Search results for ""Author Herv"
ebersbach & simon Am Meer Erzhlungen und Gedichte
Velber Verlag Punkte Punkte Komm mach mit
Akashic Books,U.S. Paris Noir: The Suburbs
Le Livre de poche La mort du petit cheval
John Libbey Eurotext Vaccination -- A History: From Lady Montagu to Genetic Engineering
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Le texte et le terrain: l'écriture ethnologique face à la littérature
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collector's Guide to Cartoon & Promotional Drinking Glasses
Cartoon and promotional characters are featured on drinking glasses decorated with their colorful images. Made since the mid-1930s, they reflect popular culture and entertainment as they derive from movie and television characters. Identification is by abbreviations of series names and a number for each design. These are popular among collectors of pop culture who will find this guide fun and accurate.
MER Paper Kunsthalle Ounce
Arco Libros - La Muralla, S.L. El Ejercito De La Republica Romana
La república romana logró extender su dominio a todo el ámbito del Mediterráneo gracias a un ejército compuesto de ciudadanos. Por ello, en Roma, y especialmente en época republicana, ejército y política van inseparablemente unidos y se condicionan mutuamente.El objeto de este libro se dirige a contemplar la evolución de la milicia romana en el marco político, económico y social del estado republicano, en una relación causa-efecto: su formación y desarrollo como ejército ciudadano y la consideración de las consecuencias dramáticas que, para el Estado y la sociedad romanos, tuvo la determinación de fundamentar sus bases económicas en la expansión territorial y en la potenciación del instrumento que la posibilitada, el ejército.
ISTE Ltd Satellites for Atmospheric Sciences 2: Meteorology, Climate and Atmospheric Composition
How can atmospheric variables such as temperature, wind, rain and ozone be measured by satellites? How are these measurements taken and what has been learned since the first measurements in the 1970s? What data are currently available and what data are expected in the future? The second volume of this encyclopedic book presents each field of application – meteorology, atmospheric composition and climate – with its main aims as well as the specific areas which can be addressed through the use of satellite remote sensing. This book presents the satellite products used for operational purposes as well as those that allow for the advancement of scientific knowledge. The instruments that are at their origin are described, as well as the processing, delivery times and the knowledge they provide. This book is completed by a glossary and appendices with a list of supporting instruments already in use.
Papercutz Cat And Cat #1: Girl Meets Cat
John Wiley and Sons Ltd River Restoration: Political, Social, and Economic Perspectives
River Restoration River restoration initiatives are now widespread across the world. The research efforts undertaken to support them are increasingly interdisciplinary, focusing on ecological, chemical, physical as well as societal issues. River Restoration: Political, Social, and Economic Perspectives provides a comprehensive overview of research in the field of river restoration in humanities and the social sciences. It illustrates how, in the last thirty years or so, such approaches have evolved and strengthened within the restoration sciences. The scientific community working in this domain has structured itself, often regionally and circumstantially, to critically assess and improve restoration policies and practices. As a research field, river restoration tackles three thematic axes: Human-river interactions – especially perceptions and practices of rivers, and how these interactions can be changed by restoration projects Political processes, with a particular interest in governance and decision-making, and a specific emphasis on the question of public participation in restoration projects Evaluation of the social and economic benefits of river restoration River Restoration: Political, Social, and Economic Perspectives encompasses these three topics, and more, to provide the reader with the most up-to-date and holistic view of this constantly evolving area. The book will be of particular interest to human and social scientists, biophysical scientists (hydrologists, geomorphologists, ecologists), environmental scientists, public policy makers, design or planning officers, and anyone working in the field of river restoration.
Autonomedia Crazy for Vincent
Phaidon Press Ltd The Game of Let's Go!
