Search results for ""Royal Society of Chemistry""
Royal Society of Chemistry Sequence-specific DNA Binding Agents
The binding of antibiotics and drugs to DNA is a fast developing area of research with important applications in medicine, particularly the treatment of cancer. Sequence-specific DNA Binding Agents uniquely discusses key aspects of this topic, providing a novel perspective on the subject. Written by experts in the field, this book discusses diverse modes of binding of antibiotics and drugs to DNA, emphasising matters that are important or promising for cancer treatment. Chapters discuss established agents like actinomycin D but also look at novel drugs with strong potential in chemotherapy such as new topoisomerase inhibitors, telomerase inhibitors, peptide nucleic acids and triple helix-forming oligonucleotides. There are also sections discussing methodological advances including computational methods, slow kinetics, melting curve analysis and approaches to medicinal chemistry. Finally there is a section on RNA structure and its potential as a drug target. The book is ideal for researchers in industry and academia who require a comprehensive source of reference to this rapidly expanding subject.
Royal Society of Chemistry Essentials of Nucleic Acid Analysis: A Robust Approach
Over the last decade there has been a rapid development of molecular techniques, with an increasing range of instrumentation now available. The development of accompanying reference literature has not kept pace with technological advances and this poses significant challenges to the analyst. Essentials of Nucleic Acid Analysis sets out to guide the analyst through the steps needed to obtain good quality results in DNA analysis. The underlying principles for achieving this goal were formulated by LGC (formerly the Laboratory of the Government Chemist) as the six principles for ensuring valid analytical measurement, which are detailed in the introduction. The reader is also provided with guidelines for method validation and quality control of established and emerging DNA measurement techniques. The authors of each chapter are practitioners of the art of DNA analysis in areas where the quality of the result is critical. Technical details and examples of application of key techniques in nucleic acid analysis are provided while highlighting best practice, available standards and practical advice on improving measurement quality. This book provides an indispensable handbook and premier reference for those working in the widely varying areas and specifically in the fields of food analysis and forensic applications.
Royal Society of Chemistry Phage Nanobiotechnology
Several books and many papers have been published during the last decade on the design and the use of new nanomaterials in medicine and technology, which describe major concepts of nanotechnology. Meanwhile, a new promising type of nanomaterials-bacteriophages-emerged recently as a result of the evolution of phage display technique. Bacteriophages have a unique feature - completely the opposite of other nanomaterials -their structure and function are encrypted in their genomic DNA, which can be intentionally modified or even rewritten using routine genetic engineering techniques. In particular, a paradigm of landscape phage with multivalently displayed foreign peptides evolved, which allows constructing phage with unique surface architectures and emerged properties. Recently, phage, as a new kind of nanomaterials attracted the attention of specialists working in peripheral, and even very diverse areas from genetics and molecular biology, such as pharmaceutical science, material science, microelectronics, biosensors, detection, environmental sciences, etc. Penetration of the phage technology into these new disciplines required the development of a new instructive concept, which resulted in this publication. This comprehensive book, of value to researchers as well as scientists, introduces readers into this hot new area of phage nanobiotechnology. It summarises the existing data on the phage nanomaterials and discusses their use in different areas of medicine, science and technology. With contributions by top level experts and pioneers in phage display, the major goal of this book is to bring the phage display technique closer to specialists in these diverse areas of medicine, science and technology, where phage-derived nanomaterials can be most beneficial.
Royal Society of Chemistry Fatty Alcohols: Anthropogenic and Natural Occurrence in the Environment
Fatty alcohols occur naturally in most organisms and can also be used in consumer products including detergents and cosmetics and all of these materials make their way to the sea eventually. These long chain alcohols can be used as biomarkers due to their distinctive source allocations although they have differential degradation rates across the range of chain lengths. Concern has been raised about their inputs from anthropogenic uses and this book seeks to set out the natural and industrial synthetic pathways, sources, signatures, concentrations in the environment, toxicity and eco-toxicity before summarising their impact. Their large scale synthesis for industrial uses puts them in the 'High Production Volume' category and they will need to be addressed in REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) - a new European legislation for chemicals and substances. There is no other book that considers the fatty alcohols from their production, environmental behaviour and potential toxicity viewpoint. The book, which is also well illustrated, presents for the first time environmental data from many locations around the world and discusses the anthropogenic contributions to these places.
