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John Wiley & Sons Inc Resolving Conflicts at Work: Ten Strategies for Everyone on the Job
The classic text on resolving workplace conflicts, fully revised and updated Resolving Conflicts at Work is a guide for preventing and resolving conflicts, miscommunications, and misunderstandings at work, including dozens of techniques for revealing how the inevitable disputes and divisions in the workplace are actually opportunities for greater creativity, productivity, enhanced morale, and personal growth. In the third edition of this text, all chapters are completely infused with additional content, updated examples, and new case studies. Like its predecessors, it identifies core strategies for preventing and resolving both intermittent and chronic conflicts in the workplace. In addition, the book Includes a new foreword by Warren Bennis, which represents his most recent thinking about judgment calls and candid communications in the workplace Presents new chapters on leadership and transformational conflict coaching, and organizational systems design This definitive and comprehensive work provides a handy guide for managers, employees, union representatives, human resource experts, and consultants seeking to maintain stable and productive workplaces.
Scholastic Inc. The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark
HarperCollins Publishers The Little Book of Coaching (The One Minute Manager)
This is the small book with a big motivational message – that we can all be winners with the right management techniques. In brief paragraphs and anecdotes, business guru Blanchard and NFL coach Shula offer wisdom on how to help people excel. In business and in work, the motivation should be to be a winner – this book shows how we can all be winners with the best kind of leadership, and by creating the right kind of environment. The advice for creating the atmosphere for winners is sound and ultimately simple: "Avoid being a `leave alone and zap' manager and use… praising more,”. This book has inspired managers everywhere and is still an essential read.
HarperCollins Publishers Putting the One Minute Manager to Work (The One Minute Manager)
How to apply the key techniques learnt in One-Minute Manager. This is the companion to the original blockbuster bestseller which has transformed businesses around the world. This is the essential companion volume to The One Minute Manager, the international bestseller praised by top managers around the world. This book shows how the One Minute management techniques can be applied on a day-to-day basis to improve performance, productivity and profits. Their message is that there is no ‘quick fix’. The keys to successful management are conviction and consistency. Putting the One Minute Manager to Work is essential reading for all those who aspire to management, and to managing well.
BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House The Wind In The Willows
Richard Briers, Adrian Scarborough and Terence Rigby star in this full-cast dramatisation, narrated by Alan Bennett.When Mole abandons his spring cleaning one morning, he surfaces into the sunlight and encounters the Water Rat. Mole stays with Ratty in his snug waterside home, and soon he meets Ratty’s friends: Badger, who lives in the Wild Wood, and the incorrigible Toad of Toad Hall. This timeless tale of waterside Britain has been loved by generations of children and acclaimed as a classic. The story of Mole, Ratty, Badger and Toad and their escapades never fails to enchant. Many of the original cast from Alan Bennett's acclaimed National Theatre production appear in this Radio 4 dramatisation, including Richard Briers as Rat, Adrian Scarborough as Mole and Terence Rigby as Albert - with Alan Bennett as the narrator.
Pearson Education Limited Systems Analysis and Design, Global Edition
For undergraduate systems analysis and design courses. A practical and modern approach to systems analysis and design Kendall and Kendall’s Systems Analysis and Design, Global Edition, 10th Edition concisely presents the latest systems development methods, tools, and techniques to students in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner. The 10th Edition reflects the rapidly changing face of the IS field, with new and advanced features integrated throughout — including additional coverage of security and privacy issues, and innovative materials on new developments such as designing virtual reality and intelligent personal assistants.
