Search results for ""ISTE Ltd and John Wiley Sons Inc""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematics for Engineers
This book offers comprehensive coverage of all the mathematical tools needed by engineers in the field of processing and transport of all forms of information, data and images - as well as many other engineering disciplines. It provides essential theories, equations and results in probability theory and statistics, which constitute the basis for the presentation of signal processing,information theory, traffic and queueing theory, and reliability. The mathematical foundations of simulation are also covered. The book's accessible style will enable students, engineers and researches new to this area to advance their knowledge of communication and other engineering technologies; however, it will also serve as a useful reference guide to anyone wishing to further explore this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Optimisation in Signal and Image Processing
This book describes the optimization methods most commonly encountered in signal and image processing: artificial evolution and Parisian approach; wavelets and fractals; information criteria; training and quadratic programming; Bayesian formalism; probabilistic modeling; Markovian approach; hidden Markov models; and metaheuristics (genetic algorithms, ant colony algorithms, cross-entropy, particle swarm optimization, estimation of distribution algorithms, and artificial immune systems).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Time-Frequency Analysis
Covering a period of about 25 years, during which time-frequency has undergone significant developments, this book is principally addressed to researchers and engineers interested in non-stationary signal analysis and processing. It is written by recognized experts in the field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling and Verification of Real-time Systems: Formalisms and Software Tools
This title is devoted to presenting some of the most important concepts and techniques for describing real-time systems and analyzing their behavior in order to enable the designer to achieve guarantees of temporal correctness. Topics addressed include mathematical models of real-time systems and associated formal verification techniques such as model checking, probabilistic modeling and verification, programming and description languages, and validation approaches based on testing. With contributions from authors who are experts in their respective fields, this will provide the reader with the state of the art in formal verification of real-time systems and an overview of available software tools.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Structural Components: Mechanical Tests and Behavioral Laws
The mechanical tests presented in this book are essential for determining the basic properties of the materials used. Areas covered include elasticity, tensile and compression tests, hardness, endurance tests and dynamic tests.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Methods in Survival Analysis, Reliability and Quality of Life
Reliability and survival analysis are important applications of stochastic mathematics (probability, statistics and stochastic processes) that are usually covered separately in spite of the similarity of the involved mathematical theory. This title aims to redress this situation: it includes 21 chapters divided into four parts: Survival analysis, Reliability, Quality of life, and Related topics. Many of these chapters were presented at the European Seminar on Mathematical Methods for Survival Analysis, Reliability and Quality of Life in 2006.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Two new fields have recently appeared: mobile ad hoc networks and sensor networks. The emergence of these very promising systems is mainly due to great technological progress in the field of wireless communication protocols; these will make it possible to offer a broad range of new applications in both civilian and militarian domains. The inherent characteristics of these systems imply new challenges. This book deals with several relevant fields related to the evolution of these spontaneous and self-organized networks. The authors tackle critical problems such as the design of unicast/multicast routing protocols, the support of the quality of service, the security mechanisms for routing and data transmission, the service discovery, the techniques of clustering/self-organization, the mobility of code and the fault-tolerance techniques. The discussion adopts an analysis-oriented approach which aims to cover the current cutting-edge aspects of these fields and to highlight some potential future development, making it essential reading for anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of these exciting new areas.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Caring Management in Health Organizations, Volume 3: A Lever for Crisis Management
Health organizations in social, medico-social and health sectors are not immune to the pressures of productivity, efficiency and quality. The race against time, which is far more problematic today than 20 years ago, makes care in the workplace much more difficult to implement, though it is essential. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 only reinforced this stance. Caring Management in Heath Organizations questions the benevolent nature of management, understood here to mean taking care, according a central role to relationships. It takes a political, historical and international perspective on health management, examining successful implementations of this practice in health organizations, with all its difficulties, pitfalls and riches. Other sectors are also explored. This book takes a critical look at the very foundations of "caring management". It opens up the debate between researchers from different backgrounds and professionals in the field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc General Contractor Business Model for Smart Cities: Fundamentals and Techniques
