Search results for ""university press of america""
University Press of America Instant Acceleration: Living in the Fast Lane: The Cultural Identity of Speed
This book is about the relationship between blackness, ethnicity, and speed. It is an in-depth ethnographic and anthropological study of a population of collegiate sprinters, constructed upon a formal model of ethnic and cultural identity which sees social interaction, expressed in the order and arrangement of social identities, as a means of establishing social networks through universal or cognitive rules. This study also introduces a unique method of intensive participant-observation; to really study a population, one must actively participate, placing the researcher in the social identity of those being studied. Contents: List of Photographs; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Faces; The Ethnographic Pursuit of Speed; Cognition and Identity; Fall 1987; Winter 1988; Spring 1988; Summer 1988; The Eternal Season; Index.
University Press of America The Importance of School Sports in American Education and Socialization
This book articulates the important benefits of school sports and other co-curricular activities which empower youth and dissuade them from gang involvements and deviant behavior. It also describes how these voluntary programs motivate students to stay in school, earn better grades, reinforce the ideals of our Constitution more than any other single type of activity, and prepare youth in cooperative skills so greatly called for by employers today.
University Press of America Sacred Fire: Willa Cather's Novel Cycle
This book examines Willa Cather's conceptions through her numerous works. Hively's study combines Cather's interest in the historians, the philosophers, and the mythographers, to examine nine of her novels on three levels. First, it postulates a cyclical design, beginning with O Pioneers! and ending with Shadows on the Rock, which traces a rise, maturity, and fall of the civilization of the American West, and presents a new beginning in the final books. The second level relates to Vico's theory that language follows and adapts to succeeding periods of civilization's cycle and that genre, a convention of language, has a connection with a particular age, expressing a relationship to the world view of the time. The third level is religion, specifically the mystery religions that pervaded that Roman world and marked the early stages of civilization. Documentation here relies much on earlier critics, many of them contemporaries of Cather who, more often than do the modern critics, comment on the nationalist and religious themes of the novels. Contents: Acknowledgments; Introduction; THE LAW BEHIND THE VEIL; Cather's Novel Cycle; Vichian Philosophy; The Mystery Religions; PRAIRIE DAWN: THE AGE OF GODS; O Pioneers!; The Song of the Lark; My Antonia; THE MEMORY OF OUR VANISHED KINGDOM: THE AGE OF HEROES; One of Ours; A Lost Lady; IN MEDIA VITA: THE AGE OF MEN; The Professor's House; My Mortal Enemy; WITH ATTRIBUTES OF GODS: RICORSO; Death Comes for the Archbishop; Shadows on the Rock; SOMETHING COMPLETE AND GREAT; Notes; Bibliography; Index.
University Press of America Voicing Social Concern: The Mass Media, Violence, Pornography, Censorship, Organization, Social Science, The Ultramultiversity
This book records efforts to utilize public speaking to analyze serious social, educational, and scientific issuesóand to inform a variety of publics of their importance. Drawing from research, Otto Larsen responds to the broader challenge of linking research outcomes to possible policies and actions in four general areas: mass media effects and controls, problems of performance in professional organizations, efforts to gain scientific legitimacy for social and behavioral science, and the enhancement of teaching and learning in universities. This volume records the content of thirty-three talks given over a forty-year period from 1952 to 1993. Contents: Preface. COMMUNICATION. Trying to be Effective, Vying to be Successful; Comic Books and Creative Leisure; From the Flow of Information to the Adoption of Innovation; How Good are the Polls? VIOLENCE. Dialogue on Media Violence; Violence May be Hazardous to Your Health; What is the Question? OBSCENITY AND PORNOGRAPHY. Predispositions on Pornography; The Anatomy of Pornography; Should Pornography Laws be Repealed? Effects as a Factor in a No Win Game; How Far Can We Go? CENSORSHIP. Censors as Censors; Prurience, Offensiveness, Social Value; Are Sex and Violence Identical Twins? SOCIOLOGICAL ORGANIZATION. The Year Sociology Stood Still; How Far from Providence? Counsel to Council on Planning; The Year the Annual Meeting Stood Still; Mid-Life Crises Control. SOCIAL SCIENCE. Mapping Human Relations; Turtles and the National Science Board; Innovation and Productivity; High Above Cayuga's Waters; Pain from Knowledge Gain in Social Science; An Overview of the Underdog; Terrible Parable on Politics of Science; The Future of Social Science; Through a Rear View Mirror. THE ULTRAMULTIVERSITY. Professorial Gamesmanship; The Ongoing Pursuit of Knowledge. THREE MEMORABLE MENTORS. The Foundations of George Lundberg; The Dimensions of Stuart C. Dodd; The Footprints of Tad Blalock; Afterword; A Grand View of Social Science; Name Index; Subject Index.
