Search results for ""ISTE Ltd and John Wiley Sons Inc""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc MRI Techniques
The rapid developments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) over the past 20 years have affirmed its supremacy over most other means of non-invasive exploration of the human body. This progress has had other consequences for imaging physicists: having knowledge about only one of the sides of MRI is nowadays no longer enough to develop new sequences or even to learn more about those that already exist. It is necessary to have a clear and precise view of all the fields explored today by this imaging technique, such as rapid imaging, flows, diffusion, perfusion or even functional MRI.This book aims to allow readers with the basics of physics and mathematics within the field MRI to easily immerse themselves in techniques that are not familiar to them. Pragmatic in approach, moving between the physics underlying the techniques being studied and the clinical examination of images, it will also be of interest to radiologists looking to define protocols or make better use of the images obtained. Contents 1. Flow.2. Diffusion.3. Perfusion.4. Functional MRI. About the Authors Vincent Perrin is a specialist teacher in the fields of physics and chemistry.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Diversity and Non-integer Differentiation for System Dynamics
Based on a structured approach to diversity, notably inspired by various forms of diversity of natural origins, Diversity and Non-integer Derivation Applied to System Dynamics provides a study framework to the introduction of the non-integer derivative as a modeling tool. Modeling tools that highlight unsuspected dynamical performances (notably damping performances) in an "integer" approach of mechanics and automation are also included. Written to enable a two-tier reading, this is an essential resource for scientists, researchers, and industrial engineers interested in this subject area. Table of Contents:1. From Diversity to Unexpected DynamicPerformance.2. The Robustness of Damping.3. Fractional Differentiation and its Memory.4. CRONE Suspension Idea.5. CRONE Control Idea
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Proportionate-type Normalized Least Mean Square Algorithms
The topic of this book is proportionate-type normalized least mean squares (PtNLMS) adaptive filtering algorithms, which attempt to estimate an unknown impulse response by adaptively giving gains proportionate to an estimate of the impulse response and the current measured error. These algorithms offer low computational complexity and fast convergence times for sparse impulse responses in network and acoustic echo cancellation applications. New PtNLMS algorithms are developed by choosing gains that optimize user-defined criteria, such as mean square error, at all times. PtNLMS algorithms are extended from real-valued signals to complex-valued signals. The computational complexity of the presented algorithms is examined. Contents 1. Introduction to PtNLMS Algorithms2. LMS Analysis Techniques3. PtNLMS Analysis Techniques4. Algorithms Designed Based on Minimization of User Defined Criteria5. Probability Density of WD for PtLMS Algorithms6. Adaptive Step-size PtNLMS Algorithms7. Complex PtNLMS Algorithms8. Computational Complexity for PtNLMS Algorithms About the Authors Kevin Wagner has been a physicist with the Radar Division of the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA since 2001. His research interests are in the area of adaptive signal processing and non-convex optimization.Milos Doroslovacki has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at George Washington University, USA since 1995, where he is now an Associate Professor. His main research interests are in the fields of adaptive signal processing, communication signals and systems, discrete-time signal and system theory, and wavelets and their applications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Method of Moments for 2D Scattering Problems: Basic Concepts and Applications
Electromagnetic wave scattering from randomly rough surfaces in the presence of scatterers is an active, interdisciplinary area of research with myriad practical applications in fields such as optics, acoustics, geoscience and remote sensing. In this book, the Method of Moments (MoM) is applied to compute the field scattered by scatterers such as canonical objects (cylinder or plate) or a randomly rough surface, and also by an object above or below a random rough surface. Since the problem is considered to be 2D, the integral equations (IEs) are scalar and only the TE (transverse electric) and TM (transverse magnetic) polarizations are addressed (no cross-polarizations occur). In Chapter 1, the MoM is applied to convert the IEs into a linear system, while Chapter 2 compares the MoM with the exact solution of the field scattered by a cylinder in free space, and with the Physical Optics (PO) approximation for the scattering from a plate in free space. Chapter 3 presents numerical results, obtained from the MoM, of the coherent and incoherent intensities scattered by a random rough surface and an object below a random rough surface. The final chapter presents the same results as in Chapter 3, but for an object above a random rough surface. In these last two chapters, the coupling between the two scatterers is also studied in detail by inverting the impedance matrix by blocks. Contents 1. Integral Equations for a Single Scatterer: Method of Moments and Rough Surfaces. 2. Validation of the Method of Moments for a Single Scatterer. 3. Scattering from Two Illuminated Scatterers. 4. Scattering from Two Scatterers Where Only One is Illuminated. Appendix. Matlab Codes. About the Authors Christophe Bourlier works at the IETR (Institut d’Electronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes) laboratory at Polytech Nantes (University of Nantes, France) as well as being a Researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) on electromagnetic wave scattering from rough surfaces and objects for remote sensing applications and radar signatures. He is the author of more than 160 journal articles and conference papers. Nicolas Pinel is currently working as a Research Engineer at the IETR laboratory at Polytech Nantes and is about to join Alyotech Technologies in Rennes, France. His research interests are in the areas of radar and optical remote sensing, scattering and propagation. In particular, he works on asymptotic methods of electromagnetic wave scattering from random rough surfaces and layers. Gildas Kubické is in charge of the “Expertise in electroMagnetism and Computation” (EMC) laboratory at the DGA (Direction Générale de l’Armement), French Ministry of Defense, where he works in the field of radar signatures and electromagnetic stealth. His research interests include electromagnetic scattering and radar cross-section modeling.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Risk Propagation Assessment for Network Security: Application to Airport Communication Network Design
