Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking for Library Leaders
Increasingly, more is being asked from library leaders and those who aspire to join their ranks. As the use of libraries changes, leaders need to improve their emotional intelligence and critical thinking in order to attract and retain users. Focused on practical management advice, this is an engaging discussion of how library leaders can grow in their role. Detailing 25 emotional intelligence traits library leaders and others rely on most, expert author Gary L. Shaffer explores how critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence overlap, and how we can utilise them to improve. Looking across decision-making, problem-solving, critical writing, and creative thinking, Shaffer includes four case studies, each relating to both emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills. With real-world evidence and practical advice, the case studies show us how four library leaders used these traits and skills to tackle major real-world problems and issues. Finally, Shaffer suggests three leadership styles we can adopt to improve our emotional intelligence. The first book in a new series of library leadership and management books, Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking for Library Leaders is a book of practical solutions based on academically sound research. For library and information science professionals and researchers, this is an unmissable book for those looking to the future of libraries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Governance-Led Corporate Performance: Theory and Practice
In a developing market economy like India, corporate governance is becoming an integral part of the national agenda towards industrialization, economic reform and financial liberalization. Governance-Led Corporate Performance: Theory and Practice provides an illuminating insight into the functions, mechanisms and significance of corporate governance within a developing economy and the importance of empowering its corporations. In exploring the Indian corporate governance system, the book demonstrates the concept of good governance and various governance theories, including agency theory, stakeholder theory, and managerial hegemony theory. Focusing specifically on the alteration and modifications of the Indian corporate governance system, the book conducts factual empirical analysis on the effectiveness of different corporate governance issues, such as: the corporate board, executive remuneration, CEO tenure, and ownership structure. The authors create an experiential roadmap of the Indian corporate governance system, using theoretical and practical justification, which is applicable to other developing nations of similar governance frameworks. Governance-Led Corporate Performance is a practical guide book which is highly useful for students, researchers, regulatory authorities and policymakers working in the domain of corporate finance and governance of emerging markets.
Emerald Publishing Limited Artificial Intelligence and Global Security: Future Trends, Threats and Considerations
Artificial Intelligence and Global Security: Future Trends, Threats and Considerations brings a much-needed perspective on the impact of the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in military affairs. Experts forecast that AI will shape future military operations in ways that will revolutionize warfare. That is why there is an urgent need to consider the potential ethical and moral consequences related to enabling AI to make decisions that will shape the future world. This book masterfully presents a vision of a future that is replete with integrated networks of artificial intelligence that are designed to both defend and attack nations. Artificial Intelligence and Global Security: Future Trends, Threats and Considerations has rendered a major service to those interested in the impact of artificial intelligence technologies and its contribution to the evolution and revolution in military warfare. It also explores the implications of AI for the individual, for personal identity, for society, and for global security; it examines the impact of AI on Just War Theory; and it offers diverse perspectives on the consequences of the integration of AI in our daily lives and society.
Emerald Publishing Limited SDG7 - Ensure Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable, and Modern Energy
SDG7 aims to 'ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.' Meeting the demands of the 2030 agenda will be a unique challenge. National priorities and policy action need to be strengthened in order to fulfil the ambitious energy targets which SDG7 envisions. This book examines SDG7 and its implications for how energy operates as a driver of change for jobs, security, climate change, food production and increasing incomes. It provides a succinct overview of how SDG7 visualizes a world in which energy is universally accessible, increasingly efficient and renewable in order to create sustainable, inclusive and resilient communities. The key challenges such as public and private investment, regulatory frameworks and evolving business models are also considered so that a path forward towards the achievement of the goal and the transformation of global energy systems might become clear. Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals comprises 17 short books, each examining one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The series provides an integrated assessment of the SDGs from economic, legal, social, environmental and cultural perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modern Management in the Global Mining Industry
The mining industry faces distinct challenges. Mines have long lives, companies have little control over the prices at which they sell, prices are volatile, and the environmental impacts of mining are often not well managed. Despite this, the mining industry has received relatively little attention from neither economists nor the wider business community. There is a need to address the unique management challenges raised by this globally important industry. Modern Management in the Global Mining Industry addresses the economics of mining industries and the management of global mining companies in a manner which is both practical and guided by economic and management theory. Leading with the assertion that mining generates substantial benefits for all its stakeholders provided it is well-managed, and that this includes management of environmental impacts, the book argues that mining companies should move to seeing environmental preservation and sustenance of local communities as an objective rather than a constraint. The book will be an important reference for practitioners working in mining and related industries and to researchers of economic and management theory, mining operations, mining engineering and commodities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gastronomy for Tourism Development: Potential of the Western Balkans
The Western Balkans and associated countries are striving to achieve and foster their economic growth, social well-being, and sustainable development. For all three of these areas, the tourism sector is a major source of income, change, and innovation, and the common gastronomic heritage of the Western Balkans presents a unique opportunity to develop tourism products that go far beyond different national identities. Today, several dishes, preparation methods, and service procedures are recognised as the Gastronomy of the Balkans, presenting a fascinating “melange” of West-European, Mediterranean, and oriental culinary traditions with a special local (the Balkan) touch. Taking into consideration how the Western Balkan countries are following the most tourist developed countries of Central Europe, which are nowadays keen to develop authentic and recognisable gastronomic tourism products, this exciting new book redresses the growing need for research that expands the current knowledge base regarding the tourism and gastronomic potentials for the region. A theoretical and practical guide for the gastronomic future of the Western Balkans, Gastronomy for Tourism Development: Potential of the Western Balkans shows the drivers, potentials, and barriers affecting the region in its effort to become a prominent European food destination in the 21st century.
