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Argobooks Paolo Chiasera: Relic and Fetish
Transcript Verlag Tensions and Convergences – Technological and Aesthetic Transformations of Society
This book presents results of an international conference which addressed the interaction of aesthetical and technological dimensions within the formation of contemporary society. The contributions discuss the production of time and space, self and nature, individual and society in the image of technology. They focus on the productive tensions and convergences between aesthetic and technological concepts when implemented in everyday life. The volume contains - among others - texts about technologies of visualisation, the aesthetics of warfare and the design of technological lifeworlds.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Journal of Soviet and Post–Soviet Politics and S – Russian Foreign Policy Towards the "Near Abroad", Vol. 5, No. 2 (2019)
Remembering Diversity in East-Central European Cityscapes. Based on up-to-date field material, this issue focuses on the palimpsest-like environments of East-Central European borderland cities. The present shapes and contents of these urban environments derive from combinations of cultural continuities and political ruptures, present-day heritage industries and collective memories about the contentious past, expressive material forms and less conspicuous meaning-making activities of human actors; they evolve from perpetual tensions between the choices of the present and the weight of the past. The contributors address a set of key questions: What is specific about the transnationalisation of memory in these urban public spaces? What are the political rationales and ramifications of the different approaches taken to the legacies of perished population groups in different cities? How do these approaches relate to European dimensions of memory and the "European vector" of identity-making of the contemporary urban populations?
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Journal of Soviet and Post–Soviet Politics and S – Identity Clashes: Russian and Ukrainian Debates on Culture, History and Politics, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2
Featuring a special section on Identity Clashes: Russian and Ukrainian Debates on Culture, History, and Politics. This issue's special section explores the discursive gaps, tensions, and ruptures between Ukrainian and Russian narratives of national identity. It gives the floor to Russian and Ukrainian authors with a view to enabling analytical comparisons between the dominant narratives in the two countries, including their cultural, historical, and political dimensions. This juxtaposition of Russian and Ukrainian insights is aimed at deepening our understanding of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Informal Healthcare in Contemporary Russia: Sociographic Essays on the Post-Soviet Infrastructure for Alternative Healing Practices
This volume deals with one of the most understudied aspects of everyday life in Russian society. Its main heroes are the providers of goods and services to whom people turn for healthcare instead of official medical institutions. A wide range of agents is describedfrom network marketing companies to 'folk' journals on health as well as healers, complementary medicine specialists, and religious organizations. Krasheninnikovas book is based on rich empirical observations and avoids both positive and critical assessment of the analyzed phenomena. Her investigation pays particular attention to the legal, social, and economic status of informal healthcare providers. She demonstrates that these agents tend to flourish in bigger towns rather than in small settlements, where public healthcare is lacking. The study reveals the important role of institutions that are generally not related to alternative medicine, such as pharmacies, libraries, and church shops. The result is a vivid and thorough introduction to the world of self-medication and alternative healing in contemporary Russia. A special emphasis was made on the flexibility of boundaries between formal and informal healthcare due to the evolution of rules and regulations.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon History as Therapy: Alternative History and Nationalist Imaginings in Russia
This astonishing book explores the delusional imaginings of Russia's past by the pseudo-scientific 'Alternative History' movement. Despite the chaotic collapse of two empires in the last century, Russia's glorious imperial past continues to inspire millions. The lively movement of 'Alternative History', diligently re-writing Russia's past and 'rediscovering' its hidden greatness, has been growing dramatically since the collapse of Communism in 1991. Virtually unknown in the West, these pseudo-historians have published best-selling books, attracted widespread media attention, and are a prominent voice in Internet discussions about Russian and world history. Alternative History claims that Russia is much older than Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome; that the medieval Mongol Empire was in fact a Slav-Turk world empire; and that, in the twentieth century, duplicitous foreign powers stabbed Russia in the back and stole its empire. For its followers the key to Russia's greatness in the future lies in ensuring that Russians understand the true wealth of their past. Alternative history has become a popular therapy for Russians still coming to terms with the reality of Post-Soviet life. It is one of the forces shaping a new Russian nationalism and an important factor in the geopolitics of the twenty-first century.
