Search results for ""Author Kenneth"
Hal Leonard Europe Limited The Complete Piano Player: Book 1
Hal Leonard Europe Limited The Complete Piano Player: Book 4
SPCK Publishing Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes: Cultural Studies In 1 Corinthians
The result of over thirty years of research and lecturing, Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes is a ground-breaking study of Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians. Bailey examines this canonical letter through the lenses of Paul's Jewish socio-cultural and rhetorical background and the Mediterranean context of the Corinthian recipients.
Oxford University Press Oxford Children's Classics: The Wind in the Willows
This Oxford Children's Classic features the complete unabridged text, an introduction by M.G. Leonard, and other bonus material including insights for readers, facts, activities, and more . . . One morning Mole, sick and tired of spring cleaning, leaves his burrow and heads to the river. Here he meets Ratty and their friendship turns his quiet, orderly life into one of fabulous adventure.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Improvised Medicine: Providing Care in Extreme Environments
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Deliver quality healthcare in the most challenging field conditionsComprehensive yet compact, practical, and enduring, Improvised Medicine: Providing Care in Extreme Environments, Second Edition, is the one book to toss into your bag when going to practice medicine in global, disaster, or other resource-poor settings, including theaters of war, regions of civil unrest, and economically deprived areas.Full of practical clinical pearls and field-tested strategies, this indispensable guide provides detailed instructions on how to work successfully outside of your comfort zone. It demonstrates how to devise effective treatment solutions when the traditional tools (medications, equipment, and staff) are unavailable or when providing care outside your primary area of expertise.In any crisis, from power failures and computer crashes to floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes, knowing how to deal with the unique challenges encountered saves lives and communities. This reference gives you that knowledge and inspires innovative crisis resolution.FEATURES:· Simple-to-follow directions, diagrams, and illustrations describing practical techniques and improvised equipment necessary to provide quality care during crises · Contains improvisations in anesthesia and airway management, dentistry, gynecology/obstetrics, infectious disease/laboratory diagnosis, internal medicine, otolaryngology, pediatrics and malnutrition, orthopedics, psychiatry, and surgery· Covers situational analysis and basic needs in a crisis; specific triage, diagnosis, and stabilization efforts; medical interventions for surgical and non-surgical problems; and debunks some commonly reported improvised techniques · Features public health measures, basic disaster communication techniques, post-disaster forensics, a model hospital disaster plan, and innovative patient-transport methods· New to the second edition: More concisely written, more e
Skyhorse Publishing New Essential Guide to Hong Kong Movies
Extensively revised and expanded, The New Essential Guide to Hong Kong Movies includes over 670 film reviews, a poster gallery, and a look at the key studios that made Hong Kong cinema so amazing, along with insights into the Hong Kong movie industry written by global superstar Jackie Chan and Hong Kong film stars Cynthia Rothrock, and Vincent Lyn. Rick Baker and Ken Miller have curated a huge selection of reviews of kung fu and swordplay films, gangster flicks, crime dramas, action, horror, fantasy, erotic, and assorted Category III films, sharing their love for these distinctive, kinetic, and sometimes utterly bizarre Hong Kong genre productions with an infectious enthusiasm.
ORION Second Woman
Naval Institute Press Handbook for Marine NCOs 5th Ed.
MP-MPP University Press of Mississippi Alt Kid Lit What Childrens Literature Might Be
Springer Elementary Analysis
Preface.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Sequences.- 3 Continuity.- 4 Sequences and Series of Functions.- 5 Differentiation.- 6 Integration.- 7 Capstone.- Appendix on Set Notation.- Selected Hints and Answers.- References.- Index.
Faith Library Publications Prayer Secrets
MP-SYR Syracuse University P Modernizing Marriage Family Ideology and Law in Nineteenth and Early TwentiethCentury Egypt
MP-SYR Syracuse University P Modernizing Marriage Family Ideology and Law in Nineteenth and Early TwentiethCentury Egypt
Examines Egyptian family history in a comparative and transnational context, addressing issues of colonial modernity and colonial knowledge, Islamic law and legal reform, social history, and the history of women and gender.
John Wiley & Sons A Dragons Head and a Serpents Tail
Presents the first full-length scholarly study in English of the invasion of Korea by Japanese troops in May of 1592. Drawing on Korean, Japanese, and especially Chinese sources, he corrects the Japan-centred perspective of previous accounts.
MP-KAN Uni Press of Kansas Marque and Reprisal The Spheres of Public and Private War
Offers unique insight into the role of private actors in military conflicts and the reason they are increasingly deployed today. Along with an overview of mercenaries and privateers, Marque and Reprisal provides a comprehensive history of the ""marque and reprisal"" clause in the US Constitution, reminding us that it is not as arcane as it seems.
