Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Peace Movements in Western Europe and the United States
International Social Movement Research
Emerald Publishing Limited Electronic HRM in Theory and Practice
Organizations have increasingly been introducing web-based applications for HRM purposes, and these are frequently labeled as electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM). Much is expected of e-HRM in terms of improving the quality of HRM, increasing its contribution to company performance and freeing staff from administrative loads. The editors of this volume have been involved in a series of research projects, academic workshops, and conferences exploring the application of information technologies to various HR practices. Along with the "Special Issues of the International Journal of HRM", "International Journal of Technology and Human Interactions", and "International Journal of Training and Development", this volume is a tangible outcome of three European e-HRM Academic Workshops (2006, 2008, 2010), and two International Workshops on Human Resource Management (2007 and 2008). "Electronic HRM in Theory and Practice" brings a greater focus to the theoretical developments within the field of e-HRM research and clarifies the need to crystallize a theoretical framework for e-HRM research, raises further questions, and supports discussions.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Corporate Governance
Volume 14 of "Advances in Financial Economics" presents recent research on corporate governance from a number of countries across the world, including the United States, Spain, Malaysia, Israel and others. Many important corporate governance mechanisms are examined, such as board characteristics (size, independence, duality, staggered form), ownership structure, legal protection of shareholders, annual general meetings, and executive compensation. The findings have implications for mergers and acquisitions, IPOs, related party transactions, CEO pay, volume of trading and stock volatility, and underwriting. Thus, the implications of corporate governance for firm performance and shareholder experience are covered through the salient activities of firms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Governance in the Business Environment
Governance is very much a current concern in the public interest. The global economic recession, from which we are just emerging, has highlighted failures in governance and regulation with much blame being laid at the feet of regulators and demands for perpetrators to be sanctioned accordingly. A key to managing the prevention of future financial crisis is concerned with the recognition and regulation of a truly global market for finance, trade, labour etc. and accepting that there are different perspectives from different parts of the world. Published in association with the Social Responsibility Research Network, Volume 2 in this new and exciting series recognises these issues and takes a global interdisciplinary perspective to the matter of governance in the business environment. Contributions range from the UK, Portugal and Belgium to Brazil, Japan, China and Malaysia, and topics of investigation include: governance and the management of global markets; governance mechanisms of strategic alliances in the Japanese car industry; multinational corporations and democratic governance; market governance to governance in the market - a return to old order; and a socio-legal framework for governance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Issue: Social Movements/Legal Possibilities
Social movements provide the engine of legal change and law itself spurs social movement activity. This issue of "Studies in Law, Politics and Society" examines the legal life of social movements and their impact on law. The articles collected here take up social movements in several different nations, including France, South Africa and Canada, asking us to consider the way context is reflected in movement activities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Group Processes
"Advances in Group Processes" publishes theoretical analyses, reviews, and theory based empirical chapters on group phenomena. It is the only edited volume of its kind explicitly devoted to group related phenomena and brings together diverse papers on the subject from a wide range of fields. The series adopts a broad conception of "group processes." This includes work on groups ranging from the very small to the very large, and on classic and contemporary topics such as status, power, exchange, justice, influence, decision-making, intergroup relations and social networks. Volume 28, including contributions from Stanford University and Harvard Business School, examines topics such as: graded status characteristics and expectation states; standardizing open interaction coding for status processes; creating community through language among San Pedro Longshoremen; applying identity theory to moral acts of commission and omission; and, joint commitments and social groups. It looks at key questions about the legitimacy of groups and the mobilization of resources, and also reducing social distance through the role of globalization in global public goods provision.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Emerging Financial Markets
The Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 has highlighted the resilience of the financial markets and broader economies from the developing world. This outcome owes much to the bitter experience and economic strategies developed and implemented at both a national and international level following the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-1998. The objective of this volume is to investigate and assess the impact and response to the crisis from an emerging markets perspective including asset pricing, contagion, financial intermediation, market structure and regulation. Our hope is that the assembled papers will offer clear insights into the complex financial arrangements that now link emerging and developed financial markets in the current economic environment. The volume spans four dimensions: first, a series of background studies offer explanations of the causes and impacts of the crisis on emerging markets more generally; then, implications are considered. The third and final sections provide insights from regional and country-specific perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Discovery of Tourism Economics
"The Discovery of Tourism Economics", presents the personal histories of some of the world's leading tourism economists, many of whom pioneered the field. This book is a unique collection of personal experiences and is a literary celebration of the global community of economic scholars - current and future - working in tourism. The study of tourism economics is a global phenomenon and this book provides a culturally and geographically diverse set of autobiographies. These stories reveal the wide range of personalities, passions, and peculiarities behind the authors' choice of tourism as a specialization and answer questions like: How did your interest in tourism develop? Was there a particular person who influenced your career choices? What are the joys and frustrations of working as a tourism economist? What do you consider to be some of your most significant accomplishments? The tales of these successful and respected scholars provide students with insights into how careers in tourism economics emerge and evolve, revealing the unexpected opportunities, challenges, rewards, and idiosyncrasies of the careers of scholars who have become recognized leaders in their field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global History of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe
"The Global Accounting History" four volume set aims to establish a benchmark reference source that covers the evolution of accounting, financial reporting and related institutions for all major economies in the world in a comparable way. Volume One addresses ten European economies, including France, Germany, Italy and the UK as well as the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland. Each chapter is authored by a specialist from the country concerned.