This book covers three principal subject areas: smart cities, general contractors and business models. The smart city concept is currently on the rise and cities around the world appear to be in a race to become smart, fast. Converting big cities into smart cities is a move that almost all cities around the globe have made, or will undoubtedly make in the near future, to be able to cope with the various repercussions of urbanization. Smartness is a vague term that could relate to anything and everything, such as infrastructure, people or governance.In this book, we focus our attention on smart buildings - large ones, in particular - and attempt to identify the key problems that France-based construction companies face today, in order to suggest plausible solutions. Our research findings show that no single business model can fit all smart cities worldwide. Using the general contractor business model for smart cities, this book proposes an original solution to managing smart city projects, bringing together architecture, construction and strategy.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Aesthetics in Digital Photography
Automatically evaluating the aesthetic qualities of a photograph is a current challenge for artificial intelligence technologies, yet it is also an opportunity to open up new economic and social possibilities. Aesthetics in Digital Photography presents theories developed over the last 25 centuries by philosophers and art critics, who have sometimes been governed by the objectivity of perception, and other times, of course, by the subjectivity of human judgement. It explores the advances that have been made in neuro-aesthetics and their current limitations. In the field of photography, this book puts aesthetic hypotheses up against experimental verification, and then critically examines attempts to "scientifically" measure this beauty. Special attention is paid to artificial intelligence techniques, taking advantage of machine learning methods and large databases.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Recording and Voice Processing, Volume 2: Working in the Studio
Capturing, recording and broadcasting the voice is often difficult. Many factors must be taken into account and achieving a true representation is much more complex than one might think.The capture devices such as the position of the singer(s) or narrator(s), the acoustics, atmosphere and equipment are just some of the physical aspects that need to be mastered. Then there is the passage through the analog or digital channel, which disrupts the audio signal, as well as the processes that are often required to enrich, improve or even transform the vocal timbre and tessitura. While in the past these processes were purely material, today digital technologies and software produce surprising results that every professional in recording and broadcasting should know how to master.Recording and Voice Processing 2 focuses on live and studio voice recordings. It presents the various pieces of hardware and software necessary for voice recording, and details possible sound channel configurations based on recording location. An actual recording, and its various constraints, is then considered, addressing the pitfalls to avoid and the strategies to use in order to achieve a satisfactory result. Different special effects (vocoder, auto-tune, Melodyne, etc.) that can be used on the voice, whether spoken or sung, are also presented.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Embryogeny and Phylogeny of the Human Posture 2: A New Glance at the Future of our Species
The future of the human posture is in the spotlight. The 200-year-old locomotion paradigm can no longer resist the advancement of knowledge, yet 2,500 years of thinking on the place of verticalized human anatomy and its reflexive consciousness in the natural history of life and the Earth, is more relevant than ever.This book retraces these reflections from pre-Socratic philosophers, focusing on the link between verticality and the most complex and consciously reflexive nervous system on the top rung of the ladder of living beings. The origin of animated forms, or animals, was considered metaphysical until the 19th century but reflection on their inception, from fertilization, paved the way for mathematics of infinitesimal geometry and dynamics. The simian filiation was inconceivable until Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck bridged the gap in 1802 with the locomotion postulate to explain the transition from quadrupedal to bipedal posture, sustained by the hypothesis of inheritance of acquired characteristics.This doctrine was overturned in 1987 by the discovery of the embryonic origins of the straightening – specific dynamics linked to neurogenesis – confirming the natural place of human verticality and nervous system complexity with its psychomotor and cognitive consequences. Sapiens find themselves at the physical limit of the straightening while mechanisms of gametogenesis have never ceased in making neurogenesis exponentially more complex. Is the future exclusively terrestrial or does intrauterine hominization open up new perspectives for space exploration? Posturologists, occlusodontics, osteopaths, cognisciences – all anthropological sciences exposed to human verticality are concerned with this discovery, which allows Sapiens to face their natural destiny.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Disarmament and Decommissioning in the Nuclear Domain
Following the acquisition of the atomic bomb by five states, the United Nations began drafting several treaties to limit nuclear proliferation. These efforts failed, as four more states also acquired nuclear weapons. In a similar vein, an attempt to limit atomic weapons - primarily within the two superpowers - was initiated.While the number of weapons has decreased, the new bombs now being manufactured are more powerful and more precise, negating any reduction in numbers. In the field of civil nuclear use, all nuclear facilities (reactors, factories, etc.) have a limited lifespan. Once a plant is permanently shut down, these facilities must be decommissioned and dismantled.These operations are difficult, time-consuming and costly. In addition, decommissioning generates large volumes of radioactive waste of various categories, including long-lived and high-activity waste. Risks to the environment and to health are not negligible during decommissioning. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have produced numerous publications with recommendations. Each state has its own decommissioning strategy (immediate or delayed) and final plan for the site - whether it be returning it to greenfield status or obtaining a nuclear site license with centuries-long monitoring.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 2: Vibrations
