Search results for ""author william"
Brepols N.V. Francesco Bocchi'S Beau City Floren
Hill & Wang Inc.,U.S. The Fate of Their Country: Politicians, Slavery Extension, and the Coming of the Civil War
Yale University Press Ground/work
A lush visual document of the Clark Art Institute’s first-ever outdoor exhibition, featuring the work of six significant contemporary artists working in sculpture today A reverence for nature and a desire to further enliven the surrounding trails, pastures, and woods inspired Ground/work—the Clark Art Institute’s first outdoor exhibition—which this book records and situates within the broader context of contemporary sculpture. The six major site-responsive commissions created by Kelly Akashi, Nairy Baghramian, Jennie C. Jones, Eva LeWitt, Analia Saban, and Haegue Yang are documented throughout the seasons, alongside texts that reflect upon and illuminate the individual and collective responses of artists. Process shots and working documents are placed alongside grand single shots of artworks and their landscape contexts. Critical texts represent a wide range of significant voices in the field of contemporary art.Distributed for the Clark Art InstituteExhibition Schedule:Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA (October 6, 2020–October 17, 2021)
En este nuevo libro, Peter Seewald, el periodista que más conoce la figura Joseph Ratzinger/ Benedicto XVI realiza un recorrido pormenorizado y veraz de la trayectoria vital, teológica y eclesial del papa emérito.A través de muchas entrevistas con él y con diversos testigos y personas cercanas al pontífice, ha podido ahondar en su personalidad, en las vicisitudes dramáticas de su vida, y llegar ?mediante la reconstrucción de fracturas como los casos Williamson y Vatileaks? a conclusiones sorprendentes, manteniendo siempre la distancia crítica y la imparcialidad.
New Village Press Zoned Out!: Race, Displacement, and City Planning in New York City, Revised Edition
Gentrification and displacement of low-income communities of color are major issues in New York City and the city’s zoning policies are a major cause. Race matters but the city ignores it when shaping land use and housing policies. The city promises “affordable housing” that is not truly affordable. Zoned Out! shows how this has played in Williamsburg, Harlem and Chinatown, neighborhoods facing massive displacement of people of color. It looks at ways the city can address inequalities, promote authentic community-based planning and develop housing in the public domain. Tom Angotti and Sylvia Morse frame the revised edition of this seminal work with a tribute to the late urbanist and architect Michael Sorkin and his progressive and revolutionary approaches to cities as well as a new preface about changes in city policy since Mayor Bill de Blasio left office and what rights citizens need to defend. The book includes a foreword by the late, distinguished urban planning educator Peter Marcuse and individual chapters by community activist Philip DePaola, housing policy analyst Samuel Stein, and both the editors.
Lars Muller Publishers In Search of African American Space
If African American experience emerges from the structure of slavery, how does architecture relate to that experience? African Americans have claimed space in unexpected locations—often in opposition to architecture as a Eurocentric discipline that has served to regulate and exclude them. In Search of African American Space examines both historical record and personal and collective memory to uncover these instances. African American space can be creative and aspirational, taking the form of speech and performance that reflects its fleeting nature. This anthology of essays from contemporary architects, historians and artists presents a broad range of knowledge and practices that evoke consciousness of this form of space making in the afterlife of slavery. With contributions by Tina M. Campt, Sara Caples and Everardo Jefferson, Radiclani Clytus, J. Yolande Daniels, Jeffrey Hogrefe, Ann S. Holder, Walis Johnson, Elizabeth J. Kennedy, Rodney Leon, Scott Ruff, Marisa Williamson
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Landscape Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England
The Anglo-Saxon period was crucial to the development of the English landscape, but is rarely studied. The essays here provide radical new interpretations of its development. Traditional opinion has perceived the Anglo-Saxons as creating an entirely new landscape from scratch in the fifth and sixth centuries AD, cutting down woodland, and bringing with them the practice of open field agriculture, and establishing villages. Whilst recent scholarship has proved this simplistic picture wanting, it has also raised many questions about the nature of landscape development at the time, the changing nature of systems of land management, and strategies for settlement. The papers here seek to shed new light on these complex issues. Taking a variety of different approaches, and with topics ranging from the impact of coppicing to medieval field systems, from the representation of the landscape in manuscripts to cereal production and the type of bread the population preferred, they offer striking new approaches to the central issues of landscape change across the seven centuries of Anglo-Saxon England, a period surely foundational to the rural landscape of today. NICHOLAS J. HIGHAM is Professor of Early Medieval and Landscape History at the University of Manchester; MARTIN J. RYAN lectures in Medieval History at the University of Manchester. Contributors: Nicholas J. Higham, Christopher Grocock, Stephen Rippon, Stuart Brookes, Carenza Lewis, Susan Oosthuizen, Tom Williamson, Catherine Karkov, David Hill, Debby Banham, Richard Hoggett, Peter Murphy.
