Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Contesting Institutional Hegemony in Today’s Business Schools: Doctoral Students Speak Out
Considering the tangible implications the present focus on research output poses for early career researchers, it is strange that perspectives from this group are rarely, if ever, included in the ongoing debates in the field. This book aims to put these views on record. By bringing together a group of critically-orientated early career researchers from global business schools it investigates a series of timely questions pertaining to the impact that institutional pressures have on junior academics – particularly those who conduct ‘critical’ or non-mainstream research. What is the nature of the institutional pressure that is placed upon doctoral students to publish in certain journals or to conduct positivist research? How do students with a critical orientation resist these pressures – or why do they succumb to them? What are the implications on critical scholars for resisting or acquiescing to these pressures and what does this mean for scholarship more broadly? Taking a narrative approach, this book will be required reading for all doctoral students as well as all those in academia dissatisfied with the current intellectual hegemony in business schools.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Austrian Macroeconomics
The US housing bubble and the ensuing financial crisis and recession, as well as the ongoing slow recovery, have prompted a renewal of interest in the business cycle theory associated with the Austrian school of economics. Over the last thirty years, Austrian economists have extended and refined that theory while also deploying Austrian insights in other areas of monetary theory and macroeconomics. In this volume, a number of macroeconomists influenced by the Austrian school demonstrate its explanatory power by applying those ideas to a variety of historical and contemporary issues. Several of the papers focus on the differences between the US and Canadian experiences during the early 21st century, while other contributors offer critical extensions of Austrian monetary and business cycle theory. The volume also includes empirical applications to the housing boom and bust, and several papers consider the place of Austrian macroeconomics within the school's approach to political economy and public policy more generally. "Studies in Austrian Macroeconomics" shows the breadth and depth of modern macroeconomics in the Austrian tradition.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Corporate Governance
Advances in Financial Economics Volume 19 deals with International Corporate Governance, particularly the role played by boards of directors, internal organization design and governance mechanisms, franchise agreements, the effect of regulation and policy, the market for corporate control, and strategic alliances.
Emerald Publishing Limited Narratives of Identity in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change
This volume of Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change is divided into two parts. Part I presents a series of cases that tie together narratives of being, knowing and contestation surrounding the claiming of identity for the self or the categorization of the other. It does this by exploring narratives to claim identities and assert agency; showing us the dialectic between dominant forces and those who would challenge existing narratives about place, identity or space. Part II continues RSMCC’s tradition of cutting edge research in social movement formation, conflict and change. These chapters focus on a wide range of social organizations from immigrant movements, to the occupy struggle, to the narratives around the framing and counter-framing of the radical environmental movement. The volume concludes with two chapters focusing on more recent developments in data gathering and analysis to examine changes in how researchers collect and analyze data. Each of the nine chapters engages with notions of identity, whether in the examination of the subject or in the reference to the researcher him or herself.
Emerald Publishing Limited Protest, Social Movements, and Global Democracy since 2011: New Perspectives
In light of the limited achievements of the Arab Spring and other pro-democracy movements, volume 39 examines and unpacks arguments that these protests represent both a new phase and new prospects for democratic mobilization. The volume engages with new theoretical and methodological perspectives and illuminates novel aspects of transnational social movement dynamics, such as the evolving role of information technology, deterritorialisation and government counter-responses.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Taxation
Advances in Taxation Vol. 23 contains a collection of high-quality manuscripts addressing problems arising from federal, state local and international taxation. Using a wide variety of research methods, the papers address issues concerning challenges in tax administration, taxpayer decisions, ethical issues in taxation, and college savings plans.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inequality after the 20th Century: Papers from the Sixth ECINEQ Meeting
The essays in this series offer fresh theoretical and methodological insights into the key issues in the field of economic inequality. The content is comprised of highly topical subject matter with key researchers in the field contributing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Revisiting Hayek's Political Economy
Advances in Austrian Economics is a research annual whose editorial policy is to publish original research articles on Austrian economics. Each volume attempts to apply the insights of Austrian economics and related approaches to topics that are of current interest in economics and cognate disciplines. Volume 21 exemplifies this focus by highlighting key research from the Austrian tradition of economics with other research traditions in economics and related areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research publishes high-quality research encompassing all areas of accounting including financial, auditing, taxation, managerial and information systems, addressing a broad range of issues that affect the users, preparers and assurers of accounting information. Further, this research incorporates theory from, and contributes knowledge and understanding to, applied psychology, sociology, management science, and behavioral economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Accounting in Conflict: Globalization, Gender, Race and Class
