Search results for ""john wiley and sons ltd""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Derrida: Deconstruction from Phenomenology to Ethics
This book is an unusually readable and lucid account of the development of Derrida's work, from his early writings on phenomenology and structuralism to his most recent interventions in debates on psychoanalysis, ethics and politics. Christina Howells gives a clear explanation of many of the key terms of deconstruction - including différance, trace, supplement and logocentrism - and shows how they function in Derrida's writing. She explores his critique of the notion of self-presence through his engagement with Husserl, and his critique of humanist conceptions of the subject through an account of his ambivalent and evolving relationship to the philosophy of Sartre. The question of the relationship between philosophy and literature is examined through an analysis of the texts of the 1970s, and in particular Glas, where Derrida confronts Hegel's totalizing dialectics with the fragmentary and iconoclastic writings of Jean Genet. The author addresses directly the vexed questions of the extreme difficulty of Derrida's own writing and of the passionate hostility it arouses in philosophers as diverse as Searle and Habermas. She argues that deconstruction is a vital stimulus to vigilance in both the ethical and political spheres, contributing significantly to debate on issues such as democracy, the legacy of Marxism, responsibility, and the relationship between law and justice. Comprehensive, cogently argued and up to date, this book will be an invaluable text for students and scholars alike.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Globalization and World Society
This book provides an accessible overview of the processes associated with globalization, examining the various institutions which emerged from these processes.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cultures in Conflict: Encounters Between European and Non-European Cultures, 1492 - 1800
Most histories of exploration are written from the viewpoint of the explorers. This book, now available in paperback, focuses instead on the cultural encounters between European explorers and non-European people, reconstructing the experiences of both sides. The result is a remarkable work of comparative cultural history, ranging from North America to the South Pacific and from the voyages of Columbus to those of Captain Cook. Bitterli distinguishes three basic forms of cultural encounter: superficial contact, as in the early relations between Europe and China; a prolonged relationship, like that between missionaries and the North American Indians; and collision, leading to the destruction of the weaker partner, as happened in the Spanish Conquest of the West Indies and of Mexico. In a series of case studies Bitterli examines these types of cultural encounter, drawing on a wide range of primary sources.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Engendering Modernity: Feminism, Social Theory and Social Change
In this book Barbara Marshall argues that the debates around both modernity and postmodernity neglect the role of women and significance of gender in the formation of contemporary societies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Political Theory Today
This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the central questions and debates in contemporary political thought and offers guidelines for the reformulation of political theory in the light of the philosophical and substantive problems it faces today. The book includes discussion of the nature of political obligation; the interrelation of equality and liberty; gender; the public and the private; principles of justice and the conditions of their realization; democratic politics and the forms of representation; sovereignty, the nation-state and the international system; the role of international law; and war and the legitimate use of force. The volume is composed of major new essays by leading scholars in political theory from Europe, Africa and the United States: John Dunn, Stephen Lukes, Susan Moller Okin, Andrew Reeve, Jon Elster, Claus Offe, Ulrich Preuss, Iain McLean, David Held, Charles Beitz, Antonio Cassese, Onora O'Neill, Samir Amin and Agnes Heller. Students and academics in political theory, and those in the social sciences concerned with contemporary political thought, will all be interested in this book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Subject of Anthropology: Gender, Symbolism and Psychoanalysis
In this ambitious new book, Henrietta Moore draws on anthropology, feminism and psychoanalysis to develop an original and provocative theory of gender and of how we become sexed beings. Arguing that the Oedipus complex is no longer the fulcrum of debate between anthropology and psychoanalysis, she demonstrates how recent theorizing on subjectivity, agency and culture has opened up new possibilities for rethinking the relationship between gender, sexuality and symbolism. Using detailed ethnographic material from Africa and Melanesia to explore the strengths and weaknesses of a range of theories in anthropology, feminism and psychoanalysis, Moore advocates an ethics of engagement based on a detailed understanding of the differences and similarities in the ways in which local communities and western scholars have imaginatively deployed the power of sexual difference. She demonstrates the importance of ethnographic listening, of focused attention to people’s imaginations, and of how this illuminates different facets of complex theoretical issues and human conundrums. Written not just for professional scholars and for students but for anyone with a serious interest in how gender and sexuality are conceptualized and experienced, this book is the most powerful and persuasive assessment to date of what anthropology has to contribute to these debates now and in the future.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Jesus and the Judaism of His Time
The main aim of this work is to understand Jesus as he saw himself, and to compare that self-understanding with the ways in which others have grasped the nature of his mission.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sociology for Everyone
This second edition includes case studies and GCSE and `A' level questions, it will prove useful to all beginning students, including college students.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bultmann: Towards a Critical Theology
