Search results for ""ISTE Ltd and John Wiley Sons Inc""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Memory and Action Selection in Human-Machine Interaction
The first goal of this book is to extend Two Minds originating from behavioral economics to the domain of interaction, where the time dimension has to be dealt with rigorously; in human–machine interaction, it is of crucial importance how synchronization between conscious processes and unconscious processes is established for a sense of smoothness, and how memory processes and action selection processes are coordinated. The first half this book describes the theory in detail. The book begins by outlining the whole view of the theory consisting of action selection processes and memorization processes, and their interactions. Then, a detailed description for action selection processes theorized as a nonlinear dynamic human behavior model with real-time constraints is provided, followed by a description for memorization processes. Also, implications of the theory to human–machine interactions are discussed. The second goal of this book is to provide a methodology to study how Two Minds works in practice when people use interactive systems. The latter half of this book describes theory practices in detail. A new methodology called Cognitive Chrono-Ethnography (CCE) is introduced, which adds the time dimension to Hutchins’ Cognitive Ethnography, in order to practice "know the users" systematically by designing user studies based on a simulation of users’ mental operations controlled by Two Minds. The author then shows how CCE has been applied to understanding the ways in which people navigate in real physical environments by walking and by car, respectively, and explores the possibility of applying CCE to predict people’s future needs. This is not for understanding how people use interfaces at present but to predict how people want to use the interfaces in the future given they are currently using them in a certain way Finally, the book concludes by describing implications of human–machine interactions that are carried out while using modern artefacts for people's cognitive development from birth, on the basis of the theories of action selection and memorization.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Organizational Design for Knowledge Management
Information and communication technologies have increased their share of services in contemporary economic exchanges. We are witnessing a transformation of modern economies characterized by a predominant role of information and knowledge in the production of wealth. In order to make this intangible resource bear fruit, organizations are looking for ways, methods, procedures, processes and technical solutions to efficiently manage knowledge Within a framework of research into synergies and resource interdependence, organizations also rely on strategic alliances (joint venture), mergers or other legal forms of association that have an impact on knowledge management. This book explores the range of knowledge management techniques.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Variational Methods for Engineers with Matlab
This book is issued from a 30 years’ experience on the presentation of variational methods to successive generations of students and researchers in Engineering. It gives a comprehensive, pedagogical and engineer-oriented presentation of the foundations of variational methods and of their use in numerical problems of Engineering. Particular applications to linear and nonlinear systems of equations, differential equations, optimization and control are presented. MATLAB programs illustrate the implementation and make the book suitable as a textbook and for self-study. The evolution of knowledge, of the engineering studies and of the society in general has led to a change of focus from students and researchers. New generations of students and researchers do not have the same relations to mathematics as the previous ones. In the particular case of variational methods, the presentations used in the past are not adapted to the previous knowledge, the language and the centers of interest of the new generations. Since these methods remain a core knowledge – thus essential - in many fields (Physics, Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Economics, Image analysis ...), a new presentation is necessary in order to address variational methods to the actual context.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Capabilities and Economic Development in Open Economies
The innovation capacity-building can contribute to improve the integration of developing countries in the world economy. The economic development has been a much discussed subject of the period after the Second World War until the 1990s. After the implementation of a global regulation system for trade and capital flows in the 1990s, the development economics has almost disappeared in favor of different theories on globalization, on finance and on international trade. The purpose of this book is to show that the innovation capacity building in developing countries is necessary to improve their weight in the world economy and to facilitate their economic ties with northern countries. However, there are important difficulties due to the lack of proactive economic policies. Our aim is to contribute to the revival of the development economics. The issue of improving the well-being of the world population as a whole is highly topical. However, studies neglect the need to give economic, financial, technological and political resources to developing countries to promote their own development. One of the most important means is to strengthen their innovation capabilities that allow them to better integrate into the world economy.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Chemical Equilibria
The book offers advanced students, in 7 volumes, successively characterization tools phases, the study of all types of phase, liquid, gas and solid, pure or multi-component, process engineering, chemical and electrochemical equilibria, the properties of surfaces and phases of small sizes. Macroscopic and microscopic models are in turn covered with a constant correlation between the two scales. Particular attention was given to the rigor of mathematical developments. Besides some very specialized books, the vast majority of existing works are intended for beginners and therefore limited in scope. There is no obvious connection between the two categories of books, general books does not go far enough in generalizing concepts to enable easy reading of advanced literature. The proposed project aims to give readers the ability to read highly specialized publications based on a more general presentation of the different fields of chemical thermodynamics. Consistency is ensured between the basic concepts and applications. So we find, in the same work, the tools, their use and comparison, for a more general macroscopic description and a microscopic description of a phase.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc E-mail and Behavioral Changes: Uses and Misuses of Electronic Communications
