Search results for ""university press of america""
University Press of America Mid Journey
University Press of America Colloquial Spanish in Context: Beyond Subjunctive Barriers
The subjunctive is more than a trap for unwary students; it is truly a key component of the Spanish language, a basic structure that the whole language depends on. Condorito comic strips provide the basis for the Spanish grammar examined in this book as they perfectly capture fleeting colloquial Spanish in a permanent concrete form. This book is an invaluable resource for mastering Spanish grammar because although native speakers control the subtle nuances of the subjunctive mode perfectly, they cannot explain it. The explanations in this book encourage the learner to extrapolate and expand on the particular grammar point being presented.
University Press of America The Story of 'Hernan der Norweger' Auschwitz Prisoner #79235: As told by Herman Sachnowitz to Arnold Jacoby
This book is an English translation of the Norwegian memoirs of Herman Sachnowitz of Larvik, Norway, Auschwitz prisoner #79235. Out of the 780 Norwegian Jews imprisoned in Auschwitz, only 9, including Sachnowitz, returned home alive. The book chronicles Hernan's two years as a slave-worker at Bunna Werke and as a member-first-chair trumpet of the Buna camp orchestra. It is a gripping story that takes the reader right to the heart of the death-camp experience. The fear, the deprivation, the degradation that finally threatened to destroy the prisoner's will to live is described with agonizing realism.
University Press of America Corridors of Mirrors: The Spirit of Europe in Contemporary British and Romanian Fiction
Corridors of Mirrors examines the current notion of Europe as expressed in Romanian and British fiction. Brînzeu, working from both historical and contemporary literature, surveys symbolic notions of the common cultural links which seem to embody 'European' identity. In particular, the author examines the shift in post-Iron Curtain literary concepts of this ancient identity.
University Press of America Human Rights in Africa: The Conflict of Implementation
Human Rights in Africa is an in depth examination of the concept of human rights as it is applied in the world today, with a focus on Africa. Though the goals of human rights are to benefit mankind, the concept is not devoid of ideology and a particular social orientation. The ethos of the concept as formulated today in a world of disproportionate resources, avarice, competition, and greed, makes it difficult to implement in certain societies. The intellectualization of the concept has made it easy for many to lose sight of the fact that human rights should ultimately be linked to how best human dignity can be protected in a particular society given the realities of that society, as opposed to an artificial imposition of a rigid regime on peoples who do not understand what the concept means.
University Press of America Process Catholicism: An Exercise in Ecclesial Imagination
Process Catholicism offers an imaginative alternative to the present Catholic ecclesiology that the church in the U.S. currently struggles with, which derives from a one-sided determination of how church relationships should be understood, structured, and carried out. Process thought consists of a dynamic, organic, empirical, aesthetic, and panentheistic worldview that is applied to Jesus' relationships and Vatican II's treatment of the church, utilizing the basic concepts of Alfred North Whitehead's notion of a society. Kinast develops the concept of process Catholicism in terms of an ecclesial environment, a preferential option for novelty, a presumption in favor of new developments and movements within the church, and a process treatment of the major test cases facing the Catholic church, such as the ordination of women, inculturation, and public theological dissent.
University Press of America Evelyn Underhill: Spirituality for Daily Living
This book explores Evelyn Underhill's spirituality for daily living by describing aspects of her life and writings that are relevant for contemporary Christians in their daily living. It combines scholarly research and pastoral applications. The first part focuses on three influences on her life: experiences and images, her study of the mystics, and her work with spiritual guides. The second part discusses Underhill's spirituality for daily living based on a study of her letters, retreats, and other spiritual writings. The third part presents her legacy for the third millennium: her study of mysticism, her spiritual guidance, and her spirituality for daily living. This work highlights aspects of her life with which readers may identify, for example: her own return to the Anglican communion after fourteen years; her ecumenical dialogue with the Orthodox church and her lifelong attraction to the mystical and sacramental aspect of Roman Catholicism; her study of Sufi mystics bringing her into interfaith dialogue; her pacifist stance in World War II; and her prophetic contribution to the Anglican church as a woman spiritual director, retreat preacher, theologian, spiritual writer, and spiritual resource for today.