University Press of America A Management Odyssey: The Royal Dockyards, 1714-1914
The Royal Dockyards were Britain's oldest state enterprise and biggest and most complex industrial unit. This book shows how the Admiralty over two centuries struggled to master the intractable problems of organization and management which the dockyards presented. Haas maintains that the dockyards portrayed an image of being inefficient, high-cost producers. These problems were chiefly extreme centralization but, paradoxically, weak control, inadequate coordination of departments, and accounting procedures, unreliable information about production, costs and material, an insufficiently educated and professionalized constructive corps, and an underpaid and slack workforce. Contents: Preface; Introduction; The Eighteenth Century: Running in Place; Tinkering with the System, 1793-1815; Lightening Ship, 1815-1834; Winds of Change, 1834-1854; Under Seige, 1854-1868; Revolution and Counterrevolution, 1868-1885; The Watershed, 1885-1900; A New Century and New Ideas, 1900-1914; Conclusion; Notes; Bibliography; Index.
University Press of America Politics, Professionalism, and Power: Modern Party Organization and the Legacy of Ray C. Bliss
This book examines the role of increased professionalism in the growth of both the Republican and Democratic national parties, beginning with Republican National Committee Chairman Ray C. Bliss in the 1960s. It analyzes how an increased application of professional values has contributed to the continued growth of national party organizations, despite recurring constraints in party policymaking. Contributors: John F. Bibby, Stephen H. Frantzich, John C. Green, James L. Guth, Jon F. Hale, Tim Hames, Paul S. Herrnson, Robert J. Huckshorn, John H. Kessel, Philip A. Klinkner, Joseph I. Lieberman, David Menefee-Libey, Lawrence F. O'Brien, Arthur L. Peterson, John J. Pitney, Jr., George C. Roberts, Frederick M. Wirt. Co-published with the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics.
University Press of America Tres Riches Heures
University Press of America The Arts and the Basis of Education
This book argues for the inclusion of programs in arts appreciation in the schools. Miller presents a theory of aesthetic experience and describes the features of a program in art appreciation which would attain educationally important goals. He embraces three fields-formal aesthetics, educational psychology, and aesthetic education-to illustrate the way art experience strengthens basic and liberal education. Miller points out that it 1)rehearses learners in the skill of close attending, 2) relates perception to higher mental processes, and 3) through concrete objectification it projects the connotative half of mental processes. This book assesses art, language, and reason as distinct but interconnected symbolisms and though it accepts the common view that reason is the highest intellectual operation, it argues that art experience is a preparation for the highest function. Contents: The Experience of Art; What is Art Good For?; Katie and the Arts; Good Art and Bad Art; The Place of Art in the Hierarchy of Learning; The Place of Art in the Life of the Mind; Art in the School; Art in the Classroom.
University Press of America Effective Faith: A Critical Study of the Christology of Juan Luis Segundo
This study examines the recent work of Latin American liberation theologian Juan Luis Segundo. The author evaluates Segundo's resources in order to develop a more adequate contemporary Christological method. Stone offers to Christian systematic theology new critical interpretations of the significance of Jesus for human liberation today. Contents: INTRODUCTION: The Problem of Method in Contemporary Christology; The Nature and Task of Christology; The Situation in Liberation Theology; PART I. Segundo's Christology; The Dimension of Praxis: Faith and Ideologies; Jesus and History; The Evolutionary 'Key' to Christology; PART II. A Critical Appraisal of Segundo's Christology; Faith, Metaphysics and Praxis; Faith and History; Evolution and 'Effective Faith'; PART III. Toward an Alternative Liberation Christology; Jesus and Evolution.
