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GEDISA El cántico de la cuántica Existe el mundo
Las especulaciones de la física teórica plantean muchas veces interrogantes insólitos: no será una ilusión el mundo?, se puede remontar el curso de los tiempos?, hay universos paralelos al nuestro? La base de estas preguntas inquietantes se encuentra en un modelo basamental de la física: la teoría cuántica.Los autores de este conciso estudio introductorio a la teoría cuántica han puesto el acento en la experiencia de laboratorio en cuanto está relacionada con las implicaciones filosóficas de la indagación. Y lo han hech~o cuidando de dirigirse sin tecnicismos a un público ávido de conocer los secretos de esta curiosa disciplina. En el desarrollo de su exposición, además de exponer con gran claridad de expresión los presupuestos teóricos de la cuántica, discriminan los dos grandes sectores que hoy en día dividen el ámbito de la física teórica: los "materialistas" que se niegan a aceptar, como observó Einstein, que "Dios juega a los dados", y los "ideaIistas" que paulatinamente se
Editorial Ariel Cómo mueren las democracias
Un libro que ha encabezado la lista de los más vendidos en Estados Unidos.La aparición de distintos ejemplos de populismo en diferentes partes del mundo ha hecho salir a la luz una pregunta que nadie se planteaba unos años atrás: están nuestras democracias en peligro? Los profesores Steven Levitsky y Daniel Ziblatt, de la Universidad de Harvard, han invertido dos décadas en el estudio de la caída de varias democracias en Europa y Latinoamérica, y creen que la respuesta a esa pregunta es que sí.Desde la dictadura de Pinochet en Chile hasta el discreto y paulatino desgaste del sistema constitucional turco por parte de Erdogan, Levitsky y Ziblatt muestran cómo han desaparecido diversas democracias y qué podemos hacer para salvar la nuestra. Porque la democracia ya no termina con un bang (un golpe militar o una revolución), sino con un leve quejido: el lento y progresivo debilitamiento de las instituciones esenciales, como son el sistema jurídico o la prensa, y la erosi
Trazos de Pedagoga Contempornea
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Francisco Giner de los Ríos, ManuelBartolomé Cossío, María Montessori, John Dewey, Célestin Freinet,Alexander Sutherland Neill, Paulo Freire, son algunos de los pensadoresy máximos referentes intelectuales y morales de la cultura educativa,pioneros que han sentado las bases, ideas y estrategias de los sistemaseducativos actuales en todo el mundo, precursores que abrieron camino anuevas experiencias pedagógicas. En esta obra diversos investigadoresdocentes abordan su estudio y su divulgación. Sus ideas, pensamientos ypropuestas desfilan ante nosotros para trascender su propio contenido einvitarnos a la tarea de seguir sus pasos en la lucha por instaurar unapedagogía que tenga al ser humano y sus inalienables derechos como puntode partida y, a la vez meta de todos sus esfuerzos, para conseguir unasbases educativas sólidas y consistentes en nuestra sociedad.
Destinado al profesorado de Educación Musical, ofrece diez propuestas didácticas, proyectos o talleres que ponen en valor, dentro de las aulas de Educación Primaria, las creaciones de mujeres compositoras de la Historia de la Música Occidental.Cada una de ellas se presenta como una gran aventura de descubrimiento, construida sobre los principios de igualdad, coeducación, participación, flexibilización, globalización y creatividad. Asimismo, pueden ser fácilmente incorporadas en las programaciones del Área de Música de un modo flexible y abierto.Su desarrollo dinámico, participativo e innovador, engloba la totalidad de los bloques de contenidos del Área de Música: lenguaje musical, audiciones, práctica instrumental y vocal, movimiento? y favorece el interés por conocerlas más allá del ámbito escolar.Las compositoras propuestas para trabajar en el aula son: Hildegarda von Bingen, Beatriz de Día, Barbara Strozzi, Marianne von Martinez, Fanny Mendelssohn, Pauline Viardot-García
HarperCollins Publishers The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (The Chronicles of Narnia, Book 5)
A voyage to the very ends of the world A beautiful paperback edition of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, book five in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with cover and interior art by the original illustrator of Narnia, Pauline Baynes. A king and some unexpected companions embark on a voyage that will take them beyond all known lands. As they sail farther and farther from charted waters, they discover that their quest is more than they imagined and that the world's end is only the beginning. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is the fifth book in C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series, which has been drawing readers of all ages into a magical land with unforgettable characters for over sixty years.
Thames & Hudson Ltd The Great Cities in History
From the origins of urbanization in Mesopotamia to the global metropolises of today, great cities have marked the development of human civilization. The Great Cities in History tells their stories, from Uruk and Memphis to Tokyo and São Paulo. A galaxy of distinguished contributors evoke the character of each place – its people, its art and architecture, its government – and explain the reasons for its success. Richly illustrated with photographs, paintings, maps and plans, this volume is nothing less that a portrait of world civilization.
Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica de la Universidad de Málaga La provocacin permanente El cristianismo no es un humanismo El Evangelio de Pablo Publicaciones Institucionales Spanish Edition
Bajo el título 'JM González Ruiz: La provocación permanente', se reeditan dos de sus libros más significativos de entre sus ensayos sobre Teología del mundo y Teología bíblica. En el primero, prólogo del teólogo M. D. Chenu, se cimenta una Teología del mundo fuera de todo aggiornamento oportunista. Textos influyentes en el documento Gaudium et Spes, Vaticano II. Experto en Pablo sigue, en el segundo, el curso de los Hechos: desarrolla la teología paulina en toda su dinámica evolución
John Blake Publishing Ltd Aled Jones: My Story
Aled Jones, a choirboy with a remarkable voice, achieved more as a teenager than many adult singers do in a lifetime. His prodigious talent propelled him to international stardom; before he was 16, he had already sold more than 6 million records and had become a fixture on television and radio. He has worked alongside such musical greats as Leonard Bernstein, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Neville Marriner, Howard Blake and Mike Oldfield. Some of the high points of his early career included performances at the Hollywood Bowl and the wedding of Bob Geldof and Paula Yates, as well as singing privately for the Prince and the late Princess of Wales. Best known as a boy soprano for his hit 'Walking in the Air', Aled tells the full story of the effect it had on his life. Always refreshingly honest and self-effacing, Aled reveals how he faced up to life after his voice had broken and how he carved out a new career for himself on stage, record, television and radio. His story begins with his idyllic childhood on the Welsh island of Anglesey and his years as a chorister at Bangor Cathedral, during which his family provided wonderful support and encouragement as he rose to fame. He tells of his studies at the Royal Academy of Music and the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. As an adult performer, Aled has released a series of best-selling albums. Today, he is most known for sitting alongside Lorraine Kelly as one half of the presenting partnership of ITV's breakfast programme Daybreak. He is a regular host of Songs of Praise and presents weekly radio programmes for Classic FM and BBC Radio Wales. Aled: My Story reveals the man behind the music in a frank, heart-warming and funny account of his life.
