Search results for ""Author Herv"
Other Press LLC All Happy Families: A Memoir
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Java Illuminated
Written for the one- to three-term introductory programming course, the sixth edition of Java Illuminated provides learners with an interactive, user-friendly approach to learning the Java programming language. Comprehensive but accessible, the text takes a progressive approach to object-oriented programming, allowing students to build on established skills to develop new and increasingly complex classes. Java Illuminated follows an activity-based active learning approach that ensures student engagement and interest. In addition, the text presents other topics of interest, including graphical user interfaces (GUI), data structures, file input and output, and graphical applications.
Edition Axel Menges Erich Engelbrecht Château des Fougis, Parc de sculptures
In their sculptural works, artists have always broken out of the workshop or studio and into open-air spaces. After all, the place where sculptures are best able to show their three-dimensionalquality is in an open space not enclosed by walls and ceiling, in which all flows of power and movement can have free rein. However, because public spaces offer only very limited possibilitiesfor sculpture development, sculpture parks have been developed almost everywhere in the world where invited artists can work without restrictive conditions. During his search for a place in France where he could present his large sculptures, Erich Engelbrecht discovered in 2000 the open, meadow-like land, with the château tucked into a piece of forest behind it. This open space, picturesquely framed by groups of trees, was precisely what he had imagined. And the fact that a château was waiting for its new owner at the end of this tract of land made this discovery a stroke of luck rarely experienced by anyone in general, and almost never by artists in particular. His monumental sculptures that dominate the landscape have given Erich Engelbrecht a place in the history of modern sculpture. His method of drawing images plastically in the space, and of using these drawings transformed into solid bodies to occupy whole landscapes, is unparalleled. The enigma balanced between representationality and the abstract, the multiplicity of meaning, which invites freely poetic titles, is essential to the unique charm of Erich Engelbrecht's visual work. In the park of Château des Fougis, 29 of these artworks, at once plainly revealing and mystifying, communicate with each other in such a relaxed way that visitors are prompted to think and to enjoy. One strolls through a garden of poetic artworks, through a park of beautiful riddles and silent secrets. There has been nothing comparable to this in Europe since the Mannerist gardens, conceived by poets andequipped with creatures of the imagination by inspired sculptors.
V&R unipress GmbH The Military in the Early Modern World: A Comparative Approach
Histoire & Collections Mirage III - Tome 1
Designed in response to the official 1953 program planned to equip the Armée de l’Air with a light supersonic interceptor, the Mirage III is universally acknowledged as one of the most remarkable successes of the French post-war aircraft industry. This delta-winged fighter has a configuration which has since become the hallmark of the French aircraft builder, Dassault, and has rapidly demonstrated its qualities beyond its original frontiers, so much so that 1 400 examples of all variants came off the production lines, purchased by twenty or so countries. This very broad subject has been split into two distinct parts, the first volume dealing with the initial single-seat IIIC and two-seat IIIB versions equipped with the Atar 9B jet engine and the second deals with the improved versions of the fighter with a longer fuselage, powered by an Atar 9C and fitted with a more effective Doppler radar: the IIIE interceptor, the IIIR and RD reconnaissance versions, the 5 and 50 ground attack versions. In line with the name and aim of the collection only the planes used by the Armée de l’Air are described in these books.
Candlewick Press,U.S. Help! We Need a Title!
August Verlag Zytomegalievirus
Phaidon Press Ltd The Game of Patterns
Study the lines, shapes and colours of the patterns in this book. They may look the same... but they're not! Look closely – how many differences can you spot? Ages 1-3
Chronicle Books Let’s Play!
It's only a yellow dot… but what a dot it is! Readers won't be able to resist this jaunty, adventurous dot, nor its invitation to play along. Thus begins a spectacular ride of colour, motion, shape, and imagination, filled with the artistry and delight that we know and love so well from Press Here and Mix It Up! But on this journey, prepare to leap headlong into a completely new dimension: emotion. Connecting not only to the mind but also to the heart, this dot expresses an extraordinary sense of humour, fear, joy, and more as it pushes, lurches, wiggles, and slides its way through-and even off!-the pages of this glorious companion to Press Here and Mix It Up!