University Press of America Chiang Ching-kuo's Leadership in the Development: of the Republic of China on Taiwan
In the 1970s and 1980s the Republic of China on Taiwan was under the direction of Chiang Ching-kuo, who served first as its premier, from 1972 to 1978, and later as its president, from 1978 to 1988. The papers presented in this work provide insight into the substantial role that Chiang played in the social and economic development of the republic. Topics include the historical setting for his rise to power; his decision for political reform; his policies toward mainland China and the outside world; a reassessment of his legacy; reflections on the man and his leadership; and a discussion of the society and economy of Taiwan. Contributors include Cho-yun Hsu, Andrew J. Nathan, Helena V.S. Ho, John Fei, Thomas A. Metzger, Edwin Winckler, Ralph N. Clough, Brian Hook, and Robert A. Scalapino. Preface by Kenneth W. Thompson. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.
University Press of America Peter Martyr Vermigli 1499-1562: Renaissance Man, Reformation Master
Many people today are struggling with the problem of the church. Can the present structures be reformed within, or should they simply be abandoned as barriers to the recovery of community? Peter Martyr Vermigli faced this issue in the 16th century. He made a major contribution to the progress of the Reformation through his lectures, letters, and publications from teaching posts at Oxford, Strasbourg, and Zurich. This book is an intimate account of this theologian's life and work. Includes illustrations.
University Press of America Dare To Be Happy: A Study of Goethe's Ethics
This book explores Goethe's ethics of happiness and the role of resignation within them. Prandi has carefully separated autobiographical material from literary expository of these themes in order to clarify the misunderstanding that has resulted from relying on Goethe's fictional works to document his personal ethical convictions. The book aims in part at working out in detail the usefulness of Spinoza's Ethics in evaluating ethical views expressed in poetry and fiction; and in part at correcting erroneous and confused ideas about Goethean resignation. Prandi studies the 'natural morality' Goethe developed and practiced, using Lucretius and Spinoza as models of influence. All three define the good as what makes people rationally happy; each has his own resignation model to offer. From a deep analysis of views on happiness and resignation, the author's discussion leads to some surprising new conclusions.
University Press of America The Origins of Lonergan's Notion of the Dialectic of History: A Study of Lonergan's Early Writings on History
This book is a study of previously unavailable material from the 1930s on the subject of history by Bernard Lonergan. This study slowly spirals through a group of early manuscripts by Lonergan, returning again and again to the significant benchmarks that constitute Longergan's notion of the dialectic of history. Contents: Acknowledgments; Preface; Introduction; Part I: Foundations; Part II: The Dialectic of History; Part III: The Order and Dating of the Manuscripts; Part IV: Documents of Batch A; Part V: Documents of Batch B; Part VI: Development in the Notion of the Dialectic of History: 1933-1938; Epilogue; Tables; Abbreviations; Bibliography; Index of Names.
University Press of America Prune Book: The 45 Toughest Financial Management Jobs in Washington
The 1996 edition of The Prune Book tells you all you need to know about more than 50 critical cabinet and subcabinet positions filled by presidential appointment.
University Press of America Pacific Rim Region
University Press of America Literacy, Politics, and Artistic Innovation in the Early Medieval West: Papers Delivered at A Symposium on Early Medieval Culture, Bryn Mawr, PA
The articles contained in this volume are indicative of a new effort, in the best of current research on the early medieval west, to examine the period from new angles that more fully illumine its vitality and creativity than has been done in the past. ^BContents: The End of the ' Dark Ages', by Celia M. Chazelle; Literate Authority in Bede's Story of Imma, by Seth Lerer; From Brigandage to Justice: Charlemagne, 785-794, by Thomas F.X. Noble, The Originality of Early Medieval Articles, by Lawrence Nees.
University Press of America Conflict Management in Norway: Practical Dispute Resolution
In this book the author examines Norwegian approaches to conflict resolution that may be instructive for the United States. He focuses on two major questions: What can be done to relieve the criminal justice system of our city and state governments of their intolerable difficulties in delivering justice to the community, and what can be done to help the citizen feel that the city cares and is concerned with the protection of basic social contract demands? Contents: General Background and Statement of the Problem; Why Look to Norway? The Development of Theory; The Forliksra deneóConcept and History; Evolution of the Legal Structure; The Boards in Action: The Operations of the Forliksra dene; The Police Prosecutor: Fines and Sentencing Court; A Day in the Oslo Criminal Court: The Role of the Layman; The "KONFLIKTRAD" Experiment in Lier, Norway; Contrasts and Conclusions: Ideas for America.