Emerald Publishing Limited History of Special Education
This volume will examine the history of special education by categorical areas (e.g., Learning Disabilities, Mental Retardation, and Autistic Spectrum Disorders). Each categorical area chapter will include an examination of: changing definitions, early pioneers in the field, major contributors and their theoretical ideas, changing educational and treatment practices, working with families, the use of technology, assessment practices and legislative acts specific to that categorical area. The volume will also include chapters on the changing philosophy related to educating students with exceptionalities as well as a detailed history of legal and legislation content concerned with special education. The volume will provide readers with a unique perspective on why special education is what it is today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Philosophy and Organization Theory
What is the relationship between philosophy and organization theory (OT)? While at first glance there might appear to be little, a closer look reveals a rich pattern of connections. More than any other type of human inquiry, philosophy helps make us self-aware of critical assumptions we tacitly incorporate in our organizational theorizing; it creates a deeper awareness of the 'unconscious metaphysics' underpinning our efforts to understand organizations. This volume includes papers that explore connections between several streams in philosophy and OT. As the titles of the papers suggest, most authors write about a particular philosopher or group of philosophers that make up a distinct school of thought, summarize important aspects of his/their work, and tease out the implications for OT. The central question authors explore is: 'what does a particular philosophy contribute to OT?' Either addressing this question in historical or exploratory terms, or in a combination of both, the end result is similar: particular philosophical issues, properly explained, are discussed in relation to important questions in OT.
Emerald Publishing Limited Categories in Markets: Origins and Evolution
Consumers, producers, critics, and other market agents rely on socially constructed categories like 'craft' beers, houseware 'collectibles', and 'thriller' films for their understanding of products and producers in markets. Although organizational and sociological accounts often take such categories as given, researchers increasingly acknowledge that category emergence, development, and functioning represent key aspects of how markets work. Take, for example, the U.S. brewing industry, which has become segmented into mass versus specialty producers. Many beer lovers who appreciate the characteristics of a beer made by small, specialty breweries are not willing to buy an equivalent beer made by an integrated, major producer. Knowledge of what specialty beer has come to mean and represent to consumers as the product of an authentic, artisanal production process and delivery is crucial for our understanding of how this market and competitive dynamics within it have evolved. This volume focuses on how market categories shape processes of production and consumption and how these activities in turn shape category systems. This volume consists of original contributions to theory and empirical research by a diverse group of esteemed authors. Topics explored include how new categories emerge, become enacted and gain consensus, how categories are used by market agents (including as tools for interpretation, as mobilization frames, and as cognitive infrastructures for learning), and how category systems change over time. These topics are explored from a variety of perspectives: new institutional theory, organizational ecology, social movement theory, and socio-cognitive theories of markets. The breadth of perspectives in this volume attests to the importance of this topic to sociological studies of market processes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Biology and Politics: The Cutting Edge
This volume examines cutting edge research in the study of biology and politics. Following an introduction from the editors it is divided into two main sections. The first part of the book explores the linkage between evolution, genetics and politics with initial chapters on abandoned baby legislation, a model of action and norms, and the biopolitics of primates. The next four chapters have a special focus on the use of twin studies to study political phenomena and provide a biological critique of twin studies, phenotypic measurement issues and twin studies, a survey of twin studies research, and an example of using twin studies to explore politically relevant behaviour. The second section looks at the relationship of brain science to our understanding of politics. With respect to the applicability of brain science it features chapters summarizing what literature exists as well as how to use neuroimaging techniques to study political behaviour.
Emerald Publishing Limited Nonlinear Modeling of Economic and Financial Time-Series
Within the subprime crisis (2007) and the recent global financial crisis of 2008-2009, we have observed significant decline, corrections and structural changes in most US and European financial markets. Furthermore, it seems that this crisis has been rapidly transmitted toward the most developed and emerging countries and has strongly affected the whole economy. This volume aims to present recent researches in linear and nonlinear modelling of economic and financial time-series. The several discussions of empirical results of its chapters clearly help to improve the understanding of the financial mechanisms inherent to this crisis. They also yield an important overview on the sources of the financial crisis and its main economic and financial consequences. The book provides the audience a comprehensive understanding of financial and economic dynamics in various aspects using modern financial econometric methods. It addresses the empirical techniques needed by economic agents to analyze the dynamics of these markets and illustrates how they can be applied to the actual data. It also presents and discusses new research findings and their implications.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disability as a Fluid State
Disability is often described in a way that suggests that it is a permanent and relatively stable state. Even when it is described as being socially constructed, the implication is that impairment leads to a permanent status of being 'disabled'. This volume argues that the relationship between impairment (physical state) and disability is neither fixed nor permanent but is fluid and not easily predicted. Furthermore, if this is true, we need to rethink how we are measuring disability. This volume attempts to reconceptualize disability not as static but a dynamic phenomenon which is related to social, cultural and historical contexts. It is part of the new social science emphasis on fluidity rather than stasis. The papers in the volume examine disability at all levels. Several look at micro-level interactional processes which shape physical conditions into disabilities or impairments into normality, some look at cultural differences over time in what constitutes disability and some look at how social processes and institutions create or deny the status of disability. The papers support the conceptualization of the fluidity of disability and have implications for its measurement.