Johns Hopkins University Press Rebellion in Black and White: Southern Student Activism in the 1960s
"Rebellion in Black and White" offers a panoramic view of southern student activism in the 1960s. Original scholarly essays demonstrate how southern students promoted desegregation, racial equality, free speech, academic freedom, world peace, gender equity, sexual liberation, Black Power, and the personal freedoms associated with the counterculture of the decade. Most accounts of the 1960s student movement and the New Left have been northern-centered, focusing on rebellions at the University of California, Berkeley, Columbia University, and others. And yet, students at southern colleges and universities also organized and acted to change race and gender relations and to end the Vietnam War. Southern students took longer to rebel due to the south's legacy of segregation, its military tradition, and its Bible Belt convictions, but their efforts were just as effective as those in the north. "Rebellion in Black and White" sheds light on higher education, students, culture, and politics of the American south. It is edited by Robert Cohen and David J. Snyder, the book features the work of both seasoned historians and a new generation of scholars offering fresh perspectives on the civil rights movement and many others. Contributors include: Dan T. Carter, David T. Farber, Jelani Favors, Wesley Hogan, Christopher A. Huff, Nicholas G. Meriwether, Gregg L. Michel, Kelly Morrow, Doug Rossinow, Cleveland L. Sellers Jr., Gary S. Sprayberry, Marcia G. Synnott, Jeffrey A. Turner, Erica Whittington, and Joy Ann Williamson-Lott.
Baen Books That Was Now, This Is Then
SOLDIERS OUT OF TIME Then: First Lieutenant Sean Elliott and nine other mixed-service U.S. soldiers on a convoy in Afghanistan suddenly found themselves and their MRAP vehicle thrown back to Earth’s Paleolithic Age. And they were not alone. Displaced Romans, neolithic Europeans, and others showed up as well. Some would be allies. Some became deadly foes. Now: Scientists from an almost unimaginably far future need the survivors’ advice and support to reconnoiter and ultimately recover other groups displaced in time. The problem is not all of those other groups want to be recovered or even understand where they are. Prehistory is an ugly place, fascinating to visit, but no place for a civilized person to live. But the future, gorgeous as it is, has a darker side that dampens the appeal. In the end, only inventiveness, grit, and a thirst for freedom from the fickle tides of time can keep Sean and the displaced Americans alive and on a path to finally find a place—and a time—to call home. About That Was Now, This Is Then: “. . . a classic story of survival. They may not like each other, but must to depend upon each other. Williamson shows how they pull together to create a solid society. . . . outstanding entertainment. Each character is different and fully developed. Even those you may dislike seem worth caring about. . . . grabs readers from the beginning and keep them reading to the end.”—The Galveston County Daily News About Michael Z. Williamson: “A fast-paced, compulsive read . . . will appeal to fans of John Ringo, David Drake, Lois McMaster Bujold, and David Weber.”—Kliatt “Williamson's military expertise is impressive.”—SFReviews
Inventory Press LLC Breaking Protocol
