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Spector Books Infanten
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications
An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications Presents a well-founded introduction to the field or Redox Polymers, with didactical features like summary boxes and a Q&A sections An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications discusses fundamental aspects related to polymer-based batteries, such as types of batteries, their historic development, design and synthesis criteria of the active material, and summarizes the various types of redox polymers and their applications. Each chapter contains learning objectives, summary boxes, and questions to allow for efficient exam preparation. In An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications, readers will find detailed information on: Fundamental aspects of redox-active polymers, along with their historical classification, taking the key applications of the materials into account Energy-storage devices, containing polymers as the electrode active materials, and specific material requirements for the desired applications Classification of redox-active polymers, e.g., according to the nature of the actual redox-active moieties, their backbone structure, or topology Electrical conductivity of conjugated polymers, covering their most prominent representatives (polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene, and polyacetylene) An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications also covers the synthesis and applications of these materials, making it an excellent book for graduates, PhD students, and professionals who are starting in this field.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Mischa Kuball: Platon's Mirror
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Materielle Kultur Und Sozialprestige Im Spatmittelalter: Fuhrungsgruppen in Stadten Des Deutschsprachigen Sudwestens
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Didaktik der Geometrie für die Sekundarstufe I
Dieses Buch führt Studierende, Referendare und Lehrkräfte aller Schularten in die didaktischen und methodischen Grundlagen des Geometrieunterrichts der Sekundarstufe I ein und zeigt anhand zahlreicher unterrichtspraktischer Beispiele Möglichkeiten einer problemorientierten Unterrichtsgestaltung auf. Aufbauend auf den Bildungsstandards werden zum einen die wichtigen Aspekte Beweisen und Argumentieren, Konstruieren, Problemlösen sowie Begriffslernen und Begriffslehren behandelt. Zum anderen wird auf die zentralen Themenbereiche des Geometrieunterrichts eingegangen: Figuren und Körper, Flächeninhalt und Volumen, Symmetrie und Kongruenz, Ähnlichkeit und Trigonometrie. Der Einsatz des Computers ist in alle Kapitel integriert, ein Überblick über die Entwicklung zentraler Ideen in der Geometrie und im Geometrieunterricht rundet das Buch ab. In diese Neuauflage sind aktuelle Erweiterungen und Neuansätze integriert, insbesondere auch im Hinblick auf Fortentwicklung digitaler Medien.
Harrassowitz Anfangs - Beginnings: Eine Auswahl Von Arbeiten Auf Papier Aus Den West Berliner Jahren 1974-84 Sowie Einer Erganzung
Pano Verlag Religion - Wirtschaft - Politik: Forschungszugange Zu Einem Aktuellen Transdisziplinaren Feld
De Gruyter Klinische Liquorzytologie
Hatje Cantz Amitié et créativités collectives (French edition)
A characteristic of 20th- and 21st-century artistic production is that casual acquaintances and close intimates, friends, lovers, or sometimes even rivals come together to work collaboratively on the realization of a single work of art. Amitié et créativités collectives is focused on the genesis of these works and explores the conditions that contributed to the concentration and liberation of these creative energies. Beginning with the groundbreaking socio-cultural upheaval of the 19th century, the publication examines for the first time a variety of works of diverse genres and techniques from different time periods. Featuring works by Salvador Dalí and Luis Buñuel, Francis Picabia and René Clair, Jean Tinguely and Yves Klein, William Burroughs and Brion Gysin, Jenny Holzer and Lady Pink; and many more, this publication. brings together more than one hundred works.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Elektrokonvulsionstherapie kompakt: Für Zuweiser und Anwender
Elektrokonvulsionstherapie (EKT) bietet bei schweren psychischen Störungen eine sehr sichere, hochwirksame und relativ zur Erkrankung nebenwirkungsarme Behandlung. Ihr Einsatz fängt oft an, wo Medikamente nicht ausreichend wirken. Immer noch vermeiden Therapeuten aus Unwissenheit oder Vorurteilen eine Überweisung zur EKT. Eine rechtzeitige und adäquate Aufklärung der Patienten und ihrer Angehörigen über EKT ist notwendig und juristisch gefordert. Wie stelle ich die Indikation zur EKT? Was muss ich wann beachten? Wie spreche ich mit meinen Patienten über EKT? Wie erkläre ich ihnen die Nebenwirkungen? Wie funktioniert EKT? Auf solche Fragen finden Sie in diesem Buch eine Antwort. - Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und Südtirol: ein Buch für den deutschsprachigen Raum unter Berücksichtigung der nationalen Empfehlungen - Als niedergelassener oder im Krankenhaus tätiger Zuweiser unterstützen wir Sie bei Indikation, Aufklärung, Überweisung und Nachbehandlung - Als Behandler unterstützen wir Sie durch Empfehlungen, klare Anwendungsbeispiele, Literaturhinweise und Tipps