This book comprised of three separate volumes presents the recent developments and research discoveries in structural and solid mechanics; it is dedicated to Professor Isaac Elishakoff. This second volume is devoted to the vibrations of solid and structural members. Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 2 has broad scope, covering topics such as: exact and approximate vibration solutions of rods, beams, membranes, plates and three-dimensional elasticity problems, Bolotin�s dynamic edge effect, the principles of plate theories in dynamics, nano- and microbeams, nonlinear dynamics of shear extensible beams, the vibration and aeroelastic stability behavior of cellular beams, the dynamic response of elastoplastic softening oscillators, the complex dynamics of hysteretic oscillators, bridging waves, and the three-dimensional propagation of waves. This book is intended for graduate students and researchers in the field of theoretical and applied mechanics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ecological Transition in Education and Research
This book centers on climate change, a pressing issue in the ecological transition, particularly for landscape and architecture schools.The scientific realities and consequences of this phenomenon are becoming increasingly well-known and it is now evident that architecture, urban planning and landscaping all have the potential to mitigate these consequences.Ecological Transition in Education and Research is a multidisciplinary collective work, intended to raise awareness of adaptation and mitigation strategies such as action-research, educational innovations and concrete transition practices that embrace different schools of thought. The overall goal is to promote educational practices and research on climate change.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Infrared Spectroscopy of Symmetric and Spherical Top Molecules for Space Observation, Volume 2
This book, Volume 4 in the series, is dedicated to the relationship between laboratory spectroscopy, recording ever-more-complex spectra using increasingly powerful instruments benefiting from the latest technology, and the development of observation using instruments that are embedded in mobile probes or nanosatellites.The theoretical models described in Volumes 1, 2 and 3 are used in this volume, applying the cumulant theorem in the mean-field theory framework to interpret the near and mid-infrared spectra of symmetric top molecules, such as ammonia (NH3) and spherical molecules, such as methane (CH4). These molecules can be isolated in their gaseous form or subjected to the environmental constraints of a nano-cage (a substitution site, clathrate, fullerene or zeolite) or surfaces.These methods are not only valuable in the fields of environmental sciences, planetology and astrophysics, but also fit into the framework of data processing and the concept of Big Data.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Strategic Engineering
In the face of increasing complexity, uncertainty and difficulty in the design and implementation of reforms, companies, organizations and institutions must strive to capitalize on the prevailing disarray by acting wisely in overcoming it. Strategic engineering is part of an integrative, tool-based approach, inspired by the life sciences and �creative recursion�. This book is structured into three parts, which correspond to the three main phases of the strategic engineering approach: observe and discern; judge and arbitrate; act and intervene. Strategic Engineering has wide appeal, relevant to senior leaders, decisionmakers, managers and practitioners within businesses, government and local authorities. It is also intended for those who wish to develop their capability in anticipatory or transformative management within economic, sociopolitical and strategic contexts.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation in Clusters: Science-Industry Relationships in the Face of Forced Advancement
Forged at the heart of international political bodies by expert researchers, the innovation cluster concept has been incorporated into most public policies in industrialized countries. Based largely on the ideas behind the success of Silicon Valley, several imitative attempts have been made to geographically group laboratories, companies and training in particular fields in order to generate “synergies” between science and industry. In its first part, Innovation in Clusters analyzes the infatuation with the system of clusters that is integral to innovative policies by analyzing its socio historical context, its revival in management and its worldwide expansion, looking at a French example at a local level. In its second part, the book explores a specialized biotechnology cluster dating back to the end of the 1990s. The sociological survey conducted twenty years later sheds a different light on the dynamics and relationships between laboratories and companies, contradicting the commonly held belief that innovation is made possible by geographical proximity.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation and Export: The Joint Challenge of the Small Company
The concepts of innovation and export are traditionally considered in isolation, both within companies and within the support organizations dedicated to them. As a result, within this broad research field, very little academic work has focused on how to implement their relationship at an operational level. This book proposes a joint diagnostic tool for SMEs, highlighting good practices to be mastered in order to simultaneously improve innovation and export performance, in the form of a virtuous circle. Innovation and Export focuses on the integration of innovation and export into the strategic management of SMEs, for which the use of synergies is a powerful lever to overcome any difficulties in mobilizing significant resources.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Foot Surgery Viewed Through the Prism of Comparative Anatomy: From Normal to Useful
Comparative anatomy helps to define among surgical procedures, those that are able to restore early walking function using really useful structures, without necessarily respecting the normal anatomy. This book proposes an original vision based on the following ideas : The cure is complete only if it occurs quickly, which is vital for vulnerable patients. The surgical goal isn�t the anatomical restitution ad integrum, but to resore the fonction, that of the permanent terrestrial human bipedalism. To identify it, put it back into its evolutionary context and compare it to the anatomo-functional models of our closest relatives, the great apes. Achieving this dual objective through new surgical techniques (percutaneous and minimally invaseve), associated with biomechanical data for immediate and total support.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc TORUS 1 - Toward an Open Resource Using Services: Cloud Computing for Environmental Data
