Search results for ""de gruyter""
De Gruyter Translanguaging and the Bilingual Brain: A Mixed Methods Approach to Word-Formation and Language Processing
Multilingual classrooms and online communication are becoming increasingly linguistically diverse due to globalization and new discourse patterns are emerging. Many of these patterns include the use of linguistic resources from multiple languages in the same utterance. Translanguaging, a recent theoretical framework, is gaining prominence among scholars interested in studying these multilingual discursive practices and the concept of a unitary language system for lexical processing. The aim of this book is to gain a better understanding of the bilingual brain and how words and sentences that use features from socially distinct languages are processed. Using examples provided by multilingual study participants, a categorization of the various forms of translanguaging is developed to build a translanguaging model. Psycholinguistic methods such as eye tracking are combined with conventional sociolinguistic survey methodology to provide rich qualitative and quantitative data that address the cognitive effects of translanguaging and the underlying structure of translingual word-formations. This monograph shows how language biography, exposure, and attitude towards multilingual discursive practices all affect cognitive processing. It also demonstrates how multilingual speakers are setting the patterns for novel word-formations to be produced, thus having a social, cultural, and cognitive impact on how we communicate.
De Gruyter Performative Linguistic Space: Ethnographies of Spatial Politics and Dynamic Linguistic Practices
This volume explores "performative linguistic space", namely a space which ushers or hinders linguistic practices. Space is made productive as a result of individuals who bring linguistic politics from diverse spaces into new ones. By moving away from the notions of discrete units of language and linguistic communities associated with a specific space, this volume suggests a fluid productive aspect of space. It goes beyond the assumed space-linguistic community association through ethnographic accounts that mediate linguistic anthropology, cultural geography, sociolinguistics, and deaf studies.
De Gruyter Exploring urbanism in ancient North Syria: Fieldwork in Doliche 2015–2020
This book accounts for the results of fieldwork in Doliche, located in Gaziantep, South East Turkey. Doliche was an important city of ancient North Syria which continued to thrive into the Middle Ages. For the first time, an international research project started to explore the site in 2015. The chapters collected in this volume discuss the main discoveries of the first seasons. It is divided in two parts. The first part considers the main excavation results, with a particular emphasis on a newly discovered early Christian basilica and its decoration. This section also contains the first comprehensive discussion of a newly discovered Roman Imperial hypogeum from the city necropolis. The chapters of the second part deal with the preliminary findings from an intra-urban intensive survey. Between 2017 and 2019, a significant portion of the city area has been investigated, and the results of the survey offer new insights in the spatial and chronological of the city. The chapters consider methodological questions, but also discuss artefact groups. In general, the results presented in this volume add to the knowledge of urbanism in Roman and Late antique North Syria.
De Gruyter Joshua and Judges in Yiddish Verse: Four Early Modern Epics. An Annotated Edition
This book offers annotated editions of four distinct sixteenth-century Yiddish epic poems, all preserved in single copies. Two of them retell the narrative found in the book of Joshua, and two relate the events described in the book of Judges. As typical specimens of the once popular literary genre, the Old Yiddish biblical epic, the content of the works is based on Jewish sources, while their style and form were influenced by German epic and chivalric literature. The epics often elaborate on the biblical narrative, with rich passages that echo the cultural setting in which they were composed, presumably German and Italian lands. The four epics are presented here for the first time in modern academic editions. They are studied and compared with one another, and footnotes provide information concerning the sources of additions and changes, translation methods, historical details, obscure words and idiomatic expressions, and more. As these epics represent some of the earliest examples of biblical epics in Yiddish, the discussion also touches upon the origins of the genre, tracing its path from orality to written text. The annotated edition presents the original Old Yiddish texts together with an English introduction.
De Gruyter Cognitive Sociolinguistics Revisited
Cognitive Sociolinguistics draws on the rich theoretical framework of Cognitive Linguistics and focuses on the social factors that underlie the variability of meaning and conceptualization. In the last decade, the field has expanded in various way. The current volume takes stock of current and emerging advances in the field in short academic contributions. The studies collected in this book have a usage-based approach to language variation and change, drawing on the theoretical framework of Cognitive Linguistics and are sensitive to social variation, be it cross-linguistic or language-internal. Three types of contributions are collected in this book. First, it contains theoretical overview papers on the domains that have witnessed expansion in recent years. Second, it presents novel research ideas in proof-of-concept contributions, aimed at blue-sky research and out-of-the-box linguistic analyses. Third, it showcases recent empirical studies within the field. By combining these three types of contributions, the book provides an encompassing overview of novel developments in the field of Cognitive Sociolinguistics.
