Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Collaborative Risk Mitigation Through Construction Planning and Scheduling: Risk Doesn't have to be a Four Letter Word
In the complex, cash-strapped, high pressure world of modern construction, what do you do when something goes wrong? This work looks beyond the best-case scenario to give project managers, contractors, architects and engineers the tools to prepare effectively for the unexpected. Based on the author’s more than thirty-five years of construction management experience, the book shows how to proactively mitigate a schedule. It opens with case studies of real life construction mitigation, and goes on to examine the conceptual aspects of anticipating risks and making contingency plans, technical aspects of scheduling, and essential role of communication in change management. Working on the principle that no major project can ever quite go to plan and that “it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish,” Collaborative Risk Mitigation is the ideal complement to traditional scheduling textbooks.
Emerald Publishing Limited Women in Leadership: Contextual Dynamics and Boundaries, Second Edition
Women leaders in many parts of the world have leadership opportunities that never existed before as a result of technology, globalization, and demographic shifts that have produced more female graduates than in the past and created a workforce which consists almost 50% of women. Ever more so, in today’s rapidly changing environment, the contexts in which women exercise leadership is critically important in shaping their leadership style. At the same time, objectifying women in contexts such as sports and the media or the patriarchal ideology that permeates contexts such as the military and the church have changed very little. This book, updated and expanded from the 2011 first edition, acknowledges and discusses the belief that the context in which women exercise leadership is critically important in shaping their leadership style. Each chapter opens with a vignette of an extraordinary leader in the respective context, presents a contextual analysis, and discusses issues, controversies and paradoxes germane to the context of interest. What is the future of women's leadership in a global environment characterized by ambiguity, uncertainty, increasing interdependence and interconnectivity? Award-winning author Karin Klenke shows us in this revised edition of Women in Leadership.
Emerald Publishing Limited Childbirth and Parenting in Horror Texts: The Marginalized and the Monstrous
This book examines childbirth and parenting in horror texts. By analysing new texts, and re-analysing commonly used texts with new feminist methodology, this study provides a unique contribution to the fields of gender and horror studies. Focusing on horror fiction and film, this book reviews textual treatments of birth and motherhood, and how they differ from representations of fatherhood. Motherhood and birth are represented as revolting in several ways. Mothers in horror do not fulfil their gender role, and the neglect of motherhood by a woman is deemed horrific because it is the antithesis of Western patriarchal ideals of female identity. These mothers are unforgiven. Bad fathers, in contrast, are given moments of restoration that allow audiences or readers to feel immediate sympathy for them. Examining conception, birth, motherhood and fathers, this work provides a unique exploration of the monstrous and the marginalized within the horror genre.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
Studies in Law, Politics, and Society provides a vehicle for the publication of scholarly articles within the broad parameters of interdisciplinary legal scholarship. In this latest edition of this highly successful research series, articles examine a diverse range of legal issues and their impact on and intersections with society. Topics covered include: marriage equality and the demise of civil unions; the LGBTQ community in the 1980s; the landscape of choice regarding reproductive rights and vaccine refusal; the rights of unvaccinated children; a socio-legal framework for understanding the social control of pleasure; and a data re-use and its impact on group identity. This volume brings together leading scholars and will be vital reading for all those researching in this subject area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Ethical Public Relations: Strengthening Synergies with Human Resources
Nowhere is the study of workplace ethics more relevant today than in the context of empowering organizations to meet their goals in corporate social responsibility and sustainability (CSR/S). Aimed at helping organizations uphold their commitments to people and the planet as well as profit, these are core goals towards which both PR and HR departments now work. However one major stumbling block is the fact that while internal departments may regularly work closely when managing and communicating with employees, the communication flow tends to be top down. In order to create more socially responsible, sustainable, and ethical organizations, the communication flow must be more organic and bilateral. The question of how both teams could work together on a more even playing field has escaped scholarly inquiry for years. Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, & Ethical Public Relations: Strengthening Synergies with Human Resources examines ways to make CSR/S an integrated ingredient and ethical hallmark for an organization’s culture. Here authors from around the globe use a variety of research methods to offer practical, empirical findings, exploring opportunities for employees to serve as a conduit for organizations' CSR/S goals. This book shows how HR-PR department cooperation can fulfil the role of organizational conscience, helping for-profits and non-profits to navigate toward greater CSR/S.
Emerald Publishing Limited Work in the 21st Century: How Do I Log On?