Temple Lodge Publishing Inside an Autistic World: Spiritual Experiences of People with Autism
Many individuals with autism are highly intelligent and gifted, but some are effectively imprisoned in their bodies and unable to communicate verbally. However, developments in technology have enabled autistic people to transmit their thoughts directly. In this true account, three autistic people, two of them brothers, speak via the method of 'facilitated communication', with the aid of a computer keypad. What is conveyed are not just everyday thoughts and experiences, but surprising and sometimes shattering spiritual and metaphysical perceptions. The conversations reveal remarkable clairvoyant gifts, such as the ability to read other people's thoughts, to see past lives, and to communicate with supernatural entities. Erik speaks of a past life during the Second World War, and the horrendous experience of being killed at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. As a result of this, his soul had no desire to reincarnate on earth - although he also describes encounters with Christ, and how these eventually led to his present life. Andreas speaks of his perceptions of elemental beings - nature spirits - and how we can develop more intimate contact with such entities, for example through special kinds of music. He also describes Christ's workings in nature as well as his Second Coming. Each of the interviewees discuss meditation and how it can engender vital spiritual processes and perceptions. Together, their insights provide an astonishing glimpse into the way some people with autism appear to experience the world, and how their knowledge can enrich our own. Additional interviews with educators and therapists, working with people with disabilities in the autistic spectrum, give a broad view of progressive and inspirational educational methods.
Emerald Publishing Limited Real Time Strategy: When Strategic Foresight Meets Artificial Intelligence
In today's world, decision makers struggle to make good long-term decisions. There is simply too much volatility, too much complexity, too much fake news, and too little time to make sense of all the information that is at our fingertips. We are drowning in data, surrounded by uncertainty and thus live in a world that lacks clarity. Moving away from the static thinking of many strategists, this book updates and upholds the importance of scenario design and thinking in the face of uncertainty. The authors investigate the journey of the art and science of scenario thinking, from its beginnings in the military to becoming a part of the mainstream strategy toolkit in the business world. Delving into the new frontiers of scenario thinking and planning, the book explores topics such as: Human intuition The analysis and reflection process Hybrid decision platforms Social media sensing Artificial Intelligence. Combining classical scenario thinking (the gentle art of perception) with the analytical power of big data and artificial intelligence, Real Time Strategy presents the decision making of the future which enables decision makers to develop dynamic strategies, monitor their validity, and react faster.
McGraw-Hill Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge about Human Nature, 3e
Personality makes us who we are and influences every aspect of our lives – from how we interact withothers, to how we respond in stressful situations. Personality Psychology uses a unique organizationalframework to explore the six key domains of knowledge about personality – Dispositional, Biological,Intrapsychic, Cognitive/Experiential, Social/Cultural and Adjustment. This third edition focuses on the scientificbasis of current understanding, highlighting contemporary research while also covering classic viewpoints.Key features:• Updated chapter on Culture and Personality with an expanded review of international research• Extensively revised chapter on Personality Disorders, covering the DSM-5 and its hybrid model• New and refreshed pedagogy including ‘Application boxes’, which examine how personalitytheories and research are used in real-world situations• ‘A Closer Look’ sections, which explore core topics and influential studies to enhance students’understanding• New and updated Exercises to encourage critical reflection and the application of theory topersonal experience• A fully revised chapter on Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality, including historicalperspectives and extended coverage of Object Relations Theory and Ego PsychologyConnect® Psychology is McGraw Hill’s digital learning and teaching environment.Students – You get easy online access to homework, tests and quizzes designed by your instructor.You get immediate feedback on how you’re doing, making it the perfect platform to test your knowledge.Lecturers – Connect® gives you the power to create auto-graded assignments, tests and quizzes online.The detailed visual reporting allows you to easily monitor your students’ progress. In addition, you canaccess key support materials for your teaching, including a testbank and lecture support.Randy Larsen is the William R. Stuckenberg Professor of Human Values and Moral Development at WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis. His recent classes include personality psychology and ethics for scientists.David Buss is Professor of Psychology and Chair of the Individual Differences and EvolutionaryPsychology (IDEP) programme at the University of Texas at Austin.Andreas Wismeijer lectures in personality psychology and a multitude of other courses at Tilburg University andNyenrode Business University. He is a prolific writer of articles on psychology.John Song is the interim Head of the School of Applied Social Sciences at De Montfort University, where he has alsotaught personality, individual differences and research methods as an Associate Professor.Stéphanie van den Berg is Associate Professor at the University of Twente where she teaches statistics, data scienceand psychometrics to students in the behavioural sciences.Bertus Jeronimus teaches courses on personality and individual differences, as well as lifespan development andsocialization, at Groningen University. He is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Vivienne Westwood Catwalk: The Complete Collections