This book, presented in three volumes, examines �environmental� disciplines in relation to major players in contemporary science: Big Data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing. Today, there is a real sense of urgency regarding the evolution of computer technology, the ever-increasing volume of data, threats to our climate and the sustainable development of our planet. As such, we need to reduce technology just as much as we need to bridge the global socio-economic gap between the North and South; between universal free access to data (open data) and free software (open source). In this book, we pay particular attention to certain environmental subjects, in order to enrich our understanding of cloud computing. These subjects are: erosion; urban air pollution and atmospheric pollution in Southeast Asia; melting permafrost (causing the accelerated release of soil organic carbon in the atmosphere); alert systems of environmental hazards (such as forest fires, prospective modeling of socio-spatial practices and land use); and web fountains of geographical data. Finally, this book asks the question: in order to find a pattern in the data, how do we move from a traditional computing model-based world to pure mathematical research? After thorough examination of this topic, we conclude that this goal is both transdisciplinary and achievable.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Dimensional Analysis and Similarity in Fluid Mechanics
Dimensional analysis is the basis for the determination of laws that allow the experimental results obtained on a model to be transposed to the fluid system at full scale (a prototype). The similarity in fluid mechanics then allows for better redefinition of the analysis by removing dimensionless elements. This book deals with these two tools, with a focus on the Rayleigh method and the Vaschy-Buckingham method. It deals with the homogeneity of the equations and the conversion between the systems of units SI and CGS, and presents the dimensional analysis approach, before addressing the similarity of flows. Dimensional Analysis and Similarity in Fluid Mechanics proposes a scale model and presents numerous exercises combining these two methods. It is accessible to students from their first year of a bachelor�s degree.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy and Motorization in the Automotive and Aeronautics Industries
The book is intended for students in engineering school or university, young engineers or newcomers in the automotive industry or aeronautics. The objective is to describe in a simple and clear way the problem of energy and motorization for the automobile, helicopters or airplanes. The front-end treatment of these industrial sectors makes it possible to analyze in an original way the similarities and differences of these different means of transport. For this, and based on current technologies and tomorrow, it specifically describes the problem of the energy requirement of cars and aircraft. The result is a search for an ideal motorization associated with the behavior of these different means of transport followed by the analysis of the performances of the various types of engines by covering gas turbines, internal combustion engines and electric motors. Transmission elements such as aerospace gearboxes or gearboxes are described as well as a chapter on energy storage means and their performance including batteries, supercapacitors, inertial or pneumatic storage, hydrogen or fuels from fossil fuels. A final chapter shows the interest and prospects of energy hybridization and electrification for the progressive replacement of fossil fuels. Beyond the technological descriptions, the book focuses on proposing basic sizing rules in order to justify certain performances and to give the reader the means to appropriate the basic know-how of these industrial sectors.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Development and Energy Transition in Europe and Asia
Asian and European countries have adopted different approaches to the conflicting priorities of economic growth and low carbon emissions. In this volume based on the revised versions of papers presented at the 24th International Euro-Asia Research Conference held in 2019 the contrasts between the schools of thought of each continent are explored thoroughly. Ranging from topics as diverse as city logistics, shareholder value and management practices, the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement, China�s geopolitical insights, sustainable agricultural development in India and the empowerment of women in Vietnam via microfinance, this book addresses sustainable development policies in China and Southeast Asia from many different perspectives.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Territorialization of Education: Trend or Necessity
This comprehensive scientific work embraces, within the generic theme of "educations, territorialities and territories", the vast majority of different facets of the complex relationships between educations and territories that have developed over time. It sheds an original light on the many - and, for some, new - interactions between territories-territories, on the one hand, and educations, on the other hand, which have recently been identified and analyzed. Beyond this main objective, it contributes to improving the fine and differentiated understanding of the concept of territory in the sciences of education and training and, more importantly, it brings innovative developments to the still embryonic theorization of the complex relations between educations. and territories-territorialities. This book shows, in particular, through its surveys, its analyzes and its results, that within all the multiple influences attributed to the different dimensions of the territories, the very discrete territoriality - falling within the symbolic territory - is perhaps finally the the most important territorial vector in terms of education in certain areas (rural Montagnards, for example), particularly as regards educational and vocational guidance, but not only. Lastly, it is not uninteresting to note that the theme it bears is spreading more and more today beyond scientific circles: the problem of inequalities in education and orientation of territorial origin is fueling - recently - the controversies and the reflections of the French educational policy which is thus sometimes echoed - in declarative terms essentially for the moment! - scientific advances in this area