The focus of this book is risk assessment methodologies for network architecture design. The main goal is to present and illustrate an innovative risk propagation-based quantitative assessment tool. This original approach aims to help network designers and security administrators to design and build more robust and secure network topologies. As an implementation case study, the authors consider an aeronautical network based on AeroMACS (Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communications System) technology. AeroMACS has been identified as the wireless access network for airport surface communications that will soon be deployed in European and American airports mainly for communications between aircraft and airlines. It is based on the IEEE 802.16-2009 standard, also known as WiMAX.The book begins with an introduction to the information system security risk management process, before moving on to present the different risk management methodologies that can be currently used (quantitative and qualitative). In the third part of the book, the authors’ original quantitative network risk assessment model based on risk propagation is introduced. Finally, a network case study of the future airport AeroMACS system is presented. This example illustrates how the authors’ quantitative risk assessment proposal can provide help to network security designers for the decision-making process and how the security of the entire network may thus be improved. Contents Part 1. Network Security Risk Assessment1. Introduction to Information System Security Risk Management Process.2. System Security Risk Management Background.3. A Quantitative Network Risk Management Methodology Based on Risk Propagation.Part 2. Application to Airport Communication Network Design4. The AeroMACS Communication System in the SESAR Project.5. Aeronautical Network Case Study.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling of Complex Systems: Application to Aeronautical Dynamics
In the field of aeronautical dynamics, this book offers readers a design tool which enables them to solve the different problems that can occur during the planning stage of a private project. The authors present a system for the modeling, design and calculation of the flying qualities of airplanes and drones, with a complete mathematical model by Matlab/Simulink. As such, this book may be useful for design engineers as well as for keen airplane amateurs. The authors expound the various phases involved in the design process of an airplane, starting with the formulation of a design tool, under the form of a 0D mathematical model (dimensionless, time dependent), before moving on to explore the behavior of the airplane under certain circumstances and offering insights into the optimization of airplane flying qualities. As validation of this model, they present a numerical result, drawn from data collected on an existing plane – the Concorde. The dimensional process is then explored and applied to a realistic drone project. Recommendations on the development of the principal characteristics of the plane (i.e. mass distribution, air load, wing span) are given. Contents 1. 0D Analytical Modeling of theAirplane Motions. 2. Design and Optimizationof an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). 3. Organization of the Auto-Pilot. This book provides a description of the modeling, design, and calculation of the aeronautical qualities of airplanes and drones. Divided into several parts, this book first summarizes all the necessary theoretical developments about the equations of motions and trajectory calculations of the machine. It then goes on to describe practical building processes and considers piloting methods. The last part makes a comparison between theoretical calculations and measured recorded data of the real flying machine. Accompanied by a complete mathematical model in MATLAB/SIMULINK
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fracture Mechanics 2: Applied Reliability
This second book of a 3-volume set on Fracture Mechanics completes the first volume through the analysis of adjustment tests suited to correctly validating the justified use of the laws conforming to the behavior of the materials and structures under study.This volume focuses on the vast range of statistical distributions encountered in reliability. Its aim is to run statistical measurements, to present a report on enhanced measures in mechanical reliability and to evaluate the reliability of repairable or unrepairable systems. To achieve this, the author presents a theoretical and practice-based approach on the following themes: criteria of failures; Bayesian applied probability; Markov chains; Monte Carlo simulation as well as many other solved case studies.This book distinguishes itself from other works in the field through its originality in presenting an educational approach which aims at helping practitioners both in academia and industry. It is intended for technicians, engineers, designers, students, and teachers working in the fields of engineering and vocational education. The main objective of the author is to provide an assessment of indicators of quality and reliability to aid in decision-making. To this end, an intuitive and practical approach, based on mathematical rigor, is recommended.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Optimization in Engineering Sciences: Exact Methods
The purpose of this book is to present the main methods of static and dynamic optimization. It has been written within the framework of the European Union project – ERRIC (Empowering Romanian Research on Intelligent Information Technologies), funded by the EU’s FP7 Research Potential program and developed in cooperation between French and Romanian teaching researchers. Through the principles of various proposed algorithms (with additional references) this book allows the interested reader to explore various methods of implementation such as linear programming, nonlinear programming – particularly important given the wide variety of existing algorithms, dynamic programming with various application examples and Hopfield networks. The book examines optimization in relation to systems identification; optimization of dynamic systems with particular application to process control; optimization of large scale and complex systems; optimization and information systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Supervision and Safety of Complex Systems