The world of work is rapidly changing. What then do 21st century workplaces look like, and what factors are supporting these workplace changes? Globalisation, financial and labour market deregulation, and rapid technological advances have accelerated workplace change and skill requirements. Organisations, for example, need to increasingly manage geographically diverse and technologically-mediated workplace relationships. Advances in artificial intelligence and automation are further questioning the future and nature of work itself. This book identifies and examines the institutions, frameworks and technologies that are emerging to support these new work practices. It analyses changing work environments, entrepreneurial and self-employment strategies, global virtual labour markets and the impacts of data analytics and automation on work practices and skill sets. It is critical for governments, practitioners and academics to better understand how to harness the benefits and meet the challenges of these new organisational workplace practices. Further, it requires informed choices and decisions on the part of individuals, as they seek to log on to work in the 21st century.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Modern Information Management
Award-winning information theorists and practitioners Pearlstein and Matarazzo have assembled a group of top international authors with experience in public, academic, government, and special library settings, including experienced independent information professionals, to address the critical issues facing Information Management (IM) today. This new handbook provides a context for approaching the world in which information professionals work; a tool, the Balanced Scorecard, to help demonstrate contribution and value; and a review of opportunities for new areas of employment and career development, ripe for applying the Information Services skill set. Through combinations of topical chapters with common themes, the professor and student will find a multi-perspective approach to the IM landscape. Used as a ready-reference, the IM practitioner will find both theoretical and pragmatic approaches to inform their decision making on traditional as well as new challenges. For information and IM professionals, librarians, and students, this must-have handbook provides invaluable insights from the leading names in the field, enabling you to make the best decision no matter what challenges you face.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Opportunities for Entrepreneurial Growth: Coopetition and Knowledge Dynamics within and across Firms
Contemporary markets are increasingly complex and dynamic. Diverse business contexts have become closer, and are increasingly influenced by socio-economic and technological factors. Firms nowadays build alliances even with competing players to ensure entrepreneurial survival and growth. This publication aims to investigate, compare, and contrast the theoretical and practical elements of business concepts and models that are acclimated to the dynamic changes of our modern era. Furthermore, it describes and analyzes the current cooperative interactions among firms, and evaluates the contribution of knowledge dynamics in coopetition. Organizational performance is one of the major elements required in contemporary markets, and the necessity to promote initiatives for innovation in new technological investments creates the foundations for growth, enabling businesses to explore opportunities in the global context. This book aims to explore and utilize the existing academic knowledge, and to contribute to the topic of coopetition within and across firms for entrepreneurial growth. It is a culmination of recent global circumstances and credible academic theories, focusing on analyzing, evaluating and interpreting the modern status-quo in the international business environment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Currents in Gender and Feminisms: Canadian and International Perspectives
This collection examines the ongoing shared struggles of diverse groups of women in Canada and beyond focusing on a diverse range of themes including movements, spaces and rights; inclusion, equity and policies; reproductive labour, work and economy; health, culture and violence; and sports and bodies. Situating Canada as a western society with avowed egalitarian ideals, and based on a ‘shared but different’ approach, this book highlights the intersectional dimensions of gendered lives and feminist actions for change in both western and non-western contexts. Gender issues and feminist struggles are interconnected internationally and this book examines the Canadian case alongside other countries across Latin America, Africa, Asia, Australasia and Europe to explore the global currents of gender and feminism and its practice. The centrality of gender and the need for feminist praxis remain highly relevant in the 21st Century, whether in western or non-western societies, and this collection provides a comprehensive overview of the international currents for gender equality, empowerment and social justice.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Ethics of Online Research
This volume focuses on the ethics of internet and social networking research exploring the challenges faced by researchers making use of social media and big data in their research. The internet, the world wide web and social media – indeed all forms of online communications – are attractive fields of research across a range of disciplines. They offer opportunities for methodological initiatives and innovations in research and easily accessed, massive amounts of primary and secondary data sources. This collection examines the new challenges posed by data generated online, explores how researchers are addressing those ethical challenges, and provides rich case studies of ethical decision making in the digital age.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emerging Conceptions of Work, Management and the Labor Market