To play The Game of Let's Go!, close your eyes, place your finger on the magic line and take a journey through these pages and into the vast world of your imagination. What will your adventure be? Ages 1-3
Capstone Press Banana-Berry Smoothies and Other Breakfast Recipes
Springer Creation and Metaphysics: A Genetic Approach to Existential Act
During the last twenty-five years or so, studies in Thomistic existentialism have repeatedly indicated that the notion of creation played a decisive role in St. Thomas Aquinas' view of existence as an existential act or actus es sendi. The importance for metaphysics of this view of existence as act war rants an investigation of the relation between creation and actus essendi; for St. Thomas is the only one, in the history of philosophy, to have con sidered existence as an act-of-being. This study will be limited to the early works of St. Thomas. By the time of the Summa Contra Gentiles, he had reached the key positions of his metaphysics. And the first fifty-three chap ters of the Summa Contra Gentiles were written in Paris before June, 1259; 1 the rest was completed in Italy before 1265. The project was therefore con ceived by St. Thomas during the first period of his career. How the notion of creation enabled him to transform the Aristotelian metaphysics of essence into a metaphysics of esse can be seen from three sections of the Summa Contra Gentiles. Although primarily a theological treatise, the Contra Gentiles never theless accomplishes a radical metaphysical transformation of Aristotelian ism by shifting the whole perspective from esse in actu per formam to actus essendi. Seen from the perspective of existential act as the absolute perfec tion, metaphysics is raised to a strictly transcendental plane of consideration.
Diaphanes Verlag Die Sextinische Kapelle
Gallimard Le nom sur le mur
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die göttliche Weisheit des Hermes Trismegistos: Pseudo-Apuleius, Asclepius
Als aus dem Griechischen übersetzter Lehrdialog ist der lateinische Asclepius ein wichtiger Textzeuge des Hermetismus, einer geistigen Bewegung, die aus der Begegnung von Griechen und Ägyptern erwuchs und im 1. bis 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. blühte. Ihr namengebender Lehrer ist Hermes Trismegistos. Im Asclepius belehrt er seinen Schüler Asclepius über die Natur Gottes und seiner Schöpfung und über die Stellung des Menschen in der Welt. Eingebunden ist ein apokalyptischer Passus, der den Untergang Ägyptens voraussagt.Der vorliegende Band enthält den lateinischen Text, eine Übersetzung mit Kommentar und sechs Aufsätze, die den Asclepius und den Hermetismus im Blick auf die ägyptisch-griechische Misch-Kultur ihrer Entstehungszeit, die platonische Philosophie, die Tradition apokalyptischer Literatur und die Nachwirkung in Mittelalter und Renaissance untersuchen. Text und Übersetzung einer fragmentarisch überlieferten koptischen Parallelversion sind beigefügt.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Democratic Governance: A New Paradigm for Development?
'Governance' has become a key word in the lexicon of international relations over the last twenty years. It is used, loosely, and invariably in a liberal idiom, by scholars, activists, civil society organizations, politicians and the voluntary sector. In many respects it has attained the status of a fetish, yet 'governance' remains a notion that has multiple definitions, a concept in-the-making. Notwithstanding the imprecision with which the term is employed, it has become an inescapable paradigm for the politics of development. The contributors to this book, drawn from among some of the world's best area studies specialists, from North and South, offer a diverse global critique of 'governance' as deployed in several key areas: institutions and state actors; the rule of law, democracy and human rights; decentralization and state power; development and, last but not least, international cooperation and the role of the World Bank, the IMF and NGOs. The geographical spread of the volume ranges from Africa to Latin America, from Asia to the Middle East. Their objectives include: a reassessment of 'governance' in its many manifestations; an attempt to free the term from its often unhelpful linkage to the state, and thereby apply it to other organizations and actors; a re-evaluation of the Western-dominated use of the term politically and an attempt to broaden its application beyond issues such as transparency and the fight against corruption; and a search for innovative applications of the term, driven by a consensus that transcends current economic and political inequalities.
Springer International Publishing AG The Multiple Facets of Partial Least Squares and Related Methods: PLS, Paris, France, 2014
This volume presents state of the art theories, new developments, and important applications of Partial Least Square (PLS) methods. The text begins with the invited communications of current leaders in the field who cover the history of PLS, an overview of methodological issues, and recent advances in regression and multi-block approaches. The rest of the volume comprises selected, reviewed contributions from the 8th International Conference on Partial Least Squares and Related Methods held in Paris, France, on 26-28 May, 2014. They are organized in four coherent sections: 1) new developments in genomics and brain imaging, 2) new and alternative methods for multi-table and path analysis, 3) advances in partial least square regression (PLSR), and 4) partial least square path modeling (PLS-PM) breakthroughs and applications. PLS methods are very versatile methods that are now used in areas as diverse as engineering, life science, sociology, psychology, brain imaging, genomics, and business among both academics and practitioners. The selected chapters here highlight this diversity with applied examples as well as the most recent advances.