This book presents results of projects carried out by both scientific and industry researchers into the techniques to help in maintenance, control, supervision and security of systems, taking into account the technical environmental and human factors. This work is supported by the Scientific Group GIS 3SGS. It is a collaborative work from 13 partners (academic and industrial) who have come together to deal with security problems. The problems and techniques discussed mainly focus on stochastic and dynamic modeling, maintenance, forecasting, diagnosis, reliability, performance, organizational, human and environmental factors, uncertainty and experience feedback. Part 1. Industrial Issues 1. Safety and Performance of Electricity Production Facilities, Gilles Deleuze, Jean Primet, Philippe Klein, Carole Duval and Antoine Despujols. 2. Monitoring of Radioactive Waste Disposal Cells in Deep Geological Formation, Stéphane Buschaert and Sylvie Lesoille. 3. Towards Fourth-generation Nuclear Reactors, Jean-Philippe Nabot, Olivier Gastaldi, François Baqué, Kévin Paumel and Jean-Philippe Jeannot. Part 2. Supervison and Modeling of Complex Systems 4. Fault-tolerant Data-fusion Method: Application on Platoon Vehicle Localization, Maan El Badaoui El Najiar, Cherif Smaili, François Charpillet, Denis Pomorski and Mireille Bayart. 5. Damage and Forecast Modeling, Anne Barros, Eric Levrat, Mitra Fouladirad, Khanh Le Son, Thomas Ruin, Benoît Iung, Alexandre Voisin, Maxime Monnin, Antoine Despujols, Emmanuel Rémy and Ludovic Bénétrix. 6. Diagnosis of Systems with Multiple Operating Modes, Taha Boukhobza, Frédéric Hamelin, Benoît Marx, Gilles Mourot, Anca Maria Nagy, José Ragot, Djemal Eddine Chouaib Belkhiat, Kevin Guelton, Dalel Jabri, Noureddine Manamanni, Sinuhé Martinez, Nadhir Messai, Vincent Cocquempot, Assia Hakem, Komi Midzodzi Pekpe, Talel Zouari, Michael Defoort, Mohammed Djemai and Jérémy Van Gorp. 7. Multitask Learning for the Diagnosis of Machine Fleet, Xiyan He, Gilles Mourot, Didier Maquin, José Ragot, Pierre Beauseroy, André Smolarz and Edith Grall-Maës. 8. The APPRODYN Project: Dynamic Reliability Approaches to Modeling Critical Systems, Jean-François Aubry, Genia Babykina, Nicolae Brinzei, Slimane Medjaher, Anne Barros, Christophe Berenguer, Antoine Grall, Yves Langeron, Danh Ngoc Nguyen, Gilles Deleuze, Benoîte De Saporta, François Dufour and Huilong Zhang. Part 3. Characterizing Background Noise, Identifying Characteristic Signatures in Test Cases and Detecting Noise Reactors 9. Aims, Context and Type of Signals Studied, François Baqué, Olivier Descombin, Olivier Gastaldi and Yves Vandenboomgaerde. 10. Detection/Classification of Argon and Water Injections into Sodium into an SG of a Fast Neutron Reactor, Pierre Beauseroy, Edith Grall-Maës and Igor Nikiforov. 11. A Dynamic Learning-based Approach to the Surveillance and Monitoring of Steam Generators in Prototype Fast Reactors, Laurent Hartert, Moamar Sayed-Mouchaweh and Danielle Nuzillard. 12. SVM Time-Frequency Classification for the Detection of Injection States, Simon Henrot, El-Hadi Djermoune and David Brie. 13. Time and Frequency Domain Approaches for the Characterization of Injection States, Jean-Philippe Cassar and Komi Midzodzi Pekpe. Part 4. Human, Organizational and Environmental Factors in Risk Analysis 14. Risk Analysis and Management in Systems Integrating Technical, Human, Organizational and Environmental Aspects, Geoffrey Fallet-Fidry, Carole Duval, Christophe Simon, Eric Levrat, Philippe Weber and Benoît Iung. 15. Integrating Human and Organizational Factors into the BCD Risk Analysis Model: An Influence Diagram-based approach, Karima Sedki, Philippe Polet and Frédéric Vanderhaegen.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Signal and Image Processing for Biometrics
The aim of this book is to deal with biometrics in terms of signal and image processing methods and algorithms. This will help engineers and students working in digital signal and image processing deal with the implementation of such specific algorithms. It discusses numerous signal and image processing techniques that are very often used in biometric applications. In particular, algorithms related to hand feature extraction, speech recognition, 2D/3D face biometrics, video surveillance and other interesting approaches are presented. Moreover, in some chapters, Matlab codes are provided so that readers can easily reproduce some basic simulation results. This book is suitable for final-year undergraduate students, postgraduate students, engineers and researchers in the field of computer engineering and applied digital signal and image processing. 1. Introduction to Biometrics, Bernadette Dorizzi.2. Introduction to 2D Face Recognition, Amine Nait-Ali and Dalila Cherifi.3. Facial Soft Biometrics for Person Recognition, Antitza Dantcheva, Christelle Yemdji, Petros Elia and Jean-Luc Dugelay.4. Modeling, Reconstruction and Tracking for Face Recognition, Catherine Herold, Vincent Despiegel, Stéphane Gentric, Séverine Dubuisson and Isabelle Bloch.5. 3D Face Recognition, Mohsen Ardabilian, Przemyslaw Szeptycki, Di Huang and Liming Chen.6. Introduction to Iris Biometrics, Kamel Aloui, Amine Nait-Ali, Régis Fournier and Saber Naceur.7. Voice Biometrics: Speaker Verification and Identification, Foezur Chowdhury, Sid-Ahmed Selouani and Douglas O’Shaughnessy.8. Introduction to Hand Biometrics, Régis Fournier and Amine Nait-Ali.9. Multibiometrics, Romain Giot, Baptiste Hemery, Estelle Cherrier and Christophe Rosenberger.10. Hidden Biometrics, Amine Nait-Ali, Régis Fournier, Kamel Aloui and Noureddine Belgacem.11. Performance Evaluation of Biometric Systems, Mohamad El-Abed, Romain Giot, Baptiste Hemery, Julien Mahier and Christophe Rosenberger.12. Classification Techniques for Biometrics, Amel Bouchemha, Chérif Nait-Hamoud, Amine Nait-Ali and Régis Fournier.13. Data Cryptography, Islam Naveed and William Puech.14. Visual Data Protection, Islam Naveed and William Puech.15. Biometrics in Forensics, Guillaume Galou and Christophe Lambert.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Green Networking
