Search results for ""peeters publishers""
Peeters Publishers The Narrow Way to Heaven: Identity and Identities in the Art of Middle Eastern Christianity
If art mirrors identity, this is particularly the case in the Christian Middle East. At first glance, the imposed minority position of the various communities and inherent feelings of peril are the driving forces behind the development of distinct artistic idioms, but on closer inspection this bias does not entirely do justice to the achievements of past generations. Churches would never have been erected and embellished without the zealous support of individuals and groups who had the means to realize such projects. This two-partite study deals with them and the tangible results of their efforts. The first part is devoted to the considerable Christian material heritage in Egypt, from the Arab conquest in the seventh century to the downfall of the artistic production around the turn of the thirteenth/fourteenth centuries. Coptic monasteries, churches and prayer rooms were decorated according to their final functional use and specific needs, thus expressing a distinct monastic identity. Another influential category was the wealthy elite of lay nobles, in particular high-ranking state officials in the Fatimid and Ayyubid service. They not only instigated the renovation and decoration of urban churches, but were also committed to the refurbishing of the papal churches in Old Cairo. In this matter, specific attention is devoted to the involvement of Byzantine-trained artists in the second half of the thirteenth century. In addition, the churches and works of art of the other communities in Egypt, in particular the Syrian Orthodox, are highlighted. The second part discusses the revival of Christian art in Ottoman Egypt, Palestine, and Syria from the seventeenth century onwards. Beside the re-emergence of traditional elements, European influences are tangible all across the board. This was the result of the increasing contacts between Europe and the Middle East and the successful extension of the influences of the Church of Rome to the Ottoman realm. Finally, the epilogue is devoted to modern oriental Christian art as a means to express the identity of the different communities.
Peeters Publishers Late Medieval Enclosed Gardens of the Low Countries: Contributions to Gender and Artistic Expression
During the Late Middle Ages a unique type of 'mixed media' recycled and remnant art arose in houses of religious women in the Low Countries: Enclosed Gardens. These are retables, sometimes with painted side panels, the central section filled not only with narrative sculpture, but also with all sorts of trinkets and hand-worked textiles. Adornments include relics, wax medallions, gemstones set in silver, pilgrimage souvenirs, parchment banderoles, flowers made from textiles with silk thread, semi-precious stones, pearls and quilling (a decorative technique using rolled paper). The ensemble is an impressive and one-of-a-kind display and presents as an intoxicating garden. In this essay the exceptional heritage of such Enclosed Gardens is interpreted from a range of approaches. The Enclosed Garden is studied as a symbol of paradise and mystical union, as the sanctuary of interiority, as the sublimation of the sensorium (in particular the sense of smell), as a typical gendered product, and as a centre of psycho-energetic creative processes.
Peeters Publishers Nobilities in Europe in the Twentieth Century: Reconversion Strategies, Memory Culture, and Elite Formation
In this volume on the comparative study of nobility, historians, sociologists and anthropologists focus on the different processes of transformation that aristocratic elites in Europe went through during the twentieth century. Readers will learn about nobles in northern Europe (Sweden and Finland), southern Europe (Italy), western Europe (France, Belgium, the Netherlands) and central Europe (Germany, Austria, Poland and Hungary). However, because of the comparative structure of the volume, readers will also sometimes encounter the nobility in Britain, Russia and the Baltic areas. The authors discuss questions like: how did noble men and women cope with the rise of totalitarian regimes and with the dramatic periods of the Second World War and the Cold War? What was the impact of the Fall of the Berlin Wall? And how did nobles react to the loss of political and economic privileges? In spite of all the variety and heterogeneity in wealth, power, prestige, and public visibility of these nobilities, some remarkable general trends and patterns emerge from the articles. The fourteen contributions show how and why relatively many nobles succeeded in staying on top or in transforming political and economic capital into cultural and symbolic capital.
Peeters Publishers Action, Reason and Truth: Studies in Aristotle's Conception of Practical Rationality
The present volume brings together a number of studies, eight in all, dedicated to diverse aspects of Aristotle's conception of rational action and practical rationality. Two principal motifs account for their thematic unity. The first one is given in the idea that Aristotle's view is characterized by a fundamental tension between the totalizing orientation of practical rationality, on the one hand, and the situational subjection of human action, on the other. The second one concerns the connection that Aristotle establishes between rational action (praxis) and truth, expressed in the notion of practical truth. The proposed interpretation seeks to show that Aristotle's conception is not just internally consistent and philosophically interesting. It is also capable of entering into fruitful dialogue with a whole range of modern and contemporary views.