Brill U Schoningh Missverstehen: Zu Einer Urszene Der Hermeneutik
Springer International Publishing AG Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction: 6th IFIP TC 5, TC 12, WG 8.4, WG 8.9, WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 23–26, 2022, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th IFIP TC 5, TC 12, WG 8.4, WG 8.9, WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2022, held in Vienna, Austria during August 2022.The 23 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 45 submissions. The papers are covering a wide range from integrative machine learning approach, considering the importance of data science and visualization for the algorithmic pipeline with a strong emphasis on privacy, data protection, safety and security.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Disruptive Power of Online Education: Challenges, Opportunities, Responses
The higher education sector is being disrupted through the effect that technological innovations have on the educational market. As digital and mobile technologies are developing further, higher education institutions must embrace these developments to meet the needs of their learners and to not become irrelevant. In higher education, disruptive effects are mainly visible on a program/product level, with an increasing number of programs including some element of online education. Disruptive effects also become evident on a pedagogical level, where student engagement, collaboration and social learning, gamification and serious games, competency-based learning, teacher training, and overcoming geosocial divides are high on the agenda. This book considers the effect of online elements and their design on university business models and internationalization, course design, massive open online courses (MOOCs), and the scalability of online programs. It also explores how higher education institutions across the globe respond and react to the challenges and opportunities evolving in online education.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization, International Spillovers and Sectoral Changes: Implications for Regions and Industries
As a consequence of globalization, news, ideas and knowledge are moving quickly across national borders and generating international spillovers. So too, however, are economic and financial crises. Combining a variety of methods, concepts and interdisciplinary approaches, this book provides an in-depth examination of these structural changes and their impact. Case studies from a range of countries including Japan, Turkey, Sweden, Germany and the USA offer insight into different national contexts and are used to explore a variety of theoretical and empirical issues relating to the geography of growth. Assessing the implications of globalization for businesses and sectors, the chapters focus on the interdependencies between different economic and political layers, and explore topics such as human capital, creativity, innovation, networks and collaboration. Researchers and policy makers who are interested in regional growth at different spatial scales will find that this work addresses a number of existing knowledge gaps. Students of economics, economic geography, regional science and international industrial management will also find it to be a valuable interdisciplinary resource to help deepen their knowledge of the myriad processes induced by globalization.Contributors include: G.M. Artz, T. Arvemo, G. Cook, A.P. Cornett, U. Grasjo, Z. Guo, M. Hirano, O. Hovardaoglu, N. Javakhishvili-Larsen, C. Karlsson, M. Klatt, M. Kurashige, H. Loof, A. Naveed, M. Olsson, O. Olsson, P.F. Orazem, O. Pesamaa, K. Sakakibara, Y. Shevtsova, T.-A. Stone, M. Svensson, T. Wallin
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Heinrich von Kleist and Modernity
New essays employing a multitude of approaches to the works of Kleist, in the process shedding light on our present modernity. Modernity, according to some views, poses the problem of homo politicus -- the problem of how to act in a moral universe without a "master narrative," without a final foundation. From this angle, the oeuvre of Heinrich vonKleist -- novellas, dramas, and essays -- addresses problems emerging from a new universe of Kantian provenance, in many ways the same universe we inhabit today. This volume of new essays investigates Kleist's position in ourever-changing conception of modernity, employing aesthetic, narrative, philosophical, biographical, political, economic, anthropological, psychological, and cultural approaches and wrestling with the difficulties of historicizingKleist's life and work. Central questions are: To what extent can the multitude of breaking points and turning points, endgames and pre-games, ruptures and departures that permeate Kleist's work and biography be conceptually bundled together and linked to the emerging paradigm of modernity? And to what extent does such an approach to Kleist not only advance understanding of this major German writer and his work, but also shed light on the nature of our present modernity? Contributors: Seán Allan, Peter Barton, Hilda Meldrum Brown, David Chisholm, Andreas Gailus, Bernhard Greiner, Jeffrey L. High, Anette Horn, Peter Horn, Wolf Kittler, Jonathan W. Marshall, Christian Moser, Dorothea von Mücke, Nancy Nobile, David Pan, Ricarda Schmidt, Helmut J. Schneider. Bernd Fischer is Professor of German at the Ohio State University. Tim Mehigan is Professor of German in the Department of Languagesand Cultures at the University of Otago, New Zealand.