University Press of America The Art of the Footnote: The Intelligent Student's Guide to the Art and Science of Annotating Texts
The Art of the Footnote reacquaints students and writers with the footnote as the most effective method for presenting all of the information that is necessary to make every manuscript lucid for every reader. This book shows why footnotes are valuable, even essential, as a part of writing in the context of the scientific and historical methods of research; how easy it is to become thoroughly familiar with the various types of notes and when to employ them; and how to create footnotes which are both clear and helpful to the reader. This book will be helpful in writing undergraduate term papers to large monographs because it describes specific cases in which footnoting is appropriate and it illustrates those with examples drawn from a variety of writings.
University Press of America Portraits of Jesus: A Reading Guide
This is an introductory guide to the ways Jesus is depicted in the New Testament. Both college students and the general reader will find here a variety of New Testament understandings of Jesus that are rooted in critical reading of the four Gospels and Pauline letters. This new edition adds historical context to the portraits of Jesus as each document is somewhat shaped by historical factors. This work presumes neither religious faith nor lack of faith; its aim is to inform and to stimulate some fundamental questions as well as to give the readers portraits as synthetic balance to the vital work of analysis.
University Press of America The United States and the Law of the Sea Treaty: (F P I Case Studies)
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University Press of America The Battle for Hell: A Survey and Evaluation of Evangelicals' Growing Attraction to the Doctrine of Annihilationism
Is belief in hell necessary for true, evangelical faith? Is the doctrine of hell the teaching of the Scripture? The Battle for Hell surveys and evaluates the growing belief in the doctrine of annihilationism among evangelicals. Instead of non-Christians suffering forever in an eternal hell, a growing number of scholars hold that the non-Christian will be obliterated into non-existence. Moore critiques this doctrine of annihilationism with the presupposition that many Christians have misunderstood the nature of hell. The book also provides exegetical evidence from Scripture that will help to address the tough emotional struggles many people have with the doctrine of hell.
University Press of America God, Jew, Satan: In the Works of Isaac Bashevis Singer
The roots and origins of Isaac Bashevis Singer's works are illuminated in this comprehensive survey. Biletzky treats his subject from several perspectives, describing Singer's life story and its influence on his work while also critiquing Singer's work and focusing on its realistic and nonrealistic dimensions. The author also explores the relationship between Singer's work and the work of Shalom Aleichem and I.L. Peretz, an analysis which synthesizes the Jewish and the Yiddish in Singer's thought and writing. Contents: Roots; In the Ways of Creativity; The Storyteller; Between the Real and the Unreal; Devils. Satans. Imps. Evil Spirits; Satan in Goraj; The Muskat Family; The Slave; The Miracle Worker of Lublin; The Manor. The Estate; The Dumb Souls of I.L. Peretz and Gimpel Tam; The Painter's Studio and Father's Courtroom.
University Press of America Communication Efficiency and Rural Development in Africa: The Case of Cameroon
Developing countries, especially African countries, face a myriad of problems as they try to counteract decades of national poverty and political ineffectiveness. If these countries are to secure an active role in world politics, they need communication techniques that are both broad and effective. In this book, Dr. Ngwainmbi presents a comprehensive approach to media and communication in developing countries. The author analyzes traditional methods of communication—dance, ritual, caste, religious oracles, and more—and shows how these communication agents, in addition to the basic affordable modern media, create the context for realizing development efforts. The author also examines the new world information and communication debate and raises new questions about its meaning to Africa. For more information, visit
University Press of America Studies in the Life and Ministry of the Historical Jesus
In existing studies of the historical Jesus, it often appears that Jesus sets out with a fairly clear understanding of what he is to do, and maintains that basic understanding until his death. Martin suggests, however, that the traditions preserved in the gospel accounts are best understood as revealing a man who, early in manhood, becomes aware that God has special task for him and than struggles to understand what that task is and how it is to be carried out. Studies in the Life and Ministry of the Historical Jesus seeks to trace the modification and development that Jesus' thinking appears to undergo in that process. Contents: Preface; Introduction; Jesus' Birth and Early Years; Baptism by John the Baptist; From Baptist to the Imprisonment of John; Jesus' Final Trip to Jerusalem; Epilogue; Appendix 1; Syntax Criticism of Q Material; Appendix 2: Summary of Changes in Jesus' Eschatological Expectations; Notes; Bibliography; Indices.