Emerald Publishing Limited Interdisciplinary Higher Education: Perspectives and Practicalities
"Interdisciplinary Higher Education" offers a contemporary of our understanding and practice of interdisciplinary higher education. Part I (Chapters 1 to 5) considers a range of theoretical perspectives on interdisciplinarity: the nature of disciplines, complexity, leadership, group working, and academic development. Part II (Chapters 6 to 18) provides more than a dozen vignettes of interdisciplinary practice, drawn from Australian, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Behavior of Law: Special Edition
Hailed as one of the most important works in the history of sociology, and a precursor to the revolutionary theoretical approach of pure sociology, this short and lucid book is as relevant today as when it was first published in 1976. To honour this seminal book, Emerald is pleased to announce that it will publish a special edition of "The Behavior of Law", including a number of additional features: a new foreword from Mark Cooney; an interview with the author, entitled "How Law Behaves"; reflections from a number of prominent sociologists on "The Behavior of Law"'s impact over the last thirty years. It features an author profile written by Randall Collins.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gerhard G. Mueller: Father of International Accounting Education
This set of volumes places the labor markets, workplaces, jobs and workers of Europe in comparative perspective. It focuses on the politics, economics, sociology, and history of work and workers in Europe. Authors contribute a variety of methodological and theoretical perspectives, with papers that push the boundaries of evidence and argument. In order to place European workers in comparative perspectives, the volume features articles that analyze specific European countries, industries and firms, analyze Europe as one of a few cases, and analyze many European countries within a cross-national sample. Specific topics covered include: a multilevel study of perceived job insecurity in 27 European countries; work values and job rewards among European workers; managerial intensity and earnings inequality in affluent democracies; cross-national patterns in individual and household employment and work hours by gender and parenthood; the political economy of active social policy in postindustrial democracies; social protection dualism, deindustrialization and cost containment; organized labor in Europe; and, unionization in East European ex-communist countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Group Processes
This volume brings together a collection of papers that examine a range of social psychological and group related phenomena, including original research articles, new theoretical developments, and general reviews of select topics in the group processes literature. Topics examined include how network structures affect comparisons process and the distribution of power, and the emergence of strong power in complex networks. One chapter uses social exchange theory to understand the seeds of corruption, and another asks how social exchange theory might be used to understand multiplex relations. The volume also questions longstanding assumptions in the group processes literature, such as trust as an expressive rather than instrumental act and whether group reflection has any empirical impact on group performance. One contribution links status characteristics theory with social influence network theory and another seeks to understand how racial misclassification impacts mental and physical health outcomes. There is a final chapter that distinguishes between diverse effects of individualism in producing independence or competition, and traces the impact of these forces on group creativity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Migration and Culture
Culture is not new to the study of migration. It has lurked beneath the surface for some time, occasionally protruding openly into the discussion, usually under some pseudonym. The authors of the papers in this volume bring culture into the open. They are concerned with how culture manifests itself in the migration process for three groups of actors: the migrants, those remaining in the sending areas, and people already living in the recipient locations. The topics vary widely. What unites the authors is an understanding that though actors behave differently, within a group there are economically important shared beliefs (customs, values, attitudes, etc.), which we commonly referred to as culture. Culture plays a central role in our understanding of migration as an economic phenomenon. While the papers in this volume occasionally touch on this diversity and the conflicts it engenders, this is not the focus of the volume. Here the emphasis is on the distinctions in culture between migrants, the families they left behind, and the local population in the migration destination. The new interactions directly affect all three groups. Assimilation is one result; separation is also a possibility. Location choice, workplace interaction, enclave size, the opportunity for the migrant obtaining credit in their new country, the local population's reaction to migrants, the political culture of the migrants and local population, links to the country-of-origin, and the economic state of the host country, all contribute to the classic conflict between assimilation and separation. This volume will consider different aspects of the process of assimilation considering the affect on the migrants themselves, on the local population, on the families left at the home country and others.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategic Thinking and Entrepreneurial Action in the Health Care Industry
Increasingly, there is a need for managers operating in the complex and dynamic health care environment to better understand the competitive nature of the health care industry and the opportunities that potentially exist within it. In response, this sixth volume of "Advances in Health Care Management" is dedicated to strategic thinking and entrepreneurial action in the health care industry. As implied in the title, this volume of eleven independent chapters is arranged in four sections. The first section is composed of three chapters, focusing on the health care industry itself. The first of these serves as an introduction for this volume, with the other two chapters taking an historical and futuristic perspective of the health care industry, respectively. These two chapters serve as solid contextual reference points for which we can position the remaining manuscripts. The second section contains two chapters that more explicitly examine strategic issues within a specified health care context. The first of these examines strategy and structure fit in a large sample of physician organizations, while the latter studies a single, large medical center to demonstrate the impact culture and human capital have on strategic outcomes. Four chapters make up the third section, which focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship. The first two chapters in this section focus on the processes of entrepreneurship in the health care environment, with both the similarities and dissimilarities between the health care industry and other contexts being discussed. The latter two chapters of the third section, on the other hand, principally demonstrate the activities and implications associated with entrepreneurship, or the lack thereof. Finally, the fourth section contains two chapters that integrate both strategic and entrepreneurial perspectives. One of these chapters creates a typology of new biotechnology ventures; the focus in this chapter is on how such firms exploit opportunities. The final chapter, then, examines strategic corporate entrepreneurship by comprehensively studying one major organization's entry into the health care services marketplace. Collectively, these multi-faceted chapters help to recognize and address the often elusive phenomenon of successful strategic choice over environmental determinism, which is aided by quality strategic thinking and decisive entrepreneurial actions. In summary, these chapters help to emphasize the importance of these issues to the health care industry and the managers operating within it. It examines the health care and hospital industries and their relation to entrepreneurial action and strategy. It provides 11 valuable chapters for scholars and researchers in sociology and healthcare.