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Durch die dunkelste Nacht
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH Ich verliebe mich so leicht
Piper Verlag GmbH Rtsel und Geheimnisse der Kochkunst Naturwissenschaftlich erklrt
Princeton University Press The Nature of Demography
Rapid changes over the last twenty years have impacted every branch of demographic analysis, from birth rates and immigration, to marriage rates and aging. The Nature of Demography is a response to these enormous changes. Written by one of the world's leading demographers, this authoritative text offers a systematic and coherent overview of the fundamental ideas governing the study of present and future populations. The book covers formal models as well as the underlying logic and context of demographic reasoning. The text also illustrates recent data and new methodological developments. The first section of the book discusses measurements that involve a single individual, such as mortality and fertility; the second section moves from individual behaviors to population-level phenomena; and the third section looks at models involving individuals and social structures within the population, such as marriage and migration rates--topics not addressed in such detail in any other demography text. Written for advanced undergraduates and experienced researchers, The Nature of Demography contains a wealth of material that will inspire innovative applications in the field. * An up-to-date and authoritative textbook by one of the world's leading demographers * Creative use and critique of demography methods * Comprehensive and innovative coverage of marriage, migration, and economic demography * Explanations that reach beyond mathematical formulas to underlying theories of behavior
Redbook La Resistencia Contra Los Nazis
Roca Editorial Sabbat samba
Frontera con Andalucía y Extremadura, el Alentejo es la región más grande de Portugal en extensión y, sin embargo, sigue siendo una tierra inexplorada y llena de tesoros... Alem do Tejo, más allá del Tajo, le esperan llanuras interminables, magníficas puestas de sol y una sabrosa cocina tradicional; además de algunas de las playas más hermosas de Portugal, que se extienden hasta el Algarve, sumado a un rico patrimonio cultural.En esta tierra llena de historia, encontrará vestigios de diferentes civilizaciones, como el templo romano de Évora, recuerdos en forma de castillos de las continuas batallas entre españoles y portugueses por defender sus territorios (Elvas,la ciudad más fortificada de Europa, Estremoz, Marvão...); una gastronomía muy variad , y tradiciones que han sabido sortear las vicisitudes del tiempo. Junto con sus pueblos y gentes, El Alentejo es, sin duda, la perla olvidada de Portugal.
Baila Spanish Edition
Un, dos, tres. Baila, muévete, salta! Un libro para explorar, en todos los sentidos,con las manos y con los ojos!
Editorial Kókinos Puntos puntos
Un libro lleno de puntos para dibujar, pintar, garabatear, hacer bucles, decorar, inventar, viajar, imaginar... Y volver a empezar tantas veces como quieras!
Astiberri Ediciones Canícula
En Canícula, adaptación de la novela homónima de Jean Vautrin, Jimmy Cobb, un estadounidense que acaba de cometer un atraco, intenta huir de la persecución de la gendarmería francesa. Acaba de enterrar su botín en las proximidades de una granja aislada en la que encuentra refugio in extremis. No se ha percatado de que un niño escondido entre el trigo ha asistido a toda la escena. Y aún no sabe que la granja en la que se esconde es un modelo en miniatura del infierno.
Planeta Publishing La Biblia de Los Códigos Secretos
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Qu'est-Ce Que La Violence?
Chronicle Books Ready Set Draw A Game of Creativity and Imagination
Velber Verlag Mal doch mit
Klett Sprachen GmbH Soupons Schulausgabe fr das Niveau B2 Franzsischer Originaltext mit Annotationen
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Medical Imaging Based on Magnetic Fields and Ultrasounds
This book describes the different principles and equipment used in medical imaging. The importance of medical imaging for diagnostics is rapidly increasing. A good working knowledge of all the different possible physical principles involved in medical imaging is now imperative. This book covers many of these principles including matter photon interactions, the principles of detectors, detectors and information processing for radiology, X-ray tomography, positron tomography, single photon tomography and optical tomography.
Chronicle Books Presiona Aqui
The smash success now in Spanish! Press Here is the irresistible invitation offered to readers to push the yellow button on the cover of this title and triggers a magical journey of colour, imagination and virtual interactivity, all the more remarkable that this adventure has all occurred on the flat surface of the simple, printed page.
Ivy Kids Eco Always Carry Me With You
Chronicle Books I Have an Idea!