Emerald Publishing Limited Introduction to Sustainable Development Leadership and Strategies in Higher Education
The world’s leading international agencies are promoting and stimulating the intellectual debate towards incorporating sustainability in main stream education with the help of thought leaders. This volume highlights innovative pedagogy, discusses the learning methods which can help us to address the world’s current sustainability challenges, and offers solutions to meet these. The case studies featured, offering international insight from Malaysia to Australia, discuss curriculum development and integrating sustainability within the core philosophy of the university. The authors explore how leadership education needs to innovate to effectively respond to current sustainability challenges. This topical volume contextualizes the heightened interest in sustainable education across the globe and will be of interest to researchers, university leaders, and students interested in a sustainable future for universities and society as a whole.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emerging Issues in Islamic Finance Law and Practice in Malaysia
Law and regulation are becoming increasingly important in any discourse involving the Islamic financial services industry. This important aspect comprises both the legal and Sharīʿah aspects from the pre-contract stage up to the post-execution phase, and even post-contract termination phase. Emerging Issues in Islamic Finance Law and Practice in Malaysia focuses on emerging legal, Sharī‘ah and regulatory issues in the Islamic finance industry in Malaysia. Through the lens of the Malaysian legal framework, financial experts Umar A. Oseni, M. Kabir Hassan, and Rusni Hassan and their expert contributors raise and discuss issues that cut across borders and, as such, can be transposed to other Islamic finance jurisdictions. With the different perspectives and approaches adopted by various chapters, Emerging Issues is specifically designed to meet the needs of academics and practitioners of Islamic finance law to provide general legal and Sharīʿah guidance on the emerging issues identified. In Emerging Issues, Oseni, Hassan and Hassan provide rigorous research for curious minds who seek to ascertain the position of Islamic law on certain new issues, such as the application of Fintech in Islamic finance and the regulation of digital currencies. Readers will also benefit from the case studies included, which are based on the Malaysian legal and Sharīʿah framework since Malaysia is generally considered a model for other Islamic finance jurisdictions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurial Behaviour: Unveiling the Cognitive and Emotional Aspects of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial Behaviour: Unveiling the Cognitive and Emotional Aspects of Entrepreneurship provides a range of scholarly explorations of how decisions permeate the success of entrepreneurial ventures throughout their life cycle. This bridges the gaps in current research on entrepreneurship and innovative behaviours with decision making and negotiation. The success, longevity, and survival of SMEs are deeply linked to the effectiveness of individual decision-making processes, and established firms need to develop an entrepreneurial decision-making processes to maintain competitive advantages in a continuously changing and increasingly turbulent environment. The book leads off with the core themes of the series and incorporates new perspectives around entrepreneurial emotions, passion and trust. Previous research has not studied in sufficient detail the negotiation processes in entrepreneurship. This edited work explores these negotiation processes in depth, while also providing a discussion forum for scholars interested in researching and understanding how decisions permeate the life of entrepreneurial ventures during their life cycle.
Emerald Publishing Limited SDG16 - Peace and Justice: Challenges, Actions and the Way Forward
SDG16 recognises the need to respond to challenges to build a peaceful and just world. In the context of a transforming global community that is increasingly faced with conflict, the threat of terrorism and political instability, this goal has become more important than ever. Peace and justice are recognized as important drivers in creating a sustainable society by bridging the Global North/South divide, the gap between rich and poor, the gap between developed and developing countries, and erasing the increased possibility of isolating marginalized groups such as migrants, woman, and disabled people. This book details how interested parties can, must and are getting ahead of the curve to promote peace, provide access to justice and build accountable institutions for all. It envisions a hopeful future in which the impacts of SDG16 are likely to be far more positive and transformational, and visible much more quickly, than we might have imagined.
Emerald Publishing Limited Philosophy of Management and Sustainability: Rethinking Business Ethics and Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development
Using an interdisciplinary focus, this book combines the research disciplines of philosophy, business management and sustainability to aid and advance both scholarly and practitioner understanding of sustainability management and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As businesses and society continue to transition towards further sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, the key challenge faced is in rethinking the philosophy of management and business ethics to achieve this change in deep and lasting ways. Jacob Dahl Rendtorff explores the philosophical foundations of business ethics, economics and sustainability through four key themes: From CSR and business ethics to sustainable development goals (SDGs) Philosophy of management and ethical economy of sustainability Foundations of philosophy of management, ethics and sustainability Responsible management of sustainability. In reflecting on the works of philosophers and scholars such as Hannah Arendt, Paul Ricœur, Thomas Piketty and Peter Koslowski within the context of sustainability, globalization, anthropocene ethics and corporate social responsibility, the book presents a key understanding of the vital philosophical foundations for creating progressive business models in a more sustainable society.
Emerald Publishing Limited Maturing Leadership: How Adult Development Impacts Leadership
We've known for years now that demands on leaders are only increasing. Yet we have lacked widely understood, empirically grounded and rigorous ways to support the development of adequate maturity of heart, complexity of mind and skilful practice for leaders to meet these demands. Over the past three decades, a growing number of scholars and practitioners have explored the value of a developmental approach to these issues. In Maturing Leadership, Jonathan Reams brings together a cast of expert contributors to introduce this work to a wider audience. While this approach has previously been on the margins of mainstream leadership development research, Reams brings it to the centre, moving beyond the clichéd characterizations of 'inner work' to bring a finer granularity, precision and rigor to the subjective workings of leaders. The chapters explore how applying insights from the field of constructivist cognitive development can be a key driver for supporting improvements in how we approach leadership development. For researchers and students of leadership, this is an essential addition to the leading theories of developmental approaches to leadership. Increasing complexity in the world is not a passing fad, and the need for leaders to grow in the maturity and sophistication of their responses is a long-term need. If you are interested in hearing a series of conversations with the editor and chapter authors of this book, look up the podcast Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders. There, episodes 154- 163 are all about the topics in this book.
Emerald Publishing Limited Clan and Tribal Perspectives on Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability: Indigenous Stories From Around the Globe
From the Indigenous perspective, sustainability must be understood as a means of survival. In a climate of in-migration, clan and tribal communities have been forced to build sustainable solutions together to protect their sovereignty, recognition and mutual respect. In the midst of a global pandemic that threatens the economic and social well-being of millions of people, this edited collection addresses the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of tribes, clans, and Indigenous cultures across national and global origins. Acknowledging that these peoples around the globe have addressed threats to their survival for millennia, the authors showcase examples of indigenous groups spanning South Africa, Nigeria, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bolivia and North America. Regional examples also come from Rwanda, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, East Timor, Papua New Guinea, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Easter Island, and Nunavit, Canada. Breaking fresh ground by shining a light on sustainability journeys from outside the global mainstream, this book demonstrates how sustainable recovery and development occurs in respectful collaboration between equals.