Duke University Press Virtual Voyages: Cinema and Travel
Virtual Voyages illuminates the pivotal role of travelogues within the history of cinema. The travelogue dominated the early cinema period from 1895 to 1905, was central to the consolidation of documentary in the 1910s and 1920s, proliferated in the postwar era of 16mm distribution, and today continues to flourish in IMAX theaters and a host of non-theatrical venues. It is not only the first chapter in the history of documentary but also a key element of ethnographic film, home movies, and fiction films. In this collection, leading film scholars trace the intersection of technology and ideology in representations of travel across a wide variety of cinematic forms. In so doing, they demonstrate how attention to the role of travel imagery in film blurs distinctions between genres and heightens awareness of cinema as a technology for moving through space and time, of cinema itself as a mode of travel.Some contributors take a broad view of travelogues by examining the colonial and imperial perspectives embodied in early travel films, the sensation of movement that those films evoked, and the role of live presentations such as lectures in our understanding of travelogues. Other essays are focused on specific films, figures, and technologies, including early travelogues encouraging Americans to move to the West; the making and reception of the documentary Grass (1925), shot on location in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran; the role of travel imagery in 1930s Hollywood cinema; the late-twentieth-century 16mm illustrated-lecture industry; and the panoramic possibilities presented by IMAX technologies. Together the essays provide a nuanced appreciation of how, through their representations of travel, filmmakers actively produce the worlds they depict.Contributors. Rick Altman, Paula Amad, Dana Benelli, Peter J. Bloom, Alison Griffiths, Tom Gunning, Hamid Naficy, Jennifer Lynn Peterson, Lauren Rabinovitz, Jeffrey Ruoff, Alexandra Schneider, Amy J. Staples
Duke University Press Consumption Intensified: The Politics of Middle-Class Daily Life in Brazil
Consumption Intensified examines how self-identified middle class Brazilians in São Paulo redefined their class during Brazil’s economic crisis of 1981–1994. With inflation soaring to an astounding 2700 percent, their consumption practices intensified, not only in relation to the national crisis but also to the expanding global consumer culture. Drawing on her observations of everyday practices and on representations of the middle class in popular culture, anthropologist Maureen O’Dougherty explores both the logic and incoherence of middle- to upper-middle-class Brazilian life. With the supports of middle-class living threatened—job security, quality education, home ownership, savings, ease of consumption—the means and meaning of “middle class” were thrown into question. The sector thus redefined itself through both class- and race-based claims of moral and cultural superiority and through privileged consumption, a definition the media underscored by continually addressing middle-class Brazilians as consumers—or rather, as consumers denied. In these times, adults became more flexible in employment, and put stakes in their children’s expensive private education. They engaged in elaborate comparison shopping, stockpiling of goods, and financial strategizing. Ongoing desire for distinction and “first- world” modernity prompted these Brazilians to buy foreign goods through contraband, thereby defying state protectionist policy. Discontented with the constraints of the national economy, they welcomed neoliberalism.By uncovering connections between culture and politics, O’Dougherty complicates understandings of the middle class as a social group and category. Illuminating the intricate relation between identity and local and global consumption, her work will be welcomed by students and scholars in anthropology and Latin American studies, and those interested in consumption, popular culture, politics, and globalization.
Duke University Press Stand-up Comedy in Theory, or, Abjection in America
Stand-Up Comedy in Theory, or, Abjection in America is the first study of stand-up comedy as a form of art. John Limon appreciates and analyzes the specific practice of stand-up itself, moving beyond theories of the joke, of the comic, and of comedy in general to read stand-up through the lens of literary and cultural theory. Limon argues that stand-up is an artform best defined by its fascination with the abject, Julia Kristeva’s term for those aspects of oneself that are obnoxious to one’s sense of identity but that are nevertheless—like blood, feces, or urine—impossible to jettison once and for all. All of a comedian’s life, Limon asserts, is abject in this sense. Limon begins with stand-up comics in the 1950s and 1960s—Lenny Bruce, Carl Reiner, Mel Brooks, Mike Nichols, Elaine May—when the norm of the profession was the Jewish, male, heterosexual comedian. He then moves toward the present with analyses of David Letterman, Richard Pryor, Ellen DeGeneres, and Paula Poundstone. Limon incorporates feminist, race, and queer theories to argue that the “comedification” of America—stand-up comedy’s escape from its narrow origins—involves the repossession by black, female, queer, and Protestant comedians of what was black, female, queer, yet suburbanizing in Jewish, male, heterosexual comedy. Limon’s formal definition of stand-up as abject art thus hinges on his claim that the great American comedians of the 1950s and 1960s located their comedy at the place (which would have been conceived in 1960 as a location between New York City or Chicago and their suburbs) where body is thrown off for the mind and materiality is thrown off for abstraction—at the place, that is, where American abjection has always found its home.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Contemporary Landscape
A History of Western Philosophy of Education comprises five volumes which traces the development of philosophy of education through Western culture and history. The historical periods covered are: Antiquity (500BCE-500CE) The Middle Ages and Renaissance (1000-1600) The Age of Enlightenment (1700-1850) The Modern Era (1850-1914) The Contemporary Landscape (1914-present) Focusing on philosophers who have theorized education and its implementation, the series constitutes a fresh, dynamic, and developing view of educational philosophy. It expands our educational possibilities by reinvigorating philosophy’s vibrant critical tradition, connecting old and new perspectives, and identifying the continuity of critique and reconstruction. It also includes a timeline showing major historical events, including educational initiatives and the publication of noteworthy philosophical works. About Volume 5: A History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Contemporary Landscape This volume traces the history of Western philosophy of education in the contemporary landscape (1914-2020). The volume covers the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the events of May 1968 in Paris, the Zapatista Revolution in 1994, and the Arab Spring revolutions from 2010 to 2012. It also covers the two World Wars, the Cold War, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the triumph of science and technology until the hegemony of post-liberal societies. The philosophical problems covered include justice, freedom, critical thought, equity, philosophy for children, decolonialism, liberal education, feminism, and plurality. These problems are discussed in relation to the key philosophers and pedagogues of the period including Jacques Derrida, Paulo Freire, Simone De Beauvoir, Judith Butler, R.S. Peters, bell hooks, Martha Nussbaum, Matthew Lipman, Giorgio Agamben, Maxine Greene, and Simone Weil, among others.
