Search results for ""author william"
Nova Science Publishers Inc National Drug Control Strategy
Nova Science Publishers Inc Biological Cybernetics Research Trends
Nova Science Publishers Inc Automobile Industry: Current Issues
Nova Science Publishers Inc Focus On Genome Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Technologies for Healthy, Graceful Aging: Issues, Recommendations, Federal Actions
Quercus Publishing The Night Field
The incredible novel of one woman's quest to save her people - and her world. Now updated with all-new material and a reading-group discussion guide. It comes without warning, without explanation - the sudden deadly Stink that shreds the life of the People, poisoning the land, sickening the trees, killing babies in the womb. It comes from above, from the Plains of the Ancestors, but what has caused this murderous curse? It falls to Pyn-Poi to find out. The young tree-woman must climb the unclimbable cliff, to face the Ancestors on their own ground and demand an accounting for the Stink. But the end of the climb is just the beginning of Pyn-Poi's journey. What she finds in the world above is an abomination beyond the most fearsome fire-stories of the People - and she must defeat it, or face the extinction of everything she has ever loved.Praise for The Night Field 'Simple, beautiful prose'
Guilford Publications Social Skills Training for Children with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism
This practical, research-based guide provides a wealth of tools and strategies for implementing social skills training in school or clinical settings. Numerous case examples illustrate common social difficulties experienced by children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and Asperger syndrome; the impact on peer relationships, school performance, and behavior; and how social skills training can help. Chapters delve into the nuts and bolts of teaching and reinforcing core skills in classroom, small-group, or individual contexts, emphasizing ways to tailor interventions to each individual's needs. Reproducible forms and worksheets can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Excavations Between Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier, Part 9: Noubadian X-Group Remains from Royal Complexes in Cemeteries Q and 219 and Private Cemeteries Q, R, V, W, B, J, and M at Qustul and Ballana
The excavations at these cemeteries provide a full range of X-Group objects, dated to the fourth through sixth centuries a.d. Of special interest is the military equipment, including many decorated quivers, parts of several unusual light composite bows, and a saddle date to the late fourth century. The most important discoveries were the complexes of chapels and animal sacrifice pits found beside royal tombs at Qustul. The arrangement of these Noubadian royal funerary complexes can be related to others in Sudan indicating the existence of a widespread and long-lasting funerary tradition.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Excavations Between Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier, Part 7: Twenty-Fifth Dynasty and Napatan Remains at Qustul Cemeteries W and V
A number of burials excavated by the Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition revealed pottery, objects, and burial customs that are dated to the Twenty-fifth Dynasty and Napatan periods (ca. 750-200 b.c.), a poorly known phase in Lower Nubia. The rulers of this great age of Kush left monuments in the region, but almost nothing could be found of the ordinary people. The burials are compared with others published from the region to reconstruct a substantial period of settlement in Lower Nubia.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Excavations Between Abu Simbel and the Sudan Frontier, Parts 2, 3, and 4: Neolithic, A-Group, and Post A-Group Remains from Cemeteries W, V, S, Q, T, and a Cave East of Cemetery K
This volume, the second to publish the results of Seele's two seasons of excavations in Nubia, presents Neolithic, A-Group, and Post-A-Group remains from Qustul, Ballana, and Adindan. Neolithic remains were only found in a cave behind the village of Adindan and consist of sherds, some implements, a human skull, and fragments of decorated ostrich eggshell. The cave is comparable to caves found deep in Sudan and represents a northern extension of the cultures well known in the area of the second cataract. Also included in this volume are A-Group remains from cemeteries other than Cemetery L and Post-A-Group remains from two burials, dated between the end of A-Group and the beginning of C-Group, that can be compared with others in the region to identify a limited occupation in a period where none has been thought to exist in recent years.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collectible Aunt Jemima: Handbook & Value Guide
Aunt Jemima's familiar beaming, warm smile and laughing eyes have been associated with breakfast pancakes for generations of Americans. "Invented" in 1888 to help market a new type of pancake flour, Aunt Jemima has been represented by a good number of real women and a tremendous number of collectible products. This book displays hundred of the item available from Aunt Jemima's long history, and provides fascinating or funny glimpses into over a century of our nation's cultural history. Collectors interested in kitchen memorabilia and/or African-American history will find this book wonderfully eye-opening! Promotional items and advertisements are presented, including doll families, recipe books, kitchen utensils, menus, coloring books, and cooking set for children. The complete story of Aunt Jemima's Pancake Mix, the myth of Aunt Jemima herself, and the stories of the real women who portrayed her are all told in this delightful book. A price guide is included.
