Search results for ""Author Kenneth"
Taylor & Francis Ltd Research Ethics
This volume includes more than 40 important articles on integrity and misconduct, biomedical research, the social and disciplinary contexts of science, research in the social sciences, the social responsibility of science and scientists, and other core issues in research ethics. A new introduction by the editor places these articles in their historical and conceptual context. The volume provides a rich library of resources, ideas and challenges in the ethics of research for any scholar concerned with such issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 55
The cutting edge of scientific reporting . . . PROGRESS in Inorganic Chemistry Nowhere is creative scientific talent busier than in the world of inorganic chemistry experimentation. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry continues in its tradition of being the most respected avenue for exchanging innovative research. This series provides inorganic chemists and materials scientists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. With contributions from internationally renowned chemists, this latest volume offers an in-depth, far-ranging examination of the changing face of the field, providing a tantalizing glimpse of the emerging state of the science. "This series is distinguished not only by its scope and breadth, but also by the depth and quality of the reviews."—Journal of the American Chemical Society "[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelf of the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of original papers on inorganic chemistry."—Chemistry in Britain CONTENTS OF VOLUME 54: Atomlike Building Units of Adjustable Character: Solid-State and Solution Routes to Manipulating Hexanuclear Transition Metal Chalcohalide Clusters (Eric J. Welch and Jeffrey R. Long) Doped Semiconductor Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Characterization, Physical Properties, and Applications (J. Daniel Bryan and Daniel R. Gamelin) Stereochemical Aspects of Metal Xanthane Complexes: Molecular Structures and Supramolecular Self-Assembly (Edward R. T. Tiekink and Ionel Haiduc) Trivalent Uranium: A Versatile Species for Molecular Activation (Ilia Korobkov and Sandro Gambarotta) Comparison of the Chemical Biology of NO and HNO: An Inorganic Perspective (Katrina M. Miranda and David A. Wink) Alterations of Nucleobase pKa Values upon Metal Coordination: Origins and Consequences (Bernhard Lippert) Functionalization of Myoglobin (Yoshihito Watanabe and Takashi Hayashi)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 41
This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 50
This series provides inorganic chemists and materials scientists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Volume 50 continues to report recent advances with a significant, up-to-date selection of contributions on topics such as the following: Structural and mechanistic investigations in asymmetric copper; Catalyzed reactions; Phenoxyl radical complexes; Synthesis of large pore zeolites and molecular sieves; Inorganic nanoclusters with fullerene-like structure and nanotubes
John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 42
Cutting-edge research and innovative science PROGRESS in Inorganic Chemistry Hailed by professional chemists as an index of the most influentialand current research being done in inorganic chemistry, Progress inInorganic Chemistry has also enjoyed the reputation as anindispensable working reference. Featuring the work ofinternationally renowned chemists, this newest volume provides aclear, authoritative examination of each critically new advance andinnovative tremor in inorganic chemistry today. "This series is a valuable addition to the library of thepracticing research chemist, and is a good starting point forstudents wishing to understand modern inorganic chemistry."--Canadian Chemical News "[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelfof the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of originalpapers on inorganic chemistry." --Chemistry in Britain CONTENTS OF VOLUME 42 * Slow Proton-Transfer Reactions in Organometallic and BioinorganicChemistry (K. W. Kramarz and J. R. Norton, Colorado StateUniversity) * Higher Oligopyridines as a Structural Motif inMetallosupramolecular Chemistry (Edwin C. Constable, UniversitatBasel) * Ternary Transition Metal Sulfides (Bryan W. Eichhorn, Universityof Maryland) * Organoimido Complexes of the Transition Metals (David E. Wigley,University of Arizona) * Palladium Complex Catalyzed Oxidation Reactions (Andreas Heumann,Klaus-Joachim Jens, and Marius Reglier, Universite d'Aix-Marseille)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: A Beginner's Guide
This text gives a general introduction to the subject but in a way that demonstrates its applicability to their work and to everyday life, whilst remaining academically grounded. It demonstrates how psychology can make a practical difference in the ‘real world’. Topics covered include emotions, motivation, social life and the lifespan. Basic, up-to-date introduction to psychological concepts Practical exercises and techniques Scene setting examples from real life
John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 56
This series provides inorganic chemists and materials scientists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Volume 56 continues to report recent advances with a significant, up-to-date selection of contributions by internationally-recognized researchers.
