Search results for ""author bruno""
University of Illinois Press Nettl's Elephant
From one of the most lauded scholars in ethnomusicology comes this enlightening and highly personal narrative on the evolution and current state of the field of ethnomusicology. Surveying the field he helped establish, Bruno Nettl investigates how concepts such as evolution, geography, and history serve as catalysts for advancing ethnomusicological methods and perspectives. This entertaining collection covers Nettl's scholarly interests ranging from Native American to Mediterranean to Middle Eastern contexts while laying out the pivotal moments of the field and conversations with the giants of its past. Nettl moves from reflections on the history of ethnomusicology to evaluations of the principal organizations in the field, interspersing those broader discussions with shorter essays focusing on neglected literature and personal experiences.
The University of Chicago Press In the Course of Performance: Studies in the World of Musical Improvisation
This text illustrates and explains the practices and processes of musical improvisation. Improvisation, by its very nature, seems to resist interpretation or elucidation. With contributions by 17 scholars and improvisers, the text offers a history of research on improvisation and an overview of the different approaches to the topic that can be used, ranging from cognitive study to detailed musical analysis. Such diverse genres as Italian lyrical singing, modal jazz, Indian classical music, Javanese gamelan, and African-American girls' singing games are examined.
Head of Zeus Audio Books The Supernova Era
From Cixin Liu, the New York Times bestselling and Hugo Award-winning author of The Three Body Problem, comes a new science fiction masterpiece in Supernova Era. In those days, Earth was a planet in space. In those days, Beijing was a city on Earth. On this night, history as known to humanity came to an end. Eight light years away, a star has died, creating a supernova event that showers Earth in deadly levels of radiation. Within a year, everyone over the age of thirteen will die. And so the countdown begins. Parents apprentice their children and try to pass on the knowledge they'll need to keep the world running. But the last generation may not want to carry the legacy of their parents' world. And though they imagine a better, brighter world, they may bring about a future so dark humanity won't survive.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Biodiversité de l'océan Austral: Laboratoire naturel pour l'évolution
John Libbey & Co Cellular & Molecular Aspects of Cirrhosis
Obelisco Jack y las Habichuelas Magicas
Cinebook Ltd Last Templar the Vol. 5: the Devils Handiwork
DC Comics Nightwing Vol. 4: The Leap
The fourth volume in the thrilling Nightwing epic is here! Eisner Award Winner 2023 - Best Continuing Series. Collecting the exciting tales from Nightwing's adventures, this volume includes Nightwing #98-100 and Nightwing 2022 Annual these include an appearance from Nite-Mite that's right, that meddling Nite-Mite booped himself over from the fifth dimension! Also with Blockbuster off the table, the crime families all head to Bludhaven in an attempt to claim the city as their own...including Tony Zucco himself! Since his 'daughter' Melinda Zucco is currently the mayor, and definitely not secretly working with Nightwing to take down crime bosses it should be easy, right?!
DC Comics Nightwing Vol.3: The Battle for Blüdhavens Heart
The New York Times bestselling team Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo bring you the third volume in their Nightwing epic! Eisner Award Winner 2023 - Best Continuing Series. Eisner Award Winner 2023 - Best Cover Artist, Bruno Redondo. Eisner Award Nominee 2023 - Best Penciller/Inker, Bruno Redondo. Dick Grayson s big heart has protected those persecuted by bullies in his youth, combated evil alongside Batman as Robin, and pledged his newly inherited wealth to enriching Bludhaven as Nightwing. His kindness and generosity have always guided his life. But now a new villain stalks the back alleys, removing the hearts of the city s most vulnerable. Who is this terrifying new menace named Heartless, and will he be able to resist plucking out the biggest heart in all of Bludhaven?
John Wiley and Sons Ltd After Lockdown: A Metamorphosis
After the harrowing experience of the pandemic and lockdown, both states and individuals have been searching for ways to exit the crisis, many hoping to return as soon as possible to ‘the world as it was before the pandemic’. But there is another way to learn the lessons of this ordeal: as inhabitants of the earth, we may not be able to exit lockdown so easily after all, since the global health crisis is embedded in another larger and more serious crisis – that brought about by the New Climate Regime. Learning to live in lockdown might be an opportunity to be seized: a dress-rehearsal for the climate mutation, an opportunity to understand at last where we – inhabitants of the earth – live, what kind of place ‘earth’ is and how we will be able to orient ourselves and exist in this world in the years to come. We might finally be able to explore the land in which we live, together with all other living beings, begin to understand the true nature of the climate mutation we are living through and discover what kind of freedom is possible – a freedom differently situated and differently understood. In this sequel to his bestselling book Down to Earth, Bruno Latour provides a compass for this necessary re-orientation of our lives, outlining the metaphysics of confinement and deconfinement with which we will all be obliged to come to terms by the strange times in which we are living.