HarperCollins Publishers The List
The instant Sunday Times bestselling debut novel 'A page-turning read about the dark side of social media' STYLIST ‘The Book Of The Summer’ VOGUE ‘Topical, heartfelt, provocative’ BERNARDINE EVARISTO ‘Impossible to put down’ PAULA HAWKINS ‘A page-turner that you can’t second guess’ THE TIMES ‘As taut as a thriller’ IRISH TIMES ‘Fans of Yellowface will love The List’ RED MAGAZINE ONLINE RUMOURS. REAL LIFE TROUBLE. Ola Olajide, a high-profile journalist, is marrying the love of her life in one month's time. Young, beautiful, successful – she and her fiancé Michael seem to have it all. That is, until one morning when they both wake up to the same message: ‘Oh my god, have you seen The List?’ It began as a list of anonymous allegations about abusive men. Now it has been published online. Ola made her name breaking exactly this type of story. She would usually be the first to cover it, calling for the men to be fired. Except today, Michael’s name is on there. With their future on the line, Ola gives Michael an ultimatum to prove his innocence by their wedding day, but will the truth of what happened change everything for both of them? An Evening Standard and The Times book of the year. *SOON TO BE A MAJOR TV SERIES* ‘Explosive … Every book club should read this’ SYMEON BROWN ‘The book that everyone’s talking about’ INDEPENDENT ‘Addictive, ultra-modern and hyper-relatable’ EVENING STANDARD ‘A razor-sharp, witty page-turner’ BOLU BABALOLA READERS ARE OBSESSED WITH THE LIST: ‘WOW! I could not put this down. I would give it six stars if I could!’ ‘Gripping, with twists and turns that keep you hooked until the very end’ ‘SO GOOD. Perfect for book clubs, especially ones who liked Such a Fun Age’
Faber & Faber Crisis Actor
'Who knew that writing with this degree of care and pain and tact was still possible? For my money it's the best first volume in decades, I would say since Tom Paulin's A State of Justice (1977): no dead weight, foot-perfect and engaging.' Michael Hofmann, Times Literary Supplement, Books of the YearCrisis Actor chronicles various failures and farewells. It is peopled by faded heroes and deferential devotees; a hanged donkey, a bloated rat; solitary bachelors and disillusioned youths - these are the watchers, not the players. The poems are awash with rueful self-accusation and laconic scepticism. There are touching elegies, reportage and bruised, wary replayings. A blistering sequence about boxers and their fates weaves through the collection. The overwhelming sense is of life going on elsewhere, the halcyon days and brightest of years long past. This is the aftermath of being one who - in Matthew Arnold's words - 'has reached his utmost limits and finds . . . himself far less than he had imagined himself'.But there are still flashes of camaraderie, of stars aligning: lunchtimes in sunlit garden squares, languorous pub afternoons, cheering on and hard-won triumphs. These precious, precarious moments point to how we might reclaim potential, discover human connection in times of defeat or despair, and reach towards grace and redemption.'Elegant and heartaching, these poems illuminate the sorrows of life with a bright flame, returning us to that miraculous human capacity for love and faith even in our darkest days.' Liz Berry'Declan Ryan reveals himself a master of both the telling detail and of narrative suspense. Each exquisitely orchestrated vignette delivers a punch worthy of the heroes of the ring here commemorated.' Mark Ford
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Human Rights and Investment
In today'?s globalised world, the relationship between human rights and investment is an important societal and legal issue. This Research Handbook unravels this complex interaction and sheds light on all of its dimensions; it takes stock of the impact that investment operations can have on human rights and it examines how international law addresses, and contributes to, this complicated interplay. Taking a unique approach, the Handbook contains insightful chapters that provide analyses of specific international law regimes, with a particular focus on international investment law standards and investor-state arbitration. It also offers in-depth discussions of the corporate and home State responsibilities that can result from the activities of multinational corporations. Sectorial and regional case studies are also explored; they provide a grounding for the more theoretical aspects of the Handbook and highlight the key industries, such as the agricultural and extractive industries, that are prone to human rights violations. Academics, practitioners and policy-makers, with an interest in human rights law, international economic law and the activities of multinational corporations, will find this Research Handbook to be an important resource in their daily research and practice.Contributors include: D. Baumann-Pauly, A. Berkes, L. Boisson de Chazournes, K. Cordes, E. De Brabandere, M. Fanou, M. Hazelzet, S.M. Jastram, U. Kriebaum, J. Kyriakakis, G. Lehane, G. Lhuilier, D. Lim, J. Loutit, J. Mandelbaum, R. Mella, R. Polanco, Y. Radi, M. Tignino, R.V. Vadi, V. Tzevelekos
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Today a Woman Went Mad in the Supermarket: Stories
A TIME 'New Books You Should Read' A People magazine 'Book of the Week' A New York Times Editors' Choice With a foreword by Elizabeth Strout ‘Electric: with wit, with rage, with grief, with the kind of prose that makes you both laugh and thrill to the darker, spikier emotions just barely visible under the bright surface. What a wonderful collection of stories’ Lauren Groff Another day! And then another and another and another. It seemed as if it would all go on forever in that exquisitely boring and beautiful way. But of course it wouldn’t; everyone knows that. In this collection, Hilma Wolitzer invites us inside the private world of domestic bliss, seen mostly through the lens of Paulie and Howard’s gloriously ordinary marriage. From hasty weddings to meddlesome neighbours, ex-wives who just won’t leave, to sleepless nights spent worrying about unanswered chainmail, Wolitzer captures the tensions, contradictions and unexpected detours of daily life with wit, candour and an acutely observant eye. Including stories first published in magazines in the 1960s and 1970s – alongside new writing from Wolitzer, now in her nineties – Today a Woman Went Mad in the Supermarket reintroduces a beloved writer to be embraced by a new generation of readers. ‘A fascinating time capsule of womanhood, marriage and motherhood over the last century … A fabulous book’ Emma Straub ‘Immensely gratifying, poignant, funny … Breathtaking’ Elizabeth Strout, from the foreword
Duke University Press The Public Life of Privacy in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Stacey Margolis rethinks a key chapter in American literary history, challenging the idea that nineteenth-century American culture was dominated by an ideology of privacy that defined subjects in terms of their intentions and desires. She reveals how writers from Nathaniel Hawthorne to Henry James depicted a world in which characters could only be understood—and, more importantly, could only understand themselves—through their public actions. She argues that the social issues that nineteenth-century novelists analyzed—including race, sexuality, the market, and the law—formed integral parts of a broader cultural shift toward understanding individuals not according to their feelings, desires, or intentions, but rather in light of the various inevitable traces they left on the world.Margolis provides readings of fiction by Hawthorne and James as well as Susan Warner, Mark Twain, Charles Chesnutt, and Pauline Hopkins. In these writers’ works, she traces a distinctive novelistic tradition that viewed social developments—such as changes in political partisanship and childhood education and the rise of new politico-legal forms like negligence law—as means for understanding how individuals were shaped by their interactions with society. The Public Life of Privacy in Nineteenth-Century American Literature adds a new level of complexity to understandings of nineteenth-century American culture by illuminating a literary tradition full of accidents, mistakes, and unintended consequences—one in which feelings and desires were often overshadowed by all that was external to the self.
Intellect Books Blank Canvas: Art School Creativity From Punk to New Wave
Art school Britain in the 1960s and 1970s – a hotbed of experimental DIY creativity blurring the lines between art and music. In Blank Canvas, multi-genre musician turned university lecturer Simon Strange paints a picture of the diverse range of people who broke down the barriers between art, life and the creative self. Tracing lines from the Bauhaus 'blank slate' through the white heat of the Velvet Underground and the cutting edge of the Slits, Blank Canvas draws on interviews with giants of the genre across music, gender and race spectrums, from Brian Eno to Pauline Black, Cabaret Voltaire to Gaye Advert. Illustrated is a picture of two decades erupting in a devastatingly diverse flow of outspoken originality as an eclectic range of musical styles and cultures fused. Does modern day music education suffocate the soul and inhibit the impact of the bohemian artist? This book asks questions of today's artists, musicians, and educators, looking for the essence of creativity and suggests how lessons learnt in and around art school education show a path for the cultural evolution of both musicians and artists hoping to create the future. Audience will include university students at all levels in popular music, popular culture and creative arts education. Academics, educators and researchers working in popular culture and creativity. May also appeal to a more general reader interested in popular culture and creativity. With a Blank Canvas, anything is possible…
John Murray Press God Is Stranger: Foreword by Justin Welby
What happens when God turns up?'Has God become as familiar and forgettable as a fridge magnet? That's the danger Krish Kandiah faces up to in this wonderfully readable and very challenging book. Bible stories come to life as Krish tells them afresh, richly illustrated with personal experience and social relevance, and in each case the living God turns up - strange, dangerous, and, like Aslan, not safe but good.' CHRIS WRIGHT, LANGHAM PARTNERSHIPIn an age of social and political uncertainty, Krish Kandiah turns to less familiar and more uncomfortable parts of the Bible to discover the true character of God - but be warned: he may be stranger than you think. Building on the challenges he explored in PARADOXOLOGY, Krish strips us of our comfortable assumptions and invites us to look afresh at God's character. When Abraham welcomes three men for dinner, he ends up pleading for the life of a city. When Jacob meets God by the river, they end up in a fight. And when two forlorn disciples meet a stranger on the road, their lives are turned upside down.GOD IS STRANGER challenges us to lay down our expectations of God and delight in the power that is proven by his very strangeness.'Be warned: this book could seriously affect your view of yourself, of the world and of God - I highly recommend it to you!' PAULA GOODER, BIBLE SOCIETY'An important and timely book from someone who lives out its message.' PETE GREIG, 24-7 PRAYER INTERNATIONAL
BAI NV Chagall, Picasso, Mondrian and others: Migrants in Paris
At the beginning of the last century, Marc Chagall, Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian and other acclaimed and unknown artists moved to Paris, the art capital of the world. They learnt to survive in a society that was becoming increasingly polarised, nationalistic, xenophobic and anti-Semitic. This exhibition and accompanying publication tells the story of artists in a foreign country who, despite adverse conditions, had the courage to take art to new heights. The show is an incredible chance to see the work of the great modern masters in a new light, and to discover new artists. Today, Chagall, Picasso and Mondrian are known as Masters of Modern Art, but behind their role as artistic pioneers lay struggle - all three, from different backgrounds, were migrants. In spite of their success and achievement, they faced the same insurmountable obstacle: they were not French. Picasso, born in Spain, arrived in Paris penniless, where he flourished as a creative genius. And yet he remained loyal to his Spanish roots, and often identified with being 'different', a sentiment he frequently explored in his work. As a Jewish-Russian in exile, Chagall faced loneliness, exclusion and outright anti-Semitism. Often packed with Jewish-Russian imagery like rabbis and synagogues, his paintings convey a sense of deep nostalgia. In his early years, the Dutchman Kees van Dongen also encounterd difficulties. He eventually became one of Paris' celebrated society painters, but in 1906 he complained that the newspapers consistently portrayed him as the sale étranger, or 'the dirty foreigner'. The exhibition Chagall, Picasso, Mondrian and Others: Migrant Artists in Paris shows work of, amongst others: Emmy Andriesse, Karel Appel, Eva Besnyö, Marc Chagall, Sonia Delaunay, Kees van Dongen, Gisèle Freund, Natalia Goncharova, Wassily Kandinsky, Germaine Krull, Wifredo Lam, Jacques Lipchitz, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Piet Mondriaan, Marlow Moss, Pablo Picasso, Man Ray, Diego Rivera, Gino Severini, Jan Sluijters, Chaim Soutine, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Nicolaas Warb (Sophia Warburg), and Ossip Zadkine.