University Press of America Jacob
Much of life is a struggle. Jacob serves as the archetype of every individual who confronts inner and outer challenges throughout the journey of life. From him, we can learn how to enter into dialogue with various aspects of ourselves, and through this process, strive to achieve healing. This unique work draws on the training, experience and spiritual development of a prominent rabbi and clinical psychologist. He explores the personality traits, family entanglements and events that helped shape the life and character of the Biblical Patriarch. Dr. Meier's work attracts people of all faiths and backgrounds. Everyone who struggles with life, relationships and intimacy will find meaning, comfort and direction in this encounter with their soulmate, Jacob.
University Press of America The Congressional Black Caucus in the 103rd Congress
The single most comprehensive source of hard information available on African-American members of Congress today, The Congressional Black Caucus in the 103rd Congress provides a detailed analysis of the remarkable recent changes, both quantitative and qualitative, that have occurred in the wake of the landmark 1992 elections. Comprehensive statistics and other reference data cover the campaign finances and roll call voting behavior of all 40 current members of the Congressional Black Caucus, as well as detailed demographic and electoral portraits of their home districts. The book examines how Caucus members divide and cluster in their voting patterns and according to region, gender, and seniority. It also reviews highlights of the first session of the 103rd Congress in which these Congressmen and women played a significant role, whether individually, as Caucus members, as part of the Democratic Caucus, or on the House floor. The analysis concludes with a look at the Congressional Black Caucus' future, including the impact of the Supreme Court's Shaw v. Reno decision, and of the 1994 elections. Co-published with the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.
University Press of America Political Theory and Christian Vision: Essays in Memory of Bernard Zylstra
Political Theory and Christian Vision explores the field of Christian political theoryóa discipline to which Bernard Zylstra devoted his life's work. His particular interests lay in the philosophical and methodological questions that underlie the study of empirical political systems. In his view, the neglect of rigorous critical reflection on the presuppositions of the discipline left many of its current practitioners lacking direction and their output lacking coherence. It was his aim to demonstrate the necessity for and the potential fruitfulness of an integrated, philosophically self-conscious and inter-disciplinary practice of political theory. The essays in this book, all written by former students or colleagues of Zylstra, are illustrative of this concern with issues arising at the foundations of the discipline. Those in the first section address questions immediately related to the normative character of those foundations. Further essays explore the nature of the state, the challenges of pluralism, and the nature of political economy. Co-published with the Institute for Christian Studies.
University Press of America Historical Settlement of Liberia and its Environmental Impact
This powerful book argues persistently that the historical settlement of liberated Americans of African descent had a destabilizing impact on the geography, politics, social and economic structure, environment, and culture of Liberia. The author also draws attention to the environmental consciousness of indigenous Liberians and delves into the historical roots of the principle health problems and industrial activities threatening Liberia's environment. Contents: Glossary; Liberia Historical Roots; Geographical Description of Liberia; The Arrival of New Settlers; Historical Review; Environmental Devastation; Introduction; Principle Health Problems Which Have Historical Roots; Building of Monrovia: A Case Study; Impact of Foreign Capital on National Decision; Deforestation and Ecological Impact; The Impact of Iron Ore on Aquatic Biomass; Proposal of a New Environmental Policy in Liberia, Summary and Recommendations; Endnotes; Bibliography.
University Press of America Albert Schweitzer: Sketches for a Portrait
This book explores the deeper meanings and implications of Schweitzer's ethical and theological thought in the context of his life and work as a jungle doctor, philosopher, and musician. It provides a careful study of Schweitzer's deceptively simple ethic of Reverence for Life, debating such questions as: Did Albert Schweitzer believe in God? What did he believe about Jesus? Was Albert Schweitzer a racist? Co-published with the Albert Schweitzer Institute for the Humanities.
University Press of America Psyche and the Split-Brain
This book begins with the question of the relationship between the unconscious and the two hemispheres of the brain, initially wondering whether the right hemisphere's processing of visual spatial patterns is the way the unconscious mind processes the archetypal images. To study the question in the larger framework of the relation between the way the two hemispheres of the brain process image and language and Jungian ways of understanding the unconscious through archetypal images and the word association test. The author gave split-brain subjects Carl Jung's word association test, finding that emotional complexes facilitate the move of language across hemispheres in spite of physical disconnection, the reverse of Jung's finding that emotion blocks language recall when the hemispheres are intact. She also found that showing archetypal images from art evoked language from the supposedly silent hemisphere of the brain. Contents: PART I: Split-Brain Perception of Images; Introduction: Fish and Geese/Sky and Water; Direct Consciousness and Split-Brain Perception of Images/Symbols; Archetypal Unconscious and Split-Brain Perception of Images/Symbols; Emotion and Split-Brain Perception of Fairy Tale Images; Rorschach and Split-Brain Perception of Emotion; PART II: Split-Brain Perception of Language; Word Associations, Emotions, Split-Brain Patterns: Implications for Psychoanalysis; Psychological Typology in Split-Brain Individuals; Thinking/Feeling/Intuition/Sensation; Conclusion: The Psyche of Split-Brain Individuals.