Royal Society of Chemistry Chemistry of the Solar System
This book is an appealing, concise, and factual account of the chemistry of the solar system. It includes basic facts about the chemical composition of the different bodies in the solar system, the major chemical processes involved in the formation of the Sun, planets, and small objects, and the chemical processes that determine their current chemical make-up. The book summarizes compositional data but focuses on the chemical processes and where relevant, it also emphasizes comparative planetology. There are numerous informative summary tables which illustrate the similarities (or differences) that help the reader to understand the processes described. Data is presented in graphical form which is useful for identifying common features of the major processes that determine the current chemical state of the planets. The book will interest general readers with a background in chemistry who will enjoy reading about the chemical diversity of the solar system's objects. It will serve as an introductory textbook for graduate classes in planetary sciences but will also be very popular with professional researchers in academia and government, college professors, and postgraduate fellows.
Royal Society of Chemistry Chemistry at Home: Exploring the Ingredients in Everyday Products
Hand cream, detergent, shower gel, toothpaste, toilet cleaner, air freshener, lipstick, perfume, low-fat spread, painkiller, diet drink, insect repellent… hundreds of everyday products that make our lives so much better than those of our forebears. And yet most of us know little about the ingredients they contain and why they deliver the benefits we enjoy. Some people find it worrying when they examine the list of ingredients on a packaging label, because all they read may be unintelligible names or E numbers. It appears to be just chemicals, chemicals, chemicals. The aim of this book is to examine the ingredients more closely and explain the reasons for their being used. Start reading and stop worrying. Chemistry at Home has been written by award-winning popular science writer and chemist, John Emsley, using non-technical language. The book has 12 chapters, each devoted to the kinds of products we are likely to find around the home, including in the garage and the garden shed. Chemistry at Home also includes a glossary which gives more technical information about the molecules mentioned in the book.
Royal Society of Chemistry The Chemists' War: 1914-1918
Within months of the start of the First World War, Germany began to run out of the raw materials it needed to make explosives. As Germany faced imminent defeat, chemists such as Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch came to the rescue with Nobel Prize winning discoveries that overcame the shortages and enabled the country to continue in the war. Similarly, Britain could not have sustained its war effort for four years had it not been for chemists like Chaim Weizmann who was later to become the first president of the State of Israel. Michael Freemantle tells the stories of these and many other chemists and explains how their work underpinned and shaped what became known as The Chemists’ War. He reveals: • how chemistry contributed to the care of the sick and wounded and to the health and safety of troops; • how coal not only powered the war but was also an important source of the chemicals needed for the manufacture of explosives, dyes, medicines and antiseptics; • how Britain’s production of propellants relied on the slaughter of tens of thousands of whales; • how a precious metal played a critical role in the war; • how poisonous chemicals were used as weapons of mass destruction for the first time in the history of warfare and how chemists developed gas masks for protection against these weapons; • how the British naval blockade of Germany imperilled agricultural production in the United States. The book will appeal to the general reader as well as the many scientists and historians interested in the Great War.
Royal Society of Chemistry Chocolate as Medicine: A Quest over the Centuries
The Mesoamerican population who lived near the indigenous cultivation sites of the "Chocolate Tree" (Theobromo cacao) had a multitude of documented applications of chocolate as medicine, ranging from alleviating fatigue to preventing heart ailments to treating snakebite. Until recently, these applications have received little sound scientific scrutiny. Rather, it has been the reputed health claims stemming from Europe and the United States which have attracted considerable biomedical attention. This book, for the first time, describes the centuries-long quest to uncover chocolate's potential health benefits. The authors explore variations in the types of evidence used to support chocolate's use as medicine as well as note the ongoing tension over categorizing chocolate as food or medicine, and more recently, as functional food or nutraceutical. The authors, Wilson an historian of science and medicine, and Hurst an analytical chemist in the chocolate industry, bring their collective insights to bear upon the development of ideas and practices surrounding the use of chocolate as medicine. Chocolate's use in this manner is explored first among the Mesoamerican peoples, then as it is transported to Europe, and back into Colonial North America. The authors then focus upon more recent bioscience experimental undertakings which have been aimed to ascertain both long-standing and novel suggestions as to chocolate's efficacy as a medicinal and a nutritional substance. Chocolate/s reputation as the most craved food boosts this book's appeal to food and biomedical scientists, cacao researchers, ethnobotanists, historians, folklorists, and healers of all types as well as to the general reading audience.
