Search results for ""Author Kenneth"
Felony & Mayhem The Backward Boy
Felony & Mayhem The Haunted Martyr
Felony & Mayhem The Frightened Man
Oceanview Publishing A Room Full of Night
A broken man from the Midwest, a secret room in Berlin—untouched since 1942—and cascading events that could change humanity forever Stag Maguire, a burnt-out journalist hardly able to prop himself up in the wake of tragedy, agrees to help a friend move. They find an urgent message—HELP ME—written on a piece of silk tacked behind a long-forgotten portrait. The message from an address in Berlin is urgent; though it had to have been written pre-World War II. Curious, Stag and his friend begin to research the address and whomever might have written the message. They trace the address to an apartment, a sealed time capsule that has not been lived in since 1942. And from one phone call to that apartment, the men unleash a nefarious plot and brutal security forces long thought vanquished. Events begin to cascade without mercy, and Stag—a broken man from the Midwest—finds himself pitted against a vestige of the Third Reich with powerful forces ensuring the propagation of Heydrich’s infamous SD—Nazi’s intelligence agency—in today’s world. Will ordinary-man Stag Maguire prevail in his lone stand against evil?Perfect for fans of Robert Harris’s Munich and The Fatherland
Alfred Music Psalm 130 Eighth Note Publications
Alfred Music A Ceremonial Occasion: Score & Parts
Candlewick Press,U.S. Green Pants
Edward B. Marks Music Company Falling Canons Solo Piano
Simon & Schuster Sunwing
Business Law Text and Cases
Comprehensive, authoritative, and reader-friendly, market-leader BUSINESS LAW: TEXT AND CASES delivers an ideal blend of classic "black letter law" and cutting-edge coverage of contemporary issues and cases. Today, BUSINESS LAW, 14E continues to set the standard for excellence. The text offers a strong student orientation that makes the law accessible, interesting, and relevant. The cases, content, and features are thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in business law. Cases range from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions. Ethical, global, e-commerce, digital, and corporate themes are integrated throughout this edition with new features, such as new Digital Updates that demonstrate how digital progress is affecting the law. Specific text features that students will find particularly helpful include: NUMBERED EXAMPLES and CASE IN POINTS, SAMPLE ANSWERS, NEW STUDENT-FRIENDLY CONCEPT SUMMARY DESIGN, and EXHIBITS.
McGraw Hill Education India Loose Leaf for Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
Lifeway Christian Resources The New American Commentary Genesis 11275026 New International Version 1B New American Commentary Old Testament An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture
THE NEW AMERICAN COMMENTARY is for the minister or Bible student who wants to understand and expound the Scriptures. Notable features include:* commentary based on THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION;* the NIV text printed in the body of the commentary;* sound scholarly methodology that reflects capable research in the original languages;* interpretation that emphasizes the theological unity of each book and of Scripture as a whole;* readable and applicable exposition.
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Practical Studies for Oboe Book I
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Belwin Clarinet Method Book I
Random House USA Inc Ghostlight
Random House USA Inc Ghostlight
Faber Music Ltd Handel in the Band
Faber Music Ltd Danceries (Set II)
Faber Music Ltd Danceries: Brass Band (Score)
Penguin Putnam Inc The Wind In The Willows
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Starclimber
Ulisses Spiel & Medien V5 Vampire Die Maskerade Regelwerk
Redline Framers
Juventa Verlag GmbH Gesellschaftliche Ungleichheit und der politische Kampf um Bildung
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Der MinutenManager und der KlammerAffe Wie man lernt sich nicht zuviel aufzuhalsen
Diogenes Verlag AG Toronto
Diogenes Verlag AG Der Anfang einer Zukunft
Omnibus Press John Lennon, 1980: The Final Days
John Lennon, 1980: The Final Days in the Life of Beatle John tells the story of the legendary musician’s incredible last year. For Lennon, 1980 had begun as a ceaseless shopping spree in which he and wife Yoko Ono fell into the doldrums of purchasing blue-chip real estate and indulging their every whim. But for John, that pivotal year would climax in several moments of creative triumph as he rediscovered his artistic self in dramatic fashion, only to be cut down by an assassin’s bullets on Monday, December 8th, 1980, in the prime of a new life that was only just beginning to blossom.