University Press of America The Syntax of Contemporary French: A Pedagogical Handbook and Reference Grammar
This textbook is based on a modified traditional model of structural and functional analysis. Underlying structures and various types of transformations are explained as needed. The analysis deals mainly with phrase and clause structures, including speech registers and questions of usage. Problems raised by discourse syntax are frequently pointed out. Hollerbach describes how the French language operates as a system, cohesive yet evolving. Numerous examples accompany and illustrate each step of explanation and analysis.
University Press of America Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites: A Theme Illuminating American Social History
University Press of America Mitigating Misery: An Inquiry into the Political and Humanitarian Aspects of U.S. and Global Refugee Policy
With over seventeen million refugees inhabiting the globe today, this book addresses this dramatic 20th century phenomenon and several of the issues it raises. Gorman examines how refugee situations arise and the way in which they are addressed by the various global actors: governments, U.N. agencies, and private voluntary organizations. He argues that the entire refugee situationóthe provisions of aid, the search for durable solutions, and the resolution of conflictsóinvolves complex interactions between political and humanitarian causes. Drawing upon his own personal experience in the refugee assistance field, the author explores the various actors, their interactions, refugee emergencies, refugee protection, issues surrounding refugee repatriation, local settlement, and third country resettlement. Gorman pays special attention to refugee policies of the U.S. government, which have dominated the refugee assistance network since World War II. The book, however, is much more than a systematic analysis of contemporary refugee affairs; by referring to great literature, history, and political philosophy, it illustrates how the problem of exile has been a timeless element of the human condition. Combining classical scholarship, international policy analysis, and compelling human interest stories, it offers one of the most comprehensive and unique treatments of the politics of refugee affairs and humanitarian assistance to war-torn regions of the world.
University Press of America Internal Desecration: Traumatization and Representations of God
Overwhelming life experiences, such as physical and sexual abuse during childhood, have the potential to obliterate internal representations of a loving God. In this book the author explores the inter-relationship between severity of childhood traumatization and mental representations of God through a comprehensive review of psychodynamic literature and quantitative research methodology. The research findings of a study with forty seven women demonstrate the complexity of this subject and illustrate how the empirical truth of quantitative findings may or may not resonate with the metaphorical truth of psychodynamic models of traumatization. The author discusses the significance of these findings for clinicians and faith communities.
University Press of America Democracy's High School: The Comprehensive High School and Educational Reform in the United States
The comprehensive high school model emerged from the early 20th century struggle for a unitary as opposed to a dual system of secondary education and was outlined in the report of the Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education, The Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education (1918). In this study, Wraga traces the development of the model in the United States, evaluating (among other things) the influence of sociopolitical forces on the historical interpretations of the model. In the first book-length historical study of the comprehensive high school, he assesses the impact of successive reform movements on the model and offers recommendations for enhancing its effectiveness.
University Press of America Theory of Social Involvement: A Case Study in the Anthropology of Religion, State, and Society
Theory of Social Involvement examines the dynamic interplay between church, state, and society. Sunday A. Aigbe considers the Christian factor as it relates to the sociopolitical responsibility and development in Nigeria. The study assesses the role of the church as well as identifies and develops ways in which Christianity can serve as an agent of change and promote unity within Nigeria.
University Press of America To Unite Our Strength: Enhancing United Nations Peace and Security
In the 1990s the UN's potential has been reborn. Now the world must find ways to incorporate elements of that success into the UN system. No single reform or even expansion of UN military power can achieve the necessary changes; rather a series of political and military innovations are needed soon to develop a UN peace and security system. The authors make specific recommendations in the areas of the Security Council, the Military Staff Committee, the Secretary General and the Secretariat, operational elements, regional security arrangements, and financial resources. Co-published with the International Economic Studies Institute.