Royal Society of Chemistry McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods: Seventh Summary Edition
McCance and Widdowsons's The Composition of Foods, Seventh Summary Edition provides a timely, authoritative and comprehensive update of the nutrient data for the most commonly consumed foods in the UK. Foods that are less commonly consumed but are important in the diets of sub-groups of the population are also included. This Seventh Summary Edition contains data which has been reviewed and updated since the last edition was published in 2002 and incorporates data from previously published supplements plus new analytical data and additional data from manufacturers. New data includes updates on key foods in the UK diet including flours and grains, bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, biscuits, cakes, eggs, fat spreads, fruits, vegetables, fish and fish products. Values for a wide range of nutrients (e.g. proximates, inorganics, vitamins, fibre and fatty acids) are provided and additional tables provide data for carotenoid fractions, vitamin E fractions and vitamin K for selected foods. Values for specific nutrients, including sodium, sugars, saturated and trans fatty acids in processed foods have been updated to reflect changes resulting from health policy and recent industry initiatives on reformulations. AOAC fibre values have been included for a wide range of foods to enable energy calculations, including fibre for food labelling purposes. Aimed at students and professionals in all food and health disciplines, this essential handbook should be on the bookshelf of everyone who needs to know the nutritional value of foods consumed in the UK.
Royal Society of Chemistry MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging: From Fundamentals to Spatial Omics
This book gathers, in a single resource, knowledge about matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation (MALDI) mass spectrometry imaging. It includes fundamentals in the MALDI ionisation process, different source geometries and capabilities, detection systems and the latest research and applications in the range of –omics area as well as other broader areas. Chapters will touch on dedicated sample preparation protocols specific for the class of compounds of interest, instrumentation used with strengths and current limitations, strategies for structural analysis and identification and applications. It will be a welcomed addition to the literature in this fast-moving field and provide a guide to new innovations and applications especially in metabolomics and proteomics. With contributions from leading experts, this book will be an authoritative guide to this method. Aimed at postgraduate and professional researchers, in academia and in the industrial market where it has direct application to clinical research. It will be a supporting volume for those just entering the field as well as experienced practitioners.
Royal Society of Chemistry Astrochemistry: Chemistry in Interstellar and Circumstellar Space
Ever wondered if the chemical processes taking place in space could be related to the origins of life? The authors of this book, both experienced astrochemists, embark on a discussion to find the answers to this question and more, and include a general introduction to astrochemistry for chemistry students. They explore chemistry occurring in the universe from its very early beginnings until the present era. Based on our current understanding, astrochemistry is known to occur in interstellar gas, on dust grains and in interstellar ices, in stellar atmospheres and envelopes, in dense star- and planet-forming regions, and on planets and other bodies in planetary systems. Recent observational discoveries supported by remarkable laboratory work emphasize chemical complexity, leading to answers to the tantalizing question: can this complexity be related to the origin of life? This book provides the tools to enable chemistry students to make their own computational investigations of astrochemistry and directs study across the chemical sciences and astronomy. Concentrating on fundamental processes, this book is a useful teaching aid.
Royal Society of Chemistry Phosphate and Borate Bioactive Glasses
Inorganic glasses are successfully used in the biomedical field, in particular degradable glasses have found applications in tissue engineering, bone regeneration and tooth remineralisation. Silicate glasses are the most commonly used ones but phosphate and borate glasses are attracting more and more interest owing to their special properties, differing from those of silicate bio-glasses. Phosphate and borate glasses thus open up potential routes for new therapeutic applications. This book focuses on these emerging materials. Bridging the phosphate and borate glasses communities, this book provides a fundamental treatment of atomic structure and physicochemical properties before highlighting their current and potential future applications. Phosphate and borate glasses not only feature a broader range of glass formation than silicate glasses. Their ability to completely dissolve in water with the solubility varying over orders of magnitude with compositional changes, makes them exciting materials for delivering therapeutic agents into the human body. Biomaterials scientists working in glasses, hard tissue engineering and regenerative medicine will find this a must-have book to own, alongside their more traditional silicate glass tomes.
Royal Society of Chemistry Introduction to Glass Science and Technology
Presenting the fundamental topics in glass science and technology, this concise introduction includes glass formation, crystallization, and phase separation. Glass structure models, with emphasis on the oxygen balance method, are presented in detail. Several chapters discuss the viscosity, density, thermal expansion, and mechanical properties of glasses as well as their optical and magnetic behavior and the diffusion of ions, atoms, and molecules and their effect on electrical conductivity, chemical durability, and other related behavior. In addition to the effects of atomic structure on the properties of glasses, the effects of phase separation, crystallization, and water content, which are neglected in most texts, are discussed extensively. Glass technology is addressed in chapters dealing with the raw materials for producing glasses, batch calculations, and the melting and fining processes. The compositions, properties, and production of commercial glasses are also presented. A chapter is devoted to the use of thermal analysis in the study of glasses, including their crystallization behavior. This expanded, third edition, includes new chapters on doped vitreous silica and the, often overlooked, role of halides on glass formation and properties. In addition, solutions to all of the exercises at the ends of chapters are included for the first time in this edition. This introductory text is ideal for undergraduates in materials science, ceramics, or inorganic chemistry. It will also be useful to the graduate student, engineer, or scientist seeking basic knowledge of the formation, properties, and production of glass in support of their work.