Rudolf Bultmann is one of the most original and influential theologians of the twentieth century. Drawing on the work of Heidegger among others, Bultmann developed a distinctive form of hermeneutic theology which remains a fundamental reference point in current theological and philosophical debates. This book is a major new contribution to the contemporary reappraisal of the Bultmann legacy. By examining in detail Heidegger’s influence on Bultmann, Gareth Jones is able to offer an original interpretation of Bultmann’s theology as a phenomenological and hermeneutic enterprise, rather than as a nebulous kind of existentialism. Moreover, by following through the subsequent reception of Bultmann’s thought, Jones is able to draw out the significance of Bultmann’s thought for modern hermeneutic theology, while avoiding the pitfalls into which other commentators have fallen. Bultmann is both a major addition to Bultmann scholarship and an original contribution to on-going debate in theology. It will be of particular interest to students and scholars of theology and of modern European thought.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Parents, Gender and Education Reform
This book provides a detailed review of the complex relations between families and schools in the context of changing family structures and educational policies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Terrorism, Politics and Law: The Achille Lauro Affair
This book is a highly original analysis of terrorism and its implications for international law and politics. Terrorism has introduced an explosive element into international politics. It can trigger crises which strain the relations between states – a strain which can reach breaking point if states allow their national interests to prevail. Cassese focuses on the Achille Lauro affair and uses this as an episode to illuminate the behaviour of modern states in response to terrorism. On 7 October 1985, four members of the Palestine Liberation Front hijacked an Italian transatlantic liner, the Achille Lauro, as it was sailing on a pleasure cruise off the coast of Egypt. In the days that followed, one dangerous and unforeseen event followed another, and the lives of the hostages hung by a thread. As states hastened to respond to unanticipated events they hovered on the brink of crisis and conflict. The United States was first swept by fury at the murder of one of its citizens, then by euphoria as its fighter planes intercepted an Egyptian airliner thought to be carrying the terrorists. Using a wealth of unpublished documents and material collected from the interviews with government officials and diplomats concerned in the affair, Cassese reconstructs this complex series of events and examines the actions of the states involved – the USA, Italy and Egypt among others. He shows how a range of pressures – military, diplomatic, psychological and legal – led various states to behave as they did, also explaining why some states, in particular the USA, allowed political considerations to override legal imperatives. This book, by one of the leading authorities in international law, will be praised as a major contribution to current debates on the nature of terrorism and its implications for the practices and policies of nation-states.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Western Republicanism and the Oriental Prince
The East/West divide seems to be as old as history itself, the roots of Orientalism and anti-Semitism lying far beyond the origins of modern Western imperialism. The very project of Western classical republicanism had its darker side: to purloin the legacy of the Greeks, distancing them from Eastern systems deemed 'despotic' and 'other'. Western Republicanism and the Oriental Prince is a thoroughly revisionist book, challenging not only the comfortable view the West has of its own political evolution, but the negative stereotypes of non-Western systems. Not only did these images serve to legitimate early modern European nation states struggling for an identity, but they also served to justify slavery and other forms of domination over subject peoples. Drawing upon archaeological and epigraphic evidence, Springborg discusses the Mesopotamian and ancient Egyptian contribution of political forms and cultic institutions to classical Graeco-Roman civilization, an Eastern legacy to the West long obscured for political reasons. A different reading of the foundation myths of Athens and Rome, certain texts of Plato, Aristotle, and the writings of Herodotus, Isocrates, Plutarch and Diodorus Siculus, permits us to restore possible lines of filtration. Renaissance thought, long believed to have ushered in the Western classical republican tradition, demonstrates a curious ambivalence towards powerful Eastern system, objects of fascination as much as fear. We do not yet find sedimented the divide between Western Democracy and oriental despotism, in which post-Reformation thought as been set in stone. This major new study will be of interest to students of political history, political theory, comparative politics and political archaeology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Theory of Modern Drama
`Theory of the Modern Drama' is a brilliant analysis of the emergence and development of modern drama from the Renaissance to the present day. This concise but wide-ranging book discusses the work of Ibsen, Chekhov, Strindberg, Satre, Brecht and Wilder, among others.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Politics of Race and Residence: Citizenship, Segregation and White Supremacy in Britain
Moving beyong traditional concern with pattern and process, this innovative text explores the political and legislative history of 'racial' segregation in Britain. It provides a critical commentary on the development of national and local housing policy, on the operation of the major markets and institutions, and on the organization of urban management. This book rejects the reality of 'race' as an explanatory construct, focusing instead on how and why racial inequality is constituted through economic, political and social activity. It is a contribution to the growing literature in search of an anti-racist social science. To that end, segragation is analysed not just as a spatial form, but also as a politically constructed problem and as a socially constructed way of life. Together, these insights implicate the organization of residential space in the iniquitous dispensation of many economic, welfare and civil rights associated with citizenship in capitalist democracies. The Politics of 'Race' and Residence explores the connections between social geography, social administration and political science. The book gathers together a hitherto fragmented body of data to provide a reinterpretation of 'racial segregation' that is both theoretically innovative and politically relevant. It will therefore serve the needs of advanced undergraduates in a variety of social science disciplines, while providing a useful source of reference for courses offering professional qualifications in housing and urban management.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Hollywood in the Information Age: Beyond the Silver Screen