Emerald Publishing Limited All That's Not Fit to Print: Fake News and the Call to Action for Librarians and Information Professionals
"Dewey Defeats Truman." "Hillary Clinton Adopts Alien Baby." Fake news may have reached new notoriety since the 2016 US election, but it has been around a long time. Whether it was an error in judgment in a rush to publish election results in November, 1948, or a tabloid cover designed to incite an eye roll and a chuckle in June, 1993, fake news has permeated and influenced culture since the inception of the printed press. But now, when almost every press conference at the White House contains a declaration of the evils of "fake news", evaluating information integrity and quality is more important than ever. In All That’s Not Fit to Print, Amy Affelt offers tools and techniques for spotting fake news and discusses best practices for finding high quality sources, information, and data. Including an analysis of the relationship between fake news and social media, and potential remedies for viral fake news, Affelt explores the future of the press and the skills that librarians will need, not only to navigate these murky waters, but also to lead information consumers in to that future. For any librarian or information professional, or anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed by the struggle of determining the true from the false, this book is a fundamental guide to facing the tides of fake news.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mothering from the Inside: Research on motherhood and imprisonment
Based on empirical research, this edited collection brings attention to the experiences and perspectives of women who are 'mothering from the inside', along with those of their children, families and wider support networks. Exploring a range of distinct, yet interrelated, issues explicitly associated with maternal imprisonment, the collection is separated into two parts. Part I, 'From sentence to resettlement', explores sentencing, maintaining maternal contact, pregnancy and childbirth, and resettlement, whilst also attending to the lived experiences and needs of children with a mother in prison. Part II, 'From the margins to the centre', explores diverse perspectives in relation to mothering and imprisonment, highlighting the importance of understanding how factors such as age and mental health intersect with mothers' lived experiences of and responses to imprisonment. The perspectives of prison officers as mothers are also considered, along with international perspectives on mothering and imprisonment, identifying key issues of commonality and difference. Ultimately, the book highlights the challenges of – and barriers to – mothering and imprisonment, whilst also illustrating the adaptive strategies adopted in order to resist and/or survive the impact of maternal imprisonment. In doing so, the collection highlights cross-disciplinary themes to encourage debate in relation to issues in contemporary practice. The book is essential reading for scholars and students in the areas of criminology, sociology, social policy and law.
Emerald Publishing Limited Asia-Pacific Contemporary Finance and Development
Asia-Pacific Contemporary Finance and Development collects a well-informed range of fourteen chapters, investigating banking, finance, production, and consumer sectors that are vital shares of modern economies and definitive drivers of growth in the Asia-Pacific economies. The chapters, authored by internationally renowned and experienced academics, showcase the most updated economic and entrepreneurial dynamism in the Asia-Pacific, a large and thriving region that is recognized as a driving force of innovation and economic growth worldwide. From the TPP and the U.S., to short-term cross-currency basis swap and Japanese government bond markets, and from volatility and risk-taking firms and corporate diversification strategy and the political effects of the Corporate Social Responsibility, to consumption propensity and entrepreneurship, this volume of The International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics explores and investigates contemporary challenges and issues facing the Asia-Pacific economies. For researchers and students of economics and finance, this volume is a fascinating exploration of emerging topics in one the fastest growing economies in the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited The New Metrics: Practical Assessment of Research Impact
Traditionally, research impact has been measured by counting citations, and citation-based indicators, such as impact factors. But in the last few years there has been increasing pressure on research and higher education institutions to move beyond citation metrics, and look instead at different forms of impact - at real world impact.Scholarly impact expert Elaine Lasda brings together a cast of innovative contributors from a variety of sectors to look at how impact is measured in ways that go beyond citations in peer-reviewed journal articles. With case studies from publishers, museums, scientific centers and government agencies, the contributors show how using a different mix of traditional bibliometrics, newer altmetrics, and other new measures can provide vital information to support the mission and vision of their organizations. For librarians and information professionals, it is becoming increasingly more important to be able to provide expertise on research impact, influence, productivity and prestige. This exciting new book shows readers how to clarify the importance and relevance of organizational research output, and therefore increase their professional value. With the growing sophistication of research impact analysis, the need for "impact metric literacy" is rising, and this book is a helpful tool for those looking to improve their understanding of research impact.
Emerald Publishing Limited Competencies for Effective Leadership: A Framework for Assessment, Education, and Research
What do leaders need to know? What must they do? During this moment of great change, complexity, and conflict facing formal and informal leaders across sectors, it has become increasingly important to understand the competencies associated with effective leadership, and to be able to apply the appropriate methods through which to develop, assess, analyze, and enact these competencies. Competencies for Effective Leadership: A Framework for Assessment, Education, and Research explores the many ways in which a competency framework can be used within an organizational setting as a model for assessment, education, and research. The Leadership Competency Scorecard, originally developed by Brent Ruben, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Communication and Executive Director of the Rutgers University Center for Organizational Leadership, is examined in-depth throughout this book. The expert contributors delve into the various ways in which this competency framework has been applied in the design and implementation of leadership development programs. They explore how it can be used as a self-assessment and improvement planning guide for individual coaching consultations, as well as a theoretical foundation for advancing leadership and organizational communication research. The Leadership Competency Scorecard continues to be extremely useful for the formal and informal leaders of today-and tomorrow. This interdisciplinary study of the model and its conceptual and applied applications are made relevant and accessible for leadership scholars, practitioners, and educators across sectors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond Perceptions, Crafting Meaning
Researching accounting’s participation in financial regulation, banking practices, managerial incentives and environmental disclosures this volume presents scholarly work adopting interdisciplinary approaches in auditing and accountability realms. Although conceptually accounting enhances public spheres and contributes to constraining overarching power, researchers question whether in practice accounting supports responsible activities. Among the provocations offered, authors ask: what is material? How are decisions to foster environmental protection best motivated? What is a set of public policies and practices by which responsible actions can be defined and fraud minimized? Questioning accounting as rational in how policy is established the authors delve into accounting interactions and conflicts. Their perspectives and insights enrich our understanding of accounting policies, organizations and relationships dismissing separate worlds of social, economic and political factors. Their research illustrates how dichotomies of private versus public and legal versus moral obscure important connections.