Emerald Publishing Limited Long-Term Management of Contaminated Sites
Even today, many people think of 'social problems' as involving poor and powerless individuals in society. "Research in Social Problems and Public Policy" seeks to improve the balance by adding a focus on important and powerful institutions. Such organizations often play key roles in managing, and mismanaging, the ways in which some of today's most important social problems are handled by the public policy system. The series presents papers that discuss policy sciences, public policy analysis and public management. This volume addresses operations and design issues for government organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Police Occupational Culture: New Debates and Directions
The idea of police occupational culture or cop culture has been a source of academic interest and debate since research into policing began in earnest in the 1960s. Police culture has become a lens through which a number of aspects of the police and policing more broadly have been studied, including the use of discretion, police corruption, institutional racism, sexism and police reform. For the most part, these studies have been done in topical isolation from each other and have focused rather narrowly on Anglo-American state policing forms. Using studies from Australia, Britain, the United States, Africa and Canada, this book offers a contemporary look at police culture from an international perspective by questioning established silos in topics, by presenting new ways of thinking about police culture and suggesting forms that police culture is likely to take in the future.In revisiting the meaning of police culture in the light of key developments in the field of policing, including the pluralization of policing governance and delivery, new management practices and the increased diversification and representation within police organizations, the chapters in this book offer both explanatory and normative approaches to the topic. The chapters also point to new topics in police cultural studies, such as the impact of tertiary education opportunities on police culture, police unions as counter-cultural groupings, the coming together of private and public policing cultures, and the impact of new identity groupings on police organizational culture.Students and researchers in police and policing studies, crime and criminal justice, as well as police practitioners themselves, should find this volume of the "Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance" series a particularly interesting read. It presents a timely reassessment of the new dimensions of police occupational culture Proposes a new schema for thinking and writing about policing culture. It considers aspects of the police occupational culture from an international perspective through including studies from Australia, Britain, the United States, Africa and Canada - one often neglected in Anglo-American research. It revisits the meaning of police culture in the light of key developments in the field of policing including the pluralization of policing governance and delivery; new management practices and the increased diversification and representation within police organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Workplace Temporalities
The global, 24/7 economy and the organizational changes it has generated have enormous implications for the organization, experience and use of time in (and out of) the workplace. In addition to eroding the boundary between home and work, creating time pressures both within and outside of the workplace, the need for businesses to compete in a 24/7 global economy has re-problematized time in the workplace. Drawing on sociology, labor economics, organizational behavior and social history, the papers in this volume examine either empirically or theoretically, a variety of aspects of time in the workplace. Contributors to this volume examine issues surrounding the distribution of and struggle over work hours and how these vary across a number of factors including race, class, occupation and other structural components of work. They examine temporal structures within organizations including inequities in flexible scheduling, entrainment and work teams, polychronicity, and how changing temporal structures affect professionalism and expertise. They also consider the way in which changing uses and organization of work time, in the context of economic instability and globalization, affect the difficulties of reconciling work and family. At the more micro-level, the papers consider individuals' perceptions and constructions and intersubjective constructions of time. To varying degrees, the authors speak to the policy implications or strategies for managing new times. Taken as a whole, these papers shed light on the way in which globalization and the emergence of a 24/7 economy have altered the ways, times, and meanings of time at work. This book series is available electronically online.