Habitar en comunidad
La vivienda cooperativa en cesión de uso es un modelo participativo que cuenta con una dilatada trayectoria a través de los años, cuyo grado de innovación y paulatina implantación puede pasar desapercibida. En este libro se presentan los principios que definen el modelo, como son el derecho de uso, la propiedad colectiva y la autopromoción. Se exponen los elementos necesarios para llevar adelante un proyecto de este tipo: el grupo organizado con un proyecto común, la estructura económica, el lugar y la asistencia técnica. Esta edición quiere explorar cómo las cooperativas de vivienda en cesión de uso han sido y son capaces de impulsar vivienda colectiva asequible, con una alta capacidad transformadora, y al margen de las dinámicas especulativas del mercado. El valor de la propuesta radica en que pocas veces un libro para el público general ha abordado tantos aspectos distintos, poniendo en relación experiencias de diferentes países.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Audio Culture, Revised Edition: Readings in Modern Music
The groundbreaking Audio Culture: Readings in Modern Music (Continuum; September 2004; paperback original) maps the aural and discursive terrain of vanguard music today. Rather than offering a history of contemporary music, Audio Culture traces the genealogy of current musical practices and theoretical concerns, drawing lines of connection between recent musical production and earlier moments of sonic experimentation. It aims to foreground the various rewirings of musical composition and performance that have taken place in the past few decades and to provide a critical and theoretical language for this new audio culture. This new and expanded edition of the Audio Culture contains twenty-five additional essays, including four newly-commissioned pieces. Taken as a whole, the book explores the interconnections among such forms as minimalism, indeterminacy, musique concrète, free improvisation, experimental music, avant-rock, dub reggae, ambient music, hip hop, and techno via writings by philosophers, cultural theorists, and composers. Instead of focusing on some "crossover" between "high art" and "popular culture," Audio Culture takes all these musics as experimental practices on par with, and linked to, one another. While cultural studies has tended to look at music (primarily popular music) from a sociological perspective, the concern here is philosophical, musical, and historical. Audio Culture includes writing by some of the most important musical thinkers of the past half-century, among them John Cage, Brian Eno, Ornette Coleman, Pauline Oliveros, Maryanne Amacher, Glenn Gould, Umberto Eco, Jacques Attali, Simon Reynolds, Eliane Radigue, David Toop, John Zorn, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and many others. Each essay has its own short introduction, helping the reader to place the essay within musical, historical, and conceptual contexts, and the volume concludes with a glossary, a timeline, and an extensive discography.
Hachette Children's Group Rainbow Magic Happy Halloween Collection
Join Rachel and Kirsty on six spooky adventures in this bumper Halloween collection!Jack Frost and his goblins have stolen Trixie the Halloween Fairy''s enchanted sweets. Rachel and Kirsty must find the treats before Halloween is ruined for everyone!Next, they must help Paula the Pumpkin Fairy find her magical objects to help bring back all the fun of the spookiest time of year.Can Rachel and Kirsty help the fairies give everyone a happy Halloween?Rainbow Magic is the perfect stepping stone for children to become independent readers. With black and white illustrations, short chapters and lots of books to collect, these books are really accessible for children aged 5+.''These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!'' ReadingZone.comDo YOU have a Rainbow Magic fairy? Find a fairy with your name at and collect all the books in the range.
Little, Brown Book Group The Star and the Strange Moon
''A sweeping tale of dark magic, artistic obsession, and a love unbound from the limits of time'' Paulette Kennedy A vanished star. A haunted film. A mystery only love can unravel . . .1968 Gemma Turner once dreamed of stardom, now she''s on the cusp of obscurity. When a radical new horror film offers her the leading role, her luck looks set to change. Until one dark night, Gemma disappears on set and is never seen again. But this is only the beginning... Gemma has been pulled into the film itself, where the script - and the horrors within it - are more real than she ever imagined, and she must play her role perfectly if she hopes to survive. 2007Gemma Turner''s disappearance is one of Hollywood''s greatest mysteries - one that''s captivated film student Christopher ever since he saw the infamous L''Étrange Lune for the first time. The film is screened just once a decade, and each time there is
Hachette Children's Group The Lost and the Found
Real, compulsive and intense: Cat Clarke is the queen of emotional suspense. For fans of Paula Hawkins, Gillian Flynn, Megan Abbott and Jandy Nelson.SHE WAS LOST... When six-year-old Laurel Logan was abducted, the only witness was her younger sister, Faith. Faith's childhood was dominated by Laurel's disappearance - from her parents' broken marriage and the constant media attention to dealing with so-called friends who only ever wanted to talk about her sister. NOW SHE IS FOUND... Thirteen years later, a young woman is found in the garden of the Logans' old house, disorientated and clutching the teddy bear Laurel was last seen with. Laurel is home at last, safe and sound. Faith always dreamed of getting her sister back, without ever truly believing it would happen. But a disturbing series of events leaves Faith increasingly isolated and paranoid, and before long she begins to wonder if everything that's lost can be found again...
