Search results for ""author bruno""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Excursions in World Music
Lead author Bruno Nettl. The grand-daddy of Ethnomusicology compiled the first edition, and his name and contributions to the field have brought the book forward several editions. Chapters are written by established/known ethnomusicologists specializing in the particular region, in the perhaps the most balanced attempt to get expert authors together. Does not aim to teach students how to do field work (like Titon), per se, or other ethnomusicological study, and does not aim to teach music – rather, how to think about music in world perspective and the major themes and issues that emerge when we take the musics of the world seriously. Draws a big picture and explains why the musics of the world matter…..the economics, politics, and social dynamics of these sounds.
Aperture Self Publish, Be Happy: A DIY Photobook Manual and Manifesto
An economic and cultural revolution has shaken the photobook world in the last five years: self-publishing. An army of photographers operating as publishers have had an instrumental role in today’s photobook renaissance. This book offers a do-it-yourself manual and a survey of key examples of self-published success stories, as well as a self-publishing manifesto and list of resources. The manual portion of this volume offers insight, advice, and rudimentary how-tos for the photographer interested in self-publishing. The survey offers an overview of the contemporary self-publishing landscape and includes a contribution by the Museum of Modern Art’s art librarian and bibliographer David Senior, which grounds today’s activities in a legacy of artists’ books and collectives. The case studies themselves will each illustrate a particular theme and genre of self-publishing (such as diary, documentary, or conceptual object), and will be accompanied by personal testimonies from the artists who created them. Author Bruno Ceschel, founder of the Self Publish, Be Happy organization, provides a rallying cry for all those involved in the contemporary photobook revolution—a moment in which the photobook, in all its infinitesimal manifestations, has never before been so omnipresent in our cultural landscape, nor so critical to the photographer’s practice. Self Publish, Be Happy, founded by Bruno Ceschel in 2010, collects, studies, and celebrates self-published photobooks through an ongoing program of workshops, live events, and on/ offline projects. Its London-based collection contains more than two thousand publications. Self Publish, Be Happy is the physical manifestation of a worldwide online community formed of a new, ever-evolving generation of young artists, who experiment, stretch, and play with the medium of photography.
Independently Published Sha'arei Torah: Portões da Torah - BERESHIT 1
API Ediciones España, S.L. Los planetas órganos de función capacidades y herramientas de la personalidad
API Ediciones España, S.L. El reloj de la vida el punto de la edad y las fases de la vida en el horscopo
El punto de la edad señala los ciclos de la vida del individuo en el horóscopo. Como si se tratara de un reloj de la vida, en cada momento podemos ver en qué fase de la vida nos encontramos, en qué área de interés está enfocada nuestra conciencia y qué tipo de cualidad estamos desarrollando o desarrollaremos. No es un método de pronóstico sino un método psicológico que facilita la comprensión del punto de vista subjetivo de la persona en cada etapa de su vida. Muchos astrólogos, psicólogos, educadores, terapeutas y asistentes sociales emplean los principios enunciados en este libro en su trabajo desde hace años. A modo de ejemplo se incluye un seguimiento de la vida de C. G. Jung desde la óptica del punto de la edad con referencias a sus textos autobiográficos.
API Ediciones España, S.L. Las casa astrolgicas
Taurus Dónde aterrizar
BBruno Latour, filósofo, antropólogo, politólogo y sociólogo de la ciencia, ha impartido clases en la London School of Economics y en el Departamento de Historia de la Ciencia de la Universidad de Harvard, y es profesor emérito de la École de Sciences-Po de París. Entre sus obras más destacadas están Nunca fuimos modernos (1993) y Cara a cara con el planeta (2015). Es sin duda uno de los pensadores franceses con mayor prestigio internacional.La crítica ha dicho...Fascinante. Latour es uno de los pensadores más interesantes de la escena intelectual mundial. Sabe cómo llamar nuestra atención sobre la complejidad de los problemas, manteniendo una claridad expositiva fuera de lo común.La StampaLa elección de Donald Trump ha sacado de sus casillas a Bruno Latour. Y cuando este imperturbable filósofo y antropólogo, de temperamento alegre, se sale de sus casillas, se dirige al poder maligno en un estilo deliberadamente abrupto, pero también elabora los medi
Dr Ludwig Reichert Die Satrapienverwaltung Im Perserreich Zur Zeit Darius' III.
Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Cecily Brown: The Spell
Walter de Gruyter Bühnentechnik
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Textes Cles de Philosophie de l'Action
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Metaphysique Et Semantique
Classiques Garnier La Parole Donnee: Le Contrat Comme Representation Collective
Encre Marine Le Sens de la Technique: Le Numerique Et Le Calcul
Les Belles Lettres La Veritable Histoire d'Auguste
Alfred Music Ear Training and Violin Playing About Suzuki Series
Beaufort Books Success Freak: Kick Ass in Life in 7 Days
BECOME INSANELY SUCCESSFUL IN ONLY ONE WEEK Are you ready to get INSANELY MORE out of life? Success is acquired, not inherited. Take control of your destiny and join the "Success Freak 7-Day Challenge": master 7 essential skills and transform your life in only one week. Combining helpful exercises and set-by-steps activities, Success Freak is a self-help book by French-American Entrepreneur Bruno Gralpois, that will show you how to develop habits, pursue a life of passion, and unleash the amazing potential that, yes, already lies within you. You are about to become an unstoppable force of resolve and determination. Nothing short of the Success (Freak) you were always meant to be.
Skira Alberto Burri: Black Work: Cellotex 1972-1992
Through a selection of thirty works created in a twenty-year time span (1972–92), including some unpublished and never before exhibited canvases from Italian private collections, this volume offers a perspective on the expressive outcomes that marked Alberto Burri’s practice after the 1950s and 1960s, at a time in which he had already gained international critical acclaim. Cellotex, which the artist had long used as a support for his compositions, became the “work” itself. Through a gradual process of stripping down, Burri reached the basic underlying element, i.e. the material that had previously been approached in view of something else. As is the case with his more iconic cycles (such as Sacchi, Legni and Combustioni plastiche), matter here continues to be the undisputed protagonist, capable of setting the rules and fixing compositional balances.
Die Informationslücke Die Reise
Kwasi Verlag SUPERMA
Kwasi Verlag Ein richtig schner Tag
Auer-System-Verlag, Carl Einfhrung in die Genogrammarbeit
Mercator-Verlag OHG Der Rhein von den Alpen bis zur Nordsee
Galiani, Verlag Als Deutschland erstmals einig wurde
Kopp Verlag Beuteland
mandelbaum verlag eG Radicchio kleine gourmandise Nr 36
UTB GmbH Naturschutzbiologie
Egmont Comic Collection WITCH 08
Books on Demand Wer bist Du
riva Verlag Fünf Freunde essen glutenfrei
Weimarer Verlagsgesellsch Karl Kraus
Klett-Cotta Handbuch Der Deutschen Geschichte
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Als unser Deutsch erfunden wurde Reise in die Lutherzeit
Carl Hanser Verlag Das Sanatorium zur Sanduhr
Kohlhammer Metaethik
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Verhaltensökonomisch informierte Steuerungsinstrumente: "Nudging" im deutschen Verwaltungsrecht
Kann der Staat verhaltensökonomisches Wissen zur Steuerung verwenden? Und falls ja, in welchem Umfang? Bruno Gebhardi demonstriert, dass das Konzept des "Nudging" von Sunstein/Thaler, das diese Art der Steuerung populär gemacht hat, nicht in das deutsche Recht übernommen werden kann. Stattdessen entwickelt er verhaltensökonomisch informierte Steuerungsinstrumente, die sich an den bekannten Instrumentenkategorien des deutschen Verwaltungsrechts orientieren. Er analysiert, welche Funktionen diese in einem Steuerungskonzept übernehmen können und welchen Grenzen des höherrangigen Rechts - insbesondere des Verfassungsrechts - sie dabei unterliegen. Dazu wird der Umgang mit verhaltensökonomisch erforschten Effekten in drei Referenzgebieten betrachtet: dem Datenschutzrecht, dem Kapitalmarktrecht und dem Wahlrecht.