Duke University Press Can Politics Be Thought?
In Can Politics Be Thought?—published in French in 1985 and appearing here in English for the first time—Alain Badiou offers his most forceful and systematic analysis of the crisis of Marxism. Distinguishing politics as an active mode of thinking from the political as a domain of the State, Badiou argues for the continuation of Marxist politics. In so doing, he shows why we need to recapture the emancipatory hypothesis of Marx's original gesture in order to actualize its radical potential. This volume also includes Badiou's “Of an Obscure Disaster: On the End of the Truth of the State,” in which he rebuts claims of Communism's death after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Staatseigentum: Legitimation und Grenzen
Dieser Band erschließt die verschiedenen Bereiche, Formen und Funktionen des Staatseigentums, zeichnet seine ideengeschichtlichen Grundlagen nach und zeigt Inhalt und Grenzen seiner verfassungsrechtlichen Legitimation auf. Dem Eigentum des Staates eignet in einer freiheitlichen Gesellschaftsordnung politische und staatsrechtliche Brisanz. Bestand und Erscheinungsformen des Staatseigentums unterliegen zwingend dem öffentlichen Transparenzprinzip, sind notwendiges Thema der öffentlichen Debatte sowie stete Herausforderung der staatsrechtlichen Dogmatik.
Hachette Children's Group Reading Champion: Lizards: Independent Reading Green 5 Non-fiction
This story is part of Reading Champion, a series carefully linked to book bands to encourage independent reading skills, developed with Dr Sue Bodman and Glen Franklin of UCL Institute of Education (IOE)Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills.Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure.
Tarquin Publications The Magic Mirror of M.C. Escher
Gaasterland Verlag Eifelmaare
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Steinbachs Naturführer Blumen
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Steinbachs groer Pflanzenfhrer Blumen Strucher Bume 2270 farbige Abbildungen
Vahlen Franz GmbH Demokratische Wirtschaftspolitik
Ulmer Eugen Verlag 88 verblffende Pflanzen Die erstaunlichen Kniffe unserer Blumen Strucher und Bume
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Not Just for the Money: An Economic Theory of Personal Motivation
In Not Just for the Money Professor Frey challenges traditional economic theory and argues that people do not act in expectation of monetary gain alone, nor do they work solely because they are paid. Furthermore, the author claims that higher monetary compensation as well as regulations crowd-out motivation in important circumstances. Offering higher pay may make people less committed to their work and may reduce their performance. They thus behave in exactly the opposite way the fundamental price-effect of economics predicts.The first part of the book considers the Crowding-Out Effect and the Motivational Spill-Over Effect. The second part explores a large number of applications to constitutional questions, various policy issues and the organization of firms. The final part discusses the substantial consequences for policy making and economic theory.This path breaking book is bound to create controversy and debate. It will appeal not only to economists but to a wide range of social scientists who want to go beyond the traditional assumption of economic man.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++
Students will learn data structures and algorithms from a modern, object-oriented perspective with this new text. It uses a single class hierarchy as a framework to present all of the data structures. This framework clearly shows the relationships between data structures and illustrates how polymorphism and inheritance can be used effectively.
Qué ocurriría si los principales acontecimientos políticos y culturales de los primeros cuarenta años del agitado siglo XX español tuviesen lugar en un par de meses, si en pocas semanas sucedieran los asesinatos a tiros de los políticos Canalejas y Eduardo Dato, el atentado del anarquista Mateo Morral con una bomba lanzada en un ramo de flores al paso del cortejo nupcial del rey Alfonso XIII y la sublevación militar de 1936 que dio paso a la guerra civil?La respuesta está en la lectura de esta trepidante novela en la que los personajes secundarios son los grandes escritores Valle-Inclán, Rubén Darío, Baroja, Alberti, Miguel Hernández o Machado y el protagonista un joven aristócrata, Álvaro de Foxá, que se interna en la vida bohemia soñando ser poeta y deseando iniciarse en el amor para descubrir en la realidad a la Golfemia, comprobando que la poesía y el amor son siempre postergados por la necesidad y por la irrupción de las convulsiones políticas.