Emerald Publishing Limited Supporting Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Libraries have recently begun doing more to support entrepreneurship and innovation within their communities. Makerspaces and business incubators have become featured attractions in public and academic libraries and provide a unique way to reach out to a user group that can bolster a community in dynamic ways. In this volume of Advances in Library Administration and Organization, we delve beyond examples and case studies to look at how library leaders can develop support for innovation and entrepreneurship within their libraries and within the profession. Chapters include examinations of design thinking and space planning, staffing, mission statements, and makerspaces. The contributors to this volume cover libraries and their activities in North America, Europe and Africa, and also discuss professional development in entrepreneurship topics as well as support of innovation. Libraries are increasing support of entrepreneurship and innovation across the board, and this volume will position administrators and managers of libraries to better understand what’s happening, and how to bring it into their own institutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited SDG6 - Clean Water and Sanitation: Balancing the Water Cycle for Sustainable Life on Earth
Providing safe and clean water for all without damaging the environment is one of the biggest challenges of the SDGs. SDG6 is an ambitious goal which seeks to establish the framework through which environmentally responsible water resource management, sanitation and security can be achieved. Bridging academic discussion and real-world case studies, this book considers the challenge of balancing the provision of the basic human right of access to water whilst not eroding our capacity to live sustainably in a rapidly changing world. It considers the impact of climate change on the water cycle and discusses how this will increase the vulnerability of communities, including those in regions that already experience acute water challenges. The book also highlights the need for more urgent action on increasing the resilience and quality of freshwater ecosystems and how this links to sanitation practices. The book concludes with a discussion of some of the key challenges and possible solutions to meeting SDG6. Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals comprises 17 short books, each examining one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The series provides an integrated assessment of the SDGs from economic, legal, social, environmental and cultural perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disaster Planning and Preparedness in the Hotel Industry
Disasters experienced by the hospitality industry have steadily increased over the past few decades, and the industry has emerged as one of the most vulnerable businesses to disasters and emergencies, with a wave of catastrophic events striking it in recent years. Disaster management has become a vital tool as key industry players seek ways to cope with these unexpected events. Disaster Planning and Preparedness in the Hotel Industry reveals that a majority of hotels are not financially capable to prepare and train personnel, and unable to afford financing activities or disaster and emergency preparedness plans and programs. Furthermore, it finds that although emergencies bring about trauma and hardship in hotels, they are at the same time establishing a re-engineered life cycle. The book goes on to suggest that for hotels to be well managed and adequately prepared for emergency, all stakeholders should be engaged in removing setbacks and barriers to effective disaster and emergency management and planning. It concludes that Jordanian hotel managers and stakeholders should establish a well detailed emergency planning and preparedness schedule and outline details of the collaborative management plan for emergency cases. By identifying major emergencies that have occurred in the hotel industry; investigating hotels’ preparation for emergencies in the past; and exploring how hotels manage and overcome such emergencies; this book will increase the awareness of emergency managers and scholars on how to read, manage, and overcome the impact of emergencies in the hospitality industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender and Contemporary Horror in Film
The horror genre will always remain current because it reflects our anxieties, shining a light onto our worst fears whilst creating worlds defined by darkness. Horror as a genre has always engaged with era-specific societal mores and moral panics, often about isolation or abandonment, changing family values and the role of women. It is often specifically about how gender is constructed in everyday life. Women are commonly defined in horror by their passivity, or monstrosity/sexuality or victimhood - or a mix of the three. At the same time women in horror are forced into psychological and physical torture ending in violent showdowns in which they emerge damaged but triumphant. Bringing together research from a wide range of established and emerging scholars this edited collection provides an insight into how modern horror films portray femininities, sexualities, masculinities, ageing, and other current issues, exploring the use of vampires, zombies, werewolves and ghosts in films made internationally. This volume, one of three by the same editorial team examining the horror genre, focuses on gender and contemporary horror in film, asking questions about how and if representations of gender in horror have changed. In these readings and re-readings, the authors examine developments in films about vampires, zombies, werewolves and ghosts, in films made internationally.
Emerald Publishing Limited Evolutionary Selection Processes: Towards Intra-Organizational Facets
Natural evolution logic has been attracting the attention of researchers for years. More recently, it is being increasingly utilised in business and economics research where it provides the benefit of analysing a variety of organizational phenomena. This book provides new insights into the endogenous mechanism and the factors that influence it. It links the evolutionary approach, the process perspective, and the practice perspective in the area of strategy process, expanding the current research in multi-level logic within and beyond the organizations, and shows how the entire selection mechanisms behave at each level and how these mechanisms are connected across levels. This book: • Takes an evolutionary perspective and focus on the selection suggesting that it can be explained not only by the interaction with the external environment, but also by internal – endogenous – factors. • Proposes a multilevel selection mechanism that integrates the endogenous and exogenous pressures. • Explains a managerial intervention and its effect on the adaptation mode concerning behavioral and cultural settings. • Covers inter-organizational selection to build a complex picture of the selection. Evolutionary Selection Processes: Towards Intra-Organizational Facets will appeal to scholars and doctoral students in business and management, organization theory, organization behaviour, organizational change, and the strategic management field.