Peeters Publishers Langues et Cultures: Terrains D'Afrique. Hommage a France Cloarec-Heiss
Le present volume reunit sur le theme des langues et des cultures de l'Afrique actuelle et passee, un ensemble de contributions originales, offertes en hommage a France Cloarec-Heiss, linguiste, africaniste, ancien directeur du LLACAN ("Langage, Langues et cultures d'Afrique Noire").Vingt-sept articles s'articulent en quatre sections:1. A propos du bandaMusique (Sylvie Le Bomin), emprunts lexicaux (Yves Monino, Guillaume Segerer), morphologie des personnels (Konstantin Pozdniakov).2. Outils et methodeOutils informatiques (Christian Chanard & Jeanne Zerner), methodologie de l'enquete (Stephane Robert).3. Langue, culture, histoireTermes d'adresse en kasim (Emilio Bonvini), expression de l'esthetique en dioula (Jean Derive), terminologie grammaticale en afar (Didier Morin), rapports oral/ecrit en ancien egyptien (Elsa Oreal) et en zoulou (Alain Ricard), devinettes gbaya (Paulette Roulon-Doko), mythe d'origine tupuri (Suzanne Ruelland), prone religieux peul (Christiane Seydou), glissements semantiques en afro-asiatique (Marie-Claude Simeone-Senelle), histoire et critique des sources a propos du kotoko (Henry Tourneux).4. Linguistique descriptiveDefense et illustration de la description (Raymond Boyd), logophorique yakoma (Pascal Boyeldieu), notes linguistiques luri (Bernard Caron) et mankon (Jacqueline Leroy), adjectif sango (Marcel Didi-Kidiri), homonymie syntaxique en bambara (Gerard Dumestre), relatives et "tu" generique en samba leko (Gwenaelle Fabre), verbe bongo (Pierre Nougayrol) et ikwere (Sylvester Osu), decryptage lexical en meroitique (Claude Rilly), phonetique et phonologie du bedja (Martine Vanhove).Au-dela de leur variete thematique, ces travaux manifeste un meme interet pour la langue, moyen d'echange, marque d'identite et mode d'expression de cultures specifiques. Comme tels, ils portent temoignage d'une tradition de la recherche africaniste qui voit dans l'approche de terrain le fondement indispensable de ses analyses.
Abrams Women's Art Work: More Than 30 Female Artists Who Changed the World
Discover the work of female artists who have made their mark on the art world. Women&;s Art Work introduces readers to the lives and work of the world&;s most renowned artists. With a foreword from Tate&;s first female director, Maria Balshaw, this collection celebrates the creativity of women in more than 30 biographies, investigating their practices and exploring their contributions to the art world. Readers will learn about a diverse group of innovators like Frida Kahlo, Cindy Sherman, Ana Mendieta, Lubaina Himid, Cao Fei, and the Guerrilla Girls. From early pioneers to today&;s most radical creators, these women have overcome obstacles, broken boundaries, and enriched our understanding of what art is and can be. With a glossary of art terms, a timeline of major milestones, and educational sidebars, this highly illustrated book is perfect for any art lover. Additionally, it features original interviews with living artists&;including Yayoi Kusama, Lorna Simpson, and Rachel Whiteread. Featured artists include: - Eileen Agar - Anni Albers - Louise Bourgeois - Sonia Boyce - Claude Cahun - Judy Chicago - Tacita Dean - Tracey Emin - Cao Fei - Simryn Gill - Guerrilla Girls - Natalia Goncharova - Anthea Hamilton - Barbara Hepworth - Lubaina Himid - Gwen John - Joan Jonas - Frida Kahlo - Yayoi Kusama - Agnes Martin - Ana Mendieta - Berthe Morisot - Georgia O'Keeffe - Paula Rego - Bridget Riley - Doris Salcedo - Cindy Sherman - Lorna Simpson - Dayanita Singh - Gillian Wearing - Rachel Whiteread - Lynette Yiadom-Boakye - Fahrelnissa Zeid
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Edinburgh German Yearbook 4: Disability in German Literature, Film, and Theater
Cutting-edge application of the insights of Disability Studies to the German cultural field. Established, commissioned, and edited by the Department of German at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh German Yearbook encourages and disseminates lively and open discussion of themes pertinent to German Studies. No other yearbook covers the entire field while addressing a focused theme in each issue. Volume 4 focuses on disability in German literature, film, and theater. Disability Studies is part of the broader discussion of difference and "otherness," of the politics of identity, human rights, ethics, and discrimination. It retrieves disabled figures from literature, film, and theater and discusses them vis-à-vis "normalcy." Recently, Disability Studies has explored the binary of "able" and "disabled," strategies of exclusion, and the marginalization and suffering of the disabled body under social and medical structures of control. It is now entering a phase of positive reflection addressing the ontological politics of disability. Accordingly, this volume examines cultural representations of disability that raise questions about "the humane gaze" and posits disability as historically central to discussions of humanity, modernity, and social and moral behavior in German-language literature, film, and theater. Points of focus include blindness, physical deformity, injury, illness, and euthanasia. Contributors: Martin Brady, Pauline Eyre, Corinna Häger, Karin Harrasser, Urte Helduser, Eleoma Joshua, Susanne C. Knittel, Anna Kornbrodt, Siegfried Saerberg, Rosa Schneider. Eleoma Joshua is Lecturer in German Studies at the University of Edinburgh,UK. Michael Schillmeier lectures in the Department of Sociology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich.
Faber & Faber Palace of the Peacock (Faber Editions): 'Magnificent' - Tsitsi Dangarembga
The visionary masterpiece, tracing a riverboat crew's dreamlike jungle voyage ...'My new all time favourite book ... A magnificent, breathtaking and terrifying novel.' Tsitsi Dangarembga'An exhilarating experience ... Makes visions real and reality visions ... Genius.' Jamaica Kincaid'A masterpiece: I love this book for its language, adventure and wisdoms.' Monique Roffey'Revel in the inviolate, ever-deepening mystery of Wilson Harris's work.' Jeet Thayil'The Guyanese William Blake . Such poetic intensity.' Angela CarterI dreamt I awoke with one dead seeing eye and one living closed eye ...A crew of men are embarking on a voyage up a turbulent river through the rainforests of Guyana. Their domineering leader, Donne, is the spirit of a conquistador, obsessed with hunting for a mysterious woman and exploiting indigenous people as plantation labour. But their expedition is plagued by tragedies, haunted by drowned ghosts: spectres of the crew themselves, inhabiting a blurred shadowland between life and death. As their journey into the interior - their own hearts of darkness - deepens, it assumes a spiritual dimension, guiding them towards a new destination: the Palace of the Peacock ... A modernist fever dream; prose poem; modern myth; elegy to victims of colonial conquest: Wilson Harris' masterpiece has defied definition for over sixty years, and is reissued for a new generation of readers.'One of the great originals ... Visionary ... Dazzlingly illuminating.' Guardian'Amazing ... Masterly ... Near-miraculous.' Observer'Staggering ... Both brilliant and terrifying.' The Times'The most inimitable [writer] produced in the English-speaking Caribbean.' Fred D'Aguiar'Extraordinary ... Courageous and visionary ... It speaks to us in tongues.' Pauline Melville
Leuven University Press Photography Performing Humor
New perspectives on humor within photography Despite the ubiquitous presence of photographic humor in art and popular media, the phenomenon has as yet received very little scholarly attention. Focusing on staged humor rather than on comic effects of snapshot photography, this volume brings together leading scholars in the field addressing humor performed in front of the camera, often specifically created for the camera, and the performative joke-work done by the medium itself. A first section explores how photography, due to its “shattering” qualities, turns into a privileged medium for eliciting humorous effects and how humor can be discerned within the photographic event. A second section discusses the toolbox of photographic trickery (photomontage, double exposure and cinematic movement) that allows photography to mock itself. The book closes with a section on photographic wit in conceptual art, both in canonized and more locally distinct practices. With artists’ pages from Paulien Oltheten, Lieven Segers and David HelbichThis publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).Contributors: Kevin Atherton (National College of Art and Design, Dublin), Anna Corrigan and Susana S. Martins (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), Hilde D’haeyere (KASK School of Arts of University College Ghent), Heather Diack (University of Miami), Louis Kaplan (University of Toronto), Ann Kristin Krahn (Braunschweig University of the Arts), Sandra Križić Roban (Institute of Art History, Zagreb), Esther Leslie (Birkbeck University of London), Johan Pas (Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp), Katarzyna Ruchel-Stockmans (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
HarperCollins Publishers The Wintringham Mystery: Cicely Disappears
Republished for the first time in nearly 95 years, a classic winter country house mystery by the founder of the Detection Club, with a twist that even Agatha Christie couldn’t solve! Stephen Munro, a demobbed army officer, reconciles himself to taking a job as a footman to make ends meet. Employed at Wintringham Hall, the delightful but decaying Sussex country residence of the elderly Lady Susan Carey, his first task entails welcoming her eccentric guests to a weekend house-party, at which her bombastic nephew – who recognises Stephen from his former life – decides that an after-dinner séance would be more entertaining than bridge. Then Cicely disappears! With Lady Susan reluctant to call the police about what is presumably a childish prank, Stephen and the plucky Pauline Mainwaring take it upon themselves to investigate. But then a suspicious death turns the game into an altogether more serious affair… This classic winter mystery incorporates all the trappings of the Golden Age – a rambling country house, a séance, a murder, a room locked on the inside, with servants, suspects and alibis, a romance – and an ingenious puzzle. First published as a 30-part newspaper serial in 1926 – the year The Murder of Roger Ackroyd was published, The Wintringham Mystery was written by Anthony Berkeley, founder of the famous Detection Club. Also known as Cicely Disappears, the Daily Mirror ran the story as a competition with a prize of £500 (equivalent to £30,000 today) for anyone who guessed the solution correctly. Nobody did – even Agatha Christie entered and couldn’t solve it. Can you?