University Press of America Poland in a World in Change: Constitutions, Presidents, and Politics
A timely explanation of change in the newly democratic Poland. Contributors include leading Polish and American scholars, two U.S. ambassadors to Poland, Lech Walesa's principal assistants and the leading U.S. scholar on Poland. Walter Osiatynski compares the American and Polish constitutions; Lech Falandysz traces the path from communist legality to the rule of law in Poland while Janusz Onyszkiewicz looks at the transition from totalitarianism to democracy. Taking on the presidency and politics in Poland, Leszek Garlicki asks if it is the wrong institutions or the wrong persons and Eugenuisz Piontek discusses challenges of the 1990s. Turning to Poland and American foreign policy, the U.S. Ambassador John R. Davis, Jr. looks at prospects for the future and Ambassador Richard T. Davies interprets changes in Poland and Eastern Europe. Andzej Korbonski provides the summing up with a look at changes overall in Eastern Europe. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.
University Press of America The End of Science?: Attack and Defense
The title The End of Science? asks not whether science itself is about to end or even to wane, but whether people will stop claiming that science knows nature as it is. Science, it suggests, may know nature only as the scientist sees it. Or the title suggests that, in knowing nature, scientists to some extent create nature. No one bothers to ask philosophers or theologians, poets, or politicians, workers or bosses whether they know the world as it is. It is common knowledge that the world for which they speak has been affected already by their description of that world. Will not the same fate strike scientists now? Has it not already? This is the basic issue that the six distinguished contributors address. They include Sandra Harding, Sheldon Lee Glashow, Ian Hacking, Mary Hesse, Gerald Holton, and Gunther S. Stent. Co-published with the Nobel Conference.
University Press of America The Sagas of King Half and King Hrolf
This book presents the first English translation of Half's Saga and a new translation of Hrolf's Saga, both classic Old Icelandic tales. Both belong to the mythical-heroic category of sagas, containing fantastical material and relying considerably on folklore motifs. They have at their base legendary, quasi-historical material which has served to anchor them more firmly in the Icelandic imagination throughout the 800 years or so of their existence. Will be of interest to the student of folklore and medieval Scandinavian literature.
University Press of America Myths of Modern Art
This book explores certain trends in our contemporary artistic culture, our painting, our music, and, in more detail, our literary world. The author examines the myths of modern art in search of permanent, absolute values that need to be redefined. Offers a fascinating study of the people in the field of art that have contributed with their work to give shape to contemporary man. Contents: Foreword; Preface; Introduction; Painting; Music; Literature; Aspects of Central American Literature; The Process in the United States; The Theatre; Index.
University Press of America Social Protest in an Urban Barrio: A Study of the Chicano Movement, 1966-1974
This work documents the Chicano movement as it developed within the Mexican American community of East Los Angeles during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The author offers a unique comparative and diachronic analysis of several component organizations of this mass movement. Includes analysis of five protest organizations which developed within the East Los Angeles community. Several questions are addressed concerning the origin, development and evolution of movement organizations. Based upon case materials and actual observations, the author provides an eye-opening view of contemporary social change as well as description and analysis of issues such as: group formation and institutionalization, organizational maintenance, competing belief systems, internal conflicts, eternal support, and relations among rival organizations.
University Press of America Proceedings of the Academy for Jewish Philosophy
This book grew out of three annual meetings (1987, 1988, and 1989) of the Academy for Jewish Philosophy. The essays included in this volume deal with major issues of Jewish faith in our age and present a diversity of interpretations and positions by the leading Jewish thinkers in North America. Contents: Judaism and God-Talk: Eternal Truths in Changing Form; Jewish Philosophy in Covenantal Context; There's No God Unless God Talks: A Study of Max Kadushin as Rabbinic Pragmatist; Judaism and God-Talk; The Positive Contribution of Negative Theology; In Defense of Images; Idolatry and Love of Appearances: Maimonides and Plato on False Wisdom; Judaism and the Varieties of Idolatrous Experience; The Inevitability of Idolatry; Basic Concepts in Rabbinic Hermeneutics; Hermeneutics in Contemporary Jewish Ethics; Midrash and History in Holocaust Interpretation; Buber's Biblical Hermeneutics and Narrative Biblical Theology.
