Search results for ""Author Herv"
Harrassowitz Mittelassyrische Urkunden Aus Dem Archiv Assur 14446
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Observation infrarouge de l'atmosphère terrestre
John Libbey Eurotext La Transfusion Sanguine Demain
Editorial Kokinos Colores
Ediciones Robinbook, S.L. Manual bsico del hogar
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Gua de los minerales
Esta guía describe de manera sistemática 287 minerales. De cada uno se dan sus principales yacimientos, los ambientes de formación y su identificación. En forma abreviada se indican la fórmula química, el sistema de cristalización, la etimología del nombre, el aspecto y las propiedades físicas y químicas. La parte introductoria y las fotografías que acompañan a cada especie descrita ayudarán al principiante a familiarizarse con el mundo de la mineralogía.
Oceano Travesia Turlututú ¡Sorpresa, Soy Yo!
avant-Verlag, Berlin Grnland Vertigo Deluxe
Harrassowitz Climate, Environment and Agriculture in Assyria: In the 2nd Half of the 2nd Millennium Bce
Scorpio Verlag Lebensträume verwirklichen
Scorpio Verlag Positive Einsamkeit Die Kraft des Alleinseins
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Die Gärten der LoireSchlösser
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications: Workshops of the INTEROP-ESA International Conference (EI2N, WSI, ISIDI, and IEHENA2005)
This book features four workshops from the INTEROP-ESA international conference, organized by the INTEROP NoE (Interoperability Research for Networked Enterprises Applications and Software Network of Excellence). It highlights key topics related to interoperability of enterprise applications and software. The workshops are related to the conference topics and will enable researchers to explore new research ideas for the future.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ultra Low Power Electronics and Adiabatic Solutions
The improvement of energy efficiency in electronics and computing systems is currently central to information and communication technology design; low-cost cooling, autonomous portable systems and functioning on recovered energy all need to be continuously improved to allow modern technology to compute more while consuming less. This book presents the basic principles of the origins and limits of heat dissipation in electronic systems. Mechanisms of energy dissipation, the physical foundations for understanding CMOS components and sophisticated optimization techniques are explored in the first half of the book, before an introduction to reversible and quantum computing. Adiabatic computing and nano-relay technology are then explored as new solutions to achieving improvements in heat creation and energy consumption, particularly in renewed consideration of circuit architecture and component technology. Concepts inspired by recent research into energy efficiency are brought together in this book, providing an introduction to new approaches and technologies which are required to keep pace with the rapid evolution of electronics.
Phaidon Press Ltd The Countryside Game
Spend a sunny day in the beautiful countryside. Sit beneath an apple tree, run through flower-filled meadows, climb the highest mountain… and then flip the book and make your way back through the same landscape by the light of the moon! Illustrated in a vibrant riot of colours, this book can be enjoyed from front to back and back to front – one side offering a series of cut-out daytime countryside scenes with trees, flowers and cows, while the other side features the same landscapes at night. This book encourages children to make up and tell stories of their own by offering them a beautiful theatrical backdrop to spur their imaginations. Ages 1-3
David & Charles 500 Needlepoint Patterns
A bumper collection of 500 patterns for needlepoint, also known as tapestry embroidery and canvaswork. Stitched in yarn on canvas, the designs can be repeated to fill any size of canvas, with beautiful photography and a full-colour chart for every pattern.
Histoire & Collections Mirage III - Tome 1
Designed in response to the official 1953 program planned to equip the Armée de l’Air with a light supersonic interceptor, the Mirage III is universally acknowledged as one of the most remarkable successes of the French post-war aircraft industry. This delta-winged fighter has a configuration which has since become the hallmark of the French aircraft builder, Dassault, and has rapidly demonstrated its qualities beyond its original frontiers, so much so that 1 400 examples of all variants came off the production lines, purchased by twenty or so countries. This very broad subject has been split into two distinct parts, the first volume dealing with the initial single-seat IIIC and two-seat IIIB versions equipped with the Atar 9B jet engine and the second deals with the improved versions of the fighter with a longer fuselage, powered by an Atar 9C and fitted with a more effective Doppler radar: the IIIE interceptor, the IIIR and RD reconnaissance versions, the 5 and 50 ground attack versions. In line with the name and aim of the collection only the planes used by the Armée de l’Air are described in these books.
Candlewick Press,U.S. Help! We Need a Title!
August Verlag Zytomegalievirus
Papyrossa Verlags GmbH + Wir Frauen 2025
Dietz Verlag Berlin GmbH Clara Zetkin oder Dort kmpfen wo das Leben ist
Phaidon Press Ltd The Game of Patterns
Study the lines, shapes and colours of the patterns in this book. They may look the same... but they're not! Look closely – how many differences can you spot? Ages 1-3
Chronicle Books Let’s Play!