Peeters Publishers Faith, Hope and Love: Thomas Aquinas on Living by the Theological Virtues
l During the last two decades virtue ethics has become the focal point of renewed ethical and theological interest. To lead a good life, it proves useful to watch those who have mastered the art of living. The conviction that living is an art is at the heart of virtue ethics. Living a good life requires exercise, and is a question of acquiring a virtuous character rather than of complying with external ethical and legal rules. This renaissance partly builds on Thomas Aquinas. He in turn recovered Aristotelian, Ciceronian and Augustinian thought on virtue ethics. The interpretation and development of virtues and vices form the core of his authorship, as the secunda pars of his Summa Theologiae readily displays. And yet, the most important virtues for him are not the moral ones, such as Justice, Temperance, Prudence and Fortitude, but those virtues that are both infused by and aimed at God: Faith, Hope and Love. These are virtues that the philosophers of antiquity were not aware of. To account for them, Aquinas had to adapt the classical understanding of virtues. For Aquinas, the moral virtues come to full fruition only when they are embedded in a life before God, a life lived exercising the God given theological virtues. By ignoring Faith, Hope and Love, the present discussion of virtue ethics not only ignores those virtues that were for Aquinas of utmost importance, but also fails to arrive at a complete understanding of his view of the moral virtues. The papers contained in this volume address this theme, and were originally presented at the fourth international conference of the Thomas Instituut te Utrecht (Tilburg University), at Utrecht in December 2013.
Peeters Publishers Dictionnaire birman-français. Fasc. 3
Peeters Publishers Karl Jaberg: linguistique romane, géographie linguistique, théorie du langage
Le linguiste suisse Karl Jaberg (1877-1958) fut une des figures marquantes de la romanistique du XXe siècle: co-directeur, avec J. Jud, du monumental Sprach- und Sachatlas Italiens und der Südschweiz (1928-1940), Jaberg fut aussi – comme en témoignent les articles réunis dans les deux volumes de ses Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungen und Erlebnisse (1937 et 1965) – un spécialiste de sémantique et d’onomasiologie, un dialectologue de terrain attentif aux phénomènes de variation, un précurseur dans le domaine des études de morphophonologie verbale, un linguiste praticien engagé dans des débats avec ses maîtres et collègues dialectologues (L. Gauchat, J. Gilliéron), ou avec des philologues idéalistes (K. Vossler, E. Lerch), des philosophes et psychologues du langage (A. Marty, W. Wundt), et des linguistes théoriciens (F. de Saussure, Ch. Bally, H. Schuchardt). Les contributions dans ce volume couvrent l’ensemble de l’÷uvre très vaste de Jaberg, s’étendant sur plus d’un demi-siècle. Le volume, contenant une dizaine d’illustrations (photos, cartes, dessins, …), se clôt par un «Dossier K. Jaberg» fournissant la bibliographie complète de l’auteur et un choix de textes peu connus. Contributions de: J.-C. Chevalier, A.-M. Fryba-Reber, C. Grassi, G. Hilty, R. Liver, C. Meul, G. Sanga, P. Swiggers, T. Telmon, S. Verleyen, P. Wunderli.
Peeters Publishers Armenian, Hittite, and Indo-European Studies: A Commemoration Volume for Jos J.S. Weitenberg
Jos J.S. Weitenberg, Professor of Armenian Studies at Leiden University (1994-2009), co-founder and President of the Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes, was a scholar of global standing in Hittite, Armenian and Indo-European linguistics. The twenty-three studies by colleagues and former students gathered in this volume reflect some of the depth and breadth of Weitenberg’s scholarship: Hittite and Anatolian, to which Weitenberg made a classic contribution with Die hethitischen u-Stämme (1984), and Indo-European etymologies. Armenian dialectology is well represented, as are contributions to wider Armenian culture, and the reception of Greek literary culture in Armenian. Further studies are devoted to digital preparation of critical editions, the relationship between master and pupil as well as the Armenian reception and interpretation of Biblical and apocryphal material, to which Weitenberg contributed in Eusèbe d'Émèse. Commentaire de la Genèse. Texte arménien de l'édition de Venise [1980]. Fragments grecs et syriaques. Avec traductions, together with Françoise Petit and Lucas Van Rompay (2011).
Peeters Publishers Prévost et les débats d'idées de son temps
L’abbé Prévost fut à la fois romancier, journaliste, historien, géographe, traducteur et, comme l’a écrit Soalhat de Mainvillers, «philosophe aventurier» de son temps. Chez lui les débats d'idées constituent autant un mode de pensée qu'un geste d’écriture. Ses textes, qui ont eux-mêmes engendré leur part de discussions, entretiennent un dialogue avec les discours et les représentations de leur époque, avec d'autres œuvres ou avec eux-mêmes; ils envisagent avant tout le débat d’idées comme un principe poétique. En s'attachant aux ressources heuristiques offertes par les œuvres, les quatorze études réunies dans ce volume se proposent d'examiner la façon dont les écrits de Prévost pensent narrativement, au point de constituer le débat d'idées en expérience littéraire.