Simon & Schuster Taking Risks The Management of Uncertainty
This seminal work reveals how age, education, income, industry, firm size, and other factors affect a manager's willingness to take risks.
Liverpool University Press Jack London
Recounting his 1897-98 Klondike Gold Rush experience Jack London stated: “It was in the Klondike I found myself. There nobody talks. Everybody thinks. There you get your perspective. I got mine.” This study explores how London’s Northland odyssey - along with an insatiable intellectual curiosity, a hardscrabble youth in the San Francisco Bay Area, and an acute craving for social justice - launched the literary career of one of America’s most dynamic 20th-century writers. The major Northland works - including The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and “To Build a Fire”- are considered in connection with the motifs of literary Naturalism, as well as in relation to complicated issues involving imperialism, race, and gender. London’s key subjects—the frontier, the struggle for survival, and economic mobility—are examined in conjunction with how he developed the underlying themes of his work to engage and challenge the social, political, and philosophical revolutions of his era that were initiated by Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche, and others.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Puzzled?!: An Introduction to Philosophizing
Puzzled?! seamlessly fuses two traditional approaches to the study of philosophy at the introductory level. It is thematic, examining fundamental issues in epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, and more. It is also historical, introducing major philosophical arguments that have arisen throughout the history of Western philosophy. But its real innovation lies elsewhere. Each of its twelve chapters begins with a traditional argument of a thoroughly puzzling kind: a valid philosophical argument with highly plausible premises but a surprising conclusion. The remainder of the chapter shows how major innovations in the history of philosophy arise as logical responses to that argument. Written with a light touch, Puzzled?! nevertheless offers a rigorous introduction to the ideas it explores and to the foundations of critical thinking itself. It will serve as effectively as a main or supplementary text in an introduction to critical thinking as it will in Philosophy 101.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Puzzled?!: An Introduction to Philosophizing
Puzzled?! seamlessly fuses two traditional approaches to the study of philosophy at the introductory level. It is thematic, examining fundamental issues in epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, and more. It is also historical, introducing major philosophical arguments that have arisen throughout the history of Western philosophy. But its real innovation lies elsewhere. Each of its twelve chapters begins with a traditional argument of a thoroughly puzzling kind: a valid philosophical argument with highly plausible premises but a surprising conclusion. The remainder of the chapter shows how major innovations in the history of philosophy arise as logical responses to that argument. Written with a light touch, Puzzled?! nevertheless offers a rigorous introduction to the ideas it explores and to the foundations of critical thinking itself. It will serve as effectively as a main or supplementary text in an introduction to critical thinking as it will in Philosophy 101.
Plural Publishing Inc Scary Cases in Otolaryngology
Scary Cases in Otolaryngology follows a case-based approach that focuses on potential pitfalls, decision analysis, mistakes, and "near misses" in the management of patients with head and neck disorders. This is an invaluable resource for otolaryngologists as it presents difficult cases and builds a discussion around clinical management, prevention, and the legal and ethical aspects of those cases. Current and future professionals in otolaryngology can analyze their own methodologies as well as the work of their peers to continually promote a safer and healthier environment for their patients.Scary Cases in Otolaryngology is an extension of the annual Scary Cases Conference held by the Boston University School of Medicine. The conference began in 2011 and aims to improve patient safety by addressing complex and controversial cases that involve increased risk, complications, and unfavorable outcomes. The cases in the text have been selected from previous conference presentations.Scary Cases in Otolaryngology addresses questions such asDid you make a wrong diagnosis before arriving at the correct one?Do you believe that you did everything correctly and the outcome was still unsatisfactory? Did a patient have a serious condition that was difficult to diagnose?Were there major complications?Did you have a difficult ethical dilemma?Were you required to treat a condition beyond your expertise?This innovative text includes clinical information on cases provided by faculty from top medical schools along with their narratives on what they learned. Contributors also include experts in medical malpractice and malpractice liability insurance. Practicing otolaryngologists, otolaryngology residents, malpractice attorneys, law students, otolaryngology nurse practitioners and primary care physicians will benefit from the examples in these "scary cases."