Global forces and accountability once again converge in this volume, illustrating the significant and multifaceted nature of the role of accounting in societies. The accounting discipline in its numbers, its silences, its privileging of select classifications over others, it is continually constructing knowledge, cultivates meaning, and impacts public policy in the intersection of socio-political-economic realms. The research in this volume responds to calls for examining accounting as an interdisciplinary role in neoliberal governance by examining migration, race, gender, class and the creation of the 'other'. Each paper uniquely contributes toward significantly exploring accounting's role in disenfranchising populations while identifying participants actualized and potential role in emancipatory struggles. By recognizing marginalized groups embedded power rather than casting them as victims, the authors reject an inevitability of widening inequalities and forms of violence to world populations. Rather these critical accounting researchers seriously tackle the task of transformation, providing pathways for thinking differently and aspiring for change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Experiments in Organizational Economics
'Experiments in Organizational Economics' highlights the importance of replicating previous economic experiments. Replication enables experimental findings to be subjected to rigorous scrutiny. Despite this obvious advantage, direct replication remains relatively scant in economics. One possible explanation for this situation is that publication outlets favor novel work over tests of robustness. Readers will gain a better understanding of the role that replication plays in economic discovery as well as valuable insights into the robustness of previously reported findings.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sharing in the Company: Determinants, Processes and Outcomes of Employee Participation
This volume gathers recent insights into the determinants, developments and outcomes of employee share ownership. It focuses on a number of new emerging themes in the literature and tests some of the relationships using several, notable European datasets. The authors discuss employee share ownership from the perspective of strategic human resource management (SHRM) and present the 'contextual SHRM model,' where employee ownership is influenced by several environmental pressures, which indicated the need for five specific 'fits' of employee ownership. These fits are: fit of employee ownership with strategy of the firm, with the organizational cultural heritage, with the wider social cultural environment; fit with other HRM practices (internal fit); fit with personal characteristics of employees. The authors explore these fits with several new emerging theories and demonstrate what firms that want employee ownership to be an effective HRM policy need to do.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Political Economy of Chinese Finance
Volume 17 of International Finance Review focusses on a variety of issues relating to the political economy of Chinese finance, including: The pattern of government ownership and control of Chinese firms; The role of government in corporate governance of industrial and financial firms; The interaction of culture, law and institutions in Chinese governance systems; Corporate social responsibility, stakeholders and sustainable growth; The effect of political connections on corporate performance and society; Privatization, IPOs, exchange listing and firm valuation; The role of government in banking and financial markets; Practice of corporate risk management and insurance; Foreign-exchange policy and its effect on firms and markets; Foreign direct and portfolio investments in China; International investments and operations of Chinese firms; Chinese economic relations with the US and other countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Built Environment and Property Management: A Focus on Australia
Built Environment and Property Management - A Focus on Australia is a unique collection of articles that represent the very highest level of scholarship in the field. The articles published in this collection identify some emergent themes that have subsequently established themselves as key trends among academics in the field. These include the following:- Green buildings- Management efficiency- Made-to-order housing- Corporate social responsibility- REIT performance. This new collection provides an unparalleled insight into the built environment and property management industry and will enable readers to access the most important 'thinkers' active in this arena today.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives in Economics: A United States Focus
New Perspectives in Economics: A United States Focus is a new collection of topical articles that represent the very highest level of scholarship in the field of economics. A mixture of original research and thought leadership pieces combine to examine the changing economic landscape in the United States of America. Topics covered -" among others include: - The free market's relationship to healthcare;- Historical analysis of economics in the US;- Federal Reserve forecasts;- Socio-economic development. This book provides researchers, professionals, managers and policy makers with an easy-to-read selection of interesting research articles all of which have been cited by peers within the economics research community.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives in Economics: Research from Developing Countries