John Wiley & Sons Invasive Cardiology A Manual for Cath Lab Personnel with Navigate Advantage Access
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Religion Und Migration
Les Belles Lettres Histoire Du Bouddhisme En Chine
Sunshine Books (MA) Puppy Start Right: Foundation Training for the Companion Dog
American Bar Association The Online Courtroom: Leveraging Remote Technology in Litigation
Table of Contents: Why Take Litigation Online? Disruption and Innovation Views from the Bench Views from Counsel Table Views from the Witness Box Views from the Jury Box Meeting the Technical Challenges of Online Litigation Addressing the Legal Permissibility of Online Litigation Preserving the Representativeness of Jury Pools in Online Trials Online Client and Witness Meetings Taking and Defending Online Depositions Online Arguments to the Court Credibility and Communication in an Online Environment Implementing Technology for Remote Trials Managing Jurors in the Virtual Courtroom from Summons to Deliberation Online Jury Selection Online Testimony Online Use of Trial Exhibits and Demonstratives Instructions for Online Juries Socially Distanced and Online Jury Deliberations The Future of Online Litigation
Simon & Schuster Renni the Rescuer
McGraw-Hill Companies Looseleaf for Research Design and Methods
Rizzoli International Publications Wayne Thiebaud: Updated Edition
As he turns 100, the definitive monograph of Wayne Thiebaud's work is now available in a reformatted, accessibly priced edition, and including his most recent paintings. This is the most comprehensive monograph to date on Wayne Thiebaud, with new works added, in a reformatted size. Spanning the length of his career from the 1950s to the present, the book has been made in close collaboration with the artist. Thiebaud selected the works himself, making the book an act of autobiography in a sense. At age 100, he looks back over his life and his work, rich with breakthroughs in painting and masterful individuality. Required reading for those who have a healthy appetite for provocative art. -Bloomberg Business This comprehensive monograph of more than 200 illustrations can literally be considered eye candy. American artist Wayne Thiebaud is famed for his brightly coloured canvases of cakes, diner pies, pastries, ice cream cones, candy and brightly coloured gumball machines. . . . Whether still lifes or landscapes, Thiebaud's paintings are akin to visual Prozac; you simply cannot be in a bad mood looking at them. -Kansas City Magazine While Thiebaud is best known for his heavily pigmented still lifes of cakes, pies, and candies, [this] book shows his broader range, from vibrant landscapes depicting highways and farmland to portraits of solitary figures. . . The texts examine Thiebaud's influences as well as his impact on the art world and the individual viewers of his work. -Architectural Digest
Northwestern University Press Consciousness and the Acquisition of Language
The tools, concepts, and vocabulary of phenomenology are used in this book to explore language in a multitude of contexts.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Abstract Harmonic Analysis: Volume II: Structure and Analysis for Compact Groups Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups
This book is a continuation of Volume I of the same title [Grund lehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 115 ]. We constantly 1 1. The textbook Real and cite definitions and results from Volume abstract analysis by E. HEWITT and K. R. STROMBERG [Berlin · Gottin gen ·Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 1965], which appeared between the publication of the two volumes of this work, contains many standard facts from analysis. We use this book as a convenient reference for such facts, and denote it in the text by RAAA. Most readers will have only occasional need actually to read in RAAA. Our goal in this volume is to present the most important parts of harmonic analysis on compact groups and on locally compact Abelian groups. We deal with general locally compact groups only where they are the natural setting for what we are considering, or where one or another group provides a useful counterexample. Readers who are interested only in compact groups may read as follows: § 27, Appendix D, §§ 28-30 [omitting subheads (30.6)-(30.60)ifdesired], (31.22)-(31.25), §§ 32, 34-38, 44. Readers who are interested only in locally compact Abelian groups may read as follows: §§ 31-33, 39-42, selected Mis cellaneous Theorems and Examples in §§34-38. For all readers, § 43 is interesting but optional. Obviously we have not been able to cover all of harmonic analysis.
CDL Press Shaping the Middle East: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in an Age of Transition 400–800 C.E.
