Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Change Management for Organizations: Lessons from Political Upheaval in India
Change management is a better or smarter approach to initiate a change via behavioral aspects. As it is the power to innovate which is a unique strength for companies, the need for strategies to tackle change management within the firm is evident. This work demonstrates how a firm can learn change management from political upheavals, thus providing benefits to the entire value chain. Through examples and case studies from such unrest throughout India’s diverse history, Mohapatra and Sadangi combine their academic and industry experience to show the need for business alignment with change management strategy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Celebrating the James Partridge Award: Essays Toward the Development of a More Diverse, Inclusive, and Equitable Field of Library and Information Science
Celebrating the James A. Partridge Outstanding African American Information Professional Award the authors examine issues of race, inclusion, diversity, and justice in the field of library and information science. The award recognizes information professionals who exemplify the highest ideals of the profession, and it is part of a long-running series of efforts that have been made to promote diversity and inclusion in the field. Many of the living winners of the award share their thoughts and personal experiences about race and the development of the field of library and information science. Their insights are complimented by the writings of other scholars, educators, and practitioners who study, teach about, and experience issues of race in the field firsthand. Issues of race are addressed from the perspective of different backgrounds, as well as intersectionalities with other identities, such as gender, immigration, and orientation. The explorations by the authors at their various institutions – including libraries, universities, and government agencies – to promote diversity and inclusion catalogue a wide range of ideas, practices and lessons learned.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Issues in Finance: Current Challenges from Across Europe
Including studies on different topical issues in finance by the participants of the 8th international scientific conference “New Challenges of Economic and Business Development – 2016” this new work contains research from various European countries, specifically Germany, Italy, Latvia, Malta, and Poland. Chapters explore the impact of financial literacy on domestic economic activity in the Baltic States, the rapid rise of FinTech, which has changed the banking landscape, requiring more innovative solutions; Crowdfunding in the European Union, specifically examining the performance, development and perspectives; the case of Latvia to highlight the Profiles of SMEs as Borrowers, the factors that interfere with the availability of funding to the small and medium-sized companies, an analysis of Risk Parity Approach for Sovereign Fixed-Income Portfolios in Eurozone countries by looking at studies of preventive arrangements with creditors in Italy; and Mergers and Acquisitions by studying examples of best practices in Cross-Border acquisitions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Megaproject Risk Analysis and Simulation: A Dynamic Systems Approach
Providing new knowledge on risk analysis and simulation for megaprojects, this book is essential reading for both academics and practitioners. Its focus is on technical descriptions of a newly developed dynamic systems approach to megaproject risk analysis and simulation. This is backed up by a discussion of the methodology as applied in a comprehensive case study on the Edinburgh Tram Network (ETN) project. The book informs both academic researchers and megaproject stakeholders with the latest information on risk as applied to megaprojects. As well as the complete case study, the book includes a general risk analysis framework for megaprojects, an analytic network process (ANP) method for risk quantification, a system dynamics (SD) method for risk simulation, and practical guides for the application of the dynamic systems approach in megaproject research and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Climate Change and the 2030 Corporate Agenda for Sustainable Development
This volume explores the meaning of the Paris Climate Agreement 2015 for business; it analyses its challenges and implications, and establishes required actions by the private sector in order to reduce global warming and mitigating climate change effects. We bring together evidence-based, conceptual and theoretical contributions from a diverse set of geographical locations, and disciplinary backgrounds on the meanings, implications, opportunities and challenges for business around the planet in relation to climate change.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Flipped Approach to Higher Education: Designing Universities for Today’s Knowledge Economies and Societies
From the world’s first completely flipped institution, the authors address the socio-economic and socio-technical nature of today's world and how this impacts what is needed from the education sector, outlining how and why they adopted Flipped Learning as the transformative approach required to meet these needs, and definitively describe the organizational design process needed to establish a Flipped institution, from physical and geographical infrastructure, to human and intellectual capital. Included in this book are chapters in which administrators, pedagogical and technical support staff, instructors and students share their experiences and lessons learned in the first year and how the Flipped approach has impacted their education experience. These experiences are then used to develop performance improvement initiatives for leadership, institutional commitment, the infrastructure, and instructor and student support and development.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Management Game of Communication