Nova Science Publishers Inc Gangs: Still Around & Growing Stronger
Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd Land-value Taxation: The Equitable and Efficient Source of Public Finance
This collection of 20 essays examines the merits of land-value taxation and distinguishes it from the conventional property tax because it has a more benign economic influence. It includes four essays by William S. Vickrey, the 1996 Nobel laureate in economics.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Sacking Aladdin’s Cave: Plundering Göring’s Nazi War Trophies: Plundering Göring’s Nazi War Trophies
Near the close of World War II, two hell-bent-for-leather American units moved relentlessly toward the village of Berchtesgaden, nestled in the Bavarian Alps. The much-decorated 101st Airborne Division had fought its way from Normandy, Bastogne and through much of Germany, and the illustrious 1269th Engineer Combat Battalion had followed suit, starting south at Marseilles. Both forces would converge on Hitler’s hideaway, and awaiting them was a dazzling treasure trove nefariously collected by none other than Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring. The greedy, art-loving Nazi leader had accumulated a vast and dazzling array of paintings, precious jewels, and many other objets d’art – four trainloads’ worth. Following the age-old adage of "To the victor belong the spoils," the rendezvousing American soldiers helped themselves to the crème de la crème of the Nazi loot.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Mexico City: Out and About
This vibrant photographic essay brings you the warmth of Mexico City’s climate and its people. Mexico City has something for everyone and the elegant parks and gardens captured in this travelogue will beckon you to wind your way through pedestrian thoroughfares, along historic canals, and into the old cathedral grounds of the oldest city in the western hemisphere. Basile’s trained eye brings you a new view of Mexico City’s exciting public spaces at every corner. The escape this book affords you is also practical, with maps and subway stops indicating where you can access the exciting spirit of Mexico City.
WW Norton & Co Essentials of Cultural Anthropology
Give students the tools to engage the big issues of our time.
John Wiley & Sons Inc CPA Exam For Dummies
Pass the CPA exam with clear study material, online practice, and up-to-date content CPA Exam For Dummies gives you a solid overview of everything you need to know to pass the Uniform CPA Examinationupdated to reflect the 2024 exam updates. Only about half of aspiring CPAs pass the test their first time around. You can be in that one-and-done group, thanks to the concrete study plans in this book. You'll also get access to online resources, including study questions for each section of the exam and digital flashcards so you can really know your stuff on test day. Passing your exam is not just about the nuts and bolts. If you want to score your highest, you'll also need to understand how the test is organized and what to expect on text day. This Dummies study guide has you covered, with an overview of the updated exam and strategies for doing your very best. Review all content covered on the updated Uniform CPA ExaminationAnswer practice questions and study with digital flashcards to so
Faith Library Publications How You Can Be Led by the Spirit of God: Legacy Edition
MIT Press Ltd Numerical Methods in Economics
Cambridge University Press Quantitative Risk and Portfolio Management: Theory and Practice
A comprehensive modern introduction to risk and portfolio management for quantitatively adept advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students who will become practitioners in the field of quantitative finance. With a focus on real-world application, but providing a background in academic theory, this text builds a firm foundation of rigorous but practical knowledge. Extensive live data and Python code are provided as online supplements, allowing a thorough understanding of how to manage risk and portfolios in practice. With its detailed examination of how mathematical techniques are applied to finance, this is the ideal textbook for giving students with a background in engineering, mathematics or physics a route into the field of quantitative finance.
Fonthill Media LLc World Trade Center Through Time
Simon & Schuster Firewing Silverwing Trilogy
Edward Elgar Advanced Introduction to Political Trust
MP-KAN Uni Press of Kansas Total Cold War Eisenhowers Secret Propaganda Battle at Home and Abroad
Chronicles the secret psychological warfare programs America developed at the height of the Cold War. This book also shows that Eisenhower waged his propaganda war not just abroad, but also at home. It also focuses on major campaigns such as Atoms for Peace, People-to-People, and cultural exchange programs.
Penguin Publishing Group The Mental Edge
Post Hill Press In the Realm of Ash and Sorrow
When the spirit of an American airman befriends a Japanese woman and her daughter in the days before the Hiroshima bomb, he races against time to save the ones he loves the most.When American WWII bombardier Micah Lund dies on a mission over Japan, his spirit remains trapped as a yurei ghost. Dazed, he follows Kiyomi Oshiro, a war widow struggling to care for her young daughter, Ai, as food is scarce, work at the factory is brutal, and her in-laws treat her like a servant. Watching Kiyomi and Ai together, Micah’s intolerance for the enemy is challenged. As his concern for the mother and daughter grows, so does his guilt for his part in their suffering.Micah discovers a new reality when Kiyomi and Ai dream—one which allows him to interact with them. While his feelings for them deepen, imminent destruction looms. Hiroshima is about to be bombed, and Micah must warn Kiyomi and her daughter.In a place where dreams are real, Micah races against time to save Kiyomi and Ai, while battling the old beliefs he embodied as a soldier and his idea of family.In the Realm of Ash and Sorrow is a tale about love in its most extraordinary forms—forgiveness, sacrifice, and perseverance against impossible odds.