Emerald Publishing Limited Latin American Financial Markets: Developments in Financial Innovations
This book is a collection of 21 original papers on Latin American finance by prominent researchers in and out of the region. This is an attempt to bring them together under the same umbrella so that the commonality and peculiarity of Latin finance can be more easily discerned across different applications as well as compared across countries. While topics are diverse (encompassing corporate finance, banking, equity and bond markets, dollarization, and pension funds), the papers range from country-specific to comparative and international in perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Exploring Interpersonal Dynamics
This is an annual research series devoted to the examination of occupational stress, health and well being, with particular emphasis on the multi-disciplinary nature of occupational stress. The intent is to pull together the various streams of research from a variety of disciplines to better capture the significant bodies of work in occupational stress and well being. We provide a multidisciplinary and international perspective that gives a thorough and critical assessment of issues in occupational stress and well being. The theme for this volume is: Exploring Interpersonal Dynamics. It covers - Workplace Aggression and Violence against Individuals and Organizations: Causes, Consequences, and Interventions; The Radiating Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Occupational Stress and Well Being; The Changing Nature of Job Stress: Risk and Resources; Job Characteristics and Learning Behavior: Review and Psychological Mechanisms; Organizational Stress Through the Lens of Conservation of Resources (COR) Theory; The Role of 'Happiness' in Organizational Research: Past, Present and Future Directions; Display Rules and Strain in Service Jobs: What's Fairness Got to do With It? Stress and Well Being in the Context of Mentoring Processes: New Perspectives and Directions for Future Research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
"Advances in Management Accounting" (AIMA) publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. As one of the premier management accounting research journals, AIMA is well poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars. Featured in Volume 13 are articles on expanding management accounting researchers frontiers in the next decade, innovation strategy and the use of performance measures, performance effects of financial incentives, evaluating product mix and capital budgeting decisions, performance-based government organizations, a nomological framework of budgetary participation and performance, organization-mandated budgetary involvement and managers budgetary communication, effects of individual and group performance feedback and task interdependence, fairness perceptions and managers use of budgetary slack, and effects of responsibility and cohesiveness on group escalation decisions. Researchers in both practice and academe, as well as libraries, would be interested in the articles featured in the AIMA.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Entrepreneurship
With an established body of literature on innovation and corporate entrepreneurship, this volume of "Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth" turns to some of the leading and most promising scholars in the field to map out where we have been and provide some direction on where scholarship on this topic should proceed in the future. Topics include: a review of theory, research, and practice on corporate entrepreneurship and the behavior of managers; the central problems of managing innovation and corporate entrepreneurship and the central problems of longitudinal research on the topic; the different theoretical lens for investigating corporate entrepreneurship and the resulting research possibilities; a general systems perspective for exploring the relationship among strategy-structure-performance and corporate entrepreneurship; and international corporate entrepreneurship in terms of a knowledge-based source of competitive advantage and implications for a model of human resource management. This volume also continues the discussion of previous volumes with a provocative discussion of how to advance the field of entrepreneurship by Bill Gartner and a commentary and response to work on a signal detection theory approach to entrepreneurship.
Emerald Publishing Limited North American Economic and Financial Integration
This book contains selected papers first presented at the "Canada-United States Business Conference" held at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, on April 11-12, 2003. The set of 18 chapters in this book are grouped into three major sections. Part I deals with regional economic integration in North America, including papers on the strategies of multinational enterprises and exporting firms. In Part II, five chapters deal with financial integration in North America and the issues of a common currency.Finally, specific industry sectors and issues of public policy across the Canada-U.S. border are examined in Part III. They include: agriculture; softwood lumber; transportation; and electricity. The key issues of current interest and concern examined include: cross border trade and security - of particular importance in the post-9/11 environment; NAFTA at age ten; and the impact of the Free Trade of the Americas (FTAA) on NAFTA; and, the FTAA and civil society. The key policy areas discussed included regulation, labor mobility, productivity, and specific sectoral issues (energy, transportation, etc.). In addition to this examination of key research issues, authors also explore managerial and public policy implications of their findings.
Emerald Publishing Limited Accounting and Accountability in Emerging and Transition Economies
The supplement presents an intriguing combination of 21 chapters, separated for presentation purposes into seven themes, dealing respectively with (1) the role of external agencies in the structural adjustment of emerging and transition economies (3 chapters); (2) the nexus among financial accounting standards, auditing and the reporting of intellectual capital (3 chapters); (3) the interface between corporate governance and financial management (5 chapters); (4) the transformation of public sector accounting and management (3 chapters); (5) the conjunction between liberalization policies and privatisation of state-owned enterprises (3 chapters); (6) the influence of culture and historical antecedents on accounting and accountability (2 chapters); and (7) the role of accounting education and profession in transition economies (2 chapters).
Emerald Publishing Limited Accounting: How to Meet the Challenges of Relevance and Regulation
Is the average accountant being strangled by overregulation? Have traditional accounting and auditing practices been misunderstood and unfairly maligned? Can anything be done to reverse these damaging trends? In the 1984 edition of this book, Eugene H. Flegm gave an emphatic yes to all three questions. However, none of his suggestions were followed and today the condition of the accounting profession (defined as to include those in business as well as public accounting) is in dire straits. The regulators - FASB, SEC and the AICPA - have continued to overwhelm practicing accountants with a continuation of detailed rules making. In this updated version of his book, Mr. Flegm explains the causes of the current crisis, how the accounting profession and the FASB failed to deal with the developing problems 20 years ago, and how there is still some hope that the integrity of the profession can be restored. He reiterates his basic belief that only an historical cost based system can be used to establish the badly needed reliability in financial data which after all is why financial statements are relevant at all. He also brings to question whether or not the AICPA and the public auditing firms have not forfeited their self regulation franchise.