Peeters Publishers Bergson professeur: Actes du colloque international, Paris, École Normale Supérieure, 22-24 novembre 2010
Bergson Professeur rassemble les actes d'un colloque international qui s'est tenu à Paris, à l’École Normale Supérieure, en novembre 2010. On y trouve les contributions des meilleurs bergsoniens contemporains sur un thème habituellement peu traité : le rôle exact des cours de Bergson et des notes de cours relativement à ses ouvrages publiés. Ce volume vient ainsi combler un manque dans les publications académiques sur Bergson, puisqu'il permet de restituer, dans le sillage des travaux engagés il y a deux décennies par Henri Hude, ce qui est trop souvent considéré comme la part la moins importante de sa philosophie. En tentant de faire entendre de nouveau la voix vivante du professeur Bergson, ce travail ne rend donc pas seulement un hommage au maître admiré par tous ses auditeurs, il nous fait entrer, comme par effraction, dans l’atelier où, à n’en pas douter, furent mises au point plusieurs des grandes trouvailles d’un génie philosophique.
Peeters Publishers From Flow to Face: The Haemorrhoissa Motif (Mark 5:24b-34parr) between Anthropological Origin and Image Paradigm
The synoptic Gospels record a remarkable story about an anonymous woman – the `Haemorrhoissa’ in further tradition – suffering from incessant uterine bleeding who, without Jesus’ intention or knowledge, was healed by his power (Mark 5:24b-34parr). The Haemorrhoissa motif had an important place in early Christianity, and from its earliest manifestation as synoptic narrative it developed into a multifarious motif embedded in a variety of contexts. One of its most remarkable developments was its transformation into the Veronica motif, the roots of which thus lie in early Christianity. This historical-anthropological investigation of the early Christian Haemorrhoissa motif hence is driven by two primary research questions. The first: why was the early Christian Haemorrhoissa motif so richly represented and did it develop so multifariously? The second: what did the early Christian constellation of the Haemorrhoissa motif contribute to the genesis of the vera icon and its constitution as image paradigm and, intrinsically linked to this, as anthropological paradigm?
Peeters Publishers Children and Family in Late Antiquity: Life, Death and Interaction
This volume continues the series of five previous Roman Family publications, and puts special focus on social history and living conditions in the familial contexts. It concentrates on three interlinked aspects of family life and interaction: liminal situations regarding demography and ecological factors that lay down the framework for family life, liminal conditions on the edges of familial life regarding child labour, child slaves and sexual attitudes towards children, and local traditions which confront us with people and cultures at the borders of the Roman Empire. By focusing on three recurring points of departure (Late Antiquity, children and childhood, and the encounter between various cultures), and by presenting a wide variety of methodological approaches (from rhetorical analysis of discourses to statistical analysis, and from experiential life stories to iconographic analysis), the present volume offers a view on the status quaestionis of Roman family studies, and widens the thematic points of departure for the study of the Roman family, thus hopefully pointing to fruitful directions for further studies.
Peeters Publishers Les Actes des Patriarches VII: Les Regestes de 1410 a 1453 suivis des Tables generales des Fascicules I-VII
Peeters Publishers Recherches sur les offikia de l'Église byzantine
Peeters Publishers Les reliquaires de la Vraie Croix
Peeters Publishers Epistoliers byzantins du Xe siecle
Peeters Publishers Njáls Saga and its Christian Background: A Study of Narrative Method. Germania Latina VIII
Njáls Saga is universally recognised as the greatest and most complex of all the sagas of Icelanders (Íslendingasögur). The originality with which the writer composed his narrative has led to its being likened to a novel created by an author who certainly used sources, although identifying which parts of the saga descend from oral, and which from written sources has proved difficult. The `Christian background’ of the title of this study refers to the ecclesiastical texts (including Scripture and its exegesis, church liturgy and the liturgical year, and hagiographical and apocryphal writings) which, it is argued, were used by the author of Njáls saga as he both created a bipartite structure, using familiar Christian metaphors to help unify the work; and developed his central thematic concern: that good legal judgement depends upon justice and mercy acting together, as in divine judgement. It is this which finally redeems Skarpheðinn Njálsson.
Peeters Publishers Tas-Silg, Marsaxlokk (Malta) II: Archaeological Excavations Conducted by the University of Malta, 1996-2005
Tas-Silg, on the south-east coast of the island of Malta, is a major multi-period site, with archaeological remains spanning four thousand years. A megalithic temple complex built in the early third millennium BC gave way to a Phoenician and Punic sanctuary dedicated to the goddess Astarte. The sacred place underwent major transformations in Roman times, becoming an international religious complex dedicated to the goddess Juno. Located on the maritime routes plied by mariners and traders, its fame did not escape the attention of the first-century BC orator Cicero. Excavated as part of a major archaeological project in the 1960s, the site of Tas-Silg lay abandoned for several decades. In 1996, the University of Malta renewed excavations at the site for ten seasons, uncovering Neolithic and Late Bronze Age occupation levels, and substantial deposits associated with ritual offerings of Punic date. This volume is the second monograph of the final publication of the excavations. It provides an account of the pottery and of the hundreds of inscribed pottery sherds that were recovered during the excavations. It forms a companion volume to the first monograph, which reports on the history of the site and other finds.