Royal Society of Chemistry Nucleic Acids in Chemistry and Biology
The structure, function and reactions of nucleic acids are central to molecular biology and medicine and are crucial for understanding of the ever-expanding range of complex biological processes involved which are central to life. Revised, extended, updated and lavishly illustrated, this 4th Edition of Nucleic Acids in Chemistry and Biology is a long-awaited standard text for teaching and research in nucleic acids science. It maintains the close integration of chemistry and biology that characterised the earlier editions and contains a major expansion largely focused on the burgeoning growth of RNA science. Written by an international team of leading experts, all with extensive teaching experience, this 4th Edition provides up-to-date and extended coverage of the reactions and interactions of RNA and DNA with proteins and drugs. A brief history of the discovery of nucleic acids is followed by a molecule-based introduction to the structure and biological roles of DNA and RNA and the basics of Genes and Genomes. New key chapters are devoted to non-coding RNA, nucleic acids sequencing, nucleic acid therapeutics, in vitro evolution and aptamers, and protein-RNA interactions. The text is linked to an extensive list of references to make it a definitive reference source. This authoritative volume presents topics in an integrated manner and readable style with full colour illustrations throughout. It is ideal for graduate and undergraduate students of chemistry and biochemistry, biophysics and biotechnology, and molecular biology and medicine. It will be a guidebook for new researchers to the field of nucleic acids science.
Royal Society of Chemistry The Handbook of Continuous Crystallization
Continuous crystallization is an area of intense research, with particular respect to the pharmaceutical industry and fine chemicals. Improvements in continuous crystallization technologies offer chemical industries significant financial gains, through reduced expenditure and operational costs, and consistent product quality. Written by well-known leaders in the field, The Handbook of Continuous Crystallization presents fundamental and applied knowledge, with attention paid to application and scaling up, and the burgeoning area of process intensification. Beginning with concepts around crystallization techniques and control strategies, the reader will learn about experimental methods and computational tools. Case studies spanning fine and bulk chemicals, the pharmaceutical industry, and employing new mathematical tools, put theory into context.
Royal Society of Chemistry Long-lived Nuclear Spin Order: Theory and Applications
The idea that a long-lived form of spin order, namely singlet order, can be prepared from nuclear spin magnetisation first emerged in 2004. The unusual properties of singlet order–its long lifetime and the fact that it is NMR silent but interconvertible into other forms of NMR active order—make it a ‘smart tag’ that can be used to store information for a long time or through distant space points. It is not unexpected then, that since its first appearance, this idea has caught the attention of research groups interested in exploiting this form of order in different fields of research spanning from biology to materials science and from hyperpolarisation to quantum computing. This first book on the subject gives a thorough description of the various aspects that affect the development of the topic and details the interdisciplinary applications. The book starts with a section dedicated to the basic theories of long-lived spin order and then proceeds with a description of the state-of-the-art experimental techniques developed to manipulate singlet order. It then concludes by covering the generalization of the concept of singlet order by introducing and discussing other forms of long-lived spin order.
Royal Society of Chemistry The Science of Sugar Confectionery
Since the first edition of The Science of Sugar Confectionery (2000), the confectionery industry has responded to ever-changing consumer habits. This new edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect industry’s response to market driven nutrition and dietary concerns, as well as changes in legislation, labelling, and technology. Building on the strengths of the first edition, the author’s personal knowledge and experience of the sugar confectionery industry is used to provide a thorough and accessible account of the field. Written so the reader needs no more than a rudimentary level of chemistry, this book covers the basic definitions, commonly used and new ingredients in the industry. It then discusses the various types of sugar confectionery including "sugar glasses" (boiled sweets), "grained sugar products" (fondants), toffees and fudges, "hydrocolloids" (gums, pastilles and jellies) and concludes with a new chapter on future outlooks. Featuring expanded coverage of special dietary needs, covering topics such as vegetarianism and veganism, religious requirements and supplemented products, this new edition reflects current and evolving needs in the sugar confectionery field.
Royal Society of Chemistry Good Enough to Eat?: Next Generation GM Crops
So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being. So begins Good Enough to Eat?, which challenges Kafka’s culinary sentiments and proceeds to unravel our complex and deeply personal relationship with food. Including interviews from both sides of the (farmyard) fence; from biologists to farmers and nutritionists to activists, Good Enough to Eat? charts the history of GM foods from the laboratory to the global dinner plate. Equally informative and entertaining, Godwin chronicles the social, political and philosophical arguments for and against GM crops, and the science and knowledge behind the battle for global food security and sustainability.