Edinburgh University Press Contemporary Stylistics: Language, Cognition, Interpretation
Provides a clear introduction to the key terms and frameworks in cognitive poetics and stylisticsHow do texts create meaning? How do we arrive at our textual interpretations? Why do we become 'lost in a book' or feel deep emotion in response to a literary character? Through close attention to the way texts are written and the language they use, as well as what we know about the human mind, 'Contemporary Stylistics' provides readers with the tools to begin answering these questions. In doing so, it introduces the theoretical principles and practical frameworks of stylistics and cognitive poetics, supplying the practical skills to analyse your own responses to literary texts. Including innovative activities for students and with case studies of work by writers like Dylan Thomas, EL James and Kazuo Ishiguro, this is a detailed analysis of contemporary stylistics that offers both historical contextualization of the discipline and points towards its possible future direction.Key Features:Introduces the key terms for each contemporary stylistic frameworkOutlines the foundations of the discipline and addresses cutting-edge developments such as reader response research, corpus methods, multimodality and reader emotion Contains practical analyses, innovative exercises for students, and further reading suggestions in each chapterAddresses the recent attention to multimodal and digital literature and research into empiricism and emotionEach topic is explored through original analyses of a wide range of texts, including poetry, prose, dialogue, song lyrics, political discourse, and linguistic transcriptsThere are stylistic and cognitive poetic analyses through the book. The key case studies include:'The Canal' Lee Rourke (2010)'Zang Tumb Tumb' by Marinetti (1914)'River in Spate' by Louis MacNeice'Under Milk Wood' by Dylan Thomas (1954)'Space Sonnet & Polyfilla' by Edwin Morgan (1977)'In Defense of Our Overgrown Garden' by Matthea Harvey (2000)'House of Cards''What is the What' by Dave Eggers (2006)'Ash Wednesday' by Ethan Hawke (2002)'Fresh Meat''Fifty Shades of Grey' by E. L. James (2012)'Received Pronunciation' by Sally Goldsmith (2012)'The house is not the same since you left' by Henry Normal (1993)'The Lives of Others' by Neel Mukherjee (2014)'My Name is Lucy Barton' by Elizabeth Stroud (2016)'How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia' by Mohsin Hamid (2013)'The Unconsoled' by Kazuo Ishiguro (2005)'The One Ronnie''The Girl on the Train' by Paula Hawkins (2015)'I Am The Song' by Charles Causley'Hypothetical' by Maria Taylor'This is the Poem in which I Have Not Left You' by Julia Copus (2012)'13, rue Therese' by Elena Mauli Shapiro (2011)'Illuminae' by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (2015)'Karen' by Blast Theory (2015)'Blood Story' by Melvin Burgess
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Plant Names of Medieval England
` Compiled with great care, cautious in its claims and rich with suggestions for further scholarship; will be of great value to lexicographers and all students of medieval medicine and botany.' PAULINE THOMPSON, NOTES AND QUERIES `...compiled with great care, cautious in its claims and rich with suggestions for further scholarship...' NOTES AND QUERIES The first reference work on the botanical language of the English middle ages to appear inprint. Covering approximately 1800 names, applied to some six hundred species, and including over five hundred names not recorded in the OED, it is an indispensable reference work and a comprehensive guide to the bibliography of the subject. Lexicologistswill find a wealth of new material.
The Catholic University of America Press Acting Between the Lines: The Field Day Theatre Company and Irish Cultural Politics
The Field Day Theatre Company has been a vital presence on the cultural and intellectual scene since its inception in 1980. This venture represented an attempt by a group of distinguished Irish artists to contribute to a resolution of Northern Ireland's political crisis. Founded by playwright Brian Friel and actor Stephen Rea, Field Day's board of directors has included writers Seamus Heaney, Seamus Deane, Tom Paulin and Thomas Kilroy, and documentary filmmaker David Hammond. Among Field Day's premieres are such modern Irish classics as Friel's ""Translations"" (1980), Kilroy's ""Double Cross"" (1986) and Stewart Parker's ""Pentecost"" (1987). In addition to producing new Irish plays and masterpieces of world drama, since 1983 Field Day has published literary and critical works ranging from pamphlets on Irish language and history to the multi-volume ""Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing"" and an on-going series of essays and monographs edited by Deane. In this study of Field Day, Marilynn Richtarik offers a narrative account of the early years of the company, during which its self-image and public reputation were formed. Drawing on contemporary reviews, pre-production publicity, pronouncements over time by the various directors, and personal interviews, she constructs a background for her discussion of Field Day's evolving aims and concrete achievements.
The University of Chicago Press Living in the Future: Utopianism and the Long Civil Rights Movement
Living in the Future reveals the unexplored impact of utopian thought on the major figures of the Civil Rights Movement. Utopian thinking is often dismissed as unrealistic, overly idealized, and flat-out impractical-in short, wholly divorced from the urgent conditions of daily life. This is perhaps especially true when the utopian ideal in question is reforming and repairing the United States' bitter history of racial injustice. But as Victoria W. Wolcott provocatively argues, utopianism is actually the foundation of a rich and visionary worldview, one that specifically inspired the major figures of the Civil Rights Movement in ways that haven't yet been fully understood or appreciated. Wolcott makes clear that the idealism and pragmatism of the Civil Rights Movement were grounded in nothing less than an intensely utopian yearning. Key figures of the time, from Martin Luther King Jr. and Pauli Murray to Father Divine and Howard Thurman, all shared a belief in a radical pacificism that was both specifically utopian and deeply engaged in changing the current conditions of the existing world. Living in the Future recasts the various strains of mid-twentieth-century civil rights activism in a utopian light, revealing the power of dreaming in a profound and concrete fashion, one that can be emulated in other times that are desperate for change, like today.