Peeters Publishers The Notory Art of Shorthand (Ars notoria notarie): A Curious Chapter in the History of Writing in the West
The Notory Art of Shorthand (Ars notoria notarie), an important yet understudied late medieval work, is newly edited here and presented for the first time in English translation along with an introduction and commentary. This unique treatise on shorthand writing is a hybrid of literary genres that sheds much light on late medieval scribal culture. Following in a medieval tradition of works such as the Secret of Secrets, the innovative Ars notoria notarie points forward to early modern hermetic writers such as Agrippa von Nettesheim and John Dee, the latter having owned one of the three manuscripts of the work. The Ars notoria notarie relates to disciplines ranging from paleography to magic. It has multiple identities: a unique branch of one of the most popular magic treatises of the Middle Ages, the Ars notoria; a rare report on medieval paleography and the notarial trade; an exposé of a unique medieval cipher based on the famous Tironian notes; an eclectic university text bringing together authorities from Pliny and Aristotle to Donatus and Bede; a remarkable source for the liturgy of Thomas Becket; and, finally, a distinctive contribution to the epistolary genre known as the mirror for princes.
Peeters Publishers Sagalassos Jaarboek 2013
Peeters Publishers Q13: 34-35. Judgment over Jerusalem: Volume Editor: S.R. Johnson
The twelfth volume in the series Documenta Q is concerned with the reconstruction of the Q text behind Luke 13:34-35 par. Matt 23:37-39. Q 13:34-35 is a particularly difficult pericope to position in Q. The International Q Project's presentation of the critical text of Q 13:34-35, together with the exhaustive history of research on which it is based, will enhance considerably research in the Sayings Gospel Q, the historical Jesus, Jewish-Christian relations, and New Testament theology. The database and evaluations are expanded and much-revised versions of those presented and discussed at the meeting of the International Q Project in Rattenbach, Germany, 1994. Just prior to the bibliography at the conclusion of the volume, the resultant critical text of Q 13:34-35 is printed. This Greek text is followed by English, German, and French translations (Lukan chapter and verse numeration is used as a convenience and a mere convention).
Peeters Publishers In-between Spaces: Creative Possibilities for Theologies of Gender - Entre espacios: propuestas creativas para las teologías de género - Zwischenräume: Kreative Möglichkeiten für Gender-Theologien
The in-between is often considered as a bare and infertile space. To venture into the borderland between two states, for example, can be fatal; it is a lawless area, threatening and chaotic, hostile to human well-being and flourishing. Yet recent postcolonial and queer studies have increased awareness of the positive aspects of the in-between: borders also provide spaces for negotiation, interconnection and transgression and for articulations of identities and differences. Like bridges, borders emphasize difference and distance, but also connection. The interest and aim of this volume is to explore the in-between space in its positive and negative, challenging and limiting aspects with regard to issues of gender from the perspective of theology and the study of religions. The articles collected here discuss the in-between with regard to generational shifts, religious traditions, queer identities, biblical interpretations and translations, and thus provide insight into the many-fold understandings of the in-between and its application as a category of reflection and analysis.
Peeters Publishers The Fourth Cataract and Beyond: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference for Nubian Studies
The 12th International Conference for Nubian Studies was held at the British Museum, London, from 1st-6th August 2010. The conference, held every four years, is the only international gathering of archaeologists and scholars from associated disciplines which considers all aspects of Sudan and southern Egypt's ancient and more recent past. The main sessions, and main papers published herein, were devoted to a consideration of the Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project, its aftermath and impact. Over the previous decade this has been the major focus of archaeological activity on the Middle Nile. The dam is now complete and the reservoir is full drawing a line under the fieldwork component of the project. It was felt timely, therefore, in the interim to obtain an overview of what was found during the many years of intensive work and the first main paper speaker in each session sought to do just that. They were followed by reports on sites, categories of objects and more thematic papers arranged broadly by period. These highlight that, while the focus of archaeological activity still remains in the Nile Valley where there is the densest concentration of sites and also where there remains the most concentrated threat to their survival, much work is being undertaken away from the river and in some cases outside its catchment area. The role of the deserts is increasingly being appreciated while the role of the savannah and areas even further south has yet to be given the prominence that it probably deserves.
Peeters Publishers The Articulation between Natural Sciences and Systematic Theology: A Philosophical Mediation Based on the Contributions of Jean Ladrière and Xavier Zubiri
The object of this work is the interdisciplinary dialogue between natural sciences and Christian theology. It studies the theological, epistemological and semantic conditions that make possible an articulation between scientific worldviews and theological discourses. Based on some theological and epistemological conditions, this work proposes a theological method that articulates scientific worldviews into systematic theology through the mediation of philosophy. The method seeks two objectives: (a) that theology remains in its epistemological boundaries and (b) to respect the autonomy of natural sciences. Finally, the proposed theological method is applied to three examples in dialogue with natural sciences: (i) creation, (ii) human action and (iii) a spiritual contemplation of God’s presence in the world. This book follows the contributions of two major scholars of the Twentieth Century: Jean Ladrière and Xavier Zubiri. Our considerations are based on the scholars’ analyses of the plurality of epistemologies and their analyses of the intellectual act.