Royal Society of Chemistry Essential Mathematics for NMR and MRI Spectroscopists
Beginning with a review of the important areas of mathematics, this book then covers many of the underlying theoretical and practical aspects of NMR and MRI spectroscopy from a maths point of view. Competence in algebra and introductory calculus is needed but all other maths concepts are covered. It will bridge a gap between high level and introductory titles used in NMR or MRI spectroscopy. Uniquely, it takes a very careful and pedagogical approach to the mathematics behind NMR and MRI. It leaves out very few steps, which distinguishes it from other books in the field. The author is an NMR laboratory manager and is sympathetic to the frustrations of trying to understand where some of the fundamental equations come from hence his desire to either explicitly derive all equations for the reader or direct them to derivations. This is an essential text aimed at graduate students who are beginning their careers in NMR or MRI spectroscopy and laboratory managers if they need an understanding of the theoretical foundations of the technique.
Royal Society of Chemistry Biocatalysis in Organic Synthesis: The Retrosynthesis Approach
The application of biocatalysis in organic synthesis is rapidly gaining popularity amongst chemists. Compared to traditional synthetic methodologies biocatalysis offers a number of advantages in terms of enhanced selectivity (chemo-, regio-, stereo-), reduced environmental impact and lower cost of starting materials. Together these advantages can contribute to more sustainable manufacturing processes across a wide range of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to biofuels. The biocatalytic toolbox has expanded significantly in the past five years and given the current rate of development of new engineered biocatalysts it is likely that the number of available biocatalysts will double in the next few years. This textbook gives a comprehensive overview of the current biocatalytic toolbox and also establishes new guidelines or rules for “biocatalytic retrosynthesis”. Retrosynthesis is a well known and commonly used technique whereby organic chemists start with the structure of their target molecule and generate potential starting materials and intermediates through a series of retrosynthetic disconnections. These disconnections are then used to devise a forward synthesis, in this case using biocatalytic transformations in some of the key steps. Target molecules are disconnected with consideration for applying biocatalysts, as well as chemical reagents and chemocatalysts, in the forward synthesis direction. Using this textbook, students will be able to place biocatalysis within the context of other synthetic transformations that they have learned earlier in their studies. This additional awareness of biocatalysis will equip students for the modern world of organic synthesis where biocatalysts play an increasingly important role. In addition to guidelines for identifying where biocatalysts can be applied in organic synthesis, this textbook also provides examples of current applications of biocatalysis using worked examples and case studies. Tutorials enable the reader to practice disconnecting target molecules to find the ‘hidden’ biocatalytic reactions which can be applied in the synthetic direction. The book contains a complete description of the current biocatalyst classes that are available for use and also suggests areas where new enzymes are likely to be developed in the next few years. This textbook is an essential resource for lecturers and students studying synthetic organic chemistry. It also serves as a handy reference for practicing chemists who wish to embed biocatalysis into their synthetic toolbox.
Royal Society of Chemistry Green Chemistry: An Introductory Text
Sustainable development, the circular economy and environmental issues are at the forefront of public and Government concern. The field of green chemistry aims to provide environmentally benign products from sustainable resources, using processes that do not harm people or the environment at the same time as helping solve key societal problems such as climate change. Updated throughout, this third edition features an expanded section on legislation, a revised chapter on measurement, and a completely re-written chapter on renewable resources, bringing readers the latest developments in this quickly-growing area. Case studies now include more recent examples of real-world applications from industry to demonstrate how the techniques of green chemistry work in practice. This fascinating textbook is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate courses covering green chemistry, and it encourages new ways of thinking about how products and processes are developed.
Royal Society of Chemistry Crime Scene to Court: The Essentials of Forensic Science
The fascinating field of forensic science can be challenging to understand. Written for non-scientists, or those with limited scientific knowledge, this book covers the three main areas of an investigation where forensic science is practised: at the scene of the crime, in the forensic laboratory and at court. The fourth edition of this popular book features a new chapter on identifying an individual, including biometrics and a new chapter covering digital crime. The book has been updated throughout, keeping readers at the forefront of current practices across the forensic disciplines. Ideal for anyone studying forensic science or law, this book details how crime scene and forensic examinations are conducted in the United Kingdom, courtroom procedures and the role of the expert witness. It is an excellent source of information for anyone with a role in an investigation, including the police and crime scene investigators.