This book is a study of the causes of spam, the behaviors associated to the generation of and the exposure to spam, as well as the protection strategies. The new behaviors associated to electronic communications are identified and commented. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the number of e-mail and textual messages in your inbox, be it on your laptop, your Smartphone or your PC? This book should help you in finding a wealth of answers, tools and tactics to better surf the ICT wave in the professional environment, and develop proper protection strategies to mitigate your exposure to spam in any form.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Mechanical Design
This book is the result of lessons, tutorials and other laboratories dealing with applied mechanical design in the universities and colleges. In the classical literature of the mechanical design, there are quite a few books that deal directly and theory and case studies, with their solutions. All schools, engineering colleges (technical) industrial and research laboratories and design offices serve design works. However, the books on the market remain tight in the sense that they are often works of mechanical constructions. This is certainly beneficial to the ordinary user, but the organizational part of the functional specification items is also indispensable.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Biogeochemical Cycle of Silicon in the Ocean
In the biogeochemical dynamics of marine ecosystems, silicon is a major element whose role has, for a long time, been underestimated. It is however indispensable to the activity of several biomineralizing marine organisms, some of which play an essential role in the biological pump of oceanic carbon. This book presents notions indispensable to the knowledge on the silicon biogeochemical cycle in ocean systems, first of all describing the main quantitative analysis techniques and examination of the major organisms involved in the cycle. The author then moves on to study the most up-to-date processes to control the use of silicon and its regeneration in natural conditions, before mentioning the central role played by this original element in the control of all the biogeochemical cycles in the global ocean. The available information finally enables the global biogeochemical budget of silicon in the marine environment to be quantified.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Metaheuristics for Intelligent Electrical Networks
Intelligence is defined by the ability to optimize, manage and reconcile the currents of physical, economic and even social flows. The strong constraint of immediacy proves to be an opportunity to imagine, propose and deliver solutions on the common basis of optimization techniques. Metaheuristics for Intelligent Electrical Networks analyzes the use of metaheuristics through independent applications but united by the same methodology.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Signal and Image Processing using MATLAB, Volume 3: Advances and Applications, The Stochastic Case
Volume 3 of the second edition of the fully revised and updated Digital Signal and Image Processing using MATLAB, after first two volumes on the "Fundamentals" and "Advances and Applications: The Deterministic Case", focuses on the stochastic case. It will be of particular benefit to readers who already possess a good knowledge of MATLAB, a command of the fundamental elements of digital signal processing and who are familiar with both the fundamentals of continuous-spectrum spectral analysis and who have a certain mathematical knowledge concerning Hilbert spaces. This volume is focused on applications, but it also provides a good presentation of the principles. A number of elements closer in nature to statistics than to signal processing itself are widely discussed. This choice comes from a current tendency of signal processing to use techniques from this field. More than 200 programs and functions are provided in the MATLAB language, with useful comments and guidance, to enable numerical experiments to be carried out, thus allowing readers to develop a deeper understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of this subject.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ad Hoc Networks Telecommunications and Game Theory
Random SALOHA and CSMA protocols that are used to access MAC in ad hoc networks are very small compared to the multiple and spontaneous use of the transmission channel. So they have low immunity to the problems of packet collisions. Indeed, the transmission time is the critical factor in the operation of such networks. The simulations demonstrate the positive impact of erasure codes on the throughput of the transmission in ad hoc networks. However, the network still suffers from the intermittency and volatility of its efficiency throughout its operation, and it switches quickly to the saturation zone. In this context, game theory has demonstrated his ability to lead the network to a more efficient equilibrium. This, we were led to propose our model code set that formalizes the behavior of nodes during transmission within SALOHA networks and CSMA respectively.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Radio Frequency Identification and Sensors: From RFID to Chipless RFID
This book deals with the field of identification and sensors, more precisely the possibility of collecting information remotely with RF waves (RFID). The book introduces the technology of chipless RFID starting from classical RFID and barcode, and explores the field of identification and sensors without wire, without batteries, without chip, and with tags that can even be printed on paper. A technique for automatic design of UHF RFID tags is presented , aiming at making the tags as insensitive as possible to the environment (with the ability to increase the reading range reliability), or, conversely, making them sensitive in order to produce sensors, meanwhile keeping their unique ID. The RFID advantages are discussed, along with its numerous features, and comparisons with the barcode technology are presented. After that, the new chipless RFID technology is introduced on the basis of the previous conclusions. Original technological approaches are introduced and discussed in order to demonstrate the practical and economic potential of the chipless technology.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Big Data to Smart Data