Economic institutions are undergoing radical transformations, and with these has come a reconfiguration of labor market institutions, managerial conceptions of work, and the nature of authority and control over employees as well. Yet many of these changes remain poorly understood. This volume provides a sampling of state-of-the art theory and research in the field, and addresses a wide array of questions that are vital for managers, policy makers, labor unions, and employees themselves. How has new technology changed the job search process? How has the Great Recession affected racial boundaries within the labor market? What forms of managerial thinking underlie the proliferation of downsizing as a strategic practice? How have employees responded to labor market uncertainty? What shifts are unfolding within particular sectors, such as finance or health care? And how have norms been mobilized as a source of control over the performance of service work? By addressing these and other questions, this volume points the way forward for social scientific views of work and labor markets as pivotal institutions within contemporary societies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Regression Discontinuity Designs: Theory and Applications
The Regression Discontinuity (RD) design is one of the most popular and credible research designs for program evaluation and causal inference. This volume 38 of Advances in Econometrics collects twelve innovative and thought-provoking contributions to the RD literature, covering a wide range of methodological and practical topics. Some chapters touch on foundational methodological issues such as identification, interpretation, implementation, falsification testing, estimation and inference, while others focus on more recent and related topics such as identification and interpretation in a discontinuity-in-density framework, empirical structural estimation, comparative RD methods, and extrapolation. These chapters not only give new insights for current methodological and empirical research, but also provide new bases and frameworks for future work in this area. This volume contributes to the rapidly expanding RD literature by bringing together theoretical and applied econometricians, statisticians, and social, behavioural and biomedical scientists, in the hope that these interactions will further spark innovative practical developments in this important and active research area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Governmental Financial Resilience: International Perspectives on How Local Governments Face Austerity
This volume provides a unique insight into the ways local governments have maintained financial resilience in the face of the significant challenges posed by the era of austerity. Taking an international perspective, it provides an enlightening and practical analysis of the different capacities and responses that local governments deploy to cope with financial shocks.Moving beyond traditional approaches dealing with financial stress, the financial resilience perspective reveals a wider range of organisational responses and enables consideration of the dynamic role played by internal and external contextual factors. The international case study approach allows for a comparative analysis of financial resilience in the context of different administrative and policy environments. By providing a unifying view of financial resilience, the importance of building resilience into organisational financial management is demonstrated, uncovering the relative effectiveness of different resilience building approaches. This edited volume is a valuable source for practitioners and academics, as well as students of public policy, public management and financial management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
All articles in this book explain how teaching methods or curricula/programs can be improved. Non-empirical papers are academically rigorous, and specifically discuss the institutional context of a course or program, as well as any relevant tradeoffs or policy issues. Empirical reports exhibit sound research design and execution, and develop a thorough motivation and literature review, including references from outside the accounting field, where appropriate. Volume 20 includes papers that examine topics: assisting students with career selection via personality assessments to enhance students’ comprehension of the accounting cycle, incorporating exercises in an auditing course to help students better understand analytical procedures and developing journal lists to assist with departmental decisions. This also includes a special section that examines efforts to integrate accounting with other core business disciplines in the curriculum. This section includes two papers from instructors who have developed theme-based accounting ethics courses. In these cases the instructor focuses the course on developing wisdom in accounting decisions and development with a leadership focus.
Emerald Publishing Limited Engaging Dissonance: Developing Mindful Global Citizenship in Higher Education
This volume explores the internationalization of higher education in the context of global citizenry and intercultural competencies. It focuses on presenting dissonance as a means to facilitating students’ openness to complexity and development of intercultural skills or their experiences in the classroom. This volume provides educators with a conceptual and practical resource that focuses on the critical role of cognitive complexity/dissonance in the education of global citizens and the enactment of intercultural pedagogy. Addressing the tensions and complexities of varying viewpoints and experiences with equity and intercultural work will challenge readers to think critically about the implications of individual practice as well as unit and institutional structures and support in relation to desired college equity and intercultural goals.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
Advances in Hospitality and Leisure delivers refreshing insights from a host of scientific studies in the domains of hospitality, leisure and tourism. It provides a platform to galvanize thoughts on contemporary issues and merging trends essential to theory advancement as well as professional practices from a global perspective. The main focus of this journal is to transcend the innovative methods of inquiry so as to inspire new research topics that are vital and have been in large neglected. This journal is keen to address the needs of the populace having interests in disseminating ideas, concepts and theories derived from scholarly investigations. Potential readers may retrieve useful texts to outline new research agendas, suggest viable topics for a dissertation work, and augment the knowledge of the subjects of interest.