This book focuses on green networking, which is an important topic for the scientific community composed of engineers, academics, researchers and industrialists working in the networking field. Reducing the environmental impact of the communications infrastructure has become essential with the ever increasing cost of energy and the need for reducing global CO2 emissions to protect our environment.Recent advances and future directions in green networking are presented in this book, including energy efficient networks (wired networks, wireless networks, mobile networks), adaptive networks (cognitive radio networks, green autonomic networking), green terminals, and industrial research into green networking (smart city, etc.).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanics of Dislocation Fields
Accompanying the present trend of engineering systems aimed at size reduction and design at microscopic/nanoscopic length scales, Mechanics of Dislocation Fields describes the self-organization of dislocation ensembles at small length scales and its consequences on the overall mechanical behavior of crystalline bodies. The account of the fundamental interactions between the dislocations and other microscopic crystal defects is based on the use of smooth field quantities and powerful tools from the mathematical theory of partial differential equations. The resulting theory is able to describe the emergence of dislocation microstructures and their evolution along complex loading paths. Scale transitions are performed between the properties of the dislocation ensembles and the mechanical behavior of the body. Several variants of this overall scheme are examined which focus on dislocation cores, electromechanical interactions of dislocations with electric charges in dielectric materials, the intermittency and scale-invariance of dislocation activity, grain-to-grain interactions in polycrystals, size effects on mechanical behavior and path dependence of strain hardening.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc UCITS Handbook
The goal of this Handbook on UCITS is to provide a one-stop source for investors and asset managers, service providers, students, researchers, and practitioners to learn the necessary knowledge and analytical skills they need when setting up, managing and monitoring a UCITS fund. This handbook intends to introduce systematically recent developments in different areas of UCITS through a multi-disciplinary approach. The coverage is broad and thorough with a balance of theory and applications. Each chapter covering a special aspect of UCITS is edited by leading experts and practitioners in the area and covers state-of-the-art methods and theory of the selected topic. The purpose of this UCITS handbook is to provide, in a clear format, a summary of the main aspects of each discipline that UCITS involves. Contents 1. Setting up a UCITS Fund, Jerome Wigny and Celine Wilmet. 2. UCITS Management Companies, Jerome Wigny and Celine Wilmet. 3. Risk Management in the Context of UCITS IV, Thierry López and Benjamin Gauthier. 4. Counterparty, Issuer and Concentration Risk Management for UCITS funds, Romain Berry. 5. UCITS – The Investment Limits, Andrew P. White. 6. UCITS Distribution, Mark Evans. 7. The UCITS Management Company and Delegation, Killian Buckley and Ciara O’Sullivan. 8. UCITS Taxation, Andre Pesch. 9. Alternative UCITS, Christian Szylar.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc X-Rays and Materials
This book presents reviews of various aspects of radiation/matter interactions, be these instrumental developments, the application of the study of the interaction of X-rays and materials to a particular scientific field, or specific methodological approaches. The overall aim of the book is to provide reference summaries for a range of specific subject areas within a pedagogical framework. Each chapter is written by an author who is well known within their field and who has delivered an invited lecture on their subject area as part of the “RX2009 – X-rays and Materials” colloquium that took place in December 2009 at Orsay in France. The book consists of five chapters on the subject of X-ray diffraction, scattering and absorption. Chapter 1 gives a detailed presentation of the capabilities and potential of beam lines dedicated to condensed matter studies at the SOLEIL synchrotron radiation source. Chapter 2 focuses on the study of nanoparticles using small-angle X-ray scattering. Chapter 3 discusses the quantitative studies of this scattering signal used to analyze these characteristics in detail. Chapter 4 discusses relaxor materials, which are ceramics with a particularly complex microstructure. Chapter 5 discusses an approach enabling the in situ analysis of these phase transitions and their associated microstructural changes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Assembly Language Programming: ARM Cortex-M3
ARM designs the cores of microcontrollers which equip most "embedded systems" based on 32-bit processors. Cortex M3 is one of these designs, recently developed by ARM with microcontroller applications in mind. To conceive a particularly optimized piece of software (as is often the case in the world of embedded systems) it is often necessary to know how to program in an assembly language. This book explains the basics of programming in an assembly language, while being based on the architecture of Cortex M3 in detail and developing many examples. It is written for people who have never programmed in an assembly language and is thus didactic and progresses step by step by defining the concepts necessary to acquiring a good understanding of these techniques.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Home Networking
In an era of ubiquity, nomadism and ecological challenge, the maturity of wireless technologies, the readiness of broadband Internet access and the popularity of smart terminals should contribute to emancipating IT services in connection with the home and home-based resources. This book, in light of several years of applied research and technological surveys, aims at describing the digital home networking environment, its techniques, and the challenges around its service architecture. Digital Home Networking aims to provide a broad introduction to state-of-the-art digital home standards and protocols, as well as an in-depth description of service architectures for entertainment and domotic services involving digital home resources. The book covers aspects such as networking, remote access, security, interoperability, scalability and Quality of Service. Notably, it describes the generic architecture, which was proposed and developed in the context of the EUREKA/Celtic research project "Feel@Home".