Emerald Publishing Limited STEM-Professional Women's Exclusion in the Canadian Space Industry: Anchor Points and Intersectionality at the Margins of Space
STEM-Professional Women’s Exclusion in the Canadian Space Industry: Anchor Points and Intersectionality at the Margins of Space showcases the ‘how’ of exclusion of STEM-professional women from management and executive positions. It examines the discourses and power-relations surrounding these STEM-professional women’s identities, drawing on and reworking the concept of anchor points to investigate their relationship to structural, discursive, and socio-psychological processes. By utilizing the critical sensemaking (CSM) framework, the book provides an avenue to surface the ephemeral identities of STEM-professional women, and investigate their relationship with the meta-rules, rules, and social values of the Canadian space industry. It also considers the potential for social change across this industry by considering the responsibilities of cisgender men with respect to addressing and resisting the systemic discrimination of STEM-professional women in the industry. Specific sites for micro-political resistances that these STEM-professional women could enact are considered and suggested. This book will appeal to researchers and scholars focused on gender and diversity, intersectionality scholarship, and poststructuralist intersectional feminism.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets: Nature, Drivers, Barriers and Determinants
Among several themes in contemporary entrepreneurship, internationalisation generates extensive interest among scholars due to its exploration of dynamic activity within SMEs seeking market development and operational efficiency through foreign alliance and intelligence gathering opportunities. In the context of emerging markets, however, international entrepreneurship scholarship still lags behind first world evidence. With less developed avenues for finance and limited infrastructure support for product development and service delivery, an assessment of internationalisation within emerging contexts is required. International Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets presents insights from Brazil, China, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Turkey to enlighten scholars by unearthing the nature, drivers, barriers and determinants of entrepreneurship in emerging markets. It examines structural and environmental impediments to internalisation but demonstrates that these are far surpassed by the market opportunities and business readiness of SMEs in emerging environments. Readers of this tenth volume of the Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research series will find exclusive evidence from emerging countries, evidence that demonstrates the inclination of SMEs to revise products and, when appropriate, dissolve and recreate relationships in the face of market opportunity and uncertainty. Managers will learn that appropriating a range of attributes are more likely to achieve internationalisation. Capturing the true nature of value creation for international consumers and partners in an emerging market backdrop, this volume makes a significant contribution to the literature by mapping out the road to success within this diverse setting.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Interaction Order
This volume brings together leading scholars in the area of symbolic interactionism to offer a broad discussion of issues including identity, dialogue and legitimacy. Authors move the concept of interaction order into new interpretive spaces, marking the unique contributions of symbolic interactionism to the contractions that define the postmodern social order.
Emerald Publishing Limited Challenging the Teaching Excellence Framework: Diversity Deficits in Higher Education Evaluations
The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)’s aims, implementation and effect on the English higher education sector remains a controversial and often contested subject. This text offers a stimulating and wide-ranging interdisciplinary discussion of the implications of the TEF on the UK’s fast-moving policy environment, and increasingly neoliberal higher education sector. Questioning the basic premise of the TEF, the authors tease out how students and staff are affected in different and often unfair ways by its implementation. Whilst acknowledging that the TEF has focused management attention on ways in which a diverse student population is, or is not, supported in their learning, this book highlights how it remains problematically silent on other kinds of diversity in the system such as specialised courses, diverse teaching styles, and varying institution sizes. Offering readers ways of rethinking and resisting ‘teaching excellence’, this book provides a timely examination of how, in various ways, the TEF, treated as an exclusionary quality assurance system, is likely to reinforce extant structural inequalities and competitive hierarchies in the sector.
Emerald Publishing Limited African American Young Girls and Women in PreK12 Schools and Beyond: Informing Research, Policy, and Practice
African American Young Girls and Women in PreK12 Schools and Beyond presents a comprehensive viewpoint on preK-12 schooling for African American females. Including theoretical, conceptual, and research based chapters, this volume offers readers compelling evidence of the educational challenges and successes for this student population. The expert authors in this collection provide rich perspectives on the experiences of African American females throughout their elementary and secondary education. Each chapter includes strong implications for education research, practice, and policy, as well as concrete recommendations to important stakeholders, such as educators, school counsellors, and parents. Collectively, the contributors communicate throughout that educational change is needed and that educational success is attainable for all African American females. It is intended that this work will help inform education research, practice, and policy as they relate to African American females. Equally important, it is envisioned that the readers will develop a greater interest in the education of African American females.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gendering Struggles Against Informal and Precarious Work
Gender is a defining feature of informal/precarious work in the 21st century, yet studies rarely adopt a gendered lens when examining collective efforts to challenge informality and precarity. This volume foregrounds the gendered dimensions of informal/precarious workers' struggles as a crucial starting point for re-theorizing the future of global labor movements. This volume includes six empirical chapters spanning five countries - the United States, Canada, South Korea, Mexico, and India - to explore exactly how gender is intertwined into informal/precarious workers organizing efforts, why gender is addressed, and to what end. The chapters focus on two gender-typed sectors - domestic work and construction - to identify the varying experiences of and struggles against gender and informality/precarity, as well as the conditions of movement success and failure. Across countries and sectors, the volume shows how informal/precarious worker organizations are on the front lines of challenging the multiple forms of gendered inequalities that shape contemporary practices of accumulation and labor regulation. Their struggles are making major transformations in terms of increasing women's leadership and membership in labor movements and exposing how gender interacts with other ascriptive identities to shape work. They are also re-shaping hegemonic scripts of capitalist accumulation, development, and gender to attain recognition for female-dominated occupations and reproductive needs for the first time ever. These outcomes are crucial as sources of emancipatory transformations at a time when state and public support for labor and social protection is facing the deep assault of transnational production and globalizing markets.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Role of Law Enforcement in Emergency Management and Homeland Security
The Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management series deals with a wide range of issues relating to global environmental hazards, natural and man-made disasters, and approaches to disaster risk reduction. As people and communities are the first and the most important responders to disasters and environment-related problems, this series aims to analyse critical field-based mechanisms which link community, policy and governance systems. This book examines the role and involvement of law enforcement agencies across the spectrum of homeland security and emergency management. The chapters, developed by expert practitioners and academics in the field, focus on the mission areas of mitigation and protection, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. The introductory chapter sets the stage and the following content targets structures and activities specific to each mission area of homeland security and emergency management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Southern Green Criminology: A Science to End Ecological Discrimination
The pressing nature of environmental threats, such as: climate change, land-grabbing, biopiracy, animal exploitation and human environmental victimisation, are pushing the entire world to seek alternatives to prevent environmental damage in every corner of the globe. Southern Green Criminology focuses on the threat the western world poses to the rest of the globe, and how Western imposed ideas of progress are damaging the planet, especially the southern hemisphere. In the past five years, the attention of green criminologists has been directed at the Global South as the geographical site that experiences the severest consequences of harmful environmental practices. Such criminological direction is aimed at combating the environmental harms that affect the geographical and the metaphorical Souths. The main topic of this book is the conflicts that arise in the interaction between human beings and our natural environment, seen from a Southern perspective with a focus on the victimisation of the South. This book is simultaneously a scientific and a political endeavour, and will prove invaluable to students, researchers and environmental enthusiasts alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mate Selection in China: Causes and Consequences in the Search for a Spouse
In the context of dramatically changing contemporary patterns of mate selection in China, Mate Selection in China focuses upon both the causes and consequences the societal changes which have resulted in a considerable shift in the ways in which young adults go about finding a spouse. Tracking a period of change, from a long history of patriarchal families and arranged marriages, into an environment wherein individuals are relatively free to choose their intimate partners, Blair, Madison and Fang demonstrate and analyse how recent shifts in divorce, cohabitation, and pre-marital sex have altered young adults’ perceptions of marriage. Delving into demographic factors, such as the skewed sex ratio among young adults which have resulted in an overabundance of young males, cultural factors, such as increasingly individualistic forms of dating, and social and economic change which has resulted an increasingly materialistic middle-class, this book highlights that while traditional influence of parents in the selection of partners for their children has been overtaken, mate selection choices are not entirely made by the individuals themselves. Providing a comprehensive examination of mate selection within an ever-changing context, this book is a fascinating read for scholars interested in the impact of culture of family and marriage.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding the Mexican Economy: A Social, Cultural, and Political Overview
The Mexican economy is a contemporary political flashpoint, and not just in Mexico, but in the United States, as well. Yet few people understand it in its full complexity, and fewer still understand the social, cultural, and historical factors that have helped to make it what it is today and that will continue to affect its future. In Understanding the Mexican Economy, Roy Boyd, Maria Eugenia Ibarrarán, and Roberto Vélez-Grajales offer a comprehensive overview of these factors. They provide a full, historical, economic, and political context through which to understand the actions of the people and government of Mexico, and they give insights into how those actions impinge -- and might continue to impinge -- on the United States. They conduct a wide-ranging examination of the Mexican economy and investigate the causes of persistent problems such as economic stagnation, high poverty levels, and emigration abroad. Stressing the critical role played by economic incentives as well as Mexico's geography and political institutions, they employ a number of modeling techniques, including a specially designed computer model, to discuss a variety of topics including international trade, regional inequality, the informal economy, natural resource extraction, Mexico's "war on drugs," and the economic impact of US trade and immigration policy on both Mexico and the US. For its comprehensive overview and the new insights it provides into these crucial and yet often tragically misunderstood issues, Understanding the Mexican Economy is essential reading not only for economists, but also for practitioners with a policy interest in Mexico, for students of Latin American studies, Development Studies, geography, and sociology, and for anyone with an interest in recent events and controversies around US-Mexican relations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Individualism, Holism and the Central Dilemma of Sociological Theory
Individualism and holism, the concepts embedded in the title of this book, represent two key theoretical perspectives that have for many decades steered and shaped sociological thought. For over a century these two interpretative perspectives have also divided sociological theory into two camps, accompanied by a band of scholars trying to bridge this dualism. According to American sociologist Jeffrey C. Alexander, individualist theories derive their appeal and strength from their underlying assumption that humans make decisions as individual, free, autonomous, and rationally and morally consistent beings. A related belief is that they are able to express these qualities in their actions regardless of the situation in society or what economic or moral conditions prevail. Holistic, or collectivist, theories, unlike individualism, assign primacy to social entities. This perspective is important because it creates the basic precondition through which entities can become the subject of deliberate sociological analysis. However, there is a price for fulfilling this precondition. The emphasis it places on the collective, and on larger entities, logically means that the individual will and free human decision-making tends to be lost from the field of view. This book argues that these two perspectives, individualist and holistic, form the central dilemma of sociological thought. It provides an extensive review and critique of contemporary sociological approaches to this antinomy and examines attempts that have been made to overcome it and unite them. Moreover, the book proposes a new approach to solving this dilemma via the concept of 'critical reconfigurationism', arguing that the resolution of this dilemma is vital not just for sociological theory but also for empirical social research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Challenging the “Jacks of All Trades but Masters of None” Librarian Syndrome
Librarianship may be said to be facing an identity crisis. It may also be said that librarianship has been facing an identity crisis since it was proposed as a profession. With the advent of technology that lowers barriers to the access of information, the mission of a library has become indistinct. This volume will explore the current purpose of librarianship and libraries, how we become “Masters of our Domains”, develop expertise in various elements of the profession, and how we extend outward into our communities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Economic Areas Under Financial Stability
