Search results for ""Health Communications""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Health Communications
ECHNOLOGICAL PROSPECTS AND SOCIAL APPLICATIONS SET Coordinated by Bruno SalguesThere are many controversies with respect to health crisis management: the search for information on symptoms, misinformation on emerging treatments, massive use of collaborative tools by healthcare professionals, deployment of applications for tracking infected patients. The Covid-19 crisis is a relevant example about the need for research in digital communications in order to understand current health info communication.After an overview of the challenges of digital healthcare, this book offers a critical look at the organizational and professional limits of ICT uses for patients, their caregivers and healthcare professionals. It analyzes the links between ICT and ethics of care, where health communication is part of a global, humanistic and emancipating care for patients and caregivers. It presents new digitized means of communicating health knowledge that reveal, thanks to the Internet, a competition between biomedical expert knowledge and experiential secular knowledge.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Chicken Soup for the Soul The Cancer Book 101 Stories of Courage Support Love Chicken Soup for the Soul Paperback Health Communications
Health Communications Love the Foods That Love the Planet
Health Communications I Think I Want Out
Health Communications Embody
Health Communications Bradshaw On: The Family: A New Way of Creating Solid Self-Esteem
Based on the public television series of the same name, Bradshaw On: The Family is John Bradshaw's seminal work on the dynamics of families that has sold more than a million copies since its original publication in 1988. Within its pages, you will discover the cause of emotionally impaired families. You will learn how unhealthy rules of behavior are passed down from parents to children, and the destructive effect this process has on our society. Using the latest family research and recovery material in this new edition, Bradshaw also explores the individual in both a family and societal setting. He shows you ways to escape the tyranny of family-reinforced behavior traps--from addiction and co-dependency to loss of will and denial--and demonstrates how to make conscious choices that will transform your life and the lives of your loved ones. He helps you heal yourself and then, using what you have learned helps you heal your family. Finally, Bradshaw extends this idea to our society: by returning yourself and your family to emotional health, you can heal the world in which you live. He helps you reenvision societal conflicts from the perspective of a global family, and shares with you the power of deep democracy: how the choices you make every day can affect--and improve--your world.
Health Communications Its a Guy Thing An Owners Manual for Women A Owners Manual for Women
In a must-have book that puts male behavior under the microscope, noted relationship expert David Deida answers women's most frequently asked questions about men and why they act the way they do. "It's a Guy Thing" includes chapters on sex, work, relationships, and communication.
Health Communications A Gift to Myself: Personal Workbook and Guide
This is a gentle and effective workbook and guide to Healing the Child Within. It can be used with or without having already read Healing the Child Within. Using numerous experiential exercises that the reader can do at their own pace, physician and author Charles Whitfield takes us on a healing journey into our inner and outer life. Once a reader starts this book, the healing process begins -- even if they rarely do any of its exercises. One of the highlights of this book is the clear description of age regression, one of the most crucial concepts in healing and recovery.
Health Communications Necessary Death: What Horror Movies Teach Us about Navigating the Human Experience
Health Communications Rightsize Today to Create Your Best Life Tomorrow: A Motivational Guide for Those Seeking Their Ideal Home Later in Life
Health Communications Fighting Infertility: Finding My Inner Warrior Through Trying to Conceive, IVF, and Miscarriage
Health Communications Caregiving
Health Communications Optimists Always Win Moving from Defeat to Lifes CSuite
Health Communications Inkspirations for Cat Lovers Celebrating Fantastic Felines for Every Season and Every Reason Captivating Coloring Designs Celebrating Fantastic Felines for Every Season and Reason
Health Communications Becoming a Sage Discovering Lifes Lessons One Story at a Time
Health Communications One Foot in Front of the Other Daily Affirmations for Recovery
Health Communications Learning to Love Yourself Finding Your SelfWorth
According to the author, it is necessary for readers to get rid of toxic self-defeating messages and choose positive changes. The author shows new perspectives to develop a higher self-worth to finally learn how to love.
Health Communications Power of Focus
Health Communications Freedom from Addiction The Chopra Center Method for Overcoming Destructive Habits
Health Communications Anger Deal with It Heal with It Stop It from Killing You
A practical ten step approach to enable readers to reach a level of psychological and physical health, by learning to deal with their anger in healthy ways. This book explores the many faces of anger that can help us connect with our spirituality and life process.