Peeters Publishers Marduk-remanni: Local Networks and Imperial Politics in Achaemenid Babylonia
Marduk-remanni was a Babylonian man who lived in the provincial town of Sippar during the first decades of Persian rule in Mesopotamia (second half of the sixth century BC). His archive of c. 187 cuneiform texts was found in 1881 during excavations carried out on behalf of the British Museum, but since then it has received little attention. On first sight, the historical relevance of Marduk-remanni's records seems minimal. They relate to his private assets, business enterprises, and legal concerns - matters that barely seem to transcend the personal and local spheres. But upon closer scrutiny, it becomes clear that Marduk-remanni was at the centre of a far-flung personal network and that his life, despite his having lived far from the political centre, reflects many of the developments and changes taking place at the highest imperial level. He was a child when Cyrus the Great of Persia conquered Babylonia, and although this regime change caused little upheaval outside the political arena at first, by the time of Marduk-remanni's death several decades later, the world of his childhood had changed. His life had taken a completely different course than that of his father and grandfather. He had traveled near and far, visiting the Persian court at Susa on several occasions. No longer were the horizons of his world confined to the Babylonian heartland, as they had been for his father and grandfather. Marduk-remanni was born in provincial Babylonia, but he died as a citizen of a world empire. This book traces the social, economic and political dynamics that transformed his life.
Peeters Publishers Theological Renewal and the Resurgence of Integrism: The René Draguet Case (1942) in Its Context
On July 1, 1942 the Holy Office issued a decree that the Louvain professor of fundamental theology René Draguet (1896-1980) had to be deprived of his teaching. The decree did not clarify the reasons for this sanction. Earlier on in the same year two books were placed on the Index: M.-D. Chenu’s Une École de théologie: Le Saulchoir (1937) and L. Charlier’s Essai sur le problème théologique (1938), while a dissertation of a Louvain doctor in theology and student of Draguet, V. Buffon, was `condemned’ without being put on the Index. These theologians shared a pursuit of theological renewal, either directly (e.g. by elaborating a new theory of theology) or indirectly (e.g. by introducing methodological innovations in the domain of doctrinal history). As both Charlier and Buffon were to a large extent dependent on Draguet’s theological theory and method, the Louvain professor appears as the key figure of a `Louvain school’ of theological renewal that – together with the school of Le Saulchoir – was combated very harshly by the Holy Office in 1942. The quick succession of condemnations gave rise to the fear that a revival of `integrism’ was taking place against a kind of neo-modernism, labeled as nouvelle théologie. The book consists of two parts. In the first part, the projects of theological renewal of Draguet, Charlier and Chenu are studied. Most attention is given to the not well-known theological project of Draguet, that is discussed in detail on the basis of his teaching and publications. Next the theological positions of Charlier and Chenu are analysed from a comparative perspective. In this way it is shown how the catch word nouvelle théologie made an amalgam of very divergent projects of theological renewal. The second part is devoted to the history of the condemnations of 1942. The opening up of the Draguet archives in 2005 allowed for the historiography of the condemnation and rehabilitation of Draguet in its relation to the condemnations of Chenu, Charlier and Buffon.
Peeters Publishers Script as Image
In the Middle Ages, writing conveyed far more than information. In contradistinction to the modern separation of image and text and, by implication, form and content, which was reified with the invention of printing, illuminated manuscripts made images out of words. In consonance with Christian doctrine, which declared that the Word had become flesh, letters painted on parchment assumed bodily presence to create effects of power and persuasion. Painted letters elicited modes of performance, oral recitation and ritual action. Far from calligraphic ornament or a medium with prescribed boundaries, medieval lettering reveals itself as a flexible instrument in which various categories of human experience and expression -- the audible, the visible, the symbolic and the figurative -- come together. Among the topics touched on by this book are display scripts, monograms, nomina sacra and carmina figurata, epigraphic inscriptions, chrysography and color, speech scrolls, relationships among author, scribe and artist as expressed through scripts, the anthropomorphic dimensions of abstract lettering, and the impact of iconic scripts on the reader.
Peeters Publishers The Hermeneutics of Knowing and Willing in the Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas
This study elicits a concern to show forth those elements in the theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas that can meaningfully engage with those trends in contemporary hermeneutical philosophy and theology that highlight the conditioned nature of human understanding. The main point of reference in this regard is the hermeneutical philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer. At the heart of this hermeneutical enterprise is Thomas's construal of the relationship between intellect and will, a relationship that can be described as one of dynamic reciprocity. A dynamic interaction between intellect and will obtains in both their natural and graced operations. Hence, the title of this book, The Hermeneutics of Knowing and Willing in the Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas. Some might be concerned that the notion of hermeneutics will import the spectre of relativism into Thomas's thought. By guiding the reader through Thomas's doctrine of man as made to the image of the Trinity, his Trinitarian theology, his Christology, and his treatment of grace, the theological virtues of faith and charity, and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the author shows how Thomas in fact offers us resources for a theological hermeneutics of objectivity. The criteria for this objectivity, so the author argues, are Trinitarian, Christological, Pneumatological, ecclesial, and Scriptural. It is to be hoped that this book will be read not only by those who have a particular interest in Thomas's theology but also by theologians outside of the Thomistic tradition, particularly those interested in hermeneutics.