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Weak Signals for Strategic Intelligence: Anticipation Tool for Managers
The expression: "We did not see it coming!" has often been heard in recent years from decision makers at the highest levels of responsibility in the private and public sectors. Yet there were actually early (warning) signals, but they were often ignored or not used due to a lack of appropriate methodology. To avoid such blind spots, this book provides answers to the question "how to anticipate".The concept of a "weak signal" is at the heart of the proposed methods. After presenting examples of this concept, the authors provide original and validated answers to questions of feasibility: How to recognize a weak signal? How to exploit it? Numerous applications are presented.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Enterprise Interoperability: IWEI 2011 Proceedings
The book contains the short papers of the Third International IFIP Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability, IWEI 2011, held March 22-23, 2011, in Stockholm, Sweden, and the papers of the co-located IWEI Workshops, held on March 21, 2011. The IWEI Working Conference highlighted developments in the following areas: scientific foundations for specifying, analyzing and validating interoperability solutions; architectural frameworks for addressing interoperability challenges from different viewpoints and at different levels of abstraction; maturity models to evaluate and rank interoperability solutions with respect to distinguished quality criteria; and working sets of practical solutions, standards and tools that can be applied to interoperability problems. The IWEI Workshops complemented the IWEI Working Conference and explored new issues and solutions in enterprise interoperability in four separate workshops: (1) Enterprise 2.0 – Using Internet 2.0 Technologies in Enterprise Management; (2) Semantic Interoperability in the Scope of Future Energy Smart Grids; (3) Advanced Results in MDI/SOA Innovation; and (4) Standards Ensuring Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration – State of the Art and Perspectives. The Workshops offered opportunities to discuss issues raised and to brainstorm about possible solution directions.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Models and Analysis for Distributed Systems
Nowadays, distributed systems are increasingly present, for public software applications as well as critical systems. software applications as well as critical systems. This title and Distributed Systems: Design and Algorithms – from the same editors – introduce the underlying concepts, the associated design techniques and the related security issues. The objective of this book is to describe the state of the art of the formal methods for the analysis of distributed systems. Numerous issues remain open and are the topics of major research projects. One current research trend consists of profoundly mixing the design, modeling, verification and implementation stages. This prototyping-based approach is centered around the concept of model refinement. This book is more specifically intended for readers that wish to gain an overview of the application of formal methods in the design of distributed systems. Master’s and PhD students, as well as engineers in industry, will find a global understanding of the techniques as well as references to the most up-to-date works in this area.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ferroelectric Dielectrics Integrated on Silicon
This book describes up-to-date technology applied to high-K materials for More Than Moore applications, i.e. microsystems applied to microelectronics core technologies. After detailing the basic thermodynamic theory applied to high-K dielectrics thin films including extrinsic effects, this book emphasizes the specificity of thin films. Deposition and patterning technologies are then presented. A whole chapter is dedicated to the major role played in the field by X-Ray Diffraction characterization, and other characterization techniques are also described such as Radio frequency characterization. An in-depth study of the influence of leakage currents is performed together with reliability discussion. Three applicative chapters cover integrated capacitors, variables capacitors and ferroelectric memories. The final chapter deals with a reasonably new research field, multiferroic thin films.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Compact Antennas for Wireless Communications and Terminals: Theory and Design
Compact Antennas for Wireless Communications and Terminals deals with compact microwave antennas and, more specifically, with the planar version of these antennas. Planar antennas are the most appropriate type of antenna in modern communication systems and more generally in all applications requiring miniaturization, integration and conformation such as in mobile phone handsets. The book is suitable for students, engineers and scientists eager to understand the principles of planar and small antennas, their design and fabrication issues, and modern aspects such as UWB antennas, reconfigurable antennas and diversity issues.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Environmental Scanning and Sustainable Development
This work is an initial exploration of the relationship between scanning and sustainable development. In ten chapters, the authors examine the application, characteristics and implementation of scanning oriented toward sustainable development. Thus the work offers some answers to the questions “what is sustainable scanning?”, “what new issues does it raise for management practice and management science?”, “what forms can it take?” and “how…?”