University Press of America The Jefferson Scandals: A Rebuttal
In 1802, a revenge-seeking journalist named James T. Callender charged that Thomas Jefferson, president of the United States and author of the Declaration of Independence, had taken a light-skinned slave named Sally Hemings as his mistress, adn that the relationship resulted in five children. It was also alleged that one of the children was sold into prositution at a slave market in New Orleans. Callender's charges have surfaced periodically, only to be deflated by scholars.
University Press of America Feminism & Christianity: A Two-Way Reflection
Seeking to uncover the places where feminism and Christianity, taken as deep spiritual paths, converge, the author shows that theism adds a dimension to life that the feminist movement needs. Conversely, she points out that Christianity can benefit from some of the messages that feminists are projecting. She focuses on the dimensions of divinity (theology), self (psychology), society (sociology) and nature (ecology). Her balanced perspective should appeal to both feminists and Christians of both sexes. Originally published in 1982 by Abingdon Press.
University Press of America A Theatre Anthology: Plays and Documents
Designed for a course in "World Arts: Art, Theatre and Film", and will prove useful to programs at other colleges that have been designed along similar interdisciplinary lines. Contents: THE SPIRITUAL DIMENSION: Selections on Shamanism, Michael Kirby; Everyman, Anonymous; The Blind, Maurice Maeterlinck; THE PORTRAIT: "The Period of Study," Constantin Stanislavsky; Krapp's Last Tape, Samuel Beckett; LOVE FULLFILLED, LOVE THWARTED: A Raisin in the Sun, Lorraine Hansberry; Our Town, Thornton Wilder; ART IN THE SOCIAL CONTEXT: The Trojan Women, Euripides; Fabiola, Eduardo Machado; THE SENSE OF MOVEMENT: Lazzi; The Flying Doctor, Moliere; Futurist Plays; The Jet of Blood, Antonin Artaud; 18 Happenings in 6 Parts; VOCABULARY LISTS: Theatre; Film.
University Press of America The Challenge of Euthanasia: An Annotated Bibliography on Euthanasia and Related Subjects
"A careful compendium of references to significant papers in the field. It fills a vacuum and represents one careful scholar's odyssey through the medical-ethical literature seeking understanding and resolution of problems associated with medical care and dying. Comprehensive and carefully annotated, it should serve well those concerned with technological encroachments on the process of dying, that genetically inbred inevitably of all who are human."^RóFrom the foreword by Joseph R. Stanton, M.D., FACPóValue of Life Committee.
University Press of America The Soviet Man in an Open Society
This book offers a detailed examination of the absorption of Soviet emigrants in Israel during the years 1967 to 1985. Factors that account for these immigrants' successful economic absorption are included as well as a study of their social and cultural absorption. The book proposes that the value system to which the Soviet immigrants were exposed in the Soviet Union facilitated successful economic absorption in Israel but constitute a source of difficulty with regard to other aspects of absorption. A key concept in the examination of the values which Soviet Jews acquired through socialization of the Soviet Union is that of the Soviet Man. This book attempts to demonstrate how the characteristics of the Soviet Man manifest themselves in various aspects of immigrant's life in Israel. Contents: The Process of Emigration; Economic and Occupational Behavior (General); Economic and Occupational Behavior (Case Studies); Social and Political Integration; and ^IJews from Georg
University Press of America The Status of Blacks in Higher Education
According to this report, the state of black higher education is good. Indeed, progress in the higher education of blacks until recently has been phenomenal. Currently that progress is stalled. The implementation of wise and sound policies, however, would enable us to regain the lost momentum and continue to expand education opportunities for blacks. Issues examined in this volume include the state of blacks in those fields that have been identified by the U.S. Department of Labor as high growth areas for college graduates for 1985-1995; the status of blacks preparing to become teachers; blacks in the professions of law and medicine; and the demographic and professional characteristics of black women in higher education administration at the historically black colleges and universities. Co-published with the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education.