Emerald Publishing Limited Finance and Economy for Society: Integrating Sustainability
Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability examines the social, economic and environmental impacts of corporations, and the real effects of corporate governance, CSR and business sustainability on societies in different regions. It facilitates a better understanding of how value systems, cultures and traditions in different societies may affect the policies and practices of corporate responsibility, governance and sustainability. The latest volume in the series identifies the future development trends of corporate responsibility, governance and sustainability in contexts when examining and exploring those key issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Models of Start-up Thinking and Action: Theoretical, Empirical, and Pedagogical Approaches
Volume 18 will focus on approaches to thinking about and creating the start-up. Both theoretical and empirical manuscripts that consider all aspects of start-up planning, thinking and action will be considered. We also encourage practice-based research and manuscripts that explore cutting-edge pedagogical approaches. The papers in Advances reflect many state-of-the-art topics and approaches, and are written by leading researches in the field, making each volume an important source of information for virtually all entrepreneurship researchers. One of the distinctive competences of research volumes such as Advances is that the chapters can be published without page restrictions allowing for greater detail in the background, development, and implementation of ideas than is possible in journal articles. This provides authors with the opportunity to fully express their key ideas, provide much more complete support, and include relevant multi-page appendices. In effect, the Advances series provides authors the opportunity to publish an "article of record" of their major theoretical or empirical ideas, and see it disseminated to a wide audience.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizing Supply Chain Processes for Sustainable Innovation in the Agri-Food Industry
The sustainability of agri-food supply chains is particularly relevant for global sustainable development. Many existing food production systems do more harm than good. They compromise the natural rhythms of the Earth, introduce toxins, and therefore sacrifice future capability for current demands – the opposite of sustainable development norms. The existing system is also unbalanced with respect to its capacity to produce, the amount of waste it generates, the number of people who suffer from hunger, and the nutritional value it provides. Most of the current supply chains have been developed within the classic economic paradigm, where scale and leverage drive choices towards more profitable models. As a consequence, finding new ways to produce, distribute and consume food is a morale, financial, and environmental necessity. Sustainable development and triple bottom line perspectives provide the logic for questioning this paradigm. This book presents and discusses nine cases of organizational innovation in food supply chain, covering different phases of food production, facing different challenges, and proposing different solutions to the challenge of sustainable food development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Recent Developments in Neuroscience Research on Human Motivation
The phenomena of motivation cannot be studied separately as an independent research topic because motivation is highly interrelated to cognition, emotion, learning, and decision-making process. The overarching aim of this volume, therefore, is to provide new insight into a unified grand theory of motivation by integrating noteworthy neuroscience research findings on motivation. This volume is dedicated to advancing our understanding of brain mechanisms of underlying various motivational phenomena, including reward, approach, autonomy, intrinsic motivation, learning, effort, curiosity, and self-control. The volume is divided into four parts: The first part introduces classical but fundamental issues such as reward, approach, and individual differences. The second part deals with intrinsic motivation including autonomy and curiosity. The third one examines recent approaches on the interface between motivation and cognition in learning and decision-making. The last part focuses on practically significant issues pertaining to self-regulation development.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Handbook of Business and Corruption: Cross-Sectoral Experiences
For years, corruption has been dismissed as a cultural phenomenon prevalent in developing countries, mirroring low salaries, weak infrastructure, disorganized administration and unstable political conditions. What this theory fails to explain, however, is why so many western multinational corporations have been involved in corruption scandals in recent years – even though most of these companies ostensibly had anti-corruption programs and monitoring systems in place. This book considers corruption in the business world in its broadest sense, including bribery and petty payments, nepotism and cronyism, gift-giving, embezzlement of public property and money laundering. It then explores corrupt behavior across different sectors in more detail in an effort to understand how corruption varies by industry. While a number of books dealing with corruption have been published over the years, little attention has been paid to the specifics of corruption in different industries and economic sectors. With contributions from some of the leading global experts in business ethics and law, this handbook will be an essential resource for both scholars and practitioners.
Emerald Publishing Limited How Institutions Matter!
This double volume presents a collection of 23 papers on how institutions matter to socio-economic life. The effort was seeded by the 2015 Alberta Institutions Conference, which brought together 108 participants from 14 countries and 51 different institutions. The resulting papers delve deeply into the practical impact an institutional approach enables, as well as how such research has the potential to influence policies relevant to critical institutional changes unfolding in the world today. In Volume 48A, the focus is on the micro foundations of institutional impacts. In Volume 48B, the focus is on the macro consequences of institutional arrangements. Looking across the two volumes, there are multiple theoretical, conceptual, methodological and practical points of convergence and divergence. Overall, the volumes highlight the many ways in which institutional processes and institutional researchers can contribute to our understanding of the micro foundations and macro consequences of institutions and their impacts on a wide variety of globally pressing issues, while also identifying a variety of fruitful directions for knowledge accumulation and development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Nonviolent Conflict and Civil Resistance
This volume of Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change analyzes examples of nonviolent resistance from across the globe. It covers how regime changes, political movements and nonviolent unrest develop and then shape the political decisions of both civil society and the state. Section one is focused on the strategic interactions between nonviolent movements and the state. This includes discussions on the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland, youth movements in Post-Communist states and nonviolent Islamic movements in Turkey. The second and third sections examine regime conflicts and the global diffusion of nonviolent movements. Here chapters center on the Iranian Revolution, social psychological approaches to nonviolent civil resistance, the Palestinian human rights movements, the efforts of nonviolent INGOs and the Nashville civil rights movement. This volume introduces new analytical concepts and theoretical frameworks for understanding nonviolent resistance, merging social movement scholarship with nonviolent studies in fresh and exciting ways.