Quelle + Meyer Sylt
Verlag Ullstein Beruhrung Warum wir sie brauchen und wie sie uns heilt
PalmArtPress Jetzt malt der auch noch
UTB GmbH Kinder und Jugendschutz
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Steinbachs Naturführer Bäume und Sträucher
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Geniale Pflanzen
In diesem Buch finden Sie eine Auswahl erstaunlicher Eigenheiten unserer grünen Mitgeschöpfe, der Pflanzen. Beim bloßen Hinsehen kann man den Eindruck gewinnen, als stünden die Pflanzen einfach nur so herum, aber die genauere Inspektion deckt doch mancherlei Besonderheiten in Gestalt und Funktionen auf. Einer kleinen Umschau im Bereich von Stämmen und Stängeln schließt sich Ungewöhnliches von den Blattorganen an und schließlich beleuchtet der Autor die faszinierenden Aktionsfelder der Blüten bis hin zur Samen- bzw. Fruchtreife. Erfahren Sie beispielsweise, welch geheimnisvolle Stoffschiebereien unsere Waldorchideen im dunklen Untergrund praktizieren, warum die Blätter mancher Pflanzen nachts ziemlich sauer werden, und ob in den imposanten Blütenköpfen der Sonnenblumen eine besondere Mathematik steckt. Pflanzen sind also tatsächlich weitaus spannender, als man zunächst vermutet – mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass sie mit ihrem Stoffwechsel für den Erhalt der gesamten Biosphäre grandiose und geradezu unentbehrliche Dienstleistungen erbringen. Es gibt in unserer grünen Umwelt also eine Menge zu entdecken, und dafür halten Sie gerade ein themenreiches Starterkit in Händen.
Quelle + Meyer Helgoland
Haupt Verlag AG Gefährliche Schönheiten Giftpflanzen im Garten
Haupt Verlag AG Tiere in meinem Garten
minedition AG Die Insel
UEA Publishing Project Isolated Intimacies
A digital invasion, and loving a child. Life and death in the garden. Encountering another's spirit. A unique collaboration between Creative Writing students at UEA and students of Translation Studies at the University de Alcalá, Unmasked Writings/Historias desconfinadas is a series of five chapbooks mapping the emotional angles of the pandemic and giving voice to the long moments of introspection we all cultivated during the hardest months of this crisis. Each text is presented both in the original English and the translated Spanish.This is volume four, Isolated Intimacies / En la intimidad de las historias.An Evening Discourse by Soe Thet San, translated by Candelas Bayón CentiagoyaBuffet of Death by Henry Johns. translated by Julia Martínez YolbaNightwalks by Denise Kuehl, translated by Rebeca Busto Acedo and Marta Rodrigo Rodríguez
UEA Publishing Project Muted Voices
Family tension. Poetry, and the trauma of casual racism. An archivist of the distant future. A unique collaboration between Creative Writing students at UEA and students of Translation Studies at the University de Alcalá, Unmasked Writings/Historias desconfinadas is a series of five chapbooks mapping the emotional angles of the pandemic and giving voice to the long moments of introspection we all cultivated during the hardest months of this crisis. Each text is presented both in the original English and the translated Spanish.This is volume one, Muted Voices/voces acalladas.Lady Time by Molly-Rose Medhurst, translated by Ana Sánchez AsenjoSilences by Michaela Vitagliano, translated by Sonia Herranz Martínez and Salomé Torres VargasUnmask Me by Denise Monroe, translated by Paula López García and Olivia Serret Sanz
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Not Just for the Money: An Economic Theory of Personal Motivation
In Not Just for the Money Professor Frey challenges traditional economic theory and argues that people do not act in expectation of monetary gain alone, nor do they work solely because they are paid. Furthermore, the author claims that higher monetary compensation as well as regulations crowd-out motivation in important circumstances. Offering higher pay may make people less committed to their work and may reduce their performance. They thus behave in exactly the opposite way the fundamental price-effect of economics predicts.The first part of the book considers the Crowding-Out Effect and the Motivational Spill-Over Effect. The second part explores a large number of applications to constitutional questions, various policy issues and the organization of firms. The final part discusses the substantial consequences for policy making and economic theory.This path breaking book is bound to create controversy and debate. It will appeal not only to economists but to a wide range of social scientists who want to go beyond the traditional assumption of economic man.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Inspiring Economics: Human Motivation in Political Economy
Economics can be inspiring - often taking a stand against convention, achieving challenging results, discussing unorthodox viewpoints and suggesting new policies.Bruno S. Frey illustrates what he perceives to be the inspirational quality of economics and how this differs from the type of economics studied in many academic institutions. He introduces insights into economics from a psychological perspective, dealing with issues such as transformation of anomalies, identification in democracy and crowding effects, and focuses on intrinsic motivation and how it is undermined.Inspiring Economics also looks at the integration of economics and politics, covering topics including popular initiatives and referenda, authoritarian nations and foreign aid, and the way in which the cost of war is reflected on the capital market.This groundbreaking empirical study of human motivation and behaviour will be a fascinating read for those interested in economics and economic theory.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Mindfulness-integrated CBT: Principles and Practice