Reclam Philipp Jun. Pas perdus Franzsischer Text mit deutschen Worterklrungen B2 GER
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Le DELF Scolaire A2 Übungsheft mit MP3CD und Lösungen
Hier und Jetzt Verlag Von Morgarten bis Marignano Was wir ber die Entstehung der Eidgenossenschaft wissen
Birkhauser Fructus: Atelier Bonnet Architects
From a watch to a pavilion, from urban furniture to infrastructure, from landscape design to apartment buildings: since the founding of Atelier Bonnet in the year 2000, the work of Pierre and Mireille Bonnet, covering a wide range of themes and scales, is conceived in a spirit of interaction and complicity. In the face of such a diversity of works, the monograph concentrates on a series of exemplary residential buildings, which document the skillful handling of this fundamental building task. In their most recent works, the architects have also occupied themselves intensively with the use of exposed concrete and with questions of tectonics. The resulting sculptural design and the abstract language of these objects provide further examples of a highly sensitive architecture, with an undeniable artistic dimension.
Signal Books Ltd Poetry and Thinking of the Chagga: Contributions to East African Ethnology
Bruno Gutmann (1876-1966) was a German Lutheran missionary. In 1902 he went to Chaggaland on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Deutsch-Ostafrika (now Tanzania) and stayed with brief interruptions for 36 years. Owing to his 'intensive involvement with a single tribe in East Africa,' stated Ernst Jaschke, his successor, 'he was able to understand and love them as no other European did.'Gutmann published 23 books and 476 articles about the Chagga, including a Swahili hymnal and a Kichagga New Testament. He wrote: 'The so-called "primitive races" are not childish organisms and easily manageable, as some believe. Not only does the spirit of past generations live within them, but extinct cultures also smoulder within their souls. Would, therefore, that, in addition to bringing in the disintegrating influences of our civilization, the colonial powers might provide constructive and sensible development programs that use creatively indigenous forms for service to the whole community, else ineradicable life forces flare up unexpectedly like flames from a ruined structure.' Poetry and Thinking of the Chagga is the first and only English translation of Gutmann's first book, Dichten und Denken der Dschagganeger: Beitrage zur ostafrikanischen Volkskunde, in which he describes the Chagga's clan legends, ancestor worship, chiefdom rule, marriage, childbirth, notions of death (the 'Realm of the Dead'), mourning and burial customs, the exalted position accorded to warriors, superstitions, fears of curses and 'curse pots', reliance on sorcerers and witch doctors, and ideas about the sun, the moon and God.An ethnologist and missiologist, Gutmann, according to Boston University's School of Theology, 'became justly famous for his studies on Chagga religion, society, and customs, which remained unsurpassed...' This new edition of his seminal study will be of interest to today's English-speaking Africanists and students of missionary history.
Cinebook Ltd Alone Vol. 10: The Machine For Undying
Murdered by the First Families' war leader, Camille has finally shown her true nature: she is the Midnight-Child, the envoy of Evil! Her friends, however, don't know it yet, as they've all been scattered by accident or treachery. Leila, imprisoned by Neosalem's authorities. Dodzi, captured by their enemies of the Last Families. Ivan, presumed dead... Only Terry, the brat, has managed to escape along with the Master of Knives. Not the most conventional of teams!
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Markov Chains: Theory and Applications
Markov chains are a fundamental class of stochastic processes. They are widely used to solve problems in a large number of domains such as operational research, computer science, communication networks and manufacturing systems. The success of Markov chains is mainly due to their simplicity of use, the large number of available theoretical results and the quality of algorithms developed for the numerical evaluation of many metrics of interest. The author presents the theory of both discrete-time and continuous-time homogeneous Markov chains. He carefully examines the explosion phenomenon, the Kolmogorov equations, the convergence to equilibrium and the passage time distributions to a state and to a subset of states. These results are applied to birth-and-death processes. He then proposes a detailed study of the uniformization technique by means of Banach algebra. This technique is used for the transient analysis of several queuing systems. Contents 1. Discrete-Time Markov Chains 2. Continuous-Time Markov Chains 3. Birth-and-Death Processes 4. Uniformization 5. Queues About the Authors Bruno Sericola is a Senior Research Scientist at Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique in France. His main research activity is in performance evaluation of computer and communication systems, dependability analysis of fault-tolerant systems and stochastic models.