Health Communications Street Smart Safety for Women: Your Guide to Defensive Living
In a book written by women for women, Street Smart Safety for Women offers tips on defensive living that will increase readers' reliance on the one thing that can protect them most: their safety intuition. Violence against women is a global health issue. The threats women face today are unparalleled and more dangerous than ever before. And, for the first time in history, the toxic cocktail of technology and social media has weaponized misogyny and virtualized violence against women. There’s an even more serious challenge that faces women today. Social conditioning—the way our systems of family life, education, employment, entertainment and pop culture, spirituality and religion influence us— leaves many of us ill-equipped to deal not only with this escalating surge of attacks, but also the unrelenting prevalence of sexual assault, domestic violence, and scams. Women have been culturally trained to discount one of their greatest protections – safety intuition. As women, it is so ingrained in us to attend to everyone else, including strangers on the street, before we listen to ourselves, that we have lost touch with our innate ability to often detect dangerous situations. As the result, we are left generally defenseless to recognise predators who manipulate our natural compassion, to our own detriment. This inability to listen to ourselves and be persuasion-proof directly affects our personal safety and data shows that attacks on women continue to escalate daily across the world, inside and outside of the home. Though everyone is talking about how women continue to be less safe, few offer solutions. Women are terrified and they are looking for answers. In Street Smart Safety for Women, retired Deputy Sheriff Joy Farrow and technologist Laura Frombach, herself a survivor of a violent household, draw on their experiences both personal and professional to provide those answers. Dedicated to educating women in personal safety and showing them a defensive living strategy and trusting in themselves can reduce their probability of becoming a victim of a crime.
Health Communications The MotherDaughter Relationship Makeover
Health Communications Aftershock: How Past Events Shake Up Your Life Today
Aftershock helps people identify and heal from the often-delayed emotional responses to seemingly ordinary life events like the death of a partner, a chronic illness diagnosis, or getting a new job that can have significant impact on our emotions and overall mental health. You may be at a point in your life where you realise that you have been edgy, a bit depressed, feeling unsettled. Yet everything in your life seems to be okay. You look for a cause, but you just can’t put your finger on it. Perhaps you should examine your recent past—six months ago, a year ago—and ask yourself, "What did I go through that was stressful at the time, yet I was able to deal with by suppressing my stress until that situation was over?" “Aftershock” is a term coined by clinical psychologist Dr. Geri-Lynn Utter, who came to recognise this largely ignored scenario in many of her patients. As a subclinical level of the more familiar post-traumatic stress disorder, “aftershock” may underlie your present emotional stress, a delayed emotional response that affects many of us after common, yet big deal, life events such as miscarriage, moving to a new city, divorce, or, for some people, the Covid-19 pandemic that has rocked much of the world. The most urgent raison d’etre of Aftershock is to enlighten readers to the very presence of this psychological trauma—what it is and what causes it, how to recognise the symptoms, and how to heal when life's stressors keep you in the centre of the aftershock of a storm.
Health Communications Whole Mama Yoga: Meditation, Mantra, and Movement for Pregnancy and Beyond
A unique way to see and process the motherhood experience through the lens of yoga, Whole Mama Yoga covers all phases and stages of becoming and being a mother or birth parent—offering a way to extend yoga’s gifts and tools for all who parent.Women are drawn to yoga for its physical benefits, its ability to induce calm and presence, and its offering of spiritual depth. Whole Mama Yoga offers a way to extend yoga’s gifts into the motherhood experience and offers guidance that eases not just physical discomforts but existential ones. Many moms and birth parents balance boundless love and boredom, overwhelming joy and moments of isolation, self-confidence and self-doubt. Yoga provides an opportunity to practice the much needed body love and self-connection many parents need. Accessible to new yoga students, advanced yoga practitioners, and yoga teachers alike, Whole Mama Yoga is for parents with children of all ages. It is for those just thinking about beginning a family, those in the early stages of pregnancy, those getting close to labor and delivery, and for those new moms, who often feel harried and overwhelmed. This is a book to reference as children grow, change, and become little (and big) people. With yoga poses at the core of the text, yogi moms and instructors Alexandra DeSiato and Lauren Sacks offer helpful information in movement offerings that meet all moms and birth parents where they are. Organized into sections titled Relate, Move, Reflect, Wisdom, and Breathe, Whole Mama Yoga provides breathing techniques, suggestions for meditation and mantra, inspiring tidbits of yoga philosophy, funny and uplifting stories from yoga-moms, and journal prompts that allow readers to reflect on their own experience of parenthood.