Mindfulness-integrated CBT: Principles and Practice represents the first set of general principles and practical guidelines for the integration of mindfulness meditation with well-documented and newly developed CBT techniques to address a broad range of psychological dysfunctions. The first book to provide a strong rationale and general guidelines for the implementation of mindfulness meditation integrated with CBT for a wide range of psychological difficulties Incorporates ancient Buddhist concepts of how the mind works, while remaining firmly grounded in well-documented cognitive and behavioural principles Provides new insights into established understanding of conditioning principles Includes a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions, week-by-week instructions for professionals to facilitate application of the therapy, along with case examples and the inspiring stories of former clients
Nova Science Publishers Inc Immigration Enforcement & Policies
Springer International Publishing AG Economics of Happiness
This book focuses on what makes people happy. The author explains methods for measuring subjective life satisfaction and well-being by discussing economic and sociodemographic factors, as well as the psychological, cultural and political dimensions of personal happiness. Does higher income increase happiness? Are people in rich countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom and Scandinavian countries, happier than those living elsewhere? Does losing one’s job make one unhappy? What is the role of genetic endowments inherited from our parents? How important are physical and emotional health to subjective life satisfaction? Do older people tend to be happier, or younger people? Are close social relationships necessary for happiness? Do political conditions, such as respect for human rights, democracy and autonomy, play a part? How can governments contribute to the population’s happiness? This book answers these questions on the basis of extensive interdisciplinary research reflecting the current state of knowledge. The book will appeal to anyone interested in learning more about the various dimensions of personal well-being beyond the happiness-prosperity connection, as well as to policymakers looking for guidance on how to improve happiness in societies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Belarus
Since 1991, the eyes of the world have been on the economic growth and development of the states that formerly made up the Soviet Union. Looking at Belarus’s industrial structure, economic growth, and economic prospects, this edited collection analyses why Belarus is considered ahead of many of its neighbour states in terms of human development. Looking across both medium- and long-term economic growth, editor Bruno S. Sergi brings together a cast of expert contributors to analyse the foreign and domestic policies that affect Belarus’s economy. Across the 20 chapters included in the book, the contributors explore the largest industries in Belarus, including the financial, technology, tourism, and energy industries. With chapters on foreign investments, exports and imports, and regional policy, this is a text that looks across the whole breadth of the economy. Finally, the contributors suggest factors to increase the growth of Belarus’s economy, such as launching smart cities, expanding logistic services and the tourism and hospitality industry, and the modernization of the agrarian sector. For students and researchers in political economy, or international economics, this is a vital text exploring an important, but underrepresented, economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Russia
Russia is one of the world's largest growing economies. With this exciting new growth and development, there is a wealth of knowledge to be discovered from the strategies and models being used and created throughout Russia’s economy. Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Russia portrays and sets pieces of Russia's growth strategies to produce an extraordinary record of economic analysis. A leading expert in emerging markets, editor Bruno S. Sergi and a cast of experienced Russian academics offer a wealth of questions and critical examples on Russia that are delivered through a sound framework and provide unique knowledgeable support and interdisciplinary research about modeling a sound growth strategy for Russia. Through various chapters on financial development and economic growth, Sergi explores the fascinating landscape of Russia's economy, including chapters on green investment; education and inclusive development; sustainability; smart cities; international cooperation; and innovation-based growth. For anyone interested in international economics, or students of emerging economies and markets, this is a fundamental study of an area that has never before been studied in such depth.