A pragmatic approach to Big Data by taking the reader on a journey between Big Data (what it is) and the Smart Data (what it is for). Today’s decision making can be reached via information (related to the data), knowledge (related to people and processes), and timing (the capacity to decide, act and react at the right time). The huge increase in volume of data traffic, and its format (unstructured data such as blogs, logs, and video) generated by the “digitalization” of our world modifies radically our relationship to the space (in motion) and time, dimension and by capillarity, the enterprise vision of performance monitoring and optimization.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Inorganic Massive Batteries
Since the 90s, the Li-ion batteries are the most commonly used energy storage systems. The demand for performance and safety is constantly growing, current commercial batteries based liquid electrolytes or gels may not be able to meet the needs of emerging applications such as for electric and hybrid vehicles and renewable energy storage , and it is therefore necessary to develop advanced storage systems with characteristics such that the highest density of energy technology, long life, low cost of production, little or no maintenance and high safety of use. Batteries "all solid" are a technology of choice to meet these requirements. In this technology, the electrolyte separator between the two electrodes is no longer a liquid medium but a solid.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Supercapacitors Based on Carbon or Pseudocapacitive Materials
Electrochemical capacitors are electrochemical energy storage devices able to quickly deliver or store large quantities of energy. They have stimulated numerous innovations throughout the last 20 years and are now implemented in many fields. Supercapacitors Based on Carbon or Pseudocapacitive Materials provides the scientific basis for a better understanding of the characteristics and performance of electrochemical capacitors based on electrochemical double layer electrodes or pseudocapacitive materials, as well as providing information on the design and conception of new devices such as lithium-ion capacitors. This book details the various applications of supercapacitors, ranging from power electronics and stationary use, to transportation (hybrid vehicles, trams, planes, etc.). They are increasingly used in the automotive sector, especially as part of stop/start systems that have allowed for energy recovery through braking and reduced fuel consumption.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrodes for Li-ion Batteries: Materials, Mechanisms and Performance
The electrochemical energy storage is a means to conserve electrical energy in chemical form. This form of storage benefits from the fact that these two energies share the same vector, the electron. This advantage allows us to limit the losses related to the conversion of energy from one form to another. The RS2E focuses its research on rechargeable electrochemical devices (or electrochemical storage) batteries and supercapacitors. The materials used in the electrodes are key components of lithium-ion batteries. Their nature depend battery performance in terms of mass and volume capacity, energy density, power, durability, safety, etc. This book deals with current and future positive and negative electrode materials covering aspects related to research new and better materials for future applications (related to renewable energy storage and transportation in particular), bringing light on the mechanisms of operation, aging and failure.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrohydraulic Fracturing of Rocks
This book presents a new fracturing technique that should be considered as a potential alternative, or a companion technique, to hydraulic fracturing of tight gas reservoirs and low permeability rock masses. As opposed to hydraulic fracturing which generates a few numbers of large cracks, electro-hydraulic fracturing induces diffuse micro-cracking and fragmentation of rocks. Laboratory tests demonstrate that increases of permeability by two orders of magnitude can be reached, without major cracking in tested specimens. This book discusses the principles of this new technique, reports experiments which have been developed is order to prove the concept and finally describes the numerical model from which the potentialities of this technique in representative reservoir conditions can be assessed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Land-Sea Interactions
This book presents a systemic view of the diversity of pressures and impacts produced by climate change and human actions. Erosion of biodiversity by changing ocean chemistry, the intensification of global change raises the problem of the adaptation of living resources. Land uses induce ecological imbalances leading to asphyxiation true coastal ecosystems. More than a billion tons of solid waste must be assimilated by the marine environment and food webs. Radioactive discharges emitted into the atmosphere or into the aquatic environment, raise the question of their future. Sea and Ocean series offers a transversal approach of the ocean system that leads to governance, sustainable resource management and adaptation of societies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Comparable Corpora and Computer-assisted Translation
Computer-assisted translation (CAT) has always used translation memories, which require the translator to have a corpus of previous translations that the CAT software can use to generate bilingual lexicons. This can be problematic when the translator does not have such a corpus, for instance, when the text belongs to an emerging field. To solve this issue, CAT research has looked into the leveraging of comparable corpora, i.e. a set of texts, in two or more languages, which deal with the same topic but are not translations of one another. This work had two primary objectives. The first is to assess the input of lexicons extracted from comparable corpora in the context of a specialized human translation task. The second objective is to identify bilingual-lexicon-extraction methods which best match the translators' needs, determining the current limits of these techniques and suggesting improvements. The author focuses, in particular, on the identification of fertile translations, the management of multiple morphological structures, and the ranking of candidate translations. The experiments are carried out on two language pairs (English–French and English–German) and on specialized texts dealing with breast cancer. This research puts significant emphasis on applicability – methodological choices are guided by the needs of the final users. This book is organized in two parts: the first part presents the applicative and scientific context of the research, and the second part is given over to efforts to improve compositional translation. The research work presented in this book received the PhD Thesis award 2014 from the French association for natural language processing (ATALA).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Programming Solver Based on Local Search