One of the most thought-provoking and influential designers in the world – she once declared 'the only reason I'm in fashion is to destroy the word "conformity"' – Vivienne Westwood reinvented, changed and challenged the world of fashion for over five decades. Celebrating 40 years of catwalk collections, this book records the inimitable creations imagined by Vivienne Westwood since her first runway show in 1981, as well as those designed by her husband and long-time collaborator, Andreas Kronthaler. Complete with an introduction and collection texts by Alexander Fury, and biographies written by the designers themselves, Vivienne Westwood Catwalk offers a rare opportunity to chart the development of a uniquely creative fashion house. After Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Yves Saint Laurent and Prada, Vivienne Westwood – is the sixth new volume in the best-selling Catwalk series, which offers an unrivalled overview of the collections of the world’s top fashion houses through original catwalk photography.With 1300 illustrations in colour
Columbia University Press Phenomena of Power: Authority, Domination, and Violence
In Phenomena of Power, one of the leading figures of postwar German sociology reflects on the nature, and many forms of, power. For Heinrich Popitz, power is rooted in the human condition and is therefore part of all social relations. Drawing on philosophical anthropology, he identifies the elementary forms of power to provide detailed insight into how individuals gain and perpetuate control over others. Instead of striving for a power-free society, Popitz argues, humanity should try to impose limits on power where possible and establish counterpower where necessary. Phenomena of Power delves into the sociohistorical manifestations of power and breaks through to its general structures. Popitz distinguishes the forms of the enforcement of power as well as of its stabilization and institutionalization, clearly articulating how the mechanisms of power work and how to track them in the social world. Philosophically trained, historically informed, and endowed with keen observation, Popitz uses examples ranging from the way passengers on a ship organize deck chairs to how prisoners of war share property to illustrate his theory. Long influential in German sociology, Phenomena of Power offers a challenging reworking of one of the essential concepts of the social sciences.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Business Processes for Business Communities: Modeling Languages, Methods, Tools
After a brief introduction to the topic of business process modeling, the book offers a quick-start into model-based business process engineering. After that, the foundations of the modeling languages used are conveyed. Meaningful examples are in the foreground - each of the underlying formalisms is treated only as far as needed. Next the Horus Method is described in detail. The book defines a sequence of activities which finally leads to the creation of a complete business process model. The Horus Method, incidentally, is not bound to the use of the Horus software tools. It can be used with other tools or, if necessary, be used even without tool support. Important application fields of business process engineering are described, where the spectrum ranges from business process reengineering to the development and implementation of information systems. The book concludes with an outlook on the future of business process engineering and highlights current research activities in the area.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG New Perspectives in Critical Data Studies: The Ambivalences of Data Power
This Open Access book examines the ambivalences of data power. Firstly, the ambivalences between global infrastructures and local invisibilities challenge the grand narrative of the ephemeral nature of a global data infrastructure. They make visible local working and living conditions, and the resources and arrangements required to operate and run them. Secondly, the book examines ambivalences between the state and data justice. It considers data justice in relation to state surveillance and data capitalism, and reflects on the ambivalences between an “entrepreneurial state” and a “welfare state”. Thirdly, the authors discuss ambivalences of everyday practices and collective action, in which civil society groups, communities, and movements try to position the interests of people against the “big players” in the tech industry. The book includes eighteen chapters that provide new and varied perspectives on the role of data and data infrastructures in our increasingly datafied societies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethnographies of Work
Presenting cutting-edge ethnographic research on contemporary worlds of work and the experiences of workers from a range of contexts, Volume 35 of Research in the Sociology of Work offers fine-grained, exploratory ethnographic data to provide insights unmatched by other research methods. Conscious of the social and economic upheaval that continues to transform the contemporary workplace and the wider landscape for workers across the globe, Ethnographies of Work, the first of two parts, features analyses of working from home, the gig economy, the food delivery sector, digital nomadism, workplace inequalities, the hospitality industry, and an alternative community. Rooted in ethnographic research, chapters also include ethnographers’ reflections on their experiences in careers outside of academia, as well as their personal feelings of precarity both within and beyond the field to create an enriched volume that makes the most of ethnographic through its representation in a variety of written forms.