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc IP, Ethernet and MPLS Networks: Resource and Fault Management
This book summarizes the key Quality of Service technologies deployed in telecommunications networks: Ethernet, IP, and MPLS. The QoS of the network is made up of two parts: fault and resource management. Network operation quality is among the functions to be fulfilled in order to offer QoS to the end user. It is characterized by four parameters: packet loss, delay, jitter or the variation of delay over time, and availability. Resource management employs mechanisms that enable the first three parameters to be guaranteed or optimized. Fault management aims to ensure continuity of service.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering
The book aims at providing to master and PhD students the basic knowledge in fluid mechanics for chemical engineers. Applications to mixing and reaction and to mechanical separation processes are addressed. The first part of the book presents the principles of fluid mechanics used by chemical engineers, with a focus on global theorems for describing the behavior of hydraulic systems. The second part deals with turbulence and its application for stirring, mixing and chemical reaction. The third part addresses mechanical separation processes by considering the dynamics of particles in a flow and the processes of filtration, fluidization and centrifugation. The mechanics of granular media is finally discussed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Spectral Analysis: Parametric, Non-Parametric and Advanced Methods
Digital Spectral Analysis provides a single source that offers complete coverage of the spectral analysis domain. This self-contained work includes details on advanced topics that are usually presented in scattered sources throughout the literature. The theoretical principles necessary for the understanding of spectral analysis are discussed in the first four chapters: fundamentals, digital signal processing, estimation in spectral analysis, and time-series models. An entire chapter is devoted to the non-parametric methods most widely used in industry. High resolution methods are detailed in a further four chapters: spectral analysis by stationary time series modeling, minimum variance, and subspace-based estimators. Finally, advanced concepts are the core of the last four chapters: spectral analysis of non-stationary random signals, space time adaptive processing: irregularly sampled data processing, particle filtering and tracking of varying sinusoids. Suitable for students, engineers working in industry, and academics at any level, this book provides a rare complete overview of the spectral analysis domain.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Large-scale Complex System and Systems of Systems
With the growing maturity of information and communication technologies, systems have been interconnected within growing networks, yielding new services through a combination of the system functionalities. This leads to an increasing complexity that has to be managed in order to take advantage of these system integrations. This book provides key answers as to how such systems of systems can be engineered and how their complexity can be mastered. After reviewing some definitions on systems of systems engineering, the book focuses on concrete applications and offers a survey of the activities and techniques that allow engineering of complex systems and systems of systems. Case studies, ranging from emergency situations such as Hurricane Katrina and its crisis management or a generic scenario of a major traffic accident and its emergency response, to the establishment of a scientific basis in the Antarctic region illustrate key factors of success and traps to avoid in order to cope with such situations.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Asynchronous Machines with Variable Speed
This handbook deals with the asynchronous machine in its close environment. It was born from a reflection on this electromagnetic converter whose integration in industrial environments takes a wide part. Previously this type of motor operated at fixed speed, from now on it has been integrated more and more in processes at variable speed. For this reason it seemed useful, or necessary, to write a handbook on the various aspects from the motor in itself, via the control and while finishing by the diagnosis aspect. Indeed, an asynchronous motor is used nowadays in industry where variation speed and reliability are necessary. We must know permanently for the sensitive systems, the state of process and to inform the operator of the appearance of any anomaly and its severity.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Silicon Technologies: Ion Implantation and Thermal Treatment
The main purpose of this book is to remind new engineers in silicon foundry, the fundamental physical and chemical rules in major Front end treatments: oxidation, epitaxy, ion implantation and impurities diffusion.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematics for Informatics and Computer Science
How many ways do exist to mix different ingredients, how many chances to win a gambling game, how many possible paths going from one place to another in a network ? To this kind of questions Mathematics applied to computer gives a stimulating and exhaustive answer. This text, presented in three parts (Combinatorics, Probability, Graphs) addresses all those who wish to acquire basic or advanced knowledge in combinatorial theories. It is actually also used as a textbook. Basic and advanced theoretical elements are presented through simple applications like the Sudoku game, search engine algorithm and other easy to grasp applications. Through the progression from simple to complex, the teacher acquires knowledge of the state of the art of combinatorial theory. The non conventional simultaneous presentation of algorithms, programs and theory permits a powerful mixture of theory and practice. All in all, the originality of this approach gives a refreshing view on combinatorial theory.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Geography
Sustainable Geography recalls the system and laws of geographical space production, tackles the hardcore of geography and presents models and organizations through a regional analysis and the dynamics of territorial structures and methods. The book also describes the general idea of discontinuities, trenches, the anti-dialectical and redivision-uniformity in the globalization and addresses the Transnational Urban Systems and Urban Network in Europe.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Measurements using Optic and RF Waves
The scientific and technical basis underpinning modern measurement techniques used for electromagnetic quantities and phenonema is necessarily wide-ranging, as the electromagnetic environment spans all possible frequencies and wavelengths. Measurements must be applicable in fields as varied as nanotechnologies, telecommunications, meteorology, geo-location, radio-astronomy, health, biology, and many others. In order to adequately cover the many different facets of the topic, this book provides examples from the entire range of the electromagnetic spectrum — covering frequencies from several hertz to terahertz, and considering wavelength distances ranging from nanometers to light-years in optics. It then provides coverage of the various measurement techniques using electromagnetic waves for various applications, devoting chapters to each different field of application. This comprehensive book gives detailed information on: the various techniques and methods available to measure the key characteristics of electromagnetic waves, in terms of the local field and phase for a broad field of frequencies; determination of physical quantities such as distance, time, etc., using electromagnetic properties; new approaches to measurements in the field of electromagnetic distribution in complex structures media, such as biological tissues and in the nanosciences.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Discrete Stochastic Processes and Optimal Filtering