Classiques Garnier Representations de la Souffrance
University Press of America Artisans of Democracy: How Ordinary People, Families in Extreme Poverty, and Social Institutions Become Allies to Overcome Social Exclusion
Is extreme poverty inevitable in our affluent societies? The twelve case studies in Artisans of Democracy show how very poor people, ordinary citizens, and institutions (schools, the government, the news media, the courts, churches, universities, public utilities, unions, and small businesses) succeeded in creating alliances. They became partners in order to overcome social exclusion and radically change the inhuman conditions in which very poor people lived, as well as the practice and policies that lead to these conditions. The book then discusses implications for research, democratic theory and public policies and draws lessons for action that would enlighten any academician, professional, activist, practitioner, or citizen concerned by the persistence of extreme poverty. Tardieu and Rosenfeld present new ways to think and act toward overcoming poverty at the private or public local, national, or international levels.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chitosan-Based Systems for Biopharmaceuticals: Delivery, Targeting and Polymer Therapeutics
Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide commercially produced by the deacetylation of chitin. It is non-toxic, biodegradable, biocompatible, and acts as a bioadhesive with otherwise unstable biomolecules - making it a valuable component in the formulation of biopharmaceutical drugs. Chitosan-Based Systems for Biopharmaceuticals provides an extensive overview of the application of chitosan and its derivatives in the development and optimisation of biopharmaceuticals. The book is divided in four different parts. Part I discusses general aspects of chitosan and its derivatives, with particular emphasis on issues related to the development of biopharmaceutical chitosan-based systems. Part II deals with the use of chitosan and derivatives in the formulation and delivery of biopharmaceuticals, and focuses on the synergistic effects between chitosan and this particular subset of pharmaceuticals. Part III discusses specific applications of chitosan and its derivatives for biopharmaceutical use. Finally, Part IV presents diverse viewpoints on different issues such as regulatory, manufacturing and toxicological requirements of chitosan and its derivatives related to the development of biopharmaceutical products, as well as their patent status, and clinical application and potential. Topics covered include: chemical and technological advances in chitins and chitosans useful for the formulation of biopharmaceuticals physical properties of chitosan and derivatives in sol and gel states absorption promotion properties of chitosan and derivatives biocompatibility and biodegradation of chitosan and derivatives biological and pharmacological activity of chitosan and derivatives biological, chemical and physical compatibility of chitosan and biopharmaceuticals approaches for functional modification or crosslinking of chitosan use of chitosan and derivatives in conventional biopharmaceutical dosage forms manufacture techniques of chitosan-based microparticles and nanoparticles for biopharmaceuticals chitosan and derivatives for biopharmaceutical use: mucoadhesive properties chitosan-based systems for mucosal delivery of biopharmaceuticals chitosan-based delivery systems for mucosal vaccination chitosan-based nanoparticulates for oral delivery of biopharmaceuticals chitosan-based systems for ocular delivery of biopharmaceuticals chemical modification of chitosan for delivery of DNA and siRNA target-specific chitosan-based nanoparticle systems for nucleic acid delivery functional PEGylated chitosan systems for biopharmaceuticals stimuli-sensitive chitosan-based systems for biopharmaceuticals chitosan copolymers for biopharmaceuticals application of chitosan for anti-cancer biopharmaceutical delivery chitosan-based biopharmaceuticals scaffolds in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine wound healing properties of chitosan and its use in wound dressing biopharmaceuticals toxicological properties of chitosan and derivatives for biopharmaceutical applications regulatory status of chitosan and derivatives patentability and intellectual property issues quality control and good manufacturing practice preclinical and clinical use of chitosan and derivatives for biopharmaceuticals Chitosan-Based Systems for Biopharmaceuticals is an important compendium of fundamental concepts, practical tools and applications of chitosan-based biopharmaceuticals for researchers in academia and industry working in drug formulation and delivery, biopharmaceuticals, medicinal chemistry, pharmacy, bioengineering and new materials development.
Panini Publishing Ltd Deadpool: World's Greatest Vol. 6
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Recent Developments in the Economics of Happiness
What makes people happy in life? This crucial question has the potential to shake up economics. In recent years, dissatisfaction with the understanding of welfare in economics and new opportunities for empirical study of people's subjective well-being have spurred impressive and stimulating new research into the 'dismal' science, resulting in increased interest in the economics of happiness. Professor Frey and Professor Stutzer have selected contributions by leading scholars which offer a wide-ranging overview of recent developments. These include an exploration of the economic determinants of happiness, the importance of social capital and health for well-being and the new life satisfaction approach to valuing public goods. Work on utility misprediction and adaptation challenges the existing fundamentals of economics, and the role of happiness research in public policy is investigated from different perspectives.