New Africa Books (Pty) Ltd Discovering Southern African Rock Art
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Fostoria Glass: The Elegant and Master-Etchings
This stunning book gathers a comprehensive assortment of the most popular Fostoria etching patterns from 1918 through 1982. Among the most beautiful of glass objects are Fostoria Glass Company's Elegant and Master-Etchings. Artfully displayed in over 800 color portraits, these lovely decorations were in the forefront of Fostoria's dinnerware production and provided some of the company's most beloved patterns for bridal registry in America. The pattern introductions provide etching numbers; dates of production; original company colors; and the dinnerware, tableware, and stemware blanks used for each pattern. Scarce, hard to find items are included. The text contains a well-researched history of the Fostoria factory, an introduction to the designers and the craftsmen who created the etchings; the unique advertising, marketing, and bridal registry methods; how Fostoria glass was made; the steps in etching on glass; how to choose and use Fostoria glassware; and a detailed quick reference guide to the etchings. This book, the first to document the company's vast production and advertising range for the etchings, is a must for every Fostoria collector, glass enthusiast, or glass dealer, from novice to most experienced. Captions include current market values.
John Wiley & Sons Chieftaincy the State and Democracy Political Legitimacy in PostApartheid South Africa
Wolters Kluwer Health Operative Techniques in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022!Derived from Sam W. Wiesel and Todd J. Albert’s four-volume Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery, this single-volume resource contains a comprehensive, authoritative review of operative techniques in shoulder and elbow surgery. In one convenient place, you’ll find the entire Shoulder and Elbow section, as well as relevant chapters from the Hand, Wrist, and Forearm and Sports Medicine sections of Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery. Superb full-color illustrations and step-by-step explanations help you master surgical techniques, select the best procedure, avoid complications, and anticipate outcomes. Written by global experts from leading institutions, Operative Techniques in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Third Edition, clearly demonstrates how to perform the techniques, making this an essential daily resource for residents, fellows, and practitioners. Includes new procedures and comprehensive updates throughout with visually stunning, consistently rendered medical illustrations and intraoperative photographs that present how to perform each technique step by step. Provides new procedural videos and a newly streamlined eBook for on-the-go reference. Uses consistent, easy-to-follow chapter templates and extensive bulleted lists and tables for quick reference and review. Discusses each clinical problem using the same concise format: definition, anatomy, physical exams, pathogenesis, natural history, physical findings, imaging and diagnostic studies, differential diagnosis, nonoperative management, surgical management, pearls and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, and complications. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Quadrille Publishing Ltd F*ck Being Humble: Why Self-Promotion Isn’t a Dirty Word
Get ready to start taking charge of your own success.Whether it is through our parents, our education, our bosses, our colleagues, or the media we consume, we are constantly told that being humble is essential to our professional success. It's often seen as distasteful or arrogant to shout about our achievements. But in a modern workplace, where the conventional, steady, linear career path is becoming rarer and rarer, this advice seems ever-more obsolete. In the age of flexible working and portfolio careers, it's time to f*ck being humble.With simple exercises, steps and real-life examples, this is a resource for your bedside table that you can come back to again and again, at any point in your career. Learn how to: Know what you stand for Stop hiding (even when you don’t realise you are) Fully realise the power of networking Know your self-worth Play the money game and win Manage your emotions at work Take action and establish the right time to make the leap Keep the momentum you’ve generated going and maintain that elusive work-life balance
Orion Publishing Co The Dragon Heir
For centuries, wizards have avoided making war on each other for fear of waking the legendary dragon that sleeps at Raven's Ghyll. But it is a new age. The patriarch Nicodemus Snowbeard is rapidly failing. The Wizard Houses of the Red and White Rose have united against Claude D'Orsay, Master of Games and keeper of the Dragonhold, and a moment when he and and his sadistic son Devereaux seem poised to seize control of all of the magical guilds. But then everything changes ...Jason Haley has been trying to be part of the action for months: he wants to help, but no one seems prepared to let him in. Seph is monitoring the defensive walls. Jack and Ellen are training their ghost army, even his Anaweir friends are doing their bit to help. Only Jason seems to be left out - until he stumbles across a powerful talisman, called the Dragonheart, hidden away in a cave. It seems to sing to Jason, its power calling to him. Perhaps, finally, he's going to be able to help.The final battle is coming, and the magical community of Trinity is about to risk the destruction of everything they care about in order to remain free. The outcome is balanced on a knife edge, and the slightest advantage could turn the tide. If Jason can help, if the moody and mysterious Madison Moss can be persuaded to join the Weirguilds before it's too late, and if the friends who make Trinity a place worth fighting for remain true ...