New Perspectives in Economics: Research from Developing Countries is a new collection of topical articles that represent the very highest level of scholarship in the field of economics. A mixture of original research and thought leadership pieces combine to examine the changing economic landscape in developing countries in Africa and Asia in particular. Topics covered, among others include: - Socioeconomic determinants of poverty;- Analysis of financial structure and economic growth;- Growth elasticity of poverty; This book provides researchers, professionals, managers and policy makers with an easy-to-read selection of interesting research articles all of which have been cited by peers within the economics research community.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Focus on Consumer Behaviours and Experiences in an Online Shopping Environment
A Focus on Consumer Behaviours and Experiences in an Online Shopping Environment is a collection of key articles on this topical area of increasing importance. This collection offers insights across a range of sectors. Some of the topics the book looks at include: - Influences of socioeconomic characteristics in online shopping behaviour- Impact of e-service quality, customer perceived value, and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty - The role trust plays in an online shopping environment - The effectiveness of online blogging on consumer purchase decisions In this digital era online shopping is more accessible than it has ever been before and as more people turn to the internet to buy goods and services it's important to understand the consumers' experiences and behaviours. Including articles from prestigious journals such as Internet Research and Journal of Services Marketing this book will be a valuable resource for researches, managers and professionals.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives in Accounting Ethics
New Perspectives in Accounting Ethics is a unique collection of articles that represent the very highest level of scholarship in the field. The articles published in this collection identify some emergent themes that have subsequently established themselves as key trends among academics in the field. These include the following:- Accounting and Sustainability - Corporate Social Responsibility - Whistleblowing This new collection provides a key insight into accounting ethics research and will enable readers to access the most important 'thinkers' active in this arena today.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives in Luxury Branding
New Perspectives in luxury branding is a collection of key articles in this area of high and increasing importance to marketers worldwide. This collection offers insights across a range of sectors. Some of the things the book will explain:- The influence of social media on the building of luxury brands- The effect of the consumption of counterfeit luxury goods on identity- The value of brand extension as a strategy in regards to luxury fashion brands
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives in Marketing by Word-of-Mouth
New Perspectives on Marketing by Word-of-Mouth is a collection of key articles on this area of high and increasing importance to marketers worldwide. This collection offers insights across a range of sectors. Some of the things the book will explain include: - How brand love is built in the fashion industry - How larger organisations can respond most effectively to negative comments on social media. - The effectiveness of a Facebook fanpage for the MINI car brand. Modern communications technology means that the influence of the consumer in building or damaging a brand reputation is increasing. Find out some of the reasons why by reading this collection.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Issue: Feminist Legal Theory
Half a century after the beginning of the second wave, feminist legal theorists are still writing about many of the subjects they addressed early on: money, sex, reproduction, and jobs. What has changed is the way that they talk about these subjects. Specifically, these theorists now posit a more complex and nuanced conception of power. Recent scholarship recognizes the complexities of power in contemporary society, the ways in which these complexities entrench sex inequality, and the role that law can play in reducing inequality and increasing agency. The feminist legal theorists in this volume are emblematic of this effort. They carefully examine the relationship between gender, equality, and power across an array of realms: sex, reproduction, pleasure, work, money. In doing so they identify social, political, economic, developmental, and psychological and somatic forces, operating both internally and externally, that complicate the expression and constraint of power. Finally, they give sophisticated thought to the possibilities for legal interventions in light of these more complex notions of power.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovation in Libraries and Information Services
This volume of Advances in Library Administration and Organization takes as its underpinning theme the whole subject of innovation in Library and Information Services. It considers the various types of innovation through case studies and exemplars both from within the LIS sector and other cognate industries and environments. It will look at both the last and the next thirty years by charting major technology developments and the ways in which they have not only been adopted and adapted by library services but also how the resulting improvements and enhancements have impacted upon key user communities. But more importantly, the volume projects these developments forward and in addition forecasts and analyses likely future inventions and innovations and how LIS leaders and managers should not only respond but actually help to create and shape our future world.Written and edited by Professor David Baker and Wendy Evans, the volume will include contributions from: Dr Chris Batt; Dr Masanori Koizumi; Dr Tibor Koltay; Professor Derek Law; Dr Mike McGrath; Dr Bruce Massis; Chloe Mills; John Robinson; Dr Lara Skelly; Professor Jo Smedley; Dr Evgenia Vassilakaki; Dr Graham Walton.