This is a major new assessment of the American movie industry in the 1990's, focusing on the development of new communication technologies such as cable and home video and examining their impact on the production and distribution of motion pictures.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rethinking Citizenship: Welfare, Ideology and Change in Modern Society
Citizenship rights have become vital to our sense of personal identity and social membership in modern society. In this book Maurice Roche argues that today we have to shift from the conventional post-war politics of social rights to a new politics of social obligations and personal responsibility. Recent social changes have created new problems which require rethinking of both social policy and the welfare state. In a wide-ranging discussion Roche provides a new analysis and assessment of citizenship in developed societies. The book is particularly important in its inclusion of an assessment of contemporary debates about the rise of the 'new poverty', the development of an 'underclass', as well as other 'post-industrial' changes affecting employment and family life.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd State and Society in Post-War Japan
State and Society in Post-War Japan integrates the previous work of disciplinary specialists into a coherent account of how Japanese society has changed since the war. Bernard Eccleston focuses on the way the Japanese state has been managed in the face of unprecedented economic growth rates up to the mid 1970s, and their subsequent slackening in recent times. He examines how political and social processes are organized to reinforce the drive to make Japan the world's number one economy. In assessing the organizing role of the state, full weight is given to the ways in which the state incorporates competing interests by disarming the opposition of groups who have been excluded from the 'benefits' of economic growth. These groups include women, men working outside large firms, racial minorities, outcasts and citizens' protest groups. Eccleston also raises important questions that are of direct relevance to other industrial societies. In particular, he asks what has been the cost to Japanese society of rapid economic development. Eccleston's answer provides a vital counterbalance to the prevailing tendency to see Japan as a blueprint for ailing Western economies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Policy: A Critical Introduction
This major introductory textbook in social policy breaks new ground in arguing for the centrality of race, gender and class in welfare theory and practice.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Small Animal Internal Medicine
Review in concise, outline format for veterinary students preparing for National Boards. Includes exam-style review questions.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Obesity and Weight Management in Primary Care
Obesity is undoubtedly the major nutritional disorder of the western world. It has such a major impact on mortality, morbidity and the quality of life that it most certainly merits consideration as a disease in its own right and should be managed as such. Obesity and Weight Management in Primary Care covers all the evidence on the disease of obesity which impacts both quality of life and health. It reviews the links to long-term illness, especially diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and dedicates much to the current management strategies and treatment of obesity. This book aims to make the task of tackling obesity less daunting for both patients and the health care professionals who treat them.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rivers and Floodplains: Forms, Processes, and Sedimentary Record
Rivers and Floodplains is concerned with the origin, geometry, water flow, sediment transport, erosion and deposition associated with modern alluvial rivers and floodplains, how they vary in time and space, and how this information is used to interpret deposits of ancient rivers and floodplains. There is specific reference to the types and lifestyles of organisms associated with fluvial environments, human interactions with rivers and floodplains, associated environmental and engineering concerns, as well as the economic aspects of fluvial deposits, particularly the modeling of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers. Methods of studying rivers and floodplains and their deposits are also discussed. Although basic principles are emphasized, many examples are detailed. Particular emphasis is placed on how an understanding of the nature of modern rivers and floodplains is required before any problems concerning rivers and floodplains, past or present, can be addressed rationally. Rivers and Floodplains is designed as a core text for senior undergraduate and graduate students studying modern or ancient fluvial environments, particularly in earth sciences, environmental sciences and physical geography, but also in civil and agricultural engineering. College teachers, researchers, and practising professionals will also find the book an invaluable reference. Presents a process-based approach, which is relevant to modern curricula. Discusses methods of studying rivers and floodplains and their deposits. Provides many detailed examples throughout the text. Emphasises the basic principles of this subject. As the first synthesis of this entire field, it will be a must-have for all students studying modern or ancient fluvial environments. Teachers, researchers and practising professionals will find this an invaluable reference tool. Rivers and Floodplains will also be of interest to geologists, geographers and engineers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Housing Economics and Public Policy