Collaborative conversations on Indigenous performance art, convened by a leading practitioner For Breaking Protocol, transdisciplinary artist Maria Hupfield embarked on a research project on the protocols of Indigenous performance—tracing Indigenous knowledge systems, land-preservation practices and feminist scholarship to illuminate strategies for enacting refusal within decolonial frameworks. The book draws from Hupfield’s “coffee breaks”—conversations held over Zoom during the pandemic, in which Hupfield invited international Indigenous performance artists to discuss their work (from dance to stand-up comedy), who in turn invited other artists to join the conversations. Building on these exchanges, Breaking Protocol asks what we can learn from Indigenous, place-based artistic modes of making and practice to open spaces for reciprocity and multiplicity. Contributors include: Rebecca Belmore, Lori Blondeau, Pelenakeke Brown, Katherine Carl, Re’al Christian, Christen Clifford, TJ Cuthand, Vanessa Dion Fletcher, Akiko Ichikawa, Suzanne Kite, Charles Koroneho, Carin Kuoni, Cheryl L’Hirondelle, Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill, Jackson 2Bears Leween, Tanya Lukin Linklater, Cathy Mattes, Meagan Musseau, Julie Nagam, Wanda Nanibush, Peter Morin, Archer Pechawis, Rosanna Raymond, Skeena Reece, Georgiana Uhlyarik, Charlene Vickers and Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory.
Amazon Publishing Give Her Credit
MP-NCA Uni of North Carolina Stonewalls Prussian Mapmaker The Journals of Captain Oscar Hinrichs Civil War America Hardcover
Edinburgh University Press Canonical Misogyny
Harlequin Coltons Last Resort
Bauhan Pub Dear Mary Letters Home from the 10th Mountain Division 19441945
Letters from WWII service in Italy to a beloved wife back home
HarperCollins Publishers A Language of Dragons
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Innenwelten und Fremdkörper
Dr Ludwig Reichert The Book of Zambasta: Metre and Stress in Old Khotanese
Savas Beatie Chicago's Battery Boys: The Chicago Mercantile Battery in the Civil War's Western Theater
John Hunt Publishing Spirit Trap The
A story in which two teenagers trying to release a trapped ghost unravel the tangled threads of their own previous lives.
Faithlife Corporation How Can We Help Victims of Trauma and Abuse?
Archway Publishing The Mighty, Mighty Mask Vs. Venomous Virus
Bloomsbury Publishing USA I Saw Death Coming: A History of Terror and Survival in the War against Reconstruction
Bold Strokes Books Initiation by Desire
Skyhorse Publishing Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism The Politically Incorrect Guides
Mark Twain Media Science Experiments, Grades 5 - 12: Earth Science
Hampton Roads Publishing Co Beating the Flu: The Prescription for Surviving Pandemic Influenza and Bird Flu Naturally
Boosey & Hawkes Inc English Folk Song Suite Full Score
S&s/Saga Press Quillifer the Knight Volume 2
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Amazons of Themyscira Main Theme from Wonder Woman Sheet Original Sheet Music Edition
Arcadia Publishing Hidden History of Fort Myers
Margaret K. McElderry Books Bull Rider
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers The Sorcerer Heir
Hyperion The Exiled Queen
Simon & Schuster Bull Rider
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Midnight Without a Moon
It's Mississippi in the summer of 1955, and Rose Lee Carter can't wait to move north. For now, she's living with her sharecropper grandparents on a white man's cotton plantation. Then, one town over, an African American boy, Emmett Till, is killed for allegedly whistling at a white woman. When Till's murderers are unjustly acquitted, Rose realises that the South needs a change and that she should be part of the movement.
Ausable Press Love about Love
Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd Four Hymns Hawkes Pocket Score 1516
Arcadia Publishing Old Verona Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Arcadia Publishing Washington D.C.: The World War II Years
Random House USA Inc Leap
Penguin Publishing Group The Three of Us
Penguin Putnam Inc The Three of Us
Random House USA Inc Never Coming Home
Random House USA Inc Spells Like Teen Spirit
Faber Music Ltd Two Partsongs