Duncker & Humblot German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch Fur Internationales Recht: Vol. 61 (218)
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Verfassungsmassigkeit Des Mindestlohns
V&R Unipress Mazenaten Im Mittelalter Aus Europaischer Perspektive: Von Historischen Akteuren Zu Literarischen Textkonzepten
V&R unipress GmbH Fehdehandeln und Fehdegruppen im spätmittelalterlichen und frÃ"hneuzeitlichen Europa
V&R unipress GmbH Schriften des FrÃ"hneuzeitzentrums Potsdam.: Machtdiskurs und Körperbilder in der höfischen Trauerdichtung Johann von Bessers (1654â1729)
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Stadt, Region, Migration - Zum Wandel Urbaner Und Regionaler Raume: 53. Arbeitstagung in Munchen, 14.-16. November 2014
Schnell & Steiner Prum / Eifel: L'Eglise Paroissiale Catholique Saint Sauveur
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Populism, Protest, and New Forms of Political Organisation
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Rehabilitation in der orthopädischen Chirurgie: OP-Verfahren im Überblick - Physiotherapie - Sporttherapie
Orthopädie und Rehabilitation: Entwickeln Sie für jeden Patienten die passende, individuell abgestimmte Behandlungsstrategie.Dieses interdisziplinäre Praxisbuch mit Schwerpunkt auf der Rehabilitation nach orthopädischer Chirurgie der Extremitäten sowie der Wirbelsäule unterstützt alle an der Rehabilitation beteiligten Teammitglieder mit relevanten Informationen zu den OP-Verfahren und handlungsorientierten Therapieanleitungen.Konkrete Handlungsanleitungen für Physiotherapeuten und Sporttherapeuten, aufbereitet in Therapiemodulen, die auf den ärztlichen Nachbehandlungskriterien für die einzelnen Phasen des Heilungsverlaufs und den Behandlungszielen der ICF aufbauen ermöglichen die Planung optimaler Therapiestrategien.Alle Behandlungsempfehlungen sind durch über 500 Farbfotos und Graphiken veranschaulicht und als "Hausaufgaben" für Patienten gibt es Heimtrainingsprogramme zum Downloaden.Neu in der 2. Auflage Knorpeltherapie Wassertherapie zur Rehabilitation Nachbehandlung von Muskelverletzungen
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Deutscher Bund Und Innere Nationsbildung Im Vormarz (1815-1848)
Brepols N.V. Metaphysics in the Twelfth Century: On the Relationship Among Philosophy, Science and Theology
Archaeopress Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Upper Germanic Limes: Grenzen des Römischen Reiches: Der Obergermanische Limes / Frontières de l´Empire Romain: Le limes de Germanie supérieure
Towards the end of Caesar’s Gallic War, Rome had reached the Rhine. Since the campaigns under Emperor Augustus (15 B.C.), larger troop contingents were stationed along the river, with focal points around Mogontiacum/Mainz and in northern Switzerland. After the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (9 AD), when the attempt to occupy all of Germania had failed, the Lower Rhine remained the frontier of the empire’s territory until Late Antiquity. East of the Middle and Upper Rhine, however, the Roman sphere of power was pushed forward several times over a period of almost 200 years, and from 90 AD at the latest, the construction of artificial borders was initiated. When the Roman expansion came to an end around 160 AD, the province was secured in its furthest extension by the “Frontal” or “Outer Upper-Germanic Limes”, which existed until the middle of the 3rd century. This book illustrates the historical and archaeological significance of the Upper Germanic Limes and provides an up-to-date overview of its manifold features in the field.