Zondervan Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
Simon & Schuster Great Short Books: A Year of Reading--Briefly
Bahai Publishing God Speaks Again: An Introduction to the Baha'i Faith
Fonthill Media LLc Detroit's Streetcar Heritage
Detroit's Streetcar Heritage is a photographic essay of the Detroit, Michigan, streetcar system. Replacement of slow moving horsecar service began with the opening of an electric street railway by the Detroit Citizens Street Railway in 1892. By 1900, all of the Detroit streetcar systems were consolidated into the Detroit United Railway (DUR). Following voter approval, the City of Detroit purchased DUR in 1922, becoming the first large United States city to own and operate public transit under Detroit Department of Street Railways (DSR). Between 1921 and 1930, DSR purchased 781 Peter Witt type streetcars. Although DSR purchased 186 modern Presidents' Conference Committee (PCC) cars between 1945 and 1949, many streetcar lines were converted to bus operation. The last streetcar line on Woodward Avenue was converted to bus operation in 1956 with 183 PCC cars sold to Mexico City. Detroit's Streetcar Heritage documents the city's streetcar era plus scenes of the PCC cars in Mexico City, the Washington Boulevard Line which operated from 1976 to 2003, and the QLINE streetcar which opened in 2017 on Woodward Avenue linking Grand Boulevard with downtown Detroit.
Fonthill Media LLc San Francisco's Magnificent Streetcars
San Francisco's first cable car line opened in 1873. The successful development of the electric streetcar by Frank Sprague in 1888 plus the 1906 San Francisco earthquake resulted in the decline of the cable car system. Concerned that the cable car system would vanish, San Francisco resident Friedel Klussmann rallied public support to save the cars. The 1982 shutdown of the cable car lines for their rebuilding led to Trolley Festivals beginning in 1983 until 1987 using a variety of historic streetcars on Market Street.Those successful festivals resulted in rebuilding the streetcar track on Market Street and the establishment of the F streetcar line in 1995 using Presidents' Conference Committee streetcars purchased from Philadelphia and refurbished in a variety of paint schemes that represented cities that once had streetcar service. In addition, the line features vintage Peter Witt streetcars from Milan, Italy; a boat like streetcar from England; and other unique cars. During 2000, the F line was extended to Fisherman's wharf and has become one of the most successful streetcar lines in the United States. This book is a photographic essay of "San Francisco's Magnificent Streetcars" along with its historic cable cars and hill climbing trolley coaches.
Arcadia Publishing The History of Penn Treaty Park
The New York Review of Books, Inc Clark Gifford's Body
Safari Press,U.S. Hunting Trips in the Land of the Dragon: Anglo and American Sportsmen Afield in Old Chila 1870-1940
Chicago Review Press Unfinished Revolution: Daniel Ortega and Nicaragua's Struggle for Liberation
Together with his brother Humberto, Daniel Ortega Saavedra masterminded the only victorious Latin American revolution since Fidel Castro’s in Cuba. Following the triumphant 1979 Nicaraguan revolution, Ortega was named coordinator of the governing junta, and then in 1984 was elected president by a landslide in the country’s first free presidential election. The future was full of promise. Yet the United States was soon training, equipping, and financing a counterrevolutionary force inside Nicaragua while sabotaging its crippled economy. The result was a decade-long civil war. By 1990, Nicaraguans dutifully voted Ortega out and the preferred candidate of the United States in. And Nicaraguans grew poorer and sicker. Then, in 2006, Daniel Ortega was reelected president. He was still defiantly left-wing and deeply committed to reclaiming the lost promise of the Revolution. Only time will tell if he succeeds, but he has positioned himself as an ally of Castro and Hugo Chávez, while life for many Nicaraguans is finally improving. Unfinished Revolution is the first full-length biography of Daniel Ortega in any language. Drawing from a wealth of untapped sources, it tells the story of Nicaragua’s continuing struggle for liberation through the prism of the Revolution’s most emblematic yet enigmatic hero.
Kaplan Publishing Barron's Science 360: A Complete Study Guide to Physics with Online Practice
Barron’s Math 360: Physics is your complete go-to guide for everything physicsThis comprehensive guide is an essential resource for: High school and college courses Homeschooling Virtual Learning Learning pods Inside you’ll find: Comprehensive Content Review: Begin your study with the basic building blocks of physics and build as you go. Topics include, motion, forces, electricity, magnetism and introduction to nuclear physics, and much more. Effective Organization: Topic organization and simple lesson formats break down the subject matter into manageable learning modules that help guide a successful study plan customized to your needs. Clear Examples and Illustrations: Easy-to-follow explanations, hundreds of helpful illustrations, and numerous step-by-step examples make this book ideal for self-study and rapid learning. Practice Exercises: Each chapter ends with practice exercises designed to reinforce and extend key skills and concepts. These checkup exercises, along with the answers and solutions, will help you assess your understanding and monitor your progress. Access to Online Practice: Take your learning online for 50 practice questions designed to test your knowledge with automated scoring to show you how far you have come.