University Press of America The Coherence of Life Without God Before God: The Problem of Earthly Desires in the Later Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
In his Letters and Papers from Prison, Dietrich Bonhoeffer urges Christians to feel their longings for earthly realities to the fullest, and argues that such yearnings strengthen faith. This issue has been overlooked by Bonhoeffer scholars, despite its central place in the Letters; this study seeks to correct that oversight. Through a selective, chronological analysis of the Ethics, this text shows Bonhoeffer progressively developing a positive view of the natural and of fallen life which undergirds his later encouragement of secular longings in the Letters. This new perspective has rich implications for Christian anthropology and ethics. Contents: include: Earthly Desires in the Letters and Papers from Prison and Bonhoeffer's Pre-1939 Writings: An Introduction to the Problem; Earthly Desires in the Life of Bonhoeffer: Biographical Background of the Problem; Bonhoeffer on Earthly Desires in His Ethics: Toward a Solution to the Problem; and Bonhoeffer on Desires: Does He Solve the Problem?
University Press of America Klee as in Clay
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University Press of America Art and Science
Originally published as the Summer 1986 issue of Daedalus, the journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, this volume brings together a distinguished collection of thinkers to consider the complex relation and divergence between art and science. How art and science relate to technology, why they should be thought relevant to morality, and what their study can possibly contribute to the understanding of the nature of the mind are only a few of the subjects explored in these pages. Co-published with the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
University Press of America From Torah to Apocalypse: An Introduction to the Bible
University Press of America The Ballantines: Building Community Issue by Issue
Seventy years ago, an Ivy League-educated lawyer, his wife from a prominent Midwestern media family, and their four children moved to a small town in Southwestern Colorado. They bought two struggling newspapers, melded them into one and started building a legacy – one issue at a time.Arthur and Morley Ballantine not only made Durango their home, they helped mobilize their fellow business owners and neighbors to transform that sleepy little community into a thriving center of education, culture, enterprise, and philanthropy. The Durango Herald quickly became known as an award-winning publication staffed with hard-working, industrious journalists who wouldn’t shy from an important story, no matter who might want it quashed.This is the story of a community-minded family with deep connections in the highest levels of government and education. It is the story of how their newspaper has kept its subscribers informed of important issues and news stories big and small. It is a reminder of local newspapers’ unique role as the glue that binds and enlightens the people of their towns.The Ballantines: Building Community Issue by Issue not only traces the history of a remarkable family, but also reminds us of the vital role that quality journalism plays as the underpinning of a community.
University Press of America Reclaim American Liberty: Essays from the First Reclaim American Liberty Conference, 2010
The presidential election of 2008 ushered in a period of dramatic transformation. For many Americans, this was to become a time of expansionist government and invasive bureaucratic authority. Although reaction to these government initiatives varied, grassroots activists were concerned that liberties were being imperiled and that traditional personal freedom was being infringed on through regulation and the wholesale takeover of private enterprise. There was a public reaction on many fronts, such as the Tea Party movement. Political fervor was in the air as a megaphone of public dissatisfaction expressed itself as a desire to reclaim liberty. This book, based on a series of presentations at the Hudson Institute–Family Security Matters Conference, attempts to capture this spirit and explore the distinctly American belief in responding affirmatively to the challenges of this era.
University Press of America Hopeless Cases: The Hunt for the Red Scare Terrorist Bombers
Hopeless Cases describes the futile search for those responsible for a series of apparently related terrorist attacks and plots in the World War I-Red Scare era during the final surge of early twentieth-century anarchist violence in the United States. The most brazen attacks occurred in 1919 when bombs mailed to thirty-six public figures nationwide in May were followed in June by coordinated nearly simultaneous bombings aimed at public figures and institutions in eight cities. The end of the campaign was the Wall Street explosion (September 16, 1920) that killed forty and injured hundreds. Scores were arrested (thirty for the Wall Street explosion alone), but lawmen never caught the culprits. Fears aroused by bomb blasts gave the Justice Department carte blanche to roundup and deport alien radicals, particularly Bolsheviks, in 1919-1920. The bombings raised issues, including the fear of an unknown enemy and the government's need for accurate intelligence, that mirror today's post 9/11 era. The book profiles the suspects but focuses on the investigators, especially the Bureau of Investigation and its spies and informants. Based largely upon FBI files, it explores the Bureau's relationship with British Intelligence in New York City, and to the Sacco-Vanzetti case, as well as a privately funded search for the bombers. Throughout, the manhunt was handicapped by disputes with other law enforcement agencies and by intra-Bureau jealousies and rivalries, agent job insecurity and high turnover, inadequate training and resources, and morale problems, particularly in the New York and Boston field offices.