Emerald Publishing Limited Case Study Research: Core Skills in Using 15 Genres
Case Study Research: Core Skills in Using 15 Genres examines the processes involved in conducting case research in a number of genres including participant observation, fuzzy set social science, system dynamics, decision systems analysis, forced metaphor elicitation technique, ethnographic decision tree modeling, mapping strategic thinking, the historical method, storytelling research and conversational analysis. The book reviews and applies the best literature on case study methods from a number of disciplines providing a strong rationale for adopting case study research methods alone or in mixed-methods. This fully revised and updated second edition employs a broad and deep coverage of multiple case study research genres to comprehensively explore the topic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Communication and Information Technologies Annual: Digital Distinctions & Inequalities
Sponsored by the Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Section of the American Sociological Association, Volume 10 of the Communication and Information Technologies Annual, Digital Distinctions & Inequalities, brings together nine studies of this increasingly important form of inequality. Drawn from four continents, the research provides a global overview of the current state of the field in different cultural contexts. As a whole, the volume illuminates the complexities of digital inequalities as they are manifested in groups and societies EURO"even when access is widespread. In their depth and breadth, the volume's contributions provide an indispensable guide to emergent forms of digital inequality as it rapidly evolves.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Enlightened Leader: Lessons from China on the Art of Executive Coaching
This will be one of the very first books written in English specifically focused on executive coaching in China. It is an enormously popular subject, following the exponential growth in demand for executive coaching in China, combined with a shortage there of experienced coaches. Drawing on his many years' experience of working with both Chinese and Western executives, Frank Gallo explains the underpinnings of Chinese culture, how these impact the approach to coaching, and how typical best Western coaching practices may need to be modified in China. The book covers in detail the issues that executives in China must know how to deal with, highlighting nine key lessons. Each of these lessons is backed up by interview comments from foreign and Chinese executive coaches, several case examples, and key learnings.The Enlightened Leader provides company executives and their coaches an invaluable road map to successful coaching for leadership roles in the new China.
Emerald Publishing Limited Conscience, Leadership and the Problem of 'Dirty Hands'
This volume contains a selection of papers from the 21st annual 'Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics' Conference. It addresses the key theme of Political Leadership, Professional Ethics, and the Problem of Dirty Hands. 'Dirty hands' is a somewhat nebulous concept. It may refer to professions whose objectives are so consequential that some ethical violations are considered justifiable. In another sense it might suggest situations where professional obligations might require the performance of deeds that contradict one's own moral beliefs. The term is perhaps most synonymous with political leadership and raises the question: Should leaders ever get their hands dirty? For applied ethicists, recognizing that sometimes there are compelling arguments in favor of certain moral violations is a professional necessity. This volume contains papers on a broad range of issues including discussions of medical ethics, military ethics, domestic political matters, and the very nature of 'professions' themselves. It will be of interest to those interested in politics, as well as those involved in research or training in ethics and professional practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Infusing Undergraduate Research into Historically Black Colleges and Universities Curricula
Undergraduate Research (UGR) is any creative effort undertaken by an undergraduate that advances the knowledge of the student in an academic discipline and leads to new scholarly insights or the creation of new knowledge that adds to the wealth of the discipline. Undergraduate research is valued and encouraged at several HBCUs; however, the history, implementation, nor progress has not been sufficiently published and disseminated nationally. Importantly, a great deal of learning occurs when undergraduate students conduct research and, of course, much of this learning does not happen during the traditional coursework. Research leads to better understanding of and deeper appreciation for the discipline. Further, it is contended that students' career goals and academic expectations are enhanced as a result of research participation. Extensive undergraduate research can increase access to PhD programs. From the voices of faculty mentors, student mentees and UGR program directors and program coordinators this volume describes the successes of programs across HBCUs and discusses how retention and graduation rates have been increased as a result of participation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mistreatment in Organizations
Volume 13 of Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being is focused on mistreatment in organizations. Mistreatment can be damaging to the individual as well as to the organization. This volume includes critical topics on customer mistreatment, aggression in the workplace, incivility, and workplace ostracism.
