressive wave environments. Design guidance for engineers is virtually non-existent - there are no specific standards - and methods adapted from other fields have had limited success. Inevitably interdisciplinary, this book draws on the international experience of engineers and aquaculturalists in an attempt set up a design philosophy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategic Management: Methods and Studies
Strategic management deals with a very broad set of questions, issues, and problems associated with general management. This book introduces research carried out in several frontier areas of strategic management: Strategy, Information Systems, R&D/Engineering, Marketing, Ethics, Governance, Issues Management and New Ventures. Especially noteworthy is its major emphasis on extending the purview and scope of strategic management by the integration of established and emerging functional areas into the mainstream of the strategic management process. The scope of areas covered ranges from the corporate to public sector, and from corporate to new ventures. Academics and practitioners interested in the ramifications of latest developments in the theory and practice of strategic management will find this book of interest.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Trade Theory and Policy
This is a new volume in the "Frontiers in Economics & Globalization" series. This book deals with a wide-range of trade and development issues in terms of well-known general equilibrium structure. This volume shows how neo-classical models of trade theory can be used to highlight many challenging contemporary global problems. This book is a new volume in the "Frontiers in Economics & Globalization" series. It deals with a wide-range of trade and development issues. It focuses on neo-classical models of trade theory to highlight the challenges of global trade problems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fighting Corruption in the Public Sector
The present volume provides a collection of material on the subject of international comparisons, contributed by scholars from a range of relevant disciplines and geographical backgrounds. The papers in this volume have been classified into two broad groups united by overlapping themes. Part I includes essentially empirical papers intended to provide a clear picture of the different types of international comparisons that have been undertaken by various organizations and individuals. The papers relate to empirical studies of different sectoral and national income aggregates at both regional and global levels. The papers in Part II deal with methodological and analytical issues. Discussion of the appropriateness of various aggregation methods for international comparisons accounts for a major component of this section. The volume provides a set of studies on international comparisons of prices, output and productivity, and will provide a reference source for interested readers.