Obelisco Ventosaterapia
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Biología de la polución
El Grano de Mostaza Viaje a Traves del Libro de Ejercicios Un Curso de Milagros
Mohr Siebeck Hebrews Commenting from Erasmus to Beze 1516 1598 23 Beitrage Zur Geschichte der Biblischen Exegese
Cognella, Inc How to Think Critically
How to Think Critically helps students develop their understanding of and ability to cultivate critical thought in support of their educational pursuits, as well as their personal and professional endeavors.The opening chapter describes the appropriate attitude required to think critically, the various stages of critical thinking, why critical thinking matters, and obstacles students may encounter as they approach critical thought. Additional chapters explore belief, truth, and knowledge; making and evaluating statements; the difference between reasoning and arguments; and how to create strong arguments. Dedicated chapters delve into the two main types of deductive logic: categorical and propositional. Students explore inductive logic with examinations of statistical syllogisms, generalizations, analogical arguments, causal arguments, and explanations. The final chapter focuses on logical fallacies to help students avoid the creation of bad arguments and to provide them with an efficient way to communicate criticisms of other's reasoning.An effective and indispensable guide for students, How to Think Critically is ideal for courses in the social sciences. The text is also optimal for use in college success and freshman orientation courses and programs.
Felony & Mayhem The Backward Boy
Felony & Mayhem The Backward Boy
Felony & Mayhem The Haunted Martyr
Felony & Mayhem The Frightened Man
Oceanview Publishing A Room Full of Night
A broken man from the Midwest, a secret room in Berlin—untouched since 1942—and cascading events that could change humanity forever Stag Maguire, a burnt-out journalist hardly able to prop himself up in the wake of tragedy, agrees to help a friend move. They find an urgent message—HELP ME—written on a piece of silk tacked behind a long-forgotten portrait. The message from an address in Berlin is urgent; though it had to have been written pre-World War II. Curious, Stag and his friend begin to research the address and whomever might have written the message. They trace the address to an apartment, a sealed time capsule that has not been lived in since 1942. And from one phone call to that apartment, the men unleash a nefarious plot and brutal security forces long thought vanquished. Events begin to cascade without mercy, and Stag—a broken man from the Midwest—finds himself pitted against a vestige of the Third Reich with powerful forces ensuring the propagation of Heydrich’s infamous SD—Nazi’s intelligence agency—in today’s world. Will ordinary-man Stag Maguire prevail in his lone stand against evil?Perfect for fans of Robert Harris’s Munich and The Fatherland
Alfred Music Psalm 130 Eighth Note Publications
Alfred Music A Ceremonial Occasion: Score & Parts
Candlewick Press,U.S. Green Pants
Edward B. Marks Music Company Falling Canons Solo Piano
Simon & Schuster Sunwing
Business Law Text and Cases
Comprehensive, authoritative, and reader-friendly, market-leader BUSINESS LAW: TEXT AND CASES delivers an ideal blend of classic "black letter law" and cutting-edge coverage of contemporary issues and cases. Today, BUSINESS LAW, 14E continues to set the standard for excellence. The text offers a strong student orientation that makes the law accessible, interesting, and relevant. The cases, content, and features are thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in business law. Cases range from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions. Ethical, global, e-commerce, digital, and corporate themes are integrated throughout this edition with new features, such as new Digital Updates that demonstrate how digital progress is affecting the law. Specific text features that students will find particularly helpful include: NUMBERED EXAMPLES and CASE IN POINTS, SAMPLE ANSWERS, NEW STUDENT-FRIENDLY CONCEPT SUMMARY DESIGN, and EXHIBITS.
McGraw Hill Education India Loose Leaf for Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
Lifeway Christian Resources The New American Commentary Genesis 11275026 New International Version 1B New American Commentary Old Testament An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture
THE NEW AMERICAN COMMENTARY is for the minister or Bible student who wants to understand and expound the Scriptures. Notable features include:* commentary based on THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION;* the NIV text printed in the body of the commentary;* sound scholarly methodology that reflects capable research in the original languages;* interpretation that emphasizes the theological unity of each book and of Scripture as a whole;* readable and applicable exposition.