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Random Motions in Markov and Semi-Markov Random Environments 1: Homogeneous Random Motions and their Applications
This book is the first of two volumes on random motions in Markov and semi-Markov random environments. This first volume focuses on homogenous random motions. This volume consists of two parts, the first describing the basic concepts and methods that have been developed for random evolutions. These methods are the foundational tools used in both volumes, and this description includes many results in potential operators. Some techniques to find closed-form expressions in relevant applications are also presented. The second part deals with asymptotic results and presents a variety of applications, including random motion with different types of boundaries, the reliability of storage systems and solutions of partial differential equations with constant coefficients, using commutative algebra techniques. It also presents an alternative formulation to the Black-Scholes formula in finance, fading evolutions and telegraph processes, including jump telegraph processes and the estimation of the number of level crossings for telegraph processes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fish Behavior 2: Ethophysiology
Advances in underwater exploration, in situ observation of fish populations, as well as the development of cutting-edge technologies, provide modern insights into behaviors and strategies of fish, whose cognitive abilities have long been underestimated and undervalued. Fish Behavior 2 presents current knowledge about fish biology, ecology and ethology. In light of the most recent scientific work, this book examines topics such as their reproductive behavior and the expression of their personalities. It also addresses issues associated with neurophysiological conditioning of behaviors, in relation to the structural and functional complexity of their brains. This book is intended for researchers, teachers, master�s and doctoral students in biology and biogeography, engineers and technicians responsible for the development and protection of natural environments and public aquariums, in addition to aquaculturists, fishermen, environmentalists and ecologists.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Data Analysis and Applications 3: Computational, Classification, Financial, Statistical and Stochastic Methods
Data analysis as an area of importance has grown exponentially, especially during the past couple of decades. This can be attributed to a rapidly growing computer industry and the wide applicability of computational techniques, in conjunction with new advances of analytic tools. This being the case, the need for literature that addresses this is self-evident. New publications are appearing, covering the need for information from all fields of science and engineering, thanks to the universal relevance of data analysis and statistics packages. This book is a collective work by a number of leading scientists, analysts, engineers, mathematicians and statisticians who have been working at the forefront of data analysis. The chapters included in this volume represent a cross-section of current concerns and research interests in these scientific areas. The material is divided into two parts: Computational Data Analysis, and Classification Data Analysis, with methods for both - providing the reader with both theoretical and applied information on data analysis methods, models and techniques and appropriate applications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Transformations in the Challenge of Activity and Work: Understanding and Supporting Technological Changes
TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES AND HUMAN RESOURCES SET Coordinated by Patrick Gilbert The accelerating pace of technological change (AI, cobots, immersive reality, connected objects, etc.) calls for a profound reexamination of how we conduct business. This requires new ways of thinking, acting, organizing and collaborating in our work. Faced with these challenges, the Human and Social Sciences have a leading role to play, alongside others, in designing, supporting and implementing these digital transformation projects. Their ambition is to participate in the development of innovative and empowering devices, that is to say, systems that are truly at the service of human beings and their activity, that empower these professionals to take action and that also provide occupational health services. This book takes a multidisciplinary look at the challenges of these digital transformations, making use of occupational psychology, ergonomics, sociology of uses, and management sciences. This viewpoint also helps provide epistemological, methodological and empirical insights to better understand and support the changes at work.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermodynamic Processes 2: State and Energy Change Systems
Thermodynamic Processes 2 is devoted to the study of equilibrium between phases in the case of the four changes of physical state: fusion, boiling or vaporization, sublimation and allotropy or transition. It also includes a section that addresses energy�s relationship to the zero sum aspect of exergy and thermal cycles. This second volume presents scientific and technical examples both theoretical and industrial which are the result of a careful selection, accrued over more than three decades of teaching thermodynamics and in collaboration with the industry sector. The didactic exercises and the practical problems are entirely dedicated to the understanding of this science, and the potential applications for the industrial world. This book is a tool for work and reflection essential for the student in training, as well as the engineer or experienced researcher.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Activation Methods: Sonochemistry and High Pressure
Activation Methods examines recent improvements in the utilization of ultrasonic waves and pressurized gases to generate reactions. A straightforward method to use, sonochemistry allows chemical reactions to be carried out under ultrasound without the need for external heat, reagents or catalysts leading to high yields and the production of a minimum amount of waste. This book presents an overview of the main applications of sonochemistry in green organic chemistry, with an emphasis on texts published within the last few years. High-pressure chemical reactions offer innovative solutions to problems relating to synthesis. They allow access to new products and a further understanding of reaction mechanisms. This book presents the characteristics of hyperbaric activation, which allow the integration of an arsenal of tools for green chemistry, such as the lowering of energy costs and of by-products, as well as the possibility of using substrates that are sterically congested and generally inert.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Internet of Augmented Me, I.AM: Empowering Innovation for a New Sustainable Future