Royal Society of Chemistry Introduction to Photocatalysis: From Basic Science to Applications
Presenting the basic science of semiconductor photocatalysis together with the various practical applications, this textbook is ideal for graduate students. It covers fundamental principles and applicable techniques of light, solid state physics, electrochemistry, reaction kinetics, and materials processing. A solid understanding of semiconductor photoelectrochemistry is developed through discussing the basic properties of a representative photocatalytic material, TiO2; the basic science of the light absorption phenomenon and the application to the powder suspension useful for the photocatalytic research; and the electronic state of semiconductors. Following this, the textbook moves on to explore photoelectrochemistry; the mechanism and kinetic analysis of photocatalytic reactions; typical fabrication methods of common photocatalysts and the factors for improving photocatalytic activity; and evaluation methods of photocatalytic activity. The textbook concludes by looking at the future prospects of the applications of photocatalysis. This introductory textbook provides a foundation in photocatalysis to supplement graduate courses in catalysis, environmental science, materials science and chemical engineering.
Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Misconceptions: Prevention, diagnosis and cure: Theoretical background, Volume 1
Chemistry is a conceptual subject and, in order to explain many of the concepts, teachers use models to describe the microscopic world and relate it to the macroscopic properties of matter. This can lead to problems, as a student's every-day experiences of the world and use of language can contradict the ideas put forward in chemical science. These titles have been designed to help tackle this issue of misconceptions. Part 1 deals with the theory, by including information on some of the key alternative conceptions that have been uncovered by research; ideas about a variety of teaching approaches that may prevent students acquiring some common alternative conceptions; and general ideas for assisting students with the development of appropriate scientific conceptions. Part 2 provides strategies for dealing with some of the misconceptions that students have, by including ready to use classroom resources including copies of probes that can be used to identify ideas held by students; some specific exercises aimed at challenging some of the alternative ideas; and classroom activities that will help students to construct the chemical concepts required by the curriculum. Used together, these two books will provide a good theoretical underpinning of the fundamentals of chemistry. Trialled in schools throughout the UK, they are suitable for teaching ages 11-18.
Hodder Education Essential Maths Skills for AS/A Level Chemistry
If your students struggle with changing the subject of an equation or drawing tangents to find rate of change, this is the book for them. This textbook companion will help improve their essential maths skills for chemistry, whichever awarding body specification you're following. You can use it throughout the course, whenever you feel they need some extra help.- Develop understanding of both maths and chemistry with all worked examples and questions within a chemistry context- Improve confidence with a step-by-step approach to every maths skill- Measure progress with guided and non-guided questions - Understand misconceptions with full worked solutions to every question - Feel confident in expert guidance from experienced teacher and examiner Nora Henry, reviewed by Paul Yates, Strategic Academic Development Adviser at the University of Chester and author of the mathematics skills column for the Royal Society of Chemistry magazine 'Education in Chemistry'
John Wiley & Sons Inc Intelligent Surfaces in Biotechnology: Scientific and Engineering Concepts, Enabling Technologies, and Translation to Bio-Oriented Applications
A comprehensive overview of smart and responsive surfaces in biotechnology and their applications A wave of recent advances in cell biology, biophysics, chemistry, and materials science has enabled the development of a new generation of smart biomaterials. Intelligent Surfaces in Biotechnology: Scientific and Engineering Concepts, Enabling Technologies, and Translation to Bio-Oriented Applications provides readers with a comprehensive overview of surface modifications and their applications, including coverage of the physico-chemical properties, characterization methods, smart coating technologies, and demonstration of performance in vitro and in vivo. The first part of the book covers applications in the fields of biosensing and biodiagnostics, while the second part focuses more on coatings for medical devices, drug delivery, and tailored cell-surface interactions. The book explores intelligent surface applications such as tissue engineering, drug targeting and delivery, wound healing and anti-infection strategies, biosensors, nanopatterning, and bioinspired design of novel responsive materials and multifunctional surfaces. Designed to aid scientists and engineers in understanding the rapidly developing field of biofunctional surfaces, Intelligent Surfaces in Biotechnology is an edited volume with each chapter written by a respected expert and featuring examples taken from the most state-of-the-art developments in the discipline. Cover Image: Design concept for a diagnostic microfluidic system based on responsive polymer- and antibody-conjugated nanobeads (see Chapter 2 of this book, Figure 2.5; reproduced by permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry).