Emerald Publishing Limited The City as an Entertainment Machine
People both live and work in cities. And where they choose to live shifts where and how they work. Amenities enter as enticements to bring new residents or tourists to a city. Amenities have thus become new public concerns for many cities in the US and much of Northern Europe. Old ways of thinking, old paradigms - such as "location, location, location" and "land, labour, capital, and management generate economic development" - are too simple. So is "human capital drives development". To these earlier questions, we add: "how do amenities and related consumption attract talented people, who in turn drive the classic processes which make cities grow?" This new question is critical for policy makers. Urban public officials, business, and nonprofit leaders are using culture, entertainment, and urban amenities to (seek to) enhance their locations - for present and future residents, tourists, conventioneers, and shoppers. This volume explores how consumption and entertainment change cities. But it reverses the "normal" causal process. That is, many chapters analyse how consumption and entertainment drive urban development, not vice versa. It details the impacts of opera, used bookstores, brew pubs, bicycle events, Starbucks' coffee shops, gay residents and other factors on changes in jobs, population, inventions, and more. It interprets these processes by showing how they add new insights from economics, sociology, political science, public policy, and geography. Considerable evidence is presented about how consumption, amenities, and culture drive urban policy - by encouraging people to move to or from different cities and regions. The book also explores how different amenities attract the innovative persons who are catalysts in making the modern economy and high tech hum.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Perspectives on Health and Medicine: Key Themes
This volume is about gender, health and medicine broadly defined. From the essays in it, it is abundantly clear that medicine is a gendered and class-structured institution. Taken as a whole the volume offers a critique of exclusively biomedical approaches to personal and public health and calls for more sociological input, qualitative research and an intersectional approach to help us understand various aspects of health and illness. Among the recurrent themes in the seven essays are the medicalization of personal and social problems, the commodification of healthcare, and questions of agency, responsibility and control on the parts of recipients and dispensers of healthcare. Six of the seven essays deal with Western medicine exclusively, the seventh examines a situation where women have a choice between Western and traditional treatment. Timely topics such as somatic distress among women with breast cancer, drug company funding of research on women's sexual problems, and racial and ethnic health disparities are represented. A companion volume will focus on conventional and unconventional approaches to managing pregnancy and childbirth. The intended audience is the social science community, especially those who are interested in the social scientific study of medicine or of gender including those who may not be familiar with the areas in which the two overlap.
Emerald Publishing Limited Worker Well-Being and Public Policy
This volume contains 15 essays devoted to a number of multifaceted issues regarding how public policy affects worker well-being. Of the 15 chapters, the first two are the more general, dealing with overall earnings distribution and overall changes in welfare policy. The remaining chapters examine specific aspects of human welfare. They cover: fertility, disability, minimum wage, pension wealth, human capital investment, migration, health, and earnings. The book culminates with four chapters relating to gender and the family. Ultimately, determining who works, how much is earned, and how these earnings get distributed define the components of individual and social welfare. The topics covered in this volume shed light on these questions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Racial Politics of Booker T. Washington
Scholars have sought, over many decades, to understand the mystique surrounding Booker T. Washington. He is an enigma and continues to be lauded by those who offer him and his ideas as a model for Black Progress. He was both simple and complex; a passive observer on some issues and an active participant in others; non-assuming, yet egoistic, and a very public man who talked freely with others, yet, a private man who kept certain social tactics and strategies close to his chest. He sought to both make sense of his world, then to manipulate that world in order to obtain from it those things he most wanted and needed. This volume provides the reader with a wide inter-disciplinary landscape with which to assess Washington. We continue to study and research the life and works of Washington because, though we've moved beyond Washington and the ideology of race and racial politics of his times on certain levels, yet in reality, this generation is confronted with all the contradictions and ambiguities around race, and class, which Washington encountered and for which he sought solutions. For example, as black Americans continue to be mired in the deficits of educational opportunity and development, employment opportunities and occupational advancements, and health and medical problems, we are reminded of Washington's arguments for greater individual and group black self-sufficiency and self-reliance, as well as the need for practical educational objectives which Washington advocated under aegis of vocational education. As we move into the new century, the economic and educational goals and programs highlighted by Washington remain forgotten and unfulfilled. Hopefully, the articles in this volume will force a re-thinking of Washington's economic and educational objectives and strategies. This may prompt the emergence of new thinkers and builders who will create the educational and economic bases, similar to the ones created by Washington. This volume uses an interdisciplinary approach to examine Washington's life. It reflects on obstacles that remain despite Washington's influence, and aspires to serve as an inspirational vehicle towards educational and economic change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Issues in Entrepreneurship: Contracts, Corporate Characteristics and Country Differences
Entrepreneurship is recognized as critical for the growth of both individual firms and overall economies. Entrepreneurship fosters the introduction of new products, processes and organizations. It provides the flexibility and dynamism required for responding to new market opportunities and challenges. Despite all of this, entrepreneurship is not well understood. Who is an entrepreneur? What conditions promote entrepreneurship? How does it differ across firms and across countries? Fortunately, as revealed in the chapters included in this volume, there is an active research agenda on entrepreneurship. There is information for academics, business people, and a lay audience on vital issues including, collaborations between R&D firms, corporate entrepreneurship and firm growth, technological change and entrepreneurship in Taiwan, venture capital, cross country comparisons of entrepreneurship by women, the characteristics of high-tech enterepreneurs, and the leading US business plans competition, MOOT Corp.