De Gruyter East Asia and the First World War
The First World War was a truely global event that changed the course of history in many participating as well as non-participating countries. In East Asia, the war stimulated the further rise of Japan as the leading power in the region during the war, yet also its radicalization and social protests after 1918. In China and Korea it stimulated nationalist eruptions, demanding freedom and equality for the (semi)colonized countries and the people living within their borders. All in all, the present book offers a consice introduction of the history of the First World War and its impact in East Asia.
de Gruyter Monocratic Government
De Gruyter An Everlasting Name: Cultural Remembrance and Traditions of Onymic Commemoration
The ever-growing interest in cultural memory has generated an impressive body of academic literature on public commemoration, but not enough attention has been paid until now to the power and appeal of names to transcend death. This book is the first to investigates onymic commemoration as a technology of immortality. Bringing together issues as diverse as casualty lists on public display and honorific street-names, the inquiry expands on the commemorative capacity of an “everlasting name” as a site of remembrance. It explores how notions about names, being, fame and an afterlife have coalesced into prestigious and time-honored commemorative practices and traditions that demonstrate the cultural power of an “everlasting name” to confer immortality through remembrance. By linking ancient traditions and modern practices, this book offers a cross-cultural analysis of onymic commemoration that is broad in scope and covers a wide time frame, encompassing diverse historical periods, cultural contexts and geopolitical settings.
De Gruyter Übungen im Strafrecht
De Gruyter Arts & Dementia: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Dementia is a term that encompasses a wide range of symptoms. In Europe alone about 10 million people live with dementia. Where health policy and medical approaches reach their limits, art and design strategies can open up new perspectives for people living with dementia – in terms of their abilities and circumstances and their social environment. This interdisciplinary handbook is aimed at people working and researching in the field of dementia. It offers insights into the possibilities and limitations of artistic and art-related interventions in relation to dementia. This publication brings together contributions from the disciplines of design, architecture, and art, music, and museum education, providing a variety of insights into this multifaceted syndrome.
De Gruyter The Yiddish Stage as a Temporary Home: Dzigan and Shumacher’s Satirical Theater (1927-1980)
The Yiddish Theater Stage as a Temporary Home takes us through the fascinating life and career of the most important comic duo in Yiddish Theater, Shimen Dzigan and Isroel Shumacher. Spanning over the course of half a century – from the beginning of their work at the Ararat avant-garde Yiddish theater in Łodz, Poland to their Warsaw theatre – they produced bold, groundbreaking political satire. The book further discusses their wanderings through the Soviet Union during the Second World War and their attempt to revive Jewish culture in Poland after the Holocaust. It finally describes their time in Israel, first as guest performers and later as permanent residents. Despite the restrictions on Yiddish actors in Israel, the duo insisted on performing in their language and succeeded in translating the new Israeli reality into unique and timely satire. In the 1950s, they voiced a unique – among the Hebrew stages – political and cultural critique. Dzigan continued to perform on his own and with other Israeli artists until his death in 1980.
De Gruyter Journale NB 15-20
De Gruyter The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress
The Proceedings present the contributions to the 13th International Kant Congress which was held at the University of Oslo, August 6-9, 2019. The congress, which hosted speakers from more than thirty countries and five continents, was dedicated to the topic of the court of reason. The idea that reason stands before itself as a tribunal characterizes the whole of Kant's critical project. Without such a court, reason falls into conflict with itself. With such a court in place, however, it may succeed in establishing the possibility and limits of metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, law and science. The idea of reason being its own judge is not only pivotal to a proper understanding of Kant's philosophy, but can also shed light on the burgeoning fields of meta-philosophy and philosophical methodology. The 2019 Kant Congress put special emphasis on Kant's methodology, his account of conceptual critique, and the relevance of his ideas to current issues in especially political philosophy and the philosophy of law. Additional sections discussed a wide range of topics in Kant's philosophy. The Proceedings will provide anyone who is interested in exploring the variety of present-day work on Kant and Kantian themes with a wealth of fruitful inspiration.