We still see many communication graduates with little business knowledge and business graduates with little communication knowledge. This schism leads communication scholars to assume that better communication is an end in itself while management see it as a means to an end – it must somehow contribute to the bottom line. How can strategic communication and public relations support corporations? What can communicators learn from management disciplines? Moreover, how should universities and business schools deal with the need to integrate research and education from different disciplines to advance the field? This book addresses these challenges and offers some answers. The contributions from primarily European countries were selected from a large number of peer-reviewed contributions for the 2015 congress of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association hosted by BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo. The chapters explore challenges of linking both fields; discuss research focusing on communication, leadership and organisational goals; and present findings from current research in corporate communication.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Crisis of Race in Higher Education: A Day of Discovery and Dialogue
The compendium of writings in this edited volume sheds light on the event “Race & Ethnicity: A Day of Discovery and Dialogue” at Washington University in St. Louis and the work current students, faculty, and staff are doing to improve inclusivity on campus and in St. Louis. The book includes speeches, reflections, art, and photography aligned with the Day of Discovery and Dialogue in addition to original academic work on race in higher education, race in St. Louis, and race in the United States. Leading scholars and emerging voices feature in this volume, filling a void in the race and higher education literature since it will foreground a case study of a single university at the epicenter of a national racial crisis and how a university-wide event brought a campus together. This praxis focus may have far reaching impact in aiding other universities across the country in addressing racial tensions in their own communities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Writing Instruction to Support Literacy Success
For the last five years or so, there has been a universal increase in expectations for academic writing alongside high-stakes tests, as students must master writing for pragmatic purposes including argumentative papers, dialogic narratives, and even research reports. All the while, research related to how to effectively prepare these students for success has been stymied with an over emphasis on other areas of literacy. This volume will feature prominent researchers sharing their evidence-based successes partnering with teachers in K-12 classrooms. It will have 3 sub-sections according to grade level appropriate instruction: K-3, 4-8, 9-12. As a result of this design, the book will have wide readership amongst educators in the early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school years.
Emerald Publishing Limited Accelerating Change in Schools: Leading Rapid, Successful, and Complex Change Initiatives
Research indicates change is complex and difficult, and requires considerable time to achieve, sometimes years or even decades. This book presents major findings from a research study exploring the leadership needed to enact rapid change – defined as three years or less – in various school contexts, overtly including the perspectives of leaders, teachers, students, parents, community members, and district leaders. We challenge many of the assumptions in current scholarly literature about how fast, complex change can or should be wrought within educational environments; indeed, our premise is that rapid, complex change is not only possible but may be highly desirable and successful given the right leadership approach. We present a pragmatic ‘rapid change’ model emerging from in-depth explorations of successful leadership approaches that accelerated the change agenda in these schools. We outline the theoretical underpinnings to the model and overtly articulate the pragmatic approaches leaders found to be effective in implementing fast-paced change. We also present case studies of successful change in schools with descriptions and advice elicited from leaders and stakeholders.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public Spaces: Times of Crisis and Change
This volume is about the plurality and complexity of modern urban public spaces. The authors move far beyond the nostalgia of traditional streets, squares and gardens to mobilize contemporary sociological knowledge based on the mediated relations between spatial morphology and everyday life in cities across several continents. Contributions analyse diverse social realities and social interventions within the context of urban public spaces, linking to the broader discussion of urban public policies in European cities and beyond. Sometimes these interventions lead to exclusionary processes; other times they are the object of conflicts and resistances. When we speak about the (re)constructions, the uses and counter-uses of urban public spaces, we are always in the core of the political (city: polis) domain as those places are not fixed and do not have unique representations or immutable configurations – they are networks of relationships and social practices with antagonistic views and flexible uses.