Gabler Business Excellence in Produktion und Logistik: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Walter Habenicht
In diesem Band beschreiben rund 20 ExpertInnen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis aktuelle Entwicklungsperspektiven in Themenfeldern aus Produktion und Logistik. Sie zeigen, welche Konzepte im Mittelpunkt der zugehörigen wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Forschung stehen und beschreiben ihre Umsetzung.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Zeitenwende?: Zur Selbstbehauptung der Europäischen Union in einer neuen Welt
Stehen die Europäische Union und die westliche Welt vor einer Zeitenwende? Ist die Vision einer "immer engeren Union der Völker Europas" noch überzeugend? Welche Antworten kann die Union auf die Pandemie, den Klimawandel, den Brexit, die sicherheitspolitischen und digitalen Herausforderungen oder den sich verschärfenden internationalen Wettbewerb finden und wie kann sie die Konflikte über den europäischen Rechtsstaat, die gemeinsamen Schulden und die Zukunft des Euro bewältigen? Welche Rolle kann und sollte die EU in einer sich verändernden Welt spielen? Welche Regeln und Werte sollten die europäische Politik leiten? Diesen Fragen widmen sich im vorliegenden Band 18 Autoren - Praktiker und Wissenschaftler - aus acht Ländern und fünf Fachdisziplinen.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Streitsache Staat: Die Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer 1922-2022
Die Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer feiert 2022 das einhundertjährige Jubiläum ihrer Gründung. Aus diesem Anlass will der vorliegende Band eine kritische Geschichte der Vereinigung in Innen- und Außensicht bieten. Ein erster Teil lässt die Perioden ihrer Existenz Revue passieren. Der zweite Teil widmet sich den auf den Tagungen behandelten Themen, ausgehend von Staat und Verfassung bis hin zur Verwaltungsrechtsvergleichung. Im dritten Teil werden neuralgische Punkte und Konfliktzonen aufgearbeitet: Wie gingen die Mitglieder mit ihrer NS-Vergangenheit um? Welche Auswirkungen hatten die Umbrüche, die mit "1968" verbunden werden? Gab es Kontakt zu benachbarten Disziplinen und wie sah er aus? Wie wird die Gleichberechtigung von Frauen und Männern in der Vereinigung sichtbar? Die "Außensichten" im vierten Teil beleuchten die Vereinigung aus der Perspektive des Auslands und der anderen Rechtsfächer.
Springer International Publishing AG Research Challenges in Information Science: Information Science and the Connected World: 17th International Conference, RCIS 2023, Corfu, Greece, May 23–26, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Sciences, RCIS 2023, which took place in Corfu, Greece, during May 23–26, 2023. It focused on the special theme "Information Science and the Connected World".The scope of RCIS is summarized by the thematic areas of information systems and their engineering; user-oriented approaches; data and information management; business process management; domain-specific information systems engineering; data science; information infrastructures, and reflective research and practice. The 28 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 87 submissions. The book also includes 15 Forum papers and 6 Doctoral Consortium papers. The contributions were organized in topical sections named: Requirements; conceptual modeling and ontologies; machine learning and analytics; conceptual modeling and semantic networks; business process design and computing in the continuum; requirements and evaluation; monitoring and recommending; business process analysis and improvement; user interface and experience; forum papers; doctoral consortium papers. Two-page abstracts of the tutorials can be found in the back matter of the volume.