De Gruyter Kommentar
De Gruyter Fitness Landscape, Red Queen, Evolutionary Enigmas, and Applications to Virology
This two-volume work focuses on the mathematical aspects of Darwinian evolution starting from the basic model of stochastic evolution of a single isolated locus in the presence of mutation to the multi–locus models of sexual and asexual populations. Volume 2 discusses the inference of fi tness landscape from DNA sequence data, discovery of the evolutionary roles of enygmatic traits, co-evolution of adversarial species, and various applications to virus evolution.
De Gruyter Human Rights Culture in Indonesia: Attacks on the Ahmadiyya Minority Group
Drawing on human rights discourse and a study of the difficulties faced by religious minority groups (using the Ahmadiyya minority group as a case study), this book presents three interconnected challenges to human rights culture in Indonesia. First, it presents a normative challenge, describing the gap between philosophical and normative principles of human rights on one side and the overall problems and critical issues of human rights at national and local levels on the other. Second, it considers the political problems in developing and strengthening human rights culture. The political challenge addresses the ability (or inability) of the state to guarantee the rights of certain individuals and minority groups. Third, it examines the sociological challenge of majority-minority group relationships in human rights discourse and practices. This book describes the background of human rights in Indonesia and reviews the previous literature on the issue. It also presents a comprehensive review of the discourses about human rights and political changes in contemporary Indonesia. The analysis focuses on how human rights challenges affect the situation of religious minorities, looking in particular at the Ahmadiyya as a minority group that experiences human rights violations such as discrimination, persecution, and violence. The study fills out its treatment of these issues by examining the involvement of actors both from the state and society, addressing also the politics of human rights protection.
De Gruyter Middle Assyrian Seal Motifs from Tell Fekheriye (Syria)
Despite ongoing interest in Middle Assyrian glyptic art, the publications of Middle Assyrian seals and seal impressions from excavated sites in the Near East are very rare. The book is the first to offer a comprehensive study on the seal corpus from an archaeological site historically located in the western territory of the Middle Assyrian state. The seal impressions and few original seals, which were found during the excavations in Tell Fekheriye (Syria), substantially add to our understanding of the iconographic repertory and the use of seals in the Middle Assyrian period. The corpus dates to the reigns of the Assyrian kings Shalmaneser I and Tukulti-Ninurta I in the 13th century B.C. It documents practices of governance and administration in the growing Middle Assyrian Empire, points to activities of high-ranking Assyrian officials and unfolds the pictorial reality of political and ideological intensions. While finding detailed information on unpublished materials, their archaeological contexts and interpretations, the reader is also invited to follow a discourse on art, state and society for which the Middle Assyrian seal motifs from Tell Fekheriye provide an excellent case study.
De Gruyter Briefe 1796
De Gruyter A Bridgehead to Africa: German Interest in the Ottoman Province of Tripoli (Libya) 1884–1918
de Gruyter RareEarth Elements
De Gruyter Koptisches Sammelbuch V
De Gruyter The Courage to Be: Yearbook 2018
De Gruyter Voice of the Silenced Peoples in the Global Cold War: The Assembly of Captive European Nations, 1954-1972
According to its members, exiled political leaders from nine east European countries, the ACEN was an umbrella organization—a quasi-East European parliament in exile—composed of formerly prominent statesmen who strove to maintain the case of liberation of Eastern Europe from the Soviet yoke on the agenda of international relations.Founded by the Free Europe Committee, from 1954 to 1971 the ACEN tried to lobby for Eastern European interests on the U.S. political scene, in the United Nations and the Council of Europe. Furthermore, its activities can be traced to Latin America, Asia and the Middle East. However, since it was founded and sponsored by the Free Europe Committee (most commonly recognized as the sponsor of the Radio Free Europe), the ACEN operations were obviously influenced and monitored by the Americans (CIA, Department of State).This book argues that despite the émigré leadership's self-restraint in expressing criticism of the U.S. foreign policy, the ACEN was vulnerable to, and eventually fell victim of, the changes in the American Cold War policies. Notwithstanding the termination of Free Europe’s support, ACEN members reconstituted their operations in 1972 and continued their actions until 1989. Based on a through archival research (twenty different archives in the U.S. and Europe, interviews, published documents, memoirs, press) this book is a first complete story of an organization that is quite often mentioned in publications related to the operations of the Free Europe Committee but hardly ever thoroughly studied.