This book is a timely assessment of 20 years of progress in the field of housing economics and its application to policy and practice. Two decades on from the publication of Duncan Maclennan's influential Housing Economics, 16 leading housing experts - both academics and policy makers from across the world - now honour Maclennan's contributions. The chapters here present a contemporary survey of key issues in housing, from urban housing markets and sub-market modelling, to the economics of social housing, the basis for housing planning, economic analysis of neighbourhoods, and the connections between academic work and policy development. For students, researchers and practitioners in housing, urban economics and social policy, Housing Economics and Public Policy: . provides up to date and comprehensive reviews of major areas of the housing economics literature . sheds light on the economic, social and spatial processes that affect housing . includes discussion of major areas of cutting edge housing economics research and identifies continuing gaps . presents a synthesis of housing economics research on both sides of the Atlantic . assesses the impact of theory on policy and practice
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Fermented Milks
Highly profitable and an important range of products within the dairy industry worldwide, the economic importance of fermented milks continues to grow. Technological developments have led to a wider range of products and increased popularity with consumers. In the second book to feature in the SDT series Fermented Milks reviews the properties and manufacturing methods associated with products such as yoghurt, buttermilk, kefir, koumiss milk-based fermented beverages and many other examples from around the globe, offering the reader: A practically-oriented and user-friendly guide Key commercially important information Coverage of all the major stages of manufacture Background to each product Edited by Adnan Tamime, with contributions from international authors and full of core commercially useful information for the dairy industry, this book is an essential title for dairy scientists, dairy technologists and nutritionists worldwide.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Self-assessment for the MRCP Part 2 Written Paper: Volume 2 Case Histories
This book is a must for all MRCP candidates. Together with the two companion volumes, the book provides a comprehensive guide to the written paper MRCP syllabus. Volume 2 contains 60 case histories essential for preparation for the case history component of the exam. These encompass the full range of general medical problems encountered in hospital practice. Familiarity with the contents of this book will ensure that all candidates stand the best chance of passing the exam first time!
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Management for Nurses and Health Professionals: Theory into Practice
Management for Nurses and Health Professionals examines management theory and its applications in healthcare, with an emphasis on relating theory to the organisation of patient care and effective management in everyday practice. This essential guide to health care management explores clinical governance, middle management, interprofessional working and clinical leadership as well as examining the organizational culture of the NHS, change management and management roles. It demonstrates how management theory has influenced health care and encourages the reader to become actively involved in shaping management and health care development. an essential guide for students and qualified staff examines key concepts and theories explores evidence based practice relates theory to practice
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Corporate Property Management: Aligning Real Estate With Business Strategy
Corporate property is routinely identified as the second biggest cost within a business organization after staff. Effective management of such a major asset requires a fundamental understanding of both the operation of the property markets and the operational requirements of the business occupier. This primer on strategic property management focuses on how property held as a corporate asset can be used to add value to the primary business activity of an organization. Rather than separate the needs of the business form the management of the business estate, the aim of Corporate Property Management is to enable the reader to directly support the primary business function through strategic management of corporate property, thereby adding value to the business as a whole. The book introduces a generic framework designed to assist in the analysis of any corporate property portfolio, working as a practical aid to decision making. The book is structured around this framework, providing a detailed review of its application and uses. This is then developed further through extensive use of five in-depth case studies that covers a wide variety of property types and property users – Borders bookshops; Cancer Research high street shops; The Youth Hostel Association; Clifford Chance’s move to Canary Wharf and the Ardtornish Rural Estate in Scotland.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cephalopods: Ecology and Fisheries
Squid, cuttlefish and octopuses, which form the marine mollusc group the cephalopods, are of great and increasing interest to marine biologists, physiologists, ecologists, environmental biologists and fisheries scientists. Cephalopods: ecology and fisheries is a thorough review of this most important animal group. The first introductory section of the book provides coverage of cephalopod form and function, origin and evolution, Nautilus, and biodiversity and zoogeography. The following section covers life cycles, growth, physiological ecology, reproductive strategies and early life histories. There follows a section on ecology, which provides details of slope and shelf species, oceanic and deep sea species, population ecology, trophic ecology and cephalopods as prey. The final section of the book deals with fisheries and ecological interactions, with chapters on fishing methods and scientific sampling, fisheries resources, fisheries oceanography and assessment and management methods. This scientifically comprehensive and beautifully illustrated book is essential reading for marine biologists, zoologists, ecologists and fisheries managers. All libraries in universities and research establishments where biological sciences and fisheries are studied and taught should have multiple copies of this landmark publication on their shelves.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Professional Learning In Nursing
The way nurses are taught is constantly evolving and changing. Workplace learning is seen as key to developing practitioners. In this book Jenny Spouse discusses how students learn in a range of different clinical settings and how best to facilitate this process. How do students learn to become nurses? What knowledge and understanding do they need to acquire? How do their preconceptions, beliefs about the learning process, and social needs affect their development? What do they find helpful and unhelpful? What makes clinical settings good for learning? Is it helpful for students to document their learning? What are the best ways for lecturer/ practitioners to facilitate student learning and what other factors influence their progress? The book explores how professional development can be better understood, following the progress of six nurse learners drawn from different parts of nursing and investigating both those difficulties faced by all students and those issues unique to particular students. It places these narratives in the context of nurse education today, exploring the implications of 'Fitness for practice' and 'Making a difference', and looking at the implications for the future development, organisation and funding of nurse education.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Design and Installation of Marine Pipelines
This comprehensive handbook on submarine pipeline systems covers a broad spectrum of topics from planning and site investigations, procurement and design, to installation and commissioning. It considers guidelines for the choice of design parameters, calculation methods and construction procedures. It is based on limit state design with partial safety coefficients.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Modelling Methods for Energy in Buildings
Climate change mitigation and sustainable practices are now at the top of political and technical agendas. Environmental system modelling provides a way of appraising options and this book will make a significant contribution to the uptake of such systems. It provides knowledge of the principles involved in modelling systems, builds confidence amongst designers and offers a broad perspective of the potential of these new technologies. The aim of the book is to provide an understanding of the concepts and principles behind predictive modelling methods; review progress in the development of the modelling software available; and explore modelling in building design through international case studies based on real design problems.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry
This introductory text explains the fundamentals of the chemistry of the natural environment and the effects of mankind's activities on the earth's chemical systems. Retains an emphasis on describing how natural geochemical processes operate over a variety of scales in time and space, and how the effects of human perturbation can be measured. Topics range from familiar global issues such as atmospheric pollution and its effect on global warming and ozone destruction, to microbiological processes that cause pollution of drinking water deltas. Contains sections and information boxes that explain the basic chemistry underpinning the subject covered. Each chapter contains a list of further reading on the subject area. Updated case studies. No prior chemistry knowledge required. Suitable for introductory level courses.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Chemical Speciation in the Environment
Considerable recent research has focused on the topic of chemical speciation in the environment. It is increasingly realised that the distribution, mobility and biological availability of chemical elements depend not simply on their concentrations but, critically, on the forms in which they occur in natural systems. Continuing developments in analytical chemistry have made speciation practicable even where analytes are present at trace levels (as is often the case in natural samples). In the second edition of this book, the expertise of scientists involved in chemical speciation in various fields have been brought together to provide an overview of the current status of speciation science and indicate how the field may develop in the future.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Volcaniclastic Sedimentation in Lacustrine Settings
This volume presents a unique compendium of papers assessing the effects of volcanism on lakes, as recorded by the volcaniclastic sediments deposited within them. The unifying theme is that the effects of volcanism on lacustrine sedimentation are diverse and distinctive, and that volcaniclastic lacustrine sediments hold the key to understanding a range of processes and events that cannot be readily addressed by the study of any non-volcanic lakes. Thirteen papers, with authors from nine countries, examine both modern and ancient eruption-affected lacustrine deposits. Volcanic eruptions affect lakes and their deposits in many ways, and these papers evaluate processes and products of volcanic eruptions within lakes, of tectonically impounded lakes strongly influenced by volcanism, of eruption-impounded lakes and of general factors controlling sedimentation of vitric ash and pumice. Tephrastratigraphic studies also take advantage of the exceptional preservation of thin laminae in quiet lakes to precisely date episodes in the evolution of long-lived lakes and their catchment areas, and to understand how volcanism affects normal lacustrine processes. The volume as a whole is an unparalleled source of information on all aspects of the physical sedimentary results of volcanism in lacustrine settings, and serves as a complement to other studies concerned primarily with thermal and geochemical characteristics of lakes within volcanic craters. If you are a member of the International Association of Sedimentologists, for purchasing details, please see:
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Physiological Basis of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology
The diversity of species in which drugs are used for clinical purposes and the emphasis on various classes of drugs make veterinary pharmacology a complex subject. Anatomical and physiological features influence the pharmacokinetic behaviour of a drug in a particular animal and the dosage required. This book is concerned with the basis of species differences, the selection of pharmacokinetic parameters and the interpretation of values obtained. There are chapters on bioavailability and its application to veterinary dosage forms, changes in drug disposition and interspecies scaling, clinical selectivity and stereoisomerism, drug permeation, antimicrobial disposition and specifics related to neonatal animals. The author has gathered all this information together in one place so allowing the reader to make better selection of drug preparations for animal dosages to effectively treat animal diseases. The book will prove valuable to clinical researchers in the areas of pharmacology, anaesthesia, microbial infections and, internal medicine as well as postgraduate students of these disciplines. The Author J Desmond Baggot (MVM, PhD, DSc, FRCVS, DipECVPT) is currently Visiting Professor of Veterinary Pharmacology at the School of Veterinary Medicine, St George's University, Grenada, West Indies. He was a contributing author and co-author of Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine, 3rd Edition (2000) and Development and Formulation of Veterinary Dosage Forms, 2nd Edition (1998) and the author of Principles of Drug Disposition in Domestic Animals (1977). Elucidations of the processes that underline species variation in the disposition of drugs and interpretation of the influence of disease states on drug disposition have been the focus of his research endeavours. He was a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics from 1978 to 1996. He is a former Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis and Preclinical Veterinary Studies at the University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Fishes in Estuaries
This landmark publication collates information and studies on the use of estuaries, and specific habitats within them, as nursery, feeding and refuge areas, and migration routes of marine and other fish, many of which are of commercial and conservation importance. The editors and authors of the book have carefully compiled a huge wealth of information from the work of 18 organizations across 11 countries, providing a unique collection of data never before brought together within the covers of one book. Chapters within this exceptional publication cover habitat use by fishes, recruitment and production in estuaries, links between fish and other trophic levels, endangered and rare species, estuarine development and restoration, environmental quality of estuaries and the management of estuarine fishes. The book notably contains extensive chapters on field methods and data analysis. Fishes in Estuaries is an essential tool and reference source for fisheries and environmental managers, fish biologists, environmental scientists, aquatic ecologists and conservation biologists. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological sciences are studied and taught should have copies of this book on their shelves, as should personnel employed in regulatory and consultant capacities, such as within rivers authorities, environment agencies and fish and wildlife departments. Comprehensive coverage of commercially exploited species. Internationally known and respected contributors. Multi-contributor approach providing very detailed coverage. Estuaries are a vitally important ecosystem.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Green Chemistry and Technology
Sustainable development is now accepted as a necessary goal for achieving societal, economic and environmental objectives. Within this chemistry has a vital role to play. The chemical industry is successful but traditionally success has come at a heavy cost to the environment. The challenge for chemists and others is to develop new products, processes and services that achieve societal, economic and environmental benefits. This requires an approach that reduces the materials and energy intensity of chemical processes and products; minimises the dispersion of harmful chemicals in the environment; maximises the use of renewable resources and extends the durability and recyclability of products in a way that increases industrial competitiveness as well as improve its tarnished image.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Health Promotion and Professional Ethics
Health promotion is an increasingly important part of the work of most health professionals. Yet health promotion is qualitatively different from traditional health care activities. This book will be a focused introduction to, and exploration of, ethical issues in health promotion. It aims to provide a rationale for the underlying value of health promotion and for resolving value conflicts. To what extent should an individual be obliged to contribute to the collective health of a society? Should a society be more concerned to promote health than to treat existing disease and illness? Indeed can a society be said to have a responsibility for the health of its members? The first part of the book addresses the theoretical context of ethics and health promotion. The second part focuses on examples relating to nursing and other health professionals, using a case study approach. The book will be invaluable in helping professionals understand and respond to ethical challenges in practical ways.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Commerical Fishing: The Wider Ecological Impacts
Fishing provides food, income and employment for millions of people. However, fishing has environmental costs that threaten rare species, marine ecosystems and the sustainability of the resource. Based on the research expertise of leading scientists, Commercial Fishing: the Wider Ecological Impacts provides a lively, timely and accessible account of fishing activities and their impacts on marine habitats, biodiversity and species of conservation concern. It covers fishing methods that range from trawling in the Antarctic to fishing with dynamite in the tropics. The authors show how habitats such as the muddy sea beds of the deep sea, kelp forests and coral reefs are affected by fishing and how birds, mammals, turtles and sea snakes both suffer and benefit from fishing activities. They also look to the future, highlighting ways to make fishing gear 'environmentally friendly' and asking whether marine reserves will improve conservation.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Freshwater Prawn Culture: The Farming of Macrobrachium Rosenbergii
The farming of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii has developed rapidly during recent years. Advances in techniques, and the huge expansion of world demand for this species, continue to stimulate the growth of a multi-million dollar industry. This landmark publication is a compendium of information on every aspect of the farming of M. rosenbergii. A comprehensive review of the status of freshwater prawn farming research, development and commercial practice, the book is intended to stimulate further advances in the knowledge and understanding of this important field. An extremely well-known and internationally-respected team of contributing authors have written cutting edge chapters covering all major aspects of the subject. Coverage includes biology, hatchery and grow-out culture systems, feeds and feeding, up-to-date information on the status of freshwater prawn farming around the world, post-harvest handling and processing, markets, and economics and business management. Further chapters are devoted to the culture of other prawn species, prawn capture fisheries and the sustainability of freshwater prawn culture. Contributions to the book have been brought together and edited by Michael New and Wagner Valenti, themselves widely known for their work in this area. The comprehensive information in Freshwater Prawn Culture will give an important commercial edge to anyone involved in the culture and trade of freshwater prawns. Readership should include prawn farm personnel, business managers and researchers, and invertebrate, freshwater and crustacean biologists. Copies of the book should be available on the shelves of all libraries in research establishments and universities where aquaculture and fisheries are studied and taught. Michael Bernard New, OBE is a Past-President of the World Aquaculture Society and President-Elect of the European Aquaculture Society; Wagner Cotroni Valenti is a Professor at the Aquaculture Center, São Paulo State University, Brazil.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ground Studies for Pilots: Radio Aids Sixth Edition
This well regarded series for students taking the commercial and airline transport pilot licences has been substantially revised to bring it into line with the new European Joint Aviation Requirements (JARs) for flight crew licensing. Each volume deals with the material required by one of the new JAR papers. This volume covers those subjects traditionally referred to as 'Radio Aids'. It includes not only those systems, ground and airborne equipment, comprising the JAR Radio Navigation paper, but also the basic principles of radio wave propagation and communications required in the Aircraft General paper. The volume also covers those warning systems which use radio principles. It continues to cover basic principles, as well as communications and navigation equipment. Emphasis on obsolete systems has been reduced to allow increased coverage of modern equipment. Coverage has been expanded on displays and satellite communications and navigation systems, as well as warning systems for terrain and collision avoidance and altitude monitoring. The opportunity has been taken to simplify the presentation of information so as to aid revision work. Many test questions and answers have been included, based on the JAR syllabus.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Technology of Reduced Additive Foods
Since some food additives have been shown to be harmful to certain individuals, a common perception now is that all food additives are potentially dangerous. This had led to a large market for products making minimal use of additives. Tight regulatory control and labelling requirements provide further impetus for the development of these products. This book provides an authoritative and comprehensive review of the industrially important advances in the technology that allow food products to be manufactured with fewer of the additives that have been traditionally used. Also, many new natural and harmless ingredients and additives are becoming available. These are also covered to enable new product concepts to be considered. The first edition of this book was widely accepted as a key reference in this subject, and this new edition has been thoroughly revised throughout to reflect current trends and practice. The chapters on packaging, marine-derived ingredients, animal-derived ingredients and reduced-additive breadmaking have all been extensively revised and additional authors and co-authors have been recruited for the second edition. Topics such as active packaging, good manufacturing practice, HACCP and natural ingredients have been reviewed with regards to their effect on the technology of reduced-additive foods.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Calculations for Veterinary Nurses
This handy pocket book will help veterinary nurses with all types of calculations. Numerous worked examples are included to develop the reader's confidence in carrying out the procedures involved. Each type of calculation has its own separate section in the book and the authors have used the simplest possible method in explaining each one. The book is structured in such a way that the reader can progress from a simple explanation of the arithmetic principles involved, to the application of these principles to essential veterinary calculations. Qualified veterinary nurses and students alike will find this book an invaluable reference source, whether performing relevant veterinary calculations or studying for professional examinations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Pharmacology for Podiatrists
Proposed changes in practice legislation will allow podiatrists to prescribe a limited range of drugs and dressings. It is therefore now imperative that students and practitioners understand pharmacology. Not only the mechanisms of action of drugs, but also their potential side-effects and interactions with other drugs taken by the patient. This book will cover both basic and clinical pharmacology. The podiatrist's role in examination, assessment and diagnosis are considered.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Supportive Care and Midwifery