Legend Press Ltd University Technical Colleges: The First Ten Years
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Valuation of the Environment: Methods and Case Studies
The increasing demands which society places on the natural environment have led us to seek new ways of estimating the monetary costs of environmental degradation so that they can be compared with the benefits of development. This book provides a comprehensive and readable examination of the major techniques used in cost-benefit analysis and project appraisal to value environmental goods and services.Written by two leading practitioners in environmental valuation, the book includes detailed examinations of the theory and practice of a wide range of valuation techniques including contingent valuation, hedonic pricing, choice experiments and travel cost methods. Complementing the theory are case studies on various policy areas such as water quality, recreation, landscape and biodiversity drawn from Europe, the United States and Asia. The book concludes with an informative and provocative review of important contemporary issues as well as suggesting areas of future research in the practice of environmental valuation.Economic Valuation of the Environment will be essential reading for environmental and ecological economists and those practising resource management as well as for planners and policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Valuation of the Environment: Methods and Case Studies
The increasing demands which society places on the natural environment have led us to seek new ways of estimating the monetary costs of environmental degradation so that they can be compared with the benefits of development. This book provides a comprehensive and readable examination of the major techniques used in cost-benefit analysis and project appraisal to value environmental goods and services.Written by two leading practitioners in environmental valuation, the book includes detailed examinations of the theory and practice of a wide range of valuation techniques including contingent valuation, hedonic pricing, choice experiments and travel cost methods. Complementing the theory are case studies on various policy areas such as water quality, recreation, landscape and biodiversity drawn from Europe, the United States and Asia. The book concludes with an informative and provocative review of important contemporary issues as well as suggesting areas of future research in the practice of environmental valuation.Economic Valuation of the Environment will be essential reading for environmental and ecological economists and those practising resource management as well as for planners and policymakers.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Lola Dutch
Guilford Publications Re-Visioning Family Therapy: Addressing Diversity in Clinical Practice
A leading text for courses that go beyond the basics of family systems theory, intervention techniques, and diversity, this influential work has now been significantly revised with 65% new material. The volume explores how family relationships--and therapy itself--are profoundly shaped by race, social class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and other intersecting dimensions of marginalization and privilege. Chapters from leading experts guide the practitioner to challenge assumptions about family health and pathology, understand the psychosocial impact of oppression, and tap into clients' cultural resources for healing. Practical clinical strategies are interwoven with theoretical insights, case examples, training ideas, and therapists' reflections on their own cultural and family legacies. New to This Edition *Existing chapters have been thoroughly updated and 21 chapters added, expanding the perspectives in the book. *Reflects over a decade of theoretical and clinical advances and the growing diversity of the United States. *New sections on re-visioning clinical research, trauma and psychological homelessness, and larger systems.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Child and Adolescent Aggression
Presenting cutting-edge work from leading scholars, this authoritative handbook reviews the breadth of current knowledge on aggression from infancy through adolescence. The volume explores the forms and functions of aggression and the multiple factors that contribute to its emergence, development, and consequences, including genetic and biological influences, temperament, family dynamics, peer relations, and social inequality. It provides up-to-date perspectives on problems such as disruptive and defiant behaviors, bullying (including cyberbullying), social aggression, and youth violence, and examines relations between aggression and normative social–emotional and social-cognitive development. It also discusses the opposite end of the spectrum, including kindness and prosocial behaviors. Identifying important implications for practice and policy, contributors describe effective approaches to screening, assessment, and intervention in family, school, community, and clinical settings.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Team Developer: An Assessment and Skill Building Program Student Guidebook