Emerald Publishing Limited Politics of Change: Sexuality, Gender and Aging
Political struggle situated within and between cleavages based on sexuality, gender, and age is examined in this volume. The collection offers cutting edge work that challenges traditional notions of what is political sociology and what constitutes political behavior. Political activism organized around identities of transgender, intersex, lesbian, gay, and old age demonstrates the increasing importance of identity politics for political sociologists and social movements scholars alike. The authors combined in this volume teach students and scholars of political sociology, the continued significance of questions related to the culture wars and art as an agent of change, the role of political opportunity and threat in social movements, transgender and intersex political activism, the advantages and disadvantages of late-life liberal political activism, and how everyday life or just living constitutes social movement activity. The readings raise important questions regarding the intersection of sexual minority, race, and gender. Additionally, the readings explore identity politics from the vantage of several different contexts using a variety of methodological approaches and theoretical views. The authors hope this volume will stimulate other political sociologists and social movement scholars to further explore political behavior that is based upon and motivated by some of the most intimate aspects of our lives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multinationals, Environment and Global Competition
The purpose of this book is to present leading research concerning the increasing strategic importance of environmental concerns within the multinational firm, and to explore the implications of corporate environmental strategy on public policy. The contributions present empirical research that deals with the simultaneous effects of the globalization of markets and the emergence of environmental concerns as issues of corporate strategy, either using a cross-national sample of firms within a global industry, or a sample of multinationals from a particular home country. By considering the dynamics of corporate environmental behavior explicitly within the context of global markets, the book makes a unique contribution to the discussion about the impact of multinational activity. The chapters provide a rich understanding of the kinds of interactions that occur between multinationals and regulators, multinationals and non-governmental organizations, and multinationals and their customers. By explaining what motivates multinational firms to make environmental investments and to improve their environmental performance, these studies offer necessary input for the formulation of well-informed public policy. As a consequence, this book provides essential material for advanced students and decision-makers interested in the changing role of multinational enterprises in the global economy. While being of broad interest to academics in the field of international business and strategy, this volume also provides interesting results to researchers concerned with the ability of national governments to regulate multinationals, how regulation affects multinationals, and how in turn multinational conduct affects regulatory standards.
Emerald Publishing Limited Information Asymmetry: A Unifying Concept for Financial and Managerial Accounting Theories
This monograph seeks to provide a theoretical foundation and linkage between financial and managerial accounting. Just as the lines between the CPA-auditor or the financial analyst and consultants, underwriters, and management have been blurred through the Enron audit failure, so, too, will the lines between research streams relating to management (management accounting) and external parties (financial accounting) be less easily drawn. After providing the theoretical foundation for information asymmetry in the first three sections, emphasis shifts to case studies. Section four focuses on case studies and issues relating to the transmission of symmetric and asymmetric information on the Internet.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Library Administration and Organization
This volume addresses an eclectic mix of topics that adapt theoretical concepts relating to the management of libraries to stretch the boundary of practice. The nine contributions include a definition of knowledge management and an outline of a curriculum designed to train knowledge managers developed in Australia, a case study of the application of change management at SMU, and a discussion of how ebooks fit into collection management policies. It also includes two pieces on research on the Internet, one that focuses on student use of this tool and the other on the ethical implications of Internet research. Other contributions include a study of how effective managers work and a discussion of quality assessment in libraries and in American higher education. The volume concludes with discussions of consortia that are developing in Ohio and in Taiwan. While each of these articles are quite different in focus, each deals with an issue that we who are charged with leading libraries must address, and each contributes to the discussions that are likely to clarify our visions of where libraries are going and how we might adapt them to meet the future needs of our clientele. As a result, this volume should take its place beside others in the series as a significant contribution to the literature of management within librarianship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mathematical Programming and Financial Planning
This is a blind refereed serial publication published on an annual basis. The objective of this research annual is to present state-of-the-art studies in the integration of mathematical programming into financial planning and management. The literature and techniques in financial planning and management are becoming increasingly complex. It is hoped that the monographs aid in the dissemination of research efforts in quantitative financial analysis. The topics will normally include cash management, capital budgeting, financial decisions, portfolio management and performance analysis, and financial planning models. The analyses generally include mixed integer programming, goal programming, biased regression techniques and simulation models, application of forecasting methodologies to such areas as sales, marketing, and strategic decision making (an accurate, robust forecast is critical to effective decision making). It is the hope of the editors that the majority of the papers will simulate questions and possible solutions that are of interest to financial planners.