Emerald Publishing Limited University Partnerships for International Development
This volume examines the diverse ways universities and colleges around the world are partnering and collaborating with other institutions to fulfill their missions and visions. University partnerships not only include collaborations between universities but also include university-school (basic education) collaborative partnerships to improve local school systems. The increasing pressures to remove access and participation barriers, and the increasing pressures to mitigate practices that restrict the free flow of education across borders have created a growing global space for educational services of all types. As a result, traditional institutional boundaries have expanded to better respond to increasing pressures placed on them by the growing demand for higher education services. The boundaries between educational institutions and other entities such as government, business, and non-profit organizations have become more fluid and this has resulted in increased involvement by institutions, faculty, and students in activities outside the traditional boundaries of the classroom. This edited volume will specifically explore university partnerships for international development.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Strategically Networked Organization: Leveraging Social Networks to Improve Organizational Performance
This book demonstrates to managers the strategic significance of intra-organizational social networks. It argues that strategic management is embedded in the complexity of social relations that shape the strategic direction of a company. Currently there are few tools available to systematically collect information about the social functioning of an organization. This book fills this gap by shifting attention to the social relations that contribute to strategic advantage and that build on relationships that provide unique resources and create value for the business. It considers three perspectives on how social networks have a strategic function: first, social networks constitute everyday strategic action; second, social networks convey cultural meanings; and third, how social networks depict social processes that continually illustrate what the organization is and what it can become. The book shows top and upper-middle management how cultivating an understanding of intra-firm social relations can help them to build unique strategic advantage and make use of the day-to-day knowledge that emerges in the social connections and interactions within an organization.
Emerald Publishing Limited Marketing In and For a Sustainable Society
This special issue will assemble a set of current, comprehensive/extended review articles/chapters written by distinguished experts on the state-of-the-art of marketing research and future prospects in the transition towards sustainable society. Reviews have been written for impact on marketing thought and clearly articulate the significance, and present critical perspectives and integrated theories on marketing for sustainability. This special issue features contributions from several top scholars including former editors of top journals in marketing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Networks in Healthcare: Managing Complex Relationships
The growing number of networks delivering healthcare, and professionals learning together to improve care, has created a need for new kinds of management and leadership. This timely book highlights key lessons for network leaders in a world where care must increasingly be managed through partnerships and networks as a response to complex health needs requiring better solutions across health economies. Using their own research and case studies, the authors set out the context: why networks are here to stay; the benefits: why networks work well and for what; the difference between networks and hierarchies and when to use each form to improve care and learn; the different types of network; and how to lead a network effectively. Written for health and social care professionals wanting to set up or currently leading a network, this book by two leading experts is practical, informative, but theoretically grounded. Also useful for academics teaching health care leadership, it includes practical diagnostic materials and up to date examples from care sectors world-wide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technological Innovation: Generating Economic Results
We are pleased to present this 2nd edition of Technological Innovation, originally published in 2008. Profiting from technological innovation is a key strategic challenge in technology-intensive industries because it requires not only scientific and engineering expertise, but also an understanding of how business and legal factors facilitate commercialization. This volume presents a multidisciplinary view of issues in technology commercialization and entrepreneurship. Chapters cover commercializing inventions in the context of the legal system and the complementary assets needed; the benefits and liabilities associated with multidisciplinary commercialization teams, including a basic guide to patents and designs; elements of strategy, including industry analysis and strategy, marketing strategy, and alliances; and finally, the financial issues in commercialization.