Penguin Random House South Africa Newmans Birds by Colour
Taylor & Francis Inc The Supreme Court A-Z
This comprehensive, alphabetical encyclopedia of more than 300 easy-to-read entries is the first resource for anyone who wants reliable information or background material on the significant decisions of the Supreme Court, the history of the Court, the justices (every justice is profiled), the powers of the Court, and how the institution has evolved from its origins to the present. Outstanding Academic Book
powerHouse Books,U.S. Seven American Deaths And Disasters
Candlewick Press,U.S. This Is a Book of Shapes
Taylor & Francis Inc DNA Nanoscience: From Prebiotic Origins to Emerging Nanotechnology
DNA Nanoscience: From Prebiotic Origins to Emerging Nanotechnology melds two tales of DNA. One is a look at the first 35 years of DNA nanotechnology to better appreciate what lies ahead in this emerging field. The other story looks back 4 billion years to the possible origins of DNA which are shrouded in mystery. The book is divided into three parts comprised of 15 chapters and two Brief Interludes.Part I includes subjects underpinning the book such as a primer on DNA, the broader discipline of nanoscience, and experimental tools used by the principals in the narrative. Part II examines the field of structural DNA nanotechnology, founded by biochemist/crystallographer Nadrian Seeman, that uses DNA as a construction material for nanoscale structures and devices, rather than as a genetic material. Part III looks at the work of physicists Noel Clark and Tommaso Bellini who found that short DNA (nanoDNA) forms liquid crystals that act as a structural gatekeeper, orchestrating a series of self-assembly processes using nanoDNA. This led to an explanation of the polymeric structure of DNA and of how life may have emerged from the prebiotic clutter.
Edinburgh University Press A History of Scottish Child Protection Law
Simon & Schuster Silverwing Silverwing Paperback
University of California Press The Philosophy of Literary Form
From the ForewordThese pieces are selections from work done in the Thirties, a decade so changeable that I at first thought of assembling them under the title, "While Everything Flows." Their primary interest is in speculation on the nature of linguistic, or symbolic, or literary action--and in a search for more precise ways of locating or defining such action. Words are aspects of a much wider communicative context, most of which is not verbal at all. Yet words also have a nature peculiarly their own. And when discussing them as modes of action, we must consider both this nature as words in themselves and the nature they get from the non-verbal scenes that support their acts. I shall be happy if the reader can say of this book that, while always considering words as acts upon a scene, it avoids the excess of environmentalist schools which are usually so eager to trace the relationships between act and scene that they neglect to trace the structure of the act itself.
University of California Press Language As Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method
From the Preface: The title for this collection was the title of a course in literary criticism that I gave for many years at Bennington College. And much of the material presented here was used in that course. The title should serve well to convey the gist of these various pieces. For all of them are explicitly concerned with the attempt to define and track down the implications of the term "symbolic action," and to show how the marvels of literature and language look when considered form that point of view.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Clinical Cancer Genetics: Risk Counseling and Management
With a Foreword by Richard D. Klausner, M.D., Director, National Cancer Institute and an Introduction by Henry T. Lynch, M.D., President, Hereditary Cancer Institute and Director, Creighton Cancer Center, Creighton University When ordering a genetic test to determine whether a patient is susceptible to genetically transmitted cancers, physicians must be prepared to cope with profound medical, psychological, and ethical consequences. They, along with genetic counselors, nurses, psychologists, and other health professionals, must ensure that interpretations of test results are accurate, risk assessments are appropriate, and the communication of risk information is clear, helpful, and productive. Clinical Cancer Genetics: Risk Counseling and Management is a comprehensive practical guide for health professionals responding to the growing demand for clinical cancer genetic services. Using examples drawn from actual cases and emphasizing fundamental principles throughout, this book outlines the scope of clinical cancer genetics and its underlying scientific concepts, reviews the most prevalent syndromes of cancer predisposition, and addresses major issues associated with genetic testing, including: Use of quantitative methods in risk counseling Methodologies of genetic testing Genetic testing of patients with cancer Reproductive risk counseling of cancer patients Special psychological, ethical, and legal challenges in clinical cancer genetics Supplemented with practical materials used in cancer genetic counseling programs and an annotated table of selected human cancer predisposition syndromes, Clinical Cancer Genetics: Risk Counseling and Management equips health care professionals with a complete understanding of the benefits and limitations of genetic testing technologies and the ability to integrate genetic information into the management of patients who are at risk or already affected by cancer.