The world is presently buffeted by many challenges, some of which manifest in new forms, such as Fintech and cryptocurrencies, while some challenges prevail out of the legacy trailed behind by the 2007 global financial crisis. Financial stability represents a highly complex and multi-dimensional concept. This being so, a sound and holistic financial stability assessment requires a focus not only on the distinct sectors which make up an economy but also on certain key economic areas. Economic Areas Under Financial Stability examines several core areas which interact directly with financial stability. A comprehensive consideration is given to local and international developments, the payment and settlements system, reserves, derivatives,and exchange rates. The book examines critical developments on both the local and international fronts, the systematic risks which characterise the payment and settlements system, different instruments of derivatives, and the significance of fiscal and monetary policy in relation to exchange rates. This book will prove valuable to central bankers, economists, and policy-makers who are involved in the field of financial stability, as well as researchers studying the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Corporate, Real Estate, Household, Government and Non-Bank Financial Sectors Under Financial Stability
Sound financial stability assessments necessitate intensive analysis of different sectors, namely, the household sector, the corporate sector, the real estate sector, the government sector, and the non-bank financial sector. This volume provides a complete analysis and risk assessment of each of these sectors which make up the subtle and intricate fabric which contribute to financial stability. The book considers: • Micro-prudential and macro-prudential regulations and how they constitute core ingredients to ensure a sound and smooth functioning financial system. • The role of household debt as a coveted economic indicator of the building up of financial instability pressures. • The relation of the real estate sector to the prevalence of financial crises through asset price bubbles. • The role of the corporate sector in financial stability risk analysis. In particular, the balance sheets of the corporate sector are widely examined to uncover feasible risks to financial stability. • The role of the government sector, with particular emphasis being laid on public debt management. This book will prove valuable to central bankers, economists, and policy-makers who are involved in the field of financial stability, as well as researchers studying the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Energy Economics: Understanding and Interpreting Energy Poverty in China
Energy poverty, one of the major challenges facing the global energy system, has drawn wide attention from the international community and academia. As the largest developing country in the world, China faces a number of challenges in understanding and resolving the problem of energy poverty. Energy Economics: Understanding and Interpreting Energy Poverty in China presents a succinct overview of research on China’s Energy Poverty as studied by the Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research (CEEP), Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT). Based on the analytical framework of energy economics, the book summarizes and refines international energy assessment methods, builds China’s energy poverty measurement and comprehensive evaluation criteria, and evaluates China’s energy poverty from the perspective of time and space. It goes on to analyze the impact of solid fuel use on urban and rural residents’ health, and review the relationship between energy poverty and economic development, clean energy development and energy poverty, as well as climate change and energy availability. Finally, it summarizes policies and actions to eliminate energy poverty. This book will provide essential scientific support for researchers and policy makers dealing with energy poverty.
Emerald Publishing Limited Young Children’s Play Practices with Digital Tablets: Playful Literacy
The ebook version of this title is Open Access, thanks to Knowledge Unlatched funding, and is freely available to read online. This book presents how young children's current practices when playing with tablets inform digital experiences in Denmark and Japan. Through an interdisciplinary lens and a grounded theory approach, Fróes identifies and maps these practices, which compose the taxonomy of tablet play and proposes a series of theoretical concepts that complement recent theories related to play and digital literacy studies. Tablet devices bring with them not only a multitude of options, but they also help create notions of digital space and environments defining emerging territories in young children's play experiences. Young children play with these devices and have fun indulging in digital worlds, while discovering and problem-solving with a variety of narratives and interfaces encountered on these digital playgrounds. A set of tablet play characteristics, such as multimodal applications (apps) combined with tablets' physical and digital affordances shape children's digital play. The data collected through observations informed some noteworthy aspects, including how children's hands gain and perform an embodied knowledge of digital spaces. This embodied knowledge develops through digital play interactions, defining what is proposed as digital penmanship. Complementary to the penmanship, several symbols and a range of modes of use shape a rich multimodal semiotic vocabulary in children's digital play experiences. These early digital experiences set the rules for the playgrounds and assert digital tablets as twenty-first-century toys, shaping young children's playful literacy.
Emerald Publishing Limited European Origins of Library and Information Science
Previous books on the history of Library and Information Science (LIS) have focused on single countries, particularly English speaking ones. Although some books have been written about the emergence of LIS in non-Anglophone European countries, they were published in languages other than English, which make them difficult to access for an international audience. This book bridges this gap by offering readers a cross-national history of the emergence of LIS in non-Anglophone European countries. It retraces the emergence of LIS as a higher education field of learning and inquiry in seven countries: France, Yugoslavia (current day Croatia), Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain and Portugal, from the first quarter of the 19th century to the last quarter of the 20th century, and identifies the pioneers, the earliest education programs in vocational library schools, and their absorption into universities from the 1970s which paved the way for the academic recognition of LIS in the last quarter of the 20th century. This cross-country history of LIS in non-Anglophone European countries shows that, despite apparent linguistic and terminological differences, there are underlying common characteristics in the march of LIS towards academic, social and cognitive institutionalisation in these seven countries. This book is a fundamental reading for students and researchers in LIS, particularly for anyone who wishes to expand their view and understanding of LIS outside of English-speaking countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Living Innovation: From Value Creation to the Greater Good
The concept of innovation is always changing. Innovation systems are no longer rigid structures, but agile and self-healing systems. And the goal of innovation is no longer limited to value-creation for organizations, but often aims for much nobler goals: namely, creating a smart future where people are happy, where organizations thrive, and where the environment flourishes. The emerging innovation paradigm for building a smart future is the practice of lived innovation. Here innovation and knowledge management experts Sang M. Lee and Seongbae Lim offer a roadmap to these new territories and their futures. Drawing upon real-world examples from across the globe, they explain the fundamentals of innovation; they introduce emerging innovation tools such as convergence management, co-creation, and design thinking; and they outline a new innovation strategy, co-innovation, by which many partners and stakeholders collaborate to achieve shared goals. Along the way, they also examine several daunting, negative impacts of innovation in the digital age---job losses, wealth inequality, and sustainability and environmental issues---in order to demonstrate why innovation must focus on the greater social good. Living Innovation is essential reading for business executives, public administrators, innovation researchers, and anyone eager to confront major twenty-first-century challenges in new ways.