De Gruyter Wilson Lines in Quantum Field Theory
De Gruyter Terpenoids, Part 1
De Gruyter Aeneis
De Gruyter Five Months in Berlin: Letters of Edgar N. Johnson from Occupied Germany
Edgar N. Johnson, Professor of European History at the University of Nebraska, came to the four-power city of Berlin at the beginning of March 1946 to take on important assignments for the American military government. Appointed as Special Assistant by General Lucius D. Clay, Deputy Military Governor, he was simultaneously assigned to act as Political Adviser to the American Commandant of Berlin. Johnson’s letters to his wife, Emily, along with a report written after his stay in Germany, give a detailed account of his five months in the former Reich capital, his encounters with political actors of the occupation and German political and cultural figures, as well as his observations, thoughts, and insights. These records open up a multifaceted panorama of everyday life during occupation and the political reconstruction of Berlin in 1946.
De Gruyter International Handbook of Practical Theology
Practical theology has outgrown its traditional pastoral paradigm. The articles in this handbook recognize that faith, spirituality, and lived religion, within and beyond institutional communities, refer to realms of cultures, ritual practices, and symbolic orders, whose boundaries are not clearly defined and whose contents are shifting. The International Handbook of Practical Theology offers insightful transcultural conceptions of religion and religious matters gathered from various cultures and traditions of faith. The first section presents ‘concepts of religion’. Chapters have to do with considerations of the conceptualizing of religion in the fields of ‘anthropology’, ‘community’, ‘family’, ‘institution’, ‘law’, ‘media’, and ‘politics’ among others. The second section is dedicated to case studies of ‘religious practices’ from the perspective of their actors. The third section presents major theoretical discourses that explore the globally significant diversity and multiplicity of religion. Altogether, sixty-one authors from different parts of the world encourage a rethinking of religious practice in an expanded, transcultural, globalized, and postcolonial world.
de Gruyter Negative Theology Offspring
De Gruyter Enduring Change: The Labor and Social History of One Third-front Industrial Complex in China from the 1960s to the Present
In Enduring Change, Ju Li explores the concrete labor and social history of one particular Third-Front industrial complex in China from the 1960s to the globalized present. By connecting the micro-historical-ethnographic research with larger structural dynamics, Li provides a vivid, in-depth, and multi-layered account of how the transformative history of the past half-century has manifested itself in this small industrial site and how several generations of workers there have lived through these turbulences.
De Gruyter Social Reform, Modernization and Technical Diplomacy: The ILO Contribution to Development (1930–1946)
Founded in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles as part of the League of Nations’ system, the ILO is still today the main organization responsible for the international organization of work and the improvement of working conditions in the world. Widely recognized for its efforts in building international labour standards, the ILO remains little studied by development specialists and historians. This book intends to fill this gap and traces the history of international development and its early pioneers, through an analysis of the activities of the International Labour Office, the Secretariat of the International Labour Organization, between 1930 and 1946. In this book, development is used as a key to questioning the ILO's place and function in the expanding inter-war world. The development practices and discourses that emerged in the 1930s were mainly intended to support the ILO's universalization strategy, which was made necessary by the events that shook Europe at the time. Development discourses and practices were also part of the "esprit du temps", as they were closely linked to the affirmation of the planist and rationalist ideas of the 1930s. However, development for the ILO was not reduced to a project of economic modernization, but was seen as a tool for social engineering, as evidenced by the ILO's missions of technical assistance, organized since 1930. The analysis of the expertise work makes it possible to highlight the logics that prevailed in technical assistance, which was more in line with institutional objectives, than with the dissemination of a genuine expertise. This book therefore hopes to bring new insight on the history of internationalism, and international organizations during the inter-war period and the Second World War, as well as on the role of the ILO in the history of international development thinking and practices.