W. W. Norton & Company Cultural Anthropology Fieldwork Journal
Cambridge University Press Making Connections Level 3 Students Book with Integrated Digital Learning Skills and Strategies for Academic Reading
La Frontera Publishing Black Moon's Revenge: They Destroyed His World, Now He Wants Blood
Black Moon rages against the white invaders of his Black Hills homeland, but it's a losing effort. Only one thing now keeps him going - his need to kill Birch Rose, the Lakota warrior's elusive enemy. The hatred is mutual, because Black Moon killed Rose's father. But Rose faces his own struggle against Dakota Territory land-grabbers, and he must trust his friends and Deadwood's legendary sheriff Seth Bullock to help him save his family and bring hired killers to justice. Fate, however, has one more challenge for Rose - a final showdown with Black Moon, a face-off only one man will win.
Faith Library Publications Soaring with the Eagles
Faith Library Publications Bible Healing Study Course
Faith Library Publications Seven Vital Steps to Receiving the Holy Spirit
Cooper Square Publishers Inc.,U.S. The Wild Desert Coloring Book
University Press of America Poland in a World in Change: Constitutions, Presidents, and Politics
A timely explanation of change in the newly democratic Poland. Contributors include leading Polish and American scholars, two U.S. ambassadors to Poland, Lech Walesa's principal assistants and the leading U.S. scholar on Poland. Walter Osiatynski compares the American and Polish constitutions; Lech Falandysz traces the path from communist legality to the rule of law in Poland while Janusz Onyszkiewicz looks at the transition from totalitarianism to democracy. Taking on the presidency and politics in Poland, Leszek Garlicki asks if it is the wrong institutions or the wrong persons and Eugenuisz Piontek discusses challenges of the 1990s. Turning to Poland and American foreign policy, the U.S. Ambassador John R. Davis, Jr. looks at prospects for the future and Ambassador Richard T. Davies interprets changes in Poland and Eastern Europe. Andzej Korbonski provides the summing up with a look at changes overall in Eastern Europe. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.
Baker Publishing Group God among Sages – Why Jesus Is Not Just Another Religious Leader
Was Jesus just a spiritual leader, like Buddha, Krishna, Confucius, and Muhammad? Or is he something more--something else entirely? In God among Sages, apologist Ken Samples offers readers a biblical and historical portrait of Jesus, grounded in the claims Jesus makes about himself. Then Samples compares and contrasts Jesus with Buddha, Krishna, Confucius, and Muhammad using eight relevant categories of evaluation. He also helps readers understand the competing philosophies of religious pluralism, inclusivism, and exclusivism. The result is a clearer understanding of what sets Jesus apart as not simply a teacher to follow but God himself, worthy of our full allegiance and worship. Christians who struggle to answer claims that Jesus was just a good teacher, as well as those haven't quite made up their minds about Jesus's claims to divinity, will value this accessible introduction to comparative religions.
Arcadia Publishing Northwestern Pennsylvania Railroads
Arcadia Publishing Johnstown Trolleys and Incline Images of Rail
Lutterworth Press A Century of New Testament Study
dgvt-Verlag Die Psychologie des Zusammenseins
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Water Resources and Climate Change
Water Resources and Climate Change presents an authoritative collection of key articles which explore the impact and effect of climatic change on all aspects of the hydrologic cycle.The articles selected focus upon the hydrological implications of climate change and its potential impact on water systems and water use, issues in climate impact assessment, planning and adaptation strategies and socioeconomic assessments of particular case studies.This important volume will be an essential source of reference for water managers and planners as well as those interested in understanding the hydrological, ecological, and socioeconomic implications of climate change.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics provides a comprehensive reference volume for mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers, as well as students and reference librarians.The material is presented so that key information can be located and used quickly and easily. Each chapter includes a glossary. Individual topics are covered in sections and subsections within chapters, each of which is organized into clearly identifiable parts: definitions, facts, and examples. Examples are provided to illustrate some of the key definitions, facts, and algorithms. Some curious and entertaining facts and puzzles are also included. Readers will also find an extensive collection of biographies.This second edition is a major revision. It includes extensive additions and updates. Since the first edition appeared in 1999, many new discoveries have been made and new areas have grown in importance, which are covered in this edition.
Potomac Books Inc Lincolns American Dream
Despite the voluminous literature on the central figure in American history, no other book in the field of political science compares to Lincoln's American Dream. It addresses comprehensively the overarching themes of Lincoln's political thought and leadership through provocative and divergent interpretations from leading scholars.