This book considers the broad range of support given to mothers including social, psychological and clinical. It also looks at the provision of this service and how different models have been set up internationally to fulfill this important function. It brings together the latest research findings, which examine the nature of care that is provided and consider what constitutes effective and efficient support. This aspect of care is considered a crucial part of the increasing and expanding role of the midwife. The ability of midwives to provide ongoing support throughout childbearing is one of the features of midwifery care which distinguishes it from other care providers. This is a feature which is common to the resurgence of midwifery throughout the world and therefore this text will have international appeal.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries, Volume 1: Fish Biology
Recent decades have witnessed strong declines in fish stocks around the globe, amid growing concerns about the impact of fisheries on marine and freshwater biodiversity. Fisheries biologists and managers are therefore increasingly asking about aspects of ecology, behaviour, evolution and biodiversity that were traditionally studied by people working in very separate fields. This has highlighted the need to work more closely together, in order to help ensure future success both in management and conservation. The Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries has been written by an international team of scientists and practitioners, to provide an overview of the biology of freshwater and marine fish species together with the science that supports fisheries management and conservation. This volume, subtitled Fish Biology, reviews a broad variety of topics from evolutionary relationships and global biogeography to physiology, recruitment, life histories, genetics, foraging behaviour, reproductive behaviour and community ecology. The second volume, subtitled Fisheries, uses much of this information in a wide-ranging review of fisheries biology, including methods of capture, marketing, economics, stock assessment, forecasting, ecosystem impacts and conservation. Together, these books present the state of the art in our understanding of fish biology and fisheries and will serve as valuable references for undergraduates and graduates looking for a comprehensive source on a wide variety of topics in fisheries science. They will also be useful to researchers who need up-to-date reviews of topics that impinge on their fields, and decision makers who need to appreciate the scientific background for management and conservation of aquatic ecosystems. To order volume I, go to the box in the top right hand corner. Alternatively to order volume II, go to: or to order the 2 volume set, go to: Provides a unique overview of the study of fish biology and ecology, and the assessment and management of fish populations and ecosystems. The first volume concentrates on aspects of fish biology and ecology, both at the individual and population levels, whilst the second volume addresses the assessment and management of fish populations and ecosystems. Written by an international team of expert scientists and practitioners. An invaluable reference tool for both students, researchers and practitioners working in the fields of fish biology and fisheries.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Climatology for Airline Pilots
Climatology - particularly the study of difficult and demanding weather conditions - is of major importance to pilots now that aeroplanes fly over previously unavailable routes such as the North Pole and take direct routes over very large oceans. Existing books on climatology address physical, biological or cultural environments and do not supply adequate information for the pilot. Nor do the present books on aviation meteorology provide sufficient detail on subjects such as arid climates, tropical storms and upper tropospheric winds and temperatures. This new book concentrates on aspects of climatology that are important for modern aviation, including temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, winds and regional climatic environments from around the world. Although the book has been written with the airline pilot in mind, it will also be an essential reference for Air Transport Pilot Licence training staff and for ATPL students. It will also be of interest to operational route planning staff and students of climatology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rabbits: Health, Husbandry and Diseases
Rabbits are the third most popular pet in the world and the trend to keep them indoors will make the "house rabbit" the pet of the next century. Rabbit owners expect and deserve the same standard of veterinary care for their rabbits as they receive for their cats and dogs. Devoted entirely to the pet rabbit, this book is a practical and concise guide to health, husbandry and diseases. The book begins with an overview of rabbit husbandry. Nutritional requirements and clinical examination are covered in chapters 2 and 3. Subsequent chapters then take a body system approach to describing diseases, their diagnosis and treatment. There are separate chapters on behaviour, anaesthesia and surgery, and zoonotic aspects. This practical, quick-reference guide will appeal to veterinarians, veterinary students, veterinary nurses and breeders alike.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Guide to Canine and Feline Orthopaedic Surgery
This successful book, first published in 1980 and now in its fourth edition, provides an authoritative guide for busy practitioners trying to keep pace with current trends in small animal orthopaedic surgery. In this new edition Hamish Denny and Steven Butterworth have retained the same practical approach but have completely rewritten and updated the book to provide a comprehensive review of orthopaedic and spinal conditions in the dog and cat. The illustrations have also undergone a major overhaul and the many line drawings are now combined with photographs and radiographs to clarify diagnostic and surgical techniques. Although the size of the book has increased, its regional approach to problems still enables the reader to use it as a rapid reference guide. It will prove an invaluable source of information for veterinary practitioners diagnosing and treating orthopaedic and spinal problems, while postgraduate students taking further qualifications in orthopaedics will find a sound basis for their studies and further reading provided here.