Emerald Publishing Limited Learning from International Public Management Reform
Governments around the world are criticized as inefficient, ineffective, too large, too costly, overly bureaucratic, overburdened by unnecessary rules, unresponsive to public needs, secretive, undemocratic, invasive into rights of citizens, self-serving, and failing in provision of the quantity and quality of services desired by the taxpaying public. Fiscal stress has plagued many governments, increasing the cry for less costly or just less government. Critics have exerted sustained pressure on politicians and public managers for transformational reform. Recommendations for change have included application of market and economic logic and private sector management methods to government. Managerial reform has been promoted on grounds that the public sector is organized and functions on many of the wrong principles and needs reinvention and renewal. Government reforms in response to reformist pressures have included restraint of spending and tax cuts, sales of public assets, privatization and contracting-out of services, increased performance measurement and auditing, output and outcomes based budgeting, and new accounting and reporting methods. Reform has been accompanied by promises of smaller, less interventionist and more decentralized government, improved efficiency and effectiveness, greater responsiveness and accountability to citizens, increased choice between public and private providers of services, a more 'entrepreneurial' public sector capable of cooperating with business. While it is apparent why politicians and elected officials often support new managerial methods, observers wonder whether the promises of reform can be delivered upon to provide benefits depicted so attractively. Dialogue on this question is active among public management scholars, practitioners, politicians, citizen groups and the media. Substantial elements of this dialogue are represented in this book.
Emerald Publishing Limited Postmodern Malpractice: A Medical Case Study in The Culture War
In this work, Colleen Clements presents her case for the need to subject the field of bioethics to a critical external analysis apart from the current postmodern assumptions. Clements argues that, since the 1970s, bioethics has refuted human values in favour of political consensus building. This failure to recognize basic human values in the ethical critique of modern medicine has lead to a dehumanization of the medical system by the field. Clements proceeds to advocate a naturalistic theory of bioethics that reinstates primary human values.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Accounting Ethics
Hardbound. Research on Accounting Ethics is devoted exclusively to the advancement of ethics research and education in the profession and practice of accounting. Its threefold mission is to: advance innovative and applied ethics research in all accounting related disciplines on a global basis; improve ethics education in and throughout the professional accounting and management curricula at the undergraduate and graduate levels; provide a source of information for the professional accounting and auditing community for integrating ethics and good business practices in public firms, business corporations, and governmental organizations. This series features articles on a broad range of important and timely topics, including professionalism, social responsibility, individual morality, accountability, good business practices in public accounting and the litigation crisis. Papers will be empirical or theoretical in nature, and will draw upon paradigm
Emerald Publishing Limited Families, Crime and Criminal Justice: Charting the Linkages
"Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research" is a series of volumes that features scholarly work on the frontiers of interdisciplinary research on families and family life. Volume 2, "Families, Crime and Criminal Justice" reflects this pioneering orientation by bringing together new empirical research that examines the various ways that families intersect with and are affected by crime and the criminal justice system. The interdisciplinary nature of the volume is reflected in the diversity of disciplines represented, including developmental psychopathology, criminology, sociology, family studies, psychology, social work and demography. The inclusion of qualitative studies based upon observational techniques and in-depth, long interviews as well as quantitative work using demographic and survey approaches demonstrates the wide methodological range employed by the authors. The topics examined include the involvement of children in crime, the patterns and impact of violence in the home, the impact of criminal involvement on parenting strategies and youth development, the experience of families of victims and perpetrators, and responses of the criminal justice system to the needs of families.
Emerald Publishing Limited Community Structure and Dynamics at the Dawn of the New Millennium
At the dawn of the new millennium, we are witnessing profound changes in myriad communities around the world. The process of globalization, communication/information technology, multinational corporation-based economy, cultural homogenization as well as diversity have tended to transform and restructure contemporary communities in a variety of new ways. We need to know not only the emerging structure, but also the intricate dynamics of communities facing complex problems in a fast changing world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change
The contents of this volume reflect the multiple foci that have historically defined the series. We present here two papers on methodological issues facing the study of social movements, four papers on specific social movements or social movement organizations (including two on environmental movements), two papers on aspects of social change and inequality, and one study critically analyzing the conflict resolution prospects in a situation of protracted violence.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Group Processes
"Advances in Group Processes" publishes theoretical analyses, reviews, and theory-based empirical chapters on group phenomena. The series adopts a broad conception of 'group processes', including work on groups ranging from the very small to the very large, and on classic and contemporary topics such as status, power, justice, influence, decision making, intergroup relations, and social networks. This volume covers a broad section of theory and research. The first two chapters address stereotyping and discrimination, emphasizing the importance of intergroup relations in the production of seemingly intrapersonal phenomena. Themes of other chapters include: theoretical issues concerning status in task groups; aspects of power in bargaining and exchange; conflict in familial relations; the spread or transition of social phenomena; and the relations between micro-, meso-, and macro-level forces in sociological theorizing.