John Wiley & Sons Inc Materials: Introduction and Applications
Presents a fully interdisciplinary approach with a stronger emphasis on polymers and composites than traditional materials books Materials science and engineering is an interdisciplinary field involving the properties of matter and its applications to various areas of science and engineering. Polymer materials are often mixed with inorganic materials to enhance their mechanical, electrical, thermal, and physical properties. Materials: Introduction and Applications addresses a gap in the existing textbooks on materials science. This book focuses on three Units. The first, Foundations, includes basic materials topics from Intermolecular Forces and Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams to Crystalline and Non-Crystalline Structures. The second Units, Materials, goes into the details of many materials including Metals, Ceramics, Organic Raw Materials, Polymers, Composites, Biomaterials, and Liquid Crystals and Smart Materials. The third and final unit details Behavior and Properties including Rheological, Mechanical, Thermophysical, Color and Optical, Electrical and Dielectric, Magnetic, Surface Behavior and Tribology, Materials, Environment and Sustainability, and Testing of Materials. Materials: Introduction and Applications features: Basic and advanced Materials concepts Interdisciplinary information that is otherwise scattered consolidated into one work Links to everyday life application like electronics, airplanes, and dental materials Certain topics to be discussed in this textbook are more advanced. These will be presented in shaded gray boxes providing a two-level approach. Depending on whether you are a student of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Technology, MSE, Chemistry, Physics, etc., you can decide for yourself whether a topic presented on a more advanced level is not important for you—or else essential for you given your professional profile Witold Brostow is Regents Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of North Texas. He is President of the International Council on Materials Education and President of the Scientific Committee of the POLYCHAR World Forum on Advanced Material (42 member countries). He has three honorary doctorates and is a Member of the European Academy of Sciences, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Mexico, Foreign Member of the National Academy of Engineering of Georgia in Tbilisi and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in London. His publications have been cited more than 7200 times. Haley Hagg Lobland is the Associate Director of LAPOM at the University of North Texas. She is a Member of the POLYCHAR Scientific Committeee. She has received awards for her research presented at conferences in: Buzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; NIST, Frederick, Maryland; Rouen, France; and Lviv, Ukraine. She has lectured in a number of countries including Poland and Spain. Her publications include joint ones with colleagues in Egypt, Georgia, Germany, India, Israel, Mexico, Poland, Turkey and United Kingdom.
Royal Society of Chemistry The Comet Assay in Toxicology
Concerns about the adverse effects of chemicals present in the environment have created a need for better systems to assess their potential consequences on human health. One potential solution is the versatile and state-of-the-art Comet assay. Simple, sensitive, rapid and visual, this modern toxicological method allows quantitative and qualitative assessment of DNA damage in single cells. This assay is used in diverse fields ranging from clinical applications, human monitoring and environmental toxicology through to genetic toxicity testing. This updated and revised edition of The Comet Assay in Toxicology provides the latest information on this important tool. It addresses, in-depth, the different protocols, statistical analyses and applications used worldwide. It also includes the guidelines recommended by the Working Group on Comet Assay. The book begins with a review of the genesis of the assay for those new to the technique and goes on to explain procedures followed to assess different types of DNA damage, various applications of the assay, and guidelines for the conduct of the assay in in vitro and in vivo systems. New chapters written for this edition will provide information on the most contemporary approaches and applications, including in silico approaches, on meta-analysis of data and on the application of the Comet Assay in nanotoxicology. This book will serve as both a reference and a guide to students as well as investigators in the biomedical, biochemical and pharmaceutical sciences fields.
Royal Society of Chemistry Noncovalent Interactions in Catalysis
Noncovalent interactions often provide the spine of biomolecular and material structures, and can therefore play a key role in biological and catalytic processes. Selectivity in chemical reactions, particularly in catalytic processes, is often an orchestral action of various noncovalent interactions occurring in intermediates and transition states. Although the role of hydrogen bonding is well explored in catalysis, the other types of weak interactions, namely cation–π, anion–π, π–π stacking, pseudo-agostic, halogen, chalcogen, pnictogen, tetrel and icosagen bonds, must also be considered. Naturally, the chemo-, regio- or stereoselectivity of a reaction depends on the stability of such noncovalent-interaction-supported species in catalytic systems. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of these weak interactions may be the key to designing new catalytic materials. Providing an overview of the role of these different types of noncovalent interactions in both homogenous and heterogeneous catalysis, this book is a valuable resource for synthetic chemists who are interested in exploring and further developing noncovalent-interaction-assisted synthesis and catalysis.
Royal Society of Chemistry Nanoscience: Volume 8
The publications in nanoscience cross conventional boundaries from chemistry to specialised areas of physics and nanomedicine. With such a vast landscape of material, careful distillation of the most important discoveries helps researchers find the key information. Nanoscience provides a critical and comprehensive assessment of the most recent research and opinion from across the globe. Topics covered in this volume include nanomaterials for electro-organic synthesis, porous organic polymers for CO2 reduction, nanoporous carbons and their potential energy storage applications and MOF derived nanostructures for heterogeneous catalysis. Appealing to anyone practising in nano-allied fields or wishing to enter the nano-world, this useful resource provides a succinct reference on recent developments in this area now and looking to the future.