Hedonist Surf Company Pty Ltd Snowfinder USA: The Ultimate Ski and Snowboard Travel Tool
"Snowfinder USA" is a guide book for people who love the snow, written by people who love the snow. This "pro-in-your-pocket" is written by local experts, pro skiers and boarders, to give you the low down on the best ski resorts in the USA.The 'snowfinder' concept is based on the four key requirements to maximise snow time and apres enjoyment. This guide provides you with all the info you need on the key snowboard and ski resorts in USA.Firstly, each resort is introduced by a pro skier or snowboarder who intimately knows the resort and wants to share their knowledge with the reader.Secondly, each resort is coupled with a clear and easy to navigate piste map, so the skier instantly has the map to hand (or in his pocket!) whenever it is needed. "Snowfinder USA" also gives information on the best off-piste runs too.Thirdly, the guide comments on the important runs in each resort, a must for any skier or snowboarder who does not have previous knowledge of the resort.And finally, as well as the professional information, the guide also offers information on apres ski - for each resort it details the best places to eat, drink, chill out or dance the night away: All this information in a guide which fits neatly into your coat pocket! It contains: over 800 stunning photographs and clear illustrations; easy to use piste maps, and detailing the best on piste, off piste and backcountry skiing in USA; and, low down on every resort from professionals and local experts.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Whitney Navy Revolver: A Reference of the Models and Types, 1857-1866
This book is primarily a reference for the most famous revolver manufactured by Eli Whitney, Jr. during the late-1850s and throughout the American Civil War. The Whitney Navy Revolver documents the results of a two-year research project and provides clear and current information on the various models and types. A thorough description along with photographs of each model and type of Whitney Navy revolver is found in this book. In addition to serving as a reference work, this book provides a brief history of the firearms development and marketing efforts of Eli Whitney, Jr. along with extensive information on the use of his revolvers by both the North and South during the Civil War. Photographs of Union and Confederate soldiers with Whitney revolvers are included, along with a photograph of the Whitney revolver used by Confederate cavalry commander, General JEB Stuart. Much additional information is found in this book, including photographs of engraved revolvers, cartridge conversion models, and other revolvers that were copies of the Whitney Navy revolver. This book is a must for collectors and students of historical firearms.
British Museum Press The Tale of King Harald: The Last Viking Adventure
An illustrated adventure telling the story of King Harald Sigurdsson, the last king of the Vikings Based on a true story, Harald’s adventure takes him from a frightened teenager to wealthy and powerful warrior and finally, to a ruthless and tyrannical king, whose ambition leads him to a futile, yet glorious death at the battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066. In this exciting and action-packed story, Harald journeys across the world from Scandinavia to Russia, Byzantium, Sicily, Turkey, Palestine and finally England. Travelling overland and by sea he gathers wealth, recongition and power, and along the way meets a range of famous and flamboyant historical figures including Cnut the Great, Prince Jaroslav of Kiev, the Empress Zoe and King Harold of England.
Karnac Books Hamlet in Analysis: Horatio’s Story—A Trial of Faith
Micelle Press The Chemistry of Essential Oils: An Introduction for Aromatherapists, Beauticians, Retailers and Students
Hal Leonard Europe Limited OCR A Level Music Revision Guide
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Wayward Women: Female Offending in Victorian England
We most often think of the Victorian female offender in her most archetypal and stereotypical roles; the polite lady shoplifter, stowing all manner of valuables beneath her voluminous crinolines, the tragic street waif of Dickensian fiction or the vicious femme fatale who wreaked her terrible revenge with copious poison. Yet the stories in popular novels and the 'Penny Dreadfuls' of the day have passed down to us only half the story of these women and their crimes. From the everyday street scuffles and pocket pickings of crowded slums, to the sensational trials that dominated national headlines; the women of Victorian England were responsible for a diverse and at times completely unexpected level of deviance. This book takes a closer look at women and crime in the Victorian period. With vivid real-life stories, powerful photos, eye-opening cases and wider discussions that give us an insightful illustration of the lives of the women responsible for them. This history of brawlers, thieves, traffickers and sneaks shows individuals navigating a world where life was hard and resources were scarce.Their tales are of poverty, opportunism, violence, hope and despair; but perhaps most importantly, the story of survival in the ruthless world of the past.