James Currey General Labour History of Africa: Workers, Employers and Governments, 20th-21st Centuries
The first comprehensive and authoritative history of work and labour in Africa; a key text for all working on African Studies and Labour History worldwide. Co-published with the International Labour Organization on the centenary of its founding in 1919, the General Labour History of Africa is a landmark in the study of labour history. It brings, for the first time, an African perspective within a global context to the study of labour and labour relations. The volume analyses key developments in the 20th century, such as the emergence of free wage labour; the transformation in labour relations; the role of capital and employers; labour agency and movements; the growing diversity of formal and informal or precarious labour; the meaning of work; and the impact of gender and age on the workplace. The contributors - eminent historians, anthropologists and social scientists from Africa, Europe and the United States - examine African labour in the context of labour and social issues worldwide: mobility and colonial and postcolonial migration, forced labour, security, the growth of entrepreneurial labour, the informal sector and self-employment, and the impact of trade unionism, welfare and state relations. The book discusses key sectors such as mining, agriculture, industry, transport, domestic work, and sport, tourism and entertainment, as well as the international dimension and the history and impact of the International Labour Organization itself. This authoritative and comprehensive work will be an invaluableresource for historians of labour, social relations and African history. In association with the ILO Regional Office for Africa Stefano Bellucci is senior researcher at the International Institute of SocialHistory, Amsterdam, and lecturer in African History and Economy at Leiden University, the Netherlands; Andreas Eckert is Director of the International Research Centre for Work and the Human Life Cycle in Global History and professor of African history at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
James Currey General Labour History of Africa: Workers, Employers and Governments, 20th-21st Centuries
The first comprehensive and authoritative history of work and labour in Africa; a key text for all working on African Studies and Labour History worldwide. Co-published with the International Labour Organization on the centenary of its founding in 1919, the General Labour History of Africa is a landmark in the study of labour history. It brings, for the first time, an African perspective within a global context to the study of labour and labour relations. The volume analyses key developments in the 20th century, such as the emergence of free wage labour; the transformation in labour relations; the role of capital and employers; labour agency and movements; the growing diversity of formal and informal or precarious labour; the meaning of work; and the impact of gender and age on the workplace. The contributors - eminent historians, anthropologists and social scientists from Africa, Europe and the United States - examine African labour in the context of labour and social issues worldwide: mobility and colonial and postcolonial migration, child and forced labour, security, the growth of entrepreneurial labour, the informal sector and self-employment, and the impact of trade unionism, welfare and state relations. The book discusses key sectors such as mining, agriculture, industry, transport, domestic work, and sport, tourism and entertainment, as well as the international dimension and the history and impact of the International Labour Organization itself. This authoritative and comprehensive work will be aninvaluable resource for historians of labour, social relations and African history. In association with the ILO Regional Office for Africa Stefano Bellucci is senior researcher at the International Instituteof Social History, Amsterdam, and lecturer in African History and Economy at Leiden University, the Netherlands; Andreas Eckert is Director of the International Research Centre for Work and the Human Life Cycle in Global History and professor of African history at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Data Analysis and Applications 4: Financial Data Analysis and Methods
Data analysis as an area of importance has grown exponentially, especially during the past couple of decades. This can be attributed to a rapidly growing computer industry and the wide applicability of computational techniques, in conjunction with new advances of analytic tools. This being the case, the need for literature that addresses this is self-evident. New publications are appearing, covering the need for information from all fields of science and engineering, thanks to the universal relevance of data analysis and statistics packages. This book is a collective work by a number of leading scientists, analysts, engineers, mathematicians and statisticians who have been working at the forefront of data analysis. The chapters included in this volume represent a cross-section of current concerns and research interests in these scientific areas. The material is divided into three parts: Financial Data Analysis and Methods, Statistics and Stochastic Data Analysis and Methods, and Demographic Methods and Data Analysis- providing the reader with both theoretical and applied information on data analysis methods, models and techniques and appropriate applications.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Theory of the Hashtag
This is a short book about the most prominent sign of our times. The simple # sign is now used so widely that it is easy to overlook the fundamental effects it has had in the structuring of public debate. With its help, statements are bundled together and discourse is organized and amplified around common buzzwords. This method enables us to navigate more easily the huge volume of online utterances, but it also increases the risk of leveling statements and extinguishing difference, as exemplified by the #MeToo debate. Andreas Bernard traces the young and spectacular career of the humble hashtag. He follows the history of the # sign, documenting its use by Twitter and Instagram, and then examines the most prominent contemporary domains of the sign in socio-political activism and in marketing – two apparently very different fields which are united in their passion for the hashtag. Theory of the Hashtag shines a bright light on a small but pervasive feature of our contemporary digital culture and shows how it is surreptitiously shaping the public sphere.