University Press of America The Creative Power of Metaphor: A Rhetorical Homiletics
This study analyzes the symbiotic relationship between rhetoric and homiletics. The proposed interface between the two disciplines is metaphor. Contemporary research on metaphor in philosophy, rhetoric, sociology, and theology is employed to produce a rhetorical/metaphorical homiletics. This work attempts to return rhetoric to its traditional position as a conversation partner with homiletics. The author argues that a metaphorical, rhetorical approach to preaching is more faithful to the scriptures than the classical dependence on the canons of formal logic. The use of metaphor allows the preacher to choose the imagination over the rational paradigm as he/she creates new worlds of meaning for congregations.
University Press of America The Women of Shakespeare's Plays: Analysis of the Role of the Women in Select Plays with Plot Synopses and Selected One-Act Plays
This book analyzes, through easy-to-follow play synopses, the strengths and weaknesses of the female protagonists as they impact not only the plot of Shakespeare's plays but the male protagonist. Selected, condensed one-act versions of the plays are provided in order to enrich the discussion of the play, to stimulate in reading the play in its entirety, and to provide a springboard for group discussion of the play and the impact of the women. Contents: William Shakespeare: His Art, Life and Times; The Women of Shakespeare's Plays: An Overview; The Comedy of Errors; Hamlet, Prince of Denmark; The Merry Wives of Windsor; Julius Caesar; A Midsummer Night's Dream; Macbeth; Much Ado About Nothing; Othello the Moor of Venice; The Taming of the Shrew; Antony and Cleopatra; Twelfth Night or What You Will; Romeo and Juliet; The Two Gentlemen of Verona; Bibliography.
University Press of America The Ego Ideal, Ideology and Hallucination: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Political Violence
What does the theory of the ego ideal and its embodiment in ideology reveal about the nature, motives and objectives of political violence? What is the relation between the individual and the group? The author focuses specifically on the Korean student movement and the attitudes of students and their leaders. This book provides some new perspectives on political violence, the socio-psychological phenomena that is increasing throughout the world. Contents: Introduction; Theories of Political Violence; An Alternative Theoretical Framework for Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Political Violence; Deconstructing the Oedipus Complex; The Oedipus Complex and the Ego Ideal in Confucian Society; Understanding of Political Violence in Korea; Conclusion.
University Press of America Courage to Change: An Introduction to the Life and Thought of Reinhold Niebuhr
Carefully researched and written with extraordinary vitality, this biography of Reinhold Niebuhr reveals the man in all of his humanity, warmth and charm, as well as his intellectual prowess as a theological giant. The author, who knew Niebuhr well, chronicles his career and contributions to ethics, theology and political thought. This classic is of enduring value to students of ethics, philosophy and theology and political thought and to anyone anxious to grasp the essence of this foremost philosophical theologian of the 20th century. Originally published by Charles Scribner's Sons in 1961.
University Press of America Reference Works for Theological Research: An Annotated Selective Bibliographical Guide
A classified annotated bibliographical guide to over 700 works useful for theological research. Designed to serve both as a textbook for the study of such tools and as a tool for the rapid location of appropriate reference works when doing theological research. This book contains substantial additions, changes, and revisions from the second edition published in 1981.
University Press of America The Myth of the University: Ideal and Reality in Higher Education
The university, in its laudable effort to be a democratic institution, has lost its original sense of mission and become a credential factory rather than a place where learning for its own sake is valued. This book proposes a practical reform of higher education based on the original ideals of the institution. The remedies involve both pragmatic changes and a radical shift in the basic philosophy of many colleges and universities. Teaching and learning at all levels must be re-emphasized, and the criteria for selecting and retaining faculty should be changed. The book examines the subject from a historical perspective and concludes with a vision of what the university can choose to become if it wishes.
University Press of America Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress: Current Continental Research
This volume of invited papers includes contributions from Douglas P. Dryer, Gerhard Funke, Stephan Korner, Gerold Prauss, Nicholas Rescher, Manfred Riedel, Alberto Rosales, Nathan Rotenstreich, John R. Silber, Jules Vuillemin, and Josef Simon. There is also a selected Kant bibliography for 1981 to 1985 prepared by Rudolf Malter in cooperation with Achim Koddermann. Co-published with the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology.