Health Communications Stuff Nobody Taught You: 40 Lessons from M.E.School® to Help You Stop Being Miserable and Start Feeling Amazing
Stuff Nobody TaughtYou by Summer McStravick teaches readers how to wildly, successfully, reinvent themselves and become who they’ve always wanted to be. Filled with humor, actionable steps, and brazen, intelligent straight-talk, Stuff Nobody TaughtYou fills you in on all those secrets you wished someone had told you about how to craft and keep a happy, passion-filled life. Sometimes we need a good old cathartic do-over. We’ve been flatlining—emotionally spent and wrung out like an old washcloth. We want to feel a different way, be a different way. Somehow, we need to regain our purpose and direction and feel good again. We want to re-find the self-worth, confidence, and inner strength that got wiped away from years of frustration, disappointments, and emotional depletion.Stuff Nobody Taught You fills you in on all those secrets you wished someone had told you about how to craft and keep a happy, passion-filled life. The book takes you through a proven journey of self-discovery via a series of forty-five bite-size, easy lessons that will transport you to a world of amazing feelings and real transformation as you learn to: Find and release the inner patterns and blocks that have stopped or derailed you time after time. Climb out from feeling stuck, exhausted, directionless, or just not sure what you’re supposed to do next in life. Meet and love up your powerful, authentic self, where you trust your choices and start attracting good things in every area of your life. Each day, you’ll look forward to reading the next revealing chapter that feels as yummy as a best friend’s phone call. By, the end, you’ll shut the book with a satisfying, relieved, and exciting sense of your next steps. In short, Stuff Nobody Taught You resets your inner clock and shows you that yes, you can wildly, successfully, reinvent yourself and become who you’ve always wanted to be. It teaches you where your inner power lies and gives you permission to use it. And finally, it frees you up to find the brisk, fresh path that oftentimes turns out to be right there, already under your feet.
Health Communications Codependent Discovery and Recovery 2.0: A Holistic Approach to Healing and Freeing Yourself
Learn how to overcome codependency with a holistic approach and reinvent yourself in a positive, powerful way!Learn how to overcome the toxic thinking and behaviors of codependency with this unique book’s meditations, affirmations, and inner child healing exercises for personalized healing. Each meditation has a YouTube recording for you to listen along with. By using cognitive behavioral tools, Codependent Discovery and Recovery 2.0 will help you change no matter where you fall on the codependency spectrum. It is possible to reinvent yourself in a positive way and the power is in your hands.
Health Communications Be the One You Need: 21 Life Lessons I Learned While Taking Care of Everyone but Me
From acclaimed journalist Sophia A. Nelson, the bestselling author of The Woman Code, comes a poignant, powerful, and revealing memoir providing life lessons that emphasize the importance of self-care, self-love, and self-understanding that will lead to freedom, healing from the past, and a better future.In deeply personal reflections, acclaimed journalist Sophia A. Nelson offers an inspirational memoir that will guide you on a path toward true and meaningful self-care. She shares 21 life lessons she’s learned to help us accept that when we dare to face our traumas, losses, fears, family dysfunctions, and relationship issues, we can heal from them. She shows us that doing the work of meaningful and consistent self-care not only makes us happier, but better spouses, parents, siblings, lovers, employers, and neighbors. In this powerfully raw and honest book, you’ll discover: • How to manage your emotions before they manage you; • How to protect your peace, the passport to your soul; • Why the most important relationship you have is with yourself; and • How to be intentional about your choices. The compelling lessons in Be the One You Need clearly demonstrate that the answers we seek to life’s questions are always within us. Nelson empowers us to finally ask ourselves, What do I want? What do I need? How do I feel? And once we hear the answers of our soul, how to put them into practice.