Emerald Publishing Limited Risk Management in Emerging Markets: Issues, Framework, and Modeling
Academic finance research has shown that emerging markets still suffer from a myriad of risks such as credit, operational, market, legal and exchange rate risks. The onset of the subprime crisis 2007, the global financial crisis 2008-2009, and the Eurozone public debt crisis since the end of 2009 has brought to the light a number of emerging markets facing tumbling currencies, rising inflation, slowing growth, heavy dependence on foreign capital, and high levels of vulnerability to external shocks due to increased market integration. This context calls for not only a reconsideration of recent risk assessment models and risk management practices, but also the improvement and innovation of these models and practices. Factors such as liquidity, tail dependence, comovement, contagion, and timescale interactions have thus to be part of an integrated risk assessment and management framework. This book addresses three main dimensions of risk management in emerging markets: 1) the effectiveness of risk management practices; 2) current issues and challenges in risk assessment and modelling in emerging market countries; 3) the responses of emerging markets to the recent financial crises and the design of risk management models.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multinational Corporations and Organization Theory: Post Millennium Perspectives
The study of multinational companies (MNCs) has been split for many decades into two camps which hardly ‘talked’ to each other: a) predominantly economic and functionalist oriented International Business Researchers, and b) largely social constructivist and critical management oriented Organization Theorists. This volume intends to build bridges by bringing together leading international scholars from both camps, who provide new insights in the study of MNCs. In addition to the bridge-building exercise, the book aims to develop a more comprehensive organizational theoretical understanding as well as methodological plurality in the study of how MNCs function in the post-millennium era, both internally and externally, and also how they control their international operations across economic, institutional, cultural, linguistic, political and social divides. Key topics addressed in our volume include: historical perspectives on the study of MNCs, the role of increased financialization and marketization on MNCs, the new role of the HQ within contemporary MNC, the role of language in MNCs, discursive studies of MNCs, labour representation in MNCs as well as social movements and corporate social responsibility and MNCs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Accountability and Social Responsibility: International Perspectives
Probably since the mid-1980s, corporate governance has attracted a great deal of attention from corporate managers and investors’ protection has become a much more important issue for all financial markets after recent firm failures and scandals. Especially important for all with an interest in how organizational governance is formed around socially responsible and accountable ways of leadership and management, this book provides new insights into various issues regarding business management and governance, and points to ways for businesses to make a real change for the betterment of the world, especially in the aftermath of the recent financial crisis 2007/2008.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Talent Management and Staffing in MNEs
Attracting, managing and retaining talented employees is an important area of human resource management. Managing talent across an organization’s global network presents many challenges including expatriation and repatriation issues, cross-cultural adjustment of employees, and operating in different regulatory and economic environments. This volume provides insights into multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) global staffing and global talent management (GTM), and covers issues of global mobility from organizational, individual and contextual perspectives. The chapters in this edited volume cover historical development of expatriation, use of self-initiated and company-assigned expatriates, talent management in entrepreneurial firms, and talent retention through effective expatriation and repatriation programs in transitioning and emerging economies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Dead Firms: Causes and Effects of Cross-Border Corporate Insolvency
Why do firms die? This volume seeks to explore international and cross-disciplinary perspectives, if you like a forensic examination, autopsy or post mortem of 'how and why' companies die. This alternate perspectives flips the focus on survival, as all existing firms are in truth survivors, to consider through the metaphors of death, (with forensic analysis, autopsy, post mortems and crime scene investigations) the lessons 'dead firms' might offer. This book will contribute to the understanding of the development, antecedents, processes and consequences of corporate insolvency around the world. In general lines, insolvency is a state in which the debtor is proven unable to pay corporate debtors. We aim to explore the contemporary causes and effects of corporate cross-border insolvency (CCBI). In the realms of international business, CCBI could be mediated by events experienced during the internationalization of the firm, which may encompass a loss of capital, loss of revenue and loss of credit.