Emerald Publishing Limited At the center: Feminism, social science and knowledge
At the Center reflects on how the study of gender has changed and how studying gender has affected our research methods and our knowledge of the world around us. In honor of Bell Hooks' prophetic work, Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, the volume considers how advances in gender research represent a centering of feminist knowledge and an understanding of the process by which feminist knowledge is constructed. A multinational group of contributors explore relatively new problems such as the integration of transgender study, traditional topics in so far as they incorporate current knowledge and methodological issues pertaining to the effects of research on the researcher and the researched as well as other epistemological matters associated with the construction of gender knowledge. Chapters reflect the strength of a range of qualitative methods including life histories and auto-ethnography and explore the ways that large sample quantitative analyses can enhance understanding of everyday dilemmas. The interdisciplinary nature of gender studies and the cross-pollination of theoretical perspectives are illustrated as is the globalization of gender theory, research and policies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurial Growth: Individual, Firm, and Region
The latest volume of Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth examines many questions regarding growth. What decisions and designs of the entrepreneur lead to growth? What are the beginning stages of growth? Are there differences in what drives high growth entrepreneurship versus slower growth entrepreneurship? Are new firms adopting novel approaches to growth? How do growth rates and patterns change over the life of the firm? What policies, infrastructure, and capabilities are necessary to for entrepreneurial regional growth at the macro level? What are the foundational components necessary for growth across all levels of entrepreneurship?
Emerald Publishing Limited Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice: Looking Forward at Forty
The year 2012 was the 40th anniversary of the publication of Cohen, March, and Olsen's influential article "The Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice", which offered a major new perspective on organizational decision making. To celebrate this enduring paradigm, its impact on our understanding of organizational decision making, and the broad streams of research it has influenced, this collection of papers provides a rich demonstration of the influence that the GCM is continuing to have on current research. The chapters make original contributions to research on organizational decision making by developing new models and theoretical extensions based on or inspired by prior garbage can work, by applying garbage can concepts and interpretations to new problems and novel settings. The book includes a paper from Cohen, March and Olsen, who record their memories of initial encounters with garbage can ideas of organizational decision making, impressions of their current condition, and some thoughts on convolutions they may experience in the years ahead.
Emerald Publishing Limited Chinese Railways in the Era of High Speed
After a decade of steady investment and construction, Chinese railways have evolved into an era of high-speed. This book has two objectives. The first is to introduce the Chinese railway system to an international audience and document the evolutionary process of railway development in China. For the first time, this book clarifies the Chinese experience with HSR deployment and details the economic and physical achievements and related managerial issues and institutional challenges. The second objective is to discuss and analyze critical concerns regarding Chinese railway operations, management and institutional structure. This book analyses best practices of railway reform, reform strategies and considers how to improve China's related institutions. This research reflects on experiences in other countries and policy implications for the Chinese railway system. The book makes recommendations for how to improve the capability and capacity of institutions and organizations, in order to achieve sustainable development of the Chinese HSR system.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Issue: Thinking and Rethinking Intellectual Property
This special issue of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society focuses on the issue of copyright. The papers contain critical analysis and investigation into existing copyright law and provide insight for policymakers and commentators. The papers contain a range of analyses on issues of copyright. Highlights of the volume include the an examination of three difference aspects of the 1976 Copyright Act, focusing on fair use, statutory damage and formalities; an interesting analysis of the distinction between authentic and 'inauthentic' drawing on the examples of authenticated artwork and counterfeit luxury goods; and an everyday narrative of copyright by examining the laymen understanding of the term, based on comments sections of websites where users post their reactions to copyright-related stories.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multi-Level Governance: The Missing Linkages
Multi-Level Governance (MLG) is a highly influential, supple and ductile framework for interpreting governance in complex polities. Yet, criticisms have been aimed at its allegedly overly 'descriptive', rather than explanatory, power. This volume argues that progress in both the study and the practice of MLG may derive from developing linkages with disciplines, perspectives and issues that have so far not been explored in connection to MLG. By discussing cases ranging from nuclear power policy to environmental policy in both the Western world and in Eastern Asia, and by engaging different theoretical perspectives and issues of practical significance, such as legitimacy in public decisions or the management of risk in multi-level settings, the book proposes ways forward for advancing the understanding of MLG - a framework of reference in the analysis of contemporary governance.The book will provide scholars and students in the fields of public administration, public policy and political science with key concepts for the analysis of contemporary governance issues, and will be a source of ideas for practitioners and policy-makers engaged in making public decisions in complex polities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contributions from European Symbolic Interactionists
The papers in this volume were presented in at the third conference of the European Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI). The theme of the 2012 conference was "Conflict, Cooperation and Transformation in Everyday Life." The fifteen papers presented across this volume and volume 45 cover a diverse range of topics, which are divided into two main categories: 'Reflections on Methods' and 'Conflict and Cooperation', this volume focuses on the former. The central issue of the first four papers is how we navigate our emotional, analytical and political selves in the social worlds that we study. How do we relate to those we observe and interview? How do we deal with issues of power, suffering and politics? The following three papers provide a critical analysis of Geertz' 'Thick Description', perspectives on obesity in modern society and an analysis of the relationship between police officers and licensed marijuana coffeeshop owners in Rotterdam. Contributing authors to this volume and the next come from Belgium, Canada, Sweden, The US, The Netherlands and Germany, suggesting the thriving diversity of European SSSI in terms of its research themes and methods.