I.AM catalyzes the “convergence for good” of the biological, physical and digital worlds, helping us to better tackle the toughest challenges of the 2020s: climate change, resource depletion, an aging population, social inclusion, the empowerment of people, health crises and the post-pandemic world, as well as new issues emerging in relation to economical, societal and everyday life. This book dives into disruptive concepts of I.AM such as: Trust as a Service, Business as a Game, ATAWAD (AnyTime, AnyWhere, Any Device), PCE (Productivity of Collaborative Exchange), Unimedia, Shazamization of everything, decentralization of everything, BOTization and Build to Order for Me, Blockchain and Empowerment of Me, edge computing, augmented industry, augmentation value chain and empowering innovation, etc. The fluid, easy-to-read style of this book targets the broadest scope of readers, from purpose-driven and business-oriented individuals, to students, researchers, experts, innovators, consultants, managers and politicians, all eager to empower people to work towards a more sustainable future.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sharing Economy and Big Data Analytics
The different facets of the sharing economy offer numerous opportunities for businesses ? particularly those that can be distinguished by their creative ideas and their ability to easily connect buyers and senders of goods and services via digital platforms. At the beginning of the growth of this economy, the advanced digital technologies generated billions of bytes of data that constitute what we call Big Data. This book underlines the facilitating role of Big Data analytics, explaining why and how data analysis algorithms can be integrated operationally, in order to extract value and to improve the practices of the sharing economy. It examines the reasons why these new techniques are necessary for businesses of this economy and proposes a series of useful applications that illustrate the use of data in the sharing ecosystem.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ecodesign and Ecoinnovation in the Food Industries
Innovations of agri-food systems during the last 50 years have been guided by a globalized agro-industrial paradigm, which has contributed to climate change, degradation of natural resources, soil depletion, social inequalities, loss of biodiversity and various food-related health problems. Despite the increasing emphasis of food policies and research to address these issues with ecologically sustainable innovations, there are still no studies that explain how to utilize and integrate ecodesign practices in food products development in a world of finite resources. This book explains how to employ ecodesign in business models to address the economic, social, environmental, and nutritional problems that face the world�s food systems. The lessons of the ÉcoTrophélia project ? a unique program implemented by a group of European agricultural higher education institutions to involve students in designing and developing food ecoinnovation projects ? are explored. Through an analysis of these projects, the authors describe the tools, methods and standards that were developed to institute ecodesign into the business models of 11 ecologically-friendly food products. This book provides operational good practices that can be implemented in educational programs and agri-food industries, to orient learning and practices towards greater sustainability.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Carousel of Time: Theory of Knowledge and Acceleration of Time
Based around the image of a carousel, this book uses epistemological theory to tackle the paradoxical acceleration and deceleration of time that is experienced by many. The consequence of this paradox is the observance of the past, present and future coinciding, where acceleration is combined with perfect immobility. The Carousel of Time proposes a model that focuses on a complex network of individual actors, and their relation to the analysis, structure and evolution of our socio-cognitive space–time. The first part of the book, "Foundations", presents the key bases of this model, as well as the notions that must be understood and integrated. The book then analyzes the concept of "Space", defining the parameters of the network’s boundaries, and finishes with an exploration of "Time". This third part links the temporality of the network to its spatial characteristics and studies its evolution.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Analysis, Modeling and Stability of Fractional Order Differential Systems 2: The Infinite State Approach
This book introduces an original fractional calculus methodology (�the infinite state approach�) which is applied to the modeling of fractional order differential equations (FDEs) and systems (FDSs). Its modeling is based on the frequency distributed fractional integrator, while the resulting model corresponds to an integer order and infinite dimension state space representation. This original modeling allows the theoretical concepts of integer order systems to be generalized to fractional systems, with a particular emphasis on a convolution formulation. With this approach, fundamental issues such as system state interpretation and system initialization long considered to be major theoretical pitfalls have been solved easily. Although originally introduced for numerical simulation and identification of FDEs, this approach also provides original solutions to many problems such as the initial conditions of fractional derivatives, the uniqueness of FDS transients, formulation of analytical transients, fractional differentiation of functions, state observation and control, definition of fractional energy, and Lyapunov stability analysis of linear and nonlinear fractional order systems. This second volume focuses on the initialization, observation and control of the distributed state, followed by stability analysis of fractional differential systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Emergence of Start-ups