Peeters Publishers Commentum medium super libro Porphyrii. Translatio Wilhelmo de Luna adscripta: Averrois Opera Series B
Ce volume porte sur la traduction arabo-latine attribuée à Guillaume de Luna du commentaire moyen d’Averroès sur l’Isagoge. Peu citée semble-t-il au Moyen ge, un peu plus à la Renaissance, cette traduction est conservée par quatre manuscrits; s’y ajoutent douze éditions des XVe et XVIe siècles. L’original arabe de la traduction étant perdu, l’édition n’a pu être accompagnée ni d’un apparat comparatif latino-arabe ni de lexiques rendant compte des équivalences arabo-latines ou latino-arabes. Mais dans les notes complétant l’apparat des variantes, fréquents sont les renvois: 1. à la version arabe de l’Isagoge due à Abū 'Uthmān al-Dimashqī; 2. à la traduction arabo-hébraïque du même commentaire d’Averroès par Jacob Anatoli. Grâce à cette traduction de Jacob Anatoli et à la version arabe de l’Isagoge, il est souvent possible de supposer ce qu’a dû être le texte arabe du commentaire d’Averroès traduit par Guillaume de Luna.
Peeters Publishers Het fenomeen "Poeske" Scherens
Jef Scherens, op 17 februari 1909 geboren te Werchter, zou zijn hele leven ten dienste van fiets en competitie stellen. Vanaf het begin van de jaren 1930 tot het einde van de jaren 1940 werd het internationale sprintnummer ronduit gedomineerd door een wereldtopper van Belgische makelij. Scherens was als `fenomeen’ een `idool’, die supporters deed juichen, journalisten in de pen deed kruipen en lyrische reacties aan hen ontlokte. Het tiende SALSA-cahier met als titel `Het fenomeen ”Poeske” Scherens’ is een biografische schets van een tijdsklimaat, met de sprinter als leidsman op de populaire wielerbanen van West-Europa.
Peeters Publishers Retelling Journalism: Conveying Stories in a Digital Age
Storytelling is at the centre of journalism practice. It is the key for communicating with the audience and it exerts a heavy influence over how news is perceived in the public sphere. In the digital era the way in which journalists tell stories is undergoing a dramatic shift. New media offer new possibilities, while they at the same time stimulate traditional media to search for new venues to convey their stories in an attractive and authoritative way. This volume addresses how journalism tries to find and craft new forms and genres of storytelling. It questions how these transitions stimulate new journalistic practices and shift the institutional function and ethics of journalism. What does it means to tell newsworthy and trustworthy stories in a digital age?
Peeters Publishers Construire en Crète minoenne: Une approche énergétique de l'architecture néopalatiale
L’architecture crétoise néopalatiale (XVIIe-XVe s. av. J.-C.) est étudiée selon une approche énergétique qui permet de déterminer le temps nécessaire à la construction d’un édifice. Le nombre total d’heures de travail dévolues à l’accomplissement des différentes tâches sur le chantier, depuis l’acquisition des matériaux jusqu’à leur mise en place, est estimé. L’approche permet d’appréhender les comportements des bâtisseurs tels qu’ils se révèlent dans le choix et l’utilisation de matériaux distincts ou dans les travaux d’aménagement du terrain préalables à l’érection du bâtiment. Les résultats de l’application de l’approche énergétique à une sélection d’édifices illustrent la participation des habitants à la construction de leur propre maison, à la différence de la main-d’÷uvre abondante et en partie spécialisée impliquée dans la construction de bâtiments aux traits architecturaux élaborés. La diversité des résultats obtenus suggère l’accès ouvert à la main-d’÷uvre spécialisée, à laquelle l’élite néopalatiale disposait d’un accès certes privilégié, mais non pas exclusif.
Peeters Publishers Papers Presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies Held in Oxford 2011: Volume 15: Cappadocian Writers; the Second Half of the Fourth Century
Peeters Publishers Nature et sagesse. Les rapports entre physique et métaphysique dans la tradition aristotélicienne: Receuil de textes en hommage à Pierre Pellegrin
La question de savoir quel type de rapport entretiennent la physique et la métaphysique est au cœur du système philosophique d’Aristote. Ce rapport, toutefois, n’est pas facile à saisir, non seulement parce qu’Aristote ne l’a jamais défini de façon claire, mais parce qu’il est délicat d’en comprendre la nature à la lumière de la théorie de la science exposée dans les Seconds Analytiques. En effet, Aristote affirme d’une part que la métaphysique, conçue comme science universelle, n’a pas de genre-sujet propre, et d’autre part que la physique, quoique seconde par rapport à la métaphysique, en assure le fondement. C’est de ce rapport ambivalent que découle le plus grand nombre d’apories liées au statut épistémologique de chacune des deux sciences comme à la nature de leur rapport. Les contributions réunies dans ce recueil s’inscrivent dans ce contexte théorique complexe. Elles portent moins sur la difficulté de comprendre le critère ou les critères d’organisation des traités qu’on appelle Métaphysique et Physique que sur celle de présenter et de justifier l’entrelacement épistémologique de ces deux sciences, conçues comme deux disciplines unitaires mais plurielles. Sans prétendre reconstruire l’histoire de la question, l’un des enjeux de ce volume fut aussi de dégager, passé le texte même d’Aristote, certains points nodaux de l’histoire grecque et arabe du débat.