It's only a yellow dot… but what a dot it is! Readers won't be able to resist this jaunty, adventurous dot, nor its invitation to play along. Thus begins a spectacular ride of colour, motion, shape, and imagination, filled with the artistry and delight that we know and love so well from Press Here and Mix It Up! But on this journey, prepare to leap headlong into a completely new dimension: emotion. Connecting not only to the mind but also to the heart, this dot expresses an extraordinary sense of humour, fear, joy, and more as it pushes, lurches, wiggles, and slides its way through-and even off!-the pages of this glorious companion to Press Here and Mix It Up!
V&R unipress GmbH The Military in the Early Modern World: A Comparative Approach
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd A Not-so Natural Disaster: Niger '05
Although the term 'natural disaster' applies to the December 2004 tsunami, the images of huge devastation that were televised after the tragedy probably seemed a good deal less 'natural' to us than those of starving African children we saw seven months later, from Niger. The tsunami was perceived as so 'un-natural' that it provoked an immediate, unprecedented international outpouring of sympathy. It took many months, by contrast, for the story of a new famine in the Sahel to make headlines. From the outset its causes were apparent in media coverage-droughts and locust invasions have always seemed the everyday lot of people living in this region. The link between the crisis and its natural causes was so self-evident that the first news reports tended to omit the point that, in reality, drought and the locust invasion had overtaken the Sahel region a year earlier. Nevertheless it became Medecins Sans Frontieres' aim to see it acknowledged-not in the press, but among those institutions responsible for food security in Niger-that the deaths of tens of thousands of children as a result of malnutrition would not be considered 'natural' phenomenon, still less a normal one. For this reason the 2005 crisis was a unique experience for the humanitarian organization. MSF treated more than 60,000 children suffering from severe malnutrition-one of the most ambitious operations in its history. It also found itself embroiled in controversy among the various national and international actors involved in managing the crisis in Niger over the summer of 2005. At the very moment MSF was straining to mobilise other actors to intervene in what it judged to be an emergency situation, the NGO was undergoing heated argument and intense inquiry as to the exact nature of the situation it was attempting to manage. Public, operational involvement of this kind - outside the conflict zones where MSF traditionally and typically intervenes, moreover - called for some form of reflection. This book makes no claim whatsoever to be comprehensive, or to provide a final, definitive version of 'the truth' with respect to the 2005 famine in Niger. Instead the contributors endeavor to shed new light on a multifaceted crisis.
American Psychological Association Brief Strategic Family Therapy
Brief strategic family therapy (BSFT) is an evidence‑based intervention for diagnosing and correcting patterns of family interactions that are linked to distressing experiences and symptoms in children ages 6‑18. This clinical guide shows practitioners how to transform family interactions from conflictive to collaborative, from habitual to proactive, so that the love trapped behind the anger can flourish, and family members can re‑bond in loving and mutually caring relationships Readers of this book will learn how to engage families that are reluctant to become involved in family therapy, and structure a 12‑to 16‑week intervention that will effect powerful behavioral change. Therapists help adults learn to collaborate with one another to nurture, guide, and handle misbehavior among children and teens. Dozens of detailed clinical examples show practitioners how to navigate family complexities, and how to work through the challenging decision points they present.
Princeton University Press Uncorked: The Science of Champagne - Revised Edition
Uncorked quenches our curiosity about the inner workings of one of the world's most prized beverages. Esteemed for its freshness, vitality, and sensuality, champagne is a wine of great complexity. Mysteries aplenty gush forth with the popping of that cork. Just what is that fizz? Can you judge champagne quality by how big the bubbles are, how long they last, or how they behave before they fade? And why does serving champagne in a long-stemmed flute prolong its chill and effervescence? Through lively prose and a wealth of state-of-the-art photos, this revised edition of Uncorked unlocks the door to what champagne is all about. Providing an unprecedented close-up view of the beauty in the bubbles, Gerard Liger-Belair presents images that look surprisingly like lovely flowers, geometric patterns, even galaxies as the bubbles rise through the glass and burst forth on the surface. He illustrates how bubbles form not on the glass itself but are "born" out of debris stuck on the glass wall, how they rise, and how they pop. Offering a colorful history of champagne, Liger-Belair tells us how it is made and he asks if global warming could spell champagne's demise. In a brand-new afterword, he updates the reader on new developments in the world of bubble science and delves even more deeply into the processes that give champagne its unique and beautiful character. Bubbly may tickle the nose, but Uncorked tackles what the nose and the naked eye cannot--the spectacular science that gives champagne its charm and champagne drinkers immeasurable pleasure.