Optimal filtering applied to stationary and non-stationary signals provides the most efficient means of dealing with problems arising from the extraction of noise signals. Moreover, it is a fundamental feature in a range of applications, such as in navigation in aerospace and aeronautics, filter processing in the telecommunications industry, etc. This book provides a comprehensive overview of this area, discussing random and Gaussian vectors, outlining the results necessary for the creation of Wiener and adaptive filters used for stationary signals, as well as examining Kalman filters which are used in relation to non-stationary signals. Exercises with solutions feature in each chapter to demonstrate the practical application of these ideas using MATLAB.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Passive RF Integrated Circuits: Modeling, Characterization and Measurement
This book, written by recognized experts in the field, is intended for designers of RF or microwave passive integrated circuits. It describes methods used for modeling passive circuits using the most common numerical analysis techniques (the method of moments, finite element methods, FDTD, TLM), and pays particular attention to propagation phenomena. Interconnections and packaging modeling are included, as well as an original method for multi-scale circuit modeling. Characterization and measurement methods in the time and frequency domains are the subject of two very detailed chapters. Measurement errors using Vector Network Analyzer (VNA ) and appropriate corrections are detailed and the divergences between all the various parameters S, Z, Y, h, T, ABCD are given. Time domain reflectometry and its use are also covered in detail.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sequential Decision-Making Problems: Representation and Solution
Numerous formalisms have been designed to model and solve decision-making problems. Some formalisms, such as constraint networks, can express "simple" decision problems, while others take into account uncertainties (probabilities, possibilities...), unfeasible decisions, and utilities (additive or not). In the first part of this book, we introduce a generic algebraic framework that encompasses and unifies a large number of such formalisms. This formalism, called the Plausibility–Feasibility–Utility (PFU) framework, is based on algebraic structures, graphical models, and sequences of quantifications. This work on knowledge representation is completed by a work on algorithms for answering queries formulated in the PFU framework. The algorithms defined are based on variable elimination or tree search, and work on a new generic architecture for local computations called multi-operator cluster DAGs.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Numerical Methods
This series of five volumes proposes an integrated description of physical processes modeling used by scientific disciplines from meteorology to coastal morphodynamics. Volume 1 describes the physical processes and identifies the main measurement devices used to measure the main parameters that are indispensable to implement all these simulation tools. Volume 2 presents the different theories in an integrated approach: mathematical models as well as conceptual models, used by all disciplines to represent these processes. Volume 3 identifies the main numerical methods used in all these scientific fields to translate mathematical models into numerical tools. Volume 4 is composed of a series of case studies, dedicated to practical applications of these tools in engineering problems. To complete this presentation, volume 5 identifies and describes the modeling software in each discipline.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Models
This series of five volumes proposes an integrated description of physical processes modeling used by scientific disciplines from meteorology to coastal morphodynamics. Volume 1 describes the physical processes and identifies the main measurement devices used to measure the main parameters that are indispensable to implement all these simulation tools. Volume 2 presents the different theories in an integrated approach: mathematical models as well as conceptual models, used by all disciplines to represent these processes. Volume 3 identifies the main numerical methods used in all these scientific fields to translate mathematical models into numerical tools. Volume 4 is composed of a series of case studies, dedicated to practical applications of these tools in engineering problems. To complete this presentation, volume 5 identifies and describes the modeling software in each discipline.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc LED for Lighting Applications
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are no longer confined to use in commercial signage and have now moved firmly, and with unquestioned advantages, into the field of commercial and domestic lighting. This development was prompted in the late 1980s by the invention of the blue LED, a wavelength that had previously been missing from the available LED spectrum and which opened the way to providing white light. Since that point, LED performance (including energy efficiency) has improved dramatically, and now compares with the performance of fluorescent lights - and there remain further performance improvements yet to be delivered. The book begins with the principles of LED lighting, then focuses on issues and challenges. Chapters are devoted to key steps in LED manufacturing: substrate, epitaxy, process and packaging. Photoelectric characterization of LEDs, Lighting with LEDs and the imposition of a certain level of color quality, are the subject of later chapters, and finally there is a detailed discussion of the emergence of OLEDs, or organic LEDs, which have specific capabilities of immediate interest and importance in this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization, Volume 1
Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management. The three volumes of the Combinatorial Optimization series aims to cover a wide range of topics in this area. These topics also deal with fundamental notions and approaches as with several classical applications of combinatorial optimization. Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization, is divided into three parts: On the complexity of combinatorial optimization problems, that presents basics about worst-case and randomized complexity; Classical solution methods, that presents the two most-known methods for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems, that are Branch-and-Bound and Dynamic Programming; Elements from mathematical programming, that presents fundamentals from mathematical programming based methods that are in the heart of Operations Research since the origins of this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Wigner Monte Carlo Method for Nanoelectronic Devices: A Particle Description of Quantum Transport and Decoherence