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The GDR Remembered: Representations of the East German State since 1989
Competing representations of the former East German state in the German cultural memory. Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the consequences of the country's divided past continue to be debated. The legacy of the German Democratic Republic occupies a major role in German popular culture, with audiences flocking to films claiming to depict the East German state "as it was." Politicians from both left and right make use of its legacy to support their parties' approach to unification, while former citizens of the GDR are still working through their own memories of the regime and adjusting to unification. Since 1989, competing representations of the East German state have emerged, some underlining its repressive nature, others lamenting the loss of asense of community. The twentieth anniversary of the Wende is an occasion to reflect upon both the history of the GDR and the ways in which it has been remembered, and the present volume presents new research on the theme from a variety of perspectives, with sections on film and literature, museums and memorials, and historiography and politics. Contributors: Thomas Ahbe, Pertti Ahonen, Silke Arnold-de Simine, Stefan Berger, Laura Bradley, Mary Fulbrook, Nick Hodgin, Anna O'Driscoll, Stuart Parkes, Caroline Pearce, Günter Schlusche, Peter Thompson, Andreas Wagner. Nick Hodgin is a Cultural Historian working at the University of Sheffield, UK, and Caroline Pearce is Lecturer in German and Interpreting, also at the University of Sheffield.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research
The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research articulates a broader understanding of crisis communication, discussing the theoretical, methodological, and practical implications of domestic and transnational crises, featuring the work of global scholars from a range of sub-disciplines and related fields. Provides the first integrative international perspective on crisis communication Articulates a broader understanding of crisis communication, which includes work from scholars in journalism, public relations, audience research, psychology, political science, sociology, economics, anthropology, and international communication Explores the topic from cross-national and cross-cultural crisis communication approaches Includes research and scholars from countries around the world and representing all regions Discusses a broad range of crisis types, such as war, terrorism, natural disasters, pandemia, and organizational crises
Royal Society of Chemistry Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-chip
Microfluidic technology is revolutionising a number of scientific fields, including chemistry, biology, diagnostics, and engineering. The ability to manipulate fluids and objects within networks of micrometre-scale channels allows reductions in processing and analysis times, reagent and sample consumption, and waste production, whilst allowing fine control and monitoring of chemical or biological processes. The integration of multiple components and processes enable “lab-on-a-chip” devices and “micro total analysis systems” that have applications ranging from analytical chemistry, organic synthesis, and clinical diagnostics to cell biology and tissue engineering. This concise, easy-to-read book is perfectly suited for instructing newcomers on the most relevant and important aspects of this exciting and dynamic field, particularly undergraduate and postgraduate students embarking on new studies, or for those simply interested in learning about this widely applicable technology. Written by a team with more than 20 years of experience in microfluidics research and teaching, the book covers a range of topics and techniques including fundamentals (e.g. scaling laws and flow effects), microfabrication and materials, standard operations (e.g. flow control, detection methods) and applications. Furthermore, it includes questions and answers that provide for the needs of students and teachers in the area.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Long-Term & Dynamical Aspects of Information Security: Emerging Trends in Information & Communication Security
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Late Modernity in Crisis: Why We Need a Theory of Society