Hodder & Stoughton Ice Cream for Breakfast: How rediscovering your inner child can make you calmer, happier, and solve your bullsh*t adult problems
'Read this for life lessons you know but have neglected.' Stylist'Rediscover and embrace your inner silliness and watch your busy, stress-filled actual life become, well, simpler.' Red Discover the surprising art of reconnecting with your inner child in order to make your adult life that little bit simpler. You can own your own home and want to build a blanket fort on a bad day. Hell! On a good day, too. Give yourself permission to seek praise, ask for help, and have something soft snuggled against your face because you're sad. You can pay your bills on time and still exclaim out loud when something is really f*cking cool, run a business and wear cat-covered thermals under your suit. You can take time to play, just because. Full of spirit and un-self-conscious enthusiasm, Ice Cream for Breakfast: Child-Like Solutions to Bullsh*t Adult Problems is the permission slip all too-grown-up-for-their-own-good-but-secretly-scared-of-adulting adults need to locate their inner-child nestled deep within, so that we might all relax enough to laugh harder, wonder more, and marvel at magic on the daily.
Crossway Books Can We Trust the Gospels?
Written for the skeptic, the scholar, and everyone in between, this introduction to the historical and theological reliability of the four Gospels helps readers better understand the arguments in favor of trusting them.
Austin Macauley Publishers Revolutionary Voices from the Slave Houses
Austin Macauley Publishers The Journal
Fleming H. Revell Company Women in Black History – Stories of Courage, Faith, and Resilience
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd 10 Things You Can Do to Feel Happier Straight Away
These amazing little books are potential life-savers. Using simple text and bold design, each book meets the reader at a point of low mood or unhelpful thinking, and guides them through rational thought processes to a more positive mood and a healthier outlook on life. Based on CBT, which aims to change patterns of thinking or behaviour that are behind people’s difficulties and so change the way they feel (and currently the subject of major government investment), Pick Me Ups can enable readers to feel happier, to sleep better, to do more and to feel more confident. A royalty from each sale goes to Anxiety UK.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Are You Strong Enough to Keep Your Temper?
These amazing little books are potential life-savers. Using simple text and bold design, each book meets the reader at a point of low mood or unhelpful thinking, and guides them through rational thought processes to a more positive mood and a healthier outlook on life. Based on CBT, which aims to change patterns of thinking or behaviour that are behind people’s difficulties and so change the way they feel (and currently the subject of major government investment), Pick Me Ups can enable readers to feel happier, to sleep better, to do more and to feel more confident. A royalty from each sale goes to Anxiety UK.
HarperCollins Publishers Stagioni
A vibrant celebration of the vegetables and fruits of Italy in all their seasonal glory.-Anything that Olivia cooks is something I want to eat' Emiko DaviesA hymn to Italy's culinary calendar her deep love of the country's fresh produce shines through.' Waitrose FOODA beautiful book full of good and approachable recipes, but also real and purposeful.' Rachel Roddy-Stagioni, meaning seasons' in Italian, will take you on a journey through the culinary year with recipes for every craving and occasion. Chef and food writer Olivia Cavalli brings together traditional recipes and contemporary creations with an enthusiastic aim to put the best produce of each moment centre stage.From refreshing summer salads to steaming bowls of wintery pasta, you'll find classics such as aubergine parmigiana, stuffed tomatoes and amaretti peaches alongside more unusual combinations of chestnut gnocchi, grape focaccia and courgette cake. The occasional addition of meat and fish enhances rather than dominates,
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regulation, Deregulation, Reregulation: Institutional Perspectives
Building on Oliver Williamson's original analysis, the contributors introduce new ideas, different perspectives and provide tools for better understanding changes in the approach to regulation, the reform of public utilities, and the complex problems of governance. They draw largely upon a transaction cost approach, highlighting the challenges faced by major economic sectors and identifying critical flaws in prevailing views on regulation. Deeply rooted in sector analysis, the book conveys a central message of new institutional economics: that theory should be continuously confronted by facts, and reformed or revolutionized accordingly. With its emphasis on the institutional embeddedness of regulatory issues and the problems generated by the 'benign neglect' of institutional factors in the reform of major public utilities, this book will provide a wide-ranging audience with challenging views on the dynamics of regulatory approaches. Economists, political scientists, postgraduate students, researchers and policymakers with an interest in institutional economics and economic organization will find the book to be a stimulating and enlightening read.