University Press of America Dimensions of Curiosity: Liberal Learning in the 21st Century, Essays on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the College of Arts and Sciences
This book is a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Lewis University College of Arts and Sciences. Editors Nancy Workman and Therese Jones bring together a variety of Lewis University educators and administrators to examine the purpose, history, and practice of liberal learning, while preparing for the future of education.
University Press of America Sinclair's Listening Ears: The Journey of a Feline Social Worker
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University Press of America Brigitte Jacques & Louis Jouvet's 'Elvira' and Moliere's 'Don Juan': Two French Plays
This book presents English translations of two French plays: Moli_re's Don Juan and a recent play, Elvira, by Brigitte Jaques/Louis Jouvet, in which a teacher and a group of students rehearse a scene from the classical comedy. An introduction, bibliography, and notes make the volume suitable for use as a university textbook. Banned after its creation in 1665 because of the threat that it posed to conventional beliefs and ways, Don Juan was not appreciated until the middle of the twentieth century. Since then, its extraordinary theatricality and its daring, and very modern, discussion of philosophical and social matters has made it Moli_re's most performed and most studied work in France and in continental Europe generally. In English-speaking countries, however, it is still relatively unknown. Elvira was a huge success in France in the late 1980s both on stage and on television in a filmed version. Both in its themes and in its form, this text calls into question conventional views of theatre. In addition to being a compelling drama, Elvira is also a historical document of considerable interest. The dialogue is a transcription of lessons that were given at the French National Conservatory of Dramatic Art by teacher, actor, writer and director, Louis Jouvet, one of the most important and influential people in twentieth-century French theatre. The discussions on acting presented in Elvira make a concise and effective introduction to his thought. This is the first text of Jouvet available in English.
University Press of America From Pacesetters to Dropouts: Post-Soviet Youth in Comparative Perspective
The book is a combined effort of scholars who participated in a conference entitled "Post-Soviet Youth: A Comparative Study." The book focuses on the post-perestroika period, a time of great instability and change on the national and individual level. It analyzes the effect of this dynamic on youth, who in the transitional phase of adolescence are particularly susceptible to social disruption. The scope includes not only youth who remained in the former Soviet Union but also those who emigrated to the West- Israel, Germany, the U.S. and Greece. It was considered important to place this study in a cross-cultural framework in order to differentiate between local influences and the common denominators from the Soviet background. From Pacesetters to Dropouts offers an important contribution to the study of the effect of a particular form of socialization on youth in a period of stress and change. It is relevant not only to understanding the changes undergone by an important segment of society in the former Soviet Union but also to studying the experience of other immigrant groupings in an era characterized by widespread migration.
University Press of America Teaching at the Crossroads of Faith and School: The Teacher as Prophetic Pragmatist
Drawing on Cornel West's prophetic revision of American pragmatism and fictional cases of teaching from Toni Morrison's Beloved, Teaching at the Crossroads of Faith and School develops an alternative conception of the role of the teacher for a contemporary educational milieu marked by increasing religious diversity and marred by controversy over the appropriate relationship between religion and education. Jeffrey Ayala Milligan offers a critical analysis of traditional conceptions of the teacher's role as "centers that cannot hold" in the midst of ongoing cultural debates between religious critics of public education and secular suspicions of religious ideas in the public school.
University Press of America The New York Loyalists
The New York Loyalists is a narrative history of the American Revolution in the State of New York. Beginning in 1765 with the terrible violence against the Stamp Act in New York City, some moderate men sought to restrain extremists and tried hard to contain their violence. These moderates of New York angered New England because they refused to tolerate Boston's cheating during the non-importation crisis. Yet, when war broke out in 1775, New York was firmly in the patriot camp. Despite an unsuccessful British invasion of northern New York in 1777 and the loss of New York City in 1776, the state remained, overall, a center of support for the Revolution. The book discusses the fate of the loyalists after the return of peace in 1783, and even travels out of the country to show how Canada was settled by exiled loyalists. The second edition incorporates new research and corrects minor errors. It contains some new illustrations, a preface linking New York with loyalists in other states, and an essay that comments on historical work published on the subject since 1986.
