Search results for ""de gruyter""
de Gruyter Xenophons Virtues
de Gruyter Rethinking the Anthropology of Islam
de Gruyter Linguistic Theories of Humor
De Gruyter MixedMatrix Membranes
de Gruyter Medieval Diet and Medicine
de Gruyter Aristotles Parva Naturalia
de Gruyter Narrative Der Essstörung
de Gruyter Computational Drug Delivery
de Gruyter Biorationals and Biopesticides
de Gruyter Energie Wo Kommt Sie Her
de Gruyter Postclassical Greek
De Gruyter Familiengründung mittels Eizellspende
de Gruyter The Affective Agency of Public Space
de Gruyter Institutionenethik ALS Verantwortungsethik
de Gruyter Religion and Diversity
de Gruyter Metaphor in SocioPolitical Contexts
De Gruyter Weissbuch Gastroenterologie 2023/24
De Gruyter Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of experimental approaches to the study of media histories and their cultures. Doing media archaeological experiments, such as historical re-enactments and hands-on simulations with media historical objects, helps us to explore and better understand the workings of past media technologies and their practices of use. By systematically refl ecting on the methodological underpinnings of experimental media archaeology as a relatively new approach in media historical research and teaching, this book aims to serve as a practical handbook for doing media archaeological experiments. Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice is the twin volume to Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Theory, authored by Andreas Fickers and Annie van den Oever.
de Gruyter XRay Studies on Electrochemical Systems
De Gruyter 2022
de Gruyter Breton in Contemporary Media
de Gruyter Die Welt Im Dorf
de Gruyter Angewandte Linguistik Für Sprachberufe
de Gruyter The Influence of the Lexifier
De Gruyter Maximen IV / Maxims IV
de Gruyter Language Policies in Higher Education
De Gruyter Sequences and Series in Calculus
The book Sequences and Series in Calculus is designed as the first college/university calculus course for students who take and do well on the AP AB exam in high school and who are interested in a more proof-oriented treatment of calculus. The text begins with an ε-ℕ treatment of sequence convergence, then builds on this to discuss convergence of series—first series of real numbers, then series of functions. The difference between uniform and pointwise convergence is discussed in some detail. This is followed by a discussion of calculus on power series and Taylor series. Finally improper integrals, integration by parts and partial fractions integration all are introduced. This book is designed both to teach calculus, and to give the readers and students a taste of analysis to help them determine if they wish to study this material even more deeply. It might be used by colleges and universities who teach special versions of calculus courses for their most mathematically advanced entering first-year students, as might its older sibling text Multivariable and Vector Calculus which appeared in 2020 and is intended for students who take and do well on the AP BC exam.
De Gruyter Resilience of Luxury Companies in Times of Change
Resilience of Luxury Companies in Times of Change is a book for executives and Masters' level students taking courses in luxury management. It offers an insight into the current and emergent business models and strategies luxury companies apply to remain resilient in times of change. It explores a variety of business models answering the following key questions: What is each brand’s value proposition used to attract a consumer’s willingness to pay? What is each brand’s target audience? How do brands navigate and expand their markets? And how do luxury companies organize their resources to design and develop products and services to continually sell to their customers? The answers to these questions provide the foundation of a luxury company’s business strategy and, as a result, its brand architecture. The authors also explore the patterns that have emerged in the ownership, management and the manufacturing in luxury goods companies, where dominance is usually found in certain countries. This book focuses on six key industries in the luxury product sector: fashion, automotive, hospitality, furniture, cosmetics and jewellery. It provides an international perspective with examples drawn from Europe, USA, the Middle East, China and Japan. Through these examples and cases, the authors analyze how luxury companies are facing the challenges posed by external shocks and an extensive need for digitalization. Using concepts and theories from macroeconomics (such as globalisation) and corporate and business strategy, the book aims to connect the dots between theory and practice. Resilience of Luxury Companies in Times of Change provides perspectives of the past, present and future – how luxury companies have evolved over time and managed to stay resilient despite the challenges they have faced through the different eras.
De Gruyter Protest, Protestieren, Protestkommunikation
De Gruyter Seismografen und Orientierungsspiegel: Bilder der Welt in kurzen Kunstgeschichten
Die Erkenntnis, dass Kunstwerke »nur in der Verflechtung mit den zeitgenössischen Faktoren des wirklichen Lebens« zu beurteilen sind, inspirierte Aby Warburg zu einer Kunstgeschichte als Kulturwissenschaft, die keine zeitlichen und räumlichen Grenzen kennen darf. Der vorliegende Band weitet seine neue Wissenschaft von der bildlichen Orientierung im Bewusstsein vom »Künstler als Seismographen« (Uwe Fleckner) bis in die heutige Gegenwart aus: Die versammelten Kurzbeiträge von internationalen Kunsthistoriker/-innen und Künstler/-innen zu jeweils einem Objekt entwerfen eine zeitgemäße Kunstgeschichte und zeigen, wie Kunstwerke als Orientierungsspiegel zu Seismografen der Welt werden – und wir durch sie.
De Gruyter The Greek Life of Adam and Eve
The Greek Life of Adam and Eve is a brooding epic that explores experiences of disease, death, and hope through a riveting reinvention of the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Seth. Now, for the first time, Jack Levison offers the English-speaking world its first comprehensive commentary on this saga. The introduction offers analyses, sweeping in scope and rich in detail, for which no comparable discussions exist in any language. Chapter one details literary character—narrative flow, characters, and reconstructions of literary growth. With consummate clarity, chapter two brings order to the scholarly chaos surrounding Greek manuscripts, Greek text forms, versions (Latin, Armenian, Georgian, Slavonic), and the history of research. Chapter three investigates provenance: external references to the Greek Life and evidence for either a Jewish or Christian origin; Levison demonstrates that arguments for either a Jewish or Christian provenance cannot bear the weight scholars have laid on them. The commentary is equally comprehensive, with far-reaching discussions of the Greek illuminated by the foreground of Jewish scripture and the milieu of ancient Greek and Hebrew literature. With a fresh translation and bibliography.