Health Communications Ego And The Spirit: Insights on Living, Loving and Letting Go
When you learn to listen to your Spirit instead of your Ego, you will live— without a doubt—a richer and more meaningful life. Have you ever been faced with a decision when your head says one thing and your heart says another? For example, you want to make a career change; your head tells you to follow the path of security, but your heart tells you to follow your passion. Or you are locked in a personal relationship conflict and your head says you are right, but your heart tells you to forgive and let go. Fran Hewitt calls these two conflicting influences the Ego and the Spirit. The Ego is that controlling voice of your mind that drives you to seek safety, perfection, and the approval of others—it will keep you captive. In contrast, the voice of your Spirit is that reassuring voice that insists, urges, and shows you the way to love. It’s the voice of your heart—a call to live life without fear. . The Ego and the Spirit is a genuinely life-changing book—not about religion or philosophy—it is about living fully, loving freely, and letting go. It is about how to live—without a doubt—a richer and more meaningful life
Health Communications Daily Affirmations for Adult Children of Alcoholics: For Adult Children of Alcoholics
The messages that we give to ourselves are the most important messages we hear. The internal briefings and conversations we hold determine our attitudes, our behavior and the course of our lives. If, as children, we were criticized and shamed, our internal dialogue will be self-deprecating. If we are used to large doses of self-imposed sarcasm and negative reviews of our daily performance, we gradually mutilate our self-esteem, our creativity and our spirit.
Health Communications I'm Just Saying: A Guide to Maintaining Civil Discourse in an Increasingly Divided World
A straightforward look at the history and the art of maintaining courteous communication in an increasingly divided world.Have you ever been in a conversation that, after volleying back and forth, ended with the words, “I’m just saying . . .”? Usually, this signals frustration, that the discussion has reached a dead end, that you haven’t made your point, and may even leave you feeling that your relationship with the other person has changed for the worse. Digital interactions, devoid of nuance and understanding, further complicate discussion. We may believe that we are superior because our opinions are the “right” ones, and in the future avoid conversations with those whose opinions differ from ours, sending us into a never-ending echo chamber. In I’m Just Saying, author Milan Kordestani shows us that although challenging conversations can be unpleasant, they can also help us grow. Sometimes, people inspire us to change how we speak, making us better communicators in the process as we search to find common ground with those with whom we disagree. Kordestani uses contemporary case studies and personal experience to teach readers how to have constructive conversations by engaging in civil discourse—the idea that good-faith actors can reach consensus on any opinion-based disagreement. He discusses influential leaders and reflects on his successes and failures in creating The Doe, an online publication focused on civil discourse. He addresses the challenges that digital media consumption presents when seeking common ground—especially when people are only digitally connected. Civil discourse, an essential part of democracy, is becoming rare in today's digital age. I’m Just Saying examines discourse's successes and the ways to rebuild it. Drawing from history, popular culture, and personal anecdotes, the book promotes effective civil discourse by providing practical advice and strategies for respect. Through story, I’m Just Saying offers insight and tools for politeness in a divided world.
Health Communications Free Your Joy: The Twelve Keys to Sustainable Happiness
Bestselling author and creator of Joy School Lisa McCourt outlines her unique formula for sustainable happiness, offering a year's worth of activities, prompts, and techniques that raise your “joy setpoint” so you can cultivate authentic, lasting peace and fulfillment in your daily life.Unprecedented global events have left many of us feeling depleted, depressed, isolated, and disconnected from many of the things that made us happy. Lisa McCourt, host of the Do Joy! podcast and founder of Joy School, helps people raise their joy setpoints regardless of what is happening around them. Learning about joy is one thing, but it’s the doing that actually shifts your energy. McCourt offers a unique approach to joy and emotional wellness, outlining a year-long adventure in happiness that can be started on any day of the year. Joy is not an elusive fantasy to be chased; it is simply a skill to be learned, practiced, and mastered. McCourt takes readers, month by month, through the life-altering principles of vibration elevation that she has taught for 20 years through her Joy School. Each of the 12 “keys” to experiencing sustainable, authentic joy builds sequentially upon the previous one to create a progressive shifting of the reader's inner landscape to one of joy and ease. As the inner landscape transforms, transformation of the external reality inevitably follows. McCourt offers weekly “homeplay” for the reader to take into their daily experience which, when followed, upgrade their thought patterns and default reactions into beneficial new habits of thought and behavior. Upon completion of the final key, the reader is invited along the “spiral,” cycling through the keys again from their newly elevated joy setpoint. Our journey toward ever greater realms of joy and personal freedom is never concluded; we can spiral through the steps, year after year, always recalibrating our lives to ever more fulfilling levels.