Emerald Publishing Limited Critical Realism, History, and Philosophy in the Social Sciences
Social science, history, and philosophy have often been neglect in thinking through their fundamentally intertwined relationship. The result is often an inattention to philosophy where social science and history is concerned, or a neglect of historicity and social analysis where philosophy is concerned. Meanwhile, the place of values in research is often uneasily passed over in silence. The inattention to, and loss of, the intersection between these different disciplines and their subject matters, leaves our investigations all the more impoverished as a result. In resolving these problems, it is not enough to strive for cooperation or integration, but to rethink of the nature of the disciplines themselves; their interests, purposes, and presuppositions. In this volume, contributors explore different facets of these relationships, and move beyond the problematics erected by positivism often cast in terms of value-free or value-neutral science, that is, a science obsessed with empirical data, schematic classifications, and the pursuit of law-like forms. While positivism has been subject to critique, the influence and legacy of positivism remains. It remains in the way in which we often think about science; the line drawn between the sciences and the humanities; the norms researchers should follow; what a successful explanation looks like; and the ethical, normative, and political implications of scientific research. Aimed at students and researchers of philosophy, history and the social sciences, this book is driven by a desire to revindicate questions concerning ontology and social ontology, to rethink the nature of explanation, and to resituate normativity and values within scientific, social scientific, and historical pursuits.
Emerald Publishing Limited Routine Dynamics in Action: Replication and Transformation
Contains an Open Access chapter. As organizations become increasingly distributed and diverse, and products, technologies and services more complex and dispersed, there is mounting pressure to understand how work can be coordinated across geographical, cultural and intellectual distance, both within and across organizations. As a result, questions arise about how work is accomplished through organizational practices and routines and in particular how patterns of actions are replicated and transformed across different contexts and over time. Routine dynamics has started to explore these dynamics by focusing attention on how routines (as practices) are enacted and, thus, created and re-created over time and across organizational locations through the actions of people and machines. This book explores central themes in the enactment and coordination of organizational routines, drawing in particular on in-depth case studies and empirically-grounded theorizing. The chapters explore important organizational phenomena in the areas of strategy, entrepreneurship, human resources, health care, social policy, and the arts. Focusing in particular on four central themes in routine dynamics: replication and transfer; ecology and interdependence; action and the generation of novelty and technology and sociomateriality.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Life on Instagram: New Social Communication of Photography
How does Instagram shape how we relate to each other online? Are users concerned about privacy when documenting their lives in fine detail? How does Instagram work as a marketing machine? Drawing on three years’ research with Instagram users, Elisa Serafinelli explores how Instagram is changing people’s visual experiences. Instagram is now by far the most popular online photo sharing platform, fuelled by the growth of smart mobile devices, and the management of an online persona is now part of millions of people’s everyday reality. This has not gone unnoticed among commercial actors, with the savviest of these exploiting the social dynamics of sharing that underlie the very logic of Instagram. This book addresses the issue of how mobile media and visual communication permeate people’s daily routines, how marketing influences practice, whether privacy and surveillance concerns are a reality, and how the platform shapes social relationships and identity formation. In its conclusion, the book advances the innovative concept of new mobile visualities to describe the social communication of photography and its huge expansion. Digital Life on Instagram is an online ethnography fit for the modern age of social media.
Emerald Publishing Limited Skin, Meaning, and Symbolism in Pet Memorials: Tattoos, Taxidermy, and Trinkets
In response to increased academic interest in the fields of death studies, memorial studies, and human and animal studies, Skin, Meaning and Symbolism in Pet Memorials examines the mourning rituals which exist between people and their domestic pets. Paying close attention to the changing role and increased prominence of the companion animal in the domestic setting, each chapter considers a different form of companion animal memorialization, linking modern practices such as tattooing to historical examples of animal focused memento mori, particularly taxidermy. The final chapter adopts a forward focus in its provision of a framework for future studies related to how death and memorialization rituals are increasingly coming to occupy the digital space. While skin and touch are the focal points of many encounters explored in the text, what becomes evident is how the virtual realm is increasingly intruding into the touch experience. As a result, the posthumous, online afterlives of pets are set to become a social issue of increasing significance to the death and mourning experience. This work meets the needs of academics, post-graduate students and general readers alike, appealing to anyone with an interest in death studies, popular culture, tattooing and human and animal studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Medievalism and Metal Music Studies: Throwing Down the Gauntlet
Metal music has long nurtured an obsession with visions of the Middle Ages, with countless album covers and lyric sheets populated by Vikings, knights, wizards, and castles. Medievalism and Metal Music Studies: Throwing down the Gauntlet addresses this fascination with all things medieval, exploring how metal musicians and fans find inspiration both in authentically medieval materials and neomedievalist depictions of the period in literature, cinema, and other media. Within metal music, the medieval takes on multiple, and even contradictory meanings, becoming at once a cipher of difference and grotesque alterity while simultaneously being imagined as a simpler, more authentic time, as opposed to the complexities and stresses of modernity. In this fashion, the medieval period becomes both a source for artistic creativity and a vector for countercultural social and political critique. The contributors in this book hail from a wide range of fields including medieval history, music performance, musicology, media studies, and literature, and computer linguistics, bringing a variety of critical perspectives to bear on the topic. Engaging in analyses of cover art, liner notes, lyrics, and musical style, the contributors investigate issues of research methodologies, crucial concerns over identity and nationalism, and the recontextualisation of historical materials, all aimed at critically examining how and why medievalism has permeated heavy metal music and culture. Hearken to our tales!
Emerald Publishing Limited Developing Insights on Branding in the B2B Context: Case Studies from Business Practice
This book presents real life business-to-business (B2B) branding cases. The book deploys a theoretical-practical approach, where theoretical and conceptual frameworks related to key branding topics are supported by empirical case studies. Each case helps to illustrate the framework and discuss its applicability in practice. Through the presented exploratory case studies, the authors provide fresh examples from business practice that are easy to comprehend by undergraduate students, and are easily applied by managers in the field. The book consists of three main parts, covering important aspects of B2B branding. It presents several aspects of external as well as internal branding, supplemented by novel approaches in B2B branding. In addition, the book offers examples of best practices, as well as notable mistakes made by companies involved in branding processes. Thus, it provides a holistic perspective, which will enable companies to learn not only about best practices, but also about pitfalls in the area of corporate branding. In addition to the novel practical cases, each chapter provides relevant theoretical underpinnings presented in a simple, down-to-earth manner. The book highlights recent research areas and coming trends within B2B branding. The book is suitable for everyone with an interest in B2B branding, regardless of background or previous knowledge of branding.