This book covers local search for combinatorial optimization and its extension to mixed-variable optimization. Although not yet understood from the theoretical point of view, local search is the paradigm of choice for tackling large-scale real-life optimization problems. Today's end-users demand interactivity with decision support systems. For optimization software, this means obtaining good-quality solutions quickly. Fast iterative improvement methods, like local search, are suited to satisfying such needs. Here the authors show local search in a new light, in particular presenting a new kind of mathematical programming solver, namely LocalSolver, based on neighborhood search. First, an iconoclast methodology is presented to design and engineer local search algorithms. The authors' concern regarding industrializing local search approaches is of particular interest for practitioners. This methodology is applied to solve two industrial problems with high economic stakes. Software based on local search induces extra costs in development and maintenance in comparison with the direct use of mixed-integer linear programming solvers. The authors then move on to present the LocalSolver project whose goal is to offer the power of local search through a model-and-run solver for large-scale 0-1 nonlinear programming. They conclude by presenting their ongoing and future work on LocalSolver toward a full mathematical programming solver based on local search.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermo-hydrodynamic Lubrication in Hydrodynamic Bearings
This Series provides the necessary elements to the development and validation of numerical prediction models for hydrodynamic bearings. This book describes the thermo-hydrodynamic and the thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication. The algorithms are methodically detailed and each section is thoroughly illustrated.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mixed Lubrication in Hydrodynamic Bearings
This Series provides the necessary elements to the development and validation of numerical prediction models for hydrodynamic bearings. This book is dedicated to the mixed lubrication.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Hydrodynamic Bearings
This Series provides the necessary elements to the development and validation of numerical prediction models for hydrodynamic bearings. This book describes the rheological models and the equations of lubrication. It also presents the numerical approaches used to solve the above equations by finite differences, finite volumes and finite elements methods.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Quality of Experience Engineering for Customer Added Value Services: From Evaluation to Monitoring
The main objective of the book is to present state-of-the-art research results and experience reports in the area of quality monitoring for customer experience management, addressing topics which are currently important, such as service-aware future Internet architecture for Quality of Experience (QoE) management on multimedia applications. In recent years, multimedia applications and services have experienced a sudden growth. Today, video display is not limited to the traditional areas of movies and television on TV sets, but these applications are accessed in different environments, with different devices and under different conditions. In addition, the continuous emergence of new services, along with increasing competition, is forcing network operators and service providers to focus all their efforts on customer satisfaction, although determining the QoE is not a trivial task. This book addresses the QoE for improving customer perception when using added value services offered by service providers, from evaluation to monitoring and other management processes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Enterprise Interoperability: Research and Applications in Service-oriented Ecosystem (Proceedings of the 5th International IFIP Working Conference IWIE 2013)
In a fast changing global economy governed by Enterprise Services and the Future Internet, enterprises and virtual factories will self-organize in distributed, interoperable, innovation Ecosystems where the issues of Enterprise Interoperability need to be solved in a multi-view of information, services and processes throughout Enterprise Networks. The book constitutes the proceedings of five workshops co- located with the Fifth IFIP Working Conference IWEI 2013. It contains the presented peer reviewed papers and summaries of the workshop discussions. Complementing the IWEI Conference program, the workshops aimed at exploiting new issues, challenges and solutions for Enterprise Interoperability and Manufacturing Eco Systems. The scope of the workshops spanned over a range of interoperability issues in Service Science and innovation, Model Driven Service Engineering Architectures, Service Modelling Languages, reference ontology for manufacturing , Case studies and tools particularly for SMEs, Business – IT alignment and related Standardization. Contents 1 – Model Driven Services Engineering Architecture (MDSEA): A Result of MSEE Project An Architecture for Service Modelling in Servitization Context: MDSEA, Y. Ducq. A Set of Templates for MDSEA, D. Chen. 2 – Interoperability to Support Business–IT Alignment Report Workshop 2, I.-S. Fan, V. Taratoukhine, M. Matzner. Interoperability as a Catalyst for Business Innovation, J.H.P. Eloff, M.M. Eloff, M.T. Dlamini, E. Ngassam, D. Ras. Process-Oriented Business Modeling – An Application in the Printing Industry, A. Malsbender, K. Ortbach, R. Plattfaut, M. Voigt, B. Niehaves. A Comparative Study of Modelling Methodologies Using a Concept of Process Consistency, E. Babkin, E. Potapova, Y. Zelenova. Maintenance Support throughout the Life-Cycle of High Value Manufacturing Products. Interoperability Issues, A. Fedotova, V. Taratoukhine, Y. Kupriyanov. Using Enterprise Architecture to Align Business Intelligence Initiatives, I.-S. Fan, S. Warner. Towards Enterprise Architecture Using Solution Architecture Models, V. Agievich, R. Gimranov, V. Taratoukhine, J. Becker. 3 – Standardisation for Interoperability in the Service-Oriented Enterprise Report Workshop 3, M. Zelm, D. Chen. Standardisation in Manufacturing Service Engineering, M. Zelm, G. Doumeingts. Service Modelling Language and Potentials for a New Standard, D. Chen. An Approach to Standardise a Service Life Cycle Management, M. Freitag, D. Kremer, M. Hirsch, M. Zelm. Open Business Model, Process and Service Innovation with VDML and ServiceML, A. J. Berre, H. De Man, Y. Lew, B. Elvesæter, B.M. Ursin-Holm. Reference Ontologies for Manufacturing, R. Young, N. Hastilow, M. Imran, N. Chungoora, Z. Usman, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle. Standardisation Tools for Negotiating Interoperability Solutions, T. Santos, C. Coutinho, A. Cretan, M. Beca, R. Jardim-Goncalves. 