Emerald Publishing Limited Executive Burnout: Eastern and Western Concepts, Models and Approaches for Mitigation
Never before has the world witnessed the phenomenon of severe stress and burnout on such a large scale as in recent years. Globalization, technological advances and economic meltdown have brought about a plethora of unprecedented challenges for industry and organizations across the globe. Consequently, executives have been under growing stress due to economic uncertainties, mergers and acquisitions, role erosion and restructuring, resulting in increased workloads, longer hours and demands for greater productivity and efficiency. This changing environment has created job insecurity, anxiety, dissatisfaction and emotional exhaustion causing a rapid increase in executive burnout. This book provides the most comprehensive analysis of the construct of burnout, including its magnitude, a global research review, a typology of models, comparisons between professions and consequences of burnout for individuals and organizations. In addition, it provides the views of mental health professionals, empirically derived causes, symptoms and coping techniques, while throwing light on preventative measures and comparing Eastern and Western approaches to mitigate the effects of burnout.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
Volume 34 of Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management contains six chapters on emerging issues in the field of human resources management, thus continuing the tradition of the RPHRM series to publish cutting-edge work that pushes the field forward. The subject matter in this volume covers myriad areas: discrimination, multigenerational issues, duty, flexible HRM, social media, and entrepreneurship. These chapters, written by a collection of the finest scholars in the field from across the world, represent seminal scholarly advances and illustrate the interdisciplinary character of human resources management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender and Food: From Production to Consumption and After
Volume 22 explores the complex relationships between gender and food in a variety of locations and time periods using a range of research methods. Authors show that gender inequality and men’s dominance are implicit or explicit, and that in times of both stability and change, the burden of many if not most aspects of food production and provisioning falls upon women and is an integral part of the care work they perform. Food is shown to be related to societal structures of power, resources and labor markets, as well as households, bodies and emotions. Health, well-being and sustainability emerge as major tropes in the economic and geographic north and south from the arctic to the equator and places between. Western cultural trends regarding specialized diets as they relate to health and illness are examined from a gender lens as is children’s nutrition worldwide. Gender inequality as it affects the struggle for access to land, the affordability of food, and its nutritional value is identified as a major social policy issue.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Global Educational Policy Environment in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Gated, Regulated and Governed
This volume focuses on the rise of educational regulation and educational governance in a post-2015 era. Across the globe, unfettered globalization is being curtailed and cooperation and collaboration at the regional level appears to be at an unprecedented high, yet there are still substantial disparities across national levels in education, social, political, and economic sectors. This volume investigates the nexus between national policy mandates, regional aspirations and international benchmarks and commitments. In doing so, it uses a critical educational policy studies approach to examine the various scales of the politics of education to explain how changes in the global and political economy influences national educational policies and practices. Thus, the politics of education within small (and micro) states is linked to various educational agenda settings and attitudes within the national and regional policy environment and the actors and institutions that shape these agendas. Chapters within this volume explain at what scale policy decisions are taken within the policy environment and who has the authoritative allocation of values.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting
Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting publishes high-quality research and cases which focus on the professional responsibilities of accountants and how they deal with the ethical issues they face.Covering timely issues such as social responsibility and ethical judgement, the series brings together a range of articles exploring the professional responsibilities of accountants, codes of conduct which affect them, and securities regulations. Compliance with professional guidelines is judgement-based and the characteristics of the individual, the culture in which they operate, and situations all affect how these guidelines are interpreted and applied, as well as when they might be violated.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives in Hospitality Management
New Perspectives in Hospitality Management is a unique collection of articles that represent the highest level of scholarship in hospitality research. The articles identify themes that have established themselves as key trends among academics. These include:- Human resource management challenges - new research on labour turnover in luxury hotels and how classic hospitality paradigms have developed - Hospitality marketing - how the tourism distribution channel has been transformed, perceptions on guests' perceptions of customer loyalty and transforming customer satisfaction into 'customer delight' - Experiences and behaviours - understanding quality aspects of restaurant image, hedonic and utilitarian values and how they influence restaurant image, and a customer-based approach to hotel experience and brand equity. The collection provides exemplary analysis of recent research trends concerning marketing and HRM research topics and methodology, while also looking to the future in terms of how information and communication technologies will shape the development of the hospitality sector. It will enable readers to access the most important 'thinkers' active in this arena today.