In times of entrenched social upheaval and multiple crises, we need the kind of social theory that is prepared to look at the big picture, analyze the broad developmental features of modern societies, their structural conditions and dynamics, and point to possible ways out of the crises we face. Over the last couple of decades, two German sociologists, Andreas Reckwitz and Hartmut Rosa, have sought to provide wide-ranging social theories of this kind. While their theories are very different, they share in common the view that the analysis of modernity as a social formation must be kept at the heart of sociology, and that the theory of society should ultimately serve to diagnose the crises of the present. In this book, Andreas Reckwitz and Hartmut Rosa join forces to examine the value and the limits of a theory of society today. They provide clear and concise accounts of their own theories of society, explicate their key concepts – including "singularization" in the case of Reckwitz, "acceleration" and “resonance” in the case of Rosa – and draw out the implications of their theories for understanding the multiple crises we face today. The result is a book that provides both an excellent introduction to the work of two of the most important sociologists writing today and a vivid demonstration of the value of the kind of bold social theory of modern societies that they espouse.
O'Reilly Media Mastering the Lightning Network: A Second Layer Blockchain Protocol for Instant Bitcoin Payments
The Lightning Network (LN) is a rapidly growing second-layer payment protocol that works on top of Bitcoin to provide near-instantaneous transactions between two parties. With this practical guide, authors Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Olaoluwa Osuntokun, and Rene Pickhardt explain how this advancement will enable the next level of scale for Bitcoin, increasing speed and privacy while reducing fees. Ideal for developers, systems architects, investors, and entrepreneurs looking to gain a better understanding of LN, this book demonstrates why experts consider LN a critical solution to Bitcoin's scalability problem. You'll learn how LN has the potential to support far more transactions than today's financial networks. This book examines: How the Lightning Network addresses the challenge of blockchain scaling The Basis of Lightning Technology (BOLT) standards documents The five layers of the Lightning Network Protocol Suite LN basics, including wallets, nodes, and how to operate one Lightning payment channels, onion routing, and gossip protocol Finding paths across payment channels to transport Bitcoin off-chain from sender to recipient
Emerald Publishing Limited The Disruptive Power of Online Education: Challenges, Opportunities, Responses
The higher education sector is being disrupted through the effect that technological innovations have on the educational market. As digital and mobile technologies are developing further, higher education institutions must embrace these developments to meet the needs of their learners and to not become irrelevant. In higher education, disruptive effects are mainly visible on a program/product level, with an increasing number of programs including some element of online education. Disruptive effects also become evident on a pedagogical level, where student engagement, collaboration and social learning, gamification and serious games, competency-based learning, teacher training, and overcoming geosocial divides are high on the agenda. This book considers the effect of online elements and their design on university business models and internationalization, course design, massive open online courses (MOOCs), and the scalability of online programs. It also explores how higher education institutions across the globe respond and react to the challenges and opportunities evolving in online education.
Sandstein Verlag Veronese: Der Cuccina-Zyklus
V&R unipress GmbH Folter und Arztliche Verantwortung: Das Istanbul-Protokoll und Problemfelder in der Praxis
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Interrogation, Confession, and Truth: Comparative Studies in Criminal Procedure
Schnell & Steiner Kulturstrassen ALS Konzept: 20 Jahre Strasse Der Romanik
Prestel Vivan Sundaram: Disjunctures
Vivan Sundaram’s eclecticism is a distinctive feature of his work and is the focus of this monograph. A pioneer of installation art in India, Sundaram started off as a painter in the late 1960s but his desire to break free of the limits imposed by the pictorial frame only came to fruition in the early 1990s, when Sundaram began making works that no longer hinged on the specificity of a medium. This change in artistic direction coincided with his interest in exploring the materiality of a range of substances, whether artisanal or industrial. Sundaram’s choice of materials has had a thematic resonance in the different bodies of work that he has made over the last twenty-five years. His practice keenly registers the civic dimension and political import of art. History, memory, and archive are the overarching concerns of his work. These themes define and structure this important publication and offer an open-ended framework for exploring the oeuvre of a highly original artist.