Harvard University Press The Greek Anthology, Volume IV: Book 10: The Hortatory and Admonitory Epigrams. Book 11: The Convivial and Satirical Epigrams. Book 12: Strato's Musa Puerilis
A gathering of poetic blossoms.The Greek Anthology (literally, “Gathering of Flowers”) is the name given to a collection of about 4500 short Greek poems (called epigrams but usually not epigrammatic) by about 300 composers. To the collection (called Stephanus, literally, “wreath” or “garland”) made and contributed to by Meleager of Gadara (1st century BC) was added another by Philippus of Thessalonica (late 1st century AD), a third by Diogenianus (2nd century), and much later a fourth, called the Circle, by Agathias of Myrina. These (lost) and others (also lost) were partly incorporated, arranged according to contents, by Constantinus Cephalas (early 10th century?) into fifteen books now preserved in a single manuscript of the Palatine Library at Heidelberg. The grand collection was rearranged and revised by the monk Maximus Planudes (14th century) who also added epigrams lost from Cephalas’ compilation.The fifteen books of the Palatine Anthology are: I, Christian Epigrams; II, Descriptions of Statues; III, Inscriptions in a temple at Cyzicus; IV, Prefaces of Meleager, Philippus, and Agathias; V, Amatory Epigrams; VI, Dedicatory; VII, Sepulchral; VIII, Epigrams of St. Gregory; IX, Declamatory; X, Hortatory and Admonitory; XI, Convivial and Satirical; XII, Strato’s “Musa Puerilis”; XIII, Metrical curiosities; XIV, Problems, Riddles, and Oracles; XV, Miscellanies. Book XVI is the Planudean Appendix: Epigrams on works of art.Outstanding among the poets are Meleager, Antipater of Sidon, Crinagoras, Palladas, Agathias, Paulus Silentiarius.
Ediciones Trea, S.L. Una coleccin para la transicin 19731978 espejo de Espaa de la Editorial Planeta
Desde su constitución, el régimen franquista se empeñó en realizar una producción de memoria con el objetivo de legitimarse a sí mismo, uno de cuyos componentes era la actividad editorial: estrechamente controlada por una censura muy rigurosa, la edición pasa a ser un medio por el que se empieza a escribir la historia gloriosa de una España eterna resucitada por una justa y santa cruzada llevada contra la República comunista, atea y masona.Sin embargo, varios factores irán interviniendo paulatinamente para arrebatarle al régimen una lenta y tímida liberalización en el ámbito editorial, en especial a partir de los años sesenta. Es en esta época cuando Rafael Borràs Betriu comienza su trayectoria intelectual, con la creación de la revista La Jirafa, con las colecciones Horas de España (en la editorial Ariel) y luego Los Libros de la Veleta. Serie Documentos y, en 1973, con su ingreso en la editorial Planeta, que había acudido a él para crear una colección de libros de historia y de la
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Vidas de los santos padres de Mrida
Las Vidas de los santos Padres de Mérida son un relato anónimo del siglo VII que describe la vida de la ciudad emeritense en el siglo anterior en torno al papel jugado en la sociedad por sus principales obispos, Paulo, Fidel y Masona, y las relaciones con los reyes, en especial con el arriano Leovigildo, perseguidor de Masona. Estos tres personajes son los protagonistas de unos interesantísimos relatos biográficos a los que se añaden otros muy variados y curiosos como el del joven Augusto del monasterio de santa Eulalia, el del abad Nancto o el del monje borracho de Cauliana, así como breves referencias a los obispos sucesores de Masona, Inocencio y Renovato.Toda la obra ofrece un vivo panorama de la sociedad urbana, los conflictos religiosos y políticos de finales del siglo vi y una valiosísima información de algunos edificios e iglesias de Mérida, contrastada por las excavaciones arqueológicas de las últimas décadas. El relato está compuesto dentro de las coordenadas literarias de
Visor libros, S.L. El diario de Hamlet Garca
PAULINO MASIP nace en La Granadella (Lleida) en 1899 y muere en el exilio en Cholula, México, en 1963. Desde 1905 y hasta 1920 vivió en Logroño; en 1920 se traslada a París donde traduce varias novelas de Charles Nodier para Espasa Calpe. En Logroño funda los diarios El Diario de la Rioja y El Heraldo Riojano, ambos cerrados por las numerosas multas recibidas por su oposición a la dictadura de Primo de Rivera. Después de colaborar en diversos periódicos, es nombrado director de El Sol, y simultáneamente de La Voz, en Madrid. En 1936, al estallar la guerra civil, marcha con Azaña a Valencia y después a Barcelona donde llega a ser director de La Vanguardia, hasta 1938 año que Álvarez del Vayo le envía a París como agregado de prensa en la Embajada de España. En 1939, junto a Bergamín, Herrera Petere, Emilio Prados, J. Renau y otros intelectuales españoles, se traslada definitivamente a México, donde, por propia voluntad, permaneció al margen de cualquier corriente literaria, aunque colab
El Club de las 5 de la mañana controla tus mañanas impulsa tu vida
Los libros de Robin Sharma están ayudando a personas de todo el mundo a llevar vidas mejores. Paulo CoelhoRobin Sharma, uno de los mayores expertos mundiales en liderazgo y desempeño, desarrolló el concepto del Club de las 5 de la mañana hace más de veinte años, a partir de los revolucionarios hábitos que han permitido a sus clientes incrementar su productividad, mejorar su salud y afrontar con serenidad la extremadamente compleja época en que vivimos.Este libro, de profundo impacto personal, nos descubrirá las rutinas que han hecho posible que muchas personas alcancen grandes resultados, al tiempo que su felicidad y vitalidad aumenta.A través de una entretenida historia de dos desconocidos que conocen al mismo tiempo a un excéntrico magnate que termina por convertirse en su mentor, El club de las 5 de la mañana nos muestra:- Una forma de aprovechar las mañanas para conseguir unos resultados extraordinarios.- Una fórmula poco conocida para desp
University of California Press Race Women Internationalists: Activist-Intellectuals and Global Freedom Struggles
Race Women Internationalists explores how a group of Caribbean and African American women in the early and mid-twentieth century traveled the world to fight colonialism, fascism, sexism, and racism. Based on newspaper articles, speeches, and creative fiction and adopting a comparative perspective, the book brings together the entangled lives of three notable but overlooked women: American Eslanda Robeson, Martinican Paulette Nardal, and Jamaican Una Marson. It explores how, between the 1920s and the 1960s, the trio participated in global freedom struggles by traveling; building networks in feminist, student, black-led, anticolonial, and antifascist organizations; and forging alliances with key leaders. This made them race women internationalists—figures who engaged with a variety of interconnected internationalisms to challenge various forms of inequality facing people of African descent across the diaspora and the continent.
Penguin Books Ltd Too Big to Fail: Inside the Battle to Save Wall Street
SHORTLISTED FOR THE BBC SAMUEL JOHNSON PRIZE 2010They were masters of the financial universe, flying in private jets and raking in billions. They thought they were too big to fail. Yet they would bring the world to its knees.Andrew Ross Sorkin, the news-breaking New York Times journalist, delivers the first true in-the-room account of the most powerful men and women at the eye of the financial storm - from reviled Lehman Brothers CEO Dick 'the gorilla' Fuld, to banking whiz Jamie Dimon, from bullish Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson to AIG's Joseph Cassano, dubbed 'The Man Who Crashed the World'.Through unprecedented access to the key players, Sorkin meticulously re-creates frantic phone calls, foul-mouthed rows and white-knuckle panic, as Wall Street fought to save itself.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Critical Pedagogy in Uncertain Times: Hope and Possibilities
This edited volume, now in its second edition, brings together the some of the most important figures in the evolution of Critical Pedagogy and a number of up-and-coming scholars. Together they provide comprehensive analyses related to the struggles against the triangulation of Neoliberalism, Conservatism, and Nationalism, not just in education but in all of social life, through the democratizing forces of critical pedagogy. Its re-release coincides with the 50th anniversary of the publication of Paulo Freire’s landmark publication, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. The second edition has been updated with a majority of new chapters to address the current political shifts that have hastened erosion of the public sphere and public education today. These critical pedagogues show how neoliberal attacks can be collectively resisted, challenged, and eradicated especially by those of us teaching in schools and universities.