Emerald Publishing Limited Safe Mobility: Challenges, Methodology and Solutions
Safe mobility is clearly linked to transport sustainability, as fatalities and injuries resulting from people engaged with transport networks increasingly becomes a public health concern, relative to other health threats. This volume presents the current state of the knowledge across a multitude of analytical and context specific transport safety areas. It includes a comprehensive set of chapters authored by many of the world’s leading experts in both behavioural and engineering aspects of safety mobility. The book increases the level of knowledge on road safety contexts, issues and challenges; shares what can currently be done to address the variety of issues; and points to what needs to be done to make further gains in road safety.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public and Third Sector Leadership: Experience Speaks
For those bold enough to lead in this age of austerity, the challenges are immense. Seismic shifts have taken place in the public and third sectors. Political, economic, technological, and social change are driving profound transformation of organizational models, making predictability and stability elusive. The combined effects of the economic downturn and cutbacks in spending are hitting leaders in the public and third sectors hard. Written by leaders in these sectors, this book provides an opportunity for the voices of those rarely considered in the literature on leadership to be heard. Each leader has contributed their personal reflections of what leadership means to them and their experience of it. They also consider the complex challenges they face as they grapple with changes in the economy, polity and society. Public and Third Sector Leadership: Experience Speaks provides an analysis of the research in the public and third sectors and the reflections written by each leader, highlighting the key themes from each sector. This is a unique opportunity to hear from the men and women who have demanding leadership positions in the public and third sectors in the UK today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Improving the Marriage of Modeling and Theory for Accurate Forecasts of Outcomes
This volume in the series has big objectives: describe the bad science practices now in use in most studies in business-to-business marketing strategy and describe a true paradigm shift to good science practices by replacing the variable-based linear-symmetric null hypothesis testing (NHST) approach in theory construction and testing—with case-based asymmetric models with somewhat precise outcome testing (SPOT). Whether the question refers to success or failure, wise executives ask, how did we get here? What’s in store for the next decade? Unfortunately, the majority of scholarly articles examining the causes of success and failure offers scant useful information that is accurate in forecasting success or failure strategy outcomes. The majority of studies on strategy performance outcomes focus on variable relationships and testing for the directionality (positive or negative relationships) and effect size of relationships—using multiple regression analysis and structural equation modeling (MRA/SEM) using null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST). Research on the value of NHST indicates that such studies are worse than useless: such research does not focus on case-based outcomes and achieving a statistically significant relationship greatly depends on the sample size of firms in the studies. Researchers using NHST are answering the wrong questions in examining the net effects of independent variables on dependent variable of interest (e.g., net earnings per revenue). Here are the right questions to ask. What configurations of antecedent conditions combine to generate positive outcomes for our firm and similar firms? What configurations of antecedent conditions combine to generate negative outcomes for firms in our industry? Sound reasoning and empirical evidence supports the wisdom of business executives ignoring the scholarly empirical literature on forecasting successful and unsuccessful management strategies using the NHST of the size and directionality of relationships. Good science practice relies on the complexity theory tenets covered in the chapters in this volume. Good science practice includes matching case-focused theory with case-focused data analytic tools and using somewhat precise outcome tests (SPOT) of asymmetric models. Good science practice achieves requisite variety necessary for deep explanation, description, and accurate prediction. The fear of submission rejection is another reason for rejecting case-based asymmetric modeling and SPOT. Overcome such fear by learning to apply complexity theory tenets, constructing separate case-based, mid-range, models of successful versus unsuccessful outcomes, and testing for accuracy via SPOT. This volume provides tools necessary for you to accomplish this task.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism in Russia: A Management Handbook (Russian Translation)
Russia, the largest country in the world, has untapped tourism potential. Historic and cultural resources, natural attractions, and business opportunities attract a growing number of visitors to this fast-growing country. The book will appeal to a broad base of students, professors, and practitioners. It addresses tourism as a system, provides essentials of management and marketing, discusses tourism planning and impact management, and proposes strategies and recommendations to improve Russia as an international destination. It is also unique in its approach: it has been written by a group of collaborating authors as part of an EU-funded project that created links between tourism academics from Russia and the European Union. Each chapter was co-written by an international mix of contributors who have worked together on tourism and Russia for two years. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. It reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
Studies in Law, Politics, and Society (SLPS) provides a vehicle for the publication of scholarly articles within the broad parameters of interdisciplinary legal scholarship; the articles in this volume cover a diverse range of topics relating to law's relationship with and impact on society. Topics covered include: coverage of capital punishment in the mainstream and radical press; the landmark Roe vs. Wade case and the Republican Party's relationship with abortion law; an exploration of the legal politics of temporality in emergencies; gendered racialization and White supremacy in the US, specifically related to Muslim women; conflict resolution and legal theory; and self-determination for indigenous peoples in the Pacific.