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Verstehen Und Verdacht: Hermeneutische Und Kritische Theologie Im Gesprach
Gebruder Mann Verlag Die Antike Siedlungstopographie Triphyliens
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Internationales Erbrecht: Euerbvo / Interbrvg / Durchfvo
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Austrian Assessment Report Climate Change 2014 (Aar14) Summary for Policymakers and Synthesis: Austrian Panel on Climate Change (Apcc) Austrian Assessment Report 2014 (Aar14)
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Byzantinische Epigramme Auf Ikonen Und Objekten Der Kleinkunst: Nebst Addenda Zu Band I 'byzantinische Epigramme Auf Fresken Und Mosaiken'
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Jahrbuch Der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik Band 59/2009
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Handelsguter Und Verkehrswege: Aspekte Der Warenversorgung Im Ostlichen Mittelmeerraum (4. Bis 15. Jahrhundert) Akten Des Internationalen Symposions Wien, 19.-22. Oktober 2005
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Jahrbuch Fur Liturgik Und Hymnologie: 2013
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Die Kirchen in Den Deutsch-Franzosischen Beziehungen: Vom Alten Reich Bis Zur Gegenwart
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Demokratie Und Demokratieverstandnis: 1919 - 1949 - 1989
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Einigkeit Und Recht, Doch Freiheit?: Das Deutsche Kaiserreich in Der Demokratiegeschichte Und Erinnerungskultur
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Beitrage Zur Geschichte Und Kultur Des Alten Iran Und Benachbarter Gebiete: Festschrift Fur Rudiger Schmitt
Dietrich Reimer Humboldt Lab Tanzania: Objekte Aus Kolonialen Kriegen Im Ethnologischen Museum, Berlin - Deutsch-Tansanische Perspektiven
Harrassowitz Discere Et Militare: Studien Zu Antike, Militar Und Universitat. Festschrift Fur Burkhard Meissner Zum 60. Geburtstag
Harrassowitz Armut in Der Renaissance
Bohlau Verlag Osterreichisches Jahrbuch Fur Politik 2019
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz: Mit Erläuterungen und einem Anhang herausgegeben von Andreas Funke, Roberto Redaelli und Jing Zhao
Emil Lask (1875-1915) ist neben Wilhelm Windelband (1848-1918) und Heinrich Rickert (1863-1936) einer der maßgeblichen Vertreter des philosophischen Neukantianismus der sog. südwestdeutschen Prägung. Der Neukantianismus war um die Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert eine der führenden Universitätsphilosophien. Er wirkte in vielerlei Hinsicht über die Philosophie hinaus auf andere Bereiche wie die Rechtswissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft, Kunstgeschichte und Pädagogik. So haben etwa Max Webers Verstehende Soziologie, Georg Jellineks Staatslehre, Georg Lukács' Ästhetik, die Rechtsphilosophie Gustav Radbruchs und die Rechtstheorie Hans Kelsens maßgebliche Impulse vom Neukantianismus empfangen sowie umgekehrt dem Neukantianismus Gestalt verliehen. Die Edition versammelt die gesamte erhaltene wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz Emil Lasks. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei der intensive fachliche Austausch mit Heinrich Rickert, dem akademischen Lehrer Lasks. Dabei ermöglicht die Edition, die Entwicklung des Lask'schen Denkens jenseits seiner wenigen Veröffentlichungen nachzuvollziehen, und es wird deutlich, inwiefern Lask sich, etwa im Wege einer Hinwendung zur Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls, vom Neukantianismus entfernte. Zugleich offenbart der Briefwechsel eine Vielzahl von Einblicken in die universitäre Landschaft des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts.