Search results for ""Royal Society of Chemistry""
Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Periodic Table Wallchart, 2A0
The periodic table from the Royal Society of Chemistry has been updated for 2017, and now includes the four new elements, completing the seventh period. Our periodic table poster is two-sided. On one side, a bold colour-coded version, emphasising readability and clarity; on the other, a Visual Elements version, with fascinating element artwork by Murray Robertson. A collaborative project between the artist and the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Visual Elements periodic table aims to produce a vibrant representation of the elements, not simply by rendering images of their physical appearance but also by investigating the manner in which they affect our daily lives in largely unseen and often unexpected ways. Printed in full colour, the wallchart measures 2A0 (1682 x 1189 mm, 66.2 x 46.8 inches). Information for each element includes the name, chemical symbol, atomic number, and relative atomic mass. The groups are readily identifiable by colour. We’ve designed the wallchart to be readable, visually engaging, and an excellent addition to any classroom, laboratory, or office. Price shown does not include VAT. A0 version is also available at
Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Periodic Table Wallchart, A0
The periodic table from the Royal Society of Chemistry has been updated for 2017, and now includes the four new elements, completing the seventh period. Our periodic table poster is two-sided. On one side, a bold colour-coded version, emphasising readability and clarity; on the other, a Visual Elements version, with fascinating element artwork by Murray Robertson. A collaborative project between the artist and the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Visual Elements periodic table aims to produce a vibrant representation of the elements, not simply by rendering images of their physical appearance but also by investigating the manner in which they affect our daily lives in largely unseen and often unexpected ways. Printed in full colour, the wallchart measures A0. Information for each element includes the name, chemical symbol, atomic number, and relative atomic mass. The groups are readily identifiable by colour. We’ve designed the wallchart to be readable, visually engaging, and an excellent addition to any classroom, laboratory, or office. Price shown does not include VAT. A larger 2A0 version is also available and can be found at
Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Processes for a Sustainable Future
This comprehensive book approaches sustainability from two directions, the reduction of pollution and the maintaining of existing resources, both of which are addressed in a thorough examination of the main chemical processes and their impact. Divided into five sections, each introduced by a leading expert in the field, the book takes the reader through the various types of chemical processes, demonstrating how we must find ways to lower the environmental cost (of both pollution and contributions to climate change) of producing chemicals. Each section consists of several chapters, presenting the latest facts and opinion on the methodologies being adopted by the chemical industry to provide a more sustainable future. A follow-up to Materials for a Sustainable Future (Royal Society of Chemistry 2012), this book will appeal to the same broad readership - industrialists and investors; policy makers in local and central governments; students, teachers, scientists and engineers working in the field; and finally editors, journalists and the general public who need information on the increasingly popular concepts of sustainable living.
Royal Society of Chemistry Crystal Growth and Nucleation: Faraday Discussions No 136
This book discusses the contemporary techniques and the latest applications in the field of nucleation, growth, inhibition and dissolution of solids. It covers techniques, including diffraction, small angle scattering, probe microscopy, optical microscopy, crystallization techniques and both atomistic and meso-scale modelling methods; and applications, which consider inorganic materials, micro-porous and meso-porous materials, molecular crystals, biomaterials, minerals, semi-conductors and pharmaceuticals. It is a key point of reference for researchers working in related fields and offers a comprehensive guide to research and opinion in this area. Faraday Discussions document a long-established series of Faraday Discussion meetings which provide a unique international forum for the exchange of views and newly acquired results in developing areas of physical chemistry, biophysical chemistry and chemical physics. The papers presented are published in the Faraday Discussion volume together with a record of the discussion contributions made at the meeting. Faraday Discussions therefore provide an important record of current international knowledge and views in the field concerned.
Royal Society of Chemistry Challenges in Biological Cryo Electron Microscopy: Faraday Discussion 240
Developments in cryo-electron microscopy are creating new opportunities within structural biology and there is currently great interest in developing cryo-EM as a core tool for atomic level structural biology. Many structural techniques can give atomic or near atomic level information, but lack the ability to study proteins within a near-native environment, for example within a cellular compartment. Cryo-EM provides this opportunity, but despite the recent massive improvements in single particle cryo-EM, obtaining sub-2Å structural information is still a major challenge. Cryo-electron microscopy has undergone significant developments in microscope design, camera technology and data processing regimes, but there are significant challenges that remain and opportunities to explore, many of which must be tackled by the community as a whole, rather than by individual groups. For example, sample preparation is central to electron microscopy and is currently a significant bottleneck in many experiments, and there are significant problems with ensuring the integrity of the field in terms of dealing with inherently low signal-to-noise images. This volume brings together leading researchers from the UK and the international cryo-electron microscopy community to discuss current developments and new challenges in the field. In this volume the topics covered include: Sample preparation in single particle cryo-EM Pushing the limits in single particle cryo-EM Tomographic analysis, CLEM Map/model validation and machine learning in EM
Royal Society of Chemistry New Memory Paradigms: Memristive Phenomena and Neuromorphic Applications: Faraday Discussion 213
Atomically scaled “smart” devices, artificial intelligence, neuromorphic functions, alternative logic operations and computing, new memory storage paradigms, ultra-fast/bio-inspired/flexible/transparent/energy-efficient nanoelectronics – these contemporary concepts are driving forces for the progressive development of science and technology, mirroring societal expectations and solving its problems. Inspired by the concept of the memristor (memory + resistor), Redox-based resistive switching Random Access Memories (ReRAM) and Phase Change Memories (PCM) are thought capable of all these operations and functionalities. In addition, researchers aim to use these memristive systems to enable the fundamental properties of life, including order, plasticity, response to stimuli, metabolism, homeostasis, growth, and heredity or reproduction, based on the functionalities of biological systems. This volume, which brings together experts from industry and academia, will cover the fundamentals as well as specific demands and limitations in e.g. materials selection, processing, suitable model systems, technical requirements and the potential device applications, providing a bridge for terminologies, theories, models, and applications. The topics covered in this volume include: Electrochemical metallization ReRAMs (ECM) Valence change ReRAMs (VCM) Phase-change memories (PCM) Synaptic and neuromorphic functions
Royal Society of Chemistry Corrosion Chemistry: Faraday Discussion 180
Over the last decade or so, there has been immense progress in the development of tools, both experimental and theoretical, for probing the solid/fluid interface at the nanoscale. These advances open the way towards mechanistic understanding, and potentially prediction, of chemical processes occurring at this interface. Amongst the fields beginning to benefit from such effort is corrosion science, which is primarily concerned with degradation of metallic materials immersed in either liquid or gaseous environments. Thia Faraday Discussion focuses on the nanoscale interfacial chemical processes relevant to corrosion and its control. Corrosion science is becoming increasingly important as we move towards a world where every atom counts, e.g. in maintaining the performance of nano-devices, as well for ensuring sustainability through optimum use of natural resources.
Royal Society of Chemistry Glycoprotein Analysis
Serving as an authoritative guide to glycoprotein analysis, this book is written by internationally recognised experts in the field and discusses real-world applications across the life sciences.
Royal Society of Chemistry New Directions in Molecular Scattering
This volume brings together established and early-career scientists, postgraduate students and industrial researchers to provide cross-fertilisation of ideas and understanding between the distinct but adjacent communities working in this exciting field, as well as those in application areas who can benefit from and implement the results.
Royal Society of Chemistry Epigenetic Drug Discovery
Focussing on major developments and new technologies, this book provides an overview of the key topics adopted in current epigenetic drug discovery programmes. An ideal resource for researchers with an interest in epigenetic and genetic factors involved in drug discovery, target ID and validation.
Royal Society of Chemistry Coordination Chemistry
Translated from the original Japanese, this book is for undergraduate and graduate students as well as young researchers beginning their exploration of coordination chemistry.
Royal Society of Chemistry Cardiovascular Nanomedicine
This book expands on understanding and provides in-depth and insightful discussion on the mechanistic, pre-clinical and clinical applications of nanomedicine in cardiovascular disease.
Royal Society of Chemistry Green Photo-active Nanomaterials: Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation
Providing up-to-date coverage of green nanomaterials and systems, this book provides comprehensive information on nanostructured materials, including their applications in energy and environmental sciences. The book focusses on photo-active nanostructured materials, from the basic understanding of solar energy activation to their sustainable preparation and applications in environmental remediation and fuel production from biomass and carbon dioxide. It also examines the health and environmental impacts of photo-catalyst nanomaterials. This book is an important reference for researchers and industrial chemists working in the fields of energy and environmental remediation.
Royal Society of Chemistry Natural Rubber Materials Complete Set Rsc Polymer Chemistry Volume 78 Polymer Chemistry Series
The combination of its unique morphology, physical properties, cost effectiveness and environmental friendliness make natural rubber an appealing constituent for many materials and applications. This comprehensive two volume set covers the synthesis, characterization and applications of natural rubber based blends, interpenetrating polymer networks, composites and nanocomposites.Volume 1 covers different types of natural rubber-based blends and IPNs as well as manufacturing methods, thermo mechanical characterization techniques, life cycle analysis and their applications. Volume 2 focuses on natural rubber-based composites and Nanocomposites including the different types of fillers, the filler-matrix reinforcement mechanisms, manufacturing techniques, and applications.This is the first book to consolidate the current state of the art information on natural rubber based materials with contributions from established international experts in the field. The book provides a
Royal Society of Chemistry Binding, Transport and Storage of Metal Ions in Biological Cells
Metal ions play key roles in biology. Many are essential for catalysis, for electron transfer and for the fixation, sensing, and metabolism of gases. Others compete with those essential metal ions or have toxic or pharmacological effects. This book is structured around the periodic table and focuses on the control of metal ions in cells. It addresses the molecular aspects of binding, transport and storage that ensure balanced levels of the essential elements. Organisms have also developed mechanisms to deal with the non-essential metal ions. However, through new uses and manufacturing processes, organisms are increasingly exposed to changing levels of both essential and non-essential ions in new chemical forms. They may not have developed defenses against some of these forms (such as nanoparticles). Many diseases such as cancer, diabetes and neurodegeneration are associated with metal ion imbalance. There may be a deficiency of the essential metals, overload of either essential or non-essential metals or perturbation of the overall natural balance. This book is the first to comprehensively survey the molecular nature of the overall natural balance of metal ions in nutrition, toxicology and pharmacology. It is written as an introduction to research for students and researchers in academia and industry and begins with a chapter by Professor R J P Williams FRS.
Royal Society of Chemistry Heterogeneous Catalysis for Today's Challenges: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
This book presents the latest research in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. Heterogeneous catalysis and homogeneous catalysis are important factors in increasing the development of green chemistry. Some of the challenges that we are responsible for are directing research efforts toward increasing the kinetics of heterogeneous catalysis to homogeneous catalysis levels, improving the recyclability of the catalysts, and developing new supports that can act as catalysts or cocatalysts. Following reaction kinetics and mechanisms on supported catalysts provides the degree of precision and accuracy already enjoyed by the homogeneous catalysis community. The editors present an easily-accessible digest for researchers and a reference aimed at offering guidance to new researchers in the field.
Royal Society of Chemistry Dendrimers in Biomedical Applications
Dendrimers are important molecules that are currently undergoing investigation for use in a variety of different biomedical applications. This book explores the use of dendrimers for a variety of potential functions, including antiamyloidogenic agents, drug delivery systems, nucleic acid and RNA delivery vectors and to produce hybrid fibre platforms for nantechnology. Following the work of COST action TD0802, the main objective of which is to improve existing therapies and find new drugs based on dendrimers, the book will provide comprehensive coverage of dendrimer applications. Coverage includes modelling and molecular dynamic studies of dendrimers and dendrons, anionic dendrimer polymers, cationic carbosilane dendrimers and self-assembled multivalent dendrimers. Providing clear indications for future research and applications, this text will appeal to chemists, biologists and materials scientists, working in both academia and industry.
Royal Society of Chemistry Toxicology, Survival and Health Hazards of Combustion Products
Fires are a common source of exposure to smoke and a range of toxicologically active chemicals. Providing a complete overview of the subject, this book provides comprehensive and detailed information on combustion processes, estimation of rate of production of combustion products, dispersion of these products and their effects on health. Beginning with a chapter discussing the chemistry of combustion and detailing the mechanisms of burning, how different materials ignite and the nature of combustion products, the book goes on to examine specific combustion products in detail, the toxicity and carcinogenicity of the products, their dispersion and methods of monitoring. With diverse coverage edited and authored by recognised experts in the field, this book will provide an essential text for those working in toxicology, combustion science, public health and environmental research.
Royal Society of Chemistry Modern NMR Approaches to Natural Products Structure Elucidation Complete Set
This two volume set focuses on the structure elucidation of natural products. Volume 1 discusses contemporary NMR approaches including optimized and future hardware and experimental approaches to obtain both the highest quality and most appropriate spectral data for analysis. Volume 2 considers data processing and algorithmic based analyses tailored to natural product structure elucidation and reviews the application of NMR to the analysis of a series of different natural product families including marine natural products, terpenes, steroids, and carbohydrates. These books, bringing together acknowledged experts, uniquely focus on the combination of experimental approaches and modern hardware and software applied to the structure elucidation of natural products. The volumes will be an essential resource for NMR spectroscopists, natural product chemists and industrial researchers working on natural product analysis or the characterization of impurities and degradation products of pharma
Royal Society of Chemistry Isoflavones: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects
Isoflavones remain the subject of many scientific studies most of which reveal them to have some health benefits. Coverage within this book begins with an overview of phytoestrogens in health and plants with specific reference to isoflavones, how isoflavones are found in the diet and novel compounds in nuts. Expert accounts of the chemical and biochemical research on this topic are provided followed by analytical and bioanalytical assessments. Rounding up the book are the chapters on function and effects of isoflavones which provide details on isoflavones in beverages, soy and soy products and other food delivery systems and how their function effects the thyroid, menopause, prostate, breast, bone and cardiovascular disease to name but a few. Delivering high quality information, this extensive and detailed book provides a fascinating insight into this area of health and nutritional science. It will bridge scientific disciplines so that the information is more meaningful and applicable to health in general. Part of a series of books, it is specifically designed for chemists, analytical scientists, forensic scientists, food scientists, dieticians and health care workers, nutritionists, toxicologists and research academics. Due to its interdisciplinary nature it could also be suitable for lecturers and teachers in food and nutritional sciences and as a college or university library reference guide.
Royal Society of Chemistry Smart Materials for Drug Delivery Complete Set RSC Smart Materials 23 Smart Materials Series
Smart materials, which can change properties when an external stimulus is applied, can be used for the targeted drug delivery of an active molecule to a specific site in the correct dosage. Different materials such as liposomes, polymeric systems, nanomaterials and hydrogels can respond to different stimuli such as pH, temperature and light and these are all attractive for controlled release applications.With so many papers available on smart and stimuli-responsive materials for drug delivery applications it''s hard to know where to start reading about this exciting topic. In two volumes, Smart Materials for Drug Delivery brings together the recent findings in the area and provides a critical analysis of the different materials available and how they can be applied to advanced drug delivery systems.With contributions from leading experts in the field, including a foreword from distinguished scientist Nicholas Peppas, The University of Texas at Austin, USA, the book wil
Royal Society of Chemistry Modern NMR Approaches to the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products: Volume 2: Data Acquisition and Applications to Compound Classes
The Ghanian plant Cryptolepis sanguinolenta is the source of a series of fascinating indoloquinoline alkaloids. The most unusual member of this alkaloid series was initially proposed to be a spiro nonacyclic structure, named cryptospirolepine, and was elucidated in 1993 based on the technologies available at that time. There were, however, several annoying attributes to the structure that bothered analysts for the ensuing 22 years. During the two decades that followed the initial work there have been enormous developments in NMR technology. Using new experimental approaches, specifically homodecoupled 1,1- and 1,n-HD-ADEQUATE NMR experiments developed in 2014, the structure of only a 700 µg sample of cryptospirolepine has been revised and is shown on the cover of this volume. The confluence of the NMR technological and methodological advances that allowed the revision of the structure of cryptospirolepine using a submilligram sample seems a fitting example for this book, which is dedicated to the NMR characterization of various classes of natural products. Volume 2 considers data processing and algorithmic based analyses tailored to natural product structure elucidation and reviews the application of NMR to the analysis of a series of different natural product families including marine natural products, terpenes, steroids, alkaloids and carbohydrates. Volume 1 discusses contemporary NMR approaches including optimized and future hardware and experimental approaches to obtain both the highest quality and most appropriate spectral data for analysis. These books, bringing together acknowledged experts, uniquely focus on the combination of experimental approaches and modern hardware and software applied to the structure elucidation of natural products. The volumes will be an essential resource for NMR spectroscopists, natural product chemists and industrial researchers working on natural product analysis or the characterization of impurities and degradation products of pharmaceuticals that can be as scarce as natural product samples.
Royal Society of Chemistry The Organic Chemistry of Isotopic Labelling
The chemical synthesis of isotopically labelled compounds is a pre-requisite for many chemical, biochemical and medicinal investigations. The constraints imposed by the requirements for regiospecific labelling and, in some instances, the time-scale of the synthesis often lead to quite different synthetic strategies to those that are used for the unlabelled material. Whilst there are many specialist papers, reviews and long books devoted to particular isotopes, there is no currently available short introductory book devoted to the organic chemistry of isotopic labelling. The aim of this book is to introduce research workers to a variety of methods that have been used to achieve these synthetic labelling objectives before exploring a particular method in detail. It covers a number of different isotopes and the methods that have been used to introduce them into organic compounds. Labelling methods also provide useful undergraduate teaching examples of modern synthetic reactions and their stereochemical consequences using relatively simple substrates. The book will therefore have a wider appeal than just those involved in using isotopes in research such as environmental and pharmaceutical chemists as well as organic chemists.
Royal Society of Chemistry Drug Discovery from Natural Products
This book offers an integrated review of the most recent trends in natural products drug discovery and key lead candidates that are outstanding for their chemistry and biology as a starting point in novel drug development. The authors focus on different trends that are and will continue to be impacting multiples stages of modern drug discovery from NPs that have not been included in other works. This is complemented with a series of case studies from leading experts from industry and academia on key molecules and derivatives that have been chosen for their novelty in chemistry, biology and clinical applications. The book intends to reflect the current confluence of different disciplines in chemical biology and synthetic chemistry supported by a more profound knowledge of systems biology that ensures the concurrency and synergisms of expertise from different research fields that impact in the discovery of novel molecules. In the first section the chapters reflect recent approaches to exploit the biosynthetic potential of microbial resources (including genome mining, metagenomic and epigenetic approaches), as well as biosynthetic chemistry tools to respond to product supply and novel screening alternatives that have lead to the discovery of novel chemistry. The second part reviews, in the form of case studies, some examples of bioactive molecules in the important therapeutic areas of antiinfectives, oncology and antiparasitics.
Royal Society of Chemistry Modern NMR Approaches to the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products: Volume 1: Instrumentation and Software
Strychnine’s poisonous nature was known in 16th century Europe, and the alkaloid was isolated in pure form for the first time in 1818. Then began a more than century-long quest to unravel the structure of strychnine that led to two Nobel prizes, clearly without the assistance of the modern spectroscopic methods to which we now have access. In his 1963 report of the synthesis, Woodward said, "The tangled skein of atoms which constitutes its molecule provided a fascinating structural problem that was pursued intensively during the century just past, and was solved finally only within the last decade." The structure elucidation of complex natural products is facilitated today by access to modern instrumentation and experimental techniques. Using a modern 600 MHz NMR spectrometer equipped with a 1.7 mm cryogenic probe and a 1 mg sample, it is now possible to acquire a comprehensive suite of 2D NMR spectra that rigorously characterizes the complex structure of strychnine in a scant 24 hours. When the 2D NMR data are combined with Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation methods, the structure can be solved in mere seconds. It is against this historical backdrop that these two volumes regarding the Structure Elucidation of Natural Products by NMR is set. Volume 1 discusses contemporary NMR approaches including optimized and future hardware and experimental approaches to obtain both the highest quality and most appropriate spectral data for analysis. Volume 2 considers data processing and algorithmic based analyses tailored to natural product structure elucidation and reviews the application of NMR to the analysis of a series of different natural product families including marine natural products, terpenes, steroids, and carbohydrates. These books, bringing together acknowledged experts, uniquely focus on the combination of experimental approaches and modern hardware and software applied to the structure elucidation of natural products. The volumes will be an essential resource for NMR spectroscopists, natural product chemists and industrial researchers working on natural product analysis or the characterization of impurities and degradation products of pharmaceuticals that can be scarce as natural product samples.
Royal Society of Chemistry Bio-inspired Materials and Sensing Systems
Can scientists and engineers replicate Nature and develop systems that operate in extreme environments? Bio-inspiration is an established concept which is developing to meet the needs of the many challenges we face particularly in defence and security. This book explores the potential of bio-inspired materials and sensing systems together with examples of how they are being implemented. It is not an exhaustive study of the subject but provides an overview of how bio-inspired or -derived approaches can be used to enhance components, systems and systems of systems for defence and security applications. Readers will gain an awareness of the complexity and versatility of bio-inspired components as well as an understanding of how these technologies can be applied in a variety of operational scenarios. Consideration is given to using a conceptual model that can be deployed in distributed or autonomous operations. Using this model, bio-inspiration with behavioural science plays a major role in identification, movement, searching strategies and pattern recognition for chemical and biological detection. Examples focus on both learning new things from nature that have application to the defence and security areas and adapting known discoveries for practical use by these communities. This graduate level monograph provides an increased awareness of the need for more sophisticated, networked sensors and systems in the defence and security communities and will be of interest to both specialists in this area and science and technology generalists.
Royal Society of Chemistry The Biofuels Handbook
Petroleum-based fuels are well-established products that have served industry and consumers for more than one hundred years. However petroleum, once considered inexhaustible, is now being depleted at a rapid rate. As the amount of available petroleum decreases, the need for alternative technologies to produce liquid fuels that could potentially help prolong the liquid fuels culture and mitigate the forthcoming effects of the shortage of transportation fuels is being sought. The dynamics are now coming into place for the establishment of a synthetic fuels industry; the processes for recovery of raw materials and processing options have to change to increase the efficiency of oil production and it is up to various levels of government not only to promote the establishment of such an industry but to recognise the need for available and variable technology. This timely handbook is written to assist the reader in understanding the options that available for the production of synthetic fuel from biological sources. Each chapter contains tables of the chemical and physical properties of the fuels and fuel sources. It is essential that the properties of such materials be presented in order to assist the researcher to understand the nature of the feedstocks as well as the nature of the products. If a product cannot be employed for its hope-for-use, it is not a desirable product and must be changed accordingly. Such plans can only be made when the properties of the original product are understood. The fuels considered include conventional and unconventional fuel sources; the production and properties of fuels from biomass, crops, wood, domestic and industrial waste and landfill gas.
Royal Society of Chemistry Coronavirus Pandemic and the Future
Royal Society of Chemistry Intensification of Biobased Processes
In recent years bioprocessing has increased in popularity and importance, however, bioprocessing still poses various important techno-economic and environmental challenges, such as product yields, excessive energy consumption for separations in highly watery systems, batch operation or the downstream processing bottlenecks in the production of biopharmaceutical products. Many of those challenges can be addressed by application of different process intensification technologies discussed in the present book. The first book dedicated entirely to this area, Intensification of Biobased Processes provides a comprehensive overview of modern process intensification technologies used in bioprocessing. The book focusses on four different categories of biobased products: bio-fuels and platform chemicals; cosmeceuticals; food products; and polymers and advanced materials. It will cover various intensification aspects of the processes concerned, including (bio)reactor intensification; intensification of separation, recovery and formulation operations; and process integration. This is an invaluable source of information for researchers and industrialists working in chemical engineering, biotechnology and process engineering.
Royal Society of Chemistry Zeolites in Catalysis: Properties and Applications
Covering the breadth of zeolite chemistry and catalysis, this book provides the reader with a complete introduction to field, covering synthesis, structure, characterisation and applications. Beginning with the history of natural and synthetic zeolites, the reader will learn how zeolite structures are formed, synthetic routes, and experimental and theoretical structure determination techniques. Their industrial applications are covered in-depth, from their use in the petrochemical industry, through to fine chemicals and more specialised clinical applications. Novel zeolite materials are covered, including hierarchical zeolites and two-dimensional zeolites, showcasing modern developments in the field. This book is ideal for newcomers who need to get up to speed with zeolite chemistry, and also experienced researchers who will find this a modern, up-to-date guide.
Royal Society of Chemistry Supramolecular Amphiphiles
An amphiphile is a molecule that contains a hydrophilic part and a hydrophobic part, linked by covalent bonding. Supramolecular amphiphiles (supra-amphiphiles) are amphiphiles linked by non-covalent interactions. As they employ non-covalent interactions, these species demonstrate adaptability and reversibility in conformational transformation, making them one of the most important emerging species in supramolecular chemistry. They have proven important in bridging the gap between molecular architecture and functional assembly. This book is written and edited by the current leaders in the topic and contains a foreword from Professor Jean-Marie Lehn, a father of the supramolecular chemistry field. Bringing together supramolecular chemistry and colloidal and interfacial science, the book provides a detailed and systematic introduction to supramolecular amphiphiles. Chapters explain how to employ non-covalent interactions to fabricate supra-amphiphiles. The book opens with an introduction to the history and development of the field, followed by chapters focussing on each type of interaction, including host-guest interaction, electrostatic interaction, charge-transfer interaction, hydrogen bonding and dynamic covalent bonds. This book will be a valuable resource for students new to this field and experienced researchers wanting to explore the wider context of their work.
Royal Society of Chemistry Ionic Polymer Metal Composites IPMCs Smart MultiFunctional Materials and Artificial Muscles RSC Smart Materials Smart MultiFunctional Complete Set 1718 Smart Materials Series
Ionic polymer metal composites (IPMCs) can generate a voltage when physically deformed. Conversely, an applied small voltage or electrical field can induce an array of spectacular large deformation or actuation behaviours in IPMCs, such as bending, twisting, rolling, twirling, steering and undulating. An important smart material, IPMCs have applications in energy harvesting and as self-powered strain or deformation sensors, especially suitable for monitoring the shape of dynamic structures. Other uses include soft actuation applications and as a material for biomimetic robotic soft artificial muscles in industrial and medical contexts. This comprehensive set on ionic polymer metal composites provides a broad coverage of the state of the art and recent advances in the field written by some of the world's leading experts on various characterizations and modeling of IPMCs. The first two chapters cover the fundamentals of IPMCs and methodologies for their manufacture, followed by specific
Royal Society of Chemistry Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass: Advances in Science and Technology
Fast pyrolysis and related catalytic pyrolysis are of increasing interest as pathways to advanced biofuels that closely mimic traditional petroleum products. Research has moved from empirical investigations to more fundamental studies of pyrolysis mechanisms. Theories on the chemical and physical pathways from plant polymers to pyrolysis products have proliferated as a result. This book brings together the latest developments in pyrolysis science and technology. It examines, reviews and challenges the unresolved and sometimes controversial questions about pyrolysis, helping advance the understanding of this important technology and stimulating discussion on the various competing theories of thermal deconstruction of plant polymers. Beginning with an introduction to the biomass-to-biofuels process via fast pyrolysis and catalytic pyrolysis, chapters address prominent questions such as whether free radicals or concerted reactions dominate deconstruction reactions. Finally, the book concludes with an economic analysis of fast pyrolysis versus catalytic pyrolysis. This book will be of interest to advanced students and researchers interested in the science behind renewable fuel technology, and particularly the thermochemical processing of biomass.
Royal Society of Chemistry Simulating Enzyme Reactivity: Computational Methods in Enzyme Catalysis
The simulation of enzymatic processes is a well-established field within computational chemistry, as demonstrated by the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. It has been attracting increasing attention in recent years due to the potential applications in the development of new drugs or new environmental-friendly catalysts. Featuring contributions from renowned authors, including Nobel Laureate Arieh Warshel, this book explores the theories, methodologies and applications in simulations of enzyme reactions. It is the first book offering a comprehensive perspective of the field by examining several different methodological approaches and discussing their applicability and limitations. The book provides the basic knowledge for postgraduate students and researchers in chemistry, biochemistry and biophysics, who want a deeper understanding of complex biological process at the molecular level.
Royal Society of Chemistry Antibiotic Drug Discovery: New Targets and Molecular Entities
Recent years have seen a resurgence of antibiotic drug discovery. This book brings together the relevant information to assess the state-of-the-art. It identifies and elaborates the most recent and compelling strategies for antibiotic drug discovery with a primary focus on new targets, mechanisms and molecular entities. Addressing the need for continued investment in antibiotic drug development, the book provides a point of reference for the rapidly expanding infectious disease research community. In addition to its attention on new targets, the book focusses on the medicinal chemistry and chemistry of the targets. Within this framework, chapters from leading researchers in academia and industry address findings in important areas such as biofilm production, narrow spectrum antibiotics and novel antibacterials from previously uncultured soil bacteria. This book will be a useful resource for postgraduate students and researchers in medicinal chemistry wishing to understand the latest approaches to antibiotic drug discovery.
Royal Society of Chemistry N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: From Laboratory Curiosities to Efficient Synthetic Tools
In less than 20 years N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) have become well-established ancillary ligands for the preparation of transition metal-based catalysts. This is mainly due to the fact that NHCs tend to bind strongly to metal centres, avoiding the need of excess ligand in catalytic reactions. Also, NHC‒metal complexes are often insensitive to air and moisture, and have proven remarkably resistant to oxidation. This book showcases the wide variety of applications of NHCs in different chemistry fields beyond being simple phosphine mimics. This second edition has been updated throughout, and now includes a new chapter on NHC‒main group element complexes. It covers the synthesis of NHC ligands and their corresponding metal complexes, as well as their bonding and stereoelectronic properties and applications in catalysis. This is complemented by related topics such as organocatalysis and biologically active complexes. Written for organic and inorganic chemists, this book is ideal for postgraduates, researchers and industrialists.
Royal Society of Chemistry Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 18: Hydrocolloid Functionality for Affordable and Sustainable Global Food Solutions
Describing the latest research advances in the science and technology of hydrocolloids that are used in food and related systems, this book captures the presentations of leading scientists from the Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference: Hydrocolloid Functionality for Affordable and Sustainable Global Food Solutions held in June 2015. Topics covered include sustainable and secure foods, healthy food products, innovative manufacture and formulation design as well as active packaging and edible films. Providing a fresh glance on food quality, it is a useful information source for researchers and other professionals in industry and academia and a reference for students of food science.
Royal Society of Chemistry Bio-inspired Polymers
Many key aspects of life are based on naturally occurring polymers, such as polysaccharides, proteins and DNA. Unsurprisingly, their molecular functionalities, macromolecular structures and material properties are providing inspiration for designing new polymeric materials with specific functions, for example, responsive, adaptive and self-healing materials. Bio-inspired Polymers covers all aspects of the subject, ranging from the synthesis of novel polymers, to structure-property relationships, materials with advanced properties and applications of bio-inspired polymers in such diverse fields as drug delivery, tissue engineering, optical materials and lightweight structural materials. Written and edited by leading experts on the topic, the book provides a comprehensive review and essential graduate level text on bio-inspired polymers for biochemists, materials scientists and chemists working in both industry and academia.
Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Modelling: Volume 12
Chemical Modelling covers a wide range of disciplines and this Specialist Periodical Report is the first stop for any materials scientist, biochemist, chemist or molecular physicist wishing to acquaint themselves with major developments and current opinion in the applications and theory of chemical modelling. The topics covered are wide ranging with authors writing on clusters to modelling nanotubes and dynamics. Containing both comprehensive and critical reviews, this volume is an essential resource and convenient reference for any research group active in the field or chemical sciences library.
Royal Society of Chemistry Privileged Scaffolds in Medicinal Chemistry: Design, Synthesis, Evaluation
One strategy to expedite the discovery of new drugs, a process that is somewhat slow and serendipitous, is the identification and use of privileged scaffolds. This book covers the history of the discovery and use of privileged scaffolds and addresses the various classes of these important molecular fragments. The first of the benzodiazepines, a class of drugs that is powerful for treating anxiety, may not have been discovered had it not been for a chance experiment on the contents of a discarded flask found during a lab clean-up. Some years later, scientists discovered that benzodiazepine derivatives were also effective in treating other diseases. This class of molecules was the first to be described as privileged in the sense that it is especially effective at altering the course of disease. Other privileged molecular structures have since been discovered, and since these compounds are so effective at interacting with numerous classes of proteins, they may be an effective starting point to look for new drugs against the supposedly “undruggable” proteins. Following introductory chapters presenting an overview, a historical perspective and the theoretical background and findings, main chapters describe the structure of privileged structures in turn and discuss major drug classes associated with them and their syntheses. This book provides comprehensive coverage of the subject through chapters contributed by expert authors from both academia and industry and will be an excellent reference source for medicinal chemists of a range of disciplines and experiences.
Royal Society of Chemistry Elements of the p-Block
Presenting a systematic approach to the chemistry of the p Block elements and hydrogen, this book also introduces some basic topics concerning chemical bonding, such as oxidation numbers, bond strengths, dipole moments and intermolecular forces. The chemistry is illustrated by coverage of the biological role of nitric oxide and of hydrogen bonding, and the new chemistry of carbon nanotubes. Applied aspects of the topic are developed in the two Case Studies, which examine the causes and prevention of acid rain and the inorganic chemical industry. The accompanying CD-ROMs cover silicate mineral structures, the inert pair effect and a database of chemical reactions of the p Block elements. The Molecular World series provides an integrated introduction to all branches of chemistry for both students wishing to specialise and those wishing to gain a broad understanding of chemistry and its relevance to the everyday world and to other areas of science. The books, with their Case Studies and accompanying multi-media interactive CD-ROMs, will also provide valuable resource material for teachers and lecturers. (The CD-ROMs are designed for use on a PC running Windows 95, 98, ME or 2000.)
Royal Society of Chemistry The Third Dimension
The three-dimensional aspects of molecular shape can be crucial to both properties and reactions. The Third Dimension explores the arrangements of atoms in molecules and in different types of solids. Initial chapters describe the common crystal structures and how they are related to close-packed arrangements of ions. Metallic, ionic, molecular and extended covalent crystals are covered; major types of crystal defects are also discussed. The book then introduces isomerism, and explores the stereochemical consequences of the tetrahedral carbon atom. Chirality is also investigated. The book concludes with a Case Study on Liquid Crystals, which describes structures, properties and applications. As visualisation in 3D is an important part of this book, the accompanying CD-ROMs provide video material, interactive questions and exercises using models to aid understanding of crystals, organic molecules and stereochemistry. All necessary programs are provided. The Molecular World series provides an integrated introduction to all branches of chemistry for both students wishing to specialise and those wishing to gain a broad understanding of chemistry and its relevance to the everyday world and to other areas of science. The books, with their Case Studies and accompanying multi-media interactive CD-ROMs, will also provide valuable resource material for teachers and lecturers. (The CD-ROMs are designed for use on a PC running Windows 95, 98, ME or 2000.)
Royal Society of Chemistry Environmental Forensics: Proceedings of the 2013 INEF Conference
This publication includes peer-reviewed manuscripts from the 2013 International Network of Environmental Forensics (INEF) Conference held at Pennsylvania State College, USA. INEF is an organization founded by environmental forensic scientists for the express purpose of sharing and disseminating environmental forensic information to the international scientific community. This professionally edited book is the third of a series of INEF conference publications chronicling the current state of the art in environmental forensics. Since the first INEF conference held in Qingdao, China in 2008, significant advances in the state of the art in environmental forensics have occurred, especially in the fields of compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA), biological and petroleum hydrocarbon pattern recognition and the use of advanced multivariate techniques for interpreting environmental forensics data. Of note in these proceedings is the application of environmental forensic techniques to examine contaminant issues associated with hydrofracking which has received considerable international attention in the past several years. Providing an update on the advancement and refinement of environmental forensic techniques, this book is aimed at scientists, regulators, academics and consultants from throughout the world.
Royal Society of Chemistry Cationic Polymers in Regenerative Medicine
The unique physico-chemical properties of cationic polymers and their ability to be easily modified make them attractive for many biological applications. As a result there is a vast amount of research focussed on designing novel natural or synthetic cationic polymers with specific biological functionality. Cationic Polymers in Regenerative Medicine brings together the expertise of leading experts in the field to provide a comprehensive overview of the recent advances in cationic polymer synthesis, modification and the design of biomaterials with different structures for therapeutic applications. Chapters cover recent developments in novel cationic polymer based systems including poly(L-lysine), Poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) and cationic triazine dendrimers as well as cationic polymer-coated micro- and nanoparticles and cationic cellulose and chitin nanocrystals. Applications discussed in the book include drug and gene delivery, therapeutics in thrombosis and inflammation as well as gene therapy. Suitable both for an educational perspective for those new to the field and those already active in the field, the book will appeal to postgraduates and researchers. The broad aspects of the topics covered are suitable for polymer chemists interested in the fundamentals of the materials systems as well as pharmaceutical chemists, bioengineering and medical professionals interested in their applications.
Royal Society of Chemistry Naphthalenediimide and its Congeners: From Molecules to Materials
The past decade has seen significant advances in naphthalenediimide and rylene diimide chemistry. This book discusses the recent advances in this field, and highlights potential and real applications for the molecules. Such applications include organic photovoltaics, anion-slides, DNA binders, and building blocks for complex molecular topologies. Naphthalenediimide and its Congeners is the first book in this rapidly developing area, and will be essential reference material for postdoctoral researchers and postgraduate students. This text will also provide a solid foundation for further development of naphthalenediimide chemistry. Written by leaders in the field, the book includes chapters on the supramolecular chemistry of naphthalenediimide; DNA intercalators; ion transport through membranes; naphthalenediimide based photovoltaics; and rylene dyes, amongst others. Naphthalenediimide and its Congeners is a detailed and in depth resource relevant not only to supramolecular and materials chemists, but also to the larger chemistry and materials science fields.
Royal Society of Chemistry Cross-relaxation and Cross-correlation Parameters in NMR: Molecular Approaches
Spin relaxation parameters, although difficult to interpret, are attracting interest in NMR as these parameters are capable of yielding both structural and dynamic information. Cross-relaxation and cross-correlation parameters afford a non-ambiguous approach to molecular structure and dynamics although they require some special skills for their experimental determination and for their exploitation. This work will start with an introduction to nuclear spin cross-relaxation and cross-correlation phenomena in liquids then look in more detail at molecules in soft matter and large biomolecules. Providing a detailed, timely account, the authors are filling a gap in the present NMR literature for the analytical scientist.
Royal Society of Chemistry Heavy Metals In Water: Presence, Removal and Safety
Contamination of drinking water is a worldwide problem, and ongoing work is taking place across the globe to address the issues affecting this precious commodity. Focussing on the presence of heavy metals in water, this book addresses the opportunities and challenges of this important area of research. Written and edited by experts working within the area the book highlights new techniques and research methodologies used to treat the widespread issue of dissolved heavy metals in drinking water supplies. The text covers a wide range of topics, including biofilterations, use of nanotechnology against heavy metals, removal of heavy metals using industrial and agricultural waste, use of surfactants, soil degradation and removal of dyes and pigments from industrial effluents. Providing an up-to-date treatise on this developing field, this text will be essential reading for water and environmental scientists, toxicologists, biochemists and regulators, and anyone interested in the treatment and decontamination of the World's drinking water supplies.
Royal Society of Chemistry Microscale Acoustofluidics
The manipulation of cells and microparticles within microfluidic systems using external forces is valuable for many microscale analytical and bioanalytical applications. Acoustofluidics is the ultrasound-based external forcing of microparticles with microfluidic systems. It has gained much interest because it allows for the simple label-free separation of microparticles based on their mechanical properties without affecting the microparticles themselves. Microscale Acoustofluidics provides an introduction to the field providing the background to the fundamental physics including chapters on governing equations in microfluidics and perturbation theory and ultrasound resonances, acoustic radiation force on small particles, continuum mechanics for ultrasonic particle manipulation, and piezoelectricity and application to the excitation of acoustic fields for ultrasonic particle manipulation. The book also provides information on the design and characterization of ultrasonic particle manipulation devices as well as applications in acoustic trapping and immunoassays. Written by leading experts in the field, the book will appeal to postgraduate students and researchers interested in microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip applications.