University Press of America Search for Community in a Withering Tradition
What happens in a conversation between a committed Atheist and a committed Christian? While agreeing to disagree on almost every detail, Kai Nielsen, Chair of the Department of Philosophy, University of Calgary, and Hendrik Hart, Senior Member in Philosophy at the graduate Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto, agree that it is not fruitless. They agree that the tradition of reason is withering and that deeply alienated communities do not sufficiently share significant beliefs. Their conversation is of great importance to the continued flourishing of humanity in community. Co-published with the Institute for Christian Studies.
University Press of America The Hermeneutics of Election: The Significance of the Doctrine in Barth's Church Dogmatics
This study demonstrates that election constitutes the structural and hermeneutical key to the Church Dogmatics. The method, themes and construction in Barth's doctrine of election are shown to be determining factors in the C.D. The study begins with an inquiry into Barth's dogmatic methodology and the location of the doctrine within the doctrine of God. This is followed by an analysis of election itself with attention to the correlation of election, revelation and christology; the polemical reconstruction of the traditional elements of the doctrine; and the accusation of universalism. Includes an examination of the biblical exegesis in the doctrine of election. Contents: Part 1: The Dogmatic Context-The Location of the Doctrine; Part 2: The Noetic Structure of Election-The Epistemology of Election, The Extension of Election, The Dogmatic Implications of Election; Part 3: The Biblical Hermeneutics of Election-The Core of the ction Hermeneutic, The Perimeter Election Hermeneutic; Part 4: The Pervasiveness of Election-The Significance of Election for C.D. III-IV.
University Press of America The Discovery of Discovery by Charles Tenney
This anthology on creativity represents a lifetime of reading and study by the late Charles Dewey Tenney, a philosopher who had been a student of Alfred North Whitehead at Harvard. In a series of fourteen essays Tenney considers the various factors that can be identified in creativity, followed by the recorded testimony of philosophers, artists, historians, explorers, scientists and others, both theorists and practitioners. The contributors extend in time from Aristotle and Sophocles to Buckminster Fuller and May Sarton. They include such diverse thinkers as Martin Luther, Karl Marx, Lewis Carroll, Julian Huxley, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Gertrude Stein, Henry Nelson Wieman and Alfred North Whitehead. In all, more than 300 of the world's most creative individuals are included. Contents: Discovery, Invention and Creation; Roots of Discovery; Environs of Discovery; Agents of Discovery; Hinderances to Discovery; Observation and Discovery; Reason in Discovery; Reverie Discovery; Imagination in Discovery; Sensibility and Discovery; Method in Discovery; Artistry in Discovery; Diffusion; and Foresight and Discovery.
University Press of America Polity and Praxis: A Program for American Practical Theology
The authors, though sympathetic to the schema proposed by the Liberation Theologists and sensitive to the demands of tradition, set themselves the task of outlining and defining a practical theology. They situate this theology squarely within the pluralistic tradition of North American reflection, rejecting Latin American and European models. They argue that practical theology is a distinct and limited genre grounded in the dialectic of theory and praxis, placing it in the arena of public discourse where religious and secular ideologies are debated, presenting their alternative visions of the future. Originally published in 1985 by Winston Press.
University Press of America The Road to Lonergan's Method in Theology: The Ordering of Theological Ideas
This text is an exposition of the theological method practiced by Bernard Lonergan from 1940-1984. The author traces the course of what surely was the most significant series of questions in Lonergan's methodological developments between Insight and Method in Theology. Includes the contents of unpublished and/or Latin works that would not be studied by many otherwise, and offers the only extensive study of this series of important developments. The topic is of enormous importance for understanding one of the major theologians of our century. Contents: The Preliminary Context for Lonergan's Ordering of Ideas; Recovering the Mind of Aquinas; A Thematic Statement of the Via Inventionis and the Via Doctrinae; Three Processes in Speculative Theology: Analysis, Synthesis, and the Historical Evolution of Understanding; Problems Deriving From the Evolution of Theological Understanding; The Concern for the Place of History in Theological Development and the Turn to Subject in "De Methodo Theologiae"; The 1964 Revision of the De Deo Trino: Pars Analytica That Becomes the De Deo Trino I: Pars Dogmatica; The 1964 Revision of the Introduction to the 1957 Divinarum Personarum Conceptio Analogica; A Critical Review of The Evolution of the Twofold Process.