Team Developer is an electronic feedback and assessment system designed to help the user grow and develop as a team member by providing a mechanism for 360-degree feedback of all team members. The format enables all team members to communicate concerns, issues, and evaluations in a constructive fashion. The feedback process it fosters helps enhance team member communication and improve team performance. Intended for students who work on teams to accomplish a task or assignment. Appropriate as a supplemental text for undergraduate or graduate level courses
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Intellectual Disability: Ethics, Dehumanization, and a New Moral Community
Intellectual Disability: Ethics, Dehumanization, and a New Moral Community presents an interdisciplinary exploration of the roots and evolution of the dehumanization of people with intellectual disabilities. Examines the roots of disability ethics from a psychological, philosophical, and educational perspective Presents a coherent, sustained moral perspective in examining the historical dehumanization of people with diminished cognitive abilities Includes a series of narratives and case descriptions to illustrate arguments Reveals the importance of an interdisciplinary understanding of the social construction of intellectual disability
Columbia University Press A Korean War Captive in Japan, 1597–1600: The Writings of Kang Hang
Kang Hang was a Korean scholar-official taken prisoner in 1597 by an invading Japanese army during the Imjin War of 1592-1598. While in captivity in Japan, Kang recorded his thoughts on human civilization, war, and the enemy's culture and society, acting in effect as a spy for his king. Arranged and printed in the seventeenth century as Kanyangnok, or The Record of a Shepherd, Kang's writings were extremely valuable to his government, offering new perspective on a society few Koreans had encountered in 150 years and new information on Japanese politics, culture, and military organization. In this complete, annotated translation of Kanyangnok, Kang ruminates on human behavior and the nature of loyalty during a time of war. A neo-Confucianist with a deep knowledge of Chinese philosophy and history, Kang drew a distinct line between the Confucian values of his world, which distinguished self, family, king, and country, and a foreign culture that practiced invasion and capture, and, in his view, was largely incapable of civilization. Relating the experiences of a former official who played an exceptional role in wartime and the rare voice of a Korean speaking plainly and insightfully on war and captivity, this volume enables a deeper appreciation of the phenomenon of war at home and abroad.
Dalkey Archive Press Farewell: A Mansion in Occupied Istanbul
A sweeping story of the final collapse of the Ottoman Empire over the course of the First World War, "Farewell" is a novel of one particular family living in one particular house during these historic events.
MER Paper Kunsthalle Opa-Tisha-Wocka-Locka
University of Alberta Press Ethics for the Practice of Psychology in Canada, Third Edition
Cooper Square Publishers Inc.,U.S. Way Up in the Arctic
Rowman & Littlefield Managing the China Challenge: How to Achieve Corporate Success in the People's Republic
The History Press Ltd Walter Sutherland: Scottish Rugby Legend 1890-1918
Walter Sutherland played rugby for Scotland between 1910 and 1914. He was a brilliant player, a genuine folk-hero and also a very good athlete who also represented Scotland at sprinting. This book is a comprehensive biography of Walter Sutherland.
Emerald Publishing Limited Applications of Management Science
Applications of Management Science is a blind refereed series, published annually. It presents state-of-the-art studies in the application of management science to solve significant managerial decision-making problems. Volume 15 examines management science application to data envelopment analysis and efficiency, supply chain and quality applications, and multi-criteria and financial applications. Section A focuses on DEA to team performance, public higher education systems, US airlines and Indian commercial banks. Section B focuses on cooperative public service advertising, supply chain strategies, optimal management of reverse supply chain and optimal response to multi-response models. Section C explores multi-criteria measures of public and private enterprises, two-dimensional warranty policy decision making, and creating teams. Section D focuses on financial applications, direct foreign investments, conditional values of risk in portfolio models, and asset allocations of mutual funds. This volume will be most valuable to practitioners and researchers interested in productivity analysis, supply chain systems, multi-criteria applications and financial applications.