Emerald Publishing Limited The University under Pressure
Universities are under pressure. All over the world, their resource environment is evolving, demands for accountability have increased, and competition has become more intense. At the same time, emerging countries have become more important in the global system, demographic shifts are changing educational needs, and new technologies threaten, or promise, to disrupt higher education. This volume includes cutting-edge research on the causes and consequences of such pressures on universities as organizations, particularly in the U.S. and Europe. It provides an empirical overview of pressures on universities in the Western world, and insight into what globalization means for universities and also looks at specific changes in the university environment and how organizations have responded. The volume examines changes internal to the university that have followed these pressures, from the evolving role of unions to new pathways followed by students and finally, asks about the future of the university as a public good in light of a transformation of student roles and university identities.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice in Public Entrepreneurship
The term "entrepreneurship" has usually been associated with private sector activities. The term has appeared frequently in public sector literature, with scholars challenged to find new multi-disciplinary frameworks. This collection contributes to the debate due to a confusing array of terminology on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Scholars and practitioners are looking for flexible and adaptable approaches to shaping organisations. Key challenges face public sector institutions and partners, and success will be dependent on how well the public sector finds new ways to deliver excellent public services, and leverage support and resources from non-state partners. Public sectors across the globe have a poor record on productivity despite a dramatic expansion in public expenditure, but the on-going global economic recession has brought into focus the "innovation and enterprise imperative" (Brown & Osborne, 2013). Innovation is embedded into daily routines and interactions with non-state actors, but these chapters illustrate ample evidence on how innovative actors can be. Scholars have contributed studies of flourishing innovation and enterprise in this important field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Essays in Honor of Aman Ullah
Volume 36 of Advances in Econometrics recognizes Aman Ullah's significant contributions in many areas of econometrics and celebrates his long productive career. The volume features original papers on the theory and practice of econometrics that is related to the work of Aman Ullah. Topics include nonparametric/semiparametric econometrics; finite sample econometrics; shrinkage methods; information/entropy econometrics; model specification testing; robust inference; panel/spatial models. Advances in Econometrics is a research annual whose editorial policy is to publish original research articles that contain enough details so that economists and econometricians who are not experts in the topics will find them accessible and useful in their research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Communication and Information Technologies Annual: [New] Media Cultures
Sponsored by the Communication and Information Technologies Section of the American Sociological Association, this volume examines wide-ranging aspects of culture, communication, and [new] media broadly defined. Themes include the interplay between [new] media and any of the following: culture, communication, technology, convergence, the arts, cultural production, and cultural change in the digital age. Contributions shed light on emergent phenomena that -sociologists, particularly those studying media or communication, culture scholars will find intriguing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustaining Competitive Advantage via Business Intelligence, Knowledge Management, and System Dynamics
The first chapter in this book examines the relationships between absorptive capacity and effective knowledge management through the analysis of quantitative data drawn from managers and employees in residential aged care organizations in Western Australia. The author, Michael Preece, defines absorptive capacity as the ability of an organization to use prior knowledge to recognize the value of new knowledge from external sources, assimilate this new knowledge, and apply it to the benefit of the organization. He provides valuable training in how service organizations go about transforming new knowledge into effective actionable business plans. The second chapter by Mohammad Shamsuddoha provides an application of system dynamics modelling in firms in the poultry industry in Bangladesh. This chapter offers deep knowledge of the "fifth discipline" and beyond. Shamsuddoha uses Vensim, a simulation-based software package, to build a simulation model with appropriate equations, formulae, and connectivity to replicate the real-life operation and outcome in a simulation environment. He also provides the in-depth knowledge necessary to learn to truly understand the fifth discipline.
Emerald Publishing Limited Legal Frontiers in Education: Complex Law Issues for Leaders, Policymakers and Policy Implementers
This book examines issues in educational law and the way leaders, policymakers and policy implementers influence just processes and outcomes in schools. From the lens of professors, attorneys and administrators we explore how lessons learned from the authors' experiences and research might improve the preparation and practice of educational leaders. We examine how leaders can and should be conceived as advocates for justice, especially those with positional power and formal influence. Educational law has both conceptual and empirical qualities. While research on justice often begins with abstract conceptualizations, it is also manifest as tangible and observable activities and behaviours. Thus it follows that law can be studied through a variety of methodological approaches. Depending on the epistemological and/or methodological orientation of a study, justice may be a measurable or observed event, a purely theoretical construct, or a combination of both. Leaders must address questions about law and justice. Of equal importance is how to navigate complex legal issues and how to best engage in the decision-making processes while keeping the best interests of students at the fore.