Emerald Publishing Limited Perverse Politics?: Feminism, Anti-Imperialism, Multiplicity
In this special issue, we address what we refer to as 'perversity of the political' or 'perverse politics': namely, the assumptions political theory and movements, and in our specific case feminism, often make on behalf of their subjects, and how their subjects, in return, perform individual and collective contrariness, unruliness and resistance to what is expected or desired from their 'subjectivity'. Specifically focusing on the themes of 'false consciousness', multiplicity, and uneasy alliances, the papers collected here seek to empirically lay out a number of such 'perverse' moments, and offer anti-imperialist feminist alternatives to second wave feminism's often reductive understandings of freedom; emancipation; oppression; empowerment and democracy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Governing for the Future: Designing Democratic Institutions for a Better Tomorrow
This book is about governing well for the future. It investigates the nature of, and the conditions for, prudent long-term democratic governance in a dynamic, complex, and uncertain world, the reasons why such governance is politically challenging, and how such challenges can best be tackled. In particular, it addresses the problem of ‘short-termism’ – or a ‘presentist bias’ – in policy-making; that is, the risk of governments placing undue weight on near-term considerations at the expense of a society’s overall long-term welfare. As such, the book traverses both normative and empirical issues. The approach is primarily qualitative rather than quantitative.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Issues in Bank Financial Management
Contemporary Issues in Financial Services special edition includes studies by the University of Malta, MSc Banking and Finance graduates and the respective lecturers, on financial services within particular countries or regions and studies of particular themes such as credit risk management, fund management and evaluation, forex hedging using derivatives and sovereign fixed income portfolios.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions and Organizational Governance
The focus of this volume is on the role of emotions in organizational governance, which involves the complete gamut of organizational processes and procedures, including the means whereby organizations are controlled and directed. Traditionally organizational governance has been viewed as a largely procedural phenomenon, and therefore immune from the vagaries of human emotion. Nothing could be further from the truth. Organizations are structures built on human capital. As such, their governance is subject to all the vicissitudes and frailties that humans are capable of, including employee mistreatment and harm.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations 19 publishes both non-empirical and empirical articles dealing with accounting pedagogy. All articles explain how teaching methods or curricula/programs can be improved. Non-empirical papers are academically rigorous, and specifically discuss the institutional context of a course or program, as well as any relevant tradeoffs or policy issues. Empirical reports exhibit sound research design and execution, and develop a thorough motivation and literature review, including references from outside the accounting field, where appropriate.
Emerald Publishing Limited Including a Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Postwar Era
The Research in the History of Economic Methodology (RHETM) 34A, includes original research from preeminent scholars in the field. RHETM is one of the oldest and most respected publications in the field, and the Vol 34A is crucial for economists, methodologists, and historians of the social sciences.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Focus on SLM and SLS Methods in 3D Printing
A Focus on SLM and SLS Methods in 3D Printing is an indispensable collection of articles for anyone involved in additive manufacturing - from academics and researchers through to engineers and managers within the manufacturing industry. The collection features examples of innovative research involving selective laser melting and selective laser sintering techniques applied across a range of contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inequality: Causes and Consequences
Inequality has been rising in many countries over the last decades and the process seems to have accelerated with the Great Recession. Not only is income distribution more unequal today than 40 years ago, but also its transmission through generations has increased. In other words, many countries no longer experience upward economic mobility as was prevalent in the past. Research in Labor Economics volume 43 contains new and innovative research on the causes and consequences of inequality. Topics include the way inequality is measured, the level of equal opportunities across countries, the impact of education, the effect of changing occupational structure, the consequences of changing productivity within the firm, the roles of stagnating average real wages, the decline of union membership, the effect of maternal labor supply on labor market outcomes of their children, and the link between income inequality and health.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Neuroscience
The goal of this book is to introduce organizational researchers and practitioners to the role of neuroscience in building theory, research methodologies and practical applications. On one hand, we aim to be a useful resource for researchers who look to become more familiar with organizational neuroscience or incorporate its concepts and methods into their own research. On the other hand, we provide insight for practitioners, who can envision neuroscience applications as a means of expanding their own professional toolboxes. The book is in two sections. First, we introduce general issues that cover the domain of organizational neuroscience, including the nature of the overall field and theoretical and methodological considerations. This section also addresses practical implications, especially for development processes. Second, we explore neuroscience influences on certain topics, such as leadership, emotion/affect, teams, ethics and moral reasoning and organizational justice. We conclude by pondering the future of organizational neuroscience; including ethical, social and legal issues, as well as the potential limitations of this emerging field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change