Holzwarth Publications Raymond Hains - Venice
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Fluvial Remote Sensing for Science and Management
This book offers a comprehensive overview of progress in the general area of fluvial remote sensing with a specific focus on its potential contribution to river management. The book highlights a range of challenging issues by considering a range of spatial and temporal scales with perspectives from a variety of disciplines. The book starts with an overview of the technical progress leading to new management applications for a range of field contexts and spatial scales. Topics include colour imagery, multi-spectral and hyper-spectral imagery, video, photogrammetry and LiDAR. The book then discusses management applications such as targeted, network scale, planning, land-use change modelling at catchment scales, characterisation of channel reaches (riparian vegetation, geomorphic features) in both spatial and temporal dimensions, fish habitat assessment, flow measurement, monitoring river restoration and maintenance and, the appraisal of human perceptions of riverscapes. Key Features: • A specific focus on management applications in a period of increasing demands on managers to characterize river features and their evolution at different spatial scales • An integration across all scales of imagery with a clear discussion of both ground based and airborne images • Includes a wide-range of environmental problems • Coverage of cutting-edge technology • Contributions from leading researchers in the field
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Infrared Observation of Earth's Atmosphere
This book is designed to provide the theoretical, but most of all, the practical bases needed for the achievement of atmospheric composition analyses from infrared remote sensing.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications: Proceedings of the Workshops and the Doctorial Symposium of the I-ESA International Conference 2010
Within the framework of the Sixth I-ESA International Conference, supported by the INTEROP VLab (International Virtual Laboratory on Enterprise Interoperability,, three workshops and a Doctoral Symposium have been organized in order to strengthen some key topics related to interoperability for enterprise applications and software. The workshops were selected to complement the conference topics, leaving more time to researchers for brainstorming and then coming up, at the end of the workshops, with new research directions for the future. The goal of the workshop “Standards – a Foundation for Interoperability” is to increase awareness and understanding of interoperability standards as a fundamental need. The workshop “Use of MDI/SOA Concepts in Industry” promotes the application of MDI (Model-Driven Interoperability) combined with SOA (Services Oriented Architecture) and the associated technology (BPM, Enterprise Modeling, ontology, mediation, model transformation, etc.) in industry. The workshop on “Dynamic Management across Interoperating Enterprises” investigates the need for enhancements to current business management systems and processes to address the needs of global trading across enterprises utilizing the new service-oriented Internet. Finally, the Doctoral Symposium has given the opportunity for students involved in the preparation of their PhDs in this emerging area to present and discuss their research issues and ideas with senior researchers.
David & Charles Dried Flowers: Techniques and Ideas for the Modern Home
Forget everything you thought you knew about dried flowers! If the thought of dried flower arrangements is conjuring up images of stuffy décor that hasn't seen the light of day in decades - think again. Preserved floral arrangements are cool again, and not only are they beautiful, they'll also last infinitely longer than fresh flowers. This gorgeous book offers a new approach to flower arranging with dried botanicals, exploring ways to preserve flowers' beauty forever through drying and pressing, and then presents a catalogue of 30 flowers that are interesting for colour, texture and sculptural appeal in arrangements. 15 step-by-step projects then give you creative ideas for displaying dried flowers including: - Bouquets - Wreaths - Wall hangings - Wall art - Flower crowns and buttonholes for weddings - Terrariums - Candles and more These exquisite floral creations will give a bohemian and poetic touch to your interior décor and everlasting beauty to your home.