Emerald Publishing Limited Engaging with Capitalism: Cases from Oceania
For several decades people have been grappling with how to retain the material safety and cultural richness of indigenous non-capitalist societies and economies, but also gain the health, wealth, education and life opportunities the modern capitalist world offers. This book brings together examples of attempts to forge locally appropriate versions of modernity; development that suits the aspirations and circumstances of particular groups of people. Authors question how the market economy has been variously negotiated by groups who also have other systems through which they organize their social and economic life. What has worked for these people, what has not, and why? The volume addresses how, as a social and economic system, capitalism has been very effective in generating wealth and technological innovation, but has also been associated with great social inequity and environmental damage. Its inherent flaws have been highlighted by the escalation of ecological problems arising from growth-oriented capitalism and various economic crises, the latest being the Global Financial Crisis and its ongoing fallout.
Emerald Publishing Limited History of Management Accounting in Japan: Institutional & Cultural Significance of Accounting
This book sheds light on the interpenetration process between practice and theory of "Japanese management accounting" by using historical methods. Japanese management accounting can be characterized by the fact that, while paying attention to one aspect of accounting, i.e. "invisibility," it not only emphasizes the management of entities, such as JIT, cell-type production systems, other production control systems, and kaizen activities but also attempts to resolve "invisibility" as a part of upstream management through both "combined use" and "zurashi (displacement)" of target costing, kaizen costing and cost maintaining. Then it describes the process in which independent technology is formed as such features interrelate in Toyota and other Japanese companies. It focusses institutional and cultural significance of Japanese management accounting by the two perspectives, "Invisibility and Accounting: Archeology, Genealogy and Efficiency" and "Creativity and Cultural Editing to Link Person/Thing, Event and Memories." The history of Japanese management accounting from mid-19th century to 1960s is examined. Target costing practice and theoretical background at Toyota is also explained.
Emerald Publishing Limited Youth Engagement: The Civic-Political Lives of Children and Youth
In recent years, civic and political institutions have stepped up their efforts to encourage youth participation: schools promote volunteerism, non-profits provide opportunities for service, local governments create youth councils, and social movement organizations discuss the need to encourage a new generation of activists. This volume adopts a critical approach to the civic and political socialization projects which aim to transform children and youth into upstanding citizens. By synthesizing the study of young people's civic and political socialization under the rubric of "Youth Engagement", the interplay of the civic and the political throughout young people's lives is considered. Chapters critically examine the multiple and contested meanings of ideal citizenship and reveal how children and youth craft active citizenship as they encounter and respond to the various institutions and organizations designed to encourage their civic and political development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms
Alternative types of ownership and participatory managerial practices have recently been intensively debated. The Great Recession has revived interest in cooperative and labor-managed organizations. In addition, employee participation in decision-making and financial performance has consistently attracted attention during the last 20 years. The articles in this Volume contribute to both of these topics. The first set of articles studies the relationship among business cycles, alternative forms of ownership, and employee voice. These papers take various theoretical and empirical approaches and investigate many industries and countries. They show how the economic downturn is leading to increased incidence of employee ownership but also undermining employee voice by increasing the incidence of atypical employment. The second set of papers looks inside firms. The topics include the relationship between ownership and innovation and how financial participation and group incentives affect employee attitudes and work effort. The contributions in this volume provide stimulating research in the broad area of participatory and labor-managed organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Replication in Experimental Economics
Replication in Experimental Economics' highlights the importance of replicating previous economic experiments for understanding the robustness and generalizability of behavior. Replication enables experimental findings to be subjected to rigorous scrutiny. Despite this obvious advantage, direct replication remains relatively scant in economics. One possible explanation for this situation is that publication outlets favor novel work over tests of robustness. This volume of Research in Experimental Economics raises awareness of the need for replication by being the first collection of papers specifically dedicated to the replication of previously published work. The chapters, by leading researchers in the field, explore the robustness of topics from the effects of subsidizing charitable giving to people's ability to backwards induct and from the impact of social history on trust to the role of isolation on valuation. Readers will gain a better understanding of the role that replication plays in scientific discovery as well as valuable insights into the robustness of previously reported findings.
Emerald Publishing Limited The World Meets Asian Tourists
The movement of Asian citizens across continents now occurs on an unprecedented scale, with a surge in Asian tourists now visiting Europe, North America, Africa and Oceania. Tourists from China, Taiwan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and to a lesser extent Korea and Japan are meeting the citizens of cultures they had previously only been able to read about or view from afar. This book seeks to understand the experiences of, and reactions to, Asian tourists travelling out of Asia.Questions about Asian tourist contact with unfamiliar countries and cultures will be addressed. What are the interests of Asian tourists and what drives these interests? What impacts are they having on host communities, both in terms of the provision and co-creation of desired experiences and in the human dimensions of social contact? The volume addresses fresh implications for marketing, planning and policy which these tourist markets pose for good governance. This book confronts the limitations of our understanding of how to manage the tourist experience when that understanding has been built almost entirely on the behaviours and travels of western tourists.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender in the Labor Market
Why in 2015 are there still large gender differences in economic success? This volume consists of a set of state of the art research articles to answer this question. Focus areas include educational attainment, financial risk management, bargaining power, social mobility, and intergenerational transfers in the US and abroad.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gifted Children of Color Around the World: Diverse Needs, Exemplary Practices and Directions for the Future
We live in a global society, wherein our dependence on our neighbors is growing more intensely each year. Technology, travel, and interdependent economic systems require that nations know more and share more of their natural resources. Among the most precious of these resources is the intellectual talent that resides in their countries. This edited volume sheds light on the unique challenges, trends, and intersecting issues related to identifying intellectual potential of children of color around the world, providing access to appropriate curriculum and instructional opportunities, addressing the professional capacities of teachers working with these students, and the role of diverse families and communities in the talent development process in these communities. To achieve the volume 'EUROs' objectives, the editors bring together expert scholars from around the world who have a vested interest in gifted children of color.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium
The latest edition of this international edited book series, based on the formation and growth problems of High Technology Small Firms (HTSF), contains the best papers presented at the 2011 and 2013 conferences, both held at Manchester Business School. This volume remains true to the initial mission of the HTSF Conference, established in 1993, to advance our knowledge of high-technology entrepreneurship and to advocate the need for more and better designed policy to promote such entrepreneurship. The need is as great as ever it was, not least given the continued economic stagnation of the European economy in the wake of the Financial Crisis and the Euro crisis. These papers address key themes relating to improving our understanding of the processes involved in high-technology entrepreneurship and of the design of effective policy to promote this research. The first two groups of papers examine the start-up and commercialization processes and the internationalization processes, which are often important for new high-technology businesses. Other papers examine topics like entrepreneurship clusters, inter-firm collaboration, and growth strategy for high-technology small firms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Brand Meaning Management
Establishing, expanding and leveraging brand meaning is critically important yet exceedingly complex. Successful brand meaning management is foundational to both brand differentiation and to outcomes like brand identification and brand attachment. Yet, managing this meaning over time is complex. Noted contributors to this special issue add new insights to this complex domain. A group of papers lend insight into the myriad entities involved in the meaning making process itself, such as marketers, celebrities, brand users, and the broader culture in which consumers live. A second set emphasizes the critical impact that brand meaning has on consumers and brands themselves-outcomes that include brand identification and attachment, social relationship management, and brand evangelism. The final set addresses when and how brand transgressions can threaten these outcomes, and what brands must do to recover from lost or tainted meanings. The volume co-editors provide an overview of the chapters and identify future research issues on brand meaning management in B2B (vs. B2C) markets, and how multi-product firms manage the collective set of meanings that comprise their brand portfolio.
Emerald Publishing Limited Video Research in Disciplinary Literacies
This edited volume provides a collection of research-based chapters that reflect the state of the art for video reflection in literacy settings. The volume foregrounds explorations of disciplinary literacies and discourses in teacher education and pre-K-12 classrooms. Authors explore literacy and use of video in relation to English Language Arts, math, science, social studies, and educational administration across a variety of contexts ranging from a preschool classroom, to a high school, to preservice and inservice teacher education and development. In their research-based studies, authors address topics of disciplinary literacy, identity, discourses or multimodality. Some chapters present research findings while others are specifically devoted to methodological concerns and addresses how researchers who wish to carry out literacy investigations using video can work through challenges in research, design, or analysis.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting
Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting publishes high-quality research and cases which focus on the professional responsibilities of accountants and how they deal with the ethical issues they face. Covering timely issues such as social responsibility and ethical judgement, the series brings together a range of articles exploring the professional responsibilities of accountants, codes of conduct which affect them, and securities regulations. Compliance with professional guidelines is judgement-based and the characteristics of the individual, the culture in which they operate, and situations all affect how these guidelines are interpreted and applied, as well as when they might be violated.