Health Communications It's Not Your Fault: The Subconscious Reasons We Self-Sabotage and How to Stop
A guide to help readers uncover the subconscious reasons they hold themselves back along with an exploration of the ways negative childhood experiences have impacted their lives and fed into the problem. We are sometimes our own worst enemies, sabotaging our success and with it our chance for lasting happiness and opportunities for personal and professional fulfilment. It’s Not Your Fault helps readers uncover the subconscious reasons they hold themselves back. These blind spots were often created in childhood as coping mechanisms in response to trauma. Rather than teaching tactics that ignore or give surface attention to adverse childhood events, the book lovingly guides readers to explore the ways these events have impacted their lives and how this knowledge will help them access true transformation. Readers will be relieved to discover that it's not a lack of willpower that has held them back, but a lack of self-knowledge instead. Those who have been let down by traditional therapeutic techniques know that behaviour modification doesn’t work for everyone. Simply doing things differently while staying the same on the inside might help for the short term, but before long old patterns emerge. Once they decide to get serious about change, however, and stop tweaking habits in the hope it will result in lasting transformation, they can create a life by design instead of default. It takes work, an internal excavation, and Laura comes alongside the reader as a trusted guide who has been where they are now. She provides the tools and anecdotal evidence to show them how to overcome the pain of self-sabotage and create the life they desire.
Health Communications The Art of Badassery: Unleash Your Mojo with Wisdom of the Dojo
For any woman who's ever felt burned out, beaten down, or needs a reminder of how powerful she is, third-degree black belt and motivational coach of ABC's "My Diet Is Better Than Yours" teaches a unique brand of badassery--how to get back up no matter what life throws at you; how to level up your mind, body and spirit; and how to turn your setbacks into secret weapons.Jennifer Cassetta is a nationally recognized keynote speaker, health and empowerment coach, and a 3rd-degree black belt in Hapkido. After a brush with death on September 11th, 2001, three blocks south of the World Trade Center and then fending off an attacker late one night months later, Jenn took a deep dive into martial arts training where she learned how to harness the power of mind, body, and spirit. Now she teaches women from colleges to corporations how to unleash their inner badass by using dojo wisdom as a metaphor for life. Whether the opponent is a financial hardship, a difficult boss, or being in a manipulative relationship, Cassetta teaches readers how to flex their mental muscle, how to rise above fears, and how to turn setbacks into superpowers. Through thought-provoking exercises and no-holds-barred humor, she shows women how to close the door on blame and shame; how to grow from their Greatest (S)Hits List of life disappointments; and how to disarm and defend against the blocks that hold them back. In life--just like in martial arts--we get pushed and pulled and kicked down. We get banged up and bruised and stretched to our limits. Cassetta champions women that while they may bend, they will not break, and that they have the power within them to rise up and stand tall. Chapter 1: WHITE BELT: Embrace the Suck Chapter 2: YELLOW BELT: Bounce Back Chapter 3: ORANGE BELT: Block the Bullshit Chapter 4: GREEN BELT: Find Your Roar Chapter 5: BLUE BELT: Elevate Your Energy Chapter 6: RED BELT: Connect with Your Warrior Within Chapter 7: BLACK BELT: Take the Lead
Health Communications The Facebook Narcissist: How to Identify and Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones from Social Media Narcissism
A comprehensive guide for understanding how narcissism on social media impacts our mental health, how to protect ourselves and our children from those affects as well as from narcissists, and how to use social media more mindfully.The Facebook Narcissist is the first book dedicated to exploring the relationship between narcissism and social media. Lena Derhally, a licensed psychotherapist certified in Imago therapy, delves into how social media enhances individual and cultural narcissism and how it may create or exacerbate toxic narcissistic tendencies in people who use it. Using her clinical expertise, along with scientific research and interviews with other experts in the field, she thoroughly examines: how narcissism on social media contributes to false narratives and ruptures relationships; how to identify a narcissist on social media (including how to spot the more subtle sub-types of narcissist, such as the covert, communal, and collective narcissist); how narcissism relates to the “influencer” and celebrity culture; narcissism and cyberbullying, cyberstalking, trolling, and victim blaming on social media; narcissism related to racism and politics on social media; the ways social media can create a problem of narcissism in children as they grow up, the implications of "sharenting"; and more. Readers will discover case studies and real examples of narcissists and how they present on social media. Derhally’s expertise in cultivating healthy, fulfilling, and connected relationships helps guide readers to take a deeper look at their behaviors on social media and of those around them. At the end of each chapter, she gives practical tips and takeaways for navigating narcissism online. Since abandoning our devices is impractical and not likely, this book will help readers understand how to use social media in a balanced way that inspires fulfillment and connection instead of the entitlement, attention-seeking, and lack of empathy that is at the heart of narcissism. Derhally also instructs readers on how they may use social media for good, and as a tool for positive social change. Social media is here to stay, but with education and awareness on how it makes us and the world more narcissistic, we can change the narrative and focus on the ways in which social media can be positive, and even improve the world for the better.