American Psychological Association Structural Analysis of Social Behavior SASB
Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB) helps clinicians and researchers make objective assessments of relationship patterns, and enables clients to improve their social interactions. SASB can help identify connections between clients'' current symptoms, and their current and historical relationship patterns. The SASB coding system serves as the basis for case formulation, which in turn informs the choice of interventions used in a variety of therapeutic approaches. SASB can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions, thus keeping therapy on track. This book summarizes over 50 years of research and clinical practice with SASB, and demonstrates how it can be used with any therapeutic approach. It has been traditionally used with patients who are comorbid, often rehospitalized, dysfunctional, and suicidal, although it can be used with any clinical population. SASB offers providers a therapy compass that helps clarify where
Liverpool University Press Opposing Hitler: Adam von Trott zu Solz, 1909-1944 -- 'To Strive & Not to Yield'
This book examines the role of one of the most charismatic leaders of the opposition to the Nazis within Germany. Adam von Trott zu Solz was a boy when Germany was defeated militarily in 1918 and in his youth witnessed its economic collapse. He was studying at Oxford University when Hitler came to power in 1933 and was convinced that opposition to the Nazis must come from within Germany and not outside it. Hitler enjoyed enormous support as the economy improved and, after 1939, as the German armies ravaged at will through Western Europe. Yet von Trott, by now a senior official in the Foreign Office, travelled frequently to Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey to talk with British and American contacts, pleading unsuccessfully for recognition of the resisters. In July 1944 he was one of the leaders of the group which attempted to assassinate Hitler. Refusing all offers to smuggle him out of Germany -- 'I shall take the blame for everything' -- he was executed on 26 August, aged only 35. Based on extensive research and talks with some of those who knew him, this book details the life of a man of brilliant intellect who refused to compromise his conscience and sacrificed himself in a noble cause.
Fonthill Media LLc World Trade Center Through Time
Simon & Schuster Firewing Silverwing Trilogy
Edward Elgar Advanced Introduction to Political Trust
MP-KAN Uni Press of Kansas Total Cold War Eisenhowers Secret Propaganda Battle at Home and Abroad
Chronicles the secret psychological warfare programs America developed at the height of the Cold War. This book also shows that Eisenhower waged his propaganda war not just abroad, but also at home. It also focuses on major campaigns such as Atoms for Peace, People-to-People, and cultural exchange programs.
Penguin Publishing Group The Mental Edge
Post Hill Press In the Realm of Ash and Sorrow
When the spirit of an American airman befriends a Japanese woman and her daughter in the days before the Hiroshima bomb, he races against time to save the ones he loves the most.When American WWII bombardier Micah Lund dies on a mission over Japan, his spirit remains trapped as a yurei ghost. Dazed, he follows Kiyomi Oshiro, a war widow struggling to care for her young daughter, Ai, as food is scarce, work at the factory is brutal, and her in-laws treat her like a servant. Watching Kiyomi and Ai together, Micah’s intolerance for the enemy is challenged. As his concern for the mother and daughter grows, so does his guilt for his part in their suffering.Micah discovers a new reality when Kiyomi and Ai dream—one which allows him to interact with them. While his feelings for them deepen, imminent destruction looms. Hiroshima is about to be bombed, and Micah must warn Kiyomi and her daughter.In a place where dreams are real, Micah races against time to save Kiyomi and Ai, while battling the old beliefs he embodied as a soldier and his idea of family.In the Realm of Ash and Sorrow is a tale about love in its most extraordinary forms—forgiveness, sacrifice, and perseverance against impossible odds.
Obelisco Ventosaterapia
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Biología de la polución
El Grano de Mostaza Viaje a Traves del Libro de Ejercicios Un Curso de Milagros
Mohr Siebeck Hebrews Commenting from Erasmus to Beze 1516 1598 23 Beitrage Zur Geschichte der Biblischen Exegese
Cognella, Inc How to Think Critically
How to Think Critically helps students develop their understanding of and ability to cultivate critical thought in support of their educational pursuits, as well as their personal and professional endeavors.The opening chapter describes the appropriate attitude required to think critically, the various stages of critical thinking, why critical thinking matters, and obstacles students may encounter as they approach critical thought. Additional chapters explore belief, truth, and knowledge; making and evaluating statements; the difference between reasoning and arguments; and how to create strong arguments. Dedicated chapters delve into the two main types of deductive logic: categorical and propositional. Students explore inductive logic with examinations of statistical syllogisms, generalizations, analogical arguments, causal arguments, and explanations. The final chapter focuses on logical fallacies to help students avoid the creation of bad arguments and to provide them with an efficient way to communicate criticisms of other's reasoning.An effective and indispensable guide for students, How to Think Critically is ideal for courses in the social sciences. The text is also optimal for use in college success and freshman orientation courses and programs.
Felony & Mayhem The Backward Boy