Johns Hopkins University Press Rethinking the Medieval Senses: Heritage / Fascinations / Frames
How much can we know about sensory experience in the Middle Ages? While few would question that the human senses encountered a profoundly different environment in the medieval world, two distinct and opposite interpretations of that encounter have emerged-one of high sensual intensity and one of extreme sensual starvation. Presenting original, cutting-edge scholarship, Stephen G. Nichols, Andreas Kablitz, Alison Calhoun, and their team of distinguished colleagues transport us to the center of this lively debate. Organized within historical, thematic, and contextual frameworks, these essays examine the psychological, rhetorical, and philological complexities of sensory perception from the classical period to the late Middle Ages. Contributors: Marina Brownlee, Princeton University; Alison Calhoun, Johns Hopkins University; Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Stanford University; Daniel Heller-Roazen, Princeton University; Andreas Kablitz, Universitat zu Koln; Hildegard Elisabeth Keller, University of Zurich; Joachim Kupper, Freie Universitat Berlin; Stephen G. Nichols, Johns Hopkins University; David Nirenberg, University of Chicago; Gabrielle M. Spiegel, Johns Hopkins University; Eugene Vance, University of Washington; Gregor Vogt-Spira, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitat Greifswald; Rainer Warning, University of Munich; Heather Webb, Ohio State University; Michel Zink, College de France.
Parkett Verlag,Switzerland Parkett: Vol 55: Andreas Slominski, Edward Ruscha
AVEdition Münchner Volkstheater: Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei
How do you actually build a people‘s theatre? As simple as necessary, so as not to cause any fear about entering in the audience, and as chic as possible, because theatre is not only about staging on stage. This is the answer of the architectural firm Lederer, Ragnarsdóttir, Oei (Stuttgart) and the construction company Reisch (Bad Saulgau). Their Munich Volkstheater presents itself as a powerfully poetic brick building that is in dialogue with the old buildings of the former Munich cattle yard and gives the neighbourhood an important cultural impulse. Text in English and German.
Arnoldsche Heidi Kippenberg
Heidi Kippenberg studied ceramics under Walter Popp, the legendary teacher at the Kassel Art Academy whose avant-garde work opened up new dimensions of form and expression for ceramic vessels. She internalised the aesthetic of Popp’s vessels and simultaneously gave them her own distinctive touch. Strongly twisted, thick-walled, sometimes mounted stoneware vessels, further enlivened by thick monochrome glazes and augmented with sign-like contrasting glazed accents, characterise her oeuvre. Later she was inspired by East Asian ceramics and began to build her vessels, assembling them from slabs, giving their surfaces a lively structure, and transforming them into decorative landscapes. An oeuvre spanning more than half a century can be admired! Text in German. Published to accompany an exhibition at Brutto Gusto, Berlin, between 10 September and 30 October 2021.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Lessons from World War I for the Rise of Asia
This groundbreaking volume offers a historical comparison between the events leading up to World War I and current global tensions related to the economical and political rise of Asia. What are the risks that the desire of the new super power China and great powers like India to be recognized by the West could set off a chain of events resulting in the nightmare of a great power war? Assessing the similarities as well as differences between the build-up of World War I and today, it is argued that we need to understand the driving forces behind the scene of global politics: The conflict between rising, established, and disintegrating powers and the desire of recognition on all sides. Carefully dissecting the current power dynamics in play, the authors hope to contribute to a better understanding of world events in order to ensure that history will not repeat itself.
Lit Verlag Peace Report 2017: A Selection of Texts: 29
Sage Publications Ltd Understanding Mental Health and Counselling
Understanding Mental Health and Counselling provides a critical introduction to key debates about how problems of mental health are understood, and to the core approaches taken to working with counselling and psychotherapy clients. In drawing out the differences and intersections between professional and social understandings of mental health and counselling theory and practice, the book fosters critical thinking about effective and ethical work with mental health service users and therapy clients. With chapters by noted academic writers and service-user researchers, and content enlivened by activities, first-person accounts and case material, the book provides a key resource for both counselling and psychotherapy trainees and those interested in the broader field of mental health.
Sandstein Verlag Veronese: Der Cuccina-Zyklus
V&R unipress GmbH Folter und Arztliche Verantwortung: Das Istanbul-Protokoll und Problemfelder in der Praxis
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Interrogation, Confession, and Truth: Comparative Studies in Criminal Procedure
Schnell & Steiner Kulturstrassen ALS Konzept: 20 Jahre Strasse Der Romanik