Peeters Publishers Papers Presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies Held in Oxford 2011: Volume 8: New Perspectives on Late Antique Spectacula
Peeters Publishers Papers Presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies Held in Oxford 2011: Volume 5: Evagrius Ponticus on Contemplation
Peeters Publishers Papers Presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies Held in Oxford 2011: Volume 1: Former Directors
Peeters Publishers Papers Presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies Held in Oxford 2011: Volume 3: Early Monasticism and Classical Paideia
Peeters Publishers Identifiers and Identification Methods in the Ancient World: Legal Documents in Ancient Societies III
This volume provides a survey of how people were identified in ancient cultures around the Mediterranean, from Mesopotamia and Egypt to Greece and Rome. Rather than discussing the identifiers themselves, the contributions focus on the selection of elements such as names, genealogy, titles, or ethnics, as well as on legal confirmation of identity in the form of witnesses, seals or signatures. The varying socio-onomastic and legal conventions illustrate intense cultural exchange as well as regional traditions in the Ancient World, and this collection of papers will be of interest to both social and legal historians.
Peeters Publishers Leviticus 1-10
James Watts uses rhetorical analysis for this detailed exposition of Leviticus 1-10. In dialogue with a wide variety of contemporary scholarship on Leviticus, this commentary also engages the history of the book’s interpretation and the history of Jewish and Christian ritual practices. Leviticus’s rhetoric aimed to persuade ancient Israelites to make offerings to God. It legitimized the monopoly of Aaronide priests over Israel’s offerings and over determining correct ritual practice. The priests in turn established the Torah containing Leviticus as the authoritative text of Israel’s religion. Rhetorical analysis of Leviticus thus leads to new insights into the role of priests in raising the Pentateuch to the status of scripture and in shaping the biblical canon. It also calls attention to the role of ritual rhetoric in the polities of later Jewish and Christian groups, despite the fact that neither religion makes animal offerings as Leviticus 1-10 mandates.
Peeters Publishers Narrations genrées: Écrivaines dans l'histoire européenne jusqu'au début du XXe siècle
Ce volume contient un riche échantillon d’études sur des textes de femmes et sur l’auctorialité féminine. Elles concernent des périodes et des littératures différentes, et des genres aussi différents que des mémoires, des écrits religieux et des prophéties, des journaux de voyage et des articles parus dans la presse, et surtout bien sûr des fictions narratives : nouvelles, histoires-cadres et romans – sentimentaux, épistolaires, orientaux, anthropologiques... Quelque différents qu’ils soient, les ouvrages étudiés ont en commun non seulement d’avoir été écrits par des femmes, mais – pour la plupart – de comporter en outre, sous une forme ou une autre, de la narration au féminin. Ils présentent donc des perspectives féminines sur le vécu féminin. La discussion de ces diverses perspectives contribue à faire avancer notre compréhension du rôle qu’ont pu prendre des auteures à l’intérieur de l’espace public.
Peeters Publishers De Sint-Pieterskerk te Leuven: Geschiedenis, architectuur en patrimonium
In het centrum van Leuven staat de monumentale Sint-Pieterskerk. Ze werd in de vijftiende eeuw opgetrokken onder de leiding van onder meer Sulpitius van Vorst en Matheus de Layens. Gilden, universitaire faculteiten en elitefamilies brachten het gebouw tot leven met schitterende religieuze plechtigheden, muziek en overdadige kunstwerken. Een machtig kapittel van geestelijken en universiteitsprofessoren waakte over het patrimonium. Tijdens de Franse bezetting werd de kerk gesloten en het meubilair openbaar verkocht. Werd het gebouw verschillende malen door oorlogsgeweld verminkt - met het verlies van kunstwerken en archieven - steeds opnieuw herrees het als een feniks uit zijn as. In 2019 werd de 35 jaar durende restauratiecampagne afgerond. Bezoekers ontdekken opnieuw het prachtige interieur met zijn heerlijke lichtinval. Eeuwenoude kunstwerken, waaronder het beroemde Laatste Avondmaal van Dieric Bouts, schitteren nu in een aantrekkelijke museale opstelling. Zeventien auteurs brengen in dit rijkelijk geïllustreerde boek een gloednieuw overzicht van de bouwgeschiedenis, de restauraties, het unieke kunstpatrimonium en het muziekverleden van deze kerk, parel van de Brabantse gotiek.