The emergence of nanoelectronics has led us to renew the concepts of transport theory used in semiconductor device physics and the engineering community. It has become crucial to question the traditional semi-classical view of charge carrier transport and to adequately take into account the wave-like nature of electrons by considering not only their coherent evolution but also the out-of-equilibrium states and the scattering effects. This book gives an overview of the quantum transport approaches for nanodevices and focuses on the Wigner formalism. It details the implementation of a particle-based Monte Carlo solution of the Wigner transport equation and how the technique is applied to typical devices exhibiting quantum phenomena, such as the resonant tunnelling diode, the ultra-short silicon MOSFET and the carbon nanotube transistor. In the final part, decoherence theory is used to explain the emergence of the semi-classical transport in nanodevices.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applications of Combinatorial Optimization, Volume 3
Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management. The three volumes of the Combinatorial Optimization series aims to cover a wide range of topics in this area. These topics also deal with fundamental notions and approaches as with several classical applications of combinatorial optimization. “Applications of Combinatorial Optimization” is presenting a certain number among the most common and well-known applications of Combinatorial Optimization.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multivariate Image Processing
Multivariate imagery is now a very common tool in numerous applications, ranging from satellite remote sensing and astrophysics to biomedical imagery, monitoring of the environment or industrial inspection. Multivariate must be understood in th emost general way: color and multispectral imaging, but also multimodal, multisource or multitemporal imagery. In all the cases, the multivariate image corresponds to a set of standard grey level images. The availability of the additional diversity, be it spectral temporal and s.o., provides an invaluable source of information, enabling to consider a wide range of new applications. However, in order to address these applications, theoretical developments are required in terms of signal and image processing, or, more generally speaking, information processing. As a matter of fact, most of the standard algorithms designed for grey level images do not generalize easily to multidimensional spaces and some specific derivations are required. This book aims at presenting the most recent advances in signal and image processing for the analysis of multivariate data. It should be helpful for electrical engineers, PhD students and researcher working in the field of signal processing, but also for any engineer dealing with some specific application where multidimensional data are processed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Development in the USA
After WWII, the United States of America proposed their way of life, based on an unlimited consumption of land, goods, and energy, as a model for the entire world. Nowadays, this expansionist model has reached its limits. This book provides a comprehensive study of the geographical basis of the American settlements, assuming that part of the U.S. overshooting is related to geography because of harsh climates and the continental size of the Nation, but another part is the result of a cultural habits of expansion and segregation. Urban Sprawl, for instance, is the real Achille's heel of America, because it challenges the cultural revolution required by sustainability. From the continental physiography to the New Orleans – Katrina case, this book explores these issues with maps and charts created with the help of a nationwide multiscalar GIS.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable IT Architecture: The Progressive Way of Overhauling Information Systems with SOA
This book focuses on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), the basis of sustainable and more agile IT systems that are able to adapt themselves to new trends and manage processes involving a third party. The discussion is based on the public Praxeme method and features a number of examples taken from large SOA projects which were used to rewrite the information systems of an insurance company; as such, decision-makers, creators of IT systems, programmers and computer scientists, as well as those who will use these new developments, will find this a useful resource.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Application Integration: EAI B2B BPM and SOA
Application integration assembles methods and tools for organizing exchanges between applications, and intra- and inter-enterprise business processes. A strategic tool for enterprises, it introduces genuine reactivity into information systems facing business changes, and as a result, provides a significant edge in optimizing costs. This book analyzes various aspects of application integration, providing a guide to the alphabet soup behind EAI, A2A, B2B, BAM, BPM, ESB and SOA. It addresses the problems of choosing between the application integration solutions and deploying them successfully. It supplies guidelines for avoiding common errors, exploring the differences between received wisdom and the facts on the ground. The overview of IT urbanization will help introduce English-speaking audiences to a powerful approach to information system flexibility developed in France. A key chapter approaches the analysis and interoperation of service levels in integration projects, while the discussion on deployment methodologies and ROI calculation anchors the theory in the real world. Application Integration: EAI, B2B, BPM and SOA relies on concrete examples and genuine experiences to demonstrate what works – and what doesn’t – in this challenging, topical and important IT domain.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Finance: Deterministic and Stochastic Models
This book provides a detailed study of Financial Mathematics. In addition to the extraordinary depth the book provides, it offers a study of the axiomatic approach that is ideally suited for analyzing financial problems. This book is addressed to MBA's, Financial Engineers, Applied Mathematicians, Banks, Insurance Companies, and Students of Business School, of Economics, of Applied Mathematics, of Financial Engineering, Banks, and more.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Dynamic Behavior of Concrete and Seismic Engineering
While the static behavior of concrete has been the subject of numerous works, the same cannot be said for the dynamic behavior. This book sets out to remedy this situation: it begins by presenting the most frequently used experimental techniques in the study of the dynamic behavior of concrete, then continues by examining seismicity and seismic behavior, soil behavior, models of concrete structures subject to seismic activity, seismic calculation methods of structures, and paraseismic engineering.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Plastic Forming Processes
Plastics may undergo an industrial treatment for many reasons including strength, chemical inertness, biodegradability, and heat resistance. Providing an overview of the various treatments utilized in the plastics industry, this title examines the numerous treatments in use as well as the differences in treatments based on the type of plastic and the type of component being treated.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fluid Mechanics
This book examines the phenomena of fluid flow and transfer as governed by mechanics and thermodynamics. Part 1 concentrates on equations coming from balance laws and also discusses transportation phenomena and propagation of shock waves. Part 2 explains the basic methods of metrology, signal processing, and system modeling, using a selection of examples of fluid and thermal mechanics.