Emerald Publishing Limited Monetary Policy in the Context of Financial Crisis: New Challenges and Lessons
This is Volume 24 of the monograph series International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics. ISETE publishes proceedings of conferences and symposia, as well as research monographs of the highest quality and importance. All articles published in these volumes are refereed relative to the standards of the best journals, therefore not all papers presented at related symposia are published in these proceedings volumes. The topics chosen for these volumes are those of particular research importance at the time of the selection of the topic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Neo-Transitional Economics
Post-transition countries are coming of age and are approaching the status of fully-blown developing states. While the main problems highlighted in a classical transition storyline, such as large-scale privatization, institutional formation, and private sector establishment have largely been solved, the recent financial crisis has revealed fresh challenges which demand maximum differentiated attention. Such important contemporary issues as capital markets formation, monetary transmission mechanism, economic integration, financial sector sophistication, remittance management, social welfare reform, and competitive fringes remain to be tackled in a systematic, policy-oriented manner. "Neo-Transitional Economics" fills this escalating literature gap by presenting a comprehensive collection of viewpoints from the established scholars and practitioners of the field. The ultimate goal of this book is to offer an all-encompassing policy toolkit for a successful overcoming of all contemporary challenges that lie ahead in the age of neo-transitional economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Teacher Education: Promising Pedagogies
All countries in the world understand that education is vital to human and economic prosperity and that teacher education unavoidably is implicated. But the snag is this: political forces shaping public opinion in individual nations (particularly the U.S.) are deeply divided concerning how teacher education should proceed. This book acknowledges this Achilles heel tension, but does not become weighed down by it. Instead, it focuses on 'the practical' (Schwab, 1969), matters that have been locally deliberated and enacted. Pedagogies are named, origins (cultural/practical/theoretical/policy roots) are traced and a live example of the pedagogy unfurling in the local setting is presented from an insider-view.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Teacher Education: Promising Pedagogies
All countries in the world understand that education is vital to human and economic prosperity and that teacher education unavoidably is implicated. But the snag is this: political forces shaping public opinion in individual nations (particularly the U.S.) are deeply divided concerning how teacher education should proceed. This book acknowledges this Achilles heel tension, but does not become weighed down by it. Instead, it focuses on the practical (t) (Schwab, 1969), matters that have been locally deliberated and enacted. Pedagogies are named, origins (cultural/practical/theoretical/policy roots) are traced and a live example of the pedagogy unfurling in the local setting is presented from an insider-view.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Broad Autism Phenotype
This proposed volume will provide in-depth coverage about a construct known as the broad autism phenotype (BAP). The BAP encompasses biological, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal characteristics resembling those found on the autism spectrum, although more subtle than what is evident among individuals who meet formal criteria for an autism spectrum diagnosis. Initially identified in 1994, the BAP has been receiving increased attention due to the recognition of autism as a spectrum of disorders that vary in symptoms and severity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainability and Governance
Giving voice to the marginalized, broadly defined, is the aim of this volume in its examination of social life increasingly marked by global inequality and the extension of market rationalities to all arenas. Revealing the outcome to populations, stakeholders, and the environment when policies resting on narrowly constrained logics are employed, these researchers lead the way in probing accountings participation in significant struggles of our times. In order to better appreciate the consequences of economic globalization, the works examine contemporary rhetoric, governance, politics, and strategies and the manner in which accounting technologies are integrated. These works maintain that transformation is inevitable and they search for possibilities of change that can be manifested in socially equitable practices and improved social justice by enhancing accountability.