University Press of America The Velazquez Christ: Poem
This book is a new translation, in contemporary English, of Miguel de Unamuno's 1920 masterpiece book-length poem about another masterpiece of Western Civilization, Diego Velázquez's "The Christ of San Plácido," which is commonly known as "The Christ of Velázquez." The translation by William Thomas Little is accompanied by a full scholarly introduction and poem-by-poem commentary. Unamuno, Spain's foremost public intellectual of the early twentieth century, considered this book his masterpiece. This is a book of poetry and religious devotion as well as an ekphrasis, that is, a detail-by-detail meditation on one of the world's greatest paintings. Composed of eighty-nine poems that are fully integrated one with the other, the result is a masterpiece of spiritual meditation via poetical expression.
University Press of America Criminal Justice and Criminology: Concepts and Terms
Criminal Justice and Criminology introduces criminal justice and criminology professionals and students to the many concepts that are found in both academic disciplines. This book will demystify the esoteric jargon that is considered intimidating to those who are not practitioners or have been involved in the study of the justice profession. It will allow students a 'one-stop' resource that will address concepts and terms associated within both disciplines. Criminal Justice and Criminology is divided into two parts. Part one contains concepts and terms that address current issues related to police, courts, and corrections. Part two provides concepts and terms for criminology theory in general, but to matters of justice in particular.
University Press of America Religion and Public Life: The Legacy of Monsignor John A. Ryan
Religion and Public Life is a collection of papers delivered at a conference commemorating the 50th anniversary of the death of Msgr. John A. Ryan, who was the most prominent and influential American advocate of the Catholic social tradition in the first half of the twentieth century. He was a rare combination of scholar, priest, and political realist. Most of his career was spent in Washington, D.C., where he was both a professor at the Catholic University of America and a principal representative of the American bishops to Congress. This collection serves as a fine introduction to Ryan's thought as well as a survey of some of the more pressing current issues in the Catholic social tradition.
University Press of America Organizational Behavior: The Challenges of the New Millennium
In a nutshell, organizational behavior may be defined as the study of the evolutionary theory, structure, processes and behavioral paradigms. Organizational behavior is as old as the evolution of ancient social organizations. Throughout history, the evolutionary development and adaptation of the organization has been influenced by the increasingly ceaseless growth of knowledge in technology, leadership, theory, communication, strategy, motivation, cultural diversity, decision making and control. Organizational Behavior is Meshack Sagini's account concerning what, how, and why organizations are organized in a classical manner, which does not enable them to function effectively. In order to address the challenges of the new millennium, Sagini provides an interdisciplinary, comparative, and historical account for their postmodern restructuring and reengineering.
University Press of America Moral Essays on the High Renaissance: Art in Italy in the Age of Michelangelo
Moral Essays on the High Renaissance consist of critical essays on the art and thought of major figures of sixteenth-century Italian Renaissance art. Looking at these artists from an ethical point of view, these provocative essays set out to discover and describe the moral basis of High Renaissance art. Important areas of focus include the paintings and sculpture of Michelangelo, the artistic style and sense of the life of Raphael, and the ethical approach of the Cinquecento biographer Giorgio Vasari. Consideration is given also to the worldly, graceful art of Leonardo da Vinci and the painterly hedonism of the Venetians. The volume concludes with a semi-autobiographical essay that restates the underlying moral principles behind the earlier chapters. The book is well illustrated with numerous black-and-white reproductions of important works of High Renaissance art and architecture.
University Press of America A Theological Commentary to the Midrash: SifrZ to Numbers and SifrZ to Deuteronomy
The purpose of this study is to identify the propositions of the principal Midrash-compilations of formative Judaism. Continuing with the theme of volume Seven, devoted to Sifra, Jacob Neusner proceeds to Sifré to Numbers and Sifré to Deuteronomy. It is, further, to place these propositions, where established, into a relationship with those that characterize the canon as a whole. This volume presents both what is in common to the animating theology of Rabbinic Judaism in all its documentary components and what is unique to Sifré to Numbers and Sifré to Deuteronomy, respectively.