University Press of America The Defense of NATO's Northern Front and U.S. Military Policy
This thought provoking strategic analysis of NATO's Northern Front and U.S. military policy questions a number of the assumptions currently held in Norway, Denmark and the United States. Concrete and specific measures are proposed to strengthen conventional defense of this vital northern NATO front and deterrence of conflict in Europe as a whole. Contents: include: Northern Europe-Arena of Decision; Key Dilemmas in Norwegian and U.S. Military Policy; The Emerging Soviet Military Challenge; Norway-Linchpin of the North; The Defense of Denmark and the Baltic Approaches; What is to be Done?; and a selected bibliography.
University Press of America Leap of Action: Ideas in the Theology of Abraham Joshua Heschel
This book elaborates on Dr. Abraham Joshua Heschel's contribution to religion in general and Judaism in particular. Examines his concern with "leap of action" vs "leap of faith". The central thoughts of this text revolve around fifteen areas, including such concepts as Heschel's approach to freedom, peace, racism, justice, prayer, brotherhood, faith, education, man, Israel, the sabbath, the prophets, Mitzvah, philosophy and the Bible. Prime sources for these ideas are found in Heschel's major works: God in Search of Man, Man is Not Alone, and The Prophets, as well as in his other publications. Includes photographs.
University Press of America Bolingbroke and France
This text is essentially a monograph, since a definitive work on the subject must await publication (already in hand) of Bolingbroke's complete correspondence. First, the reader is taken briefly through the different periods of Bolingbroke's life where his francophilic interests and activities are stressed. For example, attention is paid to his early training, his various visits to France, his involvement in European philosophical, historical and political movements, his relationships with French personalities including Voltaire, and his exile and death in France. Second, there is a detailed analysis of his philosophical, historical and political ideas with an attempt to assess his debt to France and his impact on French writers. The monograph concludes with a sample of critical opinion on both sides of the Channel from Bolingbroke's death to the present day, supporting the theory that he continues to have a substantial impact on European thought. Full notes, a detailed bibliography and an index of persons complete the study.
University Press of America The Nixon Presidency: Twenty-Two Intimate Perspectives of Richard M. Nixon
This Nixon portrait provides a comprehensive view of the Nixon presidency based on extensive oral histories with some twenty-two intimates of the former President. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.
University Press of America Capitalism and Equality in America
This comprehensive work, along with its companion volume (see listing below), provides a thorough review of modern capitalism by some of today's most knowledgeable scholars. Contributors include: Peter L. Berger, Boston University; Samuel McCracken, Boston University; Jeffrey G. Williamson, Harvard University; Edgar K. Browning, Texas A & M University; Walter D. Connor, Boston University; Alan M. Kantrow, Harvard Business Review; Laura L. Nash, Harvard University's Center for Business and Government; Richard John Neuhaus, Rockford Institute's Center on Religion and Society; Stephen Miller, author of Special Interest Groups in American Politics; Marc F. Plattner, author of Rousseau's State of Nature; Delba Winthrop, Harvard University. Co-published with the Institute for Educational Affairs.
University Press of America Winston S. Churchill: Philosopher and Statesman
Winston S. Churchill is preeminent among Western leaders and a fitting subject for discussion in an inquiry into leadership. This lively and original work offers a clear perspective on a leader whose multi-faceted qualities as statesman and philosopher tend to confound those who seek to analyze his leadership.
University Press of America The Comedy of Errors
A reliable edition of this classic work.
University Press of America The Contemporary Shakespeare: Hamlet, Julius Caesar, The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Romeo and Juliet, and The Tempest
A reliable edition of these classic works.
University Press of America Crossing Stars
A family saga moving from 1930’s Wyoming, through 1950’s Spain and Kenya to end of the century Texas and Tanzania, Crossing Stars tells the story of three generations of the Creightons. Phillip Creighton faces his diagnosis of cancer alone, except for his long-time friend, Pedro. As he looks back on his life—his humble beginning in Wyoming, the Cambridge education his father struggled so hard to give him, his painful love affairs—he realizes the life he has missed with his daughter and son. Phillip is consumed with guilt for having abandoned his children and now he faces a choice—one which will affect their lives as well as his own. As their lives come together, will Phillip be given the second chance to heal his wounded heart and become the father he had wanted to be?