Emerald Publishing Limited Family Environments, School Resources, and Educational Outcomes
Contributions come from authors spread around the globe, illuminating how the efficacy and ideologies of schooling variably unfold in differing national and historical contexts. Written by sociologists, anthropologists, economists, and cultural critics, this journal offers lively and accessible empirical work to a broad audience.
Emerald Publishing Limited Constructing a new framework for rural development
"This volume seeks to answer modern questions and concerns regarding peasants, their production techniques, and their links to wider society. In the past, peasants and their seemingly simple production models have been criticized for being unable to fully meet the needs of modern society, especially when it comes to world hunger, food quality, and sustainability. However, often neglected is the myriad of new initiatives that alter the way food is produced and marketed. New 'peasant markets' are created everywhere and new products and services abound. This volume argues that these initiatives represent "seeds of transition"; they are the "sprouts" out of which new socio-technical modes for organizing production and marketing emerge - "sprouts" that, taken together, can be summarized as "rural development". This book critically discusses these new practices and the actors engaged in them. In doing so, it deals with several countries in three different continents (Asia, South America and Europe). It proposes new concepts and approaches for a better understanding of the re-emergence of peasants as indispensable part of modern societies."
Emerald Publishing Limited The Well-Being, Peer Cultures and Rights of Children
This volume is comprised of empirical research and theoretical papers within three key areas, namely children's well being, children and youth peer cultures, and the rights of children and youth. These empirical studies include children's voices and experiences from four continents (Asia, Europe, North America and South America) and a range of methodological and theoretical orientations. A clear connection to social policy at a national and international level is made in many of these studies. Topics are wide-ranging and include: Praetorian militarization; school mobility; math and reading achievement gaps; dating and the developmental discourse in a summer camp; and, school and social exclusion for urban young people. Altogether, these studies highlight how structure and culture both limit and enable the life chances of children, how children interpret and construct their social relations and environments, and how children view themselves as well as how others view the rights of children. This volume is a further example of how the "Sociological Studies of Children and Youth" series successfully showcases major strands of current thinking on children and youth in our world today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural, Historical, and Comparative Perspectives
In this volume, guest editor Qvortrup brings together contributions representing structural, historical, and comparative perspectives on the study of children and youth. Here, childhood is conceived as a structural feature of society, subject to the stable and changing forces of the larger social context, and comparable across time and cultures. Such perspectives have been relatively under-represented in the "New Sociology of Childhood," which has tended both to stress children's agency, and to favour ethnographic methods of inquiry. The series editors are pleased to expand and enliven the foci of Sociological Studies of Children and Youth with this volume edited by the internationally renowned Danish Sociologist Jens Qvortrup, the first non-U.S. editor in the series' history.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociological Studies of Children and Youth
This volume contains a diverse set of chapters that offer a good balance of quantitative and qualitative methodologies; focus on children, youth, or both children and youth; and come from a variety of theoretical perspectives. Two prominent themes of the volume are adolescents' transition to adulthood and children's time-use issues. Several chapters address each of these issues, including one examining children's labor in Senegal. Two ethnographic studies are included: one analyzes student-teacher interaction in an urban high-school math class, while the other examines friendship development and maintenance of early elementary-aged African American girls. The volume also includes a policy analysis of medical insurance provision for low income children, and a response to an earlier chapter on children's rights that appeared in Volume 8.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociological Studies of Child Development
This is the fifth volume in a series which endeavours to organize, centralize and present current ideas and research in the field of child development, viewed with a sociological perspective. It contains three main sections: early childhood care; children's peer groups; and, family influence. Papers examine early childhood care; non-parental child care environments; differences in preschool cognitive skills by type of care; quality of centre care and cognitive outcomes: differences by family income; parent involvement in early childhood education and day care; negotiations of norms and sanctions among children; the attainment of peer status: gender and power relationships in the elementary school; social status and interactional competence in families; family and friend relationships of only children: a study of Chinese adults; women and money: cultural contrasts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Physicality of Leadership: Gesture, Entanglement, Taboo, Possibilities
Academic literature has to a large extent ignored how leaders present themselves physically. This volume invites leadership scholars to inquire rigorously into the physical aspect of leading and leadership. By noticing and dwelling with the visible facets of leading, the book suggests new possibilities for how leadership can be created and studied.