From one of the true creative geniuses of this generation comes a unique meditation on and celebration of the magic of the birth of a simple idea. Sparkling with visual wit and bubbling with imagination, this is a richly emotional exploration of the creative process: from an initial tentative inkling, to the frustration of chasing the wrong notion, to finally the exhilaration of capturing—and nurturing—just the right idea. I Have an Idea! is a scrumptious cloth-spined package of color and inspiration equally at home on a child's bookshelf, in a new graduate's backpack, or atop a creative's desk.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Racialization, Racism, and Anti-Racism in the Nordic Countries
This book represents a comprehensive effort to understand discrimination, racialization, racism, Islamophobia, anti-racist activism, and the inclusion and exclusion of minorities in Nordic countries. Examining critical media events in this heavily mediatized society, the contributors explore how processes of racialization take place in an environment dominated by commercial interests, anti-migrant and anti-Muslim narratives and sentiments, and a surprising lack of informed research on national racism and racialization. Overall, in tracing how these individual events further racial inequalities through emotional and affective engagement, the book seeks to define the trajectory of modern racism in Scandinavia.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Electronique très basse consommation et solutions adiabatiques
Phaidon Press Ltd Art Workshops for Children
A guide to twelve children's art workshops by one of the world's most innovative facilitators and best–selling bookmakers. Art Workshops for Children is a guide for parents and teachers to organize and execute artistic workshops for children. 12 workshops are featured, each offering a list of materials needed, a step–by–step guide to facilitation, practical tips, illustrated examples, and photos of workshops in progress. The workshops are designed to spark children's imaginations, champion group bonding, and give visually pleasing results – with no artistic ability required. Tried and tested around the world by children of all ages. Perfect for organizing group events at home, in schools, at parties, at museums – anywhere! Ages 3-10
Phaidon Press Ltd The Game of Lines
A brightly colored graphic game that introduces little ones to the wonderful world of lines. There are dozens of combinations to be made in this mix and match book. Ages 1-3
Capstone Press Cheesecake Cupcakes and Other Cake Recipes
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Ich verliebe mich so leicht
DC Comics Suicide Squad Kill Arkham Asylum
Before The Suicide Squad takes on your favourite heroes in the upcoming video game, Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, pick up this thrilling prequel and watch them kill Arkham Asylum!
Ediciones Istmo, S.A. Citerior y Ulterior las provincias romanas de Hispanía en la era republicana
La conquista romana de la Península Ibérica y el proceso de integración de las comunidades indígenas en el Estado romano son dos temas cruciales de la Historia de España que la investigación ha abordado repetidamente, aunque no siempre de forma satisfactoria. Para comprender ambos problemas es preciso partir de la propia evolución interna de Roma, que se proyecta sobre las distintas regiones peninsulares para imprimirles una personalidad distinta y característica. Desde tal perspectiva se afronta esta nueva interpretación de la historia peninsular en época republicana, coincidente con el lento y dramático desarrollo de su incorporación al ámbito de dominio romano. En ella se examinan tanto las etapas del progresivo sometimiento como el vidrioso tema de la romanización, analizados desde el compromiso de la polémica y con un énfasis especial en las numerosas cuestiones aún no resueltas por la investigación.
Max Estrella Ediciones Aromas de caf y especias
Permanent Publications Living with the Earth Volume 2
In Volume 2, they dive deep into the detail in a comprehensive manual of growing fruit and vegetables on a small farm and market garden scale. Subjects include:* growing methods* soil preparation* plant densities and crop associations* irrigation and harvesting* growing year-round* vegetables, micro greens, tree crops and forest gard
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Atlas Klinische Neuroradiologie Wirbelsäule und Spinalkanal
Sicher Befunden in der Neuroradiologie!Die zweite Auflage des beliebten Atlas gibt zunächst im großen Anatomiekapitel eine hervorragende Übersicht zur klinischen Anatomie der Wirbelsäule und des Rückenmarks, mit vielen exzellenten, neu angefertigten Zeichnungen. Die nachfolgenden Kapitel beschreiben detailliert und mit über 1.000 Abbildungen sowohl gängige als auch seltene Pathologien. Mit den Neuerungen und Überarbeitungen der 2. Auflage ist es das bei weitem umfassendste und detaillierteste Werk zur Neuroradiologie der Wirbelsäule und des Rückenmarks.Neu in der zweiten Auflage:Über 400 Abbildungen wurden in der 2. Auflage erneuert oder neu bearbeitet. Außerdem wurden 40 neue Krankheitsbilder hinzugefügt wie z.B. verschiedene Motoneuronerkrankungen wie Muskelatrophien, ALS etc., bei metabolischen Erkrankungen wie Amyloidose, vertebrale Gicht etc. oder Tumorerkrankungen wie: Benigner notochordaler Tumor (BNCT), Leukämie, Lymphom, Mastozytose, Myelofibrose. Krankheitsbilder aus allen Bereichen: Tumoren und Zysten Verletzungen, Entzündungen und Fehlbildungen Degenerative, vaskuläre und metabolische Erkrankungen An die Bedürfnisse des befundenden Arztes angepasst: detaillierte Beschreibung der Morphologie anhand verschiedener Modalitäten und Sequenzen; hervorragende Bildqualität der Referenzabbildungen; moderne Schnittbilddiagnostik und konventionelles Röntgen; stichwortartiger Text zur schnellen Informationsaufnahme; ausführliche Berücksichtigung der Differenzialdiagnosen. Zum schnellen Nachschlagen aber auch zum vertiefenden Nachlesen geeignet, ideal auch zur Vorbereitung auf die Facharzt- und Schwerpunktprüfung.Die ideale Ergänzung zum ersten Band "Atlas Klinische Neuroradiologie des Gehirns" bildet der „Atlas Klinische Neuroradiologie - Wirbelsäule und Spinalkanal“.