4 – Case Studies on Enterprise Interoperability: How IT Managers Profit from EI Research Report Workshop 4, S. Kassel. Experiences of Transferring Approaches of Interoperability into SMEs, F. Gruner, S. Kassel. 5 – Selected New Applications of Enterprise Interoperability . 179 Report Workshop 5, L. Ferreira Pires, P. Johnson. Service-Oriented Enterprise Interoperability in Logistics, W. Hofman. An Ontological Approach to Logistics, L. Daniele, L. Ferreira Pires. Social Vision of Collaboration of Organizations on a Cloud Platform, A. Montarnal, W. Mu, F. Bénaben, A.-M. Barthe-Delanoë, J. Lamothe. Semantic Standards Quality Measured for Achieving Enterprise Interoperability: The Case of the SETU Standard for Flexible Staffing, E. Folmer, H. Wu. Requirements Formalization for Systems Engineering: An Approach for Interoperability Analysis in Collaborative Process Model, S. Mallek, N. Daclin, V. Chapurlat, B. Vallespir.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Real-time Systems Scheduling 1: Fundamentals
Real-time systems are used in a wide range of applications, including control, sensing, multimedia, etc. Scheduling is a central problem for these computing/communication systems since responsible of software execution in a timely manner. This book provides state of knowledge in this domain with special emphasis on the key results obtained within the last decade. This book addresses foundations as well as the latest advances and findings in Real-Time Scheduling, giving all references to important papers. But nevertheless the chapters will be short and not overloaded with confusing details. Coverage includes scheduling approaches for mono-core as well as multi-core platforms, dependent tasks, networks, and notably very tremendous recent advances in scheduling of energy constrained embedded systems. Other sophisticated issues such as feedback control scheduling and timing analysis of critical applications are also addressed. This volume can serve as a textbook for courses on the topic in bachelor and in more advanced master programs. It also provides a reference for computer scientists and engineers involved in the design or the development of Cyber-Physical Systems which require up-to-date real-time scheduling solutions.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Bio-inspired Routing Protocols for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) play a key role to develop Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) aiming to achieve road safety and to guaranty needs of drivers and passengers, in addition to improve the transportation productivity. One of the most important challenges of this kind of networks is the data routing between VANET nodes which should be routed with high level of Quality of Service (QoS) to ensure receiving messages in the time. Then, the driver can take the appropriate decision to improve the road safety. In the literature, there are several routing protocols for VANETs which are more or less reliable to reach safety requirements. In this book, we start by describing all VANET basic concepts such as VANET definition, VANET versus Mobile ad-Hoc Network (MANET), architectures, routing definition and steps, Quality of Service (QoS) for VANET Routing, Metrics of evaluation, Experimentation, and simulation of VANETs, mobility patterns of VANET etc. Moreover, different routing protocols for routing in VANETs will be described. We propose two main categories to be presented: classical routing and bio-inspired routing. Concerning classical VANET, main principles and all phases will be overviewed, as well as, their two sub-categories which are topological and geographical protocols. After that, we propose a new category called bio-inspired routing which is inspired by natural phenomenon such as Ant colony, Bee life, Genetic operators etc. We present also, some referential protocols as example of each category. In this book, we focus on the idea of how to apply bio-inspired principle into VANET routing to improve road safety, and to ensure QoS of vehicular applications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization
Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management. The three volumes of the Combinatorial Optimization series aim to cover a wide range of topics in this area. These topics also deal with fundamental notions and approaches as with several classical applications of combinatorial optimization. Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization, is divided into three parts: - On the complexity of combinatorial optimization problems, presenting basics about worst-case and randomized complexity; - Classical solution methods, presenting the two most-known methods for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems, that are Branch-and-Bound and Dynamic Programming; - Elements from mathematical programming, presenting fundamentals from mathematical programming based methods that are in the heart of Operations Research since the origins of this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Paradigms of Combinatorial Optimization: Problems and New Approaches
Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management. The three volumes of the Combinatorial Optimization series aim to cover a wide range of topics in this area. These topics also deal with fundamental notions and approaches as with several classical applications of combinatorial optimization. Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization, is divided into three parts: - On the complexity of combinatorial optimization problems, presenting basics about worst-case and randomized complexity; - Classical solution methods, presenting the two most-known methods for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems, that are Branch-and-Bound and Dynamic Programming; - Elements from mathematical programming, presenting fundamentals from mathematical programming based methods that are in the heart of Operations Research since the origins of this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Rayleigh-Ritz Method for Structural Analysis
A presentation of the theory behind the Rayleigh-Ritz (R-R) method, as well as a discussion of the choice of admissible functions and the use of penalty methods, including recent developments such as using negative inertia and bi-penalty terms. While presenting the mathematical basis of the R-R method, the authors also give simple explanations and analogies to make it easier to understand. Examples include calculation of natural frequencies and critical loads of structures and structural components, such as beams, plates, shells and solids. MATLAB codes for some common problems are also supplied.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Formal Methods Applied to Industrial Complex Systems