A long-standing characteristic of the Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change series is publishing new theoretical and empirical work that connects previously disparate sub-fields. This volume continues that tradition by opening with five papers that join social movements research with organizational theory, new institutionalism, strategic action fields, and nonviolent action. One study does this by examining how the Fenian Brotherhood organized a transnational revolutionary movement for Ireland's independence. Another paper analyzes the strategic relations between conservative, moderate and radical organizations in different movements, while a further study zeroes in on nonviolent action campaigns. One chapter examines how the North American SlutWalk campaign responded to the organizational field by strategically adapted their framing to make it more resonant transnationally. Other chapters examine how LGBT organizational presence influences the passage of hate crime legislation, and how the women's movement in Franco's Spain persevered through repression and abeyance partly due to cultural practices.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Segregation in Vocational Education
The gender segregated nature of vocational education (VET) has received little attention in the stratification literature, despite the well-known consequences of VET for differences in labour market outcomes, such as job placement, income and access to full-time employment. This book investigates the institutional contexts of gender segregation in VET from a comparative perspective, through a number of cross-national comparisons as well as more in-depth studies of Canada, Norway, Germany, Australia and Bulgaria.The various chapters tackle questions about occupational expectations, gendered pathways to applied fields of study, educational transitions, feminization of occupations and the relationship between educational choice and opportunity structures. We discuss the relationship between institutional contexts and gender-typing of educational programs, and whether VET system characteristics make a difference to occupational outcomes across countries. The book concludes with a chapter on education-to-employment transitions (based on a large scale comparative project on labour market entry) assessing the impact of vocational education on gendered labour market inequalities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2015
The goal of the ARCIE volume is to examine current perspectives and future directions for the field using several essays as a context for discussion and analysis. The format of ARCIE pieces entails an analytic overview of published work in the field, noting key issues and future directions. It provides an important and well-cited international forum for the discussion of matters of comparative and international education theory, policy and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Violence and Crime in the Family: Patterns, Causes, and Consequences
In virtually all societies, crime is an ever-present problem. Although families are often envisioned as a 'safe haven,' criminologists and family researchers have found the familial context to be at the core of many forms of crime and violence. Family members often find themselves as victims of crime and violence, often perpetrated by yet another family member. The unique nature of family relationships, such as those between children and parents, sometimes lead to intergenerational patterns of violence within families. Understandably, societies often struggle to address crime and violence within families; as such behaviors are often unreported and even concealed. Even beyond the family, crime and criminal behavior can often directly impact familial relationships, such as with the incarceration of a spouse or parent. This multidisciplinary volume of CPFR will address topics such as: child abuse and neglect, spousal violence, incarceration and parenting, community crime and family well-being, family life and delinquency, intrafamily violence, and policy-related issues pertaining to family violence.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technology and Youth: Growing Up in a Digital World
This volume focuses on the theme of Technology and Youth; advancements in communication and leisure technologies over the past decade have radically transformed the role of technology in the lives of youth. Around the globe, children and adolescents are often seen as being the first to embrace new technologies, such as new forms of social media. Having a cell phone, once regarded as an adult technology, has become a necessity within youth culture in many societies. Even video games, once limited to stand-alone computers, have become a venue for social gatherings of youth. The rapid pace of technological advancement has brought about profound changes in the very nature of childhood and adolescence.This volume of examines the role of technology in the lives of children and adolescents. Topics addressed include: cyberbullying, video games and aggressive behavior, online gaming and the development of social skills, sexuality, child pornography, virtual communities for children, social networking and peer relations, and other related issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited States and Citizens: Accommodation, Facilitation and Resistance to Globalization
Globalization has been subjected to a variety of analyses over the past thirty years, ranging from examinations of homogenizing cultural trends to the pressures of economic austerity and trade relations to the declining influence of states. This volume examines how states and citizens have been able to address globalization in different ways across the Global North and South. Authors examine the state as it forms policies in agro-production, contends with critical constituencies, and rebuilds capacity to act in the popular interest after forty years of neoliberal assault. Other contributors discuss citizen choices in the face of global markets as divergent as food, tourism, and pharmaceuticals, and examine the global reach of human rights efforts. This volume pushes forward theoretical understandings of how concrete institutions express agency even in the face of what seems like monolithic and inevitable structures of globalization. The actions taken by states and citizens further inform us about how globalization can be further shaped in the pursuit of social justice.