Penguin Books Ltd The Anomaly: The mind-bending thriller that has sold 1 million copies
THE NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER. WINNER OF THE 2020 PRIX GONCOURT. 1 MILLION COPIES SOLD.*SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2023 ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARD**SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2023 CWA CRIME THRILLER IN TRANSLATION AWARD*'Just when you think you've worked it out . . . well, you probably haven't' DAILY MAIL'Mind-bending. Written with page-turning conviction' THE TIMES'A mind-bending, prize-winning speculative thriller' GUARDIAN'An intoxicating mix of the magical and life's big questions' FINANCIAL TIMES_______No one knows how it happened. But it'll change their lives forever . . .During a terrifying storm, Air France flight 006 - inexplicably - duplicates.For every passenger, there are now two: a double with the same mind, body and memories.Only one thing sets them apart - while one plane lands in March, the other doesn't arrive until June.Nothing can explain this unprecedented event. But for each duplicated passenger, an impossible moment of reckoning awaits.If there are two of you, and just one life . . . who gets to live it?______New York Times: Best Thriller of the YearPublishers Weekly: Best Thriller of the YearLit Hub: Favourite Book of the YearCrimeReads: Best International Crime Novel of the YearPopSugar: Best Mystery/Thriller of the MonthLONGLISTED FOR THE DUBLIN LITERARY AWARDReaders LOVE The Anomaly:'I absolutely loved this thrilling, addictive book' 5* Reader Review'This book spun my head. Fascinating, fantastic and thought provoking' 5* Reader Review'I absolutely love this book. It's a one-of-a-kind story, with perfect pacing. I would highly recommend' 5* Reader Review'An incredible read - intriguing and original. Keeps you fascinated until the very last page' 5* Reader Review 'A brilliant read . . . So cleverly written' 5* Reader Review
John Wiley & Sons Inc Communication Systems Engineering with GNU Radio
Redbook La Resistencia Contra Los Nazis
Roca Editorial Sabbat samba
Frontera con Andalucía y Extremadura, el Alentejo es la región más grande de Portugal en extensión y, sin embargo, sigue siendo una tierra inexplorada y llena de tesoros... Alem do Tejo, más allá del Tajo, le esperan llanuras interminables, magníficas puestas de sol y una sabrosa cocina tradicional; además de algunas de las playas más hermosas de Portugal, que se extienden hasta el Algarve, sumado a un rico patrimonio cultural.En esta tierra llena de historia, encontrará vestigios de diferentes civilizaciones, como el templo romano de Évora, recuerdos en forma de castillos de las continuas batallas entre españoles y portugueses por defender sus territorios (Elvas,la ciudad más fortificada de Europa, Estremoz, Marvão...); una gastronomía muy variad , y tradiciones que han sabido sortear las vicisitudes del tiempo. Junto con sus pueblos y gentes, El Alentejo es, sin duda, la perla olvidada de Portugal.
Baila Spanish Edition
Un, dos, tres. Baila, muévete, salta! Un libro para explorar, en todos los sentidos,con las manos y con los ojos!
Editorial Kókinos Puntos puntos
Un libro lleno de puntos para dibujar, pintar, garabatear, hacer bucles, decorar, inventar, viajar, imaginar... Y volver a empezar tantas veces como quieras!
Astiberri Ediciones Canícula
En Canícula, adaptación de la novela homónima de Jean Vautrin, Jimmy Cobb, un estadounidense que acaba de cometer un atraco, intenta huir de la persecución de la gendarmería francesa. Acaba de enterrar su botín en las proximidades de una granja aislada en la que encuentra refugio in extremis. No se ha percatado de que un niño escondido entre el trigo ha asistido a toda la escena. Y aún no sabe que la granja en la que se esconde es un modelo en miniatura del infierno.
Planeta Publishing La Biblia de Los Códigos Secretos
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Qu'est-Ce Que La Violence?
Chronicle Books Ready Set Draw A Game of Creativity and Imagination
Velber Verlag Mal doch mit
Diogenes Verlag AG Vintage
Klett Sprachen GmbH Soupons Schulausgabe fr das Niveau B2 Franzsischer Originaltext mit Annotationen
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Medical Imaging Based on Magnetic Fields and Ultrasounds
This book describes the different principles and equipment used in medical imaging. The importance of medical imaging for diagnostics is rapidly increasing. A good working knowledge of all the different possible physical principles involved in medical imaging is now imperative. This book covers many of these principles including matter photon interactions, the principles of detectors, detectors and information processing for radiology, X-ray tomography, positron tomography, single photon tomography and optical tomography.
Chronicle Books Presiona Aqui
The smash success now in Spanish! Press Here is the irresistible invitation offered to readers to push the yellow button on the cover of this title and triggers a magical journey of colour, imagination and virtual interactivity, all the more remarkable that this adventure has all occurred on the flat surface of the simple, printed page.
Ivy Kids Eco Always Carry Me With You
Chronicle Books I Have an Idea!
From one of the true creative geniuses of this generation comes a unique meditation on and celebration of the magic of the birth of a simple idea. Sparkling with visual wit and bubbling with imagination, this is a richly emotional exploration of the creative process: from an initial tentative inkling, to the frustration of chasing the wrong notion, to finally the exhilaration of capturing—and nurturing—just the right idea. I Have an Idea! is a scrumptious cloth-spined package of color and inspiration equally at home on a child's bookshelf, in a new graduate's backpack, or atop a creative's desk.