Oxford University Press Climate Change: Impacts and Adaptation at Regional and Local Scales
A student friendly guide to climate change, with a unique multi-level approach, written by leading experts. The first text to focus on the impact of climate change at a local and regional level, enriched with real-world case studies to help students understand and apply the science of climate change. Key Features - An innovative approach which xplores the global, regional, and local impacts of climate change. - Provides a comprehensive overview of climate change, to support students coming to the subject for the first time. - Contemporary case studies throughout the book, on issues such as sea ice, viticulture, and wildland fires help students understand how to apply the science of climate change in a real-world context. - Written by leading experts in the field. Digital Formats and Resources Climate Change is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access: Student Resources - Case studies, with discussion questions - Blog-style topical updates Lecturer Resources - Image Bank
Visor libros, S.L. Hacia la creacin de una cultura e identidad nacionales Azorn y su lectura de los clsicos
El presente libro propone una novedosa interpretación de Lecturas españolas (1912), Clásicos y modernos (1913), Los valores literarios (1914) y Al margen de los clásicos (1915), cuatro obras del escritor José Martínez Ruiz, Azorín, dedicadas fundamentalmente al ejercicio de la crítica literaria. Después de unos años enfrascado en la tarea de comentar casi a diario la actualidad política española en periódicos como ABC, Diario de Barcelona o El Pueblo Vasco, Azorín retomará la que fue sin duda su ocupación predilecta. Con la publicación de estas cuatro obras (también conocidas como tetralogía crítica), el escritor de Monóvar se propondrá sentar las bases de una nueva identidad nacional, de un nuevo ser español (Volksgeist) capaz de satisfacer las demandas de modernidad de las nuevas generaciones y de aportar valores y modelos dignos de imitación para el futuro. Así lo había manifestado en la nota introductoria a Lecturas españolas, al reconocer explícitamente que le había guiado una cur
Castalia Ediciones Leyendas
Nightboat Books Mausoleum of Lovers
The Mausoleum of Lovers comprises Guibert's journals, kept from 1976-1991. Functioning as an atelier, it forecasts the writing of a novel, which does not materialize as such; the journal itself - a mausoleum of lovers - comes to take its place. The sensual exigencies and untempered forms of address in this epistolary work, often compared to Barthes' A Lover's Discourse, use the letter and the photograph in a work that hovers between forms, in anticipation of its own disintegration.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Engineering: The Power of Intangible Networks
This title explores the issue of innovation engineering, a feature that is essential to the continuation of growth and development in the commercial world. Discussion is divided into three parts: Part I covers the historical basis of innovation, noting that diversity rests upon a duality between concepts in theory and applications put into practice, as well as discussing how innovation has resulted from the interaction of numerous factors, be they societal, human, managerial, organization or technological. Part II focuses on practical applications – the technologies, tools and methods employed in putting theoretical innovation into practice – while Part III looks at what factors underpin success, discussing the social and psychological aspects involved in successful innovation engineering. Consideration is also given to recent developments and systems which will assist in ensuring the continuation of this process in the future.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Smart Users for Energy and Societal Transition
Climate change and the loss of biodiversity are now realities. Their causes and origins stem from the energy, goods and resources relied upon by the lifestyle of a growing part of humanity. Smart Users for Energy and Societal Transition presents this much needed transition, as well as the scenarios and paths essential to mitigating the impacts of climate change. It deals with transitions experimented in the form of ecosystems in universities, cities and territories, as well as with concepts of smart buildings, smart grids and smart cities, addressed to smart users – or not – in an interdisciplinary research context. Sociological issues related to the role of smart building users are discussed, ranging from acceptance to the appropriation of the technologies made available to them. The book highlights the ethics of this essential transition and the importance of individual behaviors in safeguarding humanity on a preserved planet.