La Esfera de los Libros, S.L. Total War. Rome destruir Cartago
Basada en los juegos de estrategia Total War, desarrollados por Creative Assembly y publicados por SEGA. Cartago, año 146 a.C. Esta es la historia de Fabio Petronio Segundo, legionario romano y de su ascenso al poder: desde su primera batalla contra los macedonios, que selló el destino del imperio de Alejandro Magno, hasta la guerra total en el norte de África y el asedio de Cartago. El éxito de Fabio le aporta admiración y respeto, pero también atrae la codicia y la envidia. Los aliados más íntimos pueden convertirse en los más amargos enemigos. Además, está la oveja negra de la familia de César, Julia, quien ama tanto a Fabio como a su antagonista Paulo, provocando una feroz rivalidad. Al final, Fabio se verá obligado a responder a una sola pregunta: hasta qué punto está dispuesto a sacrificarse por su visión de Roma?
53rd State Press Love Like Light: Plays and Performance Texts by Daniel Alexander Jones
Collecting Daniel Alexander Jones's plays and performance texts Bel Canto, Black Light, Blood:Shock:Boogie, clayangels, Duat, Phoenix Fabrik, and The Book of Daniel, this volume offers a panoramic view of Jones's shifting, glimmering, transformational body of work. Each play a provocation to the possibility of a more just world with love as civic practice at its center, Jones's writing moves with lithe and associative grace through histories personal, political, cosmological, and sublime. A reunion not only of Jones's revolutionary work in the course of twenty-five years in the avant-gardes of New York, Austin, and Minneapolis, among others, Love Like Light is also a reunion of collaborators and friends, featuring essays by Vicky Boone, Jacques Colimon, Eisa Davis, Omi Osun Joni L. Jones, korde arrington tuttle, Aaron Landsman, Deborah Paredez, and Shay Youngblood and an interview with Faye Price. Awarded the 2021 PEN/Laura Pels Theater Award for his expansive, multidisciplinary, radical body of work, Jones has, in the words of judges Jeremy O. Harris, Ruben Santiago-Hudson, and Leigh Silverman, “continued perfecting a dramaturgy all his own based in the traditions of Africana studies, performance studies, queer theory, and mysticism, challenging established traditions while creating space for audiences to ponder what theater is and who it is for.” A companion volume, Particle and Wave, features a book-length conversation between Daniel Alexander Jones and poet, scholar, and activist Alexis Pauline Gumbs about Love Like Light and the way that love, like light, suffuses everything and is the condition and power of change in the world.
HarperCollins Publishers Relentless: Secrets of the Sporting Elite
In his quest to define ‘sporting greatness’, double Olympic champion Alistair Brownlee has spent nearly 4 years interviewing and training with some of the greatest minds in sport to discover what it takes to become – and remain – a champion. Featuring: Ian Botham • Mark Cavendish • Alastair Cook • Alex Danson • Richard Dunwoody • Donna Fraser • Chris Froome • Anna Hemmings • Denis Irwin • Michael Johnson • Kílian Jornet • Stuart Lancaster • AP McCoy • Ronnie O’Sullivan • Michael Owen • Adam Peaty • Ian Poulter • Paula Radcliffe • Ian Thorpe • Mark Webber • Shane Williams From an early age Alistair Brownlee has been obsessed with being the very best, and not just improving his sporting performance across his three specialist triathlon disciplines of swimming, cycling and running, but also understanding how a winner becomes a dominant champion. Winning gold in consecutive Olympic Games has only strengthened this need and desire. Over the last 4 years Alistair has been on a journey to learn from the best, talking to elite figures across multiple sports as well as leading thinkers and scientists, to understand what enabled these remarkable individuals to rise to the very top, and to push the limits of human capability in their relentless pursuit of perfection. Alistair uses these fascinating interviews, along with extensive research, to explore a range of sports and environments – athletics, cycling, football, rugby, horseracing, hockey, cricket, golf, motor racing, snooker, swimming and ultra-running – to reveal how talent alone is never enough and how hard work, pain, pressure, stress, risk, focus, sacrifice, innovation, reinvention, passion, ruthlessness, luck, failure and even a lockdown can all play a crucial part in honing a winning mentality and achieving sustained success.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Sir Rudolf Peierls: Selected Private And Scientific Correspondence (Volume 1)
This edition of the private and scientific correspondence of Sir Rudolf Peierls gives a unique insight into the life and work of one of the greatest theoretical physicists of the 20th century. Rudolf Peierls' scientific work contributed to the early developments in quantum mechanics, and he is well known and much appreciated for his contributions to various disciplines, including solid state physics, nuclear physics, and particle physics. As an enthusiastic and devoted teacher, he passed on his knowledge and understanding and inspired the work of collaborators and students alike. As an effective administrator he was responsible, almost single-handedly, for the establishment of an outstanding successful centre of theoretical physics in Birmingham, and later contributed much to theoretical physics in Oxford.A meticulous collector of correspondence, Sir Rudolf left a fascinating collection of letters, in some cases spanning more than seven decades. This collection includes correspondence with his parents, his wife, the Russian-born physicist Genia Kannegieser, life-long friends such as Hans Bethe, and many great physicists, including Wolfgang Pauli, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Lev Landau, and George Placzek, to name but a few.This first volume, which covers the years 1922 to 1945, contains much of the early family correspondence, letters exchanged between Rudolf and Genia Peierls before and after their marriage in 1931, correspondence relating to early developments in quantum physics, and interesting material relating to the development of nuclear weapons. The extensive apparatus provides an invaluable background which allows the reader to put the presented documents into their multi-faceted social, political and scientific context.
University College Dublin Press Ireland and its Elsewheres
Ireland and Its Elsewheres is the next volume in UCD Press's The Poet's Chair series, publishing the public lectures of the Ireland Professors of Poetry. The Ireland Chair of Poetry was established in 1998 following the award of the Nobel Prize of Literature to Seamus Heaney and is supported by Queen's University Belfast, Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaion. Michael Longley's lectures were published in June 2015 and the next volume will contain the lectures of Paula Meehan. In this volume, the distinguished Dublin poet Harry Clifton - who has lived and worked all over the globe - focuses on locating himself and other Irish poets in relation to the literary traditions of Britain, Europe and the United States. Clifton opens by recounting his time living in London in the late eighties and early nineties. He discusses how he and a group of other poets were part of London's 'cultural clutter', and how their poetry reckoned with a time of great social and political upheaval in Britain. The second lecture focusses on Irish poetry's place in the 'eternal present' of Europe.Patrick Kavanagh and Thomas Kinsella are among the poets discussed in this illuminating comparison between neighbouring nations. Clifton closes the collection by extending his discussion on poetry to the United States - a land of exiles and immigrants. From Derek Mahon to Oscar Wilde, Clifton examines Irish poets in the New World, and describes how America has come to mean 'artistic posterity' for many of them. From one of Ireland's leading contemporary poets, this volume gives readers a rare insight into Irish poetry's place in the world.