A presentation of real examples of industrial uses for formal methods such as SCADE, the B-Method, ControlBuild, Matelo, etc. in various fields, such as railways, aeronautics, and the automotive industry, the purpose of this book is to present a summary of experience on the use of these “formal methods” (such as proof and model-checking) in industrial examples of complex systems. It is based on the experience of people who are currently involved in the creation and evaluation of safety critical system software. The involvement of people from within the industry allows us to avoid the usual problems of confidentiality which could arise and thus enables us to supply new useful information (photos, architecture plans, real examples, etc.).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Routing Protocols for Wireless Networks
This text introduces the principles of routing protocols and metrics as they affect wireless networking environments, specifically in urban areas. Timely because of the recent rise in small city life, this topic includes the consideration of ad hoc, mesh, vehicular, sensor, and delay tolerant networks. These approaches are each unique, and author Miguel Mitre Campista provides a thorough, but accessible, explanation of their individual characteristics for engineers, computer scientists, IT professionals, and curious Internet users.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Storage in Electric Power Grids
This book deals with the management and valuation of energy storage in electric power grids, highlighting the interest of storage systems in grid applications and developing management methodologies based on artificial intelligence tools. The authors highlight the importance of storing electrical energy, in the context of sustainable development, in "smart grids", and discuss multiple services that storing electrical energy can bring. Methodological tools are provided to build an energy management system storage following a generic approach. These tools are based on causal formalisms, artificial intelligence and explicit optimization techniques and are presented throughout the book in connection with concrete case studies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Nanowires 1: Low-Dimensionality Effects and Growth
GaN and ZnO nanowires can by grown using a wide variety of methods from physical vapor deposition to wet chemistry for optical devices. This book starts by presenting the similarities and differences between GaN and ZnO materials, as well as the assets and current limitations of nanowires for their use in optical devices, including feasibility and perspectives. It then focuses on the nucleation and growth mechanismsof ZnO and GaN nanowires, grown by various chemical and physical methods. Finally, it describes the formation of nanowire heterostructures applied to optical devices.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc LTE Standards
LTE (long-term evolution) mobile communication system is offering high bitrates in IP communications. Fourth Generation Mobile Communications/LTE describes various aspects of LTE as well as the change of paradigm, which it is bringing to mobile communications. The book is a vital resource for the entire mobile communication community. Coverage includes: LTE standards and architecture, Radio access sub-system, Signaling on the radio path, Macrocells, microcells, femtocells, SIM card and security, SIM card description, GPS driven applications, The Apple model, and much more more.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Smart SOA Platforms in Cloud Computing Architectures
This book is intended to introduce the principles of the Event-Driven and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA 2.0) and its role in the new interconnected world based on the cloud computing architecture paradigm. In this new context, the concept of “service” is widely applied to the hardware and software resources available in the new generation of the Internet. The authors focus on how current and future SOA technologies provide the basis for the smart management of the service model provided by the Platform as a Service (PaaS) layer.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc New Appoaches in the Process Industries: The Manufacturing Plant of the Future
Competition from emerging and developing countries, challenges related to energy and water, the continuing increase in the global population and the obligation to be sustainable are all impacting developed countries such as the United States, France, etc. Manufacturing has been almost totally neglected by these developed countries and thus there is a strong need to review R&D and the development and industrialization processes. This is a prerequisite for maintaining and improving welfare and quality of life. The industrialization process can be defined as the process of converting research or laboratory experiments into a physical tool capable of producing a product of value for customers of specified markets. Such a process implies knowledge of BAT (best available techniques) in chemical engineering, plant design, production competitiveness, the proper utilization of tools (toolbox concept) such as value assessment, value engineering, eco-design, LCA (lifecycle analysis), process simulation, modeling, innovation and appropriate metrics usage. These are mandatory to ensure commercial success and covered by the authors of this book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Innovation Biosphere: Planet and Brains in the Digital Era
This book addresses those involved in research or R&D. It introduces the principles of eco-innovation and the importance of the impact of their activity. This topic is considered in the context of natural and digital ecosystems powered by intelligent assistants (technology). Chapter 1 positions the innovation as a process and component of ecosystems including research, enterprises, technology (digitalecosystems) and environment. Sustainable success is a condition of survival and an expectation of those who invest in innovation. Chapter 2 describes the main elements to consider and gives some tips. Chapter 3 presents some selected initiatives at the national and European level and provides a way of measuring success.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks
In this title, the authors leap into a novel paradigm of scalability and cost-effectiveness, on the basis of resource reuse. In a world with much abundance of wirelessly accessible devices, WSN deployments should capitalize on the resources already available in the region of deployment, and only augment it with the components required to meet new application requirements. However, if the required resources already exist in that region, WSN deployment converges to an assignment and scheduling scheme to accommodate for the new application given the existing resources. Such resources are polled from many fields, including multiple WSNs already in the field, static networks (WiFi, WiMAX, cellular, etc) in addition to municipal, industrial and mobile resources.The architecture, framework and pricing policy, as well as approaches for backward compatibility with existing deployments, are presented in this book. We elaborate on the formalization of the problem, and contrast with existing work on coverage. This paradigm adopts optimal assignments in WSNs and exploits dynamic re-programming for boosting post-deployment and backward compatible protocols.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Reverse Engineering in Control Design
Reverse Engineering in Control Design proposes practical approaches to building a standard H-infinity problem taking into account an initial controller. Such approaches allow us to mix various control objectives and to initialize procedures for a fixed-structure controller design. They are based on the Observer-Based Realization (OBR) of controllers. The interest of OBR from the controller implementation point of view is detailed and highlighted in this book through academic examples. An open-source toolbox is available to implement these approaches in Matlab®. Throughout the book academic applications are proposed to illustrate the various basic principles. These applications have been chosen by the author for their pedagogic contents and demo files and embedded Matlab® functions can be downloaded so readers can run these illustrations on their personal computers. Contents 1. Observer-based Realization of a Given Controller. 2. Cross Standard Form and Reverse Engineering. 3. Reverse Engineering for Mechanical Systems. Appendix 1. A Preliminary Methodological Example. Appendix 2. Discrete-time Case. Appendix 3. Nominal State-feedback for Mechanical Systems. Appendix 4. Help of Matlab® Functions. About the Authors Daniel Alazard is Professor in System Dynamics and Control at Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE), Toulouse, France – SUPAERO Graduate Program. His main research interests concern robust control, flexible structure control and their applications to various aerospace systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Remote Sensing Imagery
Dedicated to remote sensing images, from their acquisition to their use in various applications, this book covers the global lifecycle of images, including sensors and acquisition systems, applications such as movement monitoring or data assimilation, and image and data processing. It is organized in three main parts. The first part presents technological information about remote sensing (choice of satellite orbit and sensors) and elements of physics related to sensing (optics and microwave propagation). The second part presents image processing algorithms and their specificities for radar or optical, multi and hyper-spectral images. The final part is devoted to applications: change detection and analysis of time series, elevation measurement, displacement measurement and data assimilation. Offering a comprehensive survey of the domain of remote sensing imagery with a multi-disciplinary approach, this book is suitable for graduate students and engineers, with backgrounds either in computer science and applied math (signal and image processing) or geo-physics. About the Authors Florence Tupin is Professor at Telecom ParisTech, France. Her research interests include remote sensing imagery, image analysis and interpretation, three-dimensional reconstruction, and synthetic aperture radar, especially for urban remote sensing applications. Jordi Inglada works at the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (French Space Agency), Toulouse, France, in the field of remote sensing image processing at the CESBIO laboratory. He is in charge of the development of image processing algorithms for the operational exploitation of Earth observation images, mainly in the field of multi-temporal image analysis for land use and cover change. Jean-Marie Nicolas is Professor at Telecom ParisTech in the Signal and Imaging department. His research interests include the modeling and processing of synthetic aperture radar images.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Masonry: Stability and Behavior of Structures
This book covers the impact of sustainable masonry on the environment, touting the many benefits of utilizing local and/or low embodied energy materials in the construction of sustainable buildings.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Loop-shaping Robust Control
The loop-shaping approach consists of obtaining a specification in relation to the open loop of the control from specifications regarding various closed loop transfers, because it is easier to work on a single transfer (in addition to the open loop) than on a multitude of transfers (various loopings such as set point/error, disturbance/error, disturbance/control, etc.). The simplicity and flexibility of the approach make it very well adapted to the industrial context. This book presents the loop-shaping approach in its entirety, starting with the declension of high-level specifications into a loop-shaping specification. It then shows how it is possible to fully integrate this approach for the calculation of robust and efficient correctors with the help of existing techniques, which have already been industrially tried and tested, such as H-infinity synthesis. The concept of a gap metric (or distance between models) is also presented along with its connection with the prime factors of a set of systems shaping a ball of models, as well as its connections with robust synthesis by loop-shaping, in order to calculate efficient and robust correctors. As H-infinity loop-shaping is often demanding in terms of the order of correctors, the author also looks at loop-shaping synthesis under an ordering constraint. Two further promising lines of research are presented, one using stochastic optimization, and the other non-smooth optimization. Finally, the book introduces the concept of correction with two degrees of freedom via the formalism of prime factorization. Avenues for future work are also opened up by the author as he discusses the main drawbacks to loop-shaping synthesis, and how these issues can be solved using modern optimization techniques in an increasingly competitive industrial context, in accordance with ever more complex sets of functional specifications, associated with increasingly broad conditions of usage. Contents Introduction 1. The Loop-shaping Approach 2. Loop-shaping H-infinity Synthesis 3. Two Degrees-of-Freedom Controllers 4. Extensions and Optimizations Appendix 1. Demonstrative Elements on the Optimization of Robust Stabilization with Order Constraint Appendix 2. Establishment of Real LMIs for the Quasi-Convex Problem of Optimization of the Weighting Functions About the Authors Philippe Feyel is an R&D Engineer for the high-tech company Sagem Défense Sécurité, part of the defence and security business of the SAFRAN group, in Paris, France.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fracture Mechanics 3: Applied Quality Control