Papercutz Cat And Cat #4: Scaredy Cat
Poursuite editions Residences
Ma Non Troppo Vintage
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advances in the Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COLLISION AND GROUNDING OF SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES (ICCGS 2023), NANTES, FRANCE, 11-13 SEPTEMBER 2023
This book offers state-of-the-art developments in the collision and grounding of ship and offshore structures. The topics covered by the contributions include: dynamics of vessels in collision and grounding; collision and grounding in Arctic conditions; collision and grounding statistics and measures of the probability of incidents; risk assessment of collision and grounding; measures for reduction of collision and grounding, machine learning methods for the evaluation of probabilistic collision and grounding risk; new designs for improvement of structural resistance to collisions; analysis of ultimate strength of damaged ship structures; design of buffer bows to reduce collision consequences; innovative navigation systems for safer sea transportation, collision between ships and offshore structures; collision between ships and fixed or floating bridges, collision and grounding experiments; properties of materials under impact loadings; residual strength of damaged ships and offshore structures; hull girder response of ships under severe dynamic loadings. The book is aimed at naval architects, marine engineers and scientists.The ICCGS conferences aim to present state-of-the-art methods for analysis and design against collision and grounding of ships, collisions between ships and icebergs, offshore structures, bridges, submerged tunnels and waterfront structures. Previous conferences were held in: San Francisco, USA in 1996; Copenhagen, Denmark in 2001; Tokyo, Japan in 2004; Hamburg, Germany in 2007; Helsinki, Finland in 2010; Trondheim, Norway in 2013; Ulsan, South Korea in 2016, and Lisbon, Portugal in 2019.The Proceedings in Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering series is devoted to the publication of proceedings of peer-reviewed international conferences dealing with various aspects of ‘Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering’. The Series includes the proceedings of the following conferences: the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM) Conferences, the Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT) Conferences, the Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW) Conferences and the Maritime Technology (MARTECH) Conferences, and the Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures (ICCGS) conferences. The ‘Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering’ series is also open to new conferences that cover topics on the sustainable exploration and exploitation of marine resources in various fields, such as maritime transport and ports, usage of the ocean including coastal areas, nautical activities, the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources, the protection of the marine environment and its resources, and risk analysis, safety and reliability. The aim of the series is to stimulate advanced education and training through the wide dissemination of the results of scientific research.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Proceedings of the RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials: ISBM Lyon 2020
This volume highlights the latest advances, innovations, and applications in bituminous materials and structures and asphalt pavement technology, as presented by leading international researchers and engineers at the RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials (ISBM), held in Lyon, France on December 14-16, 2020. The symposium represents a joint effort of three RILEM Technical Committees from Cluster F: 264-RAP “Asphalt Pavement Recycling”, 272-PIM “Phase and Interphase Behaviour of Bituminous Materials”, and 278-CHA “Crack-Healing of Asphalt Pavement Materials”. It covers a diverse range of topics concerning bituminous materials (bitumen, mastics, mixtures) and road, railway and airport pavement structures, including: recycling, phase and interphase behaviour, cracking and healing, modification and innovative materials, durability and environmental aspects, testing and modelling, multi-scale properties, surface characteristics, structure performance, modelling and design, non-destructive testing, back-analysis, and Life Cycle Assessment. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, present a wealth of exciting ideas that will open novel research directions and foster new multidisciplinary collaborations.
John Libbey Eurotext Transfusion Medicine: Looking to the Future
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary
“..this most thorough commentary must be regarded as the Bible on the Charter” Peter Oliver, Common Market Law Review This second edition of the first commentary of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in English, written by experts from several EU Member States, provides an authoritative but succinct statement of how the Charter impacts upon EU, domestic and international law. Following the conventional article-by-article approach, each commentator offers an expert view of how each article is either already being interpreted in the courts, or is likely to be interpreted. Each commentary is referenced to the case law and is augmented with extensive references to further reading. This is a much-welcomed new edition of the authoritative guide to the Charter.
Les Belles Lettres La Foret Au Moyen Age
Les Belles Lettres Douce Nuit
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications: Proceedings of the Workshops and the Doctorial Symposium of the Second IFAC/IFIP I-ESA International Conference: EI2N, WSI, IS-TSPQ 2006
During the IFAC/IFIP I-ESA international conference, supported by the INTEROP NoE and the ATHENA IP, three workshops and a doctoral symposium were organized in order to strengthen some key topics related to interoperability for enterprise applications and software. The workshops were selected to complement the conference topics, providing researchers with more time to brainstorm and then to come out, at the end of the workshops, with new research directions for the future.
Marvel Comics Marvel Unleashed
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Le développement de l'intelligence collective en entreprise
Nova Science Publishers Inc Climatology: New Developments
Kane/Miller Book Publishers Back to School
Europa Editions After the War
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd In the Shadow of the Fire
A breathless criminal investigation against the bloody canvas of the French RevolutionThe Paris Commune’s “bloody week” sees the climax of the savagery of the clashes between the Communards and the French Armed Forces loyal to Versailles. Amid the shrapnel and the chaos, while the entire west side of Paris is a field of ruins, a photographer fascinated by the suffering of young women takes “suggestive” photos to sell to a particular clientele. Young women begin disappearing, and when Caroline, a seamstress who volunteers at a first aid station, is counted among the missing, her fiancé Nicolas, a member of the Commune’s National Guard, and Communal security officer Antoine, sets off independently in search of her. Their race against the clock to find her takes them through the shell-shocked streets of Paris, and introduces them to a cast of fascinating characters.