Little, Brown & Company Created for Connection
Dr. Sue Johnson's bestselling relationship guide revised and updated for a Christian audience.
Columbia University Press Pursuit of an "Unparalleled Opportunity": The American YMCA and Prisoner-of-War Diplomacy Among the Central Power Nations During World War I, 1914-1923
During World War I, over six million men became prisoners-of-war, a burden that overwhelmed the resources of the belligerent powers, which had a responsibility to care for these men. Becoming aware of the POWs plight, the American YMCA was determined to provide welfare relief to these prisoners, and in early 1915, the Association sent two representatives to negotiate access to military prison camps in England, France, and Germany. Archibald Harte convinced the German government that the YMCA's assistance would benefit German POWs in Allied prison camps as well as Allied prisoners incarcerated in Germany. The Germans agreed to Harte's terms on the condition that the British, French, and Russians accept similar arrangements for prisoners under their care. This began a process of reciprocity that would yield the Association POW access agreements with the governments of Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania. After the Armistice was signed in 1918, the YMCA facilitated the return of Allied prisoners to their home countries and continued to provide relief to Russian POWs stranded in German prisons. The wartime activities of the YMCA have largely "fallen between the cracks" of history, and scant attention has been paid to the role of non-governmental organizations in contributing to American neutrality and foreign policymaking during World War I. Pursuit of an Unparalleled Opportunity addresses this lacuna with a remarkable study of the social, spiritual, and physical relief offered to POWs by these dedicated, apolitical groups.
Chiltern Publishing The Wind In The Willows
Chiltern creates the most beautiful editions of the World's finest literature. Your favourite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before; the tactile layers, fine details and beautiful colours of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf.
Casemate Publishers Spies on the Mekong: CIA Clandestine Operations in Laos
During the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency's biggest and longest paramilitary operation was in the tiny kingdom of Laos. Hundreds of advisors and support personnel trained and led guerrilla formations across the mountainous Laotian countryside, as well as running smaller road-watch and agent teams that stretched from the Ho Chi Minh Trail to the Chinese frontier. Added to this number were hundreds of contract personnel providing covert aviation services.It was dangerous work. On the Memorial Wall at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, nine stars are dedicated to officers who perished in Laos. On top of this are more than one hundred from propriety airlines killed in aviation mishaps between 1961 and 1973. Combined, this grim casualty figure is orders of magnitude larger than any other CIA paramilitary operation.But for the Foreign Intelligence officers at Langley, Laos was more than a paramilitary battleground. Because of its geographic location as a buffer state, as well as its trifurcated political structure, Laos was a unique Cold War melting pot. All three of the Lao political factions, including the communist Pathet Lao, had representation in Vientiane. The Soviet Union had an extremely active embassy in the capital, while the People's Republic of China - though in the throes of the Cultural Revolution - had multiple diplomatic outposts across the kingdom. So, too, did both North and South Vietnam. All of this made Laos fertile ground for clandestine operations. This book comprehensively details the cloak-and-dagger side of the war in Laos for the first time, from agent recruitments to servicing dead-drops in Vientiane.
Temple University Press,U.S. Death in the Dining Room and Other Tales of Victorian Culture
A richly illustrated and provocative discussion of Victorian culture through an exploration of common household goods
Shubhi Publications Great Civilizations of Asia