De Gruyter Luke/Acts and the End of History
Luke/Acts and the End of History investigates how understandings of history in diverse texts of the Graeco-Roman period illuminate Lukan eschatology. In addition to Luke/Acts, it considers ten comparison texts as detailed case studies throughout the monograph: Polybius's Histories, Diodorus Siculus's Library of History, Virgil's Aeneid, Valerius Maximus's Memorable Doings and Sayings, Tacitus’s Histories, 2 Maccabees, the Qumran War Scroll, Josephus's Jewish War, 4 Ezra, and 2 Baruch. The study makes a contribution both in its method and in the questions it asks. By placing Luke/Acts alongside a broad range of texts from Luke's wider cultural setting, it overcomes two methodological shortfalls frequently evident in recent research: limiting comparisons of key themes to texts of similar genre, and separating non-Jewish from Jewish parallels. Further, by posing fresh questions designed to reveal writers' underlying conceptions of history—such as beliefs about the shape and end of history or divine and human agency in history—this monograph challenges the enduring tendency to underestimate the centrality of eschatology for Luke's account. Influential post-war scholarship reflected powerful concerns about "salvation history" arising from its particular historical setting, and criticised Luke for focusing on history instead of eschatology due to the parousia’s delay. Though some elements of this thesis have been challenged, Luke continues to be associated with concerns about the delayed parousia, affecting contemporary interpretation. By contrast, this study suggests that viewing Luke/Acts within a broader range of texts from Luke's literary context highlights his underlying teleological conception of history. It demonstrates not only that Luke retains a sense of eschatological urgency seen in other New Testament texts, but a structuring of history more akin to the literature of late Second Temple Judaism than the non-Jewish Graeco-Roman historiographies with which Luke/Acts is more commonly compared. The results clarify not only Lukan eschatology, but related concerns or effects of his eschatology, such as Luke’s politics and approach to suffering. This monograph thereby offers an important corrective to readings of Luke/Acts based on established exegetical habits, and will help to inform interpretation for scholars and students of Luke/Acts as well as classicists and theologians interested in these key questions.
De Gruyter Obstetric Medicine: The Subspecialty at the intersection of Internal Medicine and Obstetrics
The subspecialty of Obstetric Medicine sits in a unique intersection of the disciplines of Internal Medicine and Obstetrics. Its focus is in the skilled management of medical problems in pregnancy: from pre-pregnancy optimization to the management of acute and chronic conditions in pregnancy, and in the postpartum period to ensure resolution and safe transition back to the primary care provider. This book will provide novel insights into the management of pregnant women. Clinical pearls will be emphasized, such as illustrating atypical aspects of a presenting symptom/finding, and when a subspecialty referral (or transfer to a high risk centre) must occur for patient safety. This book will combine basic science principles, build on existing guidelines, and provide crucial tips on how to safely manage acute and chronic medical conditions in pregnancy. It is THE book for sub-specialists in Obstetric Medicine.
De Gruyter A: Libri III.74-VII. B: Epitome
De Gruyter A: Libri VIII-XI. B: Epitome
De Gruyter Framing Intellectual and Lived Spaces in Early South Asia: Sources and Boundaries
The contributions to this book address a series of ‘confrontations’—debates between intellectual communities, the interplay of texts and images, and the intersection of monumental architecture and physical terrain—and explore the ways in which the legacy of these encounters, and the human responses to them, conditioned cultural production in early South Asia (c. 4th-7th centuries CE). Rather than an agonistic term, the book uses ‘confrontation’ as a heuristic to examine historical moments within this pivotal period in which individuals and communities were confronted with new ideas and material expressions. The first half of the volume addresses the intersections of textual, material, and visual forms of cultural production by focusing on three primary modes of confrontation: the relation of inscribed texts to material media, the visual articulation of literary images and, finally, the literary interpretation and reception of built landscapes. The second part of the volume focuses on confrontations both within and between intellectual communities. The articles address the dynamics between peripheral and dominant movements in the history of Indian philosophy.
De Gruyter Social Memory among the Literati of Yehud
Ehud Ben Zvi has been at the forefront of exploring how the study of social memory contributes to our understanding of the intellectual worldof the literati of the early Second Temple period and their textual repertoire. Many of his studies on the matter and several new relevant works are here collected together providing a very useful resource for furthering research and teaching in this area.The essays included here address, inter alia, prophets as sites of memory, kings as sites memory, Jerusalem as a site of memory, a mnemonic system shaped by two interacting ‘national’ histories, matters of identity and othering as framed and explored via memories, mnemonic metanarratives making sense of the past and serving various didactic purposes and their problems, memories of past and futures events shared by the literati, issues of gender constructions and memory, memories understood by the group as ‘counterfactual’ and their importance, and, in multiple ways, how and why shared memories served as a (safe) playground for exploring multiple, central ideological issues within the group and of generative grammars governing systemic preferences and dis-preferences for particular memories.
De Gruyter Environmental Functional Nanomaterials
De Gruyter Patentgesetz
De Gruyter Ethik
De Gruyter Hydrogen Storage: Based on Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Reactions of Small Molecules