Taylor & Francis Inc Structural Genomics on Membrane Proteins
While the genomic revolution has quickly led to the deposit of more than 30,000 structures in the protein data bank (PDB), less than one percent of those contributions represent membrane proteins despite the fact that membrane proteins constitute some 20 percent of all proteins. This discrepancy becomes significantly troublesome when it is coupled with the fact that 60 percent of current drugs are based on targeting this group of proteins, a trend that does not seem likely to reverse.Structural Genomics on Membrane Proteins provides an excellent overview on novel research in bioinformatics and modeling on membranes, as well as the latest technological developments being employed in expression, purification, and crystallography to obtain high-resolution structures on membrane proteins. This cutting-edge work also explains the difficulties facing researchers—both technical and ethical—that have slowed the process. Structural Genomics on Membrane Proteins provides researchers with an unprecedented look at the novel technologies that will ultimately allow them to conquer the last frontier in structural biology, leading to accelerated breakthroughs in drug discovery.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Reformation: A Brief History
The Reformation: A Brief History is a succinct and engaging introduction to the origins and history of the Protestant Reformation. A rich overview of the Reformation, skillfully blending social, political, religious and theological dimensions A clearly and engagingly written narrative which draws on the latest and best scholarship Includes the history of the Reformation in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, areas that are rarely covered in any detail The Reformation is placed in the context of the entire history of Christianity to draw out its origins, impetus, and legacy
John Wiley & Sons Inc Plan Your Prosperity: The Only Retirement Guide You'll Ever Need, Starting Now--Whether You're 22, 52 or 82
Whether you’re in retirement, just getting ready to retire, or 5, 10, or 40 years out, this book can help you invest smarter your whole life and yes, plan better for retirement. Harmful mythology abounds about retirement investing. Many retirees or soon-to-be retirees have heard a plethora of advice. Take 100 (or 120) and subtract your age to get your equity allocation, put the rest in bonds or cash. Buy only bonds. Buy only high dividend stocks. Or some combination! Buy equity-indexed annuities or some “guaranteed” income product. All examples of a potentially harmful myth many folks believe to be smart, strategic moves. Investors believe preparing for retirement requires a radically different set of tools or a dizzying array of products. Navigating the world of retirement products and services can be a full-time job. But investing for retirement is, in practice, not much (if at all) different from investing. In Your Retirement Plan, Ken Fisher will give readers a workable strategy to either develop their own retirement investing plan or work more successfully with a professional to increase the likelihood of achieving long-term goals while avoiding common pitfalls. The book will include easy-to-follow steps like How to think, correctly, about investing time horizon. How to better figure how much income you need How to determine if a portfolio can provide that income How to figure how much to save each year to achieve retirement goals What pitfalls to avoid And more. . . . In this retirement planning book that's not just for retirees, Fisher will hand readers the tools and confidence they need to better plan for the future.
Kregel Publications 101 Hymn Stories - 40th Anniversary Edition: The Inspiring True Behind 101 Favorite Hymns
University of Nebraska Press Riches for All: The California Gold Rush and the World
An event of international significance, the California gold rush created a more diverse, metropolitan society than the world had ever known. In Riches for All, leading scholars reexamine the gold rush, evaluating its trajectory and legacy within a global context of religion and race, economics, technology, law, and culture. The opportunity for instant wealth directly influenced a dynamic range of peoples, including Mormon military veterans, California Indian workers, both slave and free African Americans, Chinese village farmers, skilled Mexican miners, and Chilean merchants. Riches for All gives attention to the varying motivations and experiences of these groups and to their struggles with both racial and religious bigotry. Emphasizing gold rush social history, some contributors examine the roles and influence of women, workers, law-breakers, and law-enforcers. Others consider the long-term impact of this episode on California and the American West and on subsequent gold rushes in Pacific Rim countries and the Klondike.With lively and incisive strokes, these historians sketch the most broadly contextualized and nuanced portrait of the California gold rush to date.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mathematical Programming
This peer reviewed volume is part of an annual series, dedicated to the presentation and discussion of state of the art studies in the application of management science to the solution of significant managerial decision making problems. It is hoped that this research annual will significantly aid in the dissemination of actual applications of management science in both the public and private sectors. Volume 11 is directed toward the applications of mathematical programming to Multi-criteria decision making, Supply chain management, Performance management, and Risk analysis. Its use can be found both in university classes in management science and operations research, (management and engineering schools), as well as to both the researcher and practitioner of management science and operations research.
This second volume in the series is divided into four distinct sections, entitled: institutional fragmentation and policy conference; re-thinking the challenge in teaching; institutions as allies and constraints; and, toward institutional redesign in school governance.