This third book of a 3-volume set on Fracture Mechanics adds a pragmatic and supportive character to the previous volumes by focusing on case studies using corrected exercises that teachers, students or engineers will find extremely useful. Due to the wide themes approached in this series, it can also be used to organize work in this field in a new way, as well as in the maintenance of industrial plants.Several cases of sampling plans and their applications in industry are presented, as well as several solved case studies on the main indicators of capability according to ISO/TS 16949, ISO 8258 and FORD.This book distinguishes itself from other works in the field through its originality in presenting an educational approach which aims at helping practitioners both in academia and industry. It is intended for technicians, engineers, designers, students, and teachers working in the fields of engineering and vocational education. The main objective of the author is to provide an assessment of indicators of quality and reliability to aid in decision-making. To this end, an intuitive and practical approach, based on mathematical rigor, is recommended.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems
Belonging to the wider academic field of computer vision, video analytics has aroused a phenomenal surge of interest since the current millennium. Video analytics is intended to solve the problem of the incapability of exploiting video streams in real time for the purpose of detection or anticipation. It involves analyzing the videos using algorithms that detect and track objects of interest over time and that indicate the presence of events or suspect behavior involving these objects. The aims of this book are to highlight the operational attempts of video analytics, to identify possible driving forces behind potential evolutions in years to come, and above all to present the state of the art and the technological hurdles which have yet to be overcome. The need for video surveillance is introduced through two major applications (the security of rail transportation systems and a posteriori investigation). The characteristics of the videos considered are presented through the cameras which enable capture and the compression methods which allow us to transport and store them. Technical topics are then discussed – the analysis of objects of interest (detection, tracking and recognition), “high-level” video analysis, which aims to give a semantic interpretation of the observed scene (events, behaviors, types of content). The book concludes with the problem of performance evaluation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Flows and Chemical Reactions
The aim of this book is to relate fluid flows to chemical reactions. It focuses on the establishment of consistent systems of equations with their boundary conditions and interfaces, which allow us to model and deal with complex situations.Chapter 1 is devoted to simple fluids, i.e. to a single chemical constituent. The basic principles of incompressible and compressible fluid mechanics, are presented in the most concise and educational manner possible, for perfect or dissipative fluids. Chapter 2 relates to the flows of fluid mixtures in the presence of chemical reactions. Chapter 3 is concerned with interfaces and lines. Interfaces have been the subject of numerous publications and books for nearly half a century. Lines and curvilinear media are less known Several appendices on mathematical notation, thermodynamics and mechanics methods are grouped together in Chapter 4.This summary presentation of the basic equations of simple fluids, with exercises and their solutions, as well as those of chemically reacting flows, and interfaces and lines will be very useful for graduate students, engineers, teachers and scientific researchers in many domains of science and industry who wish to investigate problems of reactive flows. Portions of the text may be used in courses or seminars on fluid mechanics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Optimization of Logistics
This book aims to help engineers, Masters students and young researchers to understand and gain a general knowledge of logistic systems optimization problems and techniques, such as system design, layout, stock management, quality management, lot-sizing or scheduling. It summarizes the evaluation and optimization methods used to solve the most frequent problems. In particular, the authors also emphasize some recent and interesting scientific developments, as well as presenting some industrial applications and some solved instances from real-life cases.Performance evaluation tools (Petri nets, the Markov process, discrete event simulation, etc.) and optimization techniques (branch-and-bound, dynamic programming, genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, etc.) are presented first. Then, new optimization methods are presented to solve systems design problems, layout problems and buffer-sizing optimization. Forecasting methods, inventory optimization, packing problems, lot-sizing quality management and scheduling are presented with examples in the final chapters.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Decision Making and Action
Making a decision, of any importance, is never simple. On the one hand, specialists in decision theory do not come within the reach of most policy makers and, secondly, there are very few books on pragmatic decision that are not purely anecdotal. In addition, there is virtually no book that provides a link between decision-making and action. This book provides a bridge between the latest results in artificial intelligence, neurobiology, psychology and decision-making for action. What is the role of intuition or emotion? What are the main psychological biases of which we must be wary? How can we avoid being manipulated? What is the proper use of planning? How can we remain rational even if one is not an expert in probabilities? Perhaps more importantly for managers, how does one go from decision to action? So many questions fundamental to the practice of decision-making are addressed. This book dissects all issues that arise almost daily for decision-makers, at least for major decisions. Drawing on numerous examples, this book answers, in plain language and imagery, all your questions. The final chapter takes the form of a brief reminder - everything you have to remember to be a good decision-maker.