Baen Books That Was Now, This Is Then
SOLDIERS OUT OF TIME Then: First Lieutenant Sean Elliott and nine other mixed-service U.S. soldiers on a convoy in Afghanistan suddenly found themselves and their MRAP vehicle thrown back to Earth’s Paleolithic Age. And they were not alone. Displaced Romans, neolithic Europeans, and others showed up as well. Some would be allies. Some became deadly foes. Now: Scientists from an almost unimaginably far future need the survivors’ advice and support to reconnoiter and ultimately recover other groups displaced in time. The problem is not all of those other groups want to be recovered or even understand where they are. Prehistory is an ugly place, fascinating to visit, but no place for a civilized person to live. But the future, gorgeous as it is, has a darker side that dampens the appeal. In the end, only inventiveness, grit, and a thirst for freedom from the fickle tides of time can keep Sean and the displaced Americans alive and on a path to finally find a place—and a time—to call home. About That Was Now, This Is Then: “. . . a classic story of survival. They may not like each other, but must to depend upon each other. Williamson shows how they pull together to create a solid society. . . . outstanding entertainment. Each character is different and fully developed. Even those you may dislike seem worth caring about. . . . grabs readers from the beginning and keep them reading to the end.”—The Galveston County Daily News About Michael Z. Williamson: “A fast-paced, compulsive read . . . will appeal to fans of John Ringo, David Drake, Lois McMaster Bujold, and David Weber.”—Kliatt “Williamson's military expertise is impressive.”—SFReviews
Chronicle Books Mindful Crafts: Geometric Cross-Stitch Kit
Find your meditative rhythm with this modern geometric cross-stitch kit featuring abstract designs by multidisciplinary artist Avery Williamson. Whether a thoughtful gift or an addition to your personal collection, each piece can be displayed as distinctive décor. Includes one bamboo hoop, three cross-stitch cloths, embroidery thread in four colors, two tapestry needles, and instruction guide. Perfect for anyone looking for creative ways to unplug and slow down!
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Turn the Tide on Climate Anxiety: Sustainable Action for Your Mental Health and the Planet
It's hard to watch the news, scroll through social media, or listen to the radio without hearing or seeing something disturbing about the climate emergency. This can trigger all sorts of emotions: worry, anger, sadness, guilt, and even grief but also often over-looked positive emotions like motivation, connection, care, and abundance that support mental health and climate action for sustainable longevity.Written by psychologists with extensive experience in treating people with eco-anxiety, this book shows you how to harness these emotions, validate them, and transform them into positive action. It enables you to assess and understand your psychological responses to the climate crisis and move away from unhealthy defence mechanisms, such as denial and avoidance.Ultimately, it shows that the solution to both climate anxiety and the climate crisis is the same - action that is sustainable for you and for the planet - and empowers you to take steps towards this.
Martino Fine Books Negroes with Guns
Arc Humanities Press Reading Fu Poetry: From the Han to Song Dynasties
Amazon Publishing Give Her Credit
Baker Publishing Group - Baker Books The Shadow of the Antichrist Nietzsches Critique of Christianity
This unique look at Nietzsche's continuing influence invites evangelicals to listen to Nietzsche's critique of the church and perhaps learn from it.
SPCK Publishing Beauty and Brokenness
Explores the way we think about the relationship between creation and humanity, their brokenness and beauty and, in this connection, compassion, faith and power. This work uses Mantegna's painting Presentation at the Temple, which is a traditional Madonna and Child composition except that the infant Jesus is depicted as a child with Downs.
Paidotribo Nutricin para la salud la condicin fsica y el deporte
Nutrición para la salud, la condición física y el deporte ofrece al lector una revisión de los efectos básicos del ejercicio y la nutrición sobre la condición física. La obra incluye los resultados de las investigaciones más novedosas y recientes sobre las recomendaciones dietéticas y consideraciones sobre el uso de los uplementos alimenticios.La composición corporal y el control de peso adquieren gran relevancia para valorar la influencia ergogénica nutricional, armacológica y fisiológica sobre el rendimiento físico.Varios apéndices complementan el texto de esta obra y aportan datos sobre el gasto calórico durante la actividad física; rutas metabólicas detalladas de los hidratos de carbono, las grasas y las proteínas, métodos para calcular la composición corporal; el valor nutricional de las comidas rápidas; y demás información relevante para las personas físicamente activas.
Obelisco Ikigai
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Bactrian Personal Names: Iranisches Personennamenbuch Band Iimitteliranische Personennamen Faszikel 7
Wolters Kluwer Health Brunner & Suddarth's Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
Spinsters Ink Books Relative Stranger