Little, Brown Book Group The Champion
Alexander and Hervi de Montroi, half-brothers with no inheritance, meet in France. Hervi is a professional jouster and Alexander, fleeing the beatings of an English monastery, needs a trade. Despite misgivings, Hervi takes him on as his squire, introducing him to the travellers' immoral lifestyle. He befriends a girl, Monday, taking care of her after her parents die until, pregnant with Alexander's child, she leaves, finding shelter in a castle as a seamstress. Noticed by King John, she becomes his mistress in England, bearing his son and gaining a house. Meanwhile, Stefan has returned to England too, in the pay of an Earl - they meet again at court and, now older, fall in love. They have the King's blessing, but Monday's grandfather, now heirless, sees her as a way to gain power. She escapes his kidnapping to be reunited with Alexander on the land granted to him by the Earl.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Gesamtenergiesystem der Zukunft (GES): Sektorenkopplung durch Strom und Wasserstoff
Das essential gibt in kompakter Form einen Überblick über die Genese und die bisherigen Umsetzungsschritte der Energiewende und beschreibt insbesondere die Rahmenbedingungen des sich wandelnden Energiesystems. Damit eignet sich das Buch hervorragend als Einstiegslektüre in die Thematik der Energiewende, die auch zur Entstehung eines holistischen Gesamtenergiesystems führen wird.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Welche Zukunft hat die Kirche?: Aktuelle Perspektiven evangelischer Theologie
Die Kirche befindet sich in einer Phase grundlegender Veränderung, die weitreichende Fragen aufwirft: Welche Zukunft hat die (evangelische) Kirche (in Deutschland)? Worin liegen die Stärken und die Schwächen der Kirche? Wie muss sie sich verhalten, wenn sie ihren Auftrag verwirklichen möchte? Und: Welche theologischen und empirischen Spielräume hat die Kirche dabei? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes möchten dazu Anregungen aus der aktuellen Diskussion evangelischer Theologie vermitteln und verschiedene Perspektiven für die weitere Diskussion einspielen. Die Beiträge sind aus der 3. Internationalen "Bultmann-Lecture" im Jahr 2021 in Marburg hervorgegangen.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Frühjudentum und Neues Testament im Horizont Biblischer Theologie: Mit einem Anhang zum Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti
Die Beiträge zu diesem Band sind im wesentlichen aus einem Symposion zum 70. Geburtstag von Traugott Holtz und Nikolaus Walter entstanden. Gemäß den Forschungsinteressen der beiden Jubilare spielen das frühjüdische Umfeld des Neuen Testaments, die Septuaginta und die Frage nach einer Biblischen Theologie eine hervorgehobene Rolle. Da beide als Schüler von Gerhard Delling am Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti (CJHNT) mitgearbeitet haben, bietet der Band im Anhang unveröffentlichte Texte aus der Geschichte dieses Forschungsprojektes und Überlegungen zum gegenwärtigen Stand und zur Fortführung des Unternehmens.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Lebensbedrohliche Gerinnungsstörungen in der Intensivmedizin
Das vorliegende Werk gibt einen Überblick zu Pathophysiologie, Klinik und Therapie der disseminierten intravasalen Gerinnung unter Berücksichtigung der häufigsten Krankheitsbilder in der Intensivmedizin. Durch die hervorragende Gliederung hat der Leser die Möglichkeit sich über einzelne Fragestellungen gezielt zu informieren.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Repetitorium Intensivmedizin: Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung "Intensivmedizin"
Intensivmedizin zum Nachschlagen und Lernen für die Zusatzbezeichnung "Intensivmedizin". Das Repetitorium Intensivmedizin stellt das Fach der Intensivmedizin kompakt und fundiert dar und gehört in die Reihe der Repetitorien, die sich hervorragend zur Prüfungsvorbereitung oder Beantwortung von Fragen im Klinikalltag eignen. Alle Inhalte sind systematisch und übersichtlich dargestellt und klar und prägnant in den Aussagen. Zahlreiche Schemazeichnungen und Tabellen erleichtern das Verständnis und bündeln Informationen. Das Werk erscheint bereits in der 5. Auflage. Dieses ist komplett aktualisiert und erscheint in neuem Layout. Das Werk richtet sich an alle auf einer Intensivstation tätigen Ärzte.