In France, the number of young start-ups has soared since the beginning of the 2010s, leading the government to encourage their development and make France the “start-up nation”. This book contributes to a better understanding of the emergence of these companies by studying the influence of the ecosystem on their development and the modes of financing that they use. The financing of start-ups remains a major challenge insofar as they are often faced with refusal from the banks. Successful financing depends largely on the geopolitical and economic environment. Through a comparative study of models from both France and English-speaking countries, the authors explore possible financing solutions for France. The book concludes with a discussion of equity crowdfunding, which proves to be a successful financing alternative. Including theoretical and empirical studies, this book provides concrete solutions aimed at developing innovative entrepreneurship in France.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Viscoelastic Modeling for Structural Analysis
The theory of viscoelasticity has been built up as a mechanical framework for modeling important aspects of the delayed behavior of a wide range of materials. This book, primarily intended for civil and mechanical engineering students, is devoted specifically to linear viscoelastic behavior within the small perturbation framework. The fundamental concepts of viscoelastic behavior are first presented from the phenomenological viewpoint of the basic creep and relaxation tests within the simple one-dimensional framework. The linearity and non-ageing hypotheses are introduced successively, with the corresponding expressions of the constitutive law in the form of Boltzmann’s integral operators and Riemann’s convolution products respectively. Applications to simple quasi-static processes underline the dramatic and potentially catastrophic consequences of not taking viscoelastic delayed behavior properly into account at the design stage. Within the three-dimensional continuum framework, the linear viscoelastic constitutive equation is written using compact mathematical notations and takes material symmetries into account. The general analysis of quasi-static linear viscoelastic processes enhances similarities with, and differences from, their elastic counterparts. Simple typical case studies illustrate the importance of an in-depth physical understanding of the problem at hand prior to its mathematical analysis.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Numerical Simulation, An Art of Prediction, Volume 2: Examples
Numerical simulation is a technique of major importance in various technical and scientific fields. Whilst engineering curricula now include training courses dedicated to it, numerical simulation is still not well-known in some economic sectors, and even less so among the general public. Simulation involves the mathematical modeling of the real world, coupled with the computing power offered by modern technology. Designed to perform virtual experiments, digital simulation can be considered as an "art of prediction". Embellished with a rich iconography and based on the testimony of researchers and engineers, this book shines a light on this little-known art. It is the second of two volumes and gives examples of the uses of numerical simulation in various scientific and technical fields: agriculture, industry, Earth and universe sciences, meteorology and climate studies, energy, biomechanics and human and social sciences.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc LTE Advanced Pro: Towards the 5G Mobile Network
This book presents LTE evolution towards 5G mobile communication and the emergence of new requirements for MBB, MTC and LLC services. As LTE technologies evolve, LTE Advanced Pro dramatically increases cell capacity and user data rates for the MBB unicast service. Such requirements are obtained using full-dimension MIMO, carrier aggregation (on either licensed or unlicensed frequency bands) and dual connectivity. To improve the efficiency of same-content delivery to multiple users, 3GPP proposes a group communications service over LTE and defines mission critical push-to-talk (MCPTT) for dedicated public safety services. Complementary low-cost and low-power modems with enhanced coverage and massive connectivity are emerging. Thus, this book also discusses the need for LTE to support low-rate transmission and high-latency communication for MTC services.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Theoretical Anthropology or How to Observe a Human Being
It may seem obvious that the human being has always been present in anthropology. This book, however, reveals that he has never really been a part of it. Theoretical Anthropology or How to Observe a Human Being establishes the foundations and conditions, both theoretical and methodological, which make it possible to consider the human being as a topic of observation and analysis, for himself as an entity, and not in the perspective of understanding social and cultural phenomena. In debate with both anthropologists and philosophers, this book describes and analyzes the human being as a “volume”. To this end, a specific lexicon is built around the notions of volume, volumography and volumology. These notions are further illustrated and enriched by several drawings.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Iterative Optimizers: Difficulty Measures and Benchmarks
Almost every month, a new optimization algorithm is proposed, often accompanied by the claim that it is superior to all those that came before it. However, this claim is generally based on the algorithm's performance on a specific set of test cases, which are not necessarily representative of the types of problems the algorithm will face in real life. This book presents the theoretical analysis and practical methods (along with source codes) necessary to estimate the difficulty of problems in a test set, as well as to build bespoke test sets consisting of problems with varied difficulties. The book formally establishes a typology of optimization problems, from which a reliable test set can be deduced. At the same time, it highlights how classic test sets are skewed in favor of different classes of problems, and how, as a result, optimizers that have performed well on test problems may perform poorly in real life scenarios.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Dynamic Damage and Fragmentation