Health Communications Nourish: The Definitive Plant-Based Nutrition Guide for Families--With Tips & Recipes for Bringing Health, Joy, & Connection to Your Dinner Table
An evidence-based, practical resource that explores the many benefits of a plant-based diet and provides parents with the tools they need to feed their families for health and with joy.Gold Award, 2020 Nautilus Book Awards, Health, Healing, Wellness & Vitality CategoryCanada Book Award, Best Books of 2020, Health Category While nearly all parents agree that a nutritious diet is important for children to thrive, most feel that their children are not eating a healthy diet. This is not surprising, given the demands of busy families and confusing, conflicting research about what diet is really best for health.Nourish offers the solution parents have been waiting for when it comes to deciding what and how to feed their families. Authors Reshma Shah, MD, a plant-based pediatrician and affiliate clinical instructor at Stanford University School of Medicine, and Brenda Davis, RD, a world-renowned expert and pioneer in plant-based nutrition, will empower parents to become the experts of nourishing their families. Parents will learn: How a diet centered around plants can optimize health, prevent chronic disease, care for our planet, and be an act of radical compassion. Nutrition specifics for all the stages of childhood—from pregnancy and breastfeeding all the way through adolescence. Tips, strategies, and mouthwatering recipes to bring all of this information to their dinner tables as they transition to plant-based eating.
Health Communications The Psychopath Epidemic: Why the World Is So F*cked Up and What You Can Do About It
Similar to the bestselling Sociopath Next Door comes a unique look at the psychopaths among us and how our society--from kindergarten to corporations--encourages and rewards psychotic behavior, and what average citizens can do to survive and thrive when we must live with, learn from, or be lead by sociopaths. Psychiatrists estimate that 1 percent of the adult population are psychopaths. That's about two million Americans. And they are our bosses, our politicians, our priests, and our neighbors. And they are running our economy and our lives. Every day in the news we hear about people in positions of power doing deplorable things--in business, politics, and government, from sexual harassment to polluting the environment to covering up crimes. And it's no wonder considering a small percentage of people wield a large amount of power, and that these very same people fit the definition of a "psychopath." A highly engaging and gripping read, Cameron Reilly's book adds to our growing understanding of sociopaths with a detailed analysis of how our society encourages and rewards psychopathic tendencies, and how, because of this, psychopaths the world over have risen to power. Using historical references to pop culture examples, Reilly offers a field guide to psychopaths--how to spot them and how to outmaneuver them so you can keep your sanity in tact. This is the first-of-its-kind book to examine the shocking evidence and then suggest practical solutions for saving us all.