Peeters Publishers Archaeozoology of the Near East X: Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on the Archaeozoology of South-Western Asia and Adjacent Areas
This volume presents the proceedings of the 10th international meeting of the working group "Archaeozoology of South-Western Asia and Adjacent Areas" (ASWA X). The meeting took place at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (Brussels, Belgium) from June 28 to June 30, 2011. The 20 contributions presented here deal with a wide range of topics related to the human-animal interactions and gather the results of research that has been conducted in Anatolia and the Levant, more eastern regions (Armenia and Azerbaijan), northern Africa (Egypt and Sudan) and Oman. Research questions include issues such as the exploitation of animal resources, changing animal use, herding practices, social differences and/or identities, trade, animal burials and sacrifices, and cover periods ranging from the PPNB up to the Early Islamic period.
Peeters Publishers Tradition and the Normativity of History
This collection of essays by some of the world’s leading theological voices aims at unfolding and reflecting upon the complex relationship between theology and history, with a special focus on the development of tradition. The articles gathered here make it clear that the role of historical consciousness within theology and the contribution of historical studies to the theological disciplines, are of paramount importance, and fundamentally alter the shape of the theological enterprise. Rather than destroying theology, tradition and theological truth claims, historical consciousness contributes to the deconstruction of all facile appeals to history in order to support theological claims, and works to prevent us from proposing simplistic readings of tradition in terms of continuity or discontinuity. Moreover, it offers new opportunities to theology to engage in the process of recontextualization in the contemporary context, taking into account its sensibility to historicity, contingency and particularity. It allows us, for example, to think resurrection anew, and to constructively criticize our forgetfulness of dangerous memories. It is not by overcoming these features of the contemporary age that theology will succeed in its striving after theological truth, but by discerning how such truth is revealed precisely within, and thanks to, particular and contingent histories, and not in spite of historicity, contingency and particularity. When this is done, the dialogue between theology and history/historical studies contributes to a contemporary reconsideration of the radical dialogical character of revelation, that is, of the way in which God reveals Godself in history. It is the hope of this collective volume that it will further deepen the understanding of revelation that was developed in Vatican II’s constitution on divine revelation, Dei verbum.
Peeters Publishers Paul the Deacon, Liber De Episcopis Mettensibus
Paul the Deacon was undoubtedly one of the most prolific and gifted scholars of the early medieval period. Working for different patrons, first in his native Lombardy and then at the Frankish court, he left an impressive literary legacy, including a six-volume History of Rome and a History of the Lombards. All in all, Paul wrote more history than any of his contemporaries. He composed the Liber de episcopis Mettensibus around 784 at the behest of Angilram, bishop of Metz and chief counselor of Charlemagne. The text has received considerable attention from modern historians since it contains the first genealogy of the Carolingian family, one that establishes Arnulf, the seventh-century bishop of Metz, as Charlemagne's forefather. However, rather than being a simple work of royal propaganda, composed to support and legitimize the Carolingians, who had usurped the throne only thirty years earlier with Pippin III's coup in 751, the text subtly advances the prominent role of Metz within the Frankish kingdom. The present volume offers a new Latin edition of the Liber, including the late tenth-century interpolated section that both transformed the text and ensured its transmission. It also provides its first translation into a modern language. The introduction analyzes the textual strategies and the political claims at play in the Liber within the context of a reassessment of Angilram's episcopacy (768-791) in Metz.
Peeters Publishers Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts: Coins of the Black Sea Region. Part II: Ancient Coins of the Black Sea Littoral
This fascicule represents the second part of the first volume of Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum of the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts devoted to the coins of the Black Sea littoral. It comprises detailed descriptions and illustrations of the coin issues struck by the Greek cities situated on the western, southern and eastern shores of the Black Sea up to Roman times, thereby completing the publication of coin material from the circumpontic area stored in the Pushkin Museum. Despite the relative small number of coins (fewer than 500 pieces) there are quite rare specimens among them originating from important pre-revolutionary private collections such as those of Rozanov and Bobrinskii. Most of the coins have never been published before and will be of special interest to scholars.
Peeters Publishers The Periphery of the Classical World in Ancient Geography and Cartography
This collection of papers is dedicated to the problems of centre and periphery in the ancient world in their historical and geographical aspects. These problems are discussed here within a broad chronological scope: from the Mycenaean period, through the flourishing of geographical science in Hellenistic times, to the Roman period, represented by the names of Strabo, Pomponius Mela, Pliny and Ptolemy. The papers embrace all parts of the ancient oikoumene, from Africa in the south and Ireland in the west, through northern and eastern Europe to Central Asia in the east. Several authors have devoted their contributions to ancient mapmaking and how this reflects Greek and Roman conceptions of the periphery of the ancient world. The authors are drawn from across Europe: France, Italy, Poland and Russia.