Emerald Publishing Limited Interdisciplinary Connections to Special Education: Key Related Professionals Involved
This two-part volume addresses the specific area of interdisciplinary connections within special education research. Special education has transformed as a result of legislation, new trends and current research investigations. Currently, there is no comprehensive resource that effectively covers these advances. Continuing the approach of Part A, Part B allows readers to follow interdisciplinary connections within special education as it relates to the roles of audiologists, surgeons, vision specialists and school nurses.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting publishes thoughtful, well-developed articles across a broad spectrum of current topics in the field of management accounting, using a variety of research methods including survey research, field tests, corporate case studies and modeling. Volume 26 exemplifies the broad scope of Advances in Management Accounting, examining a number of areas within management accounting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inclusive Pedagogy Across the Curriculum
This volume focuses on an inclusive pedagogical approach for enhancing teaching and learning in key areas of curriculum including: literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts. In the introductory chapters, the concept of inclusive pedagogy is framed in relation to the actions of teachers in providing quality teaching and learning experiences for everyone in inclusive classrooms. Unlike much of what has previously occurred in inclusive practice the approach does not differentiate by providing alternative teaching and learning for students who are different. Focusing on what is to be learned in a particular subject area, the intention is to avoid the issues associated with defining some learners as different.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Human Factor in Social Capital Management
"This book is about the management of social capital processes as they are accomplished-understood, experienced and shaped-by owner-managers. The aim of the book is to develop a deeper understanding of these management processes, and thereby to contribute to a greater congruence between lived social capital perspectives and experiences, and theoretical and empirical literature. The book argues that social capital processes are context dependent and hence cannot be fully understood within an economic understanding of rationality. It follows that claims for the universality of the economic way of looking at life, and for looking at social capital processes are over-stated. Predicated on this insight the book investigates economic notions of rationality, as well as other perspectives on rationality in the management of social capital processes."
Emerald Publishing Limited Communication and Information Technologies Annual
Sponsored by the Communication and Information Technologies Section of the American Sociological Association, this volume brings together nine studies of the digital public sphere. The contributions illuminate three key areas of digital citizenship, namely political engagement, participation networks, and content production. In the first section, authors address relationships including: new media and efficacy, YouTube and young voters, political interest and online news. In the following section, the contributions speak to the importance of participation in social, scholarly, familial, and support networks. Subsequently, in section three on production, two contributions offers insight into unequal production, more specifically, gendered digital production inequalities and the varied responsiveness of microbloggers to different kinds of media events and issues. As a whole, the contributions revisit old questions and answer important new queries about netizenship and the digital public sphere.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multinational Enterprises, Markets and Institutional Diversity
This research volume in honour of the late Daniel Van Den Bulcke, one of the founding fathers of the European Business Academy (EIBA) and a core institution builder of the Academy of International Business (AIB), focuses on conceptual innovations in assessing the impact of institutions on multinational enterprise (MNE) strategies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Children and Youth Speak for Themselves
The theme of this volume is an outgrowth of one of the Section sponsored sessions at the 2006 ASA meetings in Montreal; 'Children and Youth Speak for Themselves'. The volume is a collection of articles from scholars who pay particular attention to children and/or adolescents' voices, interpretations, perspectives, and experiences within specific social and cultural contexts. Contributions include research stemming from a broad spectrum of methodological and theoretical orientations. This is a cutting-edge compilation of the most current child-centred scholarship on the sociology of children and childhood.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Governance in the US and Global Settings
Volume 17 of Advances in Financial Economics, entitled "Corporate Governance in the US and Global Settings" will provide further insights into corporate governance in the US & global economic and financial environment by publishing international, within-country and cross-country comparative studies. The volume will be edited by the series editors, Kose John, New York University, Anil Makhija, Ohio State University, and Stephen P. Ferris, University of Missouri.