Health Communications Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents: 7 Ways to Stop the Worry Cycle and Raise Courageous and Independent Children
With anxiety at epidemic levels among our children, Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents offers a contrarian yet effective approach to help children and teens push through their fears, worries, and phobias to ultimately become more resilient, independent, and happy.How do you manage a child who gets stomachaches every school morning, who refuses after-school activities, or who is trapped in the bathroom with compulsive washing? Children like these put a palpable strain on frustrated, helpless parents and teachers. And there is no escaping the problem: One in every five kids suffers from a diagnosable anxiety disorder. Unfortunately, when parents or professionals offer help in traditional ways, they unknowingly reinforce a child's worry and avoidance. From their success with hundreds of organizations, schools, and families, Reid Wilson, PhD, and Lynn Lyons, LICSW, share their unconventional approach of stepping into uncertainty in a way that is currently unfamiliar but infinitely successful. Using current research and contemporary examples, the book exposes the most common anxiety-enhancing patterns—including reassurance, accommodation, avoidance, and poor problem solving—and offers a concrete plan with 7 key principles that foster change. And, since new research reveals how anxious parents typically make for anxious children, the book offers exercises and techniques to change both the children's and the parental patterns of thinking and behaving. This book challenges our basic instincts about how to help fearful kids and will serve as the antidote for an anxious nation of kids and their parents.
Health Communications Richard Bandlers Guide to TranceFormation
Health Communications Healing the Shame That Binds You: Recovery Classics Edition
“I used to drink,” writes John Bradshaw, “to solve the problems caused by drinking. The more I drank to relieve my shame-based loneliness and hurt, the more I felt ashamed.” Shame is the motivator behind our toxic behaviors: the compulsion, co-dependency, addiction and drive to superachieve that breaks down the family and destroys personal lives. This book has helped millions identify their personal shame, understand the underlying reasons for it, address these root causes and release themselves from the shame that binds them to their past failures. Key Features This is not just a recovery book. Among other things, it is a classic book on identifying and working through unresolved family issues. Includes affirmations, visualizations, inner voice and feeling exercises. Strong supporting studies make this a popular book with counselors and other professionals. Completely updated and revised
Health Communications Daily Affirmations for Forgiving and Moving On
Health Communications Chase the Bears
Health Communications The Soulful Journey of Recovery: A Guide to Healing from a Traumatic Past for Acas, Codependents, or Those with Adverse Childhood Experiences
Health Communications What Will They Say About You When You're Gone?: 7 Principles for Reverse Engineering Your Life
"This book is a beacon of light and a touchstone for the timeless values of leading a purposeful life."--From the Foreword by Senator Joseph Lieberman There's not one person alive who hasn't confronted their own mortality. Each of us, at some point, wakes up to the reality that our time on Earth is limited. But how do we lead our lives with a sense of urgency every day? How do we develop the courage to make choices not based on pressure but on principle? How do we create the sacred space to reflect on who we are and who we want to be so we can realize our innermost goals and dreams? What Will They Say About You When You're Gone? points the way. Esteemed Rabbi Daniel Cohen will help you rise above the distractions to tap into the best version of yourself. Through a unique blend of storytelling, practical exercises, and profound wisdom, he will teach you seven transformative principles to reverse engineer your life so that you are living with purpose and passion, so that the person you are today more closely aligns with the person you aspire to be.
Health Communications Stopping the Noise in Your Head: The New Way to Overcome Anxiety and Worry
Health Communications Leave This Song Behind: Teen Poetry at its Best
It's been 10 years since the last book in the Teen Ink series Written in the Dirt was published. Now, a whole new batch of teen writers has emerged with their own unique voices. Leave This Song Behind features the best poetry submitted by those writers to Teen Ink over the last five years. The pieces in this book were chosen because they were so powerful that they stood out from the rest. Teen Ink editors took a deep look into each poem's strengths then divided Leave This Song Behind into seven sections based on the poetic techniques or qualities that moved them most. Vivid sensory details made some poems shine; others caught their attention with simple, sparse language. Still others were chosen because of their thoughtful use of form; compelling stories; strong figurative language; unexpected connections and wit; and fresh writing about familiar topics. Dig in and let these brave young voices capture your heart and mind with their passion, their pain, and their amazing poetry!
Health Communications Healing Neen One Womans Path to Salvation from Trauma and Addiction
Health Communications An Unimaginable Act Overcoming and Preventing Child Abuse Through Erins Law
By sharing her personal journey through the pain she has suffered at the hands of her perpetrators, author Erin Merryn proves that one person can make a difference in the lives of others. Simply by speaking out and bringing the subject of child sexual abuse to the forefront, she has created a wave of changechange not only in legislature, but also in the hearts of those around her and the world.