Engineering structures may be subjected to extreme high-rate loading conditions, like those associated with natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, rock falls, etc.) or those of anthropic origin (impacts, fluid–structure interactions, shock wave transmissions, etc.). Characterization and modeling of the mechanical behavior of materials under these environments is important in predicting the response of structures and improving designs. This book gathers contributions by eminent researchers in academia and government research laboratories on the latest advances in the understanding of the dynamic process of damage, cracking and fragmentation. It allows the reader to develop an understanding of the key features of the dynamic mechanical behavior of brittle (e.g. granular and cementitious), heterogeneous (e.g. energetic) and ductile (e.g. metallic) materials.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Health Education and Prevention
Social representations, beliefs, values and knowledge are just some of the aspects that affect how the beneficiaries of preventative health measures perceive their wellbeing. Health Education and Prevention questions and analyzes these concepts in order to consider new ways of theorizing patients’ conceptions of their health. From a methodological point of view, these analyses are put into practice with the design of prevention tools and devices. The use of a corpora of photographs is particularly meaningful in this respect. This book offers an authoritative perspective by noting important points of vigilance in training, and especially by distinguishing instructive contents conducive to the development of an explicit health pedagogy for more effective prevention measures. A model for categorizing situations integrating both educational and healthcare paths is also proposed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Topographical Tools for Filtering and Segmentation 2: Flooding and Marker-based Segmentation on Node- or Edge-weighted Graphs
Mathematical morphology has developed a powerful methodology for segmenting images, based on connected filters and watersheds. We have chosen the abstract framework of node- or edge-weighted graphs for an extensive mathematical and algorithmic description of these tools.Volume 2 proposes two physical models for describing valid flooding on a node- or edge-weighted graph, and establishes how to pass from one to another. Many new flooding algorithms are derived, allowing parallel and local flooding of graphs. Watersheds and flooding are then combined for solving real problems. Their ability to model a real hydrographic basin represented by its digital elevation model constitutes a good validity check of the underlying physical models. The last part of Volume 2 explains why so many different watershed partitions exist for the same graph. Marker-based segmentation is the method of choice for curbing this proliferation. This book proposes new algorithms combining the advantages of the previous methods which treated node- and edge-weighted graphs differently.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Infrared Spectroscopy of Triatomics for Space Observation
This book is dedicated to the application of the different theoretical models described in Volume 1 to identify the near-, mid- and far-infrared spectra of linear and nonlinear triatomic molecules in gaseous phase or subjected to environmental constraints, useful for the study of environmental sciences, planetology and astrophysics. The Van Vleck contact transformation method, described in Volume 1, is applied in the calculation and analysis of IR transitions between vibration–rotation energy levels. The extended Lakhlifi–Dahoo substitution model is used in the framework of Liouville’s formalism and the line profiles of triatomic molecules and their isotopologues subjected to environmental constraints are calculated by applying the cumulant expansion. The applications presented in this book show how interactions at the molecular level modify the infrared spectra of triatomics trapped in a nano-cage (substitution site of a rare gas matrix, clathrate, fullerene, zeolite) or adsorbed on a surface, and how these interactions may be used to identify the characteristics of the perturbing environment.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Solving Transport Problems: Towards Green Logistics
Solving Transport Problems establishes fundamental points and good practice in resolving matters regarding green transportation. This is to prompt further research in conveyance issues by providing readers with new knowledge and grounds for integrated models and solution methods. Focusing on green transportation, this book covers various sub-topics and thus consists of diverse content. Traditionally, academia and transport practitioners have mainly concentrated on efficient fleet management to achieve economic benefits and better-quality service. More recently, due to growing public environmental concerns and the industry understanding of the issue, the academic community has started to address environmental issues. The studies of green transportation compiled in this book have identified certain areas of interest, such as references, viewpoints, algorithms and ideas. Solving Transport Problems is for researchers, environmental decision-makers and other concerned parties, to start discussion on developing optimized technology and alternative fuel-based integrated models for environmentally cleaner transport systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Augmented Customer Strategy: CRM in the Digital Age
Digital transformation is shaping a new landscape for businesses and their customers. For marketing professionals, advancing technology (artificial intelligence, robots, chatbots, etc.) and the explosion of personal data available present great opportunities to offer customers experiences that are ever richer, more fluid and more connected. For customers, this ecosystem is synonymous with new roles. They are more autonomous and have power alongside the company: they influence, innovate, punish and more. These developments push companies to implement new customer strategies. It is in this context, marked by pitfalls and paradoxes, that the authors of this book reflect on the customer relationship, what it has become and what it will be tomorrow. The book provides practitioners, teacher-researchers and Master's students with a state of the art and a prospective vision of customer relations in a digital world. It is aimed at those who want to gain an up-to-date understanding of the field and find all the keys needed to project themselves into the future.