Royal Society of Chemistry The Chemistry of Polymers
The Chemistry of Polymers, 5th Edition, is fully updated with the latest developments in polymer science providing a highly readable textbook for those requiring a broad overview of the subject. Like previous editions, the book continues to explore the subject from an applications point of view, providing a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of polymer science including synthesis, structure, properties, degradation and dendrimers. Recent advances in special topics in polymer chemistry and polymers and the environment are also discussed in an informative and up-to-date manner. The new edition features additional content on recent developments in new polymer synthesis techniques including reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization, atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP). The book also contains new content on the latest developments in polymer characterisation methods as well as applications of polymers including co-ordination polymers and lithium-polymer batteries. The book is essential reading for university students, teachers and scientists who wish to acquire an up-to-the-minute overview of polymer science and its many specialised topics in an informative and easy to read style.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Raman Effect: A Unified Treatment of the Theory of Raman Scattering by Molecules
This new book presents a unified theoretical treatment, which is complete and rigorous but nonetheless readable. The theoretical treatment requires a variety of mathematical and physical tools. To keep the main text uncluttered, these tools are developed in comprehensive Appendices to which cross-references are made in the main text. These Appendices also ensure that the main text is useful to readers with a wide variety of scientific backgrounds and experience. These include not only spectroscopists, but also chemists, physicists, biochemists and analytical chemists. The presentation is such that postgraduate and postdoctoral students as well as more established research workers will find it valuable. About the Author The author was formerly Professor of Structural Chemistry and Director of the Molecular Spectroscopy unit in the University of Bradford. He is distinguished for his original scientific work in a number of areas of Raman spectroscopy. His book, 'Raman Spectroscopy', published in 1978 and long out of print, was highly successful. He has been co-editor of many books including the Specialist Reports on Molecular Spectroscopy, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry; he retired as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Raman Spectroscopy in December 1999.
Facet Publishing The New Walford Guide to Reference Resources: Volume 1: Science. Technology and Medicine
First published in 1959, Walford's guide to reference material achieved international recognition as a leading bibliographic tool across all subject areas. But, in the 1990s, the web transformed the information universe; and so we have now transformed Walford. The New Walford (TNW) Volume 1: Science, Technology and Medicine is the first volume of a radically different guide. Published over 3 years, TNW will form the most substantial work of its kind in the English language. This book provides a pathway through the huge quantity of information now accessible via the web. The types of material cited have been greatly widened to reflect the revolution brought about by the use of networked information; but we have made sure that print resources are not ignored where these are still valuable. If you are approaching a subject for the first time, TNW will get you on your way, guiding you to the best starting points for your query. For the information professional, TNW's new way of categorizing resources reflects the fundamental changes that have taken place in the scientific, business, political and social information landscapes. Who is it for This new reference book will be valuable for professionals worldwide who need to suggest resources to people who are relatively unfamiliar with the nuances of a topic and who need to know where to start. The focus is on resources that are most likely to be found and used within public, government, education or business information services. If you are an LIS professional responsible for developing and revising a reference collection, new to reference work, staffing an enquiry desk, a research worker or student, you'll welcome publication of this new work - it's your paper portal to the world of reference resources. Subject coverage mathematics physics & astronomy earth sciences chemistry biological sciences agriculture, forestry, fisheries & food pre-clinical sciences; clinical medicine health natural resources & energy engineering information & communication technology. Subject fields include astrophysics & cosmology biodiversity & conservation genetics, genomics & bioinformatics infectious diseases information system security meteorology & climatology microengineering & nanotechnology palaeontology soil science sports & exercise medicine. Editor-in-ChiefDr Ray Lester held posts in Unilever and a number of university libraries before becoming Director of Information Services at the London Business School and then the Head of Library and Information Services at The Natural History Museum. Subject specialists Catherine Carr, Cranfield University Jim Corlett, Nottingham Trent University Joanne Dunham, University of Leicester Helen Hathaway, University of Reading Dr Jonathan Jeffery, Leiden University Gareth Johnson, University of York Nazma Masud, Royal Society of Chemistry Roger Mills, University of Oxford Lorna Mitchell, Queen Mary, University of London Dr David Newton, The British Library Linda Norbury, University of Birmingham Bob Parry, University of Reading Alison Sutton, University of Reading Elizabeth Tilley, University of Cambridge Dr Barry White